Montana Tech of the University of Montana
flowchart I[Montana Tech of the University of Montana] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (117)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Updated Western Montana Velocity Model With Regional Model Comparison
- Diel changes in stable carbon isotope ratios and trace element concentrations in the Clark Fork River, MT.
- Flathead River Basin Hydrologic Observatory, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Landstreamer Use for Near-Surface P- and S-Wave Velocities and Poisson's Ratio
- The Transition from Continental Rifting to Seafloor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin
- Unification of NDVI Definitions and Areal Fraction Models in Remote Sensing of Vegetation
- Global Research Initiative in Alpine Environments: A New GLORIA Site in Southwestern Montana
- A New GLORIA (Global Research Initiative in Alpine Environments Site in Southwestern Montana
- CO2 Leak Detection Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 ZERT CO2 Sequestration Field Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Fiber-Optic Strain Monitoring System for DUSEL
- Imaging the Socorro Magma Body Using Free Above-Ground Sources
- Over-Sea-Ice Multi-Component VSP at the AND-2A Drill Hole: ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project
- A High-resolution Seismic Reflection Survey at the Hanford Nuclear Site Using a Land Streamer
- Advances in Over-Sea-Ice Seismic Reflection Surveys
- An In-Situ Root-Imaging System in the Context of Surface Detection of CO2
- An Over-Sea-Ice High Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey to Image Holocene Aged Pelagic Sediment, MacKay Sea Valley , Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- An Over-Sea-Ice Seismic Reflection Survey: Offshore New Harbor, Antarctica
- Aquifer characterization using transient streaming potentials generated by flow during pumping tests - New developments
- Fiber Optic Strain Gage Installation at the DUSEL Site
- Fiber-Optic Strain and Temperature Monitoring System for DUSEL
- Geophysical Investigation of Lone Mountain Rock Glacier, Big Sky, Montana
- Modeling slug tests in unconfined aquifers with both oscillatory and overdamped responses, and with low-K and high-K skin effects
- Monitoring Surface CO2 Leaks Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 and 2009 ZERT Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Using dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon stable isotopes to investigate O2 dynamics in a shallow groundwater system
- A Comparison of the Vulnerability of Groundwater to Climate Change in Two High Elevation Catchments of the Sierra Nevada
- Changes of spectral and radiometric properties of vegetation and soil electric properties in response to simulated surface CO2 leakage of geologically sequestered CO2
- Characterization of evapotranspiration in the riparian zone of the Lower Boise River, with implications for groundwater flow
- Fine-scale Phenology and Nitrogen-Fixing Microbes at a GLORIA Site in Southwestern Montana, USA
- Hydraulic characterization of the shallow subsurface in the Butte--Silver Bow area in southwestern Montana, using pneumatic slug tests
- Integrated Site Investigation Methods and Modeling: Recent Developments at the BHRS (Invited)
- Non-uniqueness in relationships between geophysical and hydrologic parameters: Existence, implications, and improving methods of data integration (Invited)
- Seismic and Gravity Data Help Constrain the Stratigraphic and Tectonic History of Offshore New Harbor, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Stomatal Conductance, Plant Species Distribution, and an Exploration of Rhizosphere Microbes and Mycorrhizae at a Deliberately Leakimg Experimental Carbon Sequestration Field (ZERT)
- Temperature diffusion and thermal strain from embedded fiber optic sensors installed at the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) site Lead, South Dakota
- The Offshore New Harbor (ONH) Seismic Expedition: Revealing the Stratigraphic History in the Southern McMurdo Sound Region, Ross Sea, Antarctica from the Greenhouse to Icehouse Worlds
- Three-dimensional inversion of entire airborne electromagnetic surveys for salinity mapping
- Validation of Fiber-Optic Strain-Sensing Cable for Deep Underground Application
- Geophysical analysis of rock glacier internal structure and implications for deformation mechanics
- Plants as Indicators of Past and Present Zones of Upwelling Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> at the ZERT Facility
- The variation of the mechanical properties of rock on spatial scales from the laboratory to outcrop
- Uniquely Acquired Vintage Seismic Reflection Data Reveal the Stratigraphic and Tectonic History of the Montana Disturbed Belt, USA
- A Vibroseis Seismic Source for Climate, Ice Sheet and Tectonic Studies in Antarctica
- Investigating the Connections between Oil and Gas Industry Affiliation and Climate Change Concerns
- Multi-technique monitoring of CO2 leakage from an engineered CO2 leakage experiment
- Responses of Mycorrhizal Symbioses to Deliberate Leaks from AN Experimental CO<SUB>2 </SUB> Sequestration Field: the Zert Site
- A Sled-Mounted Vibroseis Seismic Source for Geological Studies in Antarctica
- Applicability of MICP in Subsurface and Fractured Environments (Invited)
- Crustal shortening followed by extensional collapse of the Cordilleran orogenic belt in northwestern Montana: Evidence from vintage seismic reflection profiles acquired in the Swan Range and Swan Valley
- Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Rock Properties in Support of the NEESROCK Project
- Life on a Changing Edge: Arctic-Alpine Plants at the Edges of Permanent Snowfields that are Receding Due to Climate Change at Glacier National Park
- NEESROCK: A Physical and Numerical Modeling Investigation of Seismically Induced Rock-Slope Failure
- Predicting Modes and Displacements of Seismic Rock Slope Failures
- Remote sensing of the impact of a large dam on the riparian vegetation canopy
- Seismic response of rock slopes: Numerical investigations on the role of internal structure
- Derivation of Volumetric Liquid Water Content from the RADARSAT-1 SAR Images over a Permafrost Region in interior Alaska
- Geophysical Investigation of Avon Valley, West-Central Montana, using Gravity and Seismic Reflection Profiling
- Reprocessing and Interpretation of Vintage Seismic Reflection Data: Evidence for the Tectonic History of the Rocky Mountain Trench, Northwest Montana.
- The Interface Between Snowfields and Treeline at Glacier National Park, Montana
- Geophysical Evidence for the Tectonic Evolution of the Inverted Belt-Purcell Basin, Northwestern Montana
- Accuracy comparison in mapping water bodies using Landsat images and Google Earth Images
- Comparative metagenomic analysis of soil microbes along treads and risers of periglacial ground in Glacier National Park, Montana
- Controls on the Fluid Compositions of Hyperalkaline Springs: Clues from the Samail Ophiolite in Oman
- Geophysical Investigation of Buried Slag at the Parrot Tailings Site, Butte, Montana
- Green Algae from Coal Bed Methane Ponds as a Source of Fertilizer for Economically Important Plants of Montana
- Habitability from the Surface to the Deep
- Monitoring of coalbed water retention ponds in the Powder River Basin using Google Earth images and an Unmanned Aircraft System
- Multidisciplinary field surveys as the new norm: Integrating geosciences to characterize the fate of carbon in a geothermal fumarole
- Natural Amelioration in Flooded Mine Shafts and Related Changes in Arsenic Concentrations
- Plant Functional Traits on Green Risers and Brown Treads of Periglacial Patterned Ground at Glacier National Park, Montana
- Sediment Volume Record of Paleogene-Neogene Transantarctic Mountains Erosion and Landscape Modification, McMurdo Sound Region, Antarctica
- What's in the mud?: Water-rock-microbe interactions in thermal mudpots and springs
- Comparison of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) from Fiber-Optic Cable to Three Component Geophones in an Underground Mine
- Composition and Structure of Microalgae Indicated in Raman and Hyperspectral Spectra and Scanning Electron Microscopy: from Cyanobacteria to Isolates from Coal-bed Methane Water Ponds
- Field Trial of Distributed Acoustic Sensing in an Active Room-and-Pillar Mine
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Improving Long-term Quality and Continuity of Landsat-7 Data Through Inpainting of Lost Data Based on the Nonconvex Model of Dynamic Dictionary Learning
- Plant Functional Traits Are More Consistent Than Plant Species on Periglacial Patterned Ground in the Rocky Mountains of Montana
- Quantification of Concentration of Microalgae Anabaena Cylindrica, Coal-bed Methane Water Isolates Nannochloropsis Gaditana and PW-95 in Aquatic Solutions through Hyperspectral Reflectance Measurement and Analytical Model Establishment
- A fluxgate magnetogradiometer for an unmanned aircraft system: design and test
- Boresight Calibration of a UAS Mounted LiDAR using a 3D Photogrammetry Model
- Optical to Seismic Signal Processing for the Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing System
- The RAPT Model Predicts Resilience and Vulnerability of Boreal Plant Species to Climate Change in the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland
- Account of the Energy and Resource Potential in US's Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste: Past, Present, and Future
- Design and Application of a Fluxgate Magnetogradiometer Integrated with an Unmanned Aircraft System
- Development and integration of an electromagnetic induction system on an unmanned aircraft system for subsurface electrical conductivity mapping
- Estimating pressure and temperature conditions of hydrothermal vent fluid formation: Historic and recent observations at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N
- Geophysical Survey of Blacktail Creek Beaver Mimicry Site near Butte, Montana
- Geophysical Techniques for the Characterization of Land Subsidence Conditions in Butte, MT
- IoT Sensors and Their Pathway to HPC
- Joint Inversion of Aerogravity and Aeromagnetic Data for Subsurface Structure of the Area Surrounding the Rare Earth Element-Thorium Deposit of Lemhi Pass, Idaho, USA
- Late Oligocene -Early Miocene Kinematics, Volcanism, and Coarse Clastic Sedimentation During the Transition from Margin-Normal Extension to Margin-Parallel Dextral Strike-Slip, Eastern San Emidigo-Western Tehachapi Mountains, Southern California
- Plant Functional Traits Vary with Soil Temperature on Periglacial Patterned Ground of the Rocky Mountains in Montana
- Quantifying Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions as a Result of Low-Impact Stream Restoration
- Relating Sentinel 1 InSAR and ECOSTRESS Thermal Data to Monitor the Lava Flow at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The Stock of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances in California Carpet and the Associated Emissions
- Trend of NDVI Variation in the Tibetan Plateau in Recent 17 Years as Revealed by Multiple Vested Times Series Analysis
- A Sensor Network for Microclimatic Soil Variables on the Alpine Tundra
- Alpine Plant Functional Traits Change with Increased Soil Temperatures at the SW Montana Gloria Target Region
- Analysis of Pre-, Co- and Post-Eruption Deformation of the 2018 Episode of the Kilauea Volcano using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
- Application of a new inversion methodology for aeromagnetic data, for exploration of rare earth element-thorium deposits surrounding the known deposits of Lemhi Pass, Idaho, USA
- Characterizing hydrostratigraphic communication between the various unconsolidated sediment aquifers of the East Flathead region in northwestern Montana through hydrogeophysical surveys
- Distribution and influencing factors on urban land surface temperature of three main megacities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration
- Response of Vegetation FPAR in Growing Season to Climate Change in Hengduan Mountains, China
- Synergic identification of heavy metal contaminants in mining tailings, waste rocks, and soil using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
- Development and application of a multi-sensor system integrated with a remote controlled boat for water bathymetry and water quality mapping in lakes and pollution-control ponds
- Early to middle Miocene ice-sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: west to east regional correlations
- Estimating the Snowmelt Derived Runoff in Upper Missouri River Basin with Snowmelt Runoff Modelling
- High Altitude Soil Testing (HAST): Increasing Accessibility of Data from the Alpine Tundra and Other Remote Locations
- Impact of cold weather and remotely sensed snow cover on hydro-energy generation in Upper Missouri river basin in Montana and Wyoming, USA
- Seed production and reproductive cycles determine the success of an annual invader in a stochastic simulation model
- Comparison Between Potential and Actual Hydroelectric Energy Generated by A Cluster of dams
- Continuous, year-round monitoring of snow-pack and soil properties of an emerging glacial forefield in the Arctic.
- Distribution of surface heavy metal contaminants and location of potential flow paths of contaminated ground water in a heavily contaminated copper smelting site at Anaconda, Montana, USA
- Hydropower forecast driven by a synergy of remote sensing and ground network data - using complex to parsimonious data models
- Modification of the Snowmelt Runoff Model by Incorporating Estimation of Hydropower
- Plant Functional Trait and Species Distribution Reflect Temperature Differences on Polygonal Periglacial Patterned Ground in the Pintler Mountains of Montana
- Year-Round Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Study the Development of Deglaciated Soils in the High Arctic