Aix-Marseille Universite, France
flowchart I[Aix-Marseille Universite, France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (9)"] AW["Affiliated Works (135)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (34)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Aix-Marseille Universite II
- Aix-Marseille Universite III, Paul Cezanne
- Aix-Marseille Universite, Departement de Physique
- Aix-Marseille Universite, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique
- Center for Particle Physics, Marseille
- Institut Universitaire des Systemes Thermiques Industriels
- Institut de Mathematiques de Marseille
- Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille Provence
- Observatoire de Haute Provence
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Processing of oxygenated organic gases by sulfuric acid aerosols in the troposphere.
- High Spatial Resolution Study of Microbe-Carbonate-Silicate Interfaces by FIB and TEM
- UHF radar signature of a tsunami approaching coastal areas: modeling, experiments and application to tsunami warning
- Eikonal-Based Inversion of GPR Data from the Vaucluse Karst Aquifer
- Hydromechanical Imaging of Fractured-Porous Rocks Properties and Coupled Processes
- Monitoring the Change of Carbonate Rock Properties upon Injection of CO2-rich fluids
- Using model-data fusion approach to improve carbon cycle modeling at site and regional scales
- A new multiresolution method applied to the 3D reconstruction of small bodies
- Cosmogenic 10Be size-dependent concentration in clasts of a landslide-dominated Himalayan watershed
- Generation of gravity waves by convective plumes
- Impacts of aqueous phase radical mechanism of oligomerization of methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) on SOA formation: on the prevailing role of dissolved oxygen
- Influence of the viscosity contrast on the metal diapir breakup in primitive magma oceans
- Photoenhanced uptakes of NO2 by indoor surfaces: A new HONO source
- Substorms Triggered by Interchange Dynamics that Transforms to Magnetic Reconnection
- Zonal winds and flows generated by harmonic forcing in planetary atmospheres, subsurface oceans and cores
- A Demonstration of Internal Waves In a Stratified Fluid Layer
- Active basement uplift as seen with cosmogenic lenses: the Sierra Pie de Palo case (Western Argentina)
- Aqueous SOA formation from radical oligomerization of methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR)
- Atmospheric aerosol properties over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Combustion Processes Indoors: a Source of High OH Radical Concentrations Through the Photolysis of Hono
- Densitometric tomography using the measurement of muon flux
- Differential denudation across the Judea Range, Israel, suggests the persistence of a rain-shadow since mid Miocene
- Dust Devil Dynamics
- Efficient Numerical Solution of Global Dynamic and Quasistatic Problems Using a Spectral-Element Method Coupled with an Infinite-Element Approach
- Erosion of the Mekong delta: the role of human activities
- Experimental Weathering of Olivine: Effects of CO2 and H2O2 on Secondary Phases
- Experiments on the stability of metal diapirs
- High-resolution seismic array imaging using teleseismic scattered waves
- How fast is the denudation of the Taiwan Mountains? (Invited)
- Intense Flows in Librationally Driven Non-Axisymmetric Systems
- Light induced heterogeneous ozone processing on the pesticides adsorbed on silica particles
- Multiphase organic photochemistry of isoprene and its reaction products
- Photolysis of nitrous acid as a primary source of OH radicals indoors
- Slow Erosion Rates, Increasing Relief and Transient Landscape Evolution within the Central Range of Taiwan
- Stretching, Coalescence and Mixing in Porous Media
- To which extent do Scleractinian coral recruits control the early stages of their biomineralization?
- Understanding exchanges across turbulent/stratified zones interfaces
- A Recurrence-Based Technique for Detecting Genuine Extremes in Instrumental Temperature Records
- Active fault zone as a barrier of hydraulic conduits in shallow aquifers: insights from on-site injection experiments at the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Aqueous Secondary Organic Aerosol (aqSOA) Formation By Radical Reactions: Model Studies Comparing the Role of OH Versus Organic Radicals
- Architectural Characteristics and Distribution of Hydromechanical Properties within a Small Strike-Slip Fault Zone in a Carbonates Reservoir: Impact on fault stability, induced seismicity, and leakage during CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection
- Atmospheric Implications of Aqueous Solvation on the Photochemistry of Pyruvic Acid
- Biomineralization in Newly Settled Recruits of the Scleractinian Coral Pocillopora damicornis
- Characterisation of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formed from the Photooxidation of Isoprene during Cloud Condensation-Evaporation Cycles (CUMULUS Project)
- Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - First Science Results by Rosetta/OSIRIS
- Deep fluids effects on rupture of slow-moving giant landslides as a result of stress transfer and weakening
- Development of an Analytical Method for Quantitative Determination of Atmospheric Particles By Laap-TOF Instrument
- Direct Observation of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation during Cloud Condensation-Evaporation Cycles (SOAaq) in Simulation Chamber Experiments
- Heterogeneous Reactivity of NO<SUB>2</SUB> with Photocatalytic Paints: A Possible Source of Nitrous Acid (HONO) in the Indoor Environment
- Hydrothermal alteration of silicate minerals: effects of crystallographic orientation and fluid saturation state
- Improved Understanding of Carbon Storage Risk Via Controlled-Release Experiments
- Intense Flows Driven by Mechanical Forcing in Non-axisymmetric Containers
- Laboratory study of mechanical and petrophysical properties of both intact and naturally fractured shale samples from the Tournemire Underground Research Laboratory
- Light Induced Degradation of Eight Commonly Used Pesticides Adsorbed on Atmospheric Particles: Kinetics and Product Study
- Morphological Forms of Cometary Activity
- Multiphase Chemistry of Pyruvic Acid Under Atmospherically Relevant Conditions
- Oxidation of Organic Compoundsin the Atmospheric Aqueous Phase: Development of a New Explicit Oxidation Mechanism
- Primary and Secondary Aerosol Investigation from Different Sea-Waters in the Mediterranean Sea
- Seismic slip history of the Aterno-Sulmona fault system in central Apennines (Italy) using in situ produced <SUP>36</SUP>Cl cosmic ray exposure dating.
- The Physical and Biochemical Alteration of the Platte River by Phragmites australis, an Invasive Species of Wetland Grass
- Underground Research Laboratories to characterize fault reactivation in shales and carbonates
- Weather types across the Maritime Continent: From the diurnal cycle to interannual variations
- A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Deltas as Coupled Social-Ecological Systems: An example from the Amazon Delta
- Detecting Coherent Structures in Large-Eddy Simulation of Shallow Convection
- Enhanced Heterogeneous Nitrates Photolysis on Ice and Potential Impacts on NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions
- Fragmentation and Thermochemical Exchanges during Planetary Core Formation - an Experimental Approach
- High-resolution surface-rupture map and slip distribution for the 1905 M8 Tsetserleg-Bulnay, Mongolia, earthquake sequence
- Lateglacial temperature reconstruction in the Eastern Tropical Andes (Bolivia) inferred from paleoglaciers and paleolakes
- Lithology, stress or pressure control of the seismicity in shale? Insights from a controlled experiment of fluid-induced fault reactivation
- Morphology of the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov--Gerasimenko from stereo and high spatial resolution OSIRIS-NAC images
- Porosity and permeability evolution of clay faults: in situ experiments
- The universal response of fluid interiors to end-member models of mechanical forcing
- A Laboratory Model for Deep-Seated Jets on the Gas Giants
- Advances in the Determination of the Speciation of the Carbon Associated with Biogenic Silica Produced by Plants
- Atmospheric Oxidation processes and Aging of SOA in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Catalyzing action towards the sustainability of deltas: deltas as integrated socio-ecological systems and sentinels of regional and global change
- Downstream lag of cosmogenic-derived denudation in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Evidences of Shear Deformations and Faulting on Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko: a Driving Force for the Mechanical Erosion of the Nucleus?
- Libration-Driven Elliptical Instability Experiments in Ellipsoidal Shells
- Molecular characterisation of secondary organic aerosol formed during cloud condensation-evaporation cycles from isoprene and methacrolein photooxidation (CUMULUS project)
- Multiscale Lagrangian Statistics of Curvature Angle in Direct Numerical Simulation of Pore-Scale Turbulence
- The wave-tide-river delta classification revisited: Introducing the effects of Humans on delta equilibriu
- Transport and Retention of Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts in Loamy Sand and Sandy Loam Soils
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from photo-oxidation of wood combustion emissions: Characterization of gas phase precursors and their link to SOA budget
- Comparative statistical analysis of strong zonal jet flows generated in a laboratory device and a Global Climate Model.
- Double Magnetic Reconnection Driven by Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
- Effects of Monovalent and Divalent Salt Solutions on the Transport of Toxoplasma gondii in Saturated Porous Media
- Effects of Surfactant on the Transport of Toxoplasma gondii in Saturated Sandy Porous Media: Experimental Tests and Modeling
- First Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Dynamos Driven by Libration, Precession and Tides in Triaxial Ellipsoids - An Alternative Route for Planetary Magnetism
- How do the surfaces of comets evolve with time?: Insights from Rosetta's two-year journey with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Internal Wave-Convection-Mean Flow Interactions
- Porosity Gradient at the Surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Using coastal lagoons to better constrain the isostatic signal in the western Mediterranean Sea
- An experimental study of sheared vortices in a rotating and stratified flow
- Constraining the Carbon Content of Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Excitation of Internal Gravity Waves by Adjacent Convection
- Mangroves, mangrove squeeze, and shoreline erosion in the Mekong River delta
- On the Coalescence of Anticyclones in Stratified Rotating Flows
- Palæo-climatic reconstruction in the High Tropical Andes during the deglaciation from palæo-lake and glaciers
- Photodesorption and photochemistry of ices in Titan lower atmosphere
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Structural changes in the configuration of the agro-food system of the Mediterranean Basin: implications for food security
- Water, Health, and Toxoplasmosis: Epidemiology and Environmental Aspects
- A Reassessment of the Geochemical and Isotopic Fidelity of Biogenic Carbonates
- Biological Threat Agents in the Environment: Detection, Fate, and Transport of Toxoplasma gondii in Soils
- Coseismic Slip Vectors of 24 August and 30 October 2016 Earthquakes in Central Italy: Oblique Slip and Regional Kinematic Implications
- Gravitational Instability and Convection in a Granular Porous Medium: Pore Scale Experimental Study and Implications for Solubility Trapping Of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Hillslopes response across a tectonic gradient
- Immediate impacts and sustainability of sediment augmentations on an alpine gravel bed river: results from 1D morphodynamic modeling of the lower Buech River, SE France
- Improving the Diagnosis of Coastal Earth-Filled Dikes Combining Geophysical Methods by Data Fusion
- Inertial Wave Generation from Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Moraine crest or slope: an analysis on the effects of boulder position on cosmogenic exposure age
- Photopolymerization of HCN/HC<SUB>3</SUB>N mixed ice to produce tholins that incorporate HCN
- Physiography of a giant carbonate canyon: Example of the Great Abaco Canyon (Bahamas)
- Transformation of Nanomaterials in Consumer Products during their Environmental Aging: the Case of Sunscreens.
- Assessing past and present recharge using radiocarbon: case study of the Saharan aquifers
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- Tonga Pumice raft Detection using MODIS images during their drift: biological and SST signatures within and around rafts in August 2019
- Zonal jets in the laboratory: a transition towards zonostrophic turbulence?
- Amazon Deforestation Impacts on Intra-seasonal Rainfall and Atmospheric Circulation Variability in Tropical South America
- Analytical solution for tracer stone dispersal in bedload dominated rivers
- Diazotroph community and activity in the Southern Indian Ocean
- How Does Iceberg Shape Affect Melting?
- Investigating Dwarf Planet Ceres Rich Carbon Chemistry
- Study Of A High Intensity Prescribed Fire In Corsican Genista Salzamanii Vegetation And Predictions
- Upper Jurassic Carbonate Platforms: Global Trends of Stratigraphic Architectures and Geodynamic Contexts
- A laboratory model for iron snow in planetary cores
- An Analog Experimental Approach of Jupiter's Dynamics: Jets and Vortices
- Analysis of an Ice Fog Episode in Fairbanks, Alaska during Winter 2022.
- Connecting Coronal 3D Electron Density from Tomographic Reconstruction to In-situ Measurements from Parker Solar Probe
- Formaldehyde and its main sources in wintertime Fairbanks, Alaska
- Iron snow in planetary cores: insight from laboratory fluid dynamics experiments
- Revealing the unseen diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria in aquatic ecosystems
- Sources and Processes Influencing Local Arctic Wintertime Air Pollution
- Zonal jets experiments in the gas giants' zonostrophic regime
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Raponi
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amy Marcarelli
- Claudia Cenedese
- Cody S. Sheik
- Daphné Lemasquerier
- E. Viparelli
- Emily Lill
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- G. Cremonese
- J. Mao
- Jason M. St. Clair
- Jean-Christophe Raut
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- K. M. Hill
- Kathy S. Law
- Li Hu
- Louis-Alexandre Couston
- Ludovic Huguet
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. Ciarniello
- M. Fulle
- M. Pajola
- Mar Benavides
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Michaël Le Bars
- Mohit Melwani Daswani
- Paul J. DeMott
- R. J. Weber
- Robinson W. Fulweiler
- T. H. Prettyman
- W. R. Simpson
- Ф. Пегораро