Tokyo University of Science, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Permeability of Partially Molten Material
- Physical Properties of Marine Aerosols Measured on the R/V Mirai During ACE-Asia
- Shipboard Measurements During ACE-Asia: an Overview
- Three Dimensional Dynamic Rupture Propagation on a Curved / Branched Fault based on Boundary Integral Equation Method with Triangular Elements
- Transversely Isotropic D'' shear velocity structure beneath Central America studied using waveform inversion
- High-Resolution Subduction Zone Seismicity and Velocity Structure in Ibaraki, Japan
- A Centerless Circular Array Method: Extracting Maximal Information on Phase Velocities of Rayleigh Waves From Microtremor Records From a Simple Seismic Array
- A Two-Radius Circular Array Method: Extracting Independent Information on Phase Velocities of Love Waves From Microtremor Records From a Simple Seismic Array
- Groundwater residence time estimation with CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) in the Kurobe alluvial fan, Japan
- Latitudinal Variation of Chemical Composition in Marine Aerosol Over the Central North Pacific in the Summer
- Observations of Non-thermal Gamma-Ray Emissions from Winter Thunderclouds
- Direct Estimation of Love Wave Phase Velocities Using Circular-Array Records of Ambient Noise
- A Novel Circular-Array Method to Infer Rayleigh-to-Love Power Partition Ratios Using Ambient Noise
- A Year-round Observation of Size Distribution of Aerosol Particles at the Cape Ochiishi, Japan
- Fractional order viscoelasticity and theoretical progress in rheological constitutive law for rocks
- Molecular Characterization of Marine Organic Aerosols Collected during a Round-the-World Cruise
- Physical and chemical characterization of marine atmospheric aerosols over the North and South Pacific Oceans using single particle mass spectrometry
- Biogeochemical linkage between atmosphere and ocean in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean: Results from the EqPOS research cruise
- Concentration of small ions measured at the center of Tokyo, at the summit of Mt. Fuji, and over the Pacific Ocean
- Field measurement of new polarization optical particle counter capable of measuring particle shape information
- Observation of new particle formation at the summit of Mt. Fuji
- Verification of difference of ion-induced nucleation rate for kinds of ionizing radiation
- Investigation of Future Thermal Comforts in a Tropical Megacity Using Coupling of Energy Balance Model and Large Eddy Simulation
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Individual Marine Aerosols Collected over the Arctic Ocean
- Retrieved precipitable water vapor from diffuse radiances measured by a sky-radiometer
- A New Precipitation Monitoring System: Image Disdrometer
- Analysis of factors affecting the urban heat island by comparison of multiple cities over the world
- Characterization of Charge Sharing in the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Hard X-ray Detectors Using the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley
- Database construction of gas and heat emissions for all the aircrafts departing and arriving at Tokyo International Airport and its impact on urban climate
- Developmemt of Cloud Image Velocimetry Based on Stereo Vision
- Development of an algorithm retrieving near-surface fine mode aerosol information from simultaneous sky-radiometer and MAX-DOAS observations
- Experiment of NMR and model analysis for the relation between pore-size distribution and permeability of methane-hydrate bearing sediment.
- Microplastic contamination of the surface waters of Japanese rivers
- Rainfall Prediction by a Recurrent Neural Network Algorithm LSTM Learning Surface Observation Data
- Variations of Concentrations and Sizes of Black Carbon Particles in Northwest Greenland over the Past 350 years
- Dynamic antiplane self-similar crack with distance-weakening friction: an analytical solution for source parameter estimation
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- River water level forecast based on deep learning and DIEX-Flood
- A Roof Albedo Estimation Method Using Deep Learning
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- Inverse estimation of river flood discharge based on 1-D unsteady flow calculation and water level data assimilation
- Understanding Rooftop Albedo at a City-Wide Scale to Further Cool Roof Strategies and Address Extreme Urban Heat Events: A Comparison of Multispectral Remotely-Sensed Satellite Imagery and On-site Rooftop Measurements in Denver, Colorado
- Characteristics of dispersive Alfvén waves inferred from the newly developed magnetospheric plasma distribution model
- Comparison in the calcification rate between in vivo skeletal formation in juvenile corals and in vitro aragonite formation in biogenic polyamine solution at various CO2 levels
- Cooling of thermal electrons in the Jovian inner magnetosphere due to the solar wind effect: the HISAKI observation
- Deep Learning Model for Evaluation of Area and Types of Floating Macroplastics in Rivers
- Deep Learning Short-term Heavy Rainfall Forecasting Using Pseudo Data
- Effect of Difference in Computational Grid Resolution on Runoff Simulation in Watersheds with Local Elevation Difference
- Horizontal 2D Flood Simulation on Flooding and Vehicle Stability at Car Accidents
- Neutral Helium Emission in Interplanetary Space from the Earth's Exosphere by the Hisaki Satellite