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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Search for Upward Lightning
- The MicroMAPS Project: A NASA - Virginia Space Grant Consortium Initiative
- Voyage into the Unknown: Ocean Exploration for the 21st Century
- Evolution of Deformation Studies on Active Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Isotopic Geochronology by Means of a Dynamic Simulation Model --- Part I. Uranium Series Method
- Water Quality In The Dnipro-Buh Estuary: Assessment And Management Support Tools
- MicroMAPS CO Measurements over North America and Europe during Summer-Fall 2004
- Mg/Ca of Continental Ostracode Shells
- Climate, Hydrology, and Lake Sediment
- Pockmarks, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica and Mendeleev Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean: Recent and/or Prevalent?
- Quiescent Current Sheets in the Solar Wind and Origins of Slow Wind
- The Accuracy of Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Based on Spring and Wetland Gastropod 18O Values: A Field Study
- The Foundations of Radiation Belt Research
- Evaluating global atmospheric transport of plutonium with dust aerosols
- On the Structure of Earth Science Data Collections
- Particle size distributions of aeolian sediments from five ecosystem types at the Jornada Basin, New Mexico, USA
- Soil Organic Carbon under Native and Cropped Land Use
- The ASTER Global Topographic Data Set
- The Value of Certainty (Invited)
- A second look at the CloudSat/TRMM intersect data
- HTDP 3.1: Towards An Improved Model Of Crustal Deformation In The Western US
- Paleomagnetism of Proterozoic Mafic Dikes of the South Pass Area, Southern Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
- Audit and Certification Process for Science Data Digital Repositories
- Lessons Learned from 50+ Years of NSF-Funded Geoscience Teacher Education Initiatives at Michigan Technological University
- a Test to Prove Cloud Whitening THEORY!
- An Amorphous Network Model for Capillary Flow and Dispersion in a Partially Saturated Porous Medium
- Further Evidence for Medieval Faulting along the Puerto Rico Trench
- CALIOP high resolution IRF modeling based on in-situ observations and application to AOD retrieval.
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Footprint Characteristics of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Necessity of the Ridge for the Flat Slab Subduction: Insights from the Peruvian Flat Slab
- Rapid, Real-time Methane Detection in Ground Water Using a New Gas-Water Equilibrator Design
- Receiver Function Analyses of Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia and Lastarria/Cordon Del Azufre Volcanoes, Chile
- Siphateles (Gila) sp. and Catostomus sp. from the Pleistocene OIS-6 Lake Gale, Panamint Valley, Owens River system, California
- a Comparison of δ<SUP>13</SUP>C & pMC Values for Ten Cretaceous-Jurassic Dinosaur Bones from Texas to Alaska USA, China and Europe with that of Coal and Diamonds Presented in the 2003 Agu Meeting
- An Autonomous High-rate GNSS Receiver with Iridium Messaging, Real-time Signal Processing, and Power System: Test Results from a "Black-box" High Precision Subsidence/Deformation/Position Monitoring System.
- Characteristics and management of flowback/produced water from hydraulically fractured wells in California - findings from the California SB 4 assessment
- Comparison of Energetic Electron Distribution Functions Derived from CXDs (L~4.2), CPAs and SOPAs (L~6.6), and Model AE8 at or near the Magnetic Equator
- Crustal and upper mantle structure of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau using a new approach to the joint inversion of surface waves and receiver functions
- Determination of site specific calibration functions for the estimation of soil moisture from measurements of cosmic-ray neutron intensity
- Development of a low cost method to estimate the seismic signature of a geothermal field from ambient seismic noise analysis, Authors: Tibuleac, I. M., J. Iovenitti, S. Pullammanapallil, D. von Seggern, F.H. Ibser, D. Shaw and H. McLahlan
- Distribution and nature of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Error Analysis of the IGS repro2 Station Position Time Series
- Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS
- Forming Enceladus' Near-Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Units
- Further Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Angular Momentum Datasets for Predictions of Earth Orientation.
- Geometry of the Deep Andean Subduction Zone Beneath Chile and Argentina from New Finite-Frequency Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
- Hera - an ESA M-class Saturn Entry Probe Mission Proposal
- High resolution crustal structure for the region between the Chilenia and Cuyania terrane above the Pampean flat slab of Argentina from local receiver function and petrological analyses
- Homo Sapiens as Geological Agents
- Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in California - AN Overview of a Comprehensive Science Assessment
- Initial Results from CASSIOPE/ePOP Satellite Overpasses above HAARP in 2014
- Laboratory Measurements of Micrometeoroid Impacts into Solid Ice and Gas Ablation Targets
- Late Holocene Paleoseismic History and Segmentation of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA
- Modification of Thickened Orogenic Crust by a Subducting Ridge: Disruption of the Andean Lower Crust of Southern Peru by the Subducting Aseismic Nazca Ridge
- On the Possibility of Slip-to-trench Rupture in Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Relating Transient Seismicity to Episodes of Deep Creep at Parkfield CA
- Seismic imaging of the upper mantle beneath the northern Central Andean Plateau: Implications for surface topography
- Subduction Zone Science - Examples of Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab
- Superposed Epoch Analysis Comparing the Reaction of the Proton Radiation Belt and the Electron Radiation Belt during High-Speed-Stream-Driven Storms
- The Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- Using Constraints from Satellite Gravimetry to Study Meteorological Excitations of the Chandler Wobble for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses
- What is Swanson's Law & why Should you Care?
- A Comprehensive Climate Science and Solutions Education Curriculum
- A Conventional Mean Pole
- A Study of the Effect of Hysteresis on Transient Seepage in Levees
- An Autonomous High-rate GNSS Receiver with Iridium Messaging, Real-time Signal Processing, and Power System Part 2: Results from Prototype Testing
- Bombardment of Cryogenic Targets with Simulated Hypervelocity Micrometeoroids in the Lab
- Combined orbits and clocks from the IGS 2<SUP>nd</SUP> reprocessing
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Data to Decisions: Valuing the Societal Benefit of Geospatial Information
- Downscaling Wind Forecasts via Clustering and Regression
- Early Results from the Juno Gravity Science Experiment
- Geophysical Observations Indicating Mechanisms that Caused the 1946 Unimak Tsunamis
- Global fully kinetic models of planetary magnetospheres with iPic3D
- HF Propagation Directions Observed by the e-POP Radio Receiver Instrument
- HF radar transmissions that deviate from great-circle paths: new insight from e-POP RRI
- In Terms of the Logarithmic Mean Annual Seismicity Rate and Its Standard Deviation to Present the Gutenberg-Richter Relation
- Influence of Vegetation on Methane Metabolism in Subarctic Lakes
- Interpreting the GNSS Vertical Coordinate Variations:
- Keep the focus on emissions
- Launching an EarthCube Interoperability Workbench for Constructing Workflows and Employing Service Interfaces
- Linking Discharge to Carbon Transport Within an Arctic Stream Network in Stordalen Mire, Abisko, Sweden
- OBS seismic data preliminary results: Manila subduction zone (21°N)
- Ongoing Efforts to Analyze and Use U.S. Navy provided Angular Momentum Datasets for Predictions of Earth Orientation.
- Operational and LIS-Based North American Land Data Assimilation Systems at National Centers for Environmental Prediction: Capability in Simulating Water and Energy Budget over the Western United States
- Orbital and Sampling Strategies for Accurately Determining the Diurnal Cycle of Upper-Air Temperature Using a Constellation of Small Satellites
- Overview of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report Process, results and next steps
- Porosity and water ice content of the sub-surface material in the Imhotep region of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko constrained with the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) observations
- Post-processing Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts via Integrating Climate Indices and the Analog Approach
- Quantifying the Plutonic to Volcanic Relationship Along the Puna Plateau: Implications for Cordilleran Plateau Evolution
- Radial anisotropy from ambient noise tomography in the Central Andes
- Replacing Burning of Fossil Fuels with Solar Cell and Wind Energy: How Important and How Soon?
- Revisiting the Inner Magnetospheric Oxygen Torus with DE 1 RIMS
- SPRITE - The Saturn PRobe Interior and aTmosphere Explorer Mission.
- Seismic Imaging of a Magma Plumbing System from MASH Zone to Magma Reservoir
- Separating Station-Dependent from Regionally-Coherent GPS Draconitics in Station Positions
- Slab geometry of the South American margin from joint inversion of body waves and surface waves
- State of the Carbon Cycle of North America: Overarching Findings
- Statistical procedure for filtering streamflow and river survey data for at-a-station hydraulic geometry studies
- Strain rate orientations near the Coso Geothermal Field
- Streamlining Tsunami Messages (e.g., Warnings) of the US National Tsunami Warning Center, Palmer, Alaska
- Subduction-Related Structure in the Mw 9.2, 1964 Megathrust Rupture Area Offshore Kodiak Island, Alaska
- Surface Wave Mode Conversion due to Lateral Heterogeneity and its Impact on Waveform Inversions
- The NASA CYGNSS Satellite Constellation for Tropical Cyclone Observations
- The Nature of Central Anatolian Crust and Uppermost Mantle from Teleseismic Receiver Functions: The Role of Slab Dynamics on Rapid Uplift
- The Petermann Glacier Experiment, NW Greenland
- The Social Dimensions of Carbon in the SOCCR-2: Some Reflections
- The importance of nature's invisible fabric: food web structure mediates modeled responses to river restoration
- Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interaction in the NCEP Global Forecast System
- New Finite-Frequency Teleseismic P-wave Tomography of the Anatolian Sub-continent and the Fate of the Subducted Cyprean Slab
- A Paleo Perspective on Arctic and Mid-latitude Linkages from a Southeast Alaska Ice Core
- A novel design for sap flux data acquisition in large research plots using open source components
- Correlating Distal, Medial and Proximal Ejecta Transport/Emplacement From Oblique Cosmic Impact On North American Continental Ice Sheet At MIS20 ( 786 ka) Via Suborbital Analysis (SA).
- Development of a Lunar Borehole Seismometer
- Enhancing STEM coursework at MSIs through the AMS Climate Studies Diversity Project
- Evaluating Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Water Resources in Semiarid Regions
- HF coherent backscatter in the ionosphere: In situ measurements of SuperDARN backscatter with e-POP RRI
- Idaho forest carbon projections from 2017 to 2117 under forest disturbance and climate change scenarios
- Imaging 50,000 Oriented Ovoid Depressions Using LiDAR Elevation Data Elucidates the Enigmatic Character of The Carolina Bays: Wind & Wave, Or Cosmic Impact Detritus?
- Improved Nazca slab structure from teleseismic P-wave tomography along the Andean margin
- In-situ Measurements of the Direction of Propagation of Pump Waves
- Laboratory study of hyper-elocity impact-driven chemical reactions and surface evolution in icy targets.
- Northern Atlantic hurricanes possible connections with receded tides in Southern Brazilian and Uruguay Coast.
- Partnering with Universities, a NASA Visitor Center, Schools, and the INSPIRE Project to Perform Research and Outreach Activities
- Preliminary Results from Powell Research Group on Integrating GRACE Satellite and Ground-based Estimates of Groundwater Storage Changes
- Seismic Analysis Code (SAC): Development, porting, and maintenance within a legacy code base
- The Effect of Climate Change on Snow Pack at Sleepers River, Vermont, USA
- The Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andean Plateau and Geodynamic Implications for the Growth of Plateaus
- The Updated AGU Ethics Policy: Supporting Inclusive and Diverse Field and Lab Environments within the Geosciences.
- A national assessment of forest, rangeland, wetland, and urban soils of the United States
- AMS Ocean Studies as a Forum for Presenting Current Ocean Science
- Aerially-guided leak detection and repair: A pilot field study for evaluating the potential of methane emission detection and cost-effectiveness
- Agroforestry: Enhancing Resiliency and Sustainability in U.S. Agricultural Landscapes Under Climate Change
- An Enhanced Schaake Shuffle Scheme for Arid Regions using Atmospheric Water Vapor Deficit
- Cross-discipline support and best practices for data policy
- Detecting the Pressure and Bulk Composition Effect on the Al-OH Absorption Band of White Micas: Case Studies in Northwest Turkey and the Franciscan Complex of California
- Discovery of a 3.46 Ga-old Asteroid Impact Crater in the East Pilbara District, Western Australia
- Early results from the RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Causes, Consequences, and Management
- GADAS - A new Enterprise Web GIS for USDA Crop AnalystsRobert Tetrault<SUP>1</SUP>, Kenneth Pelman<SUP>2</SUP>, Bob Baldwin<SUP>1</SUP>, and Michael Shean<SUP>3</SUP>
- Girl Scout Space Science Badges and Beyond: Collaborative Learning for Girls and NASA Sci Act Collaborations
- Influences of Meteorology and Deposition on Agricultural Land Nitrogen Budget and Nitrogen Use Efficiency over the Conterminous United States
- Informing stream protection and restoration to maintain watershed resilience
- Methane Emissions of Beef Cows Grazing Early, Late and Dormant Season Tallgrass Prairie
- Operationalizing Planetary Governance: Towards A Cross-Boundaries Earth System Accounting Framework
- Plasma energization and field-aligned ion bulk flow observations from the Suprathermal Electron/Ion Imager (SEI) instrument onboard the e-POP (Swarm-E) satellite
- Possible Connections Between Seasons and Ultra-Deep Earthquakes Worldwide.
- Putting Professional Development into Practice: Successful Climate Course Offerings at Two Island-Based Minority-Serving Institutions following AMS Climate Studies Diversity Project Participation
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Chapter 25: Southwest
- The Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment: Alaska
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- Transcending Basic Data Policy and Asking "Why?"
- Update on Powell Research Group Study Integrating GRACE Satellite Data, Regional Groundwater Models, and In-Situ Data to Assess Water Storage Changes in Major Aquifers in the U.S.
- Using Forward Gravity Modeling to Estimate the Magnitude,Timing, and Areal Influence of Regional Water Storage Anomalies detected by GRACE within the Conterminous United States
- Weather, Climate, and Wildfire: developing and implementing research for wildfire management and policy
- Accurate Modeling 2000 Years Of Global Warming and Projecting Renewables Mitigation: Is There Still Time?
- Assessing the Reliability of GRACE-derived Groundwater Storage using Ground-based Monitoring and Regional and Global Modeling in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Challenges and Opportunities to Building a More Diverse Workforce in the Geosciences.
- Contributions of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption to volcanology: A 40-year perspective
- Detecting the Pressure and Bulk Composition Effect on the Al-OH Absorption Band of White Micas: A Case Study in Northwest Turkey and Applications to the Guatemala Suture Zone
- Effects of Climate Variability on Agroecosystems: Potential Threats to National Security
- Electrostatic Solar Sail: A Propellantless Propulsion Concept for an Interstellar Probe Mission
- High Resolution Reconstruction of Primary Productivity and Climate of the Central Gulf of California During the Past 7100 years
- Impacts of climate versus human intervention on water storage changes based on GRACE satellites in major U.S. aquifers
- Investigation of GNSS Time-Difference Carrier-Phase and Accelerometers for Real-Time Magnitude Estimation of Large Magnitude Earthquakes
- Managing Tallgrass Prairies for Productivity and Ecological Function: A Long Term Grazing Experiment in the Southern Great Plains, USA
- Reaching For The Stars: Bringing Space Science to Young Women
- Role of Basement in the Evolution of Sedimentary Basins: Examples from Brazil's Cratonic Basins and Continental Margin
- Simplified Geometric Particle Shapes for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Dust: A Comparison With Optical Models of Individual Asian Dust Particles from Focused Ion-Beam Tomography
- The Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition
- Tracking Land-Based Nutrient and Bacteria Inputs to Tillamook Estuary, Oregon (USA)
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- A Brief History of Secondary Ice
- A Close Encounter with an Interstellar Visitor
- Chameleonic noise in GPS position series: what is the true color of the GPS error spectra?
- Chronic Disease, Environmental Chemicals, and COVID19
- Climate impact on vulnerability to COVID-19. An electrostatics-based perspective
- Communicating to a General Audience with Pandemic and Climate Change Analogs
- Detection of Tsunami Waves with GNSS Reflections
- Earthquake nucleation by stick-slip ruptures
- Envisioning a Next-Gen Right-to-Know Environmental Monitoring Network
- On Using Satellite Altimeter and SST Observations of the 1997-1998 El Niño to Check the Key Ocean Processes Involved in a Strong El Niño.
- Planetary and Space Science for Girls: Reaching the Remote Audience
- Prospects for Wind and Solar Dominated Energy Generation for Continents
- Relative Impacts of Climate Extremes and Irrigation Water Use on Water Storage in Major Aquifers based on GRACE Satellite Data
- Returning EPA to its Mission
- Siberia: An altered landscape that will act to transform the region and Earth
- Small Comet Vapor Clouds Imaged for the First Time
- The Breathing Plasmasphere
- The Cryo-Thermal Desalinator
- The Surprising Power of Trees and Plants on Global Climate
- Water-Level and Stream-Flow Earthquake Precursors and Their Possible Mechanisms