Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
flowchart I[Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (98)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (39)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Effect of Tube Length on Transport of Multi-Wall Nanotubes (MWNTs) in a Water-Saturated Quartz Sand
- Estimation of Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness Using CryoSat-2
- Ice Type Classification Using Polarimetric SAR Data in the West Antarctic
- Monitoring Land-fast Sea Ice in the Western Antarctic Through Multi-sensor Data Fusion
- The CHUVA Project Contributions to the Understanding of Anthropogenic Interactions Affecting the Atmospheric Physics over Amazonas.
- The Influence of a Single Northern Hemisphere Continent on Tropical Precipitation and Climate in Idealized GCM Experiments
- Automation of Endmember Pixel Selection in SEBAL/METRIC Model
- Convective overshooting top detection with MSG SEVIRI, Himawari-8 AHI, and CloudSat CPR data
- Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?
- Drought monitoring using downscaled soil moisture through machine learning approaches over North and South Korea
- Icing detection from geostationary satellite data using machine learning approaches
- Objective Detection of Tropical Cyclone Formation from Remotely-sensed Ocean Surface Wind Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Radiance Data Assimilation for Binary Typhoon Cases
- Sensitivity of tropical responses to the latitudinal position of zonally asymmetric thermal forcing in an aqua-planet setting
- What Affects the Location of Tropical Precipitation? An Idealized Modeling Perspective
- Arctic lead detection using a waveform unmixing algorithm from CryoSat-2 data
- Detection of centers of tropical cyclones through synergistic use of geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data
- Estimation of Surface Seawater Fugacity of Carbon Dioxide Using Satellite Data and Machine Learning
- Icing detection from Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite and Himawari-8 data using machine learning approaches
- Local and remote impacts of surface heating on global warming structure
- Machine learning-based Landsat-MODIS data fusion approach for 8-day 30m evapotranspiration monitoring
- The role of Ekman transport on the ITCZ response to extratropical thermal forcing
- Vegetation-Cloud Feedbacks to Future Vegetation Changes in the Arctic Regions
- Why does the MJO detour the Maritime Continent during Austral summer?
- detection of probabilistic Convective Initiation (CI) using Himawari-8 AHI, weather radar, and lightning data.
- Classification of Eastward Propagating MJO over the Maritime Continent
- Development and application of the microbial fate and transport module for the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model
- Large-Scale Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns Associated with the Interannual Variability of Heatwaves in East Asia and Its Decadal Changes
- A better seasonal predictability of circum-Indian Ocean region with westward shift of ENSO teleconnection
- Delineation of Climate regions over Korean Peninsula Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Distinct tropical climate response to subpolar energy perturbations from the Northern or Southern Hemisphere
- Estimation of Ground-level Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Concentrations Using Satellite Data and Numerical Model Output
- Experimental and Computational Investigation of the CH<SUB>4</SUB> - CO<SUB>2</SUB> Replacement in sH Hydrates and Its Significance for CH<SUB>4</SUB> Recovery and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Future Change in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific in the CORDEX-East Asia Experiment
- How to assess the impacts of China's emission reduction efforts on the East Asia air quality
- Land Data Assimilation with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filtering scheme
- Local processes dominate over remote processes in polar amplification
- Machine learning approaches to wildfire detection using geostationary satellite data
- Physico-chemical influences on Cladophora blooms in a Natural Stream, Korea
- Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration using Multiple Satellite and Reanalysis Data based on Machine Learning Approaches
- Short-term forecasting for ground-level particulate matter using satellite observations and numerical model output
- The Varied Response of Tropical Precipitation to Localized Forcing in Different Hemispheres and Basins
- The tropical response to periodic extratropical thermal forcings: A three-step sequential mechanism
- A Study on the Characteristics of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Components in Northeast Asia Using Observation Data and Air Quality Model
- A big data-driven model for water quality estimation with high spectral and spatial resolution imagery
- Aerosol physical/chemical/optical properties at recent (2015-2019) high PM concentration events in Korea and China
- An enhanced water quality module of the SWMM model for evaluating Low Impact Development (LID) in Urban area
- Analysis of micro-meteorological characteristics in complex coastal area using the Korean 307-m BOSEONG tall tower data and WRF-LES model results
- Assessment of Availability and Utilization Potential of Integrated Observation Framework for Air Quality Study over Northeast Asia Region: An OSSE Case Study
- Deep learning based Tropical cyclone intensity estimation method using Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS)
- Estimating Instantaneous Gross Primary Productivity under all sky conditions
- Global Assimilation of Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter Scheme
- Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) with Hyper-Spectral Image (HSI) in the EFDC Water Quality Modelling
- Ground-based and airborne hyperspectral imaging sensor measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB> total column amounts
- Impact of current emission reduction of air pollutants over BTH region in China on ambient fine particulate matter concentrations
- Improvement of Spatial Interpolation Accuracy of Daily Maximum Air Temperature Using Stacking Ensemble Technique
- Influences of soil moisture on summer precipitation in the Korean Peninsula
- Validation of TROPOMI L2 products using ground-based remote sensing data including PANDORA measurements over GEMS domain
- Changes in Climatic Yield Potential of Japonica-type rice in the Korean Peninsula under RCP scenarios using multi-GCM and multi-RCM Ensemble
- Characteristics and comparison of 2016 and 2018 heatwave in Korea
- Intergenerational Benchmarking for the Performance of Surface Temperature and Precipitation in CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models
- Investigation of the 2016 Eurasian Heatwave and its Representation by the Seasonal Forecast System
- New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space - First Observations from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Observed versus simulated characteristics of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in megacities in East Asia
- Relative Roles of Energy and Momentum Fluxes in the Tropical Response to Extratropical Thermal Forcing
- Role of the Green Boards: Reduce Emission versus Optimize Emission
- Validation of TROPOMI/S5P NO2 products using PANDORA measurements over GEMS domain
- BrO retrievals from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer: Early results
- Classification and analysis of heatwave types that occur over the Korean Peninsula
- First Year Observations of Air Quality from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Isolating the impacts of ocean heat uptake on global warming pattern and climate sensitivity
- NO2 vertical column density retrieval from Pandora and first comparison with GEMS data during the GMAP & SIJAQ campaign 2020
- Study on future change of vertical circulation over East Asia by analyzing terms of the omega equation
- Temperature Control of Spring CO2 Fluxes at a Coniferous Forest and a Peat Bog in Central Siberia
- The impacts of the newly found circum-Arctic wave (CAW) pattern on summer heatwaves and wildfires in recent years and the year 2021
- An Improved SMAP Soil Moisture Retrieval using Deep Neural Network-based inversion of a Passive Microwave Radiative Transfer Model
- Application of Reinforcement Learning to Calibrate Cyanobacteria using Daily Water Quality Parameters in EFDC Model
- Basin structure and ground vulnerability derived from HVSR analysis in Pohang, South Korea
- CMIP6 Intermodel Spread in Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Tropical ClimateResponse to Greenhouse Warming: Extratropical Ocean Effects
- Changes in Heat Stress by the end of the 21st Century over the CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Domain
- Comparison between Random Forest and Convolutional Neural Networks on Forest Fire Early Detection using Geostationary Satellite Data
- Deep Neural Network for Nowcasting Chemical Accident in Freshwater
- Early results of HONO retrievals from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Enhancement of Spatial resolution with Deep Learning-based Super-Resolution models for Inland Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) monitoring
- Estimating Hourly PM2.5 Over South Korea Using a Machine Learning Approach and the TOA Reflectance From GOCI-I, II Satellite
- Extreme Heat Events in Siberia related to Teleconnections from the Atlantic Ocean and Snow cover
- Finite Element Simulations of a Slump during the 2017 ML5.4 Pohang, South Korea, Earthquake
- Ground Amplification Factors Considering Topographic Effect and Incidence Angle
- Identification of Urban Green Hotspots: Systematic Approach to Improve the Urban Carbon Uptake
- Machine Learning Based Heatwave Prediction Model Using Local Ensemble Prediction System
- Merging Multiple Sensing Platforms and Deep Learning empowers Individual Tree Mapping and Tree Species Detection at a City-scale
- Relationship of Aerosol Optical Properties and Aerosol Types over East Asia from Ground and Satellite Observations
- Retrieval of Water Vapor over Asia from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) Measurements
- Role of Snow Phenology on Controlling the Interannual Variability of Carbon Flux in Central Siberia during the Last Two Decades
- Southern Ocean control on the Earth's energy budget
- Spatiotemporal prediction of continuous hourly PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations combined real-time learning and deep learning approach
- The Green's Function Model Intercomparison Project (GFMIP) Protocol
- Topographic Ground Motion Amplifications in Pohang, South Korea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexander Knohl
- Andrew Williams
- Bokyung Son
- Bosong Zhang
- C. R. Nowlan
- Chanil Park
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Dong‐Hyun Cha
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Inhye Seo
- J. P. Veefkind
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jonah Bloch‐Johnson
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Joong‐Bae Ahn
- K. Chance
- Ki‐Hong Min
- Kwang-Hee Kim
- Kwon-Ho Lee
- Marc J. Alessi
- Maria Rugenstein
- Martin Heimann
- Ming Zhao
- Sarah M. Kang
- Seohui Park
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Shang‐Ping Xie
- Shineng Hu
- Si‐Wan Kim
- Su Young Kang
- Sujin Eom
- Sujung Go
- Tea Thum
- Ukkyo Jeong
- Xiaopei Lin
- Xiao‐Tong Zheng
- Xueliang Liu
- Yoshihiro Tachibana
- Youngryel Ryu