Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Prognostic Aspects of Sub-seasonal Rainfall Characteristics using the Outputs of General Circulation Model: An Application of Statistical Downscaling and Temporal Disaggregation
- High-Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval using SMAP-L Band Radiometer and RISAT-C band Radar Data for the Indian Subcontinent
- Interaction of Convective Organization and Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea (INCOMPASS)
- Land surface-precipitation feedback and ramifications on storm dynamics.
- A view of synoptic situations along with the local features leading to extremely heavy rainfall episodes occurring over Mumbai
- Characteristics of heavy rainfall events over Odisha during summer monsoon season and its association with large scale circulation
- Development of Soil Moisture-Vegetation Stress-based Agricultural Drought Index (SVADI) through Integration of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Vegetation Indices
- Impact of a new scatterometer (SCATSat-1) winds on the Simulation of Bay of Bengal Circulation
- Observed Frontal eddies in the Coastal Bay of Bengal using HF Radar and High-Resolution SST data
- Role of ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole on the Equatorial Waves and Intraseasonal Oscillations
- Seasonal Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon; A dynamical downscaling perspective.
- Characterization of the East India Coastal Current using a Drifter, HF Radars and Altimetry during October - November 2015
- Consistency of decreasing geological convergence with the geodetic measurements in the eastern Himalaya, India
- Performance of Cloud Microphysical Parameterization In Simulating A Heavy Rainfall Event
- Regionalization of Monsoon Precipitation Patterns in Tropical Climate Areas
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Moisture and Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties using Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture Measurements in a Tropical Watershed of India
- A Data Driven Approach using the SMAP-Sentinel High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product for Agricultural Application
- Impact of Land State conditions on location-specific Heavy Rainfall Events
- Multidecadal Variability in Precipitation and Associated Parameters over the Four Homogeneous Indian Regions
- Performance of cloud microphysical parameterizations in simulating Indian summer monsoon depressions
- Pre-monsoon Convective Events and their Variability over the State of Odisha
- Simulation of precipitation and temperature for detection of local extreme events using RegCM4.4 downscaling
- Characteristics soil moisture during contrasting rainfall episode of Indian Summer Monsoon
- Distribution and Trends of Coccolithophore Concentration in the Oceans using Satellite-derived Particulate Inorganic Carbon
- Pre-Monsoon Thunderstorm Activity Under the Warming Environment Over Odisha
- Role of Ocean Sub-surface Processes in the Intensification of Tropical Cyclone Phailin: A Coupled Model Study
- A Neural Network based Methodology to Retrieve 3D Rainfall from Microwave Imager using Space Radar and Ground Radar observations
- An Alignment-based Methodology to cross-compare Indian Ground Radar Observations with Space Radar
- Assessing the role of BSISO in the 2015 heatwave over India.
- Atmospheric convection caused by temperature dispersion in and around the industrial source and its effect on precipitation rate: Gaussian approach
- Coastal Ocean Response to Tropical Cyclone "Asani"
- Decadal Evolution of Convective Available Potential Energy over the Indian Ocean Region
- Estimation Of Chlorophyll Concentration Using Machine Learning Model
- Evidence of Rain Induced Melting in the Upper Ganga basin
- Evolving Urban Thermal Climate over Indian Cities
- Intensification of Tropical Cyclones before Landfall over Bay of Bengal during Post Monsoon Season
- Investigation of the Impact of Geophysical Parameters Modulating the Recent Rise in Hurricane Activity in the Atlantic Ocean
- Investigation of the Precipitation Features of Monsoon Deep Depressions over Bay of Bengal: A Numerical Study
- Long Term Changes in the Intensity, Frequency, and Asymmetry of Equatorial Intraseasonal Oscillations over India.
- Paleoceanographic Variability in the Central South Pacific during the Late Miocene-Pliocene: A Benthic Foraminiferal Proxy
- Quantification of Urban and Regional Effects on the Temperature Changes over a Tropical Eastern Indian City
- Relationship between Sea Surface Temperature and Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in CMIP6 models
- Strength and Oxygenation Variability of Bottom Water in Southeast Pacific During the Middle to Late Pleistocene
- Study of rainfall pattern near industrial region by using an ordinate pattern-based approach
- The Effect of Arabian Sea Pre-Monsoon Tropical Cyclone on Indian Summer Monsoon
- The Effect of Intra-Seasonal Oscillation on Indian Summer Monsoon
- The Observational Evidence of the Modulation of Atmospheric Aerosols by the Tropical Intra-seasonal Oscillations Over the Indian Region
- The air pollution potential and its changes over the Indian Region
- Transfer Learning and Predictor Selector Algorithm for Developing a Generalizable Pedo-Transfer Function for Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- Urban Collaboratory for data-driven environmental decision making in Indian Smart Cities