University of Georgia, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
flowchart I[University of Georgia, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (86)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Heave Compensated GLAD800 Coring from the R/V Knorr: a Progress Report
- Results of Sustained Observations from SABSOON
- Initial Results From SABSOON: A Coastal Ocean Observatory on the South Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf
- A Parallel Double Front System along the Main Channel of a Barotropic Tidal Inlet
- Active Heave-Compensated Coring On The New Jersey Shelf
- Enigmatic Shallow Subsurface Stratigraphy on the New Jersey Mid-Outer Shelf: Catastrophic Erosion or Diagenesis?
- Geomorphologic comparisons of shallowly buried, dendritic drainage systems on the outer New Jersey shelf with modern fluvial and estuarine analogs
- Late Pleistocene Depositional Environments of the New Jersey Continental Shelf: Foraminiferal Evidence
- Mapping a Pre-Last Glacial Maximum Paleo-Seafloor and Shelf-Slope Sediment Wedges beneath the New Jersey shelf
- Sedimentology and Age Control of Late Quaternary New Jersey Shelf Deposits
- Biogeochemical Processes in Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Plumes
- Building Successful Programs to Increase Diversity in the Geosciences Through HBCU/Research Center Collaborations: Lessons to Enhance Rates of Participation Nationally
- Cold Event in the South Atlantic Bight During Summer of 2003: Anomalous Hydrographic and Atmospheric Conditions
- Isotopic Evidence for C4 Grass Expansion During the Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas in Northern Australia
- MEDFLUX: Association of Organic Matter With Ballast Minerals in Sinking Particles
- MEDFLUX: Organic Biomarkers in Time-Series and Sinking-Velocity Traps
- Observations of Coastal Upwelling off the Coast of the South Atlantic Bight in Summer of 2003: An Application of NASA's Remote Sensing Data to Coastal Studies
- Post-Transgressive and Modern Erosion on the New Jersey Outer Shelf
- Sedimentation Response to Holocene Landscape Disturbance on the Poverty Bay Continental Margin, East Coast New Zealand
- Seismic facies analysis of shallowly buried channels, New Jersey continental shelf: understanding late Quaternary paleoenvironments during the last transgression
- Tidal Convergence Fronts in Cook Inlet, Alaska
- Using the Silica Cycle to Re-assess the Role of Continental Margin Systems in the Deep Biological Carbon Pump
- Fossil DNA as a Recorder of Ancient Microbial Communities and Palaeoenvironments
- Organic matter transport from the Peruvian Andes to the Amazon River
- Characterizing the Geochemistry of a Poorly Known Arctic Watershed: Metal Fluxes Through the Anadyr River and Estuary, Chukotka Peninsula, Russia
- Continental Slope Sediment Delivery and Storage on an Active Margin: The Waipaoa Margin Example
- Late Quaternary Morphological Changes of the Waipaoa River Outer Shelf and Upper Slope, New Zealand
- Latest Pleistocene Deposition and Erosion on the New Jersey Shelf
- Marine Archaea lipids: patterns and provenance in the water-column
- Stable isotope probing of chemoautotrophic biomarkers in the Cariaco Basin
- Recurring Large-Scale, Earthquake-Induced Landslides in Port Valdez, Alaska
- Structural and δ13C Analyses of Bacterial Phospholipids in Marine Sediments Beneath the Ross Ice Sheet, Antarctica
- Use of Sediment Core Records to Understand Anthropogenic Impacts on Carbon Delivery to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, CA
- Biomarkers, microbes, and geochemistry of the Cariaco Basin chemocline: A comprehensive and multidisciplinary investigation
- Understanding the Biogeochemical Significance of Hopanoids in the Marine Geologic Record Through a Study of Their Distribution in the Modern Oceans
- Optical signatures of dissolved organic matter from the Endeavour and Axial vent fields
- Seasonal Trends in the Molecular Signatures of Yukon River Dissolved Organic Matter
- Visualizing DOM super-spectrum covariance in vanKrevelen space
- Changing glacial coverage influences stream dissolved organic matter signatures in coastal watersheds of southeast Alaska
- Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Export from U.S. Rivers
- Continuous and Episodic Modern Sediment Accumulation on Monterey Fan: Evidence from Ddt, <SUP>137</SUP>Cs and Excess <SUP>210</SUP>Pb
- Insights into physical and biological controls on the export of organic matter and nutrients from glacier ecosystems
- Comparison of Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish moss) water and leachate dynamics between urban and pristine barrier island maritime oak forests
- Humans, Tectonics and Climate, Changing S2S Systems over Time: Waipaoa River Margin Example
- Aerosol Phosphorus Composition: New Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy
- Biogeochemical interpretations of colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures
- Changing Export of Dissolved Black Carbon from Arctic Rivers
- Detecting the Signature of Permafrost Thaw in Arctic Rivers
- Meltwaters in Antarctica: Delineating and Quantifying Sources of Freshwater along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Spatial Drivers in the Origin and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Snow: Implications for Proglacial Stream Biogeochemistry
- Survival of the 1%: Consequences of a Two-Phase Dynamic of Aragonitic Shell Loss and Stabilization for the Temporal Resolution of Proxy Data
- The Utility of CDOM for Improving the Resolution of Riverine DOM Fluxes and Biogeochemical Function
- Trace Element Fractional Solubility in Ultrapure Water From Samples Collected During the US GEOTRACES Eastern Tropical South Pacific Section
- Evaluating the influence of fire history on dissolved pyrogenic C exported from coniferous and deciduous forest soils in northern Great Lakes Region
- Seasonal variability in the composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River, Alaska
- A Holocene record of ocean productivity and upwelling from the northern California continental slope
- Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Third Pole
- Bacterial Flux by Net Precipitation from the Phyllosphere to the Forest Floor.
- Fire, Carbon, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aquatic Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta
- Iron Oxides Sequester Organic Matter Through Inner-Sphere Covalent Interactions
- A DOM Odyssey: The Tale of Molecular Transformations in an Aquifer near Bemidji, MN
- Advances in the Control System for a High Precision Dissolved Organic Carbon Analyzer
- Contrasting bio- and photo-lability of permafrost-derived DOM
- Dissolved black carbon in the global cryosphere: concentrations and chemical signatures
- Exploring the Disappearing Ocean Micro Plastic Mystery: New Insights from Dissolved Organic Carbon photo production
- How appetizing is the dissolved organic matter (DOM) trees lose during rainfall?
- Molecular Hysteresis of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Connecticut River Watershed
- Outer Continental Shelf Stratigraphic Development and Sand Resource Potential: Integration of New and Legacy Geologic Datasets
- Temporal Dynamics in the Concentration, Flux, and Optical Properties of Tree-derived Dissolved Organic Matter (Tree-DOM) in an Epiphyte-laden Oak-cedar Forest.
- Temporally Resolved Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics on the Georgia Coast
- Initial impacts of the Hurricane Sentinel glider fleet deployed during the 2018 hurricane season
- Particle-size effects on aerosol fractional solubility in samples from US GEOTRACES section cruises
- Tree-DOM: Quality, Flux and Biolability of Dissolved Organic Matter in Net Rainfall
- Unexpected Bathymetry and Habitat Features in Estuarine Environments of Georgia, USA
- Chemical Composition and Oxidation State of Iron-Containing Aerosol Particles Observed during US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Cruise GN01
- Distributions and dynamics of microplastics in Georgia estuarine waters
- Stable carbon isotopic composition of oceanic dissolved black carbon reveals non-riverine source
- Arrhythmia in the Amazon: La Niña influence on riverine organic molecular signatures
- Comparing Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon During Throughfall and Stream Events in a Forested Catchment
- Concentration, transportation, and deposition of microplastics along the Savannah River, Georgia (USA).
- Inorganic Mercury and Monomethyl Mercury Fluxes and Speciation in Gulf of Mexico Rivers and Estuaries
- Spatial variability and evolution of sea ice permeability on the MOSAiC central floe from autumn to spring: Biogeochemistry research sites
- Aerosol Trace Element Concentrations and Fractional Solubility During Legs 2 and 3 of the MOSAiC Campaign
- Effect of Climate Change on Early Diagenesis and the Acidification of River-Dominated Continental Margins
- Simulated Drought Stress Reduces Water Interception Capacity of Arboreal Epiphytes from a Maritime Live Oak Forest of the Southeastern United States