Union of Concerned Scientists, Massachusetts
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Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Preventing Federal Government Abuse of Science
- Regional Integrated Assessments in Support of Decision-making: Process, Product, and Policy
- Stable isotopes yield new insights into flash-flood composition and routing in a semi-arid watershed
- Active and Focused Scientist Participation Improves Public Discourse
- Environmental Monitoring in the Northeast US: Foundation for Assessing the Impact of Our Changing Climate
- Alaska Case Study: Scientists Venturing Into Field with Journalists Improves Accuracy
- Educating Students on the Need to Protect Authentic Science in Public Policy
- Reclaiming Scientific Integrity in the Next Administration
- Biochar stability in field conditions: What do we know?
- In Hot Water: Thermoelectric Power and Thermal Pollution
- Navigation Aids for Climate Scientists in an Age of High Stakes Policy Debate
- Approaches for Communicating Key Sources of Uncertainty While Reinforcing Core Climate Science Findings
- Control Points on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Beef Cattle CAFO and the Cropland that Supports it
- Mixed Messages on Climate Science
- The Union of Concerned Scientists 'Weight of the Evidence' Climate Communications Initiative: Lessons Learned
- The drivers of tropical deforestation: a comprehensive review
- Water, Power, and Stress: Impacts of Thermoelectric Power Generation on Water Basins in the Coterminous U.S
- Scaling the Problem: How Commercial Interests Have Influenced the U.S. Dialogue on Climate Change
- Taming the Beast: Policy-based Solutions for Addressing Corporate Interference in Climate Policy Development
- Thinking Globally, Siting Locally: Renewable Energy and Biodiversity in a 4C World
- U.S. 2013 National Climate Assessment of Oceans and Marine Resources
- U.S. power generation, water stress, and climate change: using science to understand "water-smart" electricity-sector decision making
- Attributing Rise in Global Average Temperature to Emissions Traceable to Major Industrial Carbon Producer
- Companies and Climate Risk: Opportunities to Engage the Business Community in Promoting Climate-conscious Policies (Invited)
- Freedom to Tweet? Opportunities and Barriers for Federal Scientists on Social Media
- Innovative Climate Communication Strategies: What Sticks?
- The curious case of fracking: Engaging to empower citizens with information
- The palm oil supply chain, deforestation and peat clearing
- Attribution of low precipitation in California during the winter of 2013-2014
- Beyond Quarterly Earnings: Preparing the Business Community for Long-term Climate Risks
- Climate, Companies, and Public Policy: How Transparent Is the Private Sector in Reporting Climate Policy Influence?
- Effectively Responding to Public Scrutiny When Communicating Climate Science.
- Enhancing Communication of Climate Impacts Assessments: Examples of Local Stories, Animations and Video.
- The Need for, and Limits of, Scientific Information in Local Decision Making on Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
- A Key to Sharing Science: Listening to Community Needs
- Application of probabilistic event attribution in the summer heat extremes in the western US to emissions traced to major industrial carbon producers
- Arctic Council Nations Could Encourage Development of Climate Indicator: Flux to the Atmosphere from Arctic Permafrost Carbon
- Attributing Human Mortality During Extreme Heat Waves to Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Guidelines for Groundwater Governance in California: A Framework for Evaluation of Local Options
- Soils as a Solution: The Potential of Rangelands to Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation
- The Science of Climate Responsibility
- Addressing Houston's Bad Air Days: Advancing Environmental Justice Advocacy with Geospatial Analysis and Science Communication
- Bringing science to the table: Case studies in science-informed decision making on climate change and beyond
- Can Managed Grazing be Part of Healthy Agroecosystems? Impacts of Various Systems on Soil Water and other Ecosystem Services
- Engaging the US Military and Local Communities in Planning for Coastal Flooding Risks
- Exploratory Retrospective Analysis of Power Plant Emissions in Vulnerable Communities in the United States
- Integrating precipitation datasets from global climate models into integrated groundwater-surface water models: A pilot study using existing data and open source models
- Mapping Extreme Heat Vulnerability and Health Outcomes to inform the District of Columbia's Climate Adaptation Plan
- On the Acceptability of Funding from Fossil Energy Companies
- Ranking agricultural practices on soil water improvements: a meta-analysis
- Science for the Public Good: Tackling scientific integrity in the federal government
- Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Lessons Learned from Collaborating with a Houston Environmental Justice Organization
- Strengthening the framework for independence of science in policymaking
- "Who's gonna plant the trees?!?": Creating effective synergies between community and research goals in scientist-community partnerships
- A Collaborative Study of Disproportionate Chemical Risks in Seven Delaware Communities
- Attributing impacts to emissions traced to major fossil energy and cement producers over specific historical time periods
- Building a Science Community of Effective Advocates: The Case of the Union of Concerned Scientists Science Network
- Changing the face of science: Lessons from the 2017 Science-A-Thon
- Chronic Inundation along the US Coastline: Where, When and How to Respond
- Climate Science and the Responsibilities of Fossil Fuel Companies for Climate Damages and Adaptation
- Enhancing Effective Stakeholder Participation in Local Groundwater Sustainability Planning through Technical Assistance in California
- Hurricane Harvey, Houston's Petrochemical Industry, and US Chemical Safety Policy: Impacts to Environmental Justice Communities
- Navigating the science-policy spectrum: Opportunities to work on policies related to your research
- Recent Challenges Facing US Government Climate Science Access and Application
- The Rise of Political Interference in Science Policy
- What's in a Number: How we Measure Community Engagement
- Attributing ocean acidification to major carbon producers
- Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Building the Future to Last
- Enough Already: Committed CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from Developed Fossil Fuel Reserves and the Case for a Managed Decline of Production
- Increasing Mitigation Ambition to Meet the Paris Agreement Goal Significantly Reduces Heat-related Mortality in Key U.S. Cities
- Inescapable extreme heat: : Projected change in fine-resolution Heat Index values and threshold exceedances in the United States using downscaled CMIP5 data
- Navigating a Flood of Information: An Evaluation Framework for Integrating Climate Data and Uncertainty into Water Planning
- Overburdened and Under Pressure: The Evolving State of Federal Science and Scientists in the Current Political Era
- Public disclosures and investment policies as levers to limit fossil fuel extraction consistent with less than 2 °C warming
- Reducing Risks Through Emissions Mitigation: National Climate Assessment NCA4 Vol 2, Chapter 29
- Regional Aerosol Impacts in India from Local and Non-Local Sources and their Implications for Emissions Accounting
- Science Rising: A Collaborative Approach to Mobilizing Scientists around the 2018 Mid-Term Elections
- Scientific integrity and ethical challenges in current US federal policy: Where do we go from here?
- Sidelined Science: Scientific Integrity in Federal Policymaking Under Past and Present Administrations
- The Use of NCA3 Sea Level Rise Projections in Public-facing Reports and Tools
- Using the Quantified Risk of Sea Level Rise and Tidal Flooding to Coastal Real Estate Markets as a Tool for Engaging Communities and Financial Actors
- Accessibility and Scientific Freedom: How to Enhance Public Access to Federal Science and Science-based Decisions While Ensuring Science-based Policy Decisions
- Being true to the science while true to one's self: how by stepping away from scientific restraint, we can meet people—including ourselves-where they are
- Building Guidelines for Public and Stakeholder Engagement for Small-Scale Outdoor Solar Geoengineering Research
- Climate Injustice in Cities: Extreme Heat and Poor Neighborhoods
- Collaboration Between Climate Scientists and Community Organizers Produces Effective Public Workshops, Leading to Impactful Constituent Meetings
- Cutting Science Out of the Picture: Implications of Recent Changes to Federal Air Pollution Policy and How to Ensure Health-Protective Decisions
- Future Floods & Superfund Sites: Toxic Contamination Risks in Coastal Communities
- Managing boreal wildfires as a climate mitigation strategy
- Projected Shifts in California Hydroclimate Characteristics Critical to Water Management
- Why are Government Scientists Censoring Themselves?
- Building Back and Building Up: Strengthening Science in Federal Policy Decisions Post-2020
- Compound Impacts of Climate Change and COVID-19
- Permafrost Carbon Emissions from a Warming Arctic: What are the Implications for International Climate Goals?
- Projected carbon emissions from North American boreal forest wildfires and the climate mitigation potential of fire management
- Quantifying ecologically relevant changes in streamflow patterns in response to climate change
- Responding to the intersection of COVID-19 and climate by bringing compound risks into focus
- Underrepresented, underserved, understudied: why efforts to help disadvantaged communities are too little, too late
- Unprotected and Underserved: Environmental justice and inadequacy of federal, state and local air pollution policies in protecting marginalized communities
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Advocating for local air pollution policy through community-based, community-driven air monitoring
- Assessment of Air Pollution Impacts and Monitoring Data Limitations of a Spring 2019 Chemical Facility Fire
- Bringing Science to Bear for Climate Solutions and Environmental Justice: A Perspective from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
- Developing a Research Agenda for Climate Litigation
- Supporting Soil Carbon as Part of a Holistic Approach Toward Sustainable Food Systems
- The Costs and Benefits of Fire Management in Alaska Through 2100
- The State of Equitable Science in Federal Agencies