U.S. Naval Academy Postgraduate School, California
flowchart I[U.S. Naval Academy Postgraduate School, California] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (306)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (110)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ACPI Elements 1 and 2: Initializing the Coupled Model from Observed Ocean Conditions and the Ensemble Runs
- Aerosol Optical Depth from Satellite Observations during ACE-Asia
- Evaluation of Three Bed Load Transport Models
- Model-Data Comparisons of Velocity and Suspended Sediment
- Modeling of Rip-Currents during RIPEX
- My Historical Perspective on the ONR Coastal Science Program and the Kinder Years
- Satellite Investigations during the ACE-Asia Field Program
- Scaling and Fractals in Ocean Mixed Layer
- Turbulent Stresses and Shear Production in Bottom Boundary Layers in the Surf Zone and Inner Shelf
- Validation of a spectral energy balance model for swell on the continental shelf
- A CFD Model for Wave Transformation and Breaking in the Surf Zone
- Aerosol Size Distributions Measured in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Formation, Coagulation, Transport and Sedimentation of the Background Non-Volcanic Aerosols
- Aerosol-Cloud microphysical closure in warm tropical cumulus during CRYSTAL-FACE
- Alongshore polarization of currents over the inner shelf off Huntington Beach
- Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Humidity Halos around Trade Wind Cumulus Clouds
- Bragg Reflection of Ocean Waves from Sandbars
- Directional Properties of Infragravity Waves
- Field Observations of Shear Waves
- Model Valid Prediction Period
- Ocean Observatory efforts in and around Monterey Bay, California, 1930 to the present
- Ocean and Sea Ice Components of NCAR Climate Models, 1975-2000
- RIPEX: Characteristics of Very Low Frequency Motions
- Satellite-Derived Extinction at A Desert Site
- Sediment Transport by Sand Ripples Within the Surf Zone.
- Spatial variation of near bed concentrations
- The Limitation of Internal Wave Propagation the Offshore Direction
- The Role of Sea-Breezes in Nearshore Cold Water Events - a Southern California Case Study.
- Wave Reflection on a Steep Beach
- Aerosol Size Distribution, Composition, and Hygroscopicity Measurements During CSTRIPE Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer and a Dual Differential Mobility Analyzer
- Black Carbon Measurements in the Marine Boundary Layer
- High-Resolution Global Ocean and Ocean/Ice Models for Synoptic and Climate Prediction
- Multifractal Thermal Characteristics of the Southwestern GIN Sea Upper Layer
- Nonlinear Gulf Stream interplay With the Deep Western Boundary Current: Observations and Model Results
- On Arctic Environmental Change - 1979-2001 coupled ice-ocean model results
- Polar Meteorology: An Interactive Educational Web Module
- Progress in Modeling the Gulf Stream in a Duo Grid North Atlantic Ocean/Caribbean Sea/Gulf of Mexico model
- The Coastal Stratocumulus Imposed Perturbation Experiment: Discerning aerosol indirect effects in stratocumulus clouds using imposed aerosol forcing
- Arctic and Antarctic Ice Pack Changes during the Past Decade from a High Resolution Global Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model
- Canyon Effects on Nearshore Infragravity Waves During NCEX
- Characterization of Wave-Induced Boundary Layers Over a Rough Bottom
- Energy Flux Balance of Surfzone Infragravity Waves
- Evolution of Rip and Cusp Bathymetry
- Freshwater Fluxes from the Arctic into the North Atlantic Ocean: 1979-2002 Model Results
- In-Situ Measurements of Turbidity Currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon
- Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability in the Tropical Indo-Pacific of Global POP.
- Non-Linear Internal Tides Move Cool sub-Surface Waters From the mid-Shelf to the Beach
- Observations of Wave Reflection from a Submarine Canyon
- Observations of shoaling internal tidal waves during NCEX
- Ocean Circulation and Exchanges Through the Northern Bering Sea - 1979-2001 Model Results
- On large outflows of Arctic sea ice into the Barents Sea
- Optimal Spectral Decomposition (OSD) for Analyzing Sparse and Noisy Ocean Data
- Recent Change of Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Refraction of Surface Gravity Waves by Shear Waves
- Rip-Currents and Large Beach Cusps
- Stationarity of the ocean component of the climate signal
- The North Pole Environmental Observatory: A Community Resource for Tracking Change in the Arctic Marine Environment
- The Torrey Pines Rip Currents
- Turbulent Structure and Sediment Transport Above Vortex Ripples in the Surf Zone
- Vertical Phase Variation in Mean and Oscillatory Surf Zone Currents
- Wave Induced Sediment Transport over Flat Beds
- Wave Propagation Over a Submarine Canyon: Model-Data Comparisons
- Wave Propagation over a Submarine Canyon: Field Observations
- A Case Study of Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects Computed From Airborne Measurements During the ACE-Asia Campaign
- Aerosol Optical Depth Model Assessment With High-Resolution Multiple Angle Sensors
- Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals From High-Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery Over Areas of High Surface Reflectance
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Evaluated with Aircraft Measurements during the Marine Stratus Experiment (MASE)"
- Determining the Best-Estimate of Cloud Drop Size From a Variety of Remote Sensing Instruments
- Evaluation of the Significance of the Organic Components within Marine Aerosols and their Impact on Aerosol Hygroscopicity and Cloud Droplet Activity during the CARMA III Field Campaign
- LISST-WING: A New Laser Diffraction Instrument for Cloud Size Distribution and Concentration Research
- SeaRover: An Emerging Technology for Sea Surface Sensor Networks
- Testing MODIS retrievals of mineral dust properties
- Warming of the Eurasian Landmass is Making the Arabian Sea More Productive
- A Coupled Geodesic Ocean and Ice Model for Climate Studies
- Alongshore Sediment Transport and Rip Channel Migration
- Analytical Solutions for the Vertical Structure of Mean Flow in the Surf Zone
- Arctic Ocean under-ice roughness estimates from Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoys
- Atmospheric Forcing, Sea-Ice Interannual Variability, and Ocean Current Impacts on the Availability of Bowhead Whale Prey Near Barrow, AK
- Observation Of Internal Tides At The Entrance To The Gulf Of California
- On the Importance of Warm Pacific Water Inflow Along the Alaskan Coast
- Propagation of Long Baroclinic Rossby Waves in the Tropical North Atlantic Identified from Profiling Floats
- Relative Dispersion of isobaric RAFOS Floats off Central California: Comparative Analysis of Estimation Techniques
- Seasonal Variability Of The Flow At The Entrance To The Gulf Of California, Mexico
- Simulation of the genesis of Tropical Storm Gert during the NASA Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes Experiment
- The Kilo Nalu cabled observatory, Oahu, Hawaii: A flexible platform for integrated physical and biogeochemical adaptive sampling and experimentation
- The MArine Stratocumulus Experiment (MASE): Aerosol-cloud relationships in marine stratocumulus
- The impacts of aerosol chemical properties on cloud droplet number concentration in marine stratocumulus
- Thirty Years of Nearshore Research
- Turbulent Surface Flux Measurements over Snow-Covered Sea Ice
- Variability of Heat Flux and Diffusivity Within the Weakly Stratified Pycnocline in the Vicinity of Maud Rise, Weddell Sea
- Across-shore Eddy Transport off Central California
- Bottom Interaction in Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation
- CCN measurements aboard the CIRPAS Twin Otter and the NOAA P3 platforms during TexAQS/GoMACCS
- Comparison of statistical properties of simulated and observed cumulus clouds during GoMACCS
- Currents and Stratification on the Continental shelf to the Southwest of San Clemente Island, CA
- Fault strength loss, slip velocity, and near-fault particle velocity during dynamic rupture propagation.
- First Passage Time (FPT) for Determining Large Ocean Model Predictability
- On the Relative Importance of Freshwater Fluxes and Variability From the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic
- Reconstruction of Coastal-Scale Ocean Fields in an Upwelling Region
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Clouds: A Synthesis of Data From Four Field Campaigns
- Understanding Recent Variability in the Arctic Sea Ice Thickness and Volume - Synthesis of Model Results and Observations
- Vertical Redistribution of Aerosol by Shallow Cumulus Clouds: Observations and Modeling
- Video and GPS measurements of morphology and swash flow in beach mega- cusps
- Advanced Scour Monitoring at Indian River Inlet, Delaware
- Alongshore Sinuous Currents on a Rip-Channeled Beach
- Application of Ocean Data Assimilation in a Nested Model
- Cyclonic Eddies as Observed by Mid-depth RAFOS Floats off Central California
- Deciphering the Causality and Rate of Warming in the Arctic Ocean
- Diurnal Cross-Shore Exchange on the Inner-Shelf in Southern Monterey Bay, CA
- Dynamics of Diurnal Variation of Stratus Clouds in Central Coast of Califoria
- Grain Size and Morphological Variability
- Intrusion of Warm Bering/Chukchi Waters Onto the Shelf in the Western Beaufort Sea
- Kelvin Wave and Madden-Julian Oscillation simulated by a Spectral Element Atmospheric Model under Aqua-Planet Conditions
- Lidar observations of aerosols near clouds during CHAPS/CLASIC
- Modeled MOC Variability: Its Probability Distribution and Relation to Observations
- Modeling Rip Channel and Mega-Cusp Migration With XBeach
- Modeling and Field Study of Coupled Bio-Optical Physical Processes in the Monterey Bay Area.
- Nonlinear wave statistics in a focal zone
- Numerical Investigation and Forecasting of the Kasatochi Ash Plume
- Observations of Ocean Surface Wave Damping on a Muddy Continental Shelf
- Observations of marine stratocumulus microphysics and implications for processes controlling droplet spectra: results from the Marine Stratus/Stratocumulus Experiment (MASE)
- Oceanic Forcing of Arctic Sea Ice
- On the Link Between Ocean Biota Emissions, Aerosols, and Maritime Clouds: Airborne, Ground, and Space-borne Measurements Along the Coast of California
- Probability Distribution Function of the Upper Equatorial Pacific Current Speeds
- Rip Current Retention
- Semi-Implicit High-Order Methods for the Euler Equations used in Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling
- Spontaneous Layer Formation in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Thermohaline Convection
- Surf zone Exchange on a Rip Channeled Beach
- The Influence of Hydraulic Control on Internal Wave Generation in the Luzon Strait, South China Sea
- The THORPEX-Pacific Asian Regional Campaign and Affiliated Field Campaigns over the Tropical Western North Pacific during August-September 2008
- Vertical Behavior of Rip Current Pulsations Outside the Surf Zone
- Wave-Averaged and Wave-Resolving Simulations of the RCEX Experiment: Mean Flows and Drifter Dispersion
- Why global climate model predictions of Arctic warming are too conservative?
- Aircraft Meteorological and Turbulence Measurements at 20°S, 72°W during VOCALS-REx
- Direct Measurements of Deep Flow in the California Current System
- Fully-implicit Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov Solvers for the nonhydrostatic Euler equations
- Modeling Megacusps and Dune Erosion
- Polarimetric remote sensing of droplet distribution parameters from the UMBC-LACO imaging polarimeter during VOCALS-REx
- Size-Resolved Forecasting of Volcanic Ash Plumes
- Spontaneous Layer Formation in Salt Fingering Simulations
- Understanding Climate Uncertainty with an Ocean Focus
- Wave Overtopping of a Barrier Beach
- Black Carbon Measurements over the Los Angeles Basin during CalNex
- CCN, hygroscopicity, and activation kinetics of Los Angeles aerosol
- Defining the Entrainment Zone in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers
- GOES Infrared and Reflectance 0-1 hour Lightning Initiation Indicators: Development and Initial Testing within a Convective Nowcasting System
- Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux and Diminished Arctic Sea Ice Cover (Invited)
- On the Nature of Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols in the Southern California Region: A Synthesis of Data From Ground-based and Aircraft Field Studies
- Overview of the chemistry and physics of the Los Angeles aerosol from CIRPAS Twin Otter deployment during CalNex 2010
- Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Models for Small Ensembles of Model Outputs
- The Deep Oxygen Minimum off the Central California Coast
- The Effect of Warming Arctic Climate on Coupling Between the Sea Ice Cover and the Upper Ocean
- The use of autonomous unmanned vehicles for measuring the mean flow field in riverine environments
- Towards an Understanding of Aerosol Redistribution by Shallow Cumulus Clouds with a Focus on Organics
- Transverse Mixing in a Natural River Channel
- Understanding the Importance of Oceanic Forcing on Arctic Sea Ice Variability
- Understanding the Uncertainty in the Ocean/Ice components of a Climate Model and its association with multi-model analysis
- Validation, Verification, and Exploitation of an Ocean Model for Decision Support
- Aerosol Redistribution by Shallow Cumulus Clouds: An Investigation using Airborne Measurements over Southeastern Texas
- Fluxes and concentrations of BVOCs from CABERNET aircraft campaign over California
- High frequency and wavenumber ocean-ice-atmosphere coupling in the Regional Arctic Climate Model
- In-situ Measurements of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions During the 2011 E-PEACE Campaign: Case Studies of Clouds Perturbed by Ship Emissions
- LCSs in tropical cyclone genesis
- Mapping methane emission sources over California based on airborne measurements
- Modeling Coupled Feedback Processes in Arctic Climate Using Ice-Ocean and Fully Coupled Regional Climate Models
- Modeling the Arctic Atmosphere with the Regional Arctic Climate Model (RACM)
- Phase Characteristics in Orographic Convective Clouds
- Physicochemical Characterization of Cloud Drop Residual Particles in Eastern Pacific Marine Stratocumulus: Airborne Measurements Downstream of a Newly-Developed Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet during the 2011 E-PEACE Campaign
- Satellite radiance bias estimation with ensemble filters: Investigations with a simple model
- Surface Drift of RAFOS Floats in the California Current System
- The California Undercurrent off Central California
- The potential for observation network design with mesoscale ensemble sensitivities in complex terrain
- The sensitivity of a high-resolution pan-Arctic coupled ice-ocean model to atmospheric forcing data
- Uncertainty in Modeled Upper Ocean Heat Content Change using a Large Ensemble
- A Lagrangian analysis of a developing and non-developing disturbance observed during the PREDICT experiment
- Constraining isoprene emission factors using airborne flux measurements during CABERNET
- DYNAMO Convective System Structure During Active and Suppressed Phases of the MJO
- Effects of Rip Currents on Inner Shelf Circulation and Cross-shore Exchange
- Frequency-Wavenumber Velocity Spectra, Taylor's Hypothesis and Length-Scales in a Natural Gravel-Bed River
- Intermittent ephemeral river-breaching
- Mesoscale Eddy Formation off Central California as Observed by Mid-depth RAFOS Floats
- Modulation of tropical cyclone flash density by environmental factors
- Observational constraints on entrainment in stratocumulus
- Observations of a non-developing tropical disturbance in the western North Pacific during TCS-08
- Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Ocean Heat Content
- RACORO Aircraft Data Case Study Development for FASTER
- The Midlatitude Impact of Convective Outflow Associated with Recurving Tropical Cyclones
- The Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud Systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) Experiment: Scientific Basis, New Analysis Tools and Some Ongoing Results
- The effect of overwash on tidal exchange in New River Inlet
- The interaction of short surface waves with stratified flow in Raccoon Strait
- Tidal Wave Characteristics and Water Quality Response at New River Inlet, NC
- Using an A-10 Aircraft for Airborne Measurements of TGFs
- Validation of Air-Ocean-Wave Coupled Simulation of Typhoon Fanapi
- Variability of the Lower Atmosphere and Upper Ocean from Airborne Measurements in DYNAMO
- Vertical Structure of Aerosols, Temperature and Moisture Associated with an Intense African Dust Event Observed over the Eastern Caribbean
- Weibull Statistics for Upper Ocean Currents with the Fokker-Planck Equation
- Why do we have such difficulty assessing aerosol impacts in Southeast Asia? Examining the representativeness of regional in situ, remote sensing, and modeling data using examples from a recent field trial
- Air-Sea Interaction and Boundary Layer Structure during Active and Suppressed Phases of the MJO
- Detrainment and aerosol redistribution in shallow convective clouds (Invited)
- Effect of Aggregation and Mixing on optical properties of Black Carbon
- Examination of the Impacts on Extended-Range Predictability of Midlatitude Weather Patterns due to Recurving Tropical Cyclones
- Ice-Ocean Interaction at Seasonal to Decadal Scales in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Mapping methane sources and emissions over California from direct airborne flux and VOC source tracer measurements
- Modeling Tsunamis and Hydroacoustic Waves from Megathrust Earthquakes
- Probabilistic change mapping from airborne LiDAR for post-disaster damage assessment
- Rupture Dynamics and Ground Motion from Earthquakes on Rough Faults in Heterogeneous Media
- Spring-to-summer sea ice floe breakup during 2012 monitored by high resolution SAR and autonomous observing platforms
- Air-Sea Interaction Measurements from the Controlled Towed Vehicle
- Crossroads of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Composition in the Maritime Continent: Recent Field Results from the 7SEAS Program
- Interactions between tropical cyclones and mid-latitude systems in the Northeastern Pacific
- Observations of Terrestrial Biogenic and Biomass Burning Aerosol Impacts on Marine Stratocumulus off the Coast of California
- The Effect of Tidal Exchange on Residence Time
- Case Study Examination of Dust and Smoke Using Observational Data and Models in the Western United States and Middle East
- GPU Accelerated Spectral Element Methods: 3D Euler equations
- On the Use of Radar Echo from Chaff to Study Entrainment in Stratocumulus Topped Marine Boundary Layers
- Recent Findings Based on Airborne Measurements at the Interface of Coastal California Clouds and Clear Air
- A Study of Variations in Atmospheric Turbulence Kinetic Energy on a Sandy Beach
- Acceleration of a Semi Implicit Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model on Many Core Architecture
- An Observational and Numerical Study of Marginal Ice Zone Atmospheric Jets
- Coastal Land Air Sea Interaction: "the" beach towers
- Comparing the Accuracy of AMSRE, AMSR2, SSMI and SSMIS Satellite Radiometer Ice Concentration Products with One-Meter Resolution Visible Imagery in the Arctic
- Contrasting Cloud Composition Between Coupled and Decoupled Marine Boundary Layer Clouds
- Importance of and Challenges in Modeling the Oceanic Exchanges Across the Main Arctic Gateways for Climate Change Studies
- Sensitivity of Arctic Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) to Atmospheric Processes
- The effect of a shallow flood shoal on circulation in a multiple inlet system
- Using physicochemical data to examine giant sea salt particle relationships with stratocumulus clouds
- Coastal California's Fog Aerobiology and Ecology: A Local-Scale Survey on Atmospheric Microbial Life
- Environmental Factors and Internal Processes Contributing to Interrupted Rapid Decay of Hurricane Joaquin (2015)
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- On the Examination of Stratocumulus Cloud Processes with the Use of Cloud Water Composition Data
- On the Vertical Nature of Biomass Burning Plumes by the California Coast and Their Relationship with Marine Boundary Layer Clouds
- The influence of a rocky reef and giant kelp on the cross-shelf propagation of nearshore internal bores
- Variational Ridging in Sea Ice Models
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- Atmospheric Resonances and Their Coupling to Vibrations of Ice Shelves and Waves in the Ocean
- Deep Neural Network Classification of Littoral Systems for Change Detection
- Effects of Oceanic Surface Waves on the Temperature and Moisture Vertical Profiles in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Examining the Role of the Air-Sea Interaction for the Observed Variability Evaporation Duct Height during CASPER
- Improving Arctic Climate Projections Using Regional Arctic System Model for Dynamical Downscaling
- Learning About and From Ecological Forecasting Models: A Decision Science Approach
- Low-frequency Vibrations in the Coupled Ocean - Ross Ice Shelf - Atmosphere System
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Waves and Atmospheric Surface Layer Interaction
- Study of Ducted EM Propagation over the Gulf Stream from Measured Data and Numerical Simulations
- A New Method for Identifying Kolmogorov's Inertial Subrange and Analyzing the Variability of the -5/3 Power Law Using Observations from FLIP
- An Assessment of Transfer Learning Methods for Coastal Change Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Computing Refractive-Index Structure Parameter Cn<SUP>2</SUP> Using COAMPS
- Hydrodynamic and sediment observations across the sand-mud inner shelf near Ocean City Inlet
- Diel Patterns of Bocaccio Rockfish Communication
- Emulating Tropical Marine Radar Reflectivity by Applying a Convolutional Neural Network to Geostationary Satellite Radiances
- Winter (sub)mesoscale variability in the central Arctic Ocean : eddy observations and modeling during the MOSAiC drift.
- Winter thermohaline variability of the upper central Arctic Ocean: observational results from the MOSAiC Distributed Network and Central Observatory in Leg 1
- A Direct Signal Suppression Approach for Passive Radar Sounding
- A perspective on the role of ocean in Arctic Amplification
- A summary of microphysical research performed during C-FOG and challenges for Fatima
- A threshold for initiation of moist deep convection based on the ratio of sub-cloud updraft horizontal area to environmental saturation deficit
- Airborne Characterization of Wildfire Influence on Air Quality and Clouds in California
- Airborne Measurements of Agricultural Volatile Organic Compound Fluxes in the San Joaquin Valley (California)
- Augmenting the double-Gaussian representation of atmospheric turbulence and convection via a coupled stochastic multi-plume mass flux scheme
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Evaluation of Dynamical Downscaling in a Fully Coupled Regional Earth System Model
- Examination of environmental factors regulating deep convective updraft width across a spectrum of convective modes
- Examination of the accelerated rate of Arctic sea ice decline in CMIP6 historical simulations
- Fatima: A mega-project at the nexus of (marine) fog and turbulence
- Identifying Hydrologic and Coastal Hydrodynamic Drivers of Inland Salinity Spikes within the Pajaro Watershed
- Improving Shallow Convection in the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model with the Stochastic Multi-Plume Mass-Flux Parameterization
- Improving on the representation of subtropical clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model using CLUBB+MF
- Improving the Physical Basis for Updraft Dynamics in Deep Convection Parameterizations
- Mesoscale atmospheric forcing leads to mixed layer deepening in the North Pacific
- Passively Synchronized Bistatic Radar System for Subsurface Tomography of Glaciers
- Quantifying Near-surface Water Vapor Gradient over the Ocean
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Precipitation Type Detection with Bayesian Deep Learning
- Simulated and observed vertical velocity statistics of marine shallow convection and implications for downdraft parameterizations
- The Effects of Numerical Dissipation on Simulating Hurricane Intensification with Observational Heating
- The impacts of improved ocean and sea-ice physics and coupling on polar climate in E3SM version 2
- The influence of shear on deep convection initiation
- Towards the CliMA Earth System Model: Composable operators for flexible discretizations
- Understanding the Cold Season Arctic Surface Warming Trend in Recent Decades
- What Controls Shallow to Deep Convective Transitions in Cloud Populations and in Individual Clouds?
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A-priori statistics for AOS cloud retrievals: A case study in cloud drop size dispersion
- Acoustic spectrometry of bubbles in an estuarine front
- Advancing Arctic Climate Prediction Capability from Sub-seasonal to Decadal Time Scales
- Assessing Spatial Coherence Constraints on Passive Radar Experiments Using Radio-Astronomical Sources for Echo Detection
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Direct Observations of NOx Emissions over the San Joaquin Valley using Airborne Flux Measurements during RECAP-CA 2021 Field Campaign
- Dynamic Drivers of Shallow to Deep Convective Transition of Updrafts near Terrain
- Evolution of Droplet Size Distributions During the Transition of an Ultraclean Stratocumulus Cloud system to Open Cell Structure: an LES Investigation Using Lagrangian Microphysics
- Informing Terrestrial Passive Radar Experimental Design Using Jupiter's Radio Emissions for Echo Detection
- Investigating the Relationships between TC Structure, Intensity, and Intensification Rates
- Marine fog microphysics and associated weather systems during Fatima Campaign
- Microplastics in the Arctic Ocean - Modeling the Pathways and Relative Contributions from Oceanic and Riverine Sources
- Mismatches Between Inventories and Airborne Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements in Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds over Los Angeles
- On the circulation, water mass distribution, and nutrient concentrations of the western Chukchi Sea
- Precipitation Type from PMW Observations: Constellation Retrieval with Uncertainty Estimates
- Reanalysis Biases Limit Single Column Model Ability to Simulate Low Clouds and Turbulence
- Regional-to-Local Scale Numerical Modeling of Wave Transformation around the Monterey Peninsula, Central California.
- Sea Surface and Ocean Temperature Observed from an Array of ASIS Buoys during the CLASI 2021 Field Campaign
- Skin Sea Surface Temperature Parameterizations Applied to a 3-D Ocean Circulation Model
- Temperature Dependence of Soil NOx Emissions in the San Joaquin Valley Observed from Airborne Flux Measurements
- Temperature dependent emissions of agricultural and dairy VOCs in the San Joaquin Valley measured by Airborne Eddy Covariance
- The Fog and Turbulence in Marine Atmosphere (Fatima) 2022 Field Campaign
- The Influence of Shear on Deep Convection Initiation
- Towards Trusting Synthetic Microwave Retrievals: Introducing Uncertainty Quantification in a New Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
- Understanding the impacts of subgrid cloud property variations on warm rain simulations in climate models based on satellite observations, in situ measurements and large-eddy simulations
- Updraft Dynamics During the CALifornia Investigation of Convection over Ocean (CALICO)
- Wave Transformation and Circulation on Rough Rocky Sea-beds: Initial Results From the First Campaign of Rocky Shores Experiments and Simulations (ROXSI)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. R. Metcalf
- Adam Herrington
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Alek Petty
- Alice Barthel
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Andrew Roberts
- Andrey A. Grachev
- Arlan Dirkson
- Armin Sorooshian
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin C. Schulze
- Brian K. Haus
- Camilla Cattania
- Clara M. Nussbaumer
- David Mechem
- Denny P. Alappattu
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Duo Li
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. B. Thornton
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Eleanor Casas
- Emily B. Franklin
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Eva Y. Pfannerstill
- Falk Feddersen
- François Massonnet
- G. Wilson
- Guang J. Zhang
- Hailong Wang
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Huan Meng
- Hugh Morrison
- I. B. Glenn
- Ivana Cerovečki
- J. E. Kay
- Jaclyn Clement Kinney
- James T. Kirby
- Jamie MacMahan
- Jinlun Zhang
- John J. Cassano
- Jong‐Hoon Jeong
- Julie L. McClean
- Jun Wang
- Junle Jiang
- Kamal Kant Chandrakar
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Leif G. Anderson
- Luc Lenain
- Luca Dal Zilio
- M. A. Merrifield
- M. D. Lebsock
- Maria J. Chinita
- Marika M. Holland
- Mark Smalley
- Mark W. Seefeldt
- Marko Orescanin
- Martin Jakobsson
- Matthew Levy
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Md Badrul Hasan
- Meng Li
- Merrick C. Haller
- Michael M. Bell
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Mikael Witte
- Milena Veneziani
- Mingxuan Wu
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- N. Lapusta
- P. Segall
- Philip J. Rasch
- Pierre Romanet
- Prithvi Thakur
- Q. Wang
- R. C. Cohen
- R. L. Storer
- Richard I. Cullather
- Ru Chen
- Ryosuke Ando
- Sandeep Wagh
- Sarah N. Giddings
- Sarah T. Gille
- Scott W. Powell
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Stephen R. Guimond
- Steven C. Sherwood
- Sylvain Barbot
- Thomas M. Roberts
- Uma S. Bhatt
- Valeria Barra
- Valère Lambert
- Veljko Petković
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William Merryfield
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Xiquan Dong
- Yajing Liu
- Yangang Liu
- Yanyun Liu
- Yihe Huang
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yuyun Yang
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zhibo Zhang