Universite de Lorraine, France
flowchart I[Universite de Lorraine, France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (7)"] AW["Affiliated Works (45)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Chimiques, Nancy
- Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Nancy
- GeoResources, Centre de Recherches Petrographiques et Geochimiques
- Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy
- Laboratoire Materiaux Optiques Photonique et Systemes, Metz
- Universite Paul Verlaine, Metz
- Universite de Lorraine, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Geology
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Taking a step back: Himalayan erosion as seen from Bangladesh
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Compositions of Sub-Millimeter-Size Clasts seen by ChemCam in Martian Soils at Gale : A Window Into the Production processes of Soils
- Impacts of afforestation and silviculture on the soil C balance of tropical tree plantations: belowground C allocation, soil CO2 efflux and C accretion (Invited)
- Felsic Igneous Rocks at Gale Crater : a Comparison with Lithic Clasts in NWA 7533
- The SmartH2O project: a platform supporting residential water management through smart meters and data intensive modeling
- Visualization of the Dynamic Rhizosphere Environment: Microbial and Biogeochemical Perspectives
- 3D Discrete Element Simulation of Large-scale Faulting and Crustal Thickening in the India-Asia Collision Zone
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Flood Risk Vulnerability Assessment: What are the Main Factors? Hierarchization of The Main Factors at a Regional Scale
- Historical study of the Rhône river floods (France) and their consequences on the land use evolution
- Imaging the structure of the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe - Virgin Island) to assess the tectonic and thermo-mechanical behavior of an arcuate subduction zone that undergoes increasing convergence obliquity
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Using strain parameters from 3D restoration modelling to estimate distant off-fault gold potentials, Mount Pleasant Area, Western Australia
- Variability of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> vertical soil profile production and its isotopic composition in a beech forest
- Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals
- Magnetic mapping around Les Saintes islands (Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe) for structural interpretation
- Mercury as a proxy for Large Igneous Province volcanism: A comparison of Mesozoic events
- What are the control mechanisms of evenly-spaced parallel strike-slip faults? Insights from DEM modeling
- Are the different gully morphologies due to different formation processes on the Kaiser dune field on Mars?
- Comparison of the Active Bagnold Dune Field with Other Aeolian Deposits Observed at Gale using ChemCam Data.
- Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge Show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front
- Deciphering the Composition of the Archean Atmosphere Through the Analysis of Noble Gases in Barite Hosted Fluid Inclusions
- From Aeolis Palus to the Bagnold Dunes field: Overview of martian soil analyses performed by ChemCam in Gale Crater
- Heavy Metal Enrichments in the Kimberley Bedrocks: Evidence of AN Ore Deposit at the Source?
- Oman Drilling Project Phase I Borehole Geophysical Survey
- Plasmoids everywhere: ideal tearing, the transition to fast reconnection, and solar activity.
- The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content and seasonal controls on carbon uptake
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- Interpreting Parker Solar Probe's observations with high-resolution hybrid particle-in-cell simulations
- Strike-slip fault segmentation and relay zones, insight from Discrete Element Modeling
- 3D Printing: Challenges and Opportunities for its Application in Soil Science
- Evidence of a newly-observed turbulent regime at sub-ion scales in space and astrophysical plasmas
- Implications of accounting for mesophyll conductance, temperature acclimation, and coordination in a land surface model photosynthesis scheme
- Influence of the vegetation on methane budget in a temperate upland forest
- Interactive effect of tree species and soil organic layer thickness on methane consumption.
- Italian SWA-Solar Orbiter Working Group on "Kinetic Processes"
- Loop: an Integrated and Interoperable Platform Enabling 3D Stochastic Geological and Geophysical 3D Modelling
- Machine Learning applied to Raman spectroscopy for mineral classification on Mars. A first step toward multi-sensors analysis.
- Metrological assessment of on-site geochemical monitoring methods within an aquifer applied to the detection of H<SUB>2</SUB> leakages from deep underground storages
- Interpretation of the focal spot obtained with time reversal
- Rock Reactivity under Acidic Atmosphere: Role of Coinjected Gases in CCS
- Ancient atmospheric noble gases preserved in post-impact hydrothermal minerals of the 200 Ma-old Rochechouart impact structure, France
- Tracking the transition from contractional to extensional tectonics in the upper plate of a retreating subduction system: A case study in the Aegean forearc, in the Southern Hellenides, Northern Peloponnese, Greece