Google Inc., California
flowchart I[Google Inc., California] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (141)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Intelligent Agents for Science Data Processing
- A Guide to how Google Earth can be Used Within the Earth Science Community.
- Cryosphere Sensor Webs With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Fast, Interactive Analysis of Remote Sensing Data with the HARVIST System
- Google Maps and Google Earth Integration Using KML
- On-Board Cryosphere Change Detection With The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment
- Presenting Big Data in Google Earth with KML
- Sharing Earth Sciences Data With the World Using Google Earth
- Utilization of the Google Maps API in WebPages
- Google Moon, Google Mars, and Beyond
- Integrating the "Street View" Imagery Viewer With Google Maps
- Authoring Tours of Geospatial Data With KML and Google Earth
- Beyond Earth: Using Google Earth to Visualize Other Planetary Bodies
- Enhancing Public Outreach of Your Scientific Data Through Google Earth and Maps
- Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture
- Geospatial Visualization of Scientific Data Through Keyhole Markup Language
- Google Earth for Public Outreach Through Scientific Visualizations
- Google's Geo Education Outreach: Results and Discussion of Outreach Trip to Alaskan High Schools.
- KML-based teaching lessons developed by Google in partnership with the University of Alaska.
- Mapping with the Masses: Google Map Maker
- Techniques for Generating KML for Data Visualization in Virtual Globes.
- Visualizing Dynamic Weather and Ocean Data in Google Earth
- Visualizing NASA's Planetary Data with Google Earth
- Visualizing large geospatial datasets with KML Regions
- Connecting Mobile Data Collection with Virtual Globes
- Getting Your GIS Data into Google Earth: Data Conversion Tools and Tips
- JMARS - A Planetary GIS
- KML Tours: A New Platform for Exploring and Sharing Geospatial Data
- Launch your Audience into Lunar Orbit - A case study of the Apollo 11 Google Earth Tour (Invited)
- Using Google Earth for K-12 Education
- Visualizing Dynamic Ocean Content with Google Earth 5
- Visualizing Mars data and imagery with Google Earth
- Visualizing Moon Data and Imagery with Google Earth
- Visualizing spatio-temporal war casualty data in Google Earth - A case study of Map the Fallen (Invited)
- New Visualizations of Geographic Data in Google Earth (Invited)
- Global Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) from Space Based AIS Ship Tracking
- Google Earth Engine: a new cloud-computing platform for global-scale earth observation data and analysis
- Visualize Your Data with Google Fusion Tables
- Display of Magellan SAR and Topography Data in Google Earth
- Google Earth Engine
- Planetary-Scale Geospatial Data Analysis Techniques in Google's Earth Engine Platform (Invited)
- A Global Scale 30m Water Surface Detection Optimized and Validated for Landsat 8
- Global Analysis of River Planform Change using the Google Earth Engine
- What's New in the Ocean in Google Earth and Maps
- Google [x] Project Loon Measurements of Stratospheric Temperature, Pressure and Wind as a Data Source for Reanalyses over Southern High Latitudes
- Operationalizing ecological resilience at a landscape scale: A framework and case study from Silicon Valley
- Synergetic Use of Crowdsourcing for Environmental Science Research, Applications and Education
- Urban vegetation and thermal patterns following city growth in different socio-economic contexts
- Building a Dashboard of the Planet with Google Earth and Earth Engine
- Eclipse Megamovie: Solar Discoveries, Education, and Outreach through Crowdsourcing 2017 Eclipse Images
- Exploring Visual Evidence of Human Impact on the Environment with Planetary-Scale Zoomable Timelapse Video
- Exploring the World using Street View 360 Images
- Gravity Wave Spectra in the Lower Stratosphere Diagnosed from Project Loon Balloon Trajectories
- High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes
- Mapping the Dynamics of Surface Water Extent 1999-2015 with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 Archives
- Mixing processes in the stratosphere inferred from Project Loon balloons.
- Monitoring Earth's reservoir and lake dynamics from space
- Recognition of Time Stamps on Full-Disk Hα Images Using Machine Learning Methods
- Statistical Analysis of Time-Series from Monitoring of Active Volcanic Vents
- The global blue-sky albedo change between 2000 - 2015 seen from MODIS
- Tracing Forest Change through 40 Years on Two Continents with the BULC Algorithm and Google Earth Engine
- A Global Geospatial Database of 5000+ Historic Flood Event Extents
- A Global-Scale Estimate of Ecosystem Services from Urban Agriculture: Understanding Incentives for Natural Capital in Cities
- Assessing the efficacy of advancing underrepresented minority groups through AGU's Student Programs
- Cloud Geospatial Analysis Tools for Global-Scale Comparisons of Population Models for Decision Making
- Eclipse Megamovie 2017: A Citizen Science Project
- Eclipse Megamovie 2017: How did we do?
- Generating and Visualizing Climate Indices using Google Earth Engine
- Global Water Surface Dynamics: Toward a Near Real Time Monitoring Using Landsat and Sentinel Data
- Interacting with Petabytes of Earth Science Data using Jupyter Notebooks, IPython Widgets and Google Earth Engine
- Mapping the Urban Side of the Earth- the new GUF+ Layer
- Planetary-scale surface water detection from space
- Power Watch - A global, open database of power plants that supports research on climate, water and air pollution impact of the global power sector.
- Recent Advances in Geospatial Visualization with the New Google Earth
- The Eclipse Megamovie Tour: building awareness of the eclipse and gathering public support for the Megamovie Project
- The Regional Land Cover Monitoring System: Building regional capacity through innovative land cover mapping approaches
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Meltwater Flowpaths: Insights from a grid of over 100 Snow Lysimeters
- Using the Landsat Archive to Estimate and Map Changes in Agriculture, Forests, and other Land Cover Types in East Africa
- A Global Flood Database from 2001-2017: empirical satellite data reveals what global flood models cannot predict
- A novel approach to assess food security and natural capital using cloud-based remote sensing and machine learning: a case study of Nghe An and Thanh Hoa Vietnam.
- Annual, moderate resolution maps of land surface properties for the continental United States in support of process-based carbon modeling
- Data-driven Discretization of Partial Differential Equations
- Deep learning aftershocks
- Deploying ESGF Node as Docker containers on Google Cloud: A GFDL experience
- Developing Practical Skills for Regional Land Cover Mapping Using a Cloud Computing Platform: An Example of Capacity Building for Service Delivery
- Facilitating Discovery of Scientific Data on the Web
- Mapping the Global Settlement Growth from 1985 to 2015 - the World Settlement Footprint Evolution Dataset
- Monitoring the dynamics of global surface water 1999-2017
- New Approaches to Address Scaling Issues of Water Flow through Snow
- OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western United States
- Reduction and quantification of forest change mapping error: supporting carbon accounting in seven East African countries
- Source stacking followed by cross-correlations: application to global waveform tomography using the Spectral Element Method
- Tracking and Predicting Extreme Climate Events
- Urbanization Dynamics in the United States and India: Assessing Growth Patterns from Landsat Time-Series
- Using SERVIR's Regional Land Cover Monitoring System to improve the integration of forest change data with other land use change at a regional scale
- A new frontier in global settlement mapping - the World Settlement Footprint 2018
- Combining On-demand Processing of Climate and Satellite Data via for Advanced Drought and Natural Resource Monitoring, and Process Understanding in Arid Environments
- Earth Observation Data for All: NASA and Google Earth Engine's Public-Private Partnership
- Enabling Annual Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Framing land change through the lens of annual, broad-area land cover maps for the continental United States
- How Google Earth Tells The Story of Our Planet
- New opportunities for developing high spatial resolution land products derived from gap free Landsat reflectance time series in Google Earth Engine
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Supporting timely, high-resolution air quality data availability in Africa by fusing satellite observations of aerosol optical depths, PM2.5 model data, and PM2.5 surface-based measurements
- Training machines to improve species identification using GBIF-mediated datasets
- Vulnerability of Antarctica's ice shelves to meltwater-driven fracture
- A deep-learning approach to forest disturbance detection using Sentinel-1 imagery in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Earthquakes at Google
- Generating MODIS-consistent High-resolution Leaf Area Index for Landsat and Sentinel-2 with a Data-driven Approach
- Generating Synthetic Training Data for Satellite Imagery Applications
- Getting the most out of satellite-based precipitation data for forecasting river floods with deep neural networks
- Google's flood forecasting framework: connecting data, models, risks and people
- High spatial resolution gap free biophysical variables for Earth Observation at continental scales with Google Earth Engine
- Ongoing development and adoption of a regional near real time flood monitoring service by SERVIR-Mekong: challenges, innovations and upcoming deliveries
- OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design
- OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S.
- Sub-Hertz seismic and pressure sensing on long-haul submarine cables
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- Towards Planetary Scale Machine Learning for Everyone
- Wildlife Insights: A platform to understand and share biodiversity information from in-situ passive sensors
- Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Global 10m Land Cover
- Dynamic Attributes in Deep Learning Rainfall-Runoff Models to Address Non-Stationarity
- Dynamic World: Near real-time global 10m land use land cover mapping
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction products: Optimal products for applied users
- Forward vs. Inverse Methods for Using Near-Real-Time Streamflow Observation Data in Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- Learning from Observations: The Case for a New Generation of Land Surface Models
- Multi-source Earth Observation Data and FAIR Data Principles for Improved Natural Resource Management and Decision Making
- Near Real-Time Flood Mapping using Optical and SAR observations in a Novel Data Fusion and Forecasting Framework
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Wildlife Insights: How Camera Trap Data Can Foster Global Biodiversity Conservation
- Cloud Computing Tools for Developing LASSO (L1) Regularized Remote Sensing Models for Optically Complex Waters
- EEAGER: a model that detects beaver-created wetlands in satellite and aerial imagery
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Solutions: Optimal products for applied users
- Global Flood Forecasting at a Fine Catchment Resolution using Machine Learning
- Long-term Monitoring of Evapotranspiration in South America Using geeSEBAL and Terra/Aqua MODIS Images
- Modeling Molecular Complexity: Building a Novel Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Framework to Understand Molecular Synthesis and Signatures
- Molecular Complexity to Biosignatures: A Machine Learning Pipeline that Connects Mass Spectrometry to Molecular Synthesis and Reaction Networks
- Toward an international application of the OpenET ensemble approach based on Landsat and MODIS evapotranspiration estimates: Preliminary results for Brazil
- Towards flood warnings everywhere - data-driven rainfall-runoff modeling at global scale
- Ultra-stable interferometry for seafloor environmental monitoring on a global scale
- Understanding the Kinetics of Electrochemically derived Magnesium Hydroxide for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Andrew Bennett
- Andrew Curtis
- Andréa Puzzi Nicolau
- Anna Catherine Cardall
- Atılım Güneş Baydin
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Bart Nijssen
- Brendan R. Carter
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. Hain
- Cecilia Clivati
- Christopher F. Brown
- David Saah
- Davide Calonico
- Emily Fairfax
- Farrukh Chishtie
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Jaden J. A. Hastings
- Jian Gong
- Jorge Alberto Castellanos
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Kaylee Brook Tanner
- Martha C. Anderson
- Matthew Bromley
- Miguel Laverde-Barajas
- Nicholas Clinton
- Oliver Guinan
- Riley Chad Hales
- Timothy D. Gebhard
- Valerie J. Pasquarella
- Walter Jetz