University of Connecticut
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization of Source Signatures of Fine Roadway Particles by Pyrolysis-GC-MS
- Coastal Fronts Offshore of Long Island Sound in the FRONT Network: Turbulence Hunting With an AUV
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of the Predictions of an α Ω Flux-Transport Model with Meridional Circulation
- Plankton as Active Scalers: The Multifractal Character of Pelagic Marine Measurements
- Predicting Seismic Velocities in Marine Sesiments Using Clay Content
- Snapshots From a Tertiary Subduction Factory: Metamorphic Fluids From Fault Zones of the Low-Grade Shimanto Accretionary Prism of Southwest Japan
- Time Series Measurements and Algorithm Development at the FRONT Site on the New England Continental Shelf
- Waveform Modeling of a Plume-like Velocity Anomaly in the Mantle Beneath South Africa
- A Numerical Study of Hysteresis as Observed at the Watershed Scale
- A Search for Lateral Variations in the Attenuation Structure of the Inner Core and Tests of Spatial Aliasing
- Aggregation and Downward Export of Particles During Chalk-Ex 2001
- An Experimental Study of Small-Scale Drop Size Distribution Variability: Comparison with Radar Observations
- Biological Removal of Particles During Chalk-Ex: Results of Shipboard Bottle Experiments
- Chalk-Ex: An Ocean Optics Manipulation Experiment on the Fate of Calcite Particles
- Diffusive Separation of Noble Gases by adsorption and throat constrictions:Explaining Noble Gas patterns in Sedimentary Rocks
- Frontal Scales in the Coastal Ocean and Laboratory
- Frontogenesis at the Mouth of Block Island Sound Evaluated by a Primitive Equation Model Incorporating ADCP Data
- Incorporating Large Woody Debris Into River Restoration and Management Plans for Low-energy Streams
- Liquid Vapor Interfacial Stability Under Slow Laminar Flow in Microchannels
- Mathematical Modeling and In-Situ Measurements of Soil CO2/O2 Flux Dynamics
- Microbial Mediation of Carbonate Precipitation: Biogeochemistry of Stromatolitic Mats of Lagoa Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Pore Shape and Microscale Stress Distribution Effects on Soil Pore Closure Dynamics
- Radar Measurement of Water Content Dynamics Over Bare and Vegetated Soil Surfaces
- Roadside Particle Number Distributions and Relationships Between Number Concentrations, Meteorology, and Traffic Along a Northern California Freeway
- Simple Scaling of Flood Quantiles and Individual Flood Peaks: Analysis of Data from a Small Hortonian Research Catchment
- Soil Water Characteristics Measurement Reproducibility
- Source-Specific Station Corrections in 3-D Earth Models for Seismic Location Calibration in Eastern Asia
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of Flood Events in Denver, Colorado
- Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fracture and Capillary Networks via Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- Density anomalies in the mantle and gravitational core-mantle interaction
- Examining Runoff Production Using Radar-Rainfall and Physiographic Databases
- Fingering and Intermittent Flow in Unsaturated Fractured Porous Media
- How important is the lateral variation of mantle density to earth rotation in tidal frequencies
- Implementing a Network of Hydrologic Observatories
- Improving Convective Precipitation Forecasting Through Assimilation of Regional Lightning Measurements in a Mesoscale Model
- Location Calibration in East Asia: Final Results of a Consortium Project, and Lessons Learned
- Modeling seasonal vegetation variation and its validation against satellite-based observations
- Pseudospectral Modeling in Whole Earth Models: Apparent Attenuation and Anisotropy from Small Scale Heterogeneity
- Q in Earth's Core
- Regional Variations in the Earth's upper inner core
- Role of global oceanic forcing and local vegetation feedback in the 20th century Sahel drought: results from the coupled GENESIS-IBIS model
- Runoff Production in the Upper Rio Chagres Catchment, Panama
- Surface water, groundwater, and social science measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory
- Use of Satellite-Based Precipitation Observation in Improving the Parameterization of Canopy Hydrological Processes in Land Surface Models
- A Conceptual Modeling Study on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and its Implications for Physically Based Climate Modeling
- A Geometrical Geodesy Package for Mathematica
- Aggregate bed Deformation and Hydraulic Conductivity
- Along Strike GPS and Seismic Constraints on Extension in the Eastern Central Range, Taiwan
- Effect of Stress on Water-Filled Inclusions in Viscoplastic Soils
- Estimating Effective Vertical Diffusivity in Shallow Ponds by a Constrained Flux-Gradient Method
- Implementation of Particle Tracking to a Physically Based Hydrologic Model and Implications for Calibration
- Influence of Non-Uniform Cross-Sectional Area on the Salinity Intrusion
- Modelling Thermal Structure and Vertical Eddy Diffusivity in Ponds With the Princeton Ocean Model
- Planform Dynamics on an Urbanizing New England River
- Techniques for Interpretation of Shallow Lake Metabolism
- Waveform Search for the Innermost Inner Core
- What are the Physical Causes of GPR Reflections in an Oolitic Carbonate Environment? Excavation, TDR, and Modeling Results
- Double Indenters and Oblique Extrusion and Extension in Taiwan: the Colliding Seamount Analogy
- Emplacement of a Layered Mafic Intrusion in the Shimanto Accretionary Complex of Southwest Japan: Evidence From Paleomagnetic and Magnetic Fabric Analysis
- Evidence for Back Scattering of Near-Podal Seismic P'P' Waves From the 150-220 km Zone in Earth's Upper Mantle
- Gamma Rays Above Thunderstorms: What Lightning Type is Responsible?
- Gas and Particle Oxidation Products from Ozone Aging of Airborne Diesel Particles
- Helium Isotope Measurements on Matrix Fluids From the SAFOD Drillcore
- Hydraulic Conductivity of Deforming Soil, a Micromechanical Approach
- Impact of Drainage Front Morphology on Gas Diffusion in Unsaturated Porous Media: A Lattice Boltzmann Study
- Linear Stochastic and Non-linear Deterministic Paradigms for Improved Spatial Interpolation of Groundwater Contamination: Implications for Management of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh
- Microbe-Mineral Interactions Along Biogeochemical Gradients in Bahamian Stromatolites: Key to Lithification and Preservation
- Modeling Microbial Growth Dynamics, Patterns, and Coexistence on Partially Saturated Rough Surfaces
- Modern Dolomitic Stromatolites from Lagoa Vermelha, Brazil
- Multi-dimensional Modeling of Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty: An Emerging Paradigm for Studying Land Surface Modeling Uncertainty
- Oblique Northeastward Lateral Extrusion of a Crustal Block in North-central Taiwan: a Mechanism for Syn-tectonic Extension
- Seismic Waveform Modeling of a Phase Change in the Lowermost Mantle Associated with Chemical and Thermal Heterogeneity
- Substrate Diffusion Heterogeneity Controls Bacterial Competition and Coexistence
- The Role of EPS in Microhydrology and Transport Processes Affecting Microbial Activity in Unsaturated Porous Media
- The use of a Virtual Community to Complement the MS PHD'S Professional Development Program
- Vadose Zone Water Balance for Great Basin Phreatophytes
- A Teacher Research Experience: Immersion Into the World of Practicing Ocean Scientists
- A census of marine zooplankton in the tropical/subtropical Atlantic from the surface to 5000 m.
- Adapting RegCM3 to the South Polar region: Results from a 10-year nested simulation.
- An intercomparison of simulated vegetation responses to climate change scenarios derived from eight GCMs participating in IPCC-AR4
- Anthropogenic Impacts on the Corner Rise Seamounts, NW Atlantic
- Atmosphere and Ocean Boundary Layer Observations from ASIS during CLIMODE
- Carbon and Oxygen fluxes from small ponds: a significant carbon source to the atmosphere from small headwater systems
- Characteristics and Iter-Seasonal Variations of Convective Systems in Terms of Their Dynamics and Electrification over Continental United States of America
- Constraints on the velocity gradient at the base of the outer core and inner core Q from PKPBC Diffracted Waves
- Do Distributed Hydrologic Models Capture Observed Spatial Scaling Properties of Soil Moisture Fields?
- Earthquake Strong Ground Motion Scenario at the 2008 Olympic Games Sites, Beijing, China
- Lightning as an Indicator of Tropical Cyclogenesis in African Easterly Waves
- Meteorological Observations During CLIMODE
- Perceptions of Wood in Rivers and Challenges for Stream Restoration: an International Study of Students and River Managers
- Processing data streams from an instrumented small pond: visualizing processes and properties
- Sea-Air Exchange of Mercury: Now and Then
- Seismic Contraints on the Solidification Fabric of the Inner Core
- Sensitivity of Polarimetric Radar Rainfall Retrievals to Retrieval Algorithm Parameterizations
- Soil moisture-vegetation-precipitation feedback at the seasonal time scale over North America: Results from CAM3-CLM3
- Status of RHESSI Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- The Anomalous Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash of 17 January 2004
- The impact of sub-grid variability of precipitation and canopy water storage on land surface and atmosphere hydrological processes
- Two-Dimensional Pseudospectral Simulation of Global Seismic Wave Propagation Through Core-Mantle Boundary Ultra-Low Velocity Zones
- Analysis of the Two-Dimensional Effect in the H/V Spectral Ratio Method for Bedrock Depth Estimation
- Applicability of Raman Spectra Distributed Temperature Sensing in Hydrologic Observatories
- Can we Use Satellite-Rainfall to Predict Floods in Small Mountainous Basins?
- Comparison of Four Global Satellite Rainfall Data Products over the United States against WSR-88D Radar Rainfall Data
- Evaluating Satellite Rainfall Products and their Impacts in hydrologic Model simulations
- Hg(II) Sources, Sinks, and Reactions with Halogens in the Remote Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer
- Investigating Satellite Rainfall Based Flood Modeling in Anticipation of GPM: Understanding the Worth of Spatial Downscaling and Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty
- Lateral Variations in the Scattering and Viscoelastic Properties of the Inner Core
- Microtremor array measurement in Metropolitan Beijing
- Modeling the Dynamic Root Water Uptake and its Hydrological Impact at the Reserva Jaru Site in Amazonia
- Multiproxy Deglacial Record of Climate Change in Central Florida
- Near-Surface Site Characterization Using a Combination of Active and Passive Seismic Arrays
- On the Hydrological Impact of Future Climate-Induced Vegetation Changes
- Organic Acid Concentrations in Rivers Within the Amazon River Drainage Basin
- PKPPcP or P'P' precursor from a 785km discontinuity?
- Seismic Hazard Characteristics Derived from Ground Motion Simulation
- The Flooding of Long Island Sound
- The Influence of Hurricanes and Other Biogeochemical Factors on Net Mercury Methylation and Mercury Cycling in the Gulf of Mexico
- Towards tomographic imaging with microtremor arrays: the application of Hilbert-Huang Transform
- Verification of Chaotic Advection Enhanced Mixing in Porous Media Using Real Time Imaging
- What is the ability of distributed hydrologic models to reproduce observed spatial soil moisture fields?
- "Snowing" Core in Earth?
- 4D ERT-based calibration and prediction of biostimulant induced changes in fluid conductivity
- A Glass Transition in the Lowermost Outer Core?
- Altered Rainfall due to Climate Change: Modeling the Ecological Effects on Grasslands
- Assessing the potential for mercury methylation and mobilization within shallow surface waters during periods of anoxia
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations Made in Support of CLIMODE
- Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Southern Ocean
- CMIP3 Projected Changes in the Annual Cycle of the South American Monsoon and Implications for the Altiplano
- Climatic forcing of West Antarctic Ice Sheet variability on orbital timescales
- Comparison of Sensible Heat Flux from Eddy Covariance and Scintillometer over different land surface conditions
- Deformation-induced dehydration structures in the Nankai accretionary prism
- Dependence of Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Algorithm on Spatial Resolution
- Direct measurements of momentum and latent heat transfer coefficients during the GasExIII 2008 field program in the Southern Ocean: Comparisons with the COARE3.0 bulk flux algorithm
- Evaporite-mineral Dusts From a Dry Saline Playa in the Mojave Desert and Bioaccessibility of Their Trace Metals
- Exhumation history of the Hsuehshan Range, central Taiwan and its tectonic implication
- Fog and Rain Water Influences on Tree Physiology and Ecosystem Function in a California Redwood Forest
- Hydraulic Redistribution: The "suicidal mission" for evergreen trees in the Amazon
- Improvements to Bulk Formulae for Momentum, Heat and Mass Exchange at High Winds using CLIMODE Data
- In Situ Stress Determinations from Anelastic Strain Recovery (ASR): Preliminary Results and Comparisons to Borehole Breakout and Core-scale Fault Data from IODP Expeditions 314, 315 and 316 to the Nankai Trough
- Influence of Waves, Whitecaps, and Turbulence on the Gas Transfer during the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment
- Inner Core Boundary Properties From Amplitudes and Anti-Correlation in Observations of Body Waves Reflected at the Boundaries of the Core
- Integration of multi-temporal spectral and structural information to map wetland vegetation in a brackish Connecticut marsh
- Mercury Air-Sea Exchange on the New England Shelf.
- Mercury Bioaccumulation Potential from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Receiving Waters
- Mercury sediment biogeochemistry in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Modeling Extreme Rainfall Events in Connecticut Using Copulas
- Modeling the Inner Core Boundary with Antipodal Seismic Waves
- Numerical models of fresh and saline groundwater flow at the beach calibrated with geophysical, hydrologic and salinity data.
- Optical Measurements of Bubble Injections in the Southern Ocean
- Parameterization of Gas Exchange from the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment
- Particle Populations in the Southern Ocean During the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment
- Potential Biosphere Response to Climate Change and its Impact on Regional Climate Prediction over West Africa
- Precipitation Follows the Logging in the Amazon Basin: Interpretation of the CAM3-CLM3 Results
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Precipitation to Land Surface Properties in CAM3-CLM3 Coupled Models
- Reactivation of an oblique transfer fault during the Chi-Chi earthquake
- Source Attribution of Mercury Exposure for U.S. Seafood Consumers: Implications for Policy
- Subhorizontal Extension of the Upper Plate at NantroSEIZE Sites C0001 and C0002
- Subtidal Variability of Dissolved Oxygen in Western Long Island Sound
- Texture Study of the Uppermost Inner Core from Seismic Coda Waves
- The Influence of Source Landforms, Antecedent Precipitation, and Winds on Dust Events in North Africa
- The Role of Convective Clouds in Setting Air-sea Fluxes Over mode Water Formation Regions
- Wind Forced Circulation in Long Island Sound
- A Global Response in Monsoon Region Precipitation Under Greenhouse Warming: Understanding Mechanisms and Uncertainties
- A New Paradigm in Satellite Rainfall Estimates
- A Simple Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration Based Solely on Remote Sensing: Algorithm and Application
- A preliminary result of stress orientation obtained from drilling induced tensile fractures and borehole breakouts at Site C0009 of Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- Crustal extrusion of the hangingwall at the southwestern termination of the Taiwan orogen: Constraints from seismogenic strain inversions
- Defining Lithological Units by Cuttings, Core and Logging Data at Site C0009A in the Nankai Trough, Japan: IODP Expedition 319
- Downhole Hydrologic Testing in the Kumano Basin and Underlying Sediments: Results from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 319
- Earlier North American Monsoon Onset in a Warmer World?
- Estimation of Tropical Forest Height and Biomass Dynamics Using Lidar Remote Sensing at La Selva, Costa Rica
- Evolution of the Miocene to Quaternary Nankai forearc from drilling results within the Kumano forearc basin (IODP Expedition 319)
- First riser drilling in Scientific Ocean Drilling history, Observatory drilling and casing in the Nankai Trough (IODP Exp 319)
- First time real-time mud gas monitoring during riser drilling in the Kumano Basin (IODP Exp 319)
- Helium Isotopic Ratios of Core Samples from IODP Exp. 319 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2)
- How Good Are Satellite Rainfall Products For Hydrologic Simulations Of A Small Watershed?
- Hydraulic Fracture Measurements at Site C0009 of IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Present and Future Vegetation Competition in Tropical Dry Forest
- In situ stress and deformation patterns across the Nankai Kumano basin and forearc: Results from IODP Expedition 319
- Interactions in the Geo-Biosphere: Processes of Carbonate Precipitation in Microbial Mats
- Long-term Memory and Multi-scaling Properties of River Flow
- Magnitude and timing of orbitally paced Antarctic ice sheet variations through the Pliocene and Pleistocene
- Measurements and Modeling of the Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury
- Measuring Plume Meander in the Nighttime Stable Boundary Layer with Lidar
- Microbes mediate carbon and nitrogen retention in shallow photic sediments
- Modeling Seismic Coda Waves for Textures of the Uppermost Inner Core
- Petrophysical characterization of subduction input sediments off Kii Peninsula: Results from IODP NanTroSEIZE Stage 2
- Regional Assessment of the impact of vegetation feedback on climate prediction in West Africa and the Mediterranean
- Regional Seismotectonics in the Tibetan Plateau
- Satellite Rainfall for Hydrological Applications in the Blue Nile River Basin
- Segmentation of the Hsuehshan Range, central Taiwan revealing by thermochronology data
- Stress and Pore Pressure Measurement in IODP Riser Drilling: An Example from Expedition 319, Kumano Basin offshore SW Honshu, Japan
- Structural geology of cuttings and cores recovered from below the Kumano forearc basin, Nankai accretionary margin of Japan: Expedition 319 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
- Study on the installation method for the long-term observatory based on the field test during Chikyu Expedition 319
- Terrestrial/Air Exchange in the Global Mercury Cycle: Measurement and Modeling (Invited)
- The IODP NanTroSEIZE Transect: Accomplishments and Future Plans
- Variability of the Degassing Flux of 4He as an impact of 4He -Dating of Groundwaters
- Vertical Seismic Profiling at riser drilling site in the rupture area of the 1944 Tonankai Earthquake, Japan (Invited)
- Viscosity in the Lowermost Outer Core
- A stratified layer of light elements at the top of the outer core
- An examination of the factors controlling mercury methylation in sulfidic coastal marine sediments
- Comparing spatial and temporal dynamics of anammox and denitrifying communities at Cape Fear River Estuary and New River Estuary, North Carolina
- Evaluating Flood Prediction Skill of TMPA Rainfall Products over Tar River Basin Using a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Fault linkages and activities in a transition zone of compression to transpression in Hsinchu area, northwestern Taiwan based on 3-D structural geometry
- Geologic Setting of the 2010 Jiasian earthquake, southern Taiwan
- Hydrological Response to Climate Change over the Blue Nile Basin Distributed hydrological modeling based on surrogate climate change scenarios
- Influence of historical land use transformation on the Greater Horn of Africa climate: Case Study over Kenya
- Influences of Biogenic Gas Production on Lamina-Scale Microbial Microfabrics in Modern and Ancient Stromatolites
- Inner Core Melting and Freezing: Where and How (Invited)
- Introductory Earth science education by near real time animated visualization of seismic wave propagation across Transportable Array of USArray
- McMurdo Dry Valleys Climate Response to Plio-Pleistocene Warm Interglacial Climate Forcing
- Mercury speciation, fluxes, and fate in the volcanically acidified fluids of Copahue volcano, Argentina
- Molecular and Stable Isotope Investigation of Nitrite Respiring Bacterial Communities Capable of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (ANAMMOX) and Denitrifying Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (DAMO) in Nitrogen Contaminated Groundwater
- Preliminary results of three-dimensional stress orientation in the accretionary prism in Nankai Subduction Zone, Japan by anelastic strain recovery measurements of core samples retrieved from IODP NanTroSEIZE Site C0009
- Rapid episodic fluid flow within the San Andreas Fault--based on drill core samples recovered during the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) drilling project
- Response of Regional Monsoons to Global Warming
- Sensitivity Analysis of Satellite Rainfall Forcing and Land-surface Model Parameter Uncertainty on Soil Moisture Prediction
- Strain Partitioning at the Huatung Ridge, Offshore Southeast Taiwan: Evidence from Seismotectonics
- The Critical Role of a Subducted Continental Margin Fracture Zone in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- The Outer Core F-region : A Seismic Mystery
- Three-dimensional stress orientation in the basement basalt at the subduction input site, Nankai Subduction Zone, using anelastic strain recovery (ASR) data , IODP NanTroSEIZE Site C0012
- Transient Upper Crustal Tear Illuminated by the Chi Chi Earthquake: Results from Strain Inversions in the Luliao Region, Taiwan
- Using high-resolution satellite rainfall products to nowcast major flash-flood inducing storms (Invited)
- A multi-model analysis of changing climate in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region using CMIP3 projections for temperature and precipitation
- Annual cycle of monsoon precipitation in CMIP5 projections
- Ensemble Data Assimilation for Streamflow Forecasting: Experiments with Ensemble Kalman Filter and Particle Filter
- Error Propagation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates to Simulated Stream Flow Hydrographs in small to medium size watersheds
- Escape and Energy Relaxation of He and H Atoms and Isotopes in Upper Atmospheres of Terrestrial and Extrasolar Planets
- Evidence for Crustal-Scale Imbrication and non-Equilibrium Topography in the Southern Central Range, Taiwan
- Hydroclimatic variability of the Greater Horn of Africa preceding the outbreak of anomalous rainfall regimes: Part I: Observations
- Hydrologic model calibration and validation that considers basin scale and precipitation resolution
- Impact of climate change on the hydrology of the Blue Nile basin
- Orogenic extension during arc-continent collision: Constrained by earthquake analysis in south central Taiwan
- Porewater chemistry in a treatment wetland: links to metal retention and release
- Propagation of satellite rainfall uncertainty in runoff prediction
- Quantifying soil moisture's impacts on precipitation using feedback parameter
- Regional evaluation of global high resolution time slices and projections for the Northeast US
- Simultaneous Mountain Building in Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Summer Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength in the United States: Comparison Among Observations, Reanalysis Data and Numerical Models
- The Soil Moisture Dependence of TRMM Microwave Imager Rainfall Estimates
- The impact of forcing rainfall uncertainty and model parametric uncertainty on soil moisture predictions
- Time varying velocity structures in Earth's outer core: Constraints from exotic P-waves
- Topography of Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- Unexpected Delivery of Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to Critical Zone Soils, Front Range, Colorado
- Upper Plate Control of Crustal Architecture in Southeast Taiwan: Evidence from Strain Inversions of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
- Upstream Satellite-Derived Flow Signals for River Discharge Prediction
- Using high-resolution atmospheric modeling to understand the characteristics of extreme flash-flood triggering storms in mountainous areas
- Warming experiments under-predict plant phenological responses to climate change
- A Bayesian Prediction Framework of Weather Based Power Line Damages in the Northeast
- A Comparison of Three Flux Measurement Systems during the DYNAMO Experiment
- A Regional Climate System Model RegCM4-CLM4-CN-DV: Model Development, Validation and Sensitivity Tests
- Analyzing Strain to Create a Regional Deformation Model of Northern Taiwan
- Biogeochemical cycle of Mercury in an urban stream in Hartford CT
- CMIP5 Projected Changes in the Annual Cycles of Precipitation in Monsoon Regions
- CMIP5 Projections of Temperature and Hydrologic Extremes for the U.S.
- Comparative evaluation of ensemble Kalman filter, particle filter and variational techniques for river discharge forecast
- Coupled surface water and groundwater modeling over the White Volta Basin, Ghana
- Cu lability and bioavailability in an urban stream during baseflow versus stormflow
- Daily Characteristics of West African Monsoon Rainfall and Impacts of Fine-Scale Surface Conditions in the CORDEX Regional Climate Models
- Deconstructing nitrate isotope dynamics in aquifers
- Distribution of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in Soils from Two Environmental Transects in the U.S
- Early Cenozoic uplift of the SE margin of Tibet: implications for the lower crustal flow hypothesis
- Effect of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Rainfall on Stream flow Prediction of Birr Watershed
- Effect of Topography on Rainfall Variability in the Blue Nile River Basin
- Effect of Topography on Satellite Rainfall Estimation Errors in Blue Nile Basin: Observation Evidence
- Escape Fluxes Induced by Precipitation of Energetic Neutral Atoms into Planetary Atmospheres
- Evaluation of Satellite Based Rainfall Estimation over Major River Basins in Africa
- Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Products for Prediction of Extreme High Flows in the Upper Blue Nile Basin
- Evaporative cold pools enhance surface flux over the Indian Ocean
- Geologic History and Large Earthquakes: Evidence from the Arc-Continent Collision in Taiwan and the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Hydrological research in Ethiopia
- Impact of urbanization on water quality and chemical flux in urban streams: implications for management
- Impacts of Bias Correction of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Regional Climate Projections in West Africa
- Investigating the translation of Earth's inner core
- Mercury Contamination in Costa Rica
- Microfluidic Trap Arrays: Passive Sensors for Studying Aquatic Protozoan Ecology and Biogeography
- Modelling the Combined Effects of Deterministic and Statistical Structure for Optimization of Regional Modelling
- Non-Equilibrium Topography in the southern Central Range of Taiwan
- Numerical Simulation of the Variation of Schumann Resonance Associated with Seismogenic Processe in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere system
- Paleostress Inversions of Post-Triassic Brittle Faults in Paleozoic Accreted Terranes and the Early Jurassic Higganum Dike, Eastern Connecticut
- Peat Accumulation in the Everglades (USA) during the Past 4000 Years: Rates, Drivers, and Sources of Error
- Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM): Laboratory and Field Calibration Results
- Quantifying the non-linearity of the response of Malagasy watersheds to precipitation anomalies
- Radial And Lateral Topographic Scales of the Inner-Core Boundary
- Relaxation and Transport of Energetic Neutral Atoms in the Interstellar Medium
- Seismic Structure and Geodynamics of Earth's Upper Inner Core and the F Region
- Semiparametric Model for Uncertainty in River Stage Forecasts Conditional on Point Forecast Values
- Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases
- Spatial patterns of mobile regolith thickness and meteoric 10Be in the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Front Range, Colorado
- Spatio-temporal Hydrological Variability under Changing Climate in the Omo-Gibe River Basin of Ethiopia
- The Changing Annual Cycle of Climate in the Northeast United States
- The Use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Deep-Reef Discovery and Benthic Characterization To Aid Conservation and Management
- The Use of Satellite Rainfall for the Prediction of Floods in Mountainous Basins
- The impact of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and climate on D/H and <SUP>13</SUP>C/<SUP>12</SUP>C fractionation of higher-plant biomarkers: Implications for paleoclimate and paleoelevation reconstruction during global warm periods
- The response of Long Island Sound Circulation to Nor'easters and Hurricanes
- Toward A Research Framework to Bridge Cross-platform Error Characterization of Spaceborne Passive/Active Sensors using NOAA/NSSL Ground Radar-based National Mosaic QPE Products over CONUS
- Tracking deforestation, tree plantation expansion, and forest regrowth in a Costa Rican biological corridor using a Landsat time series
- Uncertainties in satellite rainfall estimates and their propagation in Hydrological Simulations in a mountainous and tropical basin
- Using Surface Soil Moisture Data in Overland Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Modeling
- Variable magnitude of carbon isotope excursions in organic and inorganic terrestrial carbon pools during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
- A Spatial Approach to Analyze Crop Sensitivity to Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
- A Stochastic Technique for Error Correction and Spatial Downscaling of Global Gridded Precipitation Products
- Advancing Uses of Satellite Rainfall for Flood Modeling in Mountainous Basins
- An Active Crustal-Scale Thrust in an On Land Accretionary Wedge: Tulungwan Fault in the Southern Taiwan
- An Evaluation of Previously Recognized Transfer Fault Zones in Taiwan's Western Foothills Based on Earthquake Distributions and Focal Mechanisms
- Application of the MIKE SHE hydrological model in exploring sustainable development of water resources for agricultural activities in the White Volta Basin, Ghana
- Changing Climate Extremes in the Northeast: CMIP5 Simulations and Projections
- Climate model simulation of South American Monsoon Variability over the Last Millennium
- Cometary Spectra Induced by Scattering and Florescence of Hard Solar X-Rays
- Comparison of Active and Passive Seismic Methods for Calculating Shear-wave Velocity Profiles: An Example from Hartford County, Connecticut
- Effect of Scattering on Azimuthal Variation of Ground Motion Patterns for Earthquake and Explosion Events
- Effect of water content on stability of landslides triggered by earthquakes
- Effects of waving vegetation on turbulence in a forest canopy
- Evaluating GPM Precipitation Products in Real-Time
- How fast is the denudation of the Taiwan Mountains? (Invited)
- Hydrological Changes in the Connecticut River Basin Based on Observations and Model Simulations
- Hyporheic Zone Denitrification: Flow Path Controls and Scaling Consequences for N budgets for the Whole Stream
- Improving dynamical downscaling of thunderstorms in New England
- Interactive Land Use-Climate Change Predictions in West Africa: Preliminary Results
- Investigating synergies of data fusion and image segmentation in earth observation based rapid mapping workflows
- Modeling the hydrological impact of hydraulic redistribution using CLM4.5 at Two Ameriflux Sites: Complexity and Challenges
- Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Field Variation in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Associated with Seismogenic Process in a Curvature Coordinate System
- Organic molecular records of topography and climate: Modern biomarker isotope and soil tetraether calibrations and applications to the paleoenvironmental history of the SE margin of Tibet
- Pore-Scale Effects of Soil Structure And Microbial EPS Production On Soil Water Retention
- Potential Future Changes of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Based on WCRP-CMIP5 RCP8.5 Projections
- Production and Adaptation Assessments of Agricultural Crops under Climate Change in Southeastern United States
- Projected precipitation, temperature and hydrological cycle changes over the Horn of Africa based on latest IPCC, AR5 (CMIP5) models
- Protist-facilitated transport of soil bacteria in an artificial soil micromodel
- Radar-guided radiometer downscaling for combined soil moisture retrieval
- Relaxation and Transport of ENAs produced in Interaction between the Interstellar Gas and Solar Wind
- Remote Sensing and River Discharge Forecasting for Major Rivers in South Asia (Invited)
- Resolving Multi-scale Heterogeneity in Earth's Mantle from Seismology
- Saltwater Incursion in Agricultural Landscapes: Patterns of Trace Gas Emissions within a Restored Freshwater Coastal Plain Wetland
- Scaling up in the face of uncertainty - controls on trace gas fluxes in heterogeneous landscapes (Invited)
- Seismic Tomography Reveals Breaking Crust and Lithosphere Beneath a Classic Orogen
- Seismological Modeling of Inner Core Boundary Topography
- Slow Erosion Rates, Increasing Relief and Transient Landscape Evolution within the Central Range of Taiwan
- Synoptic and Local Controls on Precipitation Patterns in the Great Lakes Region
- TEX<SUB>86</SUB> temperatures and multi-species foraminiferal Mg/Ca temperatures and ?<SUP>13</SUP>C reflect changes in glacial nutrient dynamics and upper water column hydrography of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Anisotropic Parameters before and after the Earthquake Occurred in the San Andreas Fault
- The internal structure of the Mega-dunes in the Badainjaran desert revealed by ground penetrating radar and its implications to arid hydrology
- The regional impact of Land-Use Land-cover Change (LULCC) over West Africa from an ensemble of global climate models under the aupsices of the WAMMEII project (Invited)
- Using high-resolution atmospheric modeling to understand the characteristics of extreme flash-flood triggering storms in mountainous areas
- Validation of Satellite Rainfall Products over the Upper Blue Nile Basin: Comparison with Dense Rain Gauge Networks at Low- and High-Elevation Sites
- A biomarker isotope record of hydrologic change in NE Spain from the late Eocene to early Oligocene
- Active Dehydration, Delamination and Deformation of Transitional Continental Crust in an Arc-Continent Collision, Taiwan
- Adjusting Satellite Rainfall Error in Mountainous Areas for Flood Modeling Applications
- Assessing mining impacts from dust and black carbon on Arctic snow in Svalbard, Norway
- Brittle deformation within the eastern North American volcanic margin: Paleostress inversion of faults in the Hartford basin
- Characterization of the impact of land degradation in the Sahel on the West African monsoon using an ensemble of climate models from the WAMME project
- Coastal Downscaling Experiments: Can CESM Fields Successfully Force Regional Coastal Ocean Simulations with Strong Freshwater Forcing?
- Comparison of Paleotemperature Proxies from the Goler Formation, California
- Compositional and Temperature Effects of Phosphoric Acid Fractionation on Δ<SUB>47</SUB> Analysis and Implications for Discrepant Calibrations
- Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Produced by Rock Fabric Terranes in the Taiwan Central Range Deformational Orogen: Integrative Study Combining Rock Physics, Structural Geology, and Passive/Active-Source Seismology
- Dynamics and Escape of H<SUB>2</SUB> and OH Molecules Induced by Hot Oxygen Atoms in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Elemental Mercury Concentrations and Fluxes in the Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean
- Energy Deposition and Escape Fluxes Induced by Energetic Solar Wind Ions and ENAs Precipitating into Mars Atmosphere: Accurate Consideration of Energy Transfer Collisions
- Future Projections of Trans-Arctic Shipping Potential and Variability
- Hillslope lowering rates and mobile-regolith residence times from in situ and meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be analysis: Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado
- Hydrologic Simulations in Complex Terrain Conditioned on Different Precipitation Inputs During IPHEx
- Impact of Vegetation Feedback on Climate Predictions at the Seasonal and Multi-Decadal Time Scales
- Incorporating Satellite Remote Sensing Data into Hydrologic Models: Towards Improved Performance in Modeling the Past and Reduced Uncertainty in Predicting the Future
- Internal versus external controls on age variability: Definitions, origins and implications in a changing climate
- Linking Physical Dynamics and Biological Productivity in a Coastal Mesoscale Eddy
- Mechanisms Linking Land Use and Regional Climate Changes in West Africa
- Modeling Mantle Heterogeneity Development in Earth's Mantle Using Multidisciplinary Approaches
- Modeling the Combined Effects of Deterministic and Statistical Structure for Optimization of Regional Monitoring
- Modeling the Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Carbon Cycles Using CLM4.5 at Eight AmeriFlux Sites
- Natural Aerosol Feedback Effects During Extreme Weather Events For North East U.S.
- Near-Melting Condition of the Inner Core Boundary Revealed from Antipodal Seismic Waves
- On the Uncertainties of Projected Future Changes in Land Surface Energy and Water Budgets due to Different Land Surface Schemes and Dynamic Vegetation Impacts
- Pathways of Methylmercury Transfer to the Water Column Across Multiple Estuaries
- Potential Climate Effects of Dust Aerosols' over West Africa
- Potential Impacts of Projected Mid-twenty-first Century Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Nasia Catchment, West Africa
- Regional Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Land Use in West Africa
- Seasonal Transitions in the Next Climate Assessments
- Simultaneous mountain building in the Taiwan orogenic belt
- Spectral Analysis of Cometary X-Rays Emission Mechanisms
- Synorogenic Extension and Normal Faulting in Southern Taiwan
- The Cenozoic elevation history of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- The GPM GV Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) in the Southern Appalachians- Focus on Water Cycle Processes
- The Ups and Downs of Rhizosphere Resource Exchange
- Thermo-chemical heterogeneity of continental lithospheric mantle: examples from Europe, Siberia, and North America
- Towards remote sensing of Arctic ice roads and associated human activities using SUOMI NPP night light images
- Visualization of the Dynamic Rhizosphere Environment: Microbial and Biogeochemical Perspectives
- Water Column Methylation in Estuaries
- A Global-Scale Distributed Geomorphologic Product
- A Vulnerability-Benefit Analysis of Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions
- A terrestrial record of water isotopes reveals the Eocene-Oligoene transition in southern Argentina
- Advancing Satellite-Based Flood Prediction in Complex Terrain Using High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
- Antibiotics and Manure Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Grasslands
- Biomarker isotope and soil tetraether records of the paleotopographic and paleoenvironmental history of the SE margin of Tibet
- Bringing organic carbon isotopes and phytoliths to the table as additional constraints on paleoelevation
- Can Geostatistical Models Represent Nature's Variability? An Analysis Using Flume Experiments
- Comparison of Season-ahead Prediction Techniques on Regionalized Grid-level Precipitation: Application to Western Ethiopia
- Continental subduction induced tremor activity?
- Cu Binding to Iron Oxide-Organic Matter Coprecipitates in Solid and Dissolved Phases
- Development of a Convection Risk Index to forecast severe weather, and application to predict maximum wind speeds
- Error Analysis of Satellite Precipitation-Driven Modeling of Complex Terrain Flood Events
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation of a Sub-Grid Topographic Drag Parameterizations for Modeling Surface Wind Speed During Storms Over Complex Terrain in the Northeast U.S.
- Evaluation of power outages in Connecticut during hypothetical future Hurricane Sandy scenarios
- Exploring Controls on Sinuousity, Terraces and River Capture in the Upper Dajia River, Taiwan
- Extreme landscape disequilibrium and slow erosion during rapid mountain building
- Geomorphic Indices and Differential Uplift Patterns in the Southern Central Range, Taiwan
- Hydrologic Evaluation of NWP-adjusted Satellite Rainfall over Mountainous Areas
- Images of small-scale mantle heterogeneity obtained from coherence functions of phase and log amplitude fluctuations
- Impacts of Drought Legacies on Tree Demography and Successional Trajectories of Tropical Forests
- Implication of Agricultural Land Use Change on Regional Climate Projection
- Incorporating vegetation feedbacks in regional climate modeling over West Africa
- Integrated Study of Dust-air Pollution Interaction over the Eastern Mediterranean
- Investigating satellite precipitation uncertainties over a mountainous area in the eastern Italian Alps
- Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision.
- Modeling Waves and Coastal Flooding along the Connecticut Coast
- Modeling the Climatic Impact of Land Cover Changes Using a Regional Model: Sensitivity to Experimental Design and Lateral Boundary Conditions
- Modeling the impact of hydraulic redistribution on the carbon flux and storages using CLM4.5 at four AmeriFlux Sites
- Mud-laden Gravity Flows - The fun of mixing clays…
- Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene "El Padre", ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
- Performance of Precipitation Algorithms During IPHEx and Observations of Microphysical Characteristics in Complex Terrain
- Pleistocene onset of Simultaneous and Rapid Exhumation in the Eastern Central Range of the Taiwan Orogenic Belt
- Population-Level Transcriptomic Responses of the Southern Ocean Salp Salpa thompsoni to Environment Variability of the Western Antarctic Peninsula Region
- Predictability of extreme weather events for NE U.S.: improvement of the numerical prediction using a Bayesian regression approach
- Projecting Future Land Use Changes in West Africa Driven by Climate and Socioeconomic Factors: Uncertainties and Implications for Adaptation
- Radiative Transport Modeling of High Frequency Regional Seismograms for Event Discrimination
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Sources of Methylmercury to Coastal Waters
- Region-Resolved Global Dust Transport
- Role of Soil Microstructure in Microbially-mediated Drying Resistance
- SONARC: A Sea Ice Monitoring and Forecasting System to Support Safe Operations and Navigation in Arctic Seas
- Safe Shores and Resilient Transit Corridors: Using Science, Design, and Stakeholder Partnerships to Address Connecticut's Coastal Vulnerabilities
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The Object-analogue approach for probabilistic forecasting
- Trends in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling are consistent and constrained during tropical secondary forest succession: is secondary forest young primary forest from a nutrient perspective?
- Understanding Evapotranspiration Trends and their Driving Mechanisms: An investigation across CONUS based on numerical modeling
- Using Predictive Analytics to Predict Power Outages from Severe Weather
- A Multi-Model/Multi-Forcing Investigation of Precipitation Uncertainty Propagation in Hydrologic Simulations
- A New Paradigm of Reginal Climate Modeling Accounting for the Role of Oceans: Amazon as a Case Study
- A conceptual cross-scale approach for linking empirical discharge measurements and regional groundwater models with application to legacy nitrogen transport and coastal nitrogen management
- Abrupt Terrestrial Cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in the Southern Hemisphere
- Adaptation by Stealth: Understanding climate information use across scales and decision spaces in water management in the United States
- An Analytical Framework to Quantify the Error Propagation of Satellite Precipitation in Hydrologic Simulations
- Analog ensemble and Bayesian regression techniques to improve the wind speed prediction during extreme storms in the NE U.S.
- Arctic sea ice: an investigation into the origin of nitrate using δ<SUP>15</SUP>N, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O
- Are Tide Gauges Useful Recorders of Relative Sea-Level Rise in Large Deltaic Settings?
- Canopy structural complexity as a continental predictor of primary production: Using NEON to transform understanding of forest structure-function
- Canopy structural complexity influences forest canopy reflectance: linking terrestrial lidar with Landsat observations
- Carbon fluxes in North American coastal and shelf seas: Current status and trends
- Coastal Island Influences on Near-shore Summer Heat Fluxes in Western Long Island Sound
- Comparing the Climate Agendas of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Comparison of Aerial and Terrestrial Remote Sensing Techniques for Quantifying Forest Canopy Structural Complexity and Estimating Net Primary Productivity
- Comparison of Observed and Predicted Models of Type 1 AGN
- Continental subduction induced tremor activity?
- Demonstrating Improvements from a NWP-based Satellite Precipitation Adjustment Technique in Tropical Mountainous Regions
- Effects of vegetation feedback in modeling the present-day climate over China
- Enhanced outage prediction modeling for strong extratropical storms and hurricanes in the Northeastern United States
- Estimated Influence of Urbanization on Surface Warming in Eastern China Using Time-varying Land Use Data
- Estimates of Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Productive Coastal Waters of Antarctica and Potential Impacts on Carbon Cycling
- Evaluating Metrics of Drainage Divide Mobility
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating the Role of Divide Migration in Landscape Evolution: Analysis of Response Timescales
- Evaluating wave-current interaction in an urban estuary and flooding implications for coastal communities
- Finding certainty in uncertain projections of warm-season precipitation in the southern U.S. Plains.
- Fluvial Export Variability Of Limiting Nutrient Fluxes To The Indian Ocean From Kelani, Kalu and Gin Rivers Of Sri Lanka
- Geochemical Evidence for Calcification from the Drake Passage Time-series
- Global Warming Denial: The Human Brain on Extremes
- Hydrogen isotope alteration of normal alkanes during artificial maturation experiments
- Improvements to Lunar BRDF-Corrected Nighttime Satellite Imagery: Uses and Applications
- Improving the Representation of Estuarine Processes in Earth System Models
- Integration of Early Warnings Systems to Enhance Emergency Response to Severe Weather Events
- Inter-annual Variability of Temperature and Extreme Heat Events during the Nairobi Warm Season
- Isotopic overprinting of nitrification on denitrification as a ubiquitous and unifying feature of environmental nitrogen cycling
- Leaf angle, tree species, and the functioning of broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystems
- Measuring Organic Carbon Sequestration, Burial, and Preservation in Salt Marsh Sediments over the Past Two Millennia
- Microbial alteration of normal alkane δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δD in sedimentary archives
- Miocene Growth of the Patagonian Andes Revealed by Sedimentary Provenance of the Río Guillermo Formation, Magallanes-Austral Basin, Chile and Argentina (51°30'S)
- Model inter-comparison and evaluation of seasonal ozone vertical profile over North America using the AQMEII group of air quality models
- Modeling Tsunami Run-Up and Draw-Down on the Beach
- Modeling of Inner Core Boundary Topography with PKiKP and PKP<SUB>Cdiff</SUB>
- Multi-proxy reconstructions of hydrologic change during the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the North American Interior
- Multi-temporal lidar test of chronosequence assumptions in secondary tropical forest
- Northeast U.S. Mechanisms of Cold-season Hydroclimate Variability and Change in Observations and Models
- Oxygen Isotope Composition of Nitrate Produced by Freshwater Nitrification
- Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
- Polar Ice Sheets Drive Paleohydroclimate Affecting Terrestrial Plant Distribution and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Potential during the Upper Carboniferous
- Potential application of DMSP/OLS nighttime light data for estimating ground-level PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>concentrations in the New England region
- Precipitation error modeling using a non-parametric statistical technique: Development and hydrologic evaluation over the Iberian Peninsula.
- Predicting the Blockage of High Frequency Regional Seismic Phases for CTBT Monitoring
- Projected Changes of the Ecosystem-Climate System in West Africa using a RCM Driven With Multiple GCMs: Robustness and Uncertainties
- Quantifying and tracing sediment mobilized during the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century in the South River watershed, western Massachusetts
- Relative Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Wetland Response on Annual to Millennial Timescales in Louisiana, USA
- Reproducing multi-model ensemble average with Ensemble-averaged Reconstructed Forcings (ERF) in regional climate modeling
- SOM Stability under Long-term Recovery from Acidic Deposition in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Sill Impacts on Residual Circulation and Freshwater Distribution in an Idealized Tidal Estuary
- South American Monsoon: Recent Droughts in the Context of Changing Global Circulation.
- Study of the statistics of small-scale heterogeneity
- Studying Exchange with Less-mobile Porosity at the Laboratory Scale: Experimentation and Multiphysics Simulations
- Surface uplift governs millennial and decennial erosion rates in the South-Central Andes
- Telling Stories about the Changing Landscape: One Center's Evolution
- The Contribution of NE-SW Stretching To Exhumation of the Metamorphic Core of the Southern Central Range of Taiwan: Constraints from a Peak Temperature Proxy
- Topographic, Pedologic and Land Cover Controls on the Generation of Hillslope Runoff and the Water Balance in Amazonian Lowlands
- Tropical-Like Cyclones in the Mediterranean: The case of Medicane "Qendresa" in 2014
- Using Remote Sensing Technologies to Quantify the Effects of Beech Bark Disease on the Structure, Composition, and Function of a Late-Successional Forest
- Vertical Transport by Coastal Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Water Quality Changes in a Short-Rotation Woody Crop Riparian Buffer
- What "they" Think: Perspectives of Stakeholders Contributing to the Co-Production of Climate Change Impact Modeling
- A Cenozoic water isotope record of the evolution of the Patagonian Andes
- A New Multi-Basin Calibration for Estimating Paleo-Temperature Using Mg/Ca from Tests of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
- A Novel Ice Storm Experiment for Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of These Extreme Weather Events
- A biomarker stable isotope record of late Quaternary climate and organic matter export in Southwestern Taiwan
- A geochemical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the late Paleozoic Ice Age: The relationship between atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, climate and fire.
- A novel approach to water polution monitoring by combining ion exchange resin and XRF-scanning technique
- Assessing Lake Level Variability and Water Availability in Lake Tana, Ethiopia using a Groundwater Flow Model and GRACE Satellite Data
- Assessing the optimality of ASHRAE climate zones using high resolution meteorological data sets
- Canopy structural complexity predicts forest canopy light absorption at continental scales
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Carbon cycling at the tipping point: Does ecosystem structure predict resistance to disturbance?
- Changes in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermocline Structure across the Last Deglaciation: Evidence from the Carnegie Ridge
- Climatic and hydrologic perturbations in eastern North America during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Comparative Time Series Analysis of Aerosol Optical Depth over Sites in United States and China Using ARIMA Modeling
- Consequences of variation in stream-landscape connections for stream nitrate retention and export
- Constraining the Exchange of Carbon and Nitrogen in Eastern Long Island Sound
- Constraints on Nitrous Oxide emissions within the US Corn Belt using tall tower observations and an Eulerian Modeling Approach
- Controls on Characteristics of Event-based Catchment Flood Response over Continental United States
- Correlating rates of magmatic arc unroofing and sedimentation using detrital zircon U/Pb and (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- Development of an Agent Based Model to Estimate and Reduce Time to Restoration of Storm Induced Power Outages
- Effects of different types of moderate severity disturbance on forest structural complexity and ecosystem functioning: A story of ice and fire
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation of NWP-based Satellite Precipitation Error Correction with Near-Real-Time Model Products and Flood-inducing Storms
- Global Particulate Matter Source Apportionment
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Groundwater Discharge of Legacy Nitrogen to River Networks: Linking Regional Groundwater Models to Streambed Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange and Nitrogen Processing
- High Resolution Satellite Data reveals Massive Export of Carbon and Nitrogen-Rich Seagrass Wrack from Greater Florida Bay to the Open Ocean after Hurricane Irma
- Hyporheic less-mobile porosity and solute transport in porous media
- Improvement of Storm Forecasts Using Gridded Bayesian Linear Regression for Northeast United States
- Increasing Base Cations in Streams: Another Legacy of Deicing Salts?
- Inferences on the Physical Nature of Earth's Inner Core Boundary Region from Observations of Antipodal PKIKP and PKIIKP Waves
- Investigating the development of less-mobile porosity in realistic hyporheic zone sediments with COMSOL Multiphysics
- Mapping the Recent US Hurricanes Triggered Flood Events in Near Real Time
- Millennial Variability of Eastern Equatorial Bottom Water Oxygenation and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> over the past 100 kyr
- Modeling Bacteria-Water Interactions in Soil: EPS Dynamics Under Evaporative Conditions
- Modelling the Evolution of Sea Spray Droplets on a Global Scale
- Monitoring Rates of Subsidence and Relative Sea-Level Rise in Low-Elevation Coastal Zones: A New Approach
- Moving towards Hyper-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling
- On the Threshold Behavior of Extreme Precipitation-Temperature Relationships and Potential Future Changes
- Optimization of VLf/ELF Wave Generation using Beam Painting
- Organic molecular paleohypsometry: A new approach to reconstructing the paleoelevation history of an orogen
- Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Uncertainty Characterized based on Field Campaign Data over Complex Terrain
- Post-fire debris flow prediction in Western United States: Advancements based on a nonparametric statistical technique
- Potential role of vegetation dynamics on recent extreme droughts over tropical South America
- Predicting Power Outages Using Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts
- Projected effects of vegetation feedbacks on drought characteristics with SPEI over West Africa using the RegCM-CLM-CN-DV
- Provenance Record of Renewed Mafic Sediment Contribution to the Magallanes Basin 50-52°S: Hinterland Thrusting or Plateau Magmatism?
- Providing Flood Risk Science for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure Decisions in Connecticut
- Re-evaluating fault zone evolution, geometry, and slip rate along the restraining bend of the southern San Andreas Fault Zone
- Reconstructing Eastern Tropical Pacific productivity across Marine Isotope Stage 3 using foraminifera faunal counts
- Simulating and Predicting Cereal Crop Yields in Ethiopia: Model Calibration and Verification
- The Effect of Soil Temperature Seasonality on Climate Reconstructions from Paleosols
- The Expression of Backwater Dynamics in the Morphology, Kinematics and Deposit Architecture of Fluvio-deltaic Channels
- The Sensetivity of Flood Frequency Analysis on Record Length in Continuous United States
- Towards PACE Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol and Cloud Products: Making Use of Expanded Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Information.
- Tracking the Fate of Explosive-Trinitrotriazine (RDX) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Tracer
- Tropical Pacific Mean State and ENSO Variability across Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Uncertainty Propagation of Non-Parametric-Derived Precipitation Estimates into Multi-Hydrologic Model Simulations
- Using Multi-media Modeling to Investigate Conditions Leading to Harmful Algal Blooms
- Using multi-year reanalysis-derived recharge rates to drive a groundwater model for the Lake Tana region of Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- Using organic matter gradients to predict mercury cycling following environmental changes
- Variation in salt marsh CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes across a latitudinal gradient along the US Atlantic coast
- Variations in organic carbon fluxes from Long Island Sound to the Continental Shelf
- What is missing? An operational inundation mapping framework by SAR data
- A comparative analysis of aerosols in China and the United States using MODIS Collection 6 aerosol products and times series models
- A nitrate isotope view of the seasonal nitrogen cycle of the southern Benguela upwelling system
- A novel methodology to perform regional flood frequency analysis based on hydrological modeling and Fourier transformation
- A tracer study to reveal pathways and ocean influences of global riverine freshwater
- Activations of the Global Flood Partnership (GFP) during 2018 Response to Major Global Flooding Events
- Adapting to the Town-Scale Impacts of Climate Change in Connecticut
- An alternative interpretation of the late -to-mid Quaternary tectonic evolution of the southern San Andreas Fault along its restraining bend
- Analysis of clumped isotopes in loess-derived calcareous paleosols: the Pacific Northwest climate from LGM to today
- Arctic aufeis fields host the large hyporheic zones that serve as winter oases
- Assessing trends on tree species diversity and biomass change across human-dominated tropical forests
- Assessment of Climate Impacts on Oceans and Marine Resources of the United States
- Bias Correction of Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts for Blue Nile Water Resources Management
- Channel geometry adjustment and flood response
- Characterization of Passive Microwave Retrieval Uncertainty over Complex Terrain
- Citizen Science at the Source of the Blue Nile: Promoting Public Participation in Science for Ensuring Food and Water Security in Ethiopia
- Coastal Observations Supporting Safe Seafood: Forecasting Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Long Island Sound Oysters
- Combining Multiple Sampling Methods to Quantify Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange at a Previously Characterized Field Site
- Comparing causes of impact winter at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary with an Earth system model
- Constraining the Sediment Source and Dispersal Patterns of the Miocene Coachella Fanglomerate Along the Mission Creek Fault Strand of the Southern San Andreas Fault System Using Detrital Geochronology and Clast Geochemistry Provenance Analysis
- Degradation Rates of Natural Organic Matter in Long Island Sound
- Development of a Calibrated Groundwater Model in an In-situ Data Scarce Region of the Upper Blue Nile
- Distribution and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediments and Catchment Soils from Sebago Lake, Maine (ME)
- Dust-climate feedback to surface uplift and pCO<SUB>2 </SUB>drawdown at the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Dynamic Representation of Storm Outages Using an LSTM Neural Network
- Early Miocene Mafic Arc Volcanism of the Patagonian Andes Revealed with Detrital Multi-Chronometer and Trace Element Geochemistry from the Magallanes Basin 50-52°S
- Edge effects: Insights gained from a decade of interdisciplinary modeling projects in Lake Erie
- Effect of distinct rainy and dry seasons on nitrate inputs and retention in a dryland watershed
- Effects of the structure of training regime on a machine-learning based power outage model
- Emergent metabolic regimes of river networks
- Eocene to Miocene paleotopographic evolution in southern Patagonian Andes recorded by leaf-wax biomarker hydrogen isotope
- Evaluating the Effects of Orogenic Exhumation and Sediment Transfer in Foreland Basin Development: A 4D Perspective from the Southern Patagonian Andes
- Evaluation of Hyper-Resolution Model Derived Water Budget Components Over the Upper Blue Nile
- Evaluation of Winter Weather Prediction During Extreme Snowfall Events for the NE US.
- Examining leaf-wax signatures from biosynthesis to burial: A systems perspective on interpreting leaf wax records
- Fossilized drip-water from a Sierra Nevada Cave reveals variability in precipitation sources and atmospheric dynamics over the last deglaciation
- From Ice-Wedge Polygons to Pan-Arctic Landscapes: Intensive Mapping of Ice-Wedge Polygons at Extensive Spatial Scales Using Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
- Geochemical and Biological Measures of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases to Surface Waters
- Geometry and kinematics of last-stage structures in the exhumation of young blueschists in the Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Heterogeneity spectrum of Earth's upper mantle obtained from the coherence of teleseismic P waves: Evidence for pervasive chemical and phase heterogeneity
- High-resolution Statistical Downscaling of Global Reanalysis Precipitation Using Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Rainfall Estimates - Evaluation over CONUS
- Identifying a set of plausible GCMs for regional climate change studies. Case study: Northeastern U.S.
- Impact of Historical Storms in Machine Learning Outage Prediction Model
- Impact of Rainfall Estimation Uncertainty on Early Warning Procedures: The Case of Montecito Mudslides in 2018.
- Impacts of Particle Surface Charge Heterogeneity on the Deposition
- Improving Ecological Vulnerability Assessments Through Deliberate Collaboration between Ecologists and Climate Scientists
- Increased Severity of Ice Storms May Have Important Implications for Carbon Cycling
- Joint Modeling of Fault Related Fold Kinematics and Marine Terrace Uplift to Estimate Active Fault Slip Rates in North Canterbury, New Zealand
- Large-Scale Patterns And Landscape Variability Of Forest Canopy Structure
- Less-mobile Exchange Dynamics in Porous Media
- Linking regional groundwater models with thermal infrared field surveys to characterize spatial patterns of groundwater discharge at the scale of river networks
- Locating Fe Rich Anoxic Groundwater Discharge Using Spectral Induced Polarization
- Machine Learning Based Blending of Satellite Precipitation Datasets: A Multi-regional Complex Terrain Evaluation in the Tropics
- Mechanisms Driving Bottom Temperature Predictability off Washington-Oregon Coast - Do They Differ from the Surface?
- Mechanisms underlying production stability in temperate deciduous forests
- Metabolic Scaling of River Networks
- Microbial and geochronologic constraints on the Neogene paleotopography of northern Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling Seasonal Surface Water-Groundwater Mixing Controls on Organic Carbon Processing in Hyporheic Zones
- Monitoring Dimensions of Biodiversity in a Mega-Diverse Region of Southern Africa: from Traits to Communities to Ecosystems
- Multi-year and multi-season transcriptomic profiling of forest tree species from LTER sites for understanding latitudinal variation in growth performance.
- Nutrient Exchange in Western Long Island Sound through the Highly Urbanized East River Tidal Strait
- Observation of Less-mobile Porosity Dynamics in an Urban Stream
- Parameterizing controls on the three-dimensional arrangement of channel deposits in the subsurface depositional record of deltas
- Physiological and Psychological Validation of the Effects of Urban Parks on Youth in South Korea
- Power Outage Prediction Models for Mixed Phase Precipitation Events: Machine Learning vs. Statistical Models
- Projected effects of vegetation feedbacks on drought characteristics with SPEI over West Africa using the RegCM-CLM-CN-DV
- Projecting Regional Climate and Cropland Changes Using a Linked Biogeophysical-Socioeconomic Modeling Framework: West Africa as a Case Study
- Propagation of Precipitation Resolution and Quantification Error on Peak Runoff Modeling
- Rapid Exhumation of the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan: Constraints from Brittle Deformation Patterns.
- Rapid SAR-based Flood-water Depth Estimation
- Recent and Projected Changes in Excess Heat Factor for the Northeast U.S.
- Reconstructing Miocene Paleogeography of the Middlegate and Eastgate Basins, NV through Geologic Mapping and Sedimentary Provenance Analysis
- Refining the Velocity Gradient and Small-Scale Heterogeneity Structure of the Lowermost Outer Core
- Refining the drinking water resilience gap: When is today's resilience rigidity tomorrow?
- Regional Attribution of coastal processes to Ω, pH, and carbon variability in Washington and Oregon waters: A modeling study
- Resolving Shifting Nitrogen Budgets of the Long Island Sound Estuary
- Role of Precipitation Induced Cooling in the Relationship between Near-surface Air Temperature and Extreme Precipitation
- Scaling of Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal in River Networks
- Sea Spray: Potential Contributions to Global Gas Exchange
- Seasonal Prediction of Major Cereal Crop Yields in Ethiopia Using a Coupled Modeling Framework
- Sedimentary signals of recent faulting along an old strand of the San Andreas Fault, USA
- Shallow Structure of Huayangchuan Polymetallic Ore Deposit from High-frequency Ambient Noise Studies
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Mercury in Annual Forage Fish, the Atlantic Silverside (menidia Menidia)
- Spatial and temporal patterns in copepod methylmercury bioaccumulation
- Strange messenger: A new history of hydrogen on Earth as told by xenon
- Structural Analysis of Bending Fold and Sub-Horizontal Foliation in the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications
- The Closer, the Better? Untangling Scientist-Practitioner Engagement, Interaction, and Knowledge Use
- The Olympic Coast as a Sentinel: An Integrated Social-Ecological Regional Vulnerability Assessment to Ocean Acidification
- The atmospheric drivers of the Amundsen Sea Low variability and the resultant influence on stable water isotopic records in West Antarctic: A study of observations and simulations
- The effect of time-averaging on water isotope-temperature relationships
- The impact of increasing ensemble size on the skill of operational CFSv2 45-day forecasts: Probabilistic Assessment
- Thermal Maturation of Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Presence of Clay Minerals: n-Alkanes
- Tropical Pacific climate over the last 6,500 years - insights from a coral ensemble approach and an isotope enabled GCM
- Uncertainty Assessment of Extreme Storm Forecasts Using Numerical Weather Prediction and Gridded Bayesian Linear Regression
- Unique Canopy Structural Signatures of Moderate Disturbance Derived from Terrestrial LiDAR
- Upper Blue Nile Water Budget Dynamics Derived from Multi-model Water Resource Reanalysis Products
- Using Terrestrial LiDAR to Examine Forest Structural Complexity Following Disturbance
- When Does Shifting Species Diversity and Canopy Structure Matter for the Land Carbon Sink?: A Cross-Scale Analysis
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- <SUB>Watershed process understanding through automated multi source data ingestion and model-data coupling</SUB>
- A multi basin calibration of the Mg/Ca paleo-thermometer corrected for habitat depth and test dissolution
- A multi-method approach to communication and integration of seasonal climate information in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- A partial polarimetric decomposition-based method for delineating wetlands/inundation under vegetation
- Along-Strike Changes in Foreland Basin Responses to Tectonics and Eustasy in the Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonia Revealed from Basin Modeling and Geothermochronology
- Analysis of X-Band Dual Polarization Radar Observations over Multiple Complex Terrain Regions
- Analysis of drought characteristics and their impact on biodiversity
- Assessing Human Dimensions of Infrastructure Resilience
- Assessing export production on millennial timescales in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Assessment of Environmental Variables that Affect Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia in Lake Erie Using Multi-media Modeling and Machine Learning
- Big Imagery as a Resource to Understand Patterns, Dynamics, and Vulnerability of Arctic Polygonal Tundra
- Can atmospheric dust deposition account for Earth's riverine Si discharge?
- Canopy Structure-Carbon Sequestration Relationships in Plantation and Naturally Regenerated Red Pine
- Characterization and Modeling of Satellite-Based Precipitation Uncertainty over Complex Terrain
- Coastal Severe Thunderstorms in a Future Climate
- Comparing Precipitation Seasonality During the Last Deglaciation from Speleothem Records and Isotope-enabled Model Simulations
- Conceptualizing uncertainty in multidisciplinary modeling of harmful algal blooms under climate change: Takeaways for ecosystem services planning in Western Lake Erie.
- Contrasting Behaviors of Extreme Precipitation over Land and Ocean under Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
- Contributions of aerosol-cloud interactions to mid-Piacenzian seasonally sea ice-free Arctic Ocean
- Deep Pacific Oxygenation and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Over the Past 180 kyr
- Diversity Responses to Landscape Change in the Basin and Range Province: Tectonics Influence Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Faunal Structure in Mammals over the Neogene
- Dynamic Analysis of River Width and Lake Area Index (RWLAI): A Novel Standardized Index of Hydrological Drought
- Effects of an Experimental Ice Storm on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Estimation of Crop Loss Due to Flood Inundation Using Remote Sensing Images
- Evaluating existing water infrastructure as a storage solution to the renewable energy penetration in New England.
- Evidence for an alternative position for the primary active strand of the San Andreas Fault along its restraining bend in southern California
- Excess Heat Factor and heated-related deaths in U.S.
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Less-mobile Domain Processes in Naturally Occurring Porous Media
- Floods and rivers: A circular causality perspective
- Forecasting Eastern US Cold Air Damming using a Multi-Scale Dynamical-Statistical Hybrid Approach
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- From Classroom to Community: Student Contributions to WikiProject Limnology & Oceanography Expand Public Education in the Aquatic Sciences
- From seeps to watersheds: characterizing the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge across riverscapes
- Future Projection of the Regional Vegetation-Climate System over Asia: Comparison between two ensemble approaches
- Geologic constraints on motion of the Philippine Sea Plate during the late Cenozoic: Implications of a CCW rotation in the Pleistocene
- Giving depth to the surface: Science, Politics and Citizens' perspective on the Anthropocene
- Global Land Cover mapping and Estimation (GLanCE): a multitemporal Landsat-based data record of 21st century global land cover, land use and land cover change
- Harmonizing Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2: A Pixel-based Reflectance Adjustment Approach
- High strain zones in the Mesozoic metamorphic basement of Taiwan: A possible fossil transform fault during convergence between Eurasia and the Philippine Sea plate
- High-Resolution Simulations for Understanding the Climate of Southwest North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Hypsometric Integration of Hydrogen Signatures in Modern Catchment Organic Matter
- Identifying Cross-Well Fracture Connections in Open Boreholes Using the Dissolved Oxygen Alteration Method
- Identifying and comparing Antarctic continental shelf water masses in models and observations
- Impact of spring soil temperature in Tibetan Plateau on summer precipitation in Southeast Asia: Results from a regional climate model
- Incorporating Event Severity Classification in Weather-Related Power Outage Prediction
- Inherent Properties of Clouds in the PBL Derived from Multi-angle Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging at the "Edge of Space:" New Capabilities of JPL's AirMSPI Sensor on NASA's Airborne ER-2 Platform
- Integrating Remote Sensing and Modeling Systems for Local Flood Prediction and Risk Assessment
- Investigating a model-proxy discrepancy between precipitation and hydrogen stable isotopes in mid-Holocene northern Africa
- Investigating the Soil Moisture Feedback on Precipitation Over the CONUS
- Isotopic Fingerprints of Last Millennium Volcanic Eruptions
- Isotopic Fractionation during Hydrodynamic Hydrogen Escape from Ancient Mars
- Late-stage Deformation and Exhumation of the Blueschist-Facies Yuli Belt in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- Left-lateral shearing before coeval exhumation between the high pressure Yuli belt and the underlying Mesozoic Tailuko belt? Insights from the Shoufeng fault in eastern Taiwan
- Lessons from a 15-year eddy-covariance dataset: could changing soil water content tip the temperate forest carbon balance?
- Modeling the groundwater-vadose zone interactions for water-food security assessment in different irrigation and water management scenarios in Ethiopia
- Modelling the effects of deforestation during 1980s-2010s on regional climate in South America
- Monsoon Responses to Warm Climates
- New Land Disturbance Products for the Conterminous US
- Ocean circulation sensitivity to tectonic gateways changes during the latest Cretaceous
- On the predictive accuracy of wind gusts related to severe storms for the Northeast United States
- One-Km of Subduction-Induced Subsidence in the Southern Andes at 10 Ma, as Measured Using Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydrated Volcanic Glass
- Paleobotanical proxy-based reconstructions of early Eocene climates from mid- to high latitudes in Canada.
- Patterns and drivers of global riverine hypoxia
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Probing the Inner Core using near-vertical PKIIKP and frequency dependent amplitude ratio of PKiKP/PcP
- Projecting the Future Vegetation-Climate System over East Asia and its RCP-Dependence
- Radiative3D: A Code for Radiative Transport in 3D Earth Models
- Reconstructing the exhumation of Taiwan's metamorphic core using brittle structures and earthquake focal mechanisms.
- Refining the use of cold-water coral as a proxy for past marine nitrogen cycling through culture experiments with Balanophyllia elegans
- Residual Cross-Grid Flow Numerical Error in Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus-Topped Boundary Layers
- Seasonal forecasting in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia for ensuring food and water security
- Seed Dispersal Traits of Nitrogen-Fixing Plants May Influence Ecosystem Nutrient Cycling
- Seismic Monitoring of Super High-Rise Buildings Using Ambient Noise Interferometry
- Simulation and seasonal prediction of irrigated cereal crop yields in data-scarce region using a hydrologic-groundwater-crop (HGC) modeling framework
- Steady topography of Patagonian Andes through Cenozoic reconstructed by archives of precipitation hydrogen isotope composition
- Streamflow and water quality responses to winter weather whiplash events at long-term research sites
- Synorogenic extension: gravitational collapse or extrusion in southern Taiwan
- Testing theories and models for dayside magnetopause reconnection with the Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector (CuPID) Cubesat Observatory
- The Arctic Ocean fixed nitrogen cycle in past climates: Insights from foraminifer-bound nitrogen isotopes
- The Green Old Deal: Enhanced Carbon fertilization in the Early Miocene
- The Projected Timing of Abrupt Ecological Disruption from Climate Change
- The Role of Extreme Events in Altering Hydrologic and Geomorphic Drivers of Flood Hazard: The Colorado 2013 Flood Case Study
- The Transition from Plastic to Brittle Strain in the Tananao Complex of Taiwan
- The nature of land-cover changes to aquatic buffers in the Midwestern USA: 25 years of Landsat analyses (1993-2017)
- The physiological landscape of the Carboniferous: Freezing, Vegetation, and Earth System Processes
- The short, weak non-volcanic tremors in Taiwan: The detection challenges, spatiotemporal characteristics, and tectonic origin
- The spiderweb structure of stratocumulus clouds
- Towards First pan-Arctic Ice-wedge Polygon Map: Understanding the Synergies of Data Fusion and Deep Learning in Automated Ice-wedge Polygon Detection from High Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Turbulence Enhancement by Surface Gravity Waves in a Large Estuary: Observation and Modeling
- Uncertainty analysis on sub-daily precipitation extremes from global datasets
- Understanding microbial respiration and energy flow in seasonally hypoxic streams via in situ and in silico experimentation
- Water isotope evidence for steady Cenozoic topography in the southern Andes ( 50 to 35°S)
- What is Cirrus Cloud and How to Detect It in Landsat 8 Imagery?
- 20th Century Recovery of Beaver Dams, Floodplain Connectivity and Wetland Habitat in Connecticut Streams: Lessons for Stream Restoration
- A Framework for integrating Lidar, Satellite and Weather Observations to Support Improvements in Residential irrigation
- A Success Story: Advancing Outage Prediction Modeling Capabilities for Decision Making
- A framework for predicting impact of wildfires validated based on 20-years of historical data in Australia
- A framework to quantify paleogeomorphologic responses to ancient climate change
- A wide distributed high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of the Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio-Pleistocene transform fault
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goals While Restoring Pre-industrial CO2 Levels
- Active Restoration Promotes Wetland Establishment and Plant Species Richness on Former Riparian Cranberry Farms More Effectively than Passive Retirement
- An Integrated Framework to Assess Compound Flood Potential in Coastal Areas: Concurrence of River Discharge and Storm Surge Extremes
- Assessing Intrinsic versus Scattering Attenuation in Earth's Inner Core
- Assessing the Lungs of the Ocean with the Hyperspectral PACE Mission
- Automated Mapping of Ice-wedge Polygon Troughs in the Continuous Permafrost Zone using Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- Bridging Earthquakes and Mountain Building in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- Characterizing groundwater seepscapes: Variable hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes through space and time
- Citizen Science in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: Capturing the Hydrological Cycle and Catalyzing Community Participation
- Citizen science aided groundwater modelling for assessing optimal irrigation releases: A case in Quashni River, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
- Clustering future scenarios based on extremal properties of ecological outcomes
- Comparison of Social Vulnerability and Flood Risks in Massachusetts
- Constructing an Unprecedented Time Series to Explore the Major Factors Impacting Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Coastal Plankton
- DON Cycling in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Archipelago from Isotopic Data
- Development and Validation of the SafeSpaces Survey: a Unique Measure of Interpersonal Work Climates in Research Settings
- Development, Implementation and Process-Based Evaluation of a New Unified Boundary Layer and Convection Parameterization in Climate Models: The EDMF Approach
- Divergence in eco-hydrological responses to 2015-2016 El Nino-induced drought over tropical South America
- Do Freshwater Foraminifera Disrupt Stromatolite Laminations?
- Do extreme flood events change future flood hazards?
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- Effects of Landsat 7's Orbit Drift and a Solution to Preserve Its Science Capabilities
- Explicitly simulating tropical cyclones of the mid-Piacenzian in an atmosphere-ocean coupled model
- Flood Frequency Analyses with Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution applied to Simulated River Flows
- Gross primary production estimation using remote sensing and meteorological variables
- Harnessing Commercial Satellite Imagery, Artificial Intelligence, and High Performance Computing to Characterize Ice-wedge Polygonal Tundra
- High-resolution WRF simulations for Offshore wind farm facilities in the Northeast Atlantic cluster
- How deregulation, drought, and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity
- Identifying and forecasting biodiversity `tipping points'
- Impact of Antecedent Wetness and Rainfall Spatial Variability on Design Floods
- Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology and Hydropower in the Upper Blue Nile Basin
- Impact of initial/boundary conditions and model configuration to predict storms for the Northeast United States
- Impacts of cascading environmental hazards on Australian plant biodiversity
- Impacts of rainy season onset uncertainty on maize yields in Ethiopia
- Improving the accuracy of reanalysis-based hourly precipitation estimates over CONUS
- Improving the irrigation water use efficiency in the Koga irrigation project area, Ethiopia through a water-stress oriented irrigation scheme
- Intensification of the hydrological cycle during Eocene `greenhouse' climates
- Investigating the impact of soil moisture on precipitation and runoff generation over the contiguous United States.
- Investigating the thermal effects of Cordilleran processes on a retroarc foreland basin using thermochronometry, vitrinite reflectance, and carbonate clumped isotopes
- Investigation of the distribution pattern and trend of EHF in Southwest and Northeast US and the related atmospheric circulation pattern
- Land disturbance characterization based on Landsat time series
- Large-eddy simulation of spatial transitions of stratocumulus- to cumulus-topped boundary layers
- Length Scales and Spectra in Shallow Precipitating Cumulus Convection
- Linking land use legacies: Connecting groundwater nutrient export to historical land use using MODPATH
- Local and Valley-Scale Controls on the Physical Patterns of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
- Map Storytelling to Improve Climate Change Communication
- MethaNet: an AI-powered approach to quantifying methane point-source emission from high-resolution 2-D plume imagery.
- Modeling the effects of fresh water rain flux on convective coupling in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Plant Biomarker Isotopes and Catchment Integration of Organic Matter in Tropical, Rapidly Eroding Catchments of Eastern Taiwan: Implications for Paleotopography Reconstruction
- Pliocene subtropical hydroclimate linked to monsoon dynamics
- Predicting Tropical Storms Power Outages with Multidisciplinary Information for the Continental United States
- Prediction of flood claims over the contiguous United States (CONUS) by building a classification/regression-hybrid machine learning scheme
- Projected changes of precipitation extremes in the U.S. Northeast based on two downscaled climate datasets LOCA and MACA
- Rapid Eocene Exhumation in the Southern Patagonian Andes and Implications for Regional Tectonics
- Science Applications for Soft X-ray Imaging Missions
- Sea level and climate control the Arctic Ocean halocline over the last 35,000 years
- Seasonal Forecasts for Food Security Applications in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin
- Sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to Different Paleoclimate States Simulated with the Community Earth System Model
- Shallow vs Deep Groundwater Discharge Influences the Thermal Stability of Streams: A Continental-Scale Analysis
- Signals in (Ancient) Soils: How do Geomorphic Processes Affect the Mixing of Local and Catchment-Averaged Climate Signals in Sedimentary Basins?
- Spatial and Temporal variability of nutrient profiles with depth in a Subterranean Estuary
- Spectral diversity predicts functional, phylogenetic, and species diversity across a hyper-diverse biogeographic region
- Surface Water Extent Estimation using Stream Gage Data in Coastal Watersheds of Connecticut
- The COVID-19 mitigation effects and the incoming risk in the flood season
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The effect of weather forecast uncertainty on machine-learning outage prediction modeling
- Thickness of sub-stream unconsolidated material as a driver of baseflow temperature and channel connectivity: Observations from Shenandoah National Park headwater streams
- Topographic and surface processes response to tectonic and climate across different timescale in Taiwan
- Towards improved understanding and predictability of Tropical Pacific variability through a redesigned Tropical Pacific Ocean System: the role of new observational platforms
- Tracking coastal tidal wetland change using Landsat time series
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Understanding the Dynamics of Parameter Importance for Global Parameterization of Modeling Semi-Arid Watersheds.
- Updates on the Assessment of Environmental Variables Affecting Chlorophyll-α through Multi-media Modeling and Machine Learning: a Lake Erie Case Study
- Winter Prior Influence on Northern California Current System Subsurface Conditions
- A CONUS-wide assessment of the climate change impact on low probability precipitation events: Combining information from the past and scaling arguments to estimate future trend
- A Framework for Constraining Paleohydrological Changes in North America across the Eocene-Oligocene Greenhouse to Icehouse Transition: Integrating Geomorphic, Sedimentological and Geochemical Tools
- A Framework to Assess the Compound Flood Risk in Coastal Areas
- A Modeling Framework for Predicting the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Power Infrastructure
- A new Plio-Pleistocene hydroclimate leaf wax record from the Benguela Upwelling System
- A new land disturbance monitoring system that provides a multifaceted view of land change for the United States
- An automated decadal survey of saguaro population using deep learning
- Analysis of Imputation Methods for Bi-variate Surface Water Extent and Stream Gage Time Series
- Are snowmelt dynamics changing in recent decades? - A case study in East River, Colorado, Watershed.
- Augmenting the double-Gaussian representation of atmospheric turbulence and convection via a coupled stochastic multi-plume mass flux scheme
- Automated Recognition of Human-Built Infrastructure in the Arctic Permafrost Landscapes using Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Bridging Earthquakes and Mountain Building in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- Bright Oceans: Spectral differentiation of whitecaps, sea ice, plastics, and other flotsam
- Causes for the Negative Scaling of Extreme Precipitation Intensity With Temperature at the Weather Time Scale
- Causes of variable shortening and tectonic subsidence during Neogene changes in subduction, southern central Andes (2830S)
- Controls of tectonic and climate forcing on long-term exhumation rates in the eastern end of Himalaya
- Could atmospheric dust deposition be an important contributor to Earths riverine silicate weathering flux?
- Coupled natural-human impacts of a winter weather whiplash event
- Decadal-timescale CO2 and Temperature Records of the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum
- Detection and characterization of land disturbances based on Landsat time series
- Divergent patterns of forest carbon uptake and loss stabilize net carbon balance as disturbance severity increases
- Drivers of Holocene Southeast Asian Winter and Summer Monsoon Variability
- Engaging Multi-Disciplinary Student Teams Across Institutions With The Youth Environmental Alliance In Higher Education (YEAH)
- Estimating Forest Response to Drought And Fire in the U.S. and Amazon
- Evaluating S2S Rainfall Forecast for Agricultural Action-plan in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin
- Exploring indigenous agricultural practices as BMPs for controlling soil nutrients
- Fine-scale Earths monitoring using a novel integration of multi-scale remote sensing observations
- Flat-Slab Subduction in the Andes
- Forest Disturbance Monitoring at 10 m Spatial Resolution using Sentinel-2 Time Series
- Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology during the Pennsylvanian
- Geospatial Modelling of Vegetation Risk on Electric Utility Infrastructure in Connecticut
- Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change for the 21st Century using Landsat time series
- Groundwater modeling to assess climate change impacts in the data scarce aquifer of the Tana Basin, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
- Growth rates of turbulence length scales in precipitating shallow cumulus convection
- Heliospheric imaging and science from the Moon with LEXI
- High Spatial Resolution Water Quality in the Colorado and Green Rivers of the western US Can we see the trees for the forest?
- High performance image analysis workflow designs for operational-scale Arctic permafrost mapping applications
- How much compound flood risk is increased by Urbanization and Sea Level Rise? A case study in a Connecticut coastal area
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Assess Aquatic Biodiversity: Examples from the Great Wet Barnyard of Long Island Sound
- I do not belong: The ADVANCEGeo Partnerships workplace climate survey of earth and space scientists
- Identifying hostile workplace conditions associated with negative experiences that disproportionately affect minoritized groups in ecological, earth and spaces sciences
- Identifying the Fingerprints of Early Pliocene-like Sea Surface Temperature Gradients with an Isotope-Enabled General Circulation Model
- Impact of Climate Change on the Future Flood Risk in the Upper Blue Nile Basin
- Improving Shallow Convection in the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model with the Stochastic Multi-Plume Mass-Flux Parameterization
- Improving the Real-Time Forecast of Tropical Storm Isaias for NE US
- Increasing resiliency of integrated food-energy-water systems to viral pandemics: lessons from COVID-19
- Landsat Time Series Predict Changes in Ground-measured Forest Structure Across a Gradient of Partial Canopy Disturbance at NEON Sites in the Continental US
- Late Pliocene as an analogue for studying sensitivity of Pacific Walker Circulation to CO2 forcing
- Lessons Learned From Exploring Open-Source Software in a CMIP6 Multimodel Analysis of Ocean Heat Content
- Linking the Short- and Long-term Structural Evolution of the Andean Western Slope in Central Chile (36S)
- Low cloud changes govern northeast Pacific response to Pliocene boundary conditions
- Massive Critical Zone Manipulation: What We Can Learn About Watershed Storage and Streamflow Response from Events to Years
- Mechanisms related to drought and Excess Heat Factor (EHF) in Southwest U.S.
- Modeling Effects of Moderate Disturbance Severity and Spatial Distribution on Forest Canopy Structure and Complexity
- Monitoring Human Nighttime Activity Change Based on NASAs Black Marble Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- More Movement with Manure: Increased Mobility of Erythromycin Through Agricultural Soil in the Presence of Manure
- Multi-proxy Evidence for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Weakening During Each Deglaciation of the Past 150 ka
- National Land Cover Database 2019: A Comprehensive Strategy for Creating the 1986-2019 Forest Disturbance Date Product
- National Land Cover Database 2019: A New Strategy for Creating Clean Landsat Composite Images
- New Luminescence Ages, Provenance Data, and Ice-Sheet Modelling from the Camp Century Subglacial Sediment: Implications for the Glacial History of Northwestern Greenland
- Novel constraints on Pliocene western US hydroclimate inferred from organic biomarkers
- Object-based Land Disturbance Monitoring from Landsat Time Series
- Predictive understanding of flood impact based on climatic and geomorphologic information: a case study in Nepal
- Quantifying the human influence on the intensity of extreme 1- and 5-day precipitation amounts at global, continental, and regional scales
- Rapid deformation and annealing events recorded in a mantle xenolith from the Wyoming craton; A pathway for understanding microstructure evolution in the mantle
- Scalable deep learning to identify brick kilns and aid regulatory capacity
- Scenario Evaluations through a Machine Learning-Based Model that Predicts Chlorophyll- Using Multi-Media Modeling Environmental Predictors
- Sediment Provenance of the Magallanes-Austral Basin 51 S Using Kernel Density Estimates from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages and Sandstone Composition to Analyze Tectonics and Erosion Activity
- Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Activity at the LGM
- Soil Moisture Data Assimilation Impacts on Ecohydrologic Watershed Modeling Predictions
- Spatio-temporal Changes in Daily Precipitation, Flows and Variability in Extremes: A Continental US Prospective
- Studying Root Water Uptake Variations between Younger and Older Riparian Trees with Stable Water Isotopic Ratios
- The Bering Strait Was Flooded During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence from Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The Potential Utility of Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence and Evapotranspiration for Detecting Flash Droughts Onset over the United States
- The University of Connecticut Outage Prediction Model: Modules, Implementation, Performance
- The impact of large floods on channel conveyance
- The role of sea ice in mercury cycling and air-sea exchange in the Arctic Ocean in late spring
- The sensitivity of runoff to soil moisture initial conditions: A numerical experiment over CONUS
- Time-integration of coupled-component Earth system models via discontinuous-Galerkin-in-time methods
- Trait-Driver Theory: Toward a general theory to predict ecological and ecosystem responses to global change
- Understanding the effect of image augmentation methods on automated recognition of permafrost features from high-resolution satellite imagery
- Understanding the roles of soil temperature and soil moisture in drought development in Americas
- Updates on Accuracy Analysis in Wind Prediction Using High-Resolution WRF Simulations for an Offshore Wind Farm Facility in the Northeast Atlantic Cluster
- Using SWMM to Estimate Hydrologic Pathways for Chloride Transport from Deicing Salts
- What can we learn from the 2021 (Mw 6.4) San Juan earthquake in terms of crustal deformation above the Chile-Argentina flat slab?
- A Multiple Model Adaptive System for Assimilating Satellite-based Vegetation Observations
- A New Framework for Generating Stochastic and Representative River Hydrographs for Long-term Simulations
- A Retrospective Outlook of Heavy Downpours over Pakistan
- A Watershed Management Decision-Support Tool to Predict Juvenile Herring Out-Migration Loss Using a Process-Based Hydrologic Model
- A socio-hydrological investigation with groundwater models to assess farmer's perception on water management fairness in open vs. closed irrigated communities in Ethiopia
- Adapting Permafrost Science Use Cases as a Continuous Pipeline with the Clowder Framework
- Air-sea exchange of mercury and its role in the global mercury cycle
- An assessment of Compound Flooding Impacts across the East Coast, USA
- Anatomy and Structural Evolution of the Western Andean Slope in Central Chile (36°S)
- Application of Statistical Downscaling for Climate Change Assessment of Wind Energy in the Northeast U.S.
- Assessing Resilience Capacities of Community Water Systems for Climate Adaptation
- Big Imagery in Action: The First Pan-Arctic Ice-wedge Polygon Map
- CMIP6 Projections of humid versus dry heatwaves in the US.
- Causes of variable shortening and tectonic subsidence during changes in subduction: insights from flexural thermokinematic modeling of the Neogene southern central Andes (28-30°S)
- Challenges and Successes of Snowfall Forecasting Using Machine Learning and Numerical Prediction for the Northeast United States
- Characteristics of Multi-Scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind at 1 AU Associated with Magnetic Reconnection and the Case for a Cascading Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Characterizing complex metamorphism and deformation processes of high-PT rocks occurred in exhumed subduction channel: a case study of the Yuli Belt in eastern Taiwan
- Characterizing the shape, size and freeboard of sea-ice floes in the Weddell sea from IceSat-2 and Sentinel-2
- Climate and hydrology across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America: Rivers, biomarkers and geochemical biases
- Climate-driven Shifts in C and N Burial in an Anoxic Lake Sinkhole
- Combining Air Borne LiDAR and Forest Inventory Analysis Data (FIA) to Develop a Forest Carbon Model Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Community Outage Prediction Modeling Framework for Current and Future Climate Storm Events
- Comparison between Machine Learning and Process-Based Model in Capturing the Yield Spatiotemporal Variability and Extremes in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Controls on celerity of drought propagation over the tropical country Thailand
- Crediting Blue Carbon Lateral Fluxes: Measurement and Prediction of Flux Rates
- Detect and Predict Heatwaves in India
- Developing a Spatio-temporal Modeling and Forecasting Tool for a Subsurface Water-borne Toxin (1,4-Dioxane)
- Dynamically downscaled simulations of historical and future trends in carbon variables on the Northeast US Continental shelf
- Efficient Recognition of Potential Landslides using Open Access Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Images with Deep Learning Approaches
- Emission Uncertainties of Soot from an Asteroid Impact at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction Event
- Empirical Mode Decomposition of a new Plio-Pleistocene Leaf Wax Hydroclimate Record from the Benguela Upwelling System
- Emulating Climate and δ18O of Precipitation over the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Pliocene
- Expansion and intensification of the North American Monsoon during the Pliocene
- Experimental Warming and Elevated CO2 Jointly Affect Conifer Reproduction in a Boreal Bog Ecosystem
- Heavy Metals in Urban Park Soils and Potential Health Implications
- How You Teach Changes Who You Reach: Understanding Effect of Teaching Modality on Student Engagement, Content Interest, and Learning in Undergraduate Hydrology
- Hydroclimatic Risk in High Mountain Asia: a Novel Assessment of Impacts
- Impact of High-resolution Mesoscale and Atmospheric Stability on predicting Offshore Wind in the Northeast Atlantic Cluster
- Impacts of Climate Extremes in Southern Africa: The Case of Mozambique and Malawi
- Improved subtle change detection using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data fusion: A study of spongy moth outbreaks in New England forests
- Improving Wind Gust Prediction with the Combination of WRF and Machine Learning Algorithms
- Inferring flowering phenology of wind-pollinated plants with high spatiotemporal resolution imagery
- Influence of the mid-Holocene Green Sahara on South American climate
- Influences of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change on Dangerous Humid Heat across the African Continent
- Investigating Last Interglacial Antarctic Proxy Signals Through Earth System Modeling
- Investigating the Effects of Extreme Rainfall Trends on Existing Water Infrastructure and Design Considerations across the Connecticut River Basin
- Investigation of the South American Monsoon during the Miocene Climate Optimum
- Large Lakes During Warmer and Wetter Pliocene in Southwestern North America
- Large Scale Prediction of Channel Roughness Coefficient Using Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Modelling for Predicting Roadside Forest Risk on Distribution Powerlines
- Mapping Understory Change in Deciduous Forest Using Sentinel-2 Time Series Analysis
- Microstructural Characterization of Ice by Etch-Pitting Replication Method
- Mid-Pliocene North American Monsoon in Weather Resolving Coupled Simulations
- Modeled Hydrometeorological Responses to Extreme Soil Conditions in Tropical South America: Methodology and Physical Mechanisms
- Modeling of Future Flood Risks with Sea Level Rise and Mitigation Measures: A Case Study in West Haven, CT, USA
- Moderate Spatial Resolution Mapping of Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change Across Multiple Decades from Landsat
- Monitoring Nighttime Light Change from Daily NASA's Black Marble Product Suite
- Monitoring of Roadside Forest Structure and Condition using Dashcam Video Data and Deep Learning
- Nitrogen Isotope Signatures in Lake Huron's Middle Island Sinkhole Sediments
- Nitrogen biogeochemistry in mesoscale eddies in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
- Observations of Breaking-Wave Dissipation and Their Relationship to Atmosphere-Ocean Energy Transfer
- Orbital controls on East Asian hydroclimate during the Pleistocene
- Performance of the Sub-seasonal Trajectory of Solar-induced Fluorescence as a Flash Drought Early Warning in Different Regions and Ecosystems
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Pliocene variability in the strength of the Pacific Walker Circulation
- Potential of Gini Index to Predict Extreme Events in the Contiguous United States
- Probing magnetopause dynamics with soft X-ray imaging
- Rapid topographic growth of the Taiwan orogen since 1.5 Ma
- Reconstructing Interannual Variability in Regional Climate from Water Isotope Sampling of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Reconstructing River Dynamics across the Eocene-Oligocene Greenhouse to Icehouse Transition in North America
- Refining the Use of Cold-Water Corals as a Proxy for Marine Nitrogen Cycling: Comparison of the δ15N of Diet, Tissue, and Skeleton of Balanophyllia elegans
- Remote Sensing of ice wedge systems through varying spatial scales with a focus on NDVI
- Resampling Local Variability in Seasonal Forecast for Small-Scale Agricultural Decisions.
- Response of Forest Canopy Structure to Moderate Disturbances: Multi-temporal Approaches Using NEON's Longitudinal Airborne LiDAR
- River Dynamics, Carbon Residence Times, and Earth's Climate
- Sensitivity of gross primary productivity to climatic drivers in the United States
- Snow Algae and Light Absorbing Particles in the Changing Alpine Cryosphere
- Statistical Downscaling of GCM Precipitation Over the Northeast US Based on Deep Learning
- Strong Extratropical Cyclones and Ocean Swells in the North Pacific: The Trends Affecting the Hawaiian Islands
- Temporal trends and causes of deoxygenation: a comparison of NorthwestAtlantic shelf and Atlantic basin
- The Depth Dependence of Seismic Scattering in the Inner Core.
- The Geomorphic Effects of Storms: Consequence on Future Flood Hazard
- The Influence of Climate, Tectonics, and Topography on the Production, Decay, and Transport of Terrestrial Organic Carbon
- The Metamorphic Fabrics in the Taroko High-strain zone of Taiwan Mountain Belt: A Regional-scale, Left-lateral Shear Zone that Accommodated Highly Oblique Plate Convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene
- The multiple dimensions of diversity: Advancing the science and application of structural diversity-ecosystem function interactions
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
- Tracing the Movement of Pharmaceuticals in Small Agricultural Watersheds via Tracer-aided Monitoring (2H, 18O, Pharmaceuticals)
- Understanding Permafrost Landscape Evolution: Ice-Wedge Trough Network Change Detection from Historical Aerial Imagery using Convolutional Neural Networks and Graph Analysis
- Using Stable Isotopes in Water to Examine Forest Stand Ecohydrologic Response to Loss of Species Diversity
- Using Stable Water Isotopes to Study Soil Water Age in Sloped Agricultural Fields
- Utilizing Climate-Informed Convolutional Neural Network for Future Flood Damage Assessment in the Cropland Area
- Visualising Organics and Trace Elements in Scleractinian Cold-water Corals through Isotope Labelling Culture Experiments
- Volume Fraction of Subducted Basaltic Crust Above the Core-Mantle Boundary Revealed by PKPdf and PKPbc Waves
- Wave-driven turbulence and Turbulent Kinetic Energy Transfer across the air-sea interface
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bergstrom
- A. K. Liljedahl
- Adam Herrington
- Adnan Rajib
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Alia L. Khan
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Allison Mattheis
- Amber E. Budden
- Andreas Langousis
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew J. Christ
- Anjali M. Fernandes
- Annabel Wolf
- Anne de Vernal
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Atticus Stovall
- B. A. Keisling
- B. L. McGlynn
- B. R. Markle
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Beth Tellman
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Billy Williams
- Brady S. Hardiman
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brian K. Horton
- Brian M. Walsh
- Bumsoo Kim
- C. M. Gough
- Carlos M. Souza
- Chang Liu
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles A. Stock
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Chelsea Mackaman‐Lofland
- Christine Georgakakos
- Christine Kirchhoff
- Christine McCarthy
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Clare Stephens
- Claudie Beaulieu
- Clay Tabor
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Connor O'Brien
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. M. Peteet
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- Daniel Katz
- David Fastovich
- David McGee
- Diego Cerrai
- Diogo Araujo
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Ellen Jorgensen
- En Chao Yeh
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric L. Bullock
- Esther C. Brady
- Eunjin Han
- F. Nippgen
- F. S. Porter
- Felipe Aron
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- G. E. Hilley
- Giovanni Lapenta
- Guido Grosse
- Guiling Wang
- H. K. Connor
- Hai Cheng
- Halle M. Berger
- Hamida Ngoma
- Hatsuki Yamauchi
- Heejoon Choi
- Heidi M. Dierssen
- Hui Li
- Irena F. Creed
- Isabel P. Montañez
- J. M. Weygand
- Jaclyn Hatala Matthes
- James R. Holmquist
- Jane R. Foster
- Jean‐Baptiste Ammirati
- Jenan J. Kharbush
- Jesse Farmer
- Jessica Brandt
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica L. Oster
- Jiang Zhu
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jihyeon Janel Lee
- Joe Salisbury
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- Jon D. Richey
- Jonathan J. Gourley
- Jonathan Wang
- Joseph Schnaubelt
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Julie Granger
- K. D. Küntz
- K. R. Johnson
- Katelyn Tarrio
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- Kevin Li
- Koushan Mohammadi
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- M. A. Friedl
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. R. Collier
- M. Swisdak
- M. T. Brandon
- M. Tzortziou
- Manuela Girotto
- Marcus Löfverström
- Maria J. Chinita
- Marika Koukoula
- Marina Astitha
- Martin A. Briggs
- Martin Zeckra
- Matthew B. Jones
- Md Abdullah Al Mehedi
- Megan Mueller
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michael A. Alexander
- Michael L. Griffiths
- Mikael Witte
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan D. Sheldon
- Nina Brooks
- Nora J. Casson
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paulo Arévalo
- Peng Xian
- Peter J. Haproff
- P̀etra Heil
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. L. Storer
- Radost Stanimirova
- Rebecca A. VanderLeest
- Rebecca J. Dorsey
- Rebecca L. Hale
- Rebecca Logsdon Muenich
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Rehenuma Lazin
- Richard A. Ketcham
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Robert P. Mason
- Robert T. Hensley
- Roland Bürgmann
- Ryan S. D. Calder
- S. Eriksson
- S. R. Hemming
- Samantha A. Siedlecki
- Sarah J. Feakins
- Scott Knapp
- Sean Chua
- Seulgi Moon
- Sophia Macarewich
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Stefano Ermon
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Stergios Emmanouil
- Sylvia Dee
- T. A. Scambos
- Thorne Lay
- Timothy W. Juliano
- Tomas N. Capaldi
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Vernon F. Cormier
- Virginia Smith
- Viviana Maggioni
- W. Richard Peltier
- Xinxuan Zhang
- Xueke Li
- Y. Boneh
- Yan Jia
- Yelin Jiang
- Yige Zhang
- Yingcai Zheng
- Yiwen Mei
- Yongquan Zhao
- YoungHyun Koo
- Zhaohui Aleck Wang
- Zoi Dokou