Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Demonstrable Dirt, Diagenesis and Dissolution in Foraminiferal Chemistry. An SEM and Sequential Leaching Study of Orbulina universa
- New 40Ar-39Ar ages for Basalts From the West Siberian Basin and Links With the Siberian Flood Basalt Province
- New Isotopic Constraints on the Lithospheric Mantle Source of Karoo Picrite Basalts: Nuanetsi Revisited With Multiple Collector ICP-MS.
- Revised Age for Chron M0r Implies Synchronicity of Volcanism on the Ontong Java Plateau with Global Oceanographic Events
- Sr and Stable Isotope (S,O) Chemistry of Anhydrite and Sulfide Phases From the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System, Site 1188, ODP Leg 193.
- Age and duration of magmatism on the Ontong Java Plateau: <SUP>40</SUP>Ar-<SUP>39</SUP>Ar results from ODP Leg 192
- Exhumation and attainment of steady state in the Himalaya: insights from the detrital sediment record
- Significance of mafic hornblende pegmatites intruding ultramafic rocks of the accreted oceanic plateau in Colombia: Ar-Ar and radiogenic isotope constraints
- Evolution of the Krafla Central Volcano, North Volcanic Zone, Iceland
- Topographic Evolution of Mountains: The Influence of Episodic Rejuvenation in Southern Spain.
- Impact of ice sheet glaciation on the late Neogene exhumation of East Greenland
- Miocene Flood Deposits in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica Dated Using Cosmogenic <SUP>3</SUP>He Isotopes.
- 10Be chronology for the deglaciation of the western margin of the British-Irish Ice Sheet, Ireland
- CRONUS-EU Cosmic Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics - The European Contribution
- Changes in ENSO and Interdecadal Climate Variability in the Holocene Recorded in Fossil Corals
- Origin and Nature of the High 3He/4He Mantle Reservoir
- Bangladesh-Burma Accretionary Prism: Evolution and Provenance
- Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al dating of palaeo-lake shorelines on Tibet
- Evolution of a Young Rift Border-Fault System Constrained by Low Temperature (U-Th/He) Thermochronometry: North Basin, Malawi Rift, East Africa
- Long-term Development of Major Longitudinal Valleys in the Himalaya: Tectono-geomorphic Analysis of the Indus Valley, Ladakh, NW India
- Modelling the distribution of detrital cosmogenic nuclide concentrations: a new tool to study drainage basin evolution.
- Plumbing System Dynamics Of Mud Volcanoes (Azerbaijan)
- The British-Irish Palaeocene Igneous Province Revisited: Influence of Crustal Composition on Differentiation Processes Across Four Major Crustal Terranes
- Variable Styles of Magma-Crust Interaction Recorded in Cone-Sheets at the Carlingford Igneous Centre, Republic of Ireland
- A Cosmogenic 10Be Chronology of the Last Deglaciation of Western Ireland, and Implications for Sensitivity of the Irish Ice Sheet to Climate Change
- Black Smoker Vents and Oceanic Detachment Faults
- Cosmogenic 3He exposure dating of the Quaternary lavas at Fogo, Cape Verdes: Dating flank collapse and magmatic reorganisation
- Middle Miocene exhumation of the Laji Shan, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Shallow plumbing systems in mud volcanoes (Azerbaijan)
- Comparison of Natural Dams from Lava Flows and Landslides on the Owyhee River, Oregon
- Composition of Melt Inclusions in High-3He/4He Picrites From Baffin Island and West Greenland
- Cosmogenic Neon-21 Analysis of Individual Detrital Grains: Opportunities and Limitations
- Evidence for Changes in ENSO in the mid-late Holocene From Fossil Corals in Galápagos.
- Geochemistry and Reactivity of Exported Congo Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter
- Heat and Helium in the Early Iceland Plume
- Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in Oceanic Gabbros, IODP Site 1309, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Strontium and Oxygen Isotopic Composition
- Towards a Stacked 1 Ma-year Radiometrically Dated Palaeoclimate Record From Italian Speleothems
- Age and origin of the Amirante ridge-trench structure, western Indian Ocean
- Fe isotope fractionation in the Fe-S system at low temperature
- Ice sheet extent and early deglacial history of the southwestern sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Reconstructing hotspot-induced dynamic topography through palaeogeomorphology
- The Origin of ‘OIB-Type’ Magmas in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Pursuant to the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia
- Constraining the termination of the Lomagundi-Jatuli positive isotope excursion in the Imandra-Varzuga segment (Kola Peninsula, Russia) of the North Transfennoscandian Greenstone Belt by high-precision ID-TIMS
- FAR-DEEP: organic carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of early Paleoproterozoic sediments from Fennoscandia
- First-principles calibration of 40Ar/39Ar mineral standards and complete extraction of 40Ar* from sanidine
- Neoproterozoic ice ages, boron isotopes, and ocean acidification
- Quantifying Site Specific Holocene Soil Erosional Events Using Depth-Profiles of Cosmogenic In-Situ C-14 and Be-10
- Rapid thinning and retreat of the Marguerite Trough Ice Stream, western Antarctic Peninsula in the Early Holocene
- Using cosmogenic 3He to quantify bedrock channel erosion rates on the Mooi River, South Africa
- Widespread silicic volcanism from the Yellowstone hotspot: implications for `eruptive centres'
- Xenocrysts and antecrysts and their effect on the precision of 40Ar/39Ar dates of explosive volcanic eruption
- Constraining the Timescale of Aqueous Alteration in the CM Carbonaceous Chondrites using Mn-Cr determinations of Carbonates and Ar-Ar dating of Phyllosilicates
- Cosmogenic 3HE Erosion Rates Suggest that River Incision and Landscape Evolution in the Eastern Interior of South Africa are Weathering Limited
- Do the Ligurian Alps know that the Mediterranean dried out 6 Ma?
- Exhumation and erosion rates in southern Africa from apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He analysis: state of research, ongoing work and future perspectives
- Exploiting the natural dispersion of single crystal fragment (U-Th)/He age determinations using a new inverse approach to deriving thermal history information
- Helium diffusion experiments on synthetic apatite crystals and single-grain fragments: can we retrieve the He diffusion profiles?
- Huckleberry Ridge Tuff: super-eruption not quite so super
- Insights into the martian hydrosphere from the nakhlites
- Large-scale River Channel Shifts on the Western Indo-Gangetic Plains and their implications for the Bronze-age Harappan Civilisation Settlement Patterns
- Linking exhumation and deformation in the Eastern Teresky Range in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan
- Mantle Origin of Silicic Calc-alkaline Basalts to Andesites in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- New insights into nitrogen cycling in the coastal Antarctic sea ice zone from stable isotope geochemistry
- Resolving the age of the first-order topography of southern Africa: new insight from joint (U-Th)/He and fission track dating of samples from deep boreholes
- Temporal constraints on landscape evolution in response to rifting along the western margin of the Gulf of California, central Baja California Sur, Mexico
- The Rhynie hot-spring system: implications for the Devonian timescale, development of Devonian biota, gold mineralization, evolution of the atmosphere and Earth outgassing
- The Thermo Scientific HELIX-SFT noble gas mass spectrometer: (preliminary) performance for <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- The detrital mineral record of Cenozoic deposits of the Central Myanmar Basin, Burma: implications for the evolution of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- 40Ar/39Ar dating of Pleistocene tuffs: an accurate age for the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal (MBGR)
- A New Approach To Characterizing The Holocene Slip History Of Active Normal Faults: An Integrated Study Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Ground Penetrating Radar, 36Cl Cosmogenic Exposure Dating And Field Analysis
- Abrupt Greenland Ice Sheet runoff and sea water temperature changes since 1821, recorded by coralline algae
- High-precision, high-resolution, post-glacial emergence curves for southern Greenland generated with in situ cosmogenic 10-Be
- Implications of new <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar data for the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary
- New insights into the explosive history of the Yellowstone super-volcano from high-precision dating and mineral chemistry
- Outlet glaciers of southeast Greenland: rapid, synchronised regional retreat at the start of the Holocene?
- Potassium stable isotopic compositions measured by high-resolution MC-ICP-MS
- Sulfur stable isotopic compositions measured on whole rock samples from the Navan Pb-Zn Mine
- Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records using meteoric 10Be flux
- Testing seismic hazard models with Be-10 exposure ages for precariously balanced rocks
- Towards establishing high-precision 40Ar/39Ar chronologies for distal tephra archives
- Transport and deposition of pyroclasts from hot, dry eruptions and the sizes of high-grade ignimbrites
- Using OSL to Unravel Sedimentation Processes at Usumacinta and Grijalva Rivers (SE Mexico)
- A fast and effective inversion approach to obtaining thermal history information from highly dispersed single grain (U-Th)/He ages
- Assessing sedimentation rates at Usumacinta and Grijalva river basin (Southern Mexico) using OSL and suspended sediment load analysis: A study from the Maya Classic Period
- Carbon recycling in ophiolite-hosted carbonates, Oman-UAE
- Cosmogenic beryllium-10 exposure dating of probable earthquake-triggered rock avalanches in Yosemite Valley, California
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Marginal, Damaged Peatlands: Using 14C to Understand DOC Losses
- Drivers of Deglacial and Holocene Sub-Antarctic Climate Variability Inferred from South Georgia Lake Sediment Records
- Greenhouse gas efflux from an impacted Malaysian tropical peat swamp (Invited)
- Hydrodynamic Controls on Carbon Dioxide Efflux from Inland Waters
- Investigation of Quaternary slip rates along the Banning strand of the southern San Andreas Fault near San Gorgonio Pass
- Multiple, discrete inversion episodes revealed by apatite fission track analysis along the southernmost Atlantic margin of South Africa
- Potassium isotopic compositions of NIST potassium standards and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar mineral standards
- Preliminary paleoseismic observations along the western Denali fault, Alaska
- Silicic Arc Magmas And Silicic Slab Melts: The Melt-Rock Reaction Link
- Slow Erosion Rates, Increasing Relief and Transient Landscape Evolution within the Central Range of Taiwan
- Spatial variability of absorption properties in Lake Balaton, Hungary
- Using meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to constrain the age and structure of the frontal wedge at the Japan Trench
- Differential Uplift and Incision of the Yakima River Terraces
- Increasing Freshwater Runoff and Tidal Action Influences on Spatial Mixing Patterns in Søndre Strømfjord, West Greenland
- Linking Historical Earthquake Records to Long Term Fault Slip Rates Using Cosmogenic 36Cl: Evidence for Migrating Earthquake Activity on a Millenial Timescale Across the Central Italian Apennines
- Lithological controls on bedrock river incision and valley formation in the eastern South African Interior
- Quantifying the magnitude, spatiotemporal variation and age of aquatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in western Greenland
- Rapid Oligocene Exhumation of the Western Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Recognising the Different Roles and Expressions of Dynamic Mantle Flow and Plate Kinematics in the Evolution of Africa's Topography
- The Drawdown of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Hyperalkaline Spring Waters Emanating from Cascade Spring, Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt, New Zealand
- Transient Hydrothermal Alteration In Fault Zones Cutting The Lower Oceanic Crust, Hess Deep Rift
- Using tephra layers as absolute and relative chronological markers: an example from Lake Suigetsu, Japan
- <p>The Tasmantid Seamounts: A window into the structural inheritance of ocean floor fabric
- BRITICE-CHRONO: The project and highlights so far
- Dating shallow thrusts by quantifying shear heating
- Fingerprinting Captured CO<SUB>2</SUB> Using Natural Tracers for CCS Monitoring and Verification
- History of crustal recycling recorded in transition zone diamonds
- Instrumentation development for planetary in situ <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Metrologically-Calibrated <SUP>40</SUP>Ar Concentrations and Ages of Mineral Standards Used in <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology
- Millennial strain partitioning and fault interaction revealed by <SUP>36</SUP>Cl cosmogenic nuclide datasets from Abruzzo, Central Italy
- NWA 7034 Martian breccia: Ar/Ar ages of ca. 1.2 to 1.4 Ga
- Primary Iron- and Manganese-Carbonate Deposition in the Palaeoproterozoic Hotazel Formation, South Africa, and Implications for the Great Oxidation Event
- Seasonal Influences on Ground-Surface Water Interactions in an Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia
- Significance of the cosmogenic argon correction in deciphering the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of the Nakhlite (Martian) meteorites
- The East Australian, Tasmantid, and Lord Howe Volcanic Chains: Possible mechanisms behind a trio of hotspot trails
- The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He Mantle
- The lifecycle of caldera-forming volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift: insights from Aluto volcano
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be Erosion Rates Controlled by Normal Fault Slip Rates and Transient Incision
- Development and capabilities of the new 253 Ultra high resolution, gas source mass spectrometer
- Magmatism and Dynamic Topography of Libya and Tibesti, North Africa
- Multiple Speleothem Record of Orbital to Millennial-scale Climate Variability During MIS 21 to MIS 26
- Nitrogen cycling in 2.7 Ga oceans
- Offshore-onshore correlations refining the glacial history of western Ireland
- Chemistry and Isotopic Composition of Slab-Derived Fluids from Serpentine Mud Volcanoes in the Mariana Forearc
- Exploring changes in vertical ice extent along the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in western Dronning Maud Land - initial results of the MAGIC-DML collaboration
- Newly Described Tephra Provide Middle Pleistocene Age Constraints to Stegodon Fossils in West (Indonesian) Timor
- The Exhumation of the Central Lhasa, Tibet: Evidence from the Low-temperature Thermochronology
- The origin and evolution of silicic magmas during continental rifting: new constraints from trace elements and oxygen isotopes from Ethiopian volcanoes
- Thermochronological Record of a Jurassic Heating-Cooling Cycle Within a Distal Rifted Margin (Calizzano Massif, Ligurian Alps)
- Unravelling the Mysteries of Slip Histories, Validating Cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl Derived Slip Rates on Normal Faults
- Unravelling the sulphur isotope systematics of an alkaline magmatic province: implications for REE mineralization and exploration
- Core Surprise: Characterising the Internal Structure of an Ancient Plate Boundary Fault in Scotland
- Deformation On Parallel Fault Strands Associated With The Fault Tip Zone Of The South Alkyonides Normal Fault, Greece, Quantified Using Combined <SUP>36</SUP>Cl Exposure Dating Of Wave-Cut Platforms, <SUP>234</SUP>U/<SUP>230</SUP>Th Coral Dating, And Detailed Mapping.
- Improving confidence and revealing fault complexity using multiple sampling sites in <SUP>36</SUP>Cl Quaternary slip rate studies
- Joint zircon thermochronology modeling on the uplift history of the Middle Hsuehshan Range in Taiwan
- Quantifying Relationships Between Magmatism, Asthenospheric Temperature and Dynamic Support: An African Case Study
- Trace Element Evidence from the 2.4 Ga Hotazel Fe-Mn Formation, South Africa, Constrains Marine Redox Conditions at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of 'Recent' Aqueous Activity on Mars
- A Bayesian approach to deconvolving <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar data from multi-component mixtures
- Building an Accurate and Precise Chronological Framework for the British Palaeogene Igneous Province
- Early onset of rapid exhumation of the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan revealed by zircon thermochronological modeling
- Investigations into Geochemical Fingerprints of UK Carboniferous Coal Measures at the Glasgow UKGEOS Site, Scotland.
- Moraine crest or slope: an analysis on the effects of boulder position on cosmogenic exposure age
- Percent-Level Production of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar by an Overlooked Mode of <SUP>40</SUP>K Decay
- The First Impact Crater in the Paleogene: Implications for Recovery After the K-Pg Mass Extinction
- Using Trace Elements in Olivine Phenocrysts to Test Models of Melt Differentiation at Convergent Margins: Constraints from Times Series in Monogenetic Volcanoes in the Central Transmexican Volcanic Belt
- A lacustrine biomarker record of continental temperature in equatorial Africa over the last 170,000 years
- A multi-isotope geochemical approach to baseline monitoring at the Carbon Management Canada's CCS Field Research Station, prior to CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection
- Applications of in situ <SUP>14</SUP>C to ice thickness changes in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Arc melt production from hybrid slab and mantle sources - new evidence from Cr spinel bearing high-Ni olivines in central Transmexican Volcanic Belt
- Earthquake clustering controlled by shear zone interaction: insights from cosmogenic dating and stress interactions for normal faults in central Italy
- Elevation Changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Interior During the Last Deglaciation
- Geochemical Fingerprinting of UK Carboniferous Coal Measures and Coal Mine Workings at the Glasgow UKGEOS site, Scotland
- Improving the Resolution of Rates and Dates by Integrating Paleomagnetic and High-precision Geochronological Techniques
- Noble gases confirm plume-related mantle degassing beneath Southern Africa
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in the Khumbu Himal, Nepal, using Be-10 exposure-age dating
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- A detailed Pleistocene cosmogenic nuclide chronology of Patagonian Ice-Sheet expansions in north-eastern Patagonia (43S)
- Age of the Oldest Homo Sapiens from Eastern Africa
- Olivine Ca as Proxy to Mantle Wedge Depletion in the Central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- The Role of Divide Migration on Topography in Detachment Fault Bounded Mountain Ranges: Insight from Sierra de la Laguna, Mexico
- Felsic rocks are likely underrepresented in intraplate seamount sampling: a case study from the Tasmantid Seamounts east of Australia
- Multistage Melting of Buoyant Mantle beneath the Fiji Triple Junction
- Refining Age Models of Columbia River Basalt Emplacement and the Miocene Climate Optimum with High-Precision Geochronology
- The Louisiade Plateau: Is this 100,000 km2 Feature a Large Igneous Province in the Coral Sea, northeast of Australia