Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
flowchart I[Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (6)"] AW["Affiliated Works (534)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (183)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Department of Physics
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Experimental Nuclear Physics
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Geodesy
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Geophysics
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Meteorology and Climatology
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nanotechnology
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Consistency of Geologic and Geodetic Shortening Rates in the Central Andes and Slowing Plate Convergence.
- A Step Towards an Advanced Parameterization of Cloud Microphysical Processes
- Anomalously anomalous barium abundance below K/T boundary in the Cauvery Basin (South India): few requests on terminal Cretaceous events
- Effect of Forest Conversion Practices on the Composition of Soil Microbial Key Populations Involved in N-Cycling
- Multielement geochemical investigations by SRXRF microprobe studies on tectite material: Evidence from the NE-Mexican Cretaceous/Tertiary record
- Multiple (immiscible) melt phases of mafic composition in Chicxulub impact ejecta from northeastern Mexico: New constraints on target lithologies
- N-Cycling in N-Saturated Forests: New Aspects Towards in situ Soil Microbial N-Transformations
- Orographic precipitation enhancement during extreme flood events in mid-Europe
- Rock magnetic properties of iron-rich Chicxulub impact ejecta from La Sierrita, northeastern Mexico
- Seismic Microzoning of Bucharest - a GIS-supported Study of Earthquake Hazard
- Simulation of Mixed-Phase Convective Clouds: A Comparison of Spectral and Parameterized Microphysics
- Trace Element Pattern of Authigenic Pyrite: A Promising Proxy for the Redox State of Depositional Environment
- VRANCEA2001 - 2-D Crustal Velocity Structure Across the Earthquake Prone Vrancea Region in Romania
- World Calibration Center for VOC (WCC-VOC), a new Facility for the WMO-GAW-Programme
- BEWA2000 Studies on the Regulation of Isoprenoid Biosynthesis as Prerequisite for the Development of Process-Based Emission Models
- Deformation of the Aegean Slab in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Magnetic Method vs Analytical Technique
- Elements of a Process-based Model of Leaf Photosynthesis
- Fluxes of Primary and Secondary Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) During the BEWA Field Experiments
- Quantification of carbon sources for isoprene emission in poplar leaves
- Simulation of BVOC Fluxes and Chemical Transformations with a One-dimensional Canopy Chemistry Model for the BEWA Campaigns
- The validation of profiles of minor species derived from the Kiruna FTIR spectra using SFIT2 by comparison with satellite measurements (ILAS)
- Trace Gas Emissions in Temperate Forests and Impact of Forest Conversion
- Composition Changes in the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere Induced by the 2003 Solar Proton Events
- Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Sandstone: Experimentation and Modeling at Aquifer-Analog Scale
- GPS Observations Indicate Postseismic Deformation in the Vrancea Region, Romania
- Magnetic Evidence for Metastable Ferrihydrite Particles in a Vertisol
- Physical and Numerical Experiments to Investigate the Influence of Dead-Water Zones on the Dispersive Mass Transport in Rivers
- Polar NOx in the Middle and Upper Stratosphere Observed by MIPAS on ENVISAT
- Protection of installations for potable water abstraction against hazardous environmental influences in bedrock media
- Seismic Microzonation Based on Geotechnical Parameters - Estimation of Site Effects in Bucharest (Romania)
- Airborne Measurements of CO and Hydrocarbons over Western Europe During ICARTT-ITOP
- Comparison of ILAS-II Data With Ground-based FTIR Measurements of O3, HNO3, N2O, and CH4 Over Kiruna, Sweden
- Comparison of Tilt Data With Long Period Seismograms: Surface Waves and Earth Free Oscillations
- Densities of Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Temperature Range 243-303K
- Discovery of a Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) PSC Belt Around Antarctica by MIPAS on Envisat
- ELF/VLF radio from runaway breakdown and cosmic ray air showers
- Grain boundaries, a possible water reservoir in the Earth's mantle?
- Knowledge Management in Taxonomy and Biostratigraphy using TaxonConcept Software
- New aspects of the Dead Sea strike slip fault zone from the northeastern side of the Dead Sea - reflection seismic evidence
- The new CARIBIC Airbus A340-600 based observational system
- Air Masses from Mexico City as Observed at Altzomoni Site at 4.000 m a.s.l.
- Comparison between MIPAS/Envisat and GLAS/ICESat detection of optically thin clouds and constraints on the existence of high altitude tropical NAT clouds by MIPAS
- Evaluation of the atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1
- Forest Conversion: Impact on Total Greenhouse Gas Balance and Mitigation Strategies
- High-Resolution trace element studies on Tektites from Maastrichtian/Danian (K/T) Strata
- Impact of Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Freezing on H2O and HNO3 Partitioning in Cirrus Clouds
- Interactive Mapping on Virtual Terrain Models Using RIMS (Real-time, Interactive Mapping System)
- Modelling Studies With a Coupled Canopy Atmospheric Chemistry Emission Model on Trace Gas Exchange and Gas Phase Chemistry in a Norway Spruce Forest
- N2O Source Strength of Tropical Rain Forests: From the Site to the Global Scale
- Nitrogen and Chlorine Compounds, and Ozone in the Lower Stratosphere, Comparison of MIPAS Satellite Data With the CCM E5/M1.
- Point to Point Evaluation of Long-Lived Stratospheric Trace Gases Simulated by the CCM E5/M1, Using Nine Years of Satellite Data
- Regional Meteorology-Chemistry Simulations For Europe and Southern Germany Under Present Day And Future Climate Conditions
- Time Resolved Profiling of Stratospheric Radical Species by Balloon-borne Skylight Limb Observations
- Water content in high dimensional defects in the Earth's Mantle
- Assessing the Reliability of Geoelectric Imaging Results for Permafrost Investigations
- Atmosphere-Ground Interaction in the Context of Convective Precipitation Using a Soil Moisture and Energy Balance Network During COPS
- Effect of hydrothermal alteration on rock magnetic properties from basalts in the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland
- Ground Truth Observations of the Interior of a Rockglacier as Validation for Geophysical Monitoring Data Sets
- Ground-based Observations of the Total CO2 Column: Method, Validation, and First Results
- Limitations and Perspectives of Electrical Resistivity and Refraction Seismic Tomography in Frozen Ground
- Methane uptake in forest and agro-ecosystems in Australia
- Monitoring and Quantifying Subsurface Ice and Water Content in Permafrost Regions Based on Geophysical Data Sets
- TERENO ("Terrestrial Environmental Observatories"): Establishment and Upgrading of a Terrestrial Observatory "Alpine upland" for Long Term Observations of the Impact of Global Change Factors on Biosphere-Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
- TERENO - A new Network of Terrestrial Observatories for Environmental Research
- Diffusion profiles of OH towards melt inclusions in garnets in lherzolite xenoliths from the Victor diamond mine, South Africa
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Effects Observed in LIMS Data
- GEOmon: Towards an integrated system for Earth Observation
- Helioviewer: A Web 2.0 Tool for Visualizing Heterogeneous Heliophysics Data
- Influence of Eco-hydrological Changes on Flow Velocities in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer - Findings From Tracer Tests at the Merdingen Test Site, Germany.
- Interpretation of HALOE, ACE, and MIPAS Water Vapor and Methane Data in the Equatorial Upper Stratosphere
- Isotopic probes for chamber-based microphysics studies
- Metastable Ice and Glass Formation in Atmospherically Relevant Aqueous Droplets
- Model simulations of stratospheric ozone loss caused by enhanced mesospheric NOx during Arctic Winter 2003/2004
- Multi-stage water enrichment processes in the wake of the Farralon slab (UNESCO IGCP 557)
- OH and CO2 diffusion profiles in garnets from eclogitic xenoliths from the Victor diamond mine, South Africa (UNESCO IGCP 557)
- Observed and Modeled Decadal Trends in Ozone Concentrations at Northern mid- Latitudes
- Spectroscopic and Structural Study of the Protonation of Aquatic Natural Organic Matter from the Amazon river tributaries
- The Co-Evolution of Asian Aquifers and Arsenic: How Understanding Sedimentary History can Help Predict Patterns of Arsenic Heterogeneity
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Lead on Atmospheric Ice Formation
- The Influence of Relative Humidity on the SOA-Formation at Various Temperatures
- Changing Global Risk Landscape - Challenges for Risk Management (Invited)
- Data assimilation experiments within the POGEQA project
- Earthquake Early Warning Systems for Transportation Lines
- Elastic Properties of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)O in Earth’s Lower Mantle
- High-Pressure Falling Sphere Viscosimetry of Basaltic and Dacitic Rocks in Conjunction with Synchrotron Radiation
- Low-temperature magnetometry of synthetic Fe-Ti oxide assemblages
- Mesoscale hydrometeorological simulations over large river basins in China through a coupled land-surface and hydrology model system
- Real Time Seismic Prediction while Drilling
- Theory and measurements of charged stratospheric ice particles
- Tropospheric ozone measured in the thermal infrared: from polar orbiting satellites towards geostationary platforms (Invited)
- Automatic tremor detection and waveform component analysis using a neural network approach
- CFD modeling of fluid flow and solute transport in a µXCT scanned natural fracture: Impact of fracture geometry on solute transport
- Damping of Elastic Waves during Low to High Quartz Transition
- Formal blind intercomparison of HO2 measurements during the HOxComp campaign
- High resolution regional climate modeling for flood hazard impact study in Germany
- Investigating and parameterizing physical, chemical, and thermodynamic dependencies of ice nuclei concentrations (Invited)
- Linking Carbon Fluxes with Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area and Aboveground Biomass Through Footprint Climatology
- Modeling the heterogeneous hydrolysis of N2O5: Nitrate effect versus organic coatings (Invited)
- Shock deformation and nucleation of magnetic minerals in suevites of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, USA
- Systematic Risk Reduction: Chances and Risks of Geological Storage of CO2
- Volatile Organic Compounds in the Global Atmosphere (Invited)
- A kinematic model of patchy slip at depth explains observed tremor waveforms on the San Andreas fault near Parkfield, California
- Assessing the added value of a full physics method for retrieving XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> from GOSAT
- Characterizing the 3D distribution of ozone and coarse aerosols in the Troposphere: joint retrieval with IASI thermal infrared satellite observations
- Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Olivine-Melt Interfaces
- Extreme Seismic Events in Models of Lithospheric Block-and-Fault Dynamics
- Greenhouse Gas CCI Project (GHG-CCI): Overview and current status
- Influence of Aerosol Chemical Composition on Heterogeneous Ice Formation under Mid-Upper Troposphere Conditions
- Investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes and tremor along the Cholame segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Low-temperature magnetic study of naturally and experimentally shocked pyrrhotite
- MACC/MACC-II : the case for composition measurements from the geostationary orbit
- Magnetic and plagioclase fabrics in Early Cretaceous mafic dykes from Namibia
- Mineral transformations during the dissolution of uranium ore minerals by dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria
- Modeling flow and solute transport at a tile drain field site by explicit representation of preferential flow structures: Equifinality and uncertainty
- Retrievals of XCH4 from GOSAT: comparison between full physics and light path proxy algorithms
- The Arctic winter 2010/11 as observed by GOME-2 and SCIAMACHY
- The effect of CO2 on the stability of fault zones in cap rocks - an experimental approach
- The usefulness of orthogonal information in data scarce areas: little pieces of the puzzle to test and improve your hydrological model
- A comparative analysis of retrieval algorithms for GOSAT SWIR data processing: comparison against TCCON and transport model, cross-comparison, and effects of atmospheric light scattering
- A modified homogeneous freezing rate parameterization for aqueous solution droplets
- Consistent validation of CO2 satellite measurements and the CarbonTracker model using the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Emissions from oil and natural gas operations in northeastern Utah
- Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Associated with Natural Gas Production in the Uintah Basin, Utah
- Energy based method for measuring fracture energy and elastic properties of snow in field tests
- Estimating exposure to groundwater contaminants in karst areas
- Evaluation of the added value provided by ozone measurements from an instrument onboard a Geostationary satellite: The thermal infrared and visible contribution
- Heterogeneous ice nucleation of uncoated and coated desert dust
- Influence of differences in current GOSAT X<SUB>CO<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> products on surface flux estimation
- Inverse modelling of CH4 and CO2 in the context of passive and active satellite missions
- Investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes and tremor along the Cholame segment of the San Andreas fault
- Investigation of heat flux processes governing the increase of groundwater temperatures beneath cities
- Man-made CO2 emission sigunature seen from GOSAT
- Measurements of African dust aerosol properties as ice nuclei in the laboratory and atmosphere
- Mitigating GHG emissions from agriculture under climate change constrains - a case study for the State of Saxony, Germany
- Modeling, Forecasting and Mitigating Extreme Earthquakes
- Modelling nitrogen transport and turnover at the hillslope scale - a process oriented approach
- NOAA Mobile Laboratory Measures Oil and Gas Emissions
- NOx emissions and photochemistry associated with oil and gas production
- Proxy methane retrievals from the ACOS project: Initial validation with TCCON and retrieval intercomparison
- Regional and Seasonal Cycles of AOD and Precipitation from Satellite Retrievals and in a Global Model: Sensitivity to Convective Wet Scavenging Parameterizations
- Simulating Martian water ice clouds in terrestrial laboratories: What can we learn about Mars without leaving Earth?
- The microphysical properties of small ice particles measured during MACPEX
- Time-reversal imaging techniques applied to tremor waveforms near Cholame, California to locate tectonic tremor
- Vertical Structure and Sources of Aerosols in the Mediterranean Region (VESSAER)
- Wintertime ozone and nitrogen oxide photochemistry and nighttime chemistry in a Western oil and gas basin
- A power plant emission signature seen from GOSAT
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- An Information Theory Perspective on Uncertainty Quantification and Bayes Law (Invited)
- DESERVE - Dead Sea Research Venue
- Derivation of Tropospheric Methane from TCCON CH4 and HF Total Column Observations
- Drift-corrected Trends and Periodic Variations in MIPAS Ozone Measurements
- Extreme seismicity and disaster risks: Hazard versus vulnerability (Invited)
- Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology
- Long-term increase in forest water-use efficiency observed across ecosystem carbon flux networks (Invited)
- Modeling the dependence on viewing and illumination geometries of Land Surface Temperature retrieved from space borne sensors
- Seismic hazard assessment in the Tibet-Himalayan region based on observed and modeled extreme earthquakes
- Series Distance - a metric for the quantification of hydrograph errors and forecast uncertainty, simultaneously for timing and magnitude
- Ship diesel emission aerosols: A comprehensive study on the chemical composition, the physical properties and the molecular biological and toxicological effects on human lung cells of aerosols from a ship diesel engine operated with heavy or light diesel fuel oil
- Spatial and Temporal Biases in ACOS-GOSAT and BESD-SCIAMACHY Carbon Dioxide and Effects on Flux Estimates
- Stratospheric SO2 and sulfate aerosol: model simulations and satellite observations (Invited)
- The methane retrieval algorithm for TROPOMI aboard Sentinel-5 Precursor
- Towards a quantitative description of fracture sealing: Phase-field modeling of mineral precipitation in veins
- Trace gas composition in the free and upper troposphere over Asia: Examining the influence of long-range transport and convection of local pollution
- Validation of satellite Land Surface Temperature products using ground-based measurements and heritage satellite data - Protocol, limitations and results
- Variability of stratospheric water vapour
- Why the seismicity induced in Soultz-sous-Forêts and Gross Schoenebeck enhanced geothermal fields are so different? (Invited)
- A Large Ozone-Circulation Feedback and Its Implications for Global Warming Assessments
- ACE-FTS, MLS and Mipas Inter-Comparisons of Atmospheric Trace Species
- Air Quality and Population Exposure in Urban Areas: Potential Co-Benefits of Alternative Strategies
- Balancing induced seismicity and permeability creation through aseismic deformation
- Boston Column Network: Compact Solar-Tracking Spectrometers and Differential Column Measurements
- CO2 Total Column Variability From Ground-Based FTIR Measurements Over Central Mexico
- Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) at the UTLS: Global Observations by MIPAS/Envisat and EMAC Model Results
- Compact Solar Spectroscopic Column CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O and HOD Observations: Performance Evaluation at TCCON Sites
- Copula based merging of modelled and satellite derived soil moisture fields and hydrometeorological fluxes
- Correction of Spectral Distortion on Oxygen a-Band Due to Non-Linear Phase Delay Onboard Tanso-FTS/Gosat
- Decadal prediction of European soil moisture from 1961 to 2010 using a regional climate model
- Differences in satellite CO<SUB>2</SUB> data coverage and their influence on regional flux constraints
- Discharge Estimation Using Hydro-Geodetic Approaches
- Ecosystem Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Respond Directly to Weather Not Climate: A Case Study on the Relationship of Global Atmospheric Circulation, Foehn Frequency, and Winter Weather to Northern Alps Regional Grassland Phenology and Carbon Cycling
- Experimental Evaluation of Flux Footprint Models
- Fast Transport from Southeast Asia Boundary Layer Sources to Northern Europe: Rapid Uplift in Typhoons and Eastward Eddy Shedding of the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone
- Full Uncertainty Quantification of a Regional N2O and NO3 Inventory Using the Biogeochemical Model LandscapeDNDC
- G3E - Geostationary Emission Explorer for Europe: mission concept
- Gaseous Nitrogen Losses from Tropical Savanna Soils of Northern Australia: Dynamics, Controls and Magnitude of N<SUB>2</SUB>O, NO, and N<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Generation of Bentonite Colloids Under Repository-relevant Conditions in the CFM Long-term In situ Test, Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland
- Harmonization of Initial Estimates of Shale Gas Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Power Generation
- Intercomparison of TCCON and MUSICA Water Vapour Products
- Long-term, high precision lysimeter network an important tool to validate soil models
- Marginal Lands Gross Primary Production Dominate Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Interannual Variations
- Methyl chloride in the UT/LS observed by CARIBIC: global distribution, Asian summer monsoon outflow, and use as a tracer for tropical air
- Modeling Feedbacks between Biogenic Emissions and Air Chemistry from Site to Globe
- Net Carbon Uptake Has Increased through Warming-Induced Changes in Temperate Forest Phenology
- Network Robustness: the whole story
- New Ways to Continuous Measurements of Soil Moisture in a Hyper-arid Dune Sand Environment
- Processes Controlling Water Vapor in the UT/LS: Eight Years of Monthly Measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory
- Quantitative Laboratory Experiments on Contact Freezing and Secondary Ice Production induced by Aerosol- Cloud Droplet Collisions
- Recent developments in the use of DTS to monitor atmospheric flows
- RemoTeC XCO2 retrievals from GOSAT to study CO2 uptake over Australia
- Remote sensing of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> above the Atlantic from aboard the research vessel Polarstern
- Rossby-wave driven stirring of the UTLS - a detailed view on the intricately layered structure by the 3-D imaging limb-sounder GLORIA
- Shock-Induced Magnetic and Structural Changes in Magnetite: New Insights Towards Strain Memory Mechanisms
- Stable Water Isotope Dynamics Can Constrain GCM Convective Processes during the MJO
- Stratospheric Aerosol Simulated by EMAC Using MIPAS SO<SUB>2</SUB> for Estimate of Volcanic Injections and SAGE and OSIRIS Satellite Data for Evaluation in the Period 2002-2011
- The Flushing of the Northern Lower Stratosphere and the Influence of the Monsoon: Results from Tacts/Esmval 2012
- The Importance of the Spatial Density of Satellite Measurements for the Retrieval of Spatial Flux Patterns
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- Towards the regulation of aerosol emissions by their potential health impact: Assessing adverse effects of aerosols from wood combustion and ship diesel engine emissions by combining comprehensive data on the chemical composition and their toxicological effects on human lung cells
- Urban Heat Island Versus Air Quality - a Numerical Modelling Study for a European City
- Using Long-Term Observations of VOCs from the CARIBIC Observatory to Refine Understanding of Transport and Chemistry in the UT/LS
- Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions characterization during the flow-back phase of a hydraulically refractured well in the Uintah Basin, Utah using mobile PTR-MS measurements
- "Detecting people"
- A Comprehensive Data Composite of NO and NOy in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from CARIBIC Airborne Measurements
- A Novel Concept for Observing Land-Surface-Atmosphere Feedback Based on a Synergy of Scanning Lidar Systems
- A Simple Two-dimensional Parameterisation for Flux Footprint Predictions
- Aerosol Enhancements in the Upper Troposphere Over The Amazon Forest: Do Amazonian Clouds Produce Aerosols?
- Analysis of N<SUB>2</SUB>O isotopic composition at a tall tower in central Switzerland to identify emission sources and hot spots
- Application of Bistatic TanDEM-X Interferometry to Measure Lava Flow Volume and Lava Extrusion Rates During the 2012-13 Tolbachik, Kamchatka Fissure Eruption
- Applications of online high resolution time of flight chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HRToF-CIMS): opportunities and challenges for aircraft measurements, atmosphere-ecosystem exchange, and organic aerosol composition
- Calibration and Application of an Array of Portable FTIR Spectrometers (EM27/SUN) for Detecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Can the Maximum Power Principle predict Effective Conductivities of a Confined Aquifer? A Lab Experiment
- Climate Change in the Next 30 Years: What Can a Convection-Permitting Model Tell Us that We Did Not Already Know?
- Comparison of MIR (NDACC) and NIR (TCCON) column-averaged CO from ground-based solar Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) measurements
- Cooling biogeophysical effect of large-scale tropical deforestation in three Earth System models
- Dynamic Vulnerability of Karst Systems: a Concept to understand qualitative and quantitative Aspects of Karst springs due to Changes in Groundwater Recharge
- Effect of Clay Nanoparticle Transport, Desorption Kinetics and Redox Equilibrium on Radionuclide Mobility in Fractured Rock investigated at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland)
- Evaluation of a Remote Sensing Instrument Suite to Measure Gas Columns from a Mobile Laboratory
- Field Studies Show That In Situ Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for East African Agriculture Are Less Than IPCC Values
- Future land-use change emissions: CO<SUB>2</SUB>, BVOC and wildfire
- Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?
- How Landscape Characteristics Influence Spatial Patterns of Transpiration
- Ice nucleation by plant structural materials and its potential contribution to glaciation in clouds
- Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results
- Impacts of alternative fuels in aviation on microphysical aerosol properties and predicted ice nuclei concentration at aircraft cruise altitude
- Importance of vegetation distribution for future carbon balance
- Investigating Baseline, Alternative and Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations in the SMAP Context
- Ionization, Charging and Electric Field Effects on Cloud Particles in the CLOUD Experiment
- Isotopic Fractionation in Snow (IFRACS) at Storm Peak Laboratory
- Isotopic Monitoring of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions from Wastewater Treatment: Evidence for N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production Associated with Anammox Metabolism?
- Large-eddy transport in the surface layer over heterogeneous terrain
- Mapping Invasive Plant Species with a Combination of Field and Remote Sensing Data
- Modeling Hydrological Processes with a Fully-Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling System for the Poyang Lake Basin, China
- Modeling the fate of nitrogen on the catchment scale using a spatially explicit hydro-biogeochemical simulation system
- Modelling of Tc migration in an un-oxidized fractured drill core from Äspö, Sweden
- Modulation of Cloud Phase, Precipitation and Radiation by Ice Nuclei Perturbations in High Resolution Model Simulations
- On the Improvement of SKS Splitting Measurements by the Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple Waveforms (SIMW)
- Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
- Remote Sensing of Urban Groundwater Temperatures
- Role of Runoff-Infiltration Partitioning and Resolved Overland Flow on Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks: A Case-Study with the WRF-Hydro Coupled Modeling System for West Africa
- Silurian Extrusion Wedge Tectonics in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides
- Small-scale spatial heterogeneity as a source for uncertainty of methane fluxes in an extensive near-natural bog-ecosystem
- The Formation of Micro Diamonds in Dislocation Creep Controlled by the C:O:H Ratio of NAMS
- The Impact of Future Emissions Changes on Air Pollution Concentrations and Related Human Health Effects
- The Sustainability of Irrigation Schemes Under Climate Change
- The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
- The WASCAL regional climate simulations for West Africa - how to add value to existing climate projections
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- A data-driven and physics-based single-pass retrieval of active-passive microwave covariation and vegetation parameters for the SMAP mission
- A new Bayesian formulation to locate earthquakes from body-wave direction of arrival
- A preliminary reactive transport approach to quantify swelling of clay-sulfate rocks
- Aerosol effects on clouds and precipitation over Germany under strong and weak synoptic forcing conditions
- Atmospheric Profiles of Carbon Dioxide Obtained with a UAS: Constraints on Square Kilometre Scale Carbon Budgets
- Beyond the extreme: Recovery dynamics following heat and drought stress in trees
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions from Rice Paddy Soils in Vietnam - Identifying Regional Hotspots and Quantifying the Total Emission Strength using a Biogeochemical Model
- Discrepancies between Leaf and Ecosystem Measures of Water-Use Efficiency
- Evaluation of the health impact of nanoparticles emitted from combustion sources: Comprehensive characterization of the physicochemical properties of nanoparticle emissions from wood combustion compliances, car- and ship diesel-engines as well as investigation of their toxicological effects on human lung cells and macrophages.
- Field Intercomparison of Six Sifferent Three-dimensional Sonic Anemometers
- Global Observations of Cloud-Sensitive Aerosol Loadings in Low Level Marine Clouds
- Global convergence of maixmum light use efficiency using fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- How well do we know global long-term tropospheric ozone changes?
- In-Situ Observations Define the Role of Sulfur Dioxide in Stratospheric Aerosol Formation
- Investigating the Interdependencies of the Energy Balance Closure and the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget.
- Microseismic monitoring : Hierarchical transdimensional tomography and propagation of velocity model uncertainties to seismic event locations
- Modelling heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral dust and soot with parameterizations based on laboratory experiments
- Nitrogen Cycling and GHG Emissions of Natural and Managed Tropical Ecosystems at Mt. Kilimanjaro
- Observed OH and HO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations in the upper troposphere inside and outside of Asian monsoon influenced air.
- On the Influence of Air Mass History on Low Cloud Properties in the Southeast Atlantic
- Participatory evaluation of disaster resilience performance with urban stakeholders: An implementation case study before and after the 2015 Nepal Ghorka earthquake
- Results from the second SPARC water vapour assessment (WAVAS II) on satellite data quality
- Seasonal Contrasts of Air Mass Composition in the Extratropical UTLS
- Sensitivity of clouds and precipitation to terrain forcing under different synoptic conditions over Germany
- Spatio-temporal aerosol particle distributions in the UT/LMS measured by the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory
- The Formation of Micro-Diamonds in Micro-Cracks Controlled by the C:O:H Ratio of NAMS
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Influence of Soil Displacement in Bavarian Agricultural Landscapes on the Land-Atmosphere Exchange of Greenhouse Gases.
- The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design
- The Status of Global Fire Modeling: Results from the Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP)
- Three-dimensional phase-field investigation of pore space cementation and permeability in quartz sandstone
- Vegetation Structure Controls Carbon Sequestration Potential in a Savannah Ecosystem of Mt. Kilimanjaro Region
- What is the smallest change caused by geothermal fluids at depth that can be seen from magnetotelluric monitoring?
- 25 Years of Atmospheric Science with the Balloon-borne Limb Sounder MIPAS-B
- A comparison of airborne evapotranspiration maps and sapflow measurements in oak and beech forest stands
- Aerosol in the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere, decadal Simulations of Radiative Forcing using the Chemistry Circulation Model EMAC and MIPAS, GOMOS, IASI and other Satellite Data
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Biomass burning plumes and the aging of black carbon aerosols in the tropopause region observed with the CARIBIC single particle soot photometer
- Can Sap Flow Help Us to Better Understand Transpiration Patterns in Landscapes?
- Comparison of atmospheric CO2 columns at high latitudes from ground-based and satellite-based methods
- Detection of the long-range transport of wildfire pollution to the Arctic using a network of ground-based FTIR spectrometers, satellite observations and model result
- Dinitrogen emissions as an overlooked component of the N balance of montane grasslands
- Dynamics and Composition of the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone
- Effect of Monsoon on spatio-temporal variation of groundwater chemistry and stable isotopic signatures: insights for concomitant arsenic mobilization in West Bengal, India
- Emissions of methane in Europe inferred by total column measurements
- Estimations of natural variability between satellite measurements of trace species concentrations
- Evaluation of probe-induced flow distortion of Campbell CSAT3 sonic anemometers by numerical simulation
- High sensitivity of anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing to pre-industrial fire emissions
- Implementation of an Online Chemistry Model to a Large Eddy Simulation Model (PALM-4U0
- Measuring and modeling of soil N2O emissions - How well are we doing?
- Merged SAGE II / MIPAS / OMPS Ozone Record : Impact of Transfer Standard on Ozone Trends.
- Merged SAGE II, Ozone_cci and OMPS ozone profiles dataset and evaluation of ozone trends in the stratosphere
- Modeling secondary ice production in mixed-phase clouds
- NOy and O<SUB>3</SUB> in the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone: Uncertainties associated with the Convection and Lightning in a Global Model
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- On the role of ozone feedback in the ENSO amplitude response under global warming
- Separating methane emissions from agricultural sources and natural gas: direct measurements of excess columns of CH<SUB>4</SUB>, C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB> and NH<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Colorado Front Range
- Temporal Dynamics and Persistence of Spatial Patterns: from Groundwater to Soil Moisture to Transpiration
- The Annual Cycle of the Tropical Rain Belts and its Changes under CO2 Quadrupling in the TRACMIP Ensemble
- The effect of mixing and residual transport on Mean Age of Air in CCMVal-2 and CCMI model simulations
- The role of Hadley cell extent in determining the radiative effect of midlatitude clouds, and the resulting effects on CMIP5 models' climate sensitivity
- The sensitivities of in cloud and cloud top phase distributions to primary ice formation in ICON-LEM
- UTLS Drift Analysis for the ACE-FTS and MIPAS CFC-11 and CFC-12 Data Products
- A new instrument for semi-autonomous measurements of atmospheric ice nucleating particles: the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE)
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- Atmospheric abundance, droplet and ice formation potential of coal fly ash
- DARE to Deliver Research Agility on Cloud E-Infrastructures
- Deciphering the controlling mechanism for Andean mountain building in Central Chile: Preliminary Results
- Do Surface Kinetics Play a Role in Depositional Ice Growth in Cirrus Clouds?
- Functional and hydraulic traits plasticity of boreal tree species along a latitudinal climate and permafrost gradient in northwestern North America
- Global 3D Simulations of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Signature Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O in Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Global and Local variations in the hydration of subducting lithospheric mantle
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Global-Scale Atmospheric Composition Dataset from Instrumented Passenger Aircraft by the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS
- How often do we have multilayer clouds in the Arctic? Classification of multilayer clouds in Ny-Alesund using an one-year dataset of radiosonde and radar data.
- Imaging the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from a new regional seismic velocity model and relocated seismicity
- Imaging the subduction of slow spread oceanic lithosphere in the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from P- and S-wave seismic attenuation tomography
- Immersion Freezing Activity of Natural Desert Dust and its Relationship to Mineralogical Composition
- Impact of the South Asian Monsoon Outflow on Atmospheric Hydroperoxides
- Mapping Peatland Belowground C Stock by Using UAV-based Aboveground Vegetation Attributes as Proxies
- Microphysical Controls on Convective Self-Aggregation
- Model performance evaluation and computational efficiency of chemical mechanisms implemented in the microscale urban climate model PALM-4U
- Monitoring Andean High Altitude Wetlands in Central Chile with Seasonal Optical Data: A Comparison between Worldview-2 and Sentinel-2 Imagery.
- Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Data Applied to Estimation of Effusion Rates at Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Federation
- Quantification and chemical characterization of highly functionalized organonitrates contributing to high night-time organic aerosol mass loadings in southwest Germany
- Rayleigh Wave Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Re -writing History: the Role of Forcing in Surge and Hiatus Events over the 20th and 21st Centuries
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Science Diplomacy Before, During, and After Disaster Strikes
- Science Diplomacy: The Next Ten Years
- Seismotectonic Characterization of Valparaiso, Central Chile Region, Using Local Earthquake Tomography
- Sensitivity of mid-latitude temperature to albedo parameterization in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM linked to extreme land use changes
- Temperature Dependent SOA Yields and Wall Losses Determined in the AIDA Simulation Chamber
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- Thermodynamic Limits to Predict the Threshold between Matrix Flow and Boil Formation
- Tree-Level Recovery from Hydraulic Stress: Insights from Experiments and Hydrodynamic Models
- Understanding of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles with Improved Particle Identification and Semi-quantification by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
- What do deep low frequency earthquakes tell us on magma reservoirs, recharge and unrest? A seismological study from a continental, intraplate volcanic field
- 3D seismic tomography in the rupture area of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador, earthquake: Imaging seismic properties along the subduction zone interface
- A Multimodel Assessment of Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Cloud Systems
- Analysis of the Mw 6.7 Coquimbo-La Serena Earthquake of June 14<SUP>th</SUP>, 2019: Preliminary Results Determined with a High Density Local Seismic Network
- Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) - global applications and market barriers
- Assessing the evidence for convective invigoration by aerosol in 1-km COSMO simulations
- Controls on Cloud Thermodynamic Phase in a Simulated Population of Deep Convective Clouds
- DARE to Perform Seismological Workflows
- Digital Zenith Camera for Vertical Deflection Determination: on the Way to 1 cm Precise Quasi-Geoid Model for Latvia
- Dynamic characteristics of a tailings dam embankment using a dense seismic array:Preliminary results
- Electron Microscopic Evidence of Intracrystalline Plastic Deformation in Magnetite from Strongly Anisotropic Ferrimagnetic Rocks in a Shear Zone
- Evaluation of Temperature-Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility Curves around the Verwey Transition: Insights into the Deformation History of Magnetite
- Evidence for an Anomalously Large Cold Mantle Wedge Corner of the Caribbean Plate in the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Field Studies of Depositional Ice Nucleating Particles: Correlations with Ambient Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentration
- Forest Wildfire at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in June, 2018: Lessons Learned from Coupling of Stationary and Mobile Monitoring with Predictive Modeling of Atmospheric Radioactivity During the Event and Follow-Up Intercomparison of the Modeling Tools
- Global Multi-Model Estimates of Fire-induced Tree Cover Reduction and Acceleration of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- HEX: Hyperbolic Event eXtractor, a seismic phase association algorithm for regions of intense seismicity
- How High Resolution Imaging of the Seismic Structure in Geothermal Fields helps on the Interpretation of High and Low Frequency Seismicity. The Example of Los Humeros caldera, Mexico.
- How to determine hydraulic, mechanical and chemical apertures of natural fractures?
- Impacts of assimilating high-resolution IASI water vapor isotopic observations on weather forecasts
- Investigating along- and across-arc crust and upper mantle anisotropy using OBS teleseismic and local shear-wave splitting with the VoiLA experiment
- Investigation of the cloud phase distribution and related parameters in ISCCP cloud types using satellite datasets
- Magnetic fatigue: magnetic properties of magnetite-bearingpowders subjected to seismic-related loading
- Mass fluxes of radical precursors in wildfire plumes: a remote sensing perspective
- Measurements of ice nucleating particles in remote locations of the atmosphere
- Occurrence of Greigite in Gas Hydrate-bearing Frontal Thrust Sediments of the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand at Site U1518, IODP Expedition 375
- On natural atmospheric variability of CFC-11
- On the Variability of Ozone in the Tropopause Region: First Results From OCTAV-UTLS
- On the added value of chemical reanalyses in the middle atmosphere: lessons learned from the BASCOE Reanalysis of Aura MLS.
- Phase-field Investigation of Epitaxial Vein Growth with Lateral Flow
- Policy Network Formation Across International Borders: A Comparative Case Study of the Tijuana River and Red River Watersheds
- Quantifying the Stratospheric Circulation from Satellite Measurements
- Re-evaluation of the 2007 Mw7.4 intermediate-depth Martinique earthquake: evidence for rupture on orthogonal faults
- Repeating Aftershocks of the 16<SUP>th</SUP> April 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales (Ecuador) Earthquake Underline the Interplay Between Afterslip and Seismicity
- Reservoir Stress Path for Underground Gas Storage
- Seismotectonic Characterization of the Coastal Range in Central Chile: Body Wave Seismic Velocity Anomalies and Their Relationship with Subduction Dynamic
- Single particle measurements of agricultural soil particles acting as ice nucleating particles
- Structural Controls on Postseismic Deformation Following the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Megathrust Earthquake: Insights from Joint Tomographic Inversion and Aftershock Relocation
- TERENO - A decade of long-term observatory based terrestrial research in Germany
- Testing the Truncation of Travel Times with StorAge Selection Functions Using Deuterium and Tritium as Tracers
- The BB-FLUX project: How much fuel goes up in smoke?
- The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: Integrating Meteorological, Hydrological and Biogeochemical Measurements
- The Use of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data for Long-Term Monitoring and Change Detection
- The contribution of the world's main source regions to the global cycle of desert dust
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- Towards Unified Error Reporting (TUNER)
- Two Wedges, Two Subductions: The Cordilleran-type Orogen in the Andean Margin of Central Chile
- Uncover Similarities of Groundwater Dynamics with Machine Learning based Hydrograph Clustering
- Uncovering the effect of multi-component data on 9C 3D Elastic FWI: Ettlingen Line Case Study
- Widespread hydration of the back arc and the link to variable hydration of the incoming plate in the Lesser Antilles.
- Winter Haze in Northern China Driven by Secondary Inorganic and Organic Formation in Liquid Aerosols
- A Model Ensemble Approach to Explore Structural vs. Parameter Uncertainty in Karst Systems with Unmapped Conduits
- Analysis of the Aftershocks of the Mw 6.7 19 January 2019 Coquimbo-La Serena Earthquake: Implications for Wedge Dynamics and Intraplate Deformation
- Application of Automated Onset Estimation to the PICTURES Active Seismic Experiment: Preliminary Results
- Climate feedbacks through chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6 Earth system models
- Detection and attribution of reduced satellite-observed AOD to COVID-19 with machine learning
- Determinants of fog and low stratus clouds in continental central Europe quantified using machine learning and satellite data
- Embedded Convection in the Warm Conveyor Belt of a North Atlantic Cyclone and its Relevance for the Mesoscale and Larger-scale Dynamics
- Flow-dependent Sub-seasonal Forecast Skill for Atlantic-European Weather Regimes
- Full waveform inversion of OBS data of a 350 km long profile in the Pisagua/Iquique earthquake region
- Groundwater Level Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparison of LSTM, CNN and NARX
- Hail Storm Risk Assessment Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalyses
- How Much Variability in Upper Atmospheric Heating Rates Can Be Attributed to Ice Microphysics?
- Images of Los Humeros geothermal reservoir (Mexico) using a dense passive seismic array.
- Impact of processes on the weather scale on subseasonal prediction
- Improved Global Distributions of SF6 and Mean Age of Stratospheric Air by Use of New Spectroscopic Data
- Land-Use Change and Biogeochemical Controls of Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in Cameroonian Forest Landscapes
- Lithospheric rheology of the Tibetan Plateau: an overview of estimates from postseismic deformation
- Observations of Chain Aggregates in Florida Cirrus Cloud Anvils
- On the way to realistic large eddy simulations - A comparison of virtual measurements with CHEESEHEAD19 field measurements
- Paroxysmal Events at Volcán de Fuego: Understanding the Signals
- Predicting Lava Dome Viscosity by Analyzing its Observed Morphology
- Promoting Assessments of Academic Performance in Earth and Space Sciences: The Role of AGU
- Quantification of Sensitivities for Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Marine Boundary Layer Clouds with Machine Learning
- Retrieval of midlatitude cloud properties from FIRMOS downwelking spectral radiance
- Role of Uncertainty in Microphysical Processes for Warm Conveyor Belt Ascent
- Seismicity in the Upper Plate of the Northern Chilean Offshore Forearc: Evidence of Splay Fault around the Mejillones Peninsula
- Spectral measurements of the atmospheric downwelling far-infrared radiation at the Zugspitze observatory
- State of the Art of Subduction Wedges and Tectonic Erosion Based on Seismological Investigations of the Chilean Margin
- Systematic case studies of the phase partitioning in convective clouds with combined passive and active satellite observations
- The FIRMOS Zugspitze campaign: Level 2 retrievals in clear sky
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- Thermal imaging reveals details of ice multiplication upon freezing of drizzle droplets
- Three-Dimensional Local Earthquake Tomography of Pre-Cenozoic Structures in the coastal central Chile margin: The Pichilemu Fault System
- Towards a consistent global picture of tree mortality trends and drivers
- Transpose-AMIP hindcasts of NAWDEX cyclones with the global ICON-NWP and ECHAM6 models
- Understanding Fog in a coastal desert: The Namib Fog Life Cycle Analysis (NaFoLiCA)
- A Bayesian approach for regional moment tensor inversion using ocean bottom seismograms in the Lesser Antilles and the implications for regional stress field
- A Comparison of Machine Learning-based Methods for Supervised Multi-class Classification of Volcano-seismic Signals at Santiaguito
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- A comparison study on SOA from the oxidation of isoprene/-pinene mixture by PTR-ToF-MS and iodine-CIMS
- A global feasibility study of heat recycling in the shallow subsurface
- A high temporal resolution integrated water vapor dataset from more than 10,000 global ground-based GPS stations in 2020
- Advancing Knowledge on Microphysical and Radiative Cirrus Properties and Aviation Impact by Airborne Measurements of Cirrus Clouds
- Analysis of the 2019 Mw 6.4 Albania Aftershock Sequence: Comparison and Application of Machine Learning-based Solutions
- Ash fall streaks and plume development following the 2021 La Soufriere eruption: insights from modeling and observations
- Atmospheric processes affecting methane on Mars
- Automated Detection of Deep Low Frequency Earthquakes at Laacher See Volcano, Germany
- Brown carbon aerosol in an urban atmosphere in Karlsruhe, Germany: light absorption, chromophores, and chemical characteristics
- CORREL: Automated Onset Estimation for Controlled-Source Seismic Experiment and 3D Preliminary Seismic Velocity Models for Northern Chile.
- Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
- Comparison of optical properties of aerosol particles determined by remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Comprehensive high-latitude dust field campaign in the desert of Dyngjunsandur, Iceland
- Computation of a Low-Noise Model after Reduction of Disturbances caused by the Atmosphere
- Constraining Neoproterozoic low-level-cloud reflectivity to assess the plausibility of near-Snowball Earth states
- Cooling Rates of Pyroclastic Deposits Inferred from Mineral Magnetism
- Counteracting Effects of Transmission Bottlenecks and Renewable Resource Resolution in Network Clustering on Electricity System Models
- Data-Driven Numerical Modeling of the Lava Dome Growth at Volcan de Colima, Mexico During 2007-2009
- Deriving Top-Down Biogenic VOC Emissions over Europe based on TROPOMI HCHO Columns
- Diagnosing the Effects of Surface Heterogeneity Induced Secondary Circulations from Large Eddy Simulations of Diurnal Cycles During the CHEESEHEAD19 Field Campaign
- Emplacement Processes of Pyroclastic Rocks Derived from Thermomagnetic Measurements: a Case Study from Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- First Steps Towards A Seismotectonic Characterization Of The Taltal Segment Using Local Earthquake Tomography
- HEPPA III intercomparison experiment on electron precipitation impacts: Estimated ionization rates during a geomagnetic active period in April 2010
- Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations from an Arctic and a Temperate Site with Marine-Dominant Aerosol Sources
- Induced Seismicity Due to Hydraulic Fracturing Near Blackpool, UK: Source Modeling and Event Detection
- Investigating the ozone-climate feedback induced by ultraviolet solar radiation and energetic particles using ICON-ART-LINOZ
- Laterally and Vertically Varying Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle below Central Europe
- Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Lesser Antilles
- Modeling hydrological systems by hybrid networks, and the benefits of taking an information perspective
- Modeling the Energy Balance Gap Based on Atmospheric Stability and Surface Heterogeneity
- Molecular composition of SOA formed from a mixture of -pinene and isoprene for temperatures between 213 313K
- Net-zero CO2 Germany - A retrospect from the year 2050
- Proxima Centauri b: A Strong Case for Including Cosmic-Ray-induced Chemistry in Atmospheric Biosignature Studies
- Repeating earthquakes cluster at the edges of the afterslip in the aftermath of the 16th April 2016 M7.8 Pedernales earthquake in Ecuador
- Segmentation of dams in medium-resolution satellite imagery, U-Net type CNN architecture, and Cloud computing
- SeisBench: A Python Toolbox for Benchmarking and Deploying ML Models in Seismology
- Snowball Earth initiation and the thermodynamics of sea ice
- Subduction History of the Caribbean from Upper-Mantle Seismic Imaging and Plate Reconstruction
- Temporal Variation in the Albedo of the Earth from EPIC Images
- The Influence Of Thinning And Prescribed Burning On Future Forest Fires Under Different Climate Scenarios
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- Towards a comprehensive High Resolution 3D P- and S-Wave Velocity Model for the Alpine Mountain Chain using Local Earthquake Data
- Travel-time tomography imaging a SSE area, along the Ecuadorian subduction
- Tropical cloud-radiative changes contribute to robust climate change-induced jet exit strengthening over Europe during boreal winter
- Use of Geostationary Infrared, Passive Microwave Imager, and Reanalysis Datasets to Assess Climatological Hailstorm Risk
- Using MIPAS satellite data and NOAA surface observations to constrain the global budget of carbonyl sulfide (COS)
- A Lagrangian Perspective of Microphysical Impact on Ice Cloud Radiative Heating
- A Model of the Energy Balance Gap over Heterogeneous Ecosystems
- A Multi-Probe Automated Classification of Ice Crystal Habits During the IMPACTS Campaign
- A Multi-pronged Effort to Evaluate OCO-2 XCO2 and Tie Retrievals to Surface Observing Networks using AirCore
- A New Process-based Dust Emission Scheme for Global Climate Models: A Case Study for the Community Earth System Model (CESM2)
- A Portable, Ground-Based FTS for Reflected Sunlight: Performance Evaluation for Mapping CO2 and CH4 above Los Angeles
- Coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
- Comparing Seismic Arrays to Conventional Seismic Networks for Studying Icequakes at an Antarctic Ice Stream
- Current Developments towards Solving the Surface Energy Balance Closure Problem
- Environmental N losses from Chinese and global vegetable production systems
- Evaluating Recent Changes in Surface Elevation Models and Their Implications for the OCO-2 Bias Correction Over Northern High Latitude Regions
- Evaluation of the N2O Rate of Change as a Diagnostic of the Stratospheric Brewer-Dobson Circulation in a Chemistry-Climate Model
- Evaluation of upper-troposphere lower-stratosphere temperature and moisture over the Asian monsoon region in a storm-resolving model
- Fluids Circulation in Subduction Zones: How Fluids Impact Seismic/Aseismic Slip in Ecuador ?
- Formation of multi-crack-seal veins and thin vein bundles in quartz microstructures - A Phase-field Study
- How much land-surface information is required to predict the seasonal variation in turbulent fluxes and surface temperatures?
- Impact of convective organization and meso-scale properties of convective systems on the water vapor isotopic composition : observations and modeling
- Land use change trajectories under stratospheric aerosol intervention
- Multimodal Ice Crystal Size Distributions in Atlantic Coast Snowstorms: Results from IMPACTS 2020
- On the emitted dust size distribution and its variability: insights from a field campaign in an ephemeral lake of the Lower Drâa Valley, Moroccan Sahara
- Phase Picking on OBS Data with Deep Learning: Bringing SeisBench to the Ocean Bottom
- Probabilistic Assessment of Fault Reactivation Potential in the Greater Ruhr Region (Germany) Utilizing Comprehensive In Situ Stress Database
- Seismic Full-waveform Inversion of the Crust-mantle Structure beneath China and Adjacent Regions
- Seismic Imaging of the Ecuadorian Subduction Zone : From Conventional Seismic Processing to Advanced Imaging Workflow
- Seismic Tomography in the Chilean Pampean Flat-Slab Segment: Latitudinal Differences in the Double Seismic Zone and their Relationship with Low Coupling Zones
- Seismic imaging across a slow slip event area, along the Ecuadorian subduction zone
- Shallow geothermal heat recycling - a 'green' alternative to conventional space heating methods
- Simulation of the 'Black Summer Fires' 2019, Australia: How Moisture Release Impacts the Smoke Plume Height.
- Slab to back-arc to arc: fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles from seismic attenuation tomography
- Stress drop variations of small aftershocks after the 2016 Pedernales earthquake (Ecuador)
- The Agricultural Ice Nuclei at SGP (AGINSGP) experiment: Understanding sources and variability of ice-nucleating particles in the Great Plains
- The Impacts of Short-Lived Chlorinated Species on Stratospheric Chlorine Budget and Ozone, and the Role of Transport
- The role of soil mineralogy atlas and iron oxide mixing assumptions upon global and regional dust radiative effects in the MONARCH model
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
- Towards Understanding the Causes Of Prediction Errors In Atmospheric INP Concentrations at ENA: A Closure Study
- Towards long open-path measurements of CO2 and CH4 with an 125HR FTS in an urban environment.
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Using in situ Measurements of Single Particles to Understand Laboratory Studies of Ice Nucleation
- Warm pool atmospheric heating amplifies the Walker Circulation, providing opportunities for successful long-lead drought predictions
- Which picker fits my data? A quantitative evaluation of deep learning based seismic pickers
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. Galvé
- A. M. Smith
- A. Pańta
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Aiko Voigt
- Akinori Ito
- Alan Robock
- Alberto Michelini
- Alessandro Verdecchia
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexander Marshak
- Alla Zelenyuk
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andreas Oschlies
- Andrew J. Heymsfield
- Ankur R. Desai
- Antti Penttilä
- B. Fleck
- B. H. Samset
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Benedikt Hemmer
- Benjamin J. Murray
- Bernd Heber
- Bernd Schurr
- Bianca C. Baier
- Brian Butterworth
- C. G. Barcheck
- C. Giunchi
- C. Kreemer
- C. Rychert
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Camille Risi
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Caroline Chalumeau
- Cheryl Porter
- Christiane Voigt
- Christoph Müller
- Claire L. Ryder
- Claudia Di Biagio
- Colm Sweeney
- Cristina González-Flórez
- Cristina Reche
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- D. J. Cziczo
- D. M. Murphy
- D. Müller
- D. W. Toohey
- Dan Smale
- Daniel A. Knopf
- David J. Delene
- David M. Lawrence
- Debra Wunch
- Donald F. Argus
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- F. Rolandone
- Fabian Wunderlich
- Florian Zabel
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. Blewitt
- Gabriele Arnold
- Gary N. Geller
- Gavin C. Cornwell
- Gennadii Donchyts
- German Vargas G.
- Gholam Ali Hoshyaripour
- Gianluca Di Natale
- Gourihar Kulkarni
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory S. Okin
- H. Rauer
- Hans Agurto‐Detzel
- Hans‐Peter Bunge
- Haynes Stephens
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Hengheng Zhang
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Ian Foster
- Ingo Grevemeyer
- Isamu Morino
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jean‐Mathieu Nocquet
- Jenny Collier
- Jeroen van Hunen
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jesús Yus-Díez
- Jincheng Ma
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joep F. Schyns
- Johannes Hörner
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Joseph A. Finlon
- Joseph Galewsky
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Julia M. Schneider
- Julie Prytulak
- Jun Meng
- Jérôme Lebrun
- K. Herbst
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kerstin Schepanski
- Kimberly Strong
- Klaus Butterbach‐Bahl
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Kyle F. Itterly
- L. Harrison
- Laura Wallace
- Linyu Gao
- Louis De Barros
- Luka Ilić
- Lukas Muser
- M. Krämer
- M. Paulatto
- M. Schnaiter
- Manfred Wendisch
- Marcelo Farías
- Maria J. Santos
- Mario Ruiz
- Markus Scheucher
- Martina Klose
- Martín Kaufmann
- Matthias Mauder
- Michael Grund
- Michael J. Prather
- Michael Späth
- Michał Kruszewski
- N. M. Mahowald
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nasim Karamzadeh
- Nicholas Harmon
- Olli Ihalainen
- Paul J. DeMott
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Petra Šímová
- Philippe Charvis
- R. N. Greenberger
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Renyu Hu
- Rita Traversi
- Robert Green
- Robert W. Allen
- Rolando R. García
- Ron Miller
- S. A. Montzka
- S. P. Hicks
- S. S. Wei
- Sam Rabin
- Sarah D. Bang
- Saskia Goes
- Sergio León-Ríos
- Sharon E. Nicholson
- Sofia‐Katerina Kufner
- Sreenath Paleri
- Stefan Bender
- Stefan Metzger
- Sung‐Joon Chang
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susanne A. Benz
- Swarup China
- Sylvia Sullivan
- Sölvi Thrastarson
- T. Henstock
- T. Liu
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas Hudson
- Timo Asikainen
- Torsten Sachs
- Toshichika Iizumi
- Valérie Clouard
- Vincent van der Heiden
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- W. C. Hammond
- W. R. Simpson
- Wenfeng Liu
- William P. Hammond
- Xiaohong Liu
- Yan Lavallée
- Yongjun Huang
- Yvonne Fröhlich