Research Triangle Institute, North Carolina
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessing the environmental costs and benefits of plantations under future carbon pricing scenarios
- Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration
- Characterization of Ambient Coarse Particulate Matter in Birmingham, AL Using a Network of Passive Samplers
- Temporal and Spatial Variation in Rainfall at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune North Carolina Using Tipping Bucket Gauges
- Climate change mitigation in the agricultural sector- an analysis of marginal abatement costs of climate mitigation in global paddy rice agriculture based on DNDC simulations
- Methane Emissions From Global Paddy Rice Agriculture - a New Estimate Based on DNDC Model Simulations
- Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon
- The effects of leaf area density variation on the collection efficiency of black carbon in the size range of ultrafine particles (UFP)
- Ultrafine particle deposition to vegetation branches: wind tunnel investigation of the effect of canopy medium and particle size and charge
- Understanding mineral dusts from the Middle East
- Agricultural climate impacts assessment for economic modeling and decision support
- Measurement of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in epiphytic lichens and from PM 2.5 filters for receptor modeling in the Alberta Oil Sands Region (Invited)
- Measurements of Semi-volatile Aerosol and Its Effect on Aerosol Optical Properties During Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study
- Mineralogical, chemical, and optical interrelationships of mineral dusts from desert source regions
- The National Ecosystem Services Classification System: A Framework for Identifying and Reducing Relevant Uncertainties
- Mineralogical, Chemical, and Optical Interrelationships of Airborne Mineral Dusts
- Potential Influence of Climate-Induced Vegetation Shifts on Future Land Use and Associated Land Carbon Fluxes in Northern Eurasia
- Contrasting Patterns of Carbon Flux and Storage in Pine Forest Ecosystems of the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Change Mitigation.
- Relating Optical Properties of Dusts to their Mineralogical and Physical Interrelationships
- Synthesis of recent advances in critical loads research on impacts from atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant communities.
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Quantifying the role of land-use and land-cover changes in Northern Eurasia in global greenhouse gas emissions and biomass supply during the 21st century using an earth system modeling approach
- U.S. Forest Greenhouse Gas Impacts of a continued Expansion of E.U. Wood Pellet Demand
- A Diagnostics Tool to detect ensemble forecast system anomaly and guide operational decisions
- A Regionalization Approach to select the final watershed parameter set among the Pareto solutions
- Air Pollution Measurements by Citizen Scientists and NASA Satellites: Data Integration and Analysis
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Using Low-Cost Sensors and Citizen Scientists to Improve Spatial Gradients in Satellite Data.
- Using snow data assimilation to improve ensemble streamflow forecasting for the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Biking and Breathing Study: personal air pollution exposure in New York City bicycle commuters
- Engaging Citizen Scientists and Low-Cost Sensors to Understand Local Air Quality
- Fluoride and Arsenic Removal by Bone Char in High pH Groundwaters
- Integration of satellite observations with low-cost air quality monitors: A data science approach to monitor air quality
- Lessons learned and analysis from a year-long deployment of a network of low-cost particulate matters sensors
- Methodology for Assessing Community Vulnerability to Pollutant Releases from Waste Management Facilities Due to Extreme Events: Case Studies from Waterbury, CT and Phoenix, AZ
- Expanding Citizen Scientist Recruitment and Engagement to Understand Local Air Quality using Low-Cost Sensors
- From emissions to exposures: using field measurements and survey data to validate model-based estimates of exposure to household air pollution in Kenya
- Prioritizing Actions to Adapt America's Infrastructure for Climate Change
- Resilient and sustainable infrastructure decision-making through consideration of persistent and long-term uncertainties imposed by extreme weather events
- A User Needs and Value-Based Assessment of EO Applications to Inform SBG Architectures
- End-User Driven Streamflow Forecast Evaluation
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Impact of COVID-19 state-wide stay-at-home phase on the PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> mass concentrations in Los Angeles Basin using the Purple Air low cost sensor network
- Toxicity of Complex Aerosols emitted from Woody Biomass Combustion assessed using a novel In Vitro technology
- Water supply forecasting in the Upper Colorado River Basin using assimilation of ground and satellite snow observations in a distributed hydrologic modeling framework
- A Large-Scale Hydrological Modeling Framework to Assess Climate-Impacted Changes in Water Availability in the Amazon Basin
- Generating High-Resolution PM2.5 using a Two-stage Machine Learning Approach with Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors and Satellite Observations
- Two Multi-Elemental Spectroscopic Techniques for Airborne Particulate Matter from the Chemical Speciation Network (CSN): An Intercomparison of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry