NOAA, National Weather Center
flowchart I[NOAA, National Weather Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (261)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Influences of the Local Environment on Supercell Cloud-to-Ground Lightning, Radar Characteristics, and Severe Weather on 2 June 1995
- Lightning Flash Rate and CG Polarity Relationships in Simulated Storms
- Lightning Relative to Graupel Occurrence in a Tornadic Supercell Storm during MEaPRS
- Quantitative Precipitation Sensitivity in Simulated Deep Convective Storms due to Variations in the Particle Density and Size Distribution for the "Large Ice" Category
- STEPS 2000: Relationships Between Thunderstorm Charge Structure, Lightning Behavior, and Storm Severity.
- Toward Application of Lightning Observations to Weather Forecasts and Warnings
- Improving Regional and National Weather Operations with New Lightning Mapping Technologies
- Model Studies of Lightning in Thunderstorms
- Overview of the Year-One Field Program Phase of the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX) 2003
- Observed Contemporaneous Electric-Field Pulses and X-ray Bursts in a Thunderstorm in Relation to Charge Distribution, Lightning Channels, and CG Flash Occurrence
- Polarimetric Radar and Electric Field Observations of a Multicell Storm
- An Updated Balloon-Borne Electric Field Sensor
- Combining Lightning Mapping Arrays by Jointly Processing Their Time-of-Arrival Measurements
- Relationships Among Electrification, Lightning, Kinematics, and Microphysics: Lessons From the Interaction of Observations and Numerical Storm Simulations
- The Stratiform Region of an MCS on 19 June in TELEX 2004 Observed With Polarimetric and Doppler Radars, Electric Field Soundings, and a Lightning Mapping Array
- Hydrometeorology Testbed in the American River Basin of Northern California
- Multi-Sensor Observations of Lightning in Oklahoma
- The Value of Gap-Filling Radars on Hydrologic Simulations Using a Spatially Distributed Model
- The Value of Portable Radars in Improving Precipitation Estimation over Complex Terrain: Results From the 2005-2006 HydroMet Testbed Project in the American River Basin
- The unusual structure of Debby observed during NAMMA 2006
- Use of a mixed layer model to investigate problems in operational prediction of return flow
- Analysis of the 7 Easterly Waves Observed During the NAMMA Experiment
- Comparison of Virtual Globe Technologies for Depiction of Radar Beam Propagation Effects and Impacts
- High-Resolution Rainfall From Radar Reflectivity and Terrestrial Rain Gages for use in Estimating Debris-Flow Susceptibility in the Day Fire, California
- Investigating Changes in Large-Scale Indicators of Extreme Weather
- Lightning Activity Relative to the Microphysical and Kinematic Structure of Storms during a Thunder-Snow Episode on 29-30 November 2006
- Observations of X-Rays and Electric Field in Thunderstorms: Revisited
- The Relation of El Nino Southern Oscillation to Winter Tornado Outbreaks
- Flash-level comparisons between detections of Narrow Bipolar Events at VLF/LF and VHF frequencies
- High-Speed Video Observations of Upward Leaders from Tall Towers
- Measurements of Ozone, Lightning, and Electric Fields within Thunderstorms over Langmuir Laboratory, New Mexico
- The Benefit of Polarimetric Radar in Hydrologic Modeling
- The Role of Numerical Weather Prediction in Operational Forecasting at the Storm Prediction Center: A Case Study
- Transient Luminous Events and the 9 May 2007 Oklahoma Mesoscale Convective System
- A Comparison of Lightning Behaviors in Severe Thunderstorms and a Non-severe Thunderstorm
- Charge Structure and Lightning Patterns in Simulated Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Evaluation of Physically-based Model’s Predictive Skill for Hurricane-triggered Landslides: Case Study in North Carolina and Indonesia
- Further Narrow Bipolar Event VLF/LF and VHF Characteristics: charge and current moments
- How do aerosols affect storm electrification?
- Lightning Activity and Charge Structure of Microburst-Producing Storms
- Rainfall Estimates from Radar, Satellite, Gauge, and Combinations: Intercomparison and Evaluation with Hydrologic Simulations
- Satellite Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling for Flood Inundation Mapping in Lake Victoria Basin: Implications for Hydrologic Prediction in Ungauged Basins
- Statistical Relationships between the El Niño Southern Oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation, and Winter Tornado Outbreaks in the U.S
- The Hydrologic Connectivity on the Blue River Basin: Results from a Year of Field Measurements of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- Assessing Extremes Climatology Using NWS Local Climate Analysis Tool
- Creating synergy between ground and space-based precipitation measurements
- Cross Validation of Space-borne Radar Measurements of Different Hydrometeors using Ground Polarimetric Radar
- Developing A Multi-Year Ensemble Cloud Retrieval Properties Dataset (ECLDRET) from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations
- Evaluating Flood Prediction Skill of TMPA Rainfall Products over Tar River Basin Using a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Hydrologic evaluation of the TRMM-based multi-satellite precipitation analysis data at basin scale
- Investigating Climate Trends in 14 Years of AERI Observations at the ARM SGP Site
- Multispectral and Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing for Flood monitoring in ungauged basins
- Pixel-Based Very Short-Term Precipitation Forecasting for Hydrological Application
- A two-stage climate adaptation framework for improving irrigation planning in the Niger River Basin
- Assimilation of Satellite-based AMSR-E Streamflow for Improving Flood Modeling in Okavango River Basin, Africa
- Characteristics of Two Phoenix Haboobs
- Evaluation of Satellite-based Global Hydrologic Simulation using the Distributed CREST Model and Global Runoff Data Centre Archives
- Evolving TRMM-based Multi-satellite Real-Time Precipitation Estimation Methods: Their Impacts on Hydrological Prediction Using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model in a High Latitude Basin
- Hydrologic model calibration and validation that considers basin scale and precipitation resolution
- Incorporating NASA space-borne precipitation products into National Mosaic QPE system for improved precipitation estimates
- NMQ-FLASH: A prototype system for flash flood prediction in the USA
- Radar and Satellite Remote Sensing for Global and Regional Flood Prediction and Water Cycle Studies
- Systematic evaluation of NASA precipitation radar estimates using NOAA/NSSL National Mosaic QPE products
- The GOES-R Proving Ground: 2012 Update
- Understanding Differences in Current Cloud Retrievals of ARM Ground-based Measurements
- Validation of attenuation, beam blockage, and calibration estimation methods using two dual polarization X band weather radars
- An Overview of Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) Research on Storm-scale Analysis and Prediction at the National Weather Center (Invited)
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- Application of the STMAS data assimilation system in a tornadogenesis numerical simulation
- Columns of differential reflectivity: a precursor for storm evolution and convective rain
- Convective Cloud Towers and Precipitation Initiation, Frequency and Intensity
- Convective Cold Pool Structure and Boundary Layer Recovery in DYNAMO
- DFL-MaP: A Global Real-time Hydrological Modeling System for Drought-Flood-Landslide Monitoring and Prediction
- DYNAMO Convective System Structure During Active and Suppressed Phases of the MJO
- Development of A National 3D Hydrometeor Product Based on Polarimetric WSR-88D Network
- Error quantification of polarimetry-based precipitation estimates from X-band radars
- How Spaceborne Radar Helps Ground Radar in Precipitation Estimation: Real-time Incorporation of TRMM PR into NOAA NMQ System
- Ice Cloud Property Retrievals Using Far Infrared Upwelling Radiance Spectra
- Introducing Convective Cloud Microphysics to a Deep Convection Parameterization Facilitating Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Lightning Forecasts and Data Assimilation into Numerical Weather Prediction Models
- Overview of Aircraft Observations in DYNAMO: Emerging Science in MJO
- Radar Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in Taiwan
- Sensitivity as a Component of Variational Data Assimilation
- Toward A Research Framework to Bridge Cross-platform Error Characterization of Spaceborne Passive/Active Sensors using NOAA/NSSL Ground Radar-based National Mosaic QPE Products over CONUS
- US-Pakistan Cooperation on End-to-End Hydrometeorological Disaster Risk Assessment: Satellite Sensors, Super Computing and Sustainable communities (S3)
- Use of NEXRAD-based rainfall datasets for hydrologic model hindcasts and real-time forecasts
- Using Surface Soil Moisture Data in Overland Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Modeling
- VPR-IE: Combining climatological VPR information from TRMM Precipitation Radar with NEXRAD-based rainfall estimates
- Variability of the Lower Atmosphere and Upper Ocean from Airborne Measurements in DYNAMO
- Variational Analysis of Hourly Satellite and Gauge Precipitation Data in China
- Air-Sea Interaction Observed from Aircraft Measurements in DYNAMO
- Automated detection of particulate layers and retrieval of their extinction from the ARM Raman lidar
- Balloon-borne electric field and microphysics measurements in the 29-30 May 2012 supercell storm in Oklahoma during DC3
- Case Study of Mixed-Phase to Ice Precipitation in the Arctic
- Characterizing Turbulence in the Convective Boundary Layer with a Raman Lidar (Invited)
- Dynamics and Electrification of the 29 May 2012 Supercell Observed During DC3
- Electrical Discharges in the Overshooting Tops of Five Storms
- Evaluating Snowfall Detectability of NASA CloudSat with NOAA/NSSL Ground Radar-Based National Multi-sensor Mosaic QPE (NMQ)
- Impact of Uncertainty Characterization of Satellite Rainfall Inputs and Model Parameters on Hydrological Data Assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Flood Prediction
- Multi- Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for Flood Monitoring triggered by the 2010 Monsoon along Indus River, Pakistan
- Multi-scale Evaluation of a Real Time Multi-satellite Precipitation Forced Global Hydrological Modeling System
- Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting using Stormscale Ensembles
- Raman Lidar Observations from the ARM Site in Darwin, Australia: A Water Vapor and Aerosol Climatology
- Relationships between Return Period and Flash Flooding in the United States
- Retrospective Analysis of High-Resolution Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor QPEs for the Unites States
- Simulating storm electrification with bin and bulk microphysics
- The role of pollution state on urban heat islands in the Midwestern United States
- Uncertainty in Quantitative Precipitation Estimates and Forecasts in a Hydrologic Modeling Context (Invited)
- Adjusting Satellite Rainfall Error in Mountainous Areas for Flood Modeling Applications
- Assessment of Bias in the National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor QPE (NMQ/Q2) Reanalysis Radar-Only Estimate
- Build an Ensemble-based Remote-Sensing Driven Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide Warning System and Its Evaluation Across the United States
- Characterization of Floods in the United States
- Downwelling Far-Infrared Emission Spectra Measured By First at Cerro Toco, Chile and Table Mountain, California
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: Past, Current Status and Future Directions.
- Evaluating the Influence of Surface and Precipitation Characteristics on TMI and GMI Precipitation Retrievals.
- Flash Location, Size, and Rates Relative to the Evolving Kinematics and Microphysics of the 29 May 2012 DC3 Supercell Storm
- Formation of nocturnal low-level jets and structure of the nocturnal boundary layer in the Southern Great Plains
- How Various Sources of Uncertainty Affect Retrieval Uncertainty in the Optimal Estimation Framework Using a Non-precipitating Liquid Clouds Example
- Hydrologic Simulations in Complex Terrain Conditioned on Different Precipitation Inputs During IPHEx
- IPHEx 2014: Observations of Orographic Precipitation Processes in the Southern Appalachians
- Identifying Ice Hydrometeor Signatures Above Summit, Greenland Using a Multi-Instrument Approach
- Initial Gprof Results Using a GPM Derived Database
- Insights Into Precipitation Processes As Revealed By Profiling Radar, Disdrometer and Aircraft Observations During The MC3E Campaign.
- Lightning NOx Production and Transport in the 29 May 2012 DC3 case: A Modeling Study Using Radar Data Assimilation and a Branched Lightning Simulation.
- Merging GOES-R ABI and TRMM/GPM Observations with MRMS Ground-Based Radar for Real-Time QPE in Complex Terrain
- Scale- and Aerosol-Aware Kain-Fritsch Convection Parameterization: Formulations and Tests
- Surface Forcing from CH<SUB>4</SUB> at the North Slope of Alaska and Southern Great Plains Sites
- The GPM GV Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) in the Southern Appalachians- Focus on Water Cycle Processes
- The Impact of Large-Scale Moisture Variability from Lower Latitudes on Cloud Formation and the Surface Energy Budget at Summit, Greenland
- The Latest Progress in the VPR-Identification and Enhancement (VPR-IE) Approach: Incorporate Climatological and Real-time VPR Information from Spaceborne Precipitation Radar to the NOAA MRMS system
- The Role of Cold Pools in Mesoscale Organization of Shallow Cumulus and Congestus
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A Comparison of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics and Observations from Multiple Networks and Videos during the 31 May 2013 El Reno, OK Tornadic Supercell Storm
- A Novel Concept for Observing Land-Surface-Atmosphere Feedback Based on a Synergy of Scanning Lidar Systems
- Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Total Lightning Measurements
- Characterizing Macro Scale Patterns Of Uncertainty For Improved Operational Flood Forecasting Over The Conterminous United States
- Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiance Spectra Measured by FIRST at Cerro Toco, Chile
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of An Ensemble-based Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide Modelling System Using Remote Sensing Forcing
- Evaluation of Ground Radar Snowfall Products Using SNOTEL Measurements over Mountainous Regions in Western United States
- Fusing enhanced radar precipitation, in-situ hydrometeorological measurements and airborne LIDAR snowpack estimates in a hyper-resolution hydrologic model to improve seasonal water supply forecasts
- Global and Regional Real-time Systems for Flood and Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology
- In-depth Analysis of Land Surface Emissivity using Microwave Polarization Difference Index to Improve Satellite QPE
- Lightning Characteristics During the Merger of Two Supercell Storms on 29-30 May 2012 Observed in Oklahoma During DC3
- Mapping Flash Flood Severity in the United States
- Measuring the Impact of Rising CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> on the Surface Energy Balance
- Networked Thermodynamic Boundary Layer Profiling with AERIs during the PECAN Field Campaign
- On the Contribution of Clouds to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss
- On the Environment of Supercells That Produce Anticyclonic-Cyclonic Tornado Pairs
- Performance of Precipitation Algorithms During IPHEx and Observations of Microphysical Characteristics in Complex Terrain
- Remote sensing of rainfall for flash flood prediction in the United States
- Stratospheric Lightning over the 29-30 May 2012 Supercell Storm during DC3
- The Ensemble Framework for Flash Flood Forecasting: Global and CONUS Applications
- Vulnerability Situations associated with Flash Flood Casualties in the United States
- iCRESLIDE: Integration of Coupled Routing and Excess Storage and SLope-Infiltration-Distributed Equilibrium for the Cascading Hydrologic-Geotechnical Modeling
- A Framework for Multi-Site Cascading Calibration of Distributed Hydrological Models to Improve Model Spatial Performance Using Remote Sensing Data
- Accounting for Rainfall Spatial Variability in Prediction of Flash Floods
- Assessment of NOAA's NEXRAD reanalysis
- Characterizing the Turbulent Structure of the Convective Boundary Layer Over the SGP Using ARM/ASR Observations and LES Model Output
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Development of a mobile app for flash flood alerting and data cataloging
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Forecasting and Communicating Water-Related Disasters in Africa
- Identifying streamflow shifts induced by wildfires in mountain basins under summer precipitation
- Innovative Remote Sensors for Streamflow Measurement
- Intermediate-Range Convection-Permitting Forecasts: A Comparison Between Global Variable-Resolution and Regional Forecasts
- Machine Learning Predictions of Flash Floods
- Measured and Modeled Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiances in Very Dry Environments and Calibration Requirements for Future Experiments
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Microwave Ground-Based Retrievals of Liquid Water Path in Drizzling Clouds: Challenges and Possibilities
- Observation of profiles of turbulence in stationary and well mixed convective boundary layers over the ARM Southern Great Plains and the Tropical Western Pacific sites
- Observational perspectives on cloud-atmosphere-surface coupling at Summit, Greenland
- Probabilistic weather analysis and prediction using the local particle filter
- Recent Observational Efforts Using the DOE ARM Observatory at Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Simulated CONUS Flash Flood Climatologies from Distributed Hydrologic Models
- Spatiotemporal Patterns and Risks of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides across Conterminous United States Inferred from Satellite Observations and Model Simulations
- The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Experiment (LAFE)
- Uncertainty Diagnostics for Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting over the Conterminous United States
- Using Surface-based Downwelling Spectral Infrared Radiance Observations to Understand Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure and Evolution: The Evening Transition
- Variability of Vertical Velocity Statistics in the Cloud-Free Convective Boundary Layer as Revealed by Doppler Lidar
- Warm-Rain Precipitation over Complex Terrain: a New Polarimetric Classification Scheme
- A Prognostic Methodology for Precipitation Phase Detection using GPM Microwave Observations —With Focus on Snow Cover
- Aerosol Effects on Microphysical Processes, Storm Structure, and Cold Pool Strength in Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms from VORTEX-2 and VORTEX-SE
- An 11-Year Climatology of Storms in Which Most Cloud-to-Ground Flashes Lower Positive Charge
- Assessing Lake Level Variability and Water Availability in Lake Tana, Ethiopia using a Groundwater Flow Model and GRACE Satellite Data
- Assessing the competing roles of model resolution and meteorological forcing fidelity in hyperresolution simulations of snowpack and streamflow in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Assimilation of Z<SUB>DR</SUB> Columns for Improving the Spin-Up and Forecasts of Convective Storms
- Changes in stratiform precipitation properties in response to usage of different cloud microphysics parameterizations for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Developing a Framework for Seamless Prediction of Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States.
- Development of Rotary-Wing UAS for Use in Atmospheric Sensing of Near-Storm Environments
- Evaluating a flash size and energy dissipation relationship through various modeling techniques
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation of Climatic Variability of Errors in IMERG Version 04 Precipitation Products
- Improving precipitation estimates over the western United States using GOES-R precipitation data
- Microphysical and Kinematic Characteristics of Regions of Flash Initiation in a Supercell Storm and a Multicell Storm Observed During the DC3 Field Program
- Microphysics and Electrification of Weakening and Intensifying Simulated Hurricanes
- Multiple Convective Cell Identification and Tracking Algorithm for documenting time-height evolution of measured polarimetric radar and lightning properties
- Polarimetric Radar Retrievals in Southeast Texas During Hurricane Harvey
- Simulating a Mesoscale Convective System Using New Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics: Size Distributions in the Convective and Stratiform areas
- Simulating a Mesoscale Convective System Using New Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics: The Major Ice Hydrometeor and Aerosol Effects
- Spatially-distributed patterns in runoff generation and connectivity during precipitation events in a recently burned catchment in Colorado, USA
- The Indigenous Phenology Network: Engage, Observe, and Adapt to Change
- Video, LMA and ULF observations of a negative gigantic jet in North Texas
- A Neighboring Pixel Ensemble Technique for Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting
- Accurate Reproduction of a Mesoscale Convective System Structure Using WRF with a New Spectral Bin Microphysics
- Characterization of the Structure of Tropopause Polar Vortices through Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Retrievals
- Development and implementation of tools to monitor and forecast post-wildfire debris flows
- Development of the NCEP Unified Land Data Assimilation System (NULDAS)
- Does Ambient Deep-Tropospheric Vertical Wind Shear Influence Tornado Occurrence during Landfalling Tropical Cyclones?
- Evaluation of FV3GFS and FV3Meso Meteorological Predictions for Multi-scale Air Quality Applications
- Factors contributing to bias and variability of stratiform precipitation properties with various cloud microphysics schemes for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Great Lakes Convective Snow: A GPM Passive Microwave Perspective.
- How Did Updraft Variations in the Geary Supercell Influence Local Electrification?
- Hydroclimatic Variability in Africa's Transboundary River Basin Using +50 Years of Extended Terrestrial Water Storage
- Identification of extreme rainfall amounts and concomitant flooding impacts at continental scale
- Long-term Experimental Watershed Infrastructure Facilitates Novel Advancements in Semiarid Catchment Hydrology through Multi-Agency Collaboration
- Multi-year Evaluation of the Specific Attenuation Method for Quantitative Precipitation Estimation over Iowa
- Observed and Simulated Coupling of Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Boundary Layer Turbulence, and Shallow Convective Clouds during HI-SCALE
- Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Estimates with Ground- and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Rapid-Scan Mobile Radar Observations of Tornadogenesis
- Recent Advances in AERI Data Processing: Real-time Quality Control and Real-time Thermodynamic Retrievals
- SERVIR-Africa: Capacity building to enhance resilience to water and water related disasters in emerging regions
- Simulations of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting System
- The Probability of Severe Weather in Storms in Which Most Cloud-to-Ground Flashes Lower Positive Charge
- The WRF Lightning Forecast Algorithm: Sensitivities to Microphysics and Other Physics Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Toward Optimum Orographic QPE - Learning from Error during IPHEx and Beyond
- Transient Streamflow changes after Wildfire in a Forested Catchment
- VHF Broadband Interferometer Observations in Oklahoma
- A New Era of Geostationary Satellites: Towards the next generation of space-based precipitation estimation
- A comparison of global scale FV3 versus regional scale NAM meteorological drivers for regional air quality forecasting
- Bin-Emulating Melting in a Bulk Microphysics Scheme
- Dependence of Hurricane Track Forecasts on the Spectral Representation of Cumulus Convection
- Enhancement of electric fields and charge density by thunderstorm turbulence leading to flash initiation in simulated thunderstorms
- Evaluation of Wildland Fire Smoke PM<SUB>25</SUB> emissions in the NWS Air Quality Forecasting System
- Forecasting Cloud-to-Ground Flash Occurrence within the NSSL Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System Using Machine Learning
- Improving and Capacity Building of Water-Related Disasters Communication Systems Linking Regionalized EF5 Hydrological Modeling to Amazon SNS
- Lessons learned in the application of the MRMS-FLASH system at scales ranging from the river reach to the Conterminous United States for Impact-based Flood Prediction
- Lightning Characteristics of Severe Local Storms from both Space-based and Ground-based Networks
- Next-generation cloud radars: Applications of rapid-scan cloud radars for three-dimensional mapping of clouds
- Relating Changes in Tornado Characteristics with Surface Topography and Ground Cover using Rapid-Scan Mobile Radar Observations and GIS
- Stratospheric Radar Observations of Convection and Precipitation
- The High Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF) system: Applications and Performance for Forecasting Convective Storms
- The Utility of Remote Sensing Imagery to Study Transient Shifts in Streamflow from the Event to the Interannual Scale.
- The Warn-on-Forecast Probabilistic Model Guidance for Intense Rainfall and Flash Flooding
- Time Varying Lightning, Updraft, and Microphysical Characteristics in a Supercell Storm and a Multicell Storm
- Understanding how Complex Terrain Impacts Tornado Dynamics using a Suite of High-Resolution Numerical Simulations
- Unique observations and forecasts of flash floods and debris flows on the Spring Creek burn scar, Colorado, USA
- Verification of Thunderstorm, Mesocyclone, and Tornado Forecasts from an Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System
- Capacity Building to Enhance Resilience to Hydrodynamic Disasters in Emerging Regions
- Evaluation of the Down-slope Wind Component in the High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast System for the Prediction of Large Wildfires
- Impact of GOES-16 Multi-spectral Satellite Observations on the Identification of Precipitation Typology using the Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System
- Investigating the impact of soil moisture on precipitation and runoff generation over the contiguous United States.
- Multi-Sourced Flood Inventories over the Contiguous United States for Actual and Natural Conditions
- Quality Assessment of Space-Borne Active and Passive Microwave Snowfall Products Over the Continental United States
- Reconstructing the U.S. Tornado Climatology: Using Bayesian Modeling to Correct for Under-Reporting and Under-Rating
- Surprisingly Different Outcomes from Two Different Processing Methodologies for the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array
- Two-decades of GPM IMERG Early and Final Run Products Intercomparison: Similarity and Difference in Climatology, Rates, Extremes and Hydrologic Utilities
- Using Machine Learning to Predict the Accuracy of Thunderstorm Forecasts from a Warn-on-Forecast Ensemble
- Verification of simulated DSDs and sensitivity to CCN concentration in EnKF analyses and ensemble forecasts of the 30th April 2017 tornadic QLCS during VORTEX-SE