Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, Kenya
flowchart I[Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, Kenya] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (94)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Rotational Motion of the Victoria Plate with Respect to Nubia and Somalia Deduced from Space-Geodetic Observations
- Present-day kinematics of Eastern African Rift tectonic plates using continuous and episodic GPS data
- A GPS solution for Africa: contribution to AFREF
- Velocity field for Africa from combined GPS and DORIS solutions: A Contribution to AFREF
- Rigidity of Nubia and Kinematics of the Ear from Combined GPS and DORIS Solutions: Implication to Afref
- Connecting Science and Stakeholders for Improved Drought and Crop Productivity Assessments in East Africa: Early Lessons
- Frost monitoring and forecasting using MODIS Land Surface Temperature data and a Numerical Weather Prediction model forecasts for Eastern Africa
- Land Cover Mapping for the Development of Green House Gas (GHG) Inventories in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Monitoring Lake Victoria Water Quality from Space: Opportunities for Strengthening Trans-boundary Information Sharing for Effective Resource Management
- Space to Village: Connecting Science and Policy for Better Climate Decision-Making in the Developing World
- WRF Simulation over the Eastern Africa by use of Land Surface Initialization
- Capacity Building in NASA Remote Sensing Data for Meteorological and Agricultural Communities in East Africa
- Characterizing Decision-Making for Earth Observation Applications in Water Management
- Use of GPM Data Products in SERVIR Hydrological Applications
- Advancing Integrated African Early Warning Science and Climate Services
- Capacity Building to Support Governmental Meteorological and Agricultural Communities in East Africa
- Forecasting and Communicating Water-Related Disasters in Africa
- Land cover mapping for development planning in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Linking land use changes to surface water quality variability in Lake Victoria: some insights from remote sensing
- A Multi-Tiered Approach for Building Capacity in Hydrologic Modeling for Water Resource Management in Developing Regions
- Assessing the impact of climate variability on cropping patterns in Kenya
- Bias Correction of Satellite Precipitation Products (SPPs) using a User-friendly Tool: A Step in Enhancing Technical Capacity
- Capacity Development of Youth in Geospatial Tools for Addressing Climate Change in Kenya
- Citizen Science and Open Data: a Model for Invasive Alien Plant Species in Kenya's Northern Rangelands
- Designing a Frost Forecasting Service for Small Scale Tea Farmers in East Africa
- Enhancing access and usage of earth observations to support environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Examining the value of global seasonal reference evapotranspiration forecasts tosupport FEWS NET's food insecurity outlooks
- How to address a global problem with Earth Observations? Developing best practices to monitor forests around the world
- Science informed water resources decision-making: Examples using remote sensing observations in East Africa, the Lower Mekong Basin and the western United States
- Use of GIS-Based Sampling to Inform Food Security Assessments and Decision Making in Kenya
- Using the Landsat Archive to Estimate and Map Changes in Agriculture, Forests, and other Land Cover Types in East Africa
- Utility of Mobile phones to support In-situ data collection for Land Cover Mapping
- "Bringing Space to Village" SERVIR Global's STEAM Outreach and Learning Opportunities for Youth
- A Web-Based Decision Support Tool For Monitoring Kenya's Rangelands
- Addressing Drought Emergencies in the Heat of the Moment: A Reduced Latency MODIS NDVI Product to Support Index-based Livestock Insurance in Kenya
- Building Effective Partnerships in Delivery of Geo-Information Services for Societal Benefit.
- Development of a drought and yield assessment system in Kenya
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through web-services, training and development of novel datasets
- Getting and Addressing Users' Needs Right: SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa's Approach
- How to leverage the power of SAR observations for forest monitoring systems
- National and Regional Agricultural Monitoring in East Africa in support of Food Security Decisions
- Policy Relevant Climate Vulnerability Mapping in Wami-Ruvu and Rufiji Basins in Tanzania
- Reduction and quantification of forest change mapping error: supporting carbon accounting in seven East African countries
- SERVIR-Africa: Capacity building to enhance resilience to water and water related disasters in emerging regions
- Stream flow monitoring and forecasting;Supporting water resources management through use of EO data
- Strengthening Food Security Assessments in Kenya Through Implementation of a National Crop Monitor System
- Towards democratization of water related data in developing regions using cloud computing and open source geospatial web applications
- knowledge Management Framework for Monitoring State of Forests in Eastern Africa
- An Open-Source Approach to Multi-Basin Hydrologic Modeling in Tanzania using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model
- Assessment of a spatially and temporally consistent MODIS derived NDVI product for application in index-based drought insurance
- Climate Vulnerability Mapping: State of the Art and Recommended Practices
- Demonstration of self-updating landslide hazard maps with dynamic crowd-sourced data in Rwanda
- Development of a Training Knowledge Management System for the SERVIR global network
- Development of a drought and yield assessment system in Kenya
- Enabling Annual Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through capacity building
- Engaging and Inspiring young women in STEAM: NASA SERVIR's contributions to the Women in Science (WiSci) STEAM Camps
- Improving accuracy of fire detection and estimation of burnt areas in the Eastern and Southern Africa region
- Integration of Earth observations with an expanded hydroclimate monitoring network for resilient water resources in Tanzania
- Leveraging Earth Observations in agriculture monitoring. Building a sustained capacity development model based on Remote Sensing in Eastern Africa
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Mapping climate vulnerability hotspots: Turning data into decision-relevant information for sustainable development in East Africa
- Potential for operationalizing a hydro-agricultural modeling and information system: Lessons from Mekong and Eastern Africa regional applications
- Quantifying increased groundwater demand from prolonged drought in the East African Rift Valley
- Topographical Map Updating Using Sentinel 2A
- Using Earth Observation for Land Degradation Assessment & Monitoring in the Igad Region
- Water Quality Monitoring of In-Land Lakes in East Africa: How Open Source Tethys and Google Earth Engine Platforms are Improving Water Quality Data Analysis, Visualization and Decision Making
- Building Earth Observation Based Systems for Grain forecasting and Agricultural Outlooks in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Making Climate Action Count: Lessons learnt from engendering communities' resilience across East Africa vulnerable populations and landscapes
- Responding to emerging food security needs using Earth Observation systems in Kenya
- Use cases of SERVIR land use land cover data in the eastern and southern Africa countries: research, policy and capacity building footprint
- Year-round Monitoring of Vegetation Conditions in an East African Rangeland: Implications for Livestock Forage Production in Response to Climate Variability and Local System Shocks
- Capacity Building for Participatory GIS Mapping for Rangeland Resources in Northern Kenya
- Co-Production of a 10-m Cropland Extent Map for Continental Africa using Sentinel-2, Cloud Computing, and the Open-Data-Cube
- Establishment of Community Based Flood Early Warning System in Malawi using Telemetric water level sensor coupled with satellite-based streamflow forecasting.
- Evaluation of Crop Model Forecasting of Maize Yield in Kenya
- Evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products on streamflow simulation using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model: A case study of Great Ruaha River at Gauge 1KA59, Tanzania, Africa.
- Implementing and Integrating Earth Observation Based Systems for Grain forecasting in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Lessons learned in the implementation of a Training Knowledge Management System for the SERVIR network
- Managing Climate Change Risks in Pastoral Systems in Kenya : a Review and Research Agenda
- Prediction of groundwater consumption in arid Kenya for drought early warning and early action
- Quantification and mapping of river catchment water quality fluxes into the Lake Victoria using land SWAT hydrological model driven by Earth Observation data
- Towards Modelling of Maize Crop Yield Using UAV and Earth Observation Spectral Fusion in the Kingdom of Eswatini
- Validation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates and Merged Rainfall Data Over Wami Ruvu and Rufiji Basins in Tanzania
- Water Observations from Space: accurate maps of surface water through time for the continent of Africa
- An Open-Source Framework for Crop Type Mapping in Africa
- An all-Inclusive capacity development programme for a sustainable future
- Flood Hazard Mapping: a Case Study of Tana River Watershed, Kenya
- GAIINS: Making Agricultural and Climate Risk Insurance Gender Inclusive
- Improving Standardization and Openness of Agricultural Data in East African Region for Sustainable Development
- Intercomparison of Earth Observation based Crop Yield Forecasting Models in Kenya
- Mapping and Monitoring Hyacinth in the Winum Gulf Using Google Earth Engine for Decision Making
- Rangeland Monitoring for Decision Making: Overview, Perspectives and Current Applications
- Use of Earth Observation Based Hybrid Model to Support National Maize Yield Forecasts in East and Southern Africa