China Seismological Bureau
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Approximate Entropy as a Measure of Irregularity in Earthquake Sequences
- Relationship between Consecutive Bursts of Pi 2 Pulsations and Substorm Onsets
- Southern California Earthquake Center Crustal Motion Map Version 3.0
- The Initial Result of Crust Movement Observation Network of China : GPS-derived Velocity Field (1998-2001)
- Broadband Array for Regional Tectonics (BART) Research in Big Beijing Area
- Effect of Particle Size Distribution on the Formation of Compaction Band in Granular Material
- A Comparative Study of Intermediate-Period Surface Waves From Kiloton-Size Mining Explosions in Northeast China and Western United States
- Geodetic slip rates for the major strike-slip faults in the eastern Tibet
- Gravity Effects of Solar Eclipse and Inducted Gravitational Field
- A New Magnetoseismic Chain in East Asia
- An Irregular-gridded Stable Potential-field Downward Continuation Method
- Anatexis in Himalayan Crust: Evidences and Implications
- Crustal Structure of the Tarim Basin and Northern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal velocity structure in the Changbaishan volcanic area, NE China, determined from a wide-angle refraction/reflection experiment and a temporary broadband array
- Fast Timescale Phenomena at Changbaishan Volcano as Inferred from Recent Seismic Activities
- Late Cenozoic Evolution of Jishi Range in Northeastern Tibet
- Searching for the difference in attenuation between the fast and slow shear waves
- Study Of Triggering Action Of Great Earthquakes In Qinghai-Tibet Plate And Their Dynamic Effect
- Three-dimensional Mechanical Modeling of the GPS Velocity Field around the Northeastern Tibet and Surrounding Region
- Tomographic Inversion of Pn Travel Times in China: Implications for lithosphere thinning and deformation of North China
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Ionospheric Variations Associated With the Sumatra Earthquake on December 26, 2004
- New Age-Constraints on Syn-Tectonic Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution in the Southwestern Chinese Tian Shan Foreland
- Postseismic Deformation and Interseismic Models: Examples From Recent Large Earthquakes
- Potential-Field Transformations and Modeling Using Splines
- Evidence for a Chemical-thermal Structure at Base of Mantle From Sharp Lateral P-wave Variations Beneath Central America
- Regional Gradients in Shortening and Rates in a Foreland Basin due to Oblique Collision: Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Northwest Tarim Basin, Western China
- The Triggered Seismicity Of Additional Tidal Force And Tidal Stress
- The crust and upper mantle structure beneath Southeastern China
- Vp of Muscovite-Biotite Gneiss up to 950°C and 500MPa
- Crustal Structure Across the Three Gorges Dam from Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Dependence of main phase range of H component on Latitudes for Great Magnetic Storms
- Pulsed Episodes of Shortening Within the Tian Shan Foreland: Implications for Deformation Rate Interpretations Throughout Central Asia
- Satellite Thermal Infrared Stress Field and Earthquake Prediction in Short-term and Imminent
- Slowness-Azimuth Corrections for IMS Primary Arrays in China
- The Crust and upper mantle structure beneath Yunnan from joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion data
- Wavelet modelling of broad-band receiver functions
- Extent, Duration and Speed of the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquake Directly Imaged by the Alaska Regional Network
- Fault Trace and Slip in the 2008 Mw 7.9 Sichuan, China Earthquake From InSAR Observations
- GPS-derived Coseismic Deformation Associated with the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Late Miocene - Pliocene exhumation of the Qinghai Nan Shan (Northeastern Tibetan Plateau) constrained by adjacent Chaka basin magnetostratigraphic architecture
- Late Quaternary strike-slip features along the western segment of Haiyuan-Qilianshan fault, NE Tibetan Plateau
- Local climate differences between the adjacent Linxia and Xunhua basins, NE Tibet reveal 11 Ma history of relief in the intervening Jishi Shan
- Surface Rupture along the Beichuan Segment of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan, China
- Ambient Noise and Surface Wave Tomography in North China
- Ambient seismic noise tomography and radial anisotropy from a dense array in SW China
- Coupling between coseismic deformation of Wenchuan earthquake and the deep tectonics
- Crust and upper mantle structure of South China Sea and its tectonic implications
- Decade Plan (2010-2020) for the Study on Earthquake Predictability: Challenges and Opportunities in China (Invited)
- Distribution Of Seismic Velocity Change Associated With The May 12, 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Dynamic modeling of stress evolution and crustal deformation associated with the seismogenic process of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake
- Evidence of depth dependence of the seismic velocity temporal change associated with the Wenchuan earthquake
- Focal Mechanisms of Earthquakes in the Taiwan Strait
- Glacial asymmetry in response to tectonic and climate gradients in the Pamir Mountains, Western China
- High-Velocity Friction Experiments on the Longmenshan Fault Gouge towards the Understanding of Dynamic Rupture Propagation of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- High-resolution Shear Wave Velocity Structure beneath the Western Sichuan from Ambient Noise Array Tomography
- Holocene paleoearthquake activity along the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake ruptures of the Beichuan and Pengguan faults, eastern Sichuan, China
- Join estimation for rupture processes of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake from regional and near source seismic array observations
- Last glacial climate instability documented by coarse-grained sediments within the loess sequence, at Fanjiaping, Lanzhou, China
- Late Cenozoic Deformation in the Western Tarim Basin, NW China
- Lithosphere Detachment beneath North China craton imaged by joint inversion of regional and teleseismic data
- Monitoring of earthquake processes by passive and active EM methods. An observational study
- Near-field post-seismic deformation along the rupture of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its implication
- Nontectonic Signals in Reprocessed Continuous GPS Position Time Series of CMONOC
- Numerical Investigation of Earthquake Dynamics in Chuan-Dian Fault System
- Observation of Vertical Acoustic Resonance Effect on the Ground and in the Ionosphere During July 22 Total Eclipse
- Postseismic deformation modeling of the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, western China earthquake constrained using InSAR time-series data
- Postseismic deformation monitoring and modeling of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake, constrained using GPS and InSAR measurements
- Remotely triggered seismicity in Continental China
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath northeast China inferred from regional seismic networks
- Shear velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in China from ambient noise tomography: An update
- Structural and Temporal Evolution of the Chinese Pamir Constrained Along two Orogen Perpendicular Transects
- Syntectonic Extension and Domes Development during NE-chinese Pamir - Formation, decreasing during the Plio-Pleistocene?
- Tectonic setting of Cretaceous basins in NE Tibet: Insights from the Jinguum basin
- Temporal changes of seismic velocity around the Wenchuan earthquake fault zone from ambient noise correlation
- The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the Rise and Fall of Earthquake Prediction in China
- The Deep Electromagnetic Structure of the Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake Region and Its Geodynamic Implications
- The coseismic deformation characteristic of the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake in 2008
- The crust and lithospheric mantle beneath SE Tibet and Sichuan Province (SW China) (Invited)
- The dynamic response of geomagnetic sudden commencement to tectonic zone and large earthquakes in China
- Time series analysis of strain accumulation across the Haiyuan fault, Gansu, China, over the 2003-2009 period from ENVISAT InSAR data
- Topographic characteristics of rupture surface associated with the Wenchuan earthquake of Mw7.9, in May 12, 2008
- US-China collaborative study of Western Tibet: progress report and initial results
- Upper Mantle Structure beneath the Chinese Capital Region from Teleseismic Finite-Frequency Seismic Tomography
- A Parallel Simulation Framework of Regional Stress Migration
- A new brittle to plastic constitutive law and its implications for subduction-zone seismicity
- An attempt to detect temporal variations of crustal structure in the source area of the 2006 Wen-An earthquake in North China
- Characteristics of Microstructure and Clay Minerals of Fault Gouges From Surface Rupture of Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake
- Characteristics of spatial distribution of seismicity parameters along the Longmenshan fault zone before the 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake
- Co-seismic Crustal Deformation Model of the Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12, 2008, M8.0): Reconstructed with Data from Tiltometers and Strainometers
- Constraints on the Composition of the Earth's Liquid Outer Core from Shock Wave Density and Sound Velocity Measurements
- Correlation Weighted Spatial Filtering of Common-mode Noises and Detection of Regional Transient Signals in Continuous GPS Network
- Crustal structure in the eastern Tibetan Plateau from teleseismic receiver functions
- Dissipation and Transformation of Slip Displacement along the large Strike-Slip Fault, Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from Decadal GPS Measurement and Late Quaternary Geologic Rates
- Earthquake mechanism studies by active-fault drilling: Chi-Chi Taiwan to Wenchuan earthquakes
- Eolian grain-size signature of the Sikouzi lacustrine sediments (Chinese Loess Plateau): Implications for Neogene evolution of the East-Asian winter monsoon
- Fast and Robust Inversion of Earthquake Source Rupture Process with Applications to Earthquake Emergency Response
- Frictional behaviour of subduction zone fault rocks at low to high sliding velocities
- Geochemistry of soil gas in the seismic fault zone produced by the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake, southwestern China
- Gravity change observed during 2004-2009 in the Tokai slow slip area and the possibility of detecting high-pressure-fluid flow
- High-pressure phase relations in the composition of albite NaAlSi3O8 constrained by an ab initio and quasi-harmonic Debye model, and their implications
- How Rapidly is the Tibetan Plateau Rising, and What Fraction of that is Tectonic? (Invited)
- Is the stagnant slab of the Pacific plate seismically anisotropic?
- Joint coseismic and postseismic kinematic slip inversions in a Bayesian framework (Invited)
- Late Quaternary Kinematical Transformation and Slip Partitioning on the Southeastern Segment of the Xianshuihe Fault Zone
- Location for aftershocks of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and the active faults in Longmenshan region
- Magnetostratigraphy of Cenozoic sediments from Sikouzi basin and its implications for tectonic uplift processes in northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Mantle transition zone structure around Hainan by receiver function analysis
- Mechanical constraints on inversion of co-seismic geodetic data for fault slip and geometry
- Miocene West Directed Back Thrusting in the Southeast Pamir, China
- Modeling dynamic processes of the Wenchuan earthquake with finite element method
- Monitoring and modeling the multi-time-scale seismic hazard of the southern Longmenshan fault: an experimental design of the `monitoring and modeling for prediction' system
- Multi-Step Modeling of Receiver Functions Combined With Constraints From Seismic Tomography: Crustal Structure Beneath Southeastern China
- Neogene Basin Development in the Waqia Valley, Southeast Pamir
- New Insights Into Decratonization Beneath Northeastern China From the Joint Inversion of Body and Surface Waves (Invited)
- New geomorphic evidence probably provided by recent activities of the Gyaring Co Fault, Central Tibet
- Numerical models of coseismic slip and strain energy release along listric thrust faults: Application to the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
- P and SH wave velocity structures in the upper mantle transition zone beneath northwestern Tibet
- Performance of aftershock forecasts: problem and formulation
- Permeability & Grain Size Distribution of Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Rocks
- Post-Pleistocene relief production and isostatic compensation within the Xining-Guide-Xunhua Basins (NE Tibetan Plateau) and their significances to plateau uplift and landscape evolution
- Radial anisotropy in the crust of SE Tibet and SW China from ambient noise interferometry
- Remote Triggering in Continental China
- Seismic structure of the crust and local seismicity in Western Tibet
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Jointly Inverting Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- Slip distribution of the Aril 14, 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu (Qinghai, China) earthquake constrained using InSAR observations
- Source process of the 1999 Xiuyan earthquake of MS5.4 as revealed by relocation of earthquake sequence
- Strain Behavior in Eastern Tibet Blocks
- Surface wave dispersion across Tibet: Direct evidence for radial anisotropy in the crust
- Temporal changes of seismic velocity near the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake from ambient noise correlation
- The 2010 MW 6.9 Yushu (Qinghai, China) earthquake: constraints from InSAR, bodywave modeling and satellite imagery
- The 2010 Qinghai, China earthquake: a moderate supershear earthquake
- The ambient noise and earthquake surface wave tomography of the North China Craton
- The differ respond of China continental to the collision between Eurasian and Philippine Sea plate
- Time series and MinTS analysis of strain accumulation along the Haiyuan fault (Gansu, China) over the 2003-2010 period, from ENVISAT InSAR data
- U-Th zircon dating of the great Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano: Evidence for rapid development of a catastrophic eruption
- Variations of shear wave splitting in the 2010 Yushu Ms7.1 earthquake region
- WenChuan Earthquake: A Great Quake in the GPS Deformation GAP?
- 3D anisotropic crustal structure beneath China estimated from receiver function data
- Ambient Noise Tomography of East China
- Amplitude-frequency characteristics of VS broadband tiltmeter and great earthquake records
- An Experimental Study on Rock Physical Property Testing Based on Binary Phase-coded Excitation
- Anomaly extraction methods and earthquake research based on local plasma parameters of DEMETER Satellite
- Azimuthal anisotropy within the crust and uppermost mantle of southeastern China from both ambient noise and teleseismic earthquake Rayleigh wave tomography
- Block-like Versus Distributed Crustal Deformation around Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- CSAMT exploration at Shanxi graben: Characterization of a Daxian Basin and its boundary fault zone
- Constraints on Kunlun and Haiyuan left-lateral strike-slip fault evolution, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Construction and development of IGP DMC of China National Seismological Network
- Correlation between Change Rates of GRACE-derived Density and Ground-measured Temperature in Tibetan Plateau, 2004-2008
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation studies of the Wenchuan earthquake and seismo-tectonics of the Longmen Shan fault system (Invited)
- Coseismic deformation of the 2011 M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake inverted from geodetic data using finite element models: Implications for tsunami genesis and poroelastic stress-coupling
- Coulomb Stress Change Induced by Reservoir and Its Triggering Role in Seismicity
- Crustal Anisotropy and Moho Depth in Intersection Zone of Zhangjiakou-Bohai Seismic Belt and Shanxi Seismic Belt in China
- Crustal Deformation around Zhangjiakou-Bohai Seismically Active Belt
- Crustal and upper-mantle structure beneath eastern margin of Tibet from local and teleseismic traveltime data
- DEM and GIS analysis of the geomorphic indices to evaluate recent uplift of the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Despiking of energetic proton flux to study galactic cosmic ray modulation
- Distribution of seismicity in the Pamir-Tien Shan-Hindu Kush region, central Asia, from TIPAGE seismic data
- Dynamic Triggering around Fangshan Pluton near Beijing,China
- Energy partition for grain crushing in quartz gouge during subseismic to seismic fault motion: an experimental study
- Experimental challenges to reproduce seismic fault motion
- Fault Interaction and Earthquake Migration in Mid-Continents: Insights from Numerical Modeling
- Geological and geophysical evidences of late Quaternary activity of the range-front fault along the mid-segment of the Longmen Shan thrust belt
- Groundwater level and temperature changes in Northeast China in response to the 2011 M9 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
- Improvements of Uniqueness, Stability, and Constraints for Receiver Functions Modeling
- Investigation of the Hector Mine Earthquake Surface Rupture with Airborne LiDAR data
- New Chinese satellite-ground EQ monitoring project
- Observed and Calculated Far-field Coseismic Displacements of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake (Mw9.0)
- Poroelastic Coupling of the Zipingpu Reservoir and the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake, China
- Postseismic Deformation of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake and its Tectonic Implications
- Regional variations of crustal thickness along the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau and their tectonic implications
- Research on Accurate Location of the 2007 Ning'er, Yunnan, Ms6.4 Earthquake Sequence
- Seismic tomography of the US and China using joint-inversion of body- and surface-wave constraints
- Shear wave splitting survey of Western Tibet
- Slab Rollback and Subduction Erosion Model for the North Pamir - Alai Intracontinental Subduction Zone
- Source Parameters and Scaling Relations for Reservoir Induced Seismicity in the Longtan Reservoir Area
- Spatial And Temporal Variations Of Focal Mechanisms For Aftershocks Of The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Statistical analysis of the ionospheric electron density recorded during seismic activity
- Strong earthquake evolution and present-day earthquake hazard risk around the eastern boundary faults of Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block
- Study of crustal anisotropy in the eastern Tibetan Plateau based on inversions of receiver functions
- Surface ruptures on the Xiaoyudong fault: A significant segment boundary breached during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China
- Surface wave tomography on large-scale seismic arrays combining ambient noise and teleseismic earthquake data
- Tectonic Deformation of Ms7.1 Yushu Earthquake on April 14th, 2010 in Tibetan Plateau, China
- The Complementary Nature of Seismic and Infrasound Technologies in Regional Monitoring (Invited)
- The February 21, 2011 Mw 6.3 Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake - a Shallow Deadly Rupture Triggered by a High Stress Drop Blind Fault, Inferred from InSAR and Static Stress Modeling
- The Margin of a Gneiss Dome: Development of the Waqia Half-Graben, Southeast Pamir
- The deep resistivity variation during water loading and unloading and induced earthquake in the Longtan reservoir, Guangxi Province,China
- The error analysis of VTI approximation on nonhyperbolic moveout in ATI media
- The structure of the crust and upper mantle in North China Craton from teleseismic receiver function
- Transformation of displacement between strike-slip and crustal shortening in the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from decadal GPS measurements and late Quaternary slip rates on faults
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure underneath the Eastern Border of the Tibetan Plateau
- Using Anisotropy and GPS Data to Investigate the Role of the Mantle in Driving Surface Deformation in Asia
- Using curvelet filter to improve the temporal resolution of seismic waves speed changes measured from ambient noise correlations
- Velocity structure and radial anisotropy in the crust of SE Tibet and its dynamic implication
- 'Repeating earthquakes' associated with the WFSD-1 drilling site, slip rate estimate, and implication for fault healing
- 3D density structures beneath northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications
- 3D quasi-dynamic modeling of earthquake cycles of the great Tohoku-oki earthquake by considering high-speed friction and thermal pressurization
- Active Faults in the Capital Region of China: from Kinematics to Geodynamics
- Applications of 26Al /10Be burial dating and magnetostratigraphy to active deformation within sedimentary basins: field examples from the western Tarim Basin, NW China
- Assessment of Late Quaternary folding and shortening of the Longmenshan fold-and-thrust system (SE China) using fluvial terraces
- Characteristic vertical throw, slow late-Quaternary uplift rate, and hanging-wall extension on the Karaxingar Push-up Thrust, Fuyun fault, China
- Clustered and transient earthquake sequences in mid-continents
- Contemporary crustal vertical velocity field in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau inferred from precise leveling data
- Continuing Studies of Dynamic Triggering near Fangshan, Beijing
- Crustal Anisotropy in Eastern Tibet
- Despiking of spacecraft energetic proton flux to study galactic cosmic ray modulation
- Dynamic Activity of the Subducting Pacific Plate Revealed by the Focal Mechanism of the May 2011 Sino-Russian Border Deep Earthquake
- Early Silurian (~ 440 Ma) adakites and high-Nb basaltic rocks in the southern Altay Range (Northern Xinjiang): Slab melting and implications for crustal growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Fault Segmentation and Paleoseismicity along the North Wutaishan Fault of the Shanxi Rift System, China
- Fault activity feather of the Xuemenkan-Shimian segment, Xianshuihe fault zone,China
- Finite frequency tomography fort the northwestern Pacific region
- Focal Mechanisms and Stress Environment of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake Sequence
- Frictional Properties of Natural Gouges from Longmenshan Fault Zone Ruptured during the Wenchuan Mw 7.9 Earthquake
- Frictional sliding of biotite gouge under hydrothermal conditions
- Geomorphic indices indicated differential active tectonics of the Longmen Shan
- High Vp/Vs Ratio: Saturated Cracks or Anisotropy Effects?
- Imaging crustal anisotropy in eastern Tibet and South China using ambient noise and earthquake data
- In-situ XRD study of the olivine - ringwoodite transformation kinetics: application for effects of water on its growth kinetics
- Insights into the Long-to-intermediate-term Pre-shock Accelerating Moment Release (AMR) from the March 11, 2011, off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku, Japan
- Intermediate to high-velocity frictional properties of Longmenshan fault gouge from WFSD-1 cores and outcrops
- Late Quaternary Deformation along the North Wuitaishan Fault of the Shanxi Graben System: Active Intracontinental Rifting in North China
- Late quaternary active characteristics and slip-rate of Pingding-Huama Fault, the eastern segment of Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault zone ( West Qinlin Mountain )
- Magnetic sensor technology based on giant magneto-impedance effect in amorphous wires
- Major strike-slip fault systems in China revealed by crustal seismic anisotropy map
- Modern Tectonic Deformation in the Active Basin-And Province Northwest of Beijing, China
- Monitoring Micro-seismic Activity in Longmen Shan Fault
- Multi-scale earthquake hazard and risk in the Chinese mainland and countermeasures for the preparedness, mitigation, and management: an overview
- No crustal material flow through the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau into the Ordos basin
- On the Possibility of Interseismic Creep of the Cascadia Megathrust
- Paleoseismological research on Langshan Range Front Fault and its tectonics significance
- Physical-based Real-time Ground Motion Prediction and its Application in Earthquake Source Studies
- Preliminary rock-magnetic studies of core samples from the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the HJ-1B IRS in the Thermal Infrared Spectral Band
- Research on Dynamic Stress Triggering at Chinese North-South Seismic Belt in Recent Years
- Revisiting the uplift history of the Qilian Shan in the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for sedimentary archive from the Jiuxi basin
- Seismic density and its relationship with strong historical earthquakes around Beijing, China
- SmS Phase Propagation in Complex Media
- Strong Velocity-weakening Behavior of Plagioclase and Pyroxene Gouges under Hydrothermal Conditions: Experiments and Mechanism
- The Extensional Shear of Gyaring CO Fault and the Implication for Dynamic Model in South-Central Tibet
- The characteristic slip along the northern Gyaring Fault in central Tibet and its Neotectonic implication
- The un-uniform observatories location effect in the Dst index
- The wireless networking system of Earthquake precursor mobile field observation
- Upper mantle anisotropy obtained from SKS analysis in the Ordos block and its margins
- Upper-mantle tomography and dynamics beneath the North China Craton
- Weak middle-to-lower crust in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography
- A New Global Geodetic Strain Rate Model
- A reliable method for the determination of the depth of a hypocenter
- Advances of ChinArray Program
- Ages of zircons from pre-, syn- and post-caldera eruption products of the Changbaishan Volcano, indicating rapid magmatic development
- An Index for Seismic Landslides Evaluation Extracting from Ground Motion Data
- Aspects of surface wave tomography across CEArray and USArray
- Characterization of pore structure and strain localization in Majella limestone by X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- Comprehensive Analysis of Broadband Data of Densely Distributed Broadband CNDSN for Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in China
- Coseismic Well-level Changes in China due to Three Great Earthquakes
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation studies of the Wenchuan earthquake and seismo-tectonics of the Longmen Shan fault system (Invited)
- Crustal Movement Observation Network of China and Its Application
- Crustal Structure and Mantle Transition Zone Thickness beneath the Central Mongolia from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Depth-varying crust and upper mantle anisotropy and deformation revealed by dense arrays in SW China and North China Craton (Invited)
- Determination of the velocity and density jumps of '410' beneath Chinese continent with P to S conversion and multiples
- Duplex crustal segmented shortening model of the Longmenshan thrust belt: Lessons from the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Evidence of active mantle flow beneath South China (Invited)
- Evidence of sudden rupture of a large asperity during the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake based on strong motion analysis
- Fixture design for seismometer testing on the shake table
- Focal Mechanisms and High-Resolution Aftershock Relocations of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan, China Earthquake Sequences
- Formation of the Salton Sea: A numerical model of fault interaction
- Geomorphic indices indicated recent differential tectonic uplift of the Lintan-Dangchang fault and Minxianzhangxian earthquake
- High-velocity frictional experiments on dolerite and quartzite under controlled pore pressure
- Imaging the migration of seismicity along the Zongwulongshan thrust fault zone in Qinghai, China from 2003 to 2009 using spaceborne radar interferometry
- Initiation and runaway process of Tsaoling landslide, triggered by the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, as studied by high-velocity friction experiments (Invited)
- Late Cretaceous uplift of the Qilian Mountain, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Magnetostratigraphic insights from the Qilian Basin
- Late Holocene Earthquake Behavior on Either Side of a Crustal-Scale Complexity Along the Central Altyn Tagh Fault, Xinjiang, China
- Late Quaternary faulted landforms characteristics on the Tumen-Jiazhu village segment of Luoyunshan piedmont fault
- Lithospheric structure in North China from ambient noise tomography
- Millennial slip rate of the Tazang fault in eastern Tibet: implications for strain partitioning and kinematics at the eastern termination of Kunlun fault system
- Mineral rheological constraints on the stress limits in the subduction zone and its applications to deep earthquakes
- Organic molecular records of topography and climate: Modern biomarker isotope and soil tetraether calibrations and applications to the paleoenvironmental history of the SE margin of Tibet
- Paired Thrust/Normal co-seismic faulting at the Karaxingar asperity, hypocenter of the 1931 Ms 7.9 Fuyun strike-slip earthquake: insights into rupture complexity from TLS surveys
- Paleo-earthquakes of diverse magnitude recorded at the Salt Lake site, the Haiyuan Fault, China
- Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Persistence of rupture termination at a transpressional bend of the sinistral Altyn Tagh fault (Invited)
- Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps from the ambient noise tomography in central Mongolia
- Reevaluation on the fault geometry and segmentation of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Relocation of the 2012 Ms 7.0 Lushan Earthquake Aftershock Sequences and Its Implications
- Research on the Relation between Anomalous Infrasonic waves and several Earthquakes
- SINOPROBE Deep Reflection Profile Reveals a Neo-Proterozoic Subduction Zone beneath the Sichuan Basin (Invited)
- Scientific investigation of macroscopic phenomena before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its implication to prediction and tectonics
- Seasonal GPS Positioning Errors due to Water Content Variations in Atmosphere
- Seismic ambient noise tomography and azimuthal anisotropy of the central Tien Shan
- Seismic imaging of the deep structure under the Chinese volcanoes
- Seismicity Patterns and High-Resolution Fault Interface Properties Associated with the 2010 Mw6.9 Yushu, Qinghai Earthquake
- Slip rate variability along the Kunlun Fault using PS-InSAR
- Source parameters of the 2013 Lushan, Sichuan, Ms7.0 earthquake and estimation of the near-fault strong ground motion
- Statistical Analysis of the Early Period of the Strong Earthquake Sequence by Using the ETAS Model
- Strike-slip Fault Structure in the Salton Trough and Deformation During and After the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Study of the time-frequency characteristics of continuous gravity data sequence
- Surface wave tomography with multiple data sets and its systematic application to USArray and CEArray (Invited)
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Anisotropic Parameters before and after the Earthquake Occurred in the San Andreas Fault
- Temporal variations in medium heterogeneity before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake as revealed from scattered teleseismic P waves
- The April 24, 2013 Changning Ms4.8 earthquake: A felt earthquake occurred in Paleozoic sediment
- The Deep Electrical Structure of West Qinling Orogenic Belt and the Deep Seismogenic Environment of 7.22 Minxian Zhangxian M6.6 Earthquake
- The application of the Yabuki&Matsu'ura's inverse method in the Tohoku-Oki Mw9.0 earthquake and the Wenchuan Mw7.9 earthquake
- The characteristics of three-dimensional crustal deformation around the Longmen Shan fault before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
- The crustal structure beneath the SE Tibet from joint analysis of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion data
- Tidal response variation and recovery following the Wenchuan earthquake from water level data of multiple wells in the nearfield
- Upper Mantle Seismic Structure for NE Tibet From Multiscale Tomography Method
- Upper mantle seismic structure beneath central mongolia from body wave traveltime tomography
- A high-precision, distributed geodetic strainmeter based on dual coaxial cable Bragg gratings
- Annual Variation of Seismicity due to Surface Loads in Normal Fault Systems in Southern Tibet
- Archaeoseismological Study of Prehistoric Earthquakes in Anhui Province, China and Adjacent Areas
- Are we missing earthquakes? A new insight into the M 8 1556 Huaxian earthquake
- Atmospheric Responses to Pre-earthquake Processes Revealed by Satellite and In-situ Observations. Case Study for XinJiang, China (2008-2014)
- Constraints on timing and rates of strath terrace formation on actively uplifting anticlines in the foreland of the Chinese Tien Shan.
- Contemporary localized orogenic process along the central segment of Altyn Tagh Fault using continuous GPS observation in Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Contrasting Subduction Modes with Slab Tearing beneath Eastern Himalaya: Evidence from Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
- Coseismic Water-Level Changes in the Same Well Induced By Teleseismic Waves of Three Huge Earthquakes
- Crust and Upper Mantle Velocity Structure beneath NE China from Joint Inversion of Local and Teleseismic Data
- Current Land Subsidence in Tianjin, China Recorded by Three Continuous GPS stations (2010-2014)
- Detrital <SUP>10</SUP>Be Response to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Quantifying Evacuation of Coseismic Landslide Debris
- Detrital zircon U-Pb provenance study in Cenozoic strata of the Pamir-Tianshan collision zone
- Evolution of the paleolandscape(s) of Yunnan, China: implications from Be-10 erosion rates and river channel morphology
- Experimental studies on compaction of quartz - smectite mixtures and the response of porosity, density, P-wave velocity
- Extended friction to flow laws and their applications to fault models and earthquake modeling across the lithosphere
- Fault-Bend Folding in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau and the Seismotectonics of the 2013 Lushan Mw 6.6 Earthquake
- Friction Laws Based on Monotonic and Cyclic Rotary Shear Tests
- Glacially driven formation of high-elevation, low-relief landscapes in eastern Tibet
- Late Quaternary deformation rates in the Pamir-Tian Shan collision zone, NW China
- Long Indian Slab in the Mantle Transition Zone Under Eastern Tibet: Evidence from Teleseismic Tomography
- Measuring surface deformation of Beijing and surrounding area using X-band InSAR data
- Micro Events around Zipingpu Reservoir before 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake: Possible Influence of Impoundment
- Obliquity-Dominated High-Latitude Continental Triassic-Jurassic Climate, from the Coal-Bearing Junggar Basin, (Ürümqi, China)
- Possible Precursory Observations Relevant to the 2013 Lushan Ms7.0 Earthquake, China
- Preliminary Results of Low-temperature Thermochronology in the Three Rivers Region, SE Tibetan Plateau
- Progress in the last 25 years and future perspectives in the low to high-velocity friction studies of faults; a time to shift from dry to wet experiments
- Rayleigh Wave and Shear Wave Tomography of Northeastern China: Results Coconstrained by Multiple Datasets
- Research on Drill String Vibration based on the Cepstrum Analysis and Abstracting of SWD Bit Source Signals
- Response of Changes in Water Levels and Water Radon on the Observed Seismicity Along Longmenshan Fault
- Response of Volumetric Strain and Groundwater Level to Earthquakes
- Roaming Earthquakes in North China and Central-Eastern US: How and Why?
- Seismic Evidence for North China Plate Subduction beneath Northeastern Tibet and its Implications for Plateau Growth
- Slip rate gradients along parallel strands of the eastern Altyn Tagh fault confirm modeled rupture behavior at a transpressional bend
- Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia
- Stress Concentration Phenomenon Before the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: its Implication for Earthquake Prediction
- The Cenozoic elevation history of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- The Enormous Challenge faced by China to Reduce Earthquake Losses
- The Zipingpu Reservoir Triggering of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, Due to Poroelastic Coupling
- Tidal phase of Water level lags behind that of water temperature in Qi'xian observation well, China
- Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Transition Zone Seismic Discontinuities: Part I. New Constraints from Receiver Function Forward and Backward Scattering Waves
- Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Transition Zone Seismic Discontinuities: Part II. Inferences on the State of the Transition Zone with a Stagnant Slab
- Transitional Moho and low velocity crust under eastern border of the Tibetan Plateau
- Velocity Weakening to Velocity Strengthening Transition Controlled by Temperature, Effective Normal Stress and Sliding Rate in Frictional Sliding of a Phyllosilicate-Rich Mylonite from Longmenshan Fault Zone
- Very fast Uplifting in the Kongur Shan, NE Pamir during Marine Isotope Stage 5 (MIS 5)
- What stopped rupture propagation of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, eastern Tibet Plateau, China
- A Special Type of Georesistivity Variation before Some Larger Earthquakes
- An M<SUB>W</SUB>-based Historical Earthquake Catalog for Mainland China
- Biomarker isotope and soil tetraether records of the paleotopographic and paleoenvironmental history of the SE margin of Tibet
- Characterizing the transient geomorphic response to base level fall in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Correlations Analysis on co-seismic response between well water level and temperature caused by the Nepal Ms8.1 earthquake
- Cosmogenic Nuclides <SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>21</SUP>Ne Burial Dating of Middle Miocene Sedimentary Formation of the Hongliu Valley in Southern Ningxia Basin: A Case of Isotopic Geochronology Study for the Cenozoic Sedimentary Strata
- Crust and upper mantle anisotropy and deformation characteristics in North China craton
- Crustal and uppermost mantle conductivity distribution beneath the northern portion of Trans North China Orogen and its implication in the scale of destruction of the North China Craton
- Density and Magnetization Intensity of crust and uppermost mantle across Northern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Dry and Wet Friction of Plagioclase: Pure Cataclastic Flow(CF) vs. CF with Concurrent Pressure Solution
- Fault morphology controls rupture size: Evidence from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Fault segmentation and earthquake history of the Kunlun fault, China
- Frictional Properties of Phyllosilicate-rich Mylonite and Conditions for the Brittle-Ductile Transition
- Frictional properties of Shionohira Fault Gouge of Fukushima, Japan
- Heterogeneous Earth Structure, Deformation, and Slip During the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic Data
- High-Resolution Lg Q Model for Eastern Eurasia
- Insights on fault-valve behavior gained from the Ms5.1 isolated shallow earthquake in Moxi gas reservoir, Sichuan Basin, China
- Joint Inversion of 1-Hz GPS Data and Strong Motion Records for the Rupture Process of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake: Objectively Determining Relative Weighting
- Kinematics of Late Quaternary Slip along the Yabrai Range-front Fault: Implications for Cenozoic Tectonics across the Gobi Alashan Block, China
- Large Earthquakes and Structural Heterogeneity in Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Late Cenozoic out-of-Sequence Growth of the Southern Qilian Shan: Insights from Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology
- Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure of the Ordos Basin and its geodynamics
- Long-term faulting behavior of eastern Altyn Tagh fault, north Tibetan Plateau
- Matched-filter Detection of the Missing Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Mechanism of co-seismic volumetric strain variation in the far field of great earthquakes
- Numerical simulation of earthquake rupture sequences on the Manila thrust fault: Effects of seamount subduction
- OSL and Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China
- Quantifying slip balance among inter-, co- and post- seismic phase
- Remote Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Piton de la Fournaise and Changbaishan Volcanoes
- Seismic Site Conditions of China Based on Geology
- Slip rates across the sinistral slip fault system of the Shan Plateau, northern SE Asia
- Source complexity inference by trans-dimensional inversion and application to the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake .
- Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Fault Locking in the Eastern Boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block
- Study on the Geomagnetic Short Period Variations of the Northwestern Yunnan
- Study on the annual variation of satellite magnetic anomaly in China
- Total Vertical Offset for the Beichuan Fault (Longmen Shan, Sichuan, China) Deduced from Metamorphic Minerals
- Toward Building a New Seismic Hazard Model for Mainland China
- Toward a comprehensive understanding of transition zone seismic discontinuities: A new constraint near the stagnant slab region beneath China
- Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
- Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to capture ancient seismic offsets along the Altyn Tagh fault
- Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
- A Latest Reference Regional Crustal Velocity Model of Mainland China
- A unified source model of the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
- Analyzing thermal anomaly of the Nepal M<SUB>w</SUB>7.9 earthquake on 25 April 2015 using OLR data
- Application of Chinese Geomagnetic Survey and Geomagnetic Model for 2005-2010
- Calculating Strain Rate Field for Active Fault in Small Area Based on GPS and InSAR Geodetic Observations
- Cenozoic Spatio-temporal Variations of Tian Shan Deformation
- Co-seismic Water Level Changes in Response to Multiple Large Earthquakes at the LGH Well in Sichuan, China
- Control of fault heterogeneity on slip distribution and instability preparation: Based on laboratory observations
- Could offset cluster reveal strong earthquake pattern?——case study from Haiyuan Fault
- Crustal deformation modulation due to regional mass redistribution in China and its adjacent region constrained by GPS and GRACE measurements
- Crustal heterogeneity and Azimuth Anisotropy beneath Southeast Gansu from Ambient Seismic Noise
- Curie-point Depths Estimated from Fractal Magnetization Models in the Indian-Himalayan Region
- Dating the Transition from Reverse to Sinistral Slip on the Haiyuan Fault, NE Tibetan Plateau, Using Magnetostratigraphy from the Ganyanchi Pull-apart Basin
- Detailed Mapping of Historical and Preinstrumental Earthquake Ruptures in Central Asia Using Multi-Scale, Multi-Platform Photogrammetry
- Dominant controls of deep afterslip and viscous relaxation on postseismic displacements following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Dynamics of the Wulong Landslide Revealed by Broadband Seismic Records
- Effect of shales on the tidal response of water level in wells
- Estimating Site Effect in the Central U.S. Using Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios from Broadband Recordings of Earthquake and Blast Shear Waves and Ambient Noise
- Fault Coupling, Slip Rate Deficit and Strain Accumulation of the Haiyuan-Liupanshan Fault Zone in the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Frictional Properties of Main Fault Gouge of Mont Terri, Switzerland
- Frictional Properties of Shionohira Fault Gouge (Part 2) -A Comparison with Kuruma Fault Gouge at the Southern Extension of Shionohira Fault-
- High resolution P-wave velocity structure beneath Northeastern Tibet from multiscale seismic tomography
- High resolution mapping of seismic properties across upper mantle discontinuities in the stagnant slab region beneath Korea
- Holocene Slip Rate and Seismogenic Capacity of the Lenglongling Fault, Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Platea
- Imaging of Fine Shallow Structure Beneath the Longmenshan Fault Zone from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Kinematics of Northeastern Tibet: New Insights from the Qishan-Mazhao Fault (Shaanxi, China)
- Late Quaternary Arc-parallel Extension of the Kongur Extensional System (KES), Chinese Pamir
- Late Quaternary activity along the Longmen Shan thrust belt, eastern Tibet, China
- Lithospheric Isostasy of the Shatsky Rise and Its Application
- Localized Strain Bands Before Stress Drop - An Experimental Study
- Matched-filter Detection of the Missing Pre-mainshock Events of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Millennial slip rates and paleoseismology of the Jinghong fault on the Shan Plateau, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Numerical study on effects of lateral variations of Moon crustal thickness on lunar seismic wave propagation
- OSL and pollen concentrate 14C dating of dammed lake sediments at Maoxian, east Tibet, and implications for two historical earthquakes in AD 638 and 952
- Paleo-earthquake Analysis from the Morphologic Features of Unconsolidated-sediment Fault Scarp: An Example from Dushanzi Thrust Fault in the Northern Tianshan, China
- Paleoseismic Investigation of the Aksay Double-restraining Bend, Altyn Tagh Fault, and Its Implication for Barrier-breaching Ruptures
- Pre-seismic gravity anomalies before Linkou Ms6.4 earthquake by continuous gravity observation of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China
- Provenance and earthquake signature of the last deglacial Xinmocun Lacustrine sediments at Diexi, East Tibet
- Rapid late-Pleistocene canyon incision in arid northeastern Tibet controlled by glacial meltwater runoff
- Relative ages of relict landscape surfaces at the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan, China
- Seismological Aspects of the August 7<SUP>th</SUP> Zhouqu Debris Flows
- Spatial Distribution and Secular Variation of Geomagnetic Filed in China Described by the CHAOS-6 Model and its Error Analysis
- Storm Time Current Distribution in the Innerequatorial Magnetosphere:THEMIS Observations
- Study on the Mechanism of 2013 Jilin, China, Ms5.0 Earthquake Swarm
- Tectonic and Geomorphic setting of the Pamir Plateau -Insights from InSAR, Seismic and Optical Data for the 2015 Mw7.2 Darwas-Karakoram Earthquake
- Teleseismic P-wave Tomography and Mantle Dynamics beneath Eastern Tibet: Insight into Tengchong Volcano and Large Earthquakes
- The 2016 Mw7.0 Kumamoto, Japan earthquake: the rupture propagation under extensional stress
- The Lithospheric Magnetic Field and Structure Along the Erlianhaote-Rizhao Profile in China
- The earthquake disaster risk characteristic and the problem in the earthquake emergency rescue of mountainous southwestern Sichuan
- Uplifted Yellow river terraces across the Haiyuan fault, China and their implications to geometrical complexity of strike-slip fault system
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of Supergene K-bearing Sulfate Minerals: Cenozoic Continental Weathering, Landscape Evolution and Paleoclimates in the Tu-Ha Basin, Northwestern China
- A New Seismic Hazard Model for Mainland China
- A New Structural Model for the Red Sea from Seismic Data
- A S-wave Tomography Study for the First Order of Tectonic Unit Boundaries nearby Eastern Region of Tibetan Plateau
- A possible earthquake precursor prior to the Lushan earthquake observed by continuous GPS
- Acoustic Emission Detected by Matched Filter Technique in Laboratory Earthquake Experiment
- Ambient noise adjoint tomography for a linear array in North China
- Bridging scales of crustal stress patterns using the new World Stress Map
- Broad-band Lg Attenuation Tomography in Eastern Eurasia and The Resolution, Uncertainty and Data Predication
- Characteristic slip of five strong earthquakes along the Yishu fault zone in east China evidenced by offset landforms
- Climatically controlled terrace formation in tectonically active regions: an example along the Kuitun River in northern foreland basin of the Tian Shan, NW China
- Comparison and Difference Analysis of Crustal Vertical Deformation in Mainland China Observed by GPS from CMONOC and GRACE
- Coseismic displacement caused by the Mw 6.1 Mashhad earthquake in NE Iran from Sentinel-1A TOPS radar images
- Crustal Structure of Southwest China from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Crustal anisotropy from Moho converted Ps wave splitting and geodynamic implications in Northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal deformation mechanism in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from numerical modeling
- Crustal velocity structure in Bamei-Tagong segment of Xianshuihe fault zone
- Depth and sharpness variations of 410-km and 660-km discontinuities in North China Craton from dense array ambient noise interferometry
- Depth variations of P-wave azimuthal anisotropy beneath East Asia
- Effect of stress perturbation on frictional instability: an experimental study
- Estimating Site Response in the Northern Mississippi Embayment with S-Wave HVSR and Recordings from Deep Vertical Strong-Motion Arrays
- Evidence for different patterns of microcrack change related to the 2004 Niigata earthquake from S wave splitting
- Experimental study on the change of local lithospheric magnetic field related to the stress in Hutubi gas storage
- Fault geometry and slip distribution of the 2013 Mw6.6 Lushan, China, earthquake determined from GPS, strong-motion and leveling data
- Finite element simulation of earthquake cycle dynamics for continental listric fault system
- Flower-strucutre deformation pattern of theTian Shan mountains as revealed by Late Quaternary geological and modern Geodesy slip rates
- GPS-derived Coseismic deformations of the 2016 Aktao Ms6.7 earthquake and source modelling
- Generation and Evolution of Quaternary Magmas Beneath Tengchong: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope and Zircon U-series Age Constraints
- Groundwater storage variations in the North China Plain using multiple space geodetic observations
- Holocene Paleoearthquake History on the Qingchuan Fault in the Northeastern Segment of the Longmenshan Thrust Zone and Its Implications
- Imaging of the Crust and Moho Based on Receiver Function Analysis with Teleseismic Wavefield Reconstruction in South China
- Ionospheric Response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm along the Longitude of 100<SUP>o </SUP>E
- Ionospheric effects on DInSAR measurements of interseismic deformation in China
- Isostatic anomaly characteristics and dynamic environment of New Britain Ocean trenches and neighboring Area in Papua New Guinea
- Late Holocene Slip Rate of the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT), Far West Nepal Himalaya, from the Analysis of Deformed Fluvial Terraces
- Lithospheric discontinuity structure beneath NE Tibetan Plateau from receiver function migration
- Lithospheric structure beneath the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and the western Sino-Korea Craton revealed by Rayleigh wave tomography
- Microstructural Evidences of Intergranular Pressure Solution during Frictional Sliding at Hydrothermal Conditions
- Microstructures and Lattice Preferred Orientations in Experimentally Deformed Granulites
- Multiple episodes of fast exhumation since Late Cretaceous in the Three Rivers region, SE Tibetan Plateau, revealed by low-temperature thermochronology
- NChina16: A stable geodetic reference frame for geological hazard studies in north China
- New insights into Late Quaternary slip rate of the thrust fault zone, northern margin of the Qilian Shan, NE Tibet
- Northwestcape-induced Electron Precipitation and Theoretica Simulation
- Paleoseismic investigation on the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault
- Pleistocene rapid exhumation of the Diancang Shan, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: implications for the episodic acceleration of the Red River fault
- Postseismic deformation following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake and implications for rheology
- Postseismic relaxation process and lithospheric rheology inferred from eight years of postseismic deformation after the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Pre-slip and Localized Strain Band - A Study Based on Large Sample Experiment and DIC
- Present-day crustal motion around eastern margin of the Pamir plateau from GPS measurements
- Quaternary Deformation Constrained by River Terraces across the Longmen Shan Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in SE Tibet revealed with ambient noise and teleseismic surface wave
- Recent Advances in Subsurface Imaging and Monitoring with Active Sources in China
- Retrieving rupture history using waveform inversions in time sequence
- Revealing the Rupture Complexity of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand Earthquake with the Slowness-calibrated Back-projection.
- Rheological Structure of Northern Tibet Lithosphere Inferred from Postseismic Deformation Modeling of 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili Earthquake
- Sedimentary Provenance Constraints on the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous Paleogeography of the Sichuan Basin, SW China
- Seismic Velocity and Its Temporal Variations of Hutubi Basin Revealed by Near Surface Trapped Waves
- Seismicity around the Hutubi underground gas storage, Xinjiang, China
- Slip in the 2015 Mw 7.9 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Kodari, Nepal, earthquakes revealed by seismic and geodetic data: Delayed slip in the Gorkha and slip deficit between the two earthquakes
- Source model and Coulomb stress change of 2017 Mw 6.5 Philippine (Ormoc) Earthquake revealed by SAR interferometry
- Source process of the M<SUB>W</SUB>7.8 2016 Kaikoura earthquake in New Zealand and the characteristics of the near-fault strong ground motion
- Spatial Distribution of Seismic Anisotropy in the Crust in the Northeast Front Zone of Tibetan Plateau
- Spatiotemporal evolution of premonitory fault slip prior to stick-slip instability: New insight into the earthquake preparation
- Spatiotemporal variation of erosion rates in southeast Tibet as constrained by late Quaternary incision of the Lancang River
- Strain transformation between tectonic extrusion and crustal thickening in the growth of the Tibetan Plateau
- Stratified crustal anisotropy beneath the northeastern Tibetan plateau: Receiver function results
- Stress-driven postseismic deformation following the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake: Implications on lower crust rheology and fault behavior
- Study on relationship between evolution of regional gravity field and seismic hazard
- Study on the fixed point in crustal deformation before strong earthquake
- Tectonic Divisions Based on Gravity Data and Earthquake Distribution Characteristics in the North South Seismic Belt, China
- Tectonic Uplift of the Danba Area in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Tectonic geomorphology of the Qilian Shan in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: insights into the plateau formation processes
- Teleseismic Upper-mantle Tomography of the Tanlu Fault Zone in East China
- Temporal Change of Seismic Earth's Inner Core Phases: Inner Core Differential Rotation Or Temporal Change of Inner Core Surface?
- The 3D Electrical Structure of Gaoligong Shear Zone in Western Yunnan, China
- The Effects of Earth's Outer Core's Viscosity on Geodynamo Models
- The Influence of Fault Distribution on Regional Seismic Activity: Results from a FEA Model
- The Quanzhou large earthquake: environment impact and deep process
- The impact of lake level variation on seismicity around XianNvShan fault in the Three Gorge area
- The network construction of CSELF for earthquake monitoring and its preliminary observation
- The role of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in topographic evolution: seismically induced landslides and the associated isostatic response
- The shallow sedimentary and structural deformation in the southern Longmen Shan: constraints on the seismotectonics of the 2013 Lushan Mw6.7 Earthquake
- The study of active tectonic based on hyperspectral remote sensing
- Why Did the Fault Rupture of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Propagate Predominately Northeastwards?
- 3D spherical inversion method for full gravity gradient tensor data
- 4D full-wave seismic tomography of the Kilauea volcano, Hawai'i
- A coaxial cable Bragg grating based strainmeter designed to measure the state and activities of geophysical transitional zones
- A continuous 13.3-ka record of seismogenic dust events in lacustrine sediments in the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Active tectonics of the Nantinghe fault in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Ambient noise tomography based on a dense coverage seismic array in NE Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent areas
- An Aseismic Slip Episode in 2016 Near The Southern End of Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF) in Taiwan
- An Investigation of Seismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing in the Sichuan Basin of China based on Data from a Temporary Seismic Network
- An automatic earthquake bulletin assistant system based on deep learning neural networks: application on seismic network of Chinese Capital and surrounding area
- Anthropogenic and Climatic Effects on Seasonal Mass Redistribution in North China Plain Constrained from GPS and GRACE Measurements
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulation in Taiyuan Basin by Hybrid Method
- CSES-01 Mission: Preliminary Results
- Capillary Effect on Groundwater Response to Earth Tides
- Characterizing the Seasonal Crustal Motion in Tianshan Area Using Multiple Remote Sensing Observations and Surface Loading Models
- Comparison of absolute gravimeters of CMONOC in Wuhan in March 2018-Results and Analysis
- Complex lithosphere deformation beneath southeastern Tibetan plateau revealed by shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy from surface wave tomography
- Constraining Moho depth and velocity contrast beneath Northeast China using regional Sp phase
- Creep along the Haiyuan fault, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, from GPS measurements
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Qilianshan Fault Zone and Its Adjacent Regions
- Crustal anisotropy beneath Northeastern margin of Tibet Plateau from Receiver Functions
- Did the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake trigger the occurrence of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in Sichuan, China?
- Dynamic Triggering of Microseismicity in Yunnan Following the 2004 Sumatra and 2012 Indian Ocean Earthquakes
- Evidence for Earthquake Rupture through a >30° Restraining Bend of the Altyn Tagh fault
- Experimental study on semibrittle-plastic deformation and microstructure of mafic granulite
- Far-field Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation of the 2011 Mw9 Tohoku Earthquake and Implications to Spatial Variations in Mantle Viscosity
- Finding Northwest-striking Dextral-slipping Faults at the East End of the Altyn Tagh Fault and its Implications to Northeastward Growing of the Tibetan Plateau
- How quickly does the foreland basin river aggrade and incise?
- InSAR interseismic velocity map along the Bengco Fault from Sentinel-1 satellite
- Is there a big mantle wedge under eastern Tibet?
- Joint Inversion for the Lithospheric Structure in East Tibet
- Late Cenozoic exhumation history of the Gaoligong and Chongshan shear zones (SE Tibet)
- Lithospheric Thermal State of Northeast China Constrained by Curie-Point Depths from NGDC-720 Magnetic Anomaly Inversion
- Lunar Seismic Wave Propagation in Laterally Heterogeneous Moon Models from Numerical Modelling
- Magnitude of the 1920 Haiyuan (China) Earthquake Re-estimated Using a Combined Geological and Seismological Approach
- Mantle Dynamics of North China: Constraints from Three-dimensional Electrical Conductivity Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone
- Modeling Strain Rate and Fault Slip for China and Vicinity Using GPS Data
- Monitoring the Global Large Earthquakes with 3D SEM Strain Green's Functions, Part II: Multiple Double Couple (MDC) Analysis
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part I: Strain Green's function calculation and validation
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part III: Slip history of 2017 Mexico Mw8.2 and 2018 Alaska Mw7.9 Earthquakes
- New constraints on Quaternary slip partitioning near the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh fault in NW China
- Optical dating of paleoearthquakes of the Ms7.4 1985 Wuqia earthquake surface ruptures along the Pamir Front Thrust
- Paleoseismologic investigation revealed early events occurred along north Altyn Tagh fault near Shibaocheng, Gansu, China
- Postseismic Effects of the Mw 8.6 Chayu Earthquake (15 Aug 1950) Revealed by GPS Measurements
- Present-day crustal deformation in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: the kinematics and dynamics
- Proxies for the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Fault and Modelling of Fluid Flow
- Quantitative determination of slip rate and tectonic transformation of the Tianjingshan fault of NE Tibet, China
- Relocation of the aftershock sequence of the M<SUB>S</SUB>7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake and its seismogenic structure
- Repeated Gravimetry for Earthquake Monitoring in China
- Rock Magnetic Studies of Fault Rocks from the Jingtai Segment of the Haiyuan Fault Zone, Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Segmentation Features of the Kalpintage Fault in Front of the Kalpin Nappe Structure Base on the Paleoearthquake Rupture And the Geomorphic Response, SW Tianshan
- Seismic slip distribution and rupture model of the Lenglongling fault zone, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Seismicity in Sichuan-Yunnan Area of China
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Upper Crustal Anisotropy Along the San Jacinto Fault Zone in Southern California: Constraints from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Stratified crustal shortening under the Longmenshan thrust belt, eastern Tibetan plateau
- Structural, Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Fault Zones in the Yeongdeok Pluton (Proxies for 2017 Pohang Earthquake Fault)
- Study on long term of gravity variation of Western Yunnan area
- Styles and rates of active faulting in northeastern corner of the Tibet Plateau
- The Stability Analysis of Crustal Anisotropy Parameters from Ps Converted Waves Splitting
- The interaction pattern between stable mini block and active geological surroundings during the extrusion of Chuandian Block: A study case of the Yanyuan Basin revealed from the near-surface shear wave velocity structure
- The seismic evidences of velocity variation for Changbaishan volcanism in Northeast China
- Three Dimensional Crustal Vp and Vs Structure Beneath the Southern Segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Revealed by Active Source and Earthquake Data
- Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure in the seismogenic zones of the Yingjiang and Longling earthquakes
- Tomographic evidence for a mantle transition zone origin of the Wudalianchi and Halaha volcanoes in Northeast China
- Unexpected far-field hydrological response to a great earthquake
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure from Rayleigh-wave Phase Velocity Tomography Beneath the Northern Ordos block, North China
- Uppermost mantle velocity and anisotropy beneath Mongolia and its Adjacent Regions
- Viscoelastic Behavior of the Longmenshan Fault Zone Constrained by Postseismic Deformation of the 2013 Lushan Earthquake
- Weak Velocity Weakening of Augite with Concomitant Intergranular Pressure Solution under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Western Pacific Lithospheric Thermal Perturbations and Sublithospheric Density Anomalies
- A magnetotelluric study of the deep electric structure beneath eastern North China
- Active faulting in northeast corner of the Ordos block in north China and its tectonic implications
- An Experimental Study by Coded Excitation Signals for Measurement of Rock Ultrasonic Wave Velocity
- Characteristics of main tectonic movement and seismic moment equilibrium distribution in Tianshan and its adjacent areas
- Constraining the age of laterally offset gullies incised into an abandoned alluvial surface along the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Crustal Radial Anisotropy beneath West Qinling region from ambient noise by dense seismic array
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structures in Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by ChinArray Data
- Decreased slip rate on the Kunlun fault zone since 100 ka, constrained by offset alluvial fan and cosmogenic nuclide dating
- Detailing Rupture Propagation in Historical Earthquakes by Pairing High Resolution Geomorphic Mapping with Analog Seismology
- Estimated Casualty Risk for Disaster Preparation in Five Scenario Great Earthquakes, Sichuan-Yunnan Region, China
- Evaluation of global ocean tide models based on tidal gravity observations in China
- Evaluation of strong earthquake risk in the east segment of the Eastern Kunlun fault during the next 100 years based on a model of earthquake recurrence probability
- Experimental study on the influences of fault contact distribution on the speed of stick-slip instability
- Fault Structures, Paleoseismic Slip Records and Uplift of the Longmen Shan, Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Fault rheology of the Muji fault inferred from postseismic deformation after the 2016 Mw6.6 Aketao, northeast Pamir, earthquake
- Fine Crustal Velocity Structure Across the Eastern Tibet Plateau from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Geodetic Evidence for Interseimic & Coseismic deformation for the Jinghe M6.6 earthquake
- Geomagnetic field modeling based on CSES magnetic field data
- Geomorphic indices indicate differential vertical tectonic movement in peninsular Malaysia
- High resolution P-wave velocity structure beneath Qilian Orogen from multi-scale seismic tomography
- Holocene paleoearthquakes on the Tianqiaogou-Huangyangchuan Fault in the northeastern boundary fault system of the Tibetan Plateau
- InSAR Observation and Geodetic Modeling of the 2017 Mw 6.3 Jinghe Earthquake
- Inconsistent permeability changes along a fault zone caused by the Xingwen M5.7 earthquake in SW China
- Inversion of the Dadu River bedrock channels for the Late Cenozoic uplift history of the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Investigating Thrust-fault Growth and Segment Linkage Using Displacement Distribution Analysis In The Active Duzhanzi Thrust Fault Zone, Northern Tian Shan of China
- Investigating the origin of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.5 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017: the investigations and conclusions of the Overseas Research Advisory Committee (ORAC)
- Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Aksay Segment and its fast decreasing gradient along the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Later Quaternary Activity of the Tuosuhu-Maoniushan Fault in the North Margin of Qaidam Basin
- Lateral fault growth in the Kashi anticline (Chinese Tian Shan): Insights from seismic interpretation, shortening distribution and tri-shear methods
- Lateral variation of crustal structure in the North China Craton and its tectonic implications
- Lithospheric fabrics beneath northern Appalachians: Characterization using harmonic decomposition of receiver functions
- Machine Learning in Inversion on Velocity Structure beneath Sichuan-Yunnan area
- Magnetic and thermal constraints on the spatial distribution of continental seismicity
- Mantle Transition Zone Structure beneath the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Measuring Postseismic Deformation of the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, China, Earthquake Using InSAR Data
- Medium to large scale surface deformation observation based on distributed Coaxial Cable Bragg grating
- Multi-segment Rupture Probabilities on the Xianshuihe Fault Zone, Southwestern China
- New apatite fission track evidence for high Tibetan plateau until Oligocene-earliest Miocene
- Numerical Simulation of Seismic Supershear Rupture Process Facilitated by the Barrier
- Paleoearthquake History Along the Southern Segment of the Daliangshan Fault Zone in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Paleoseismic Recurrence on the Geometrically Simple Section of the Altyn Tagh Fault, Northern Tibet
- Passive underthrust and localized crustal thickening beneath the Qilian mountains: evidence from receiver function imaging
- Poisson's Ratio Variations of Crustal Media before and after Xinyuan-Hejing Ms6.6 Earthquake in 2012
- Postseismic Deformation and Stress Perturbation in NE China due to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Preliminary Predicting the Near-Field Strong Ground Motion of the China Huaxian M8<SUB>1/2</SUB> Earthquake Based on the Uncertainty Factors of Asperities
- Radially shear wave structure, seismic anisotropy and lithospheric dynamics of the Tibetan plateau constrainted from Rayleigh wave and Love wave surface wave tomography
- Rapid Bedrock Canyon Incision During A Mid-Holocene Pluvial Period, Qilian Shan, China
- Rupture through the >30° Akatengneng Shan restraining bend from slip-rate gradients along the Altyn Tagh fault, northwest China
- Seismic Slip and Creep Revealed by Coupling in situ Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating in a Bedrock Normal Fault Scarp
- Seismic and aseismic slips contributed to the foreshock-to-mainshock triggering during the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Seismo-ionospheric Precursors of the 5 August 2018 M6.9 Loloan Earthquake Observed by CSES and Ground-based GNSS Receivers
- Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures in the Late Quaternary Lacustrine Sediments and Paleo-earthquake Studies in Tashkorgan, Northeastern Pamir, China
- Source parameters of the deadly February 2019 Rongxian-Weiyuan earthquakes rattling the shale gas field in Sichuan, China
- Source properties of 17 June 2019 Changning earthquake (M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.2), China
- Spatial-temporal Evolution before the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Spatiotemporal Evolution of Background Seismicity Rate and Stress Changes Inverted from Seismic Catalog in Changning Shale-gas Hydraulic Fracturing Region, Sichuan Basin of China
- Stepovers and bends of strike-slip faults: mechanics of fault evolution and rupture behaviors
- Strain localization and development of principle slip zones in sheared carbon-bearing gouges probed by electrical conductivity measurements
- Stratified Crustal Anisotropy beneath the Eastern Tibet from Receiver Function Study
- Structures of multiple large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by dense Global Navigation Satellite System networks in China
- Study on the gravity variation before typical strong earthquakes and its seismogenic model
- Tectonic boundary within the stable Alax block: evidence from seismicity with the dense China Array
- Teleseismic Tomography and Origin of the Intraplate Wudalianchi Volcano in Northeast China
- The 2018 and 2019 Ms5 seismic swarms in the Changning shale gas area, SW China: reactivation of pre-existing faults
- The Relation Between Conjugate Impedance Transform and Phase Tensor in Dealing With Telluric Distortion of Magnetotelluric Data
- The detection of Ms 6.0 Changning aftershock sequence based on deep learning algorithms
- The late Quaternary formation and evolution of river terraces along the Yulin River: Implication for the northwest outward of the Altyn Tagh fault, on the northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China
- The late Quaternary slip rate of the Kumysh fault, eastern Tianshan, China
- The origin of the Mw 5.4 Pohang, Korea, earthquake of November 15, 2017 and search for faults in the drillhole cuttings
- Transformation of coseismic faults in the Central and northern Longmenshan thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for potential active fault and seismic risks
- Upper Mantle Anisotropy in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and Related Crust-mantle Coupling Pattern
- A Study on Induced Seismic Activities in Southeast of Sichuan Basin, China, Using a Local Temporary Network
- Active Thrusting in an Intermontane Basin: the Kumysh Fault, Eastern Tian Shan
- Co-seismic Deformation and Source Model of the 2017 Mw6.3 Earthquake in Jinghe, Northwest China Constrained by InSAR and GNSS Measurements
- Comparison of induced seismicity in Changning and Gongxian-Junlian area
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation of the Changning earthquake constrained by geodetic data
- Detailed mapping of the surface rupture of the 12 February 2014 Yutian Ms 7.3 earthquake, Altyn Tagh fault, Xinjiang, China
- Distribution of partial melt beneath Changbaishan/Paektu volcano, China/Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Eastern Tibetan Plateau deformation and its dynamimcs from Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS data with a profile over 1000-km scale
- Excitation of San Andreas tremors by thermal instabilities below the seismogenic zone
- GSeisRT: A precise point positioning software to capture ground deformations for geohazards in real time using GPS/BeiDou/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS observations
- Impact of Baghjan Oil Well (Assam, India) Blowout and Leakage of Greenhouse Gases
- Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Zihong Shan Branch and Its Implication for Strain Partitioning of the Haiyuan Fault, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Magma Storage System and Hidden Hotspot Track of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province and its Impact on the Unusual Timing of the Capitanian Mass Extinction
- Mantle Q Structure from S-wave Amplitude Measurements
- Monitoring post-seismic healing process associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence using ambient seismic noise interferometry
- Prediction and tracking of atmospheric gas and OLR change in the sequence earthquakesin Xinjiang, Jiashi in January 2020
- Present-day Deformation Related to Large Earthquakes in the Past 100 Years in the Tibetan Plateau
- Reduction of high frequency seismic noise in and around Wuhan city due to the COVID-19 lockdown
- Regional Geodetic Reference Frames for Geological Hazards and Structural Deformation Monitoring in North and South China
- SeisFLINK: A Real-time Seismic Data Stream Processing System Based on Big Data Technologies
- Spatiotemporal changes of aftershocks and background seismicity in Tangshan and the rest of North China
- The CSES Global Geomagnetic Field Model (CGGM): An IGRF type global geomagnetic field model based on data from the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite
- The Shortening Rate of North Danghe Nanshan Thrusts at Its Junction with The Altyn Tagh fault, Constrained by Cosmogenic Isotope and OSL Dating of Serial Offset Terraces
- A Novel Approach for Reconstructing Slip Histories of A Bedrock Normal Fault Scarp with Rock Surface Luminescence Dating
- Along- and across-strike variations in erosion in southern Longmen Shan thrust belt based on low-temperature thermochronology and fluvial shear stress analyses
- An Early Aftershock Catalog of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake: Application of an AI-based Detection and Location Architecture
- Fault geometries of two moderate earthquakes in the interior of Asia Continent revealed by InSAR
- High-resolution earthquake catalog illuminates the seismogenesis and detailed fault distribution of the northern Xiaojiang Fault Zone in Southwestern China
- Initiation and Evolution of the Shanxi Rift System in North China: Evidence From Low-TemperatureThermochronology in a Plate Reconstruction Framework
- Mantle Q structure from S, SS, SSS and SSSS amplitude measurements
- Massive Lithospheric Delamination beneath SE Tibet Revealed by Ambient Noise Interferometry
- Post-orogenic Drainage Integration Drives River Incision in SE Tibet
- Rise and fall of the Tibetan plateau
- Spatial Patterns of Surface Erosion Rate in the Southern Longmen Shan During the Late Cenozoic
- The Permian Emeishan large igneous province: Magma storage system, hidden hotspot track, and mass extinction
- The novel MVP-LAI system and nighttime TEC perturbation amplifications before earthquakes
- Advancing the Understanding of How 3D Fault Geometry Controls the Kinematics of Earthquake Swarms
- Along-Strike Variation in the Initiation Timing of theNorth-Trending Rifts in Southern Tibet as Revealed From theYadong-Gulu Rift
- Correction for Near Surface Amplitudes Based on Static Green's Functions in Time-reversal Location of Shallow Earthquakes
- Insights on the influence of fault maturity on earthquake behavior in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from coseismic deformation fields and tectonic geomorphology
- Latest Quaternary slip rate of the northern Lancangjiang fault zone in eastern Tibet and its tectonic implications
- Mid-Miocene initiation of strike-slip deformation in the Tian Shan, Central Asia
- Ongoing Westward Migration of Drainage Divides in Eastern Tibet, Quantified from Topographic Analysis
- Postseismic deformation due to the 2021 M7.4 Maduo (China) earthquake from InSAR and GNSS observations
- Quantifying the structure and extension rate of the Linfen Basin, Shanxi Rift System since the latest Miocene: An evaluation on the tectonic mechanism for magma-poor rifting
- Shallow ice-sheet composite structure revealed by seismic imaging near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Camp
- Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: methodology and application
- Spatial-temporal evolution of seismic activity near the Changing Shale Gas Blocks, Sichuan,China
- Wrench Tectonics in Eastern China
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aibing Li
- Chieh‐Hung Chen
- Cuiying Zhou
- Edwin Nissen
- Eric Kirby
- Fengxue Zhang
- Gang Zhi Li
- Han Yue
- Hanlin Chen
- Hongfeng Yang
- Hongyi Li
- Huajian Yao
- Jie Chen
- Jikun Feng
- Jing Liu‐Zeng
- Junjie Ren
- Lewis A. Owen
- Li Sun
- Lianxing Wen
- Lifeng Wang
- Lin Chen
- Ling Chen
- M. E. Oskin
- M. R. Nedimović
- Miao Zhang
- Nori Nakata
- Peng Su
- Peter van der Beek
- Renqi Lu
- Siyu Wang
- Sylvain Barbot
- Vincent Godard
- Wenqian Yao
- Xiao Xiao
- Xiwei Xu
- Yang‐Yi Sun
- Yiduo Liu
- Yijian Zhou
- Yuqing He
- Yuri Fialko
- Zeyu Jin
- Zhendong Zhang
- Zhuqi Zhang
- Élyse Gaudreau