Universite de Grenoble Alpes
flowchart I[Universite de Grenoble Alpes] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (23)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- National Laboratory of Intense Magnetic Fields, Grenoble
- Universite Pierre Mendes-France Grenoble II
- Universite Stendhal Grenoble III
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Initialization of a full-Stokes finite element model of the Greenland ice-sheet using inverse methods
- Measurement of fossil fuel carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic trace gases from MEGAPOLI intensive campaign in Paris during winter 2010
- Joint inversion of seismic velocities and source location without rays using the truncated Newton and the adjoint-state method
- Laboratory Study of Nitrate Photolysis in Antarctic Snow: Quantum Yield and Isotope Effects
- Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
- Blowing Snow Sublimation at a High Altitude Alpine Site and Effects on the Surface Boundary Layer
- Ice flow and subglacial hydrology coupled modeling of Russel Glacier, West Greenland
- Improvement of basal conditions knowledge in Antarctica using data assimilation methods
- Sensitivity of grounding line dynamics to basal conditions
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- 67P refractory to ice ratio: averaged values and spatial variability as observed by Consert.
- Evaluation of a new 3-D radiative transfer model to simulate snow albedo over a macroscopic rough surface
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- Resolving the Dichotomy Between Surface and Subsurface Structural Elements on Comet 67P Using CONSERT and OSIRIS Observations Onboard the Rosetta Mission
- Sub-shelf melt parameterizations overestimate ice loss in stand-alone ice sheet modelling
- The Global Drought Observatory (GDO): Integrating Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability for Risk Analysis and Emergency Response
- Towards a New Federative Chronology for Deep Antarctic Ice Cores
- Dedicated spectroscopic database for TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor
- Capturing the short-term dynamics of slow slip with subdaily GPS positions
- A High Resolution Record for Pollution Tracing in Western Europe from Ice Memory Col Du Dome Ice Core (French Alps) through Continuous Flow Analysis and Isotopic Evidence
- Unexpected isotopic changes to nitrate beneath the snowpack photic zone in East Antarctica
- Volcanic Deposits: an Archive of Nitrogen Fixation by Volcanic Lightning at Geological Timescale
- Unraveling the Dynamic Complexity of the 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo Earthquake