Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
flowchart I[Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (145)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Measuring Nighttime CO2 Flux over Terrestrial Ecosystems using Eddy Covariance and Nocturnal Boundary Layer Methods
- Application of ancillary road, ditch, and culvert data into DEM derived flow direction matrices
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Sulfur in Soil
- A Dual Isotope Study of Nitrates in Aquifer and Surface Waters: Initial Results at the Watershed Scale
- Interactions of Multiple Factors in Creating Small Patterned-Ground Features Across the Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- Isotopic Tracing of Sources of Riverine Nitrate: The Example of the Oldman River Basin, Alberta, Canada
- Modeling Hydrological Impact of Land-Use and Climate Change in West and Central Africa
- Cryogenic Features Of Tundra Soils Along A Bioclimate Gradient In Arctic Alaska And Canada
- High resolution modelling of snow accumulation and ablation in alpine regions
- The North American Arctic Transect: Patterned-Ground Ecosystems Across the Full Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- The structure and dynamics of earth hummocks in the subarctic forest near Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada.
- Ammonia Volatilization from Nitrogen Fertilization in Winter Wheat-Summer Maize rotation System in the North China Plain
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fertilized Agricultural Soils
- Open Path Tracer Measurements of Methane Emissions from Free Ranging Cattle
- Soil Properties and Patterned Ground Across the North American Arctic Transect
- Statistical Analysis of Drought Indices and Drought Monitoring for Alberta, Canada
- Turf Hummocks in Arctic Canada: Characteristics and Development
- Quality control and improvement of eddy flux data for the CarboEurope-IP network
- Results from a Long-term Litter Decomposition Experiment in Canadian Forests and Their Use in Soil Carbon Model Verification and Development.
- Evaluation of Soil Moisture Derived from Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Over Agricultural Sites in Canada
- Using The Ecosys Mathematical Model to Simulate Topographic Effects on Spatial Variability of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from an Agricultural Soil
- Validation of Spring Snowmelt Modelling in AN Arctic Environment Using Spatially Distributed Turbulent Fluxes Derived from Aircraft Measurements
- Remote Sensing to Support Monitoring of Soil Organic Carbon (Invited)
- Comparing the simulation of climate impacts on crop yields with observed and synthetic weather data
- Forest-climate feedbacks mediated through fire in the Eastern boreal forests of Canada
- Primary Productivity in the High Arctic: Measurements and Predictions for Climate Change
- Soil Nitrogen Dynamics within Profiles of a Harvested Temperate Forest Chronosequence
- The response of frozen soil respiration to warming controls the 21st century high-latitude CO2 and CH4 balance
- Using oxygen isotopes of phosphate to investigate phosphate release from sediments and phosphate input from waste water treatment plants into Lake Erie
- An Early Pleistocene Till, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- Development of Environmental Covariates over Low Relief Areas and Their Applications in Soil Texture Mapping
- Pre-launch Research to Integrate NASA SMAP Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw State Products in Applications
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Within Profiles of a Harvested Temperate Forest Chronosequence
- The U.S./Canadian GEO Bilateral Drought Indices and Definitions Study: Implications for the Canadian Drought Monitor and a Global Drought Early Warning System
- Airborne Active and Passive L-Band Observations in Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)
- Multi-Scale Nutrient Concentration-Discharge Patterns: Predictable or not?
- Quantity of Soil Organic Matter in the Upper 3 m of Soil in the Northern Circumpolar Permafrost Region
- Delayed plowing of forages within potato rotation reduces nitrate leaching losses
- Evaluation of upscaling strategies for an in-situ soil moisture monitoring network in Southern Manitoba, Canada, during SMAPVEX12
- From field to region yield predictions in response to pedo-climatic variations in Eastern Canada
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Increase Following the Termination of a Perennial Legume Phase of an Annual Crop Rotation within the Red River Valley, Manitoba
- Impact of Climate Change on Five Major Crop Fungal Diseases: Building Climatic Indicators of Infection Risk
- Runoff generation on semi-arid, low-angled terrain: A long-term data set showing non-stable threshold response
- The Use of Enzyme Hydrolysis to Assess the Seasonal Mobility and Bioavailability of Organic Phosphorus in Lake Sediments
- What is the primary driver of downstream connectivity: runoff generation, storage or conveyance?
- A Multi-Sensor Approach for Satellite Soil Moisture Monitoring for Agricultural Climate Risk Assessment
- Analysis of field-sampled, in-situ network, and PALS airborne soil moisture observations over SMAPVEX12
- Land Use Change and Temperature Trends Over the Canadian Agricultural Regions
- PALS (Passive Active L-band System) Radiometer-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval for the SMAP Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12)
- Partitioning Residue-derived and Residue-induced Emissions of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Using <SUP>15</SUP>N-labelled Crop Residues
- Regional Renewable Energy Cooperatives
- The Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) Initiative: Developing methods and best practices for global agricultural monitoring
- Tracking Crop Leaf Area Index and Chlorophyll Content Using RapidEye Data in Northern Ontario, Canada
- Using thermal and spectroscopic (XANES) indices to understand the biological stability of soil organic matter.
- An Analysis of Nitrogen Controls on Terrestrial Carbon and Energy Dynamics Using the Carbon-Nitrogen Coupled CLASS-CTEM<SUP>N+</SUP> Model
- Dissolved Organic Matter in Impacted Streams and Rivers: Challenges and Future Research Directions
- Earth Observation Based Canadian Crop Yield Forecasting -- Impact of Spatial Modeling Scale
- High Resolution Modelling of Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply and Demand, Crop Nutrient Usage and GHG emissions, Similkameen Watershed, British Columbia, Canada
- Monitoring Agricultural Drought in Canada using the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI)
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Snowcover Influences Upon Episodic Release of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soils During Spring Thaw
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Estimating Crop Growth Stage by Combining Meteorological and Remote Sensing Based Techniques
- High Resolution Modeling of Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply and Demand, and GHG Emissions, Similkameen Watershed, BC, Canada
- Linking Changes in Snow Cover with Nitrogen Cycling and Microbial Abundance and Functional Gene Expression in Agricultural Soils
- Monitoring cover crops using radar remote sensing in southern Ontario, Canada
- Monitoring percolation of a conductive tracer, as a proxy for nitrate transport, through glacial till and fractured sandstone in the vadose zone underlying a potato field, using 3D cross-hole electrical resistivity imaging
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Reducing the Impact of Cloud Cover on Operational Crop Inventories
- Runoff generation on the northern Great Plains: What's changing, what's not and why?
- SMAP soil moisture drying more rapid than observed in situ following rainfall events
- The Amplitude of Soil Freeze-Thaw Cycles Influences Dynamics of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions and Denitrifier Transcriptional Activity and Community Composition
- The High Arctic's Only Great Lake Is Succumbing To Climate Warming
- The Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM): Update on Multisite Inter-comparison Experiments
- The Vegetation Drought Response Index for Canada (VegDRI-Canada) to Monitor Agricultural Drought: First Results
- Using cloud and climate data to understand warm season hydrometeorology from diurnal to monthly timescales
- Agricultural management legacy affects microbial energetics, resource utilization and active bacterial community membership during <SUP>13</SUP>C-glucose consumption
- Assessing Vulnerability of Lake Erie Landscapes to Soil Erosion: Modelled and Measured Approaches
- Canadian Whole-Farm Model Holos - Development, Stakeholder Involvement, and Model Application
- Compact polarimetric synthetic aperture radar for monitoring soil moisture condition
- Comparison of DNDC and RZWQM2 for simulating hydrology and nitrogen dynamics in a corn-soybean system with a winter cover crop
- Depth Effects on the Decomposition Dynamics of Plant-derived C at Diverse Sites
- Including climate variability in determination of the optimum rate of N fertilizer application using a crop model: A case study for rainfed corn in eastern Canada
- Nitrogen Assessment in the Nooksack-Abbotsford-Sumas Transboundary Watershed
- Results from SMAP Validation Experiments 2015 and 2016
- Scenarios of Earth system change in western Canada: Conceptual understanding and process insights from the Changing Cold Regions Network
- Soil organic phosphorus transformations during 2000 years of paddy-rice and non-paddy management in the Yangtze River Delta, China
- The Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM): Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Inter-Comparison Experiment
- The influences of changing weather patterns and land management on runoff biogeochemistry in a snowmelt dominated agricultural region
- Towards Improved Understanding of Drought and Drought Impacts from Long Term Earth Observation Records
- Understanding the relationship between the variability in agrometeorological indices and adaptation practices across the Canadian Prairies
- Vegetation Water Content Mapping for Agricultural Regions in SMAPVEX16
- Verification of Agricultural Methane Emission Inventories
- 'A tale of two cities': Nitrogen inventories in the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Watershed
- A Comparative Analysis of Estimated Soil Moisture from SAR Imagery and Land Surface Modeling
- Agriculture's solutions to climate change
- An Improved Precipitation Indicator For Corn Yield Prediction: Proof Of Concept Using STICS Model In Eastern Canada
- An updated conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling (cLHS) approach at variable resolutions for enhanced watershed scale Digital Soil Mapping.
- Assimilation of C-band Backscatter in a Physical Land Surface Model over Agricultural Area
- Chapter 5: SOCCR2: Current State of the Carbon Cycle in Agricultural Systems in North America
- Comparing Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions Simulated by the New Freeze-Thaw Version of DayCent with Fluxes Inferred from Atmospheric Inversion
- Effects of Litter Removal, Soil Compaction and Defoliation on Soil Physical and Biological Properties in Grasslands of Southern Alberta, Canada
- Impacts of snow on soil temperature observed across the circumpolar north
- Selection of Regional Crop Yield Predictors from Earth Observation Products - Assessment with an operational Canadian Crop Yield Forecaster
- Surface-atmosphere exchange of ammonia over a corn field: eddy covariance flux measurements using QC-TILDAS
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- Verification of STICS crop model performance to predict nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) fluxes during several growing seasons of spring wheat in eastern Canada
- Advancing the Uptake of Earth Observations for Informing Agricultural Decisions in Eastern Africa under the NASA Harvest and GEOGLAM Programs
- Assessing the use the Canadian Precipitation Analysis Data for Monitoring and Modelling the Impacts of Weather on Agricultural Production
- Critical Source Area (CSA) prediction to determine locations for planting Alfalfa as biomass (Beneficial Management Practice (BMP)).
- Drivers of legacy phosphorus release and sequestration in sediment-water systems: insights from environmental monitoring and experimental manipulation of redox front dynamics
- Field-Scale Soil Moisture Retrieval using PALS Airborne Microwave Radiometer during SMAPVEX16
- Importance of Crop Drive-Rows in Soil Carbon Sequestration: a Regional Study of Grape, Apple and Cherry Cropping Systems
- Nitrogen budget of a forest-urban-agricultural Canada-USA transboundary watershed
- Novel strategies for biochar application to densely populated livestock regions in North America - Impacts on soil nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emissions
- Online Continuous Relaxed-Eddy Accumulation Ion Chromatographs: New Instrumentation To Measure The Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Of NH<SUB>3</SUB> From Urea Fertilized Maize Field
- Opportunities and challenges of crop biomass mapping based on ecosystem modeling at regional scale using high resolution Sentinel-2 data
- Optimization of agricultural and ecosystem productivity under renewable energy installations
- Promise and problems of real-time nitrate monitoring for watershed N budgets
- Soil phosphorus management for food and water security in cold agricultural regions
- Trends in agrometeorological indices across the Canadian Prairies under a changing climate
- "Winter, Water, and Warming": A European - Canadian Mini-MOOC Cooperation to Respond to the Challenges of Online Radar Remote Sensing Education
- A continental scale spatial investigation of sediment organic matter for ecological classification
- Ammonia measurements from space with the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS): characteristics and applications
- Assessment of TROPOMI CH4 product for estimating methane emissions from an agricultural region in Eastern Ontario
- Defining mitigation and adaptation challenges and opportunities for regions and communities under a rapidly changing climate
- Impact of Satellite derived Vegetation Condition on Crop Yield Prediction in Eastern Ontario
- Runoff and Climate Change at the Field-Scale: Comparing Projections and Observations Across Regions
- The Canadian whole-farm model Holos - development of the new Version 4
- The Risk of "One-Size Fits All" Conservation Recommendations to Improve Agricultural Water Quality
- Assessing GHG Cycling in Riparian Agricultural Soils Using a Uniform Reactive Transport Modeling Approach
- Dynamics of crop residue 13C and 15N decay at various depths in diverse soil profiles
- Ensemble Forecasts of Annual Crop Yield Using Optical, Thermal and Microwave Earth Observation Data Across Canada
- Predicting Watershed Scale Surface Water Quality Targets With a Combined Fully-Integrated Groundwater - Surface Water Model and Machine Learning Approach
- Seasonal assessment of SMAP Level 3 and Level 4 soil moisture data products using ground-based measurements at agricultural sites
- Climate and Soil Texture Exert Different Controls on Plant- and Microbial-Derived Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Agroecosystems
- Climate, Time, and Soil Development Interact to Shape the Depth Distribution and Structure of Microbial Communities
- Effects of Agricultural Management Practices on Cropland Albedo and Potential Impacts on Climate Change
- Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR WG): Capacity Building Partnerships to Address National Climate Change-Related Systemic Risk
- Lessons Learned and Preliminary Results from the Implementation of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Agroecosystem Living Labs Network
- Mega-Tidal Controls on Coastal Groundwater and Saltwater Intrusion Dynamics in Dykelands
- Patterns of permafrost microbial functional genes and in situ greenhouse gas concentrations indicate that permafrost is an active microbial ecosystem
- Permafrost Microbial Communities Are Active Across a Holocene to Pleistocene Permafrost Chronosequence as Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing.