Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
flowchart I[Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (225)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (41)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Statistical Study of Plasma Properties in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- A new improvement of ZTD estimation by modeling GPS systematic residuals
- A numerical study of Hall effect in ULF waves
- Crustal Kinematics in Chuan-Dian constrained by combining GPS and gravity observations
- Enhancements of OI 630.0 nm Emission And Ionospheric Tomography Using GPS STEC Measurements During the Period of the Strong Geomagnetic Storm, 2003 Halloween Event in Korea
- Observational Study of Solar X-ray Plasma Ejections
- Pi2 Pulsations Observed From the Polar Satellite Outside the Plasmapause
- Relationship between pulsed earthward high-speed flows and Pi2 pulsations
- Waiting-time distributions of solar eruptions and the evidence for sympathetic flares
- Global structure of 2-D plasma sheet profiles for various IMF conditions : Geotail observations
- Magnetic helicity comparison between coronal magnetic field of an active region and interplanetary magnetic cloud
- Effect of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Thermospheric Density at High Latitude
- Geosynchronous Magnetic Field Variations Associated With the Passage of Interplanetary Shocks or Solar Wind Discontinuities
- Numerical Calculations of Relativistic Electron Drift Loss Effect
- On the relationship between the occurrence of substorm injections and interplanetary parameters during the declining phase of solar cycle 23
- Relationship between CME initial speed and magnetic helicity of magnetic clouds
- Small-scale X-ray/EUV Jets seen in Hinode XRT and TRACE
- Comparison of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds Observed by ACE and STEREO
- Model of the Tidal Variation in the Geoid and Deflection of Vertical in the Korean Peninsula
- Polar rain flux variations in northern hemisphere observed by STSAT-1 with IMF geometry
- Simultaneous Observation of FUV Aurora with Precipitating Electrons on STSAT- 1
- Solar Magnetic Polarity Dependence of the Seasonal Occurrence of Geomagnetic Storms
- The diurnal/semi-diurnal and monthly variations of electron peak density and its height of the F2 layer in the mid-latitude using COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation measurements
- Thermospheric Neutral Density Responses to Changes in IMF Sector Polarity
- Analysis of auroras caused by precipitation of high energy electrons
- Assessment of GPS Global Ionosphere Maps over the Ocean by Comparing with TOPEX/Jason TEC measurements: A Climatological Study
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Combination of kinematic processing and sliding window technique for near real time monitoring of the site displacements by using GPS data
- Diurnal and seasonal variability of sporadic meteor flux: First observations of pre-sunrise secondary peak from Thumba
- Estimation of hydrological loading effects to correct VLBI analysis
- Large solar proton events associated with coronal mass ejections
- Low energy electron precipitation in the polar cap region observed by STSAT-1
- Negative Ionospheric Storm observed by GPS and Ionosonde in Korea
- New attempt to retrieve weak signal with simultaneous SLR observation by adjacent stations
- Relationship of Ground Level Enhancement with Solar Flare, Coronal Mass Ejection and Solar Energetic Particle
- Seasonal variation of the ionospheric F2-layer intensity at midlatitudes during the solar cycle 23
- TRIO (Triplet Ionospheric Observatory) Mission
- The Variability of the Zonal Plasma Drift in the Equatorial F Region
- The characteristics of the ionospheric asymmetries during the solar cycle 23 (Invited)
- End-to-End Observations and Modeling of the 17-21 January 2010 CME/ICME
- Energetic electron precipitation caused by wave particle interactions
- Far-ultraviolet Observations of the Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT)
- Is DE2 the Source of the Ionospheric Wave Number 3 Longitudinal Structure?
- Mid-latitude ionosphere observed by ground-based GPS during intense geomagnetic storms in October 2003 and November 2004
- Seasonal, diurnal, and solar cycle variations of the longitudinal wave structure in the low-latitude thermosphere
- THEMIS Pi2 observations near the dawn and dusk sectors in the inner magnetosphere
- Tiny Pores observed by HINODE/SOT
- 500-day period component in the Earth's polar motion
- Comparison of helicity signs in magnetic clouds and their solar source regions
- Comparison of ocean tide models for accurate computation of ocean tide loading in Korean Peninsula
- Development of an Automatic Program to Analyze Sunspot Groups on White Light Images using OpenCV
- Electron Microburst Energy Dispersion Derived by Test Particle Simulation Code
- Evolution of PSD radial profiles at the outer radiation belt associated with geosynchronous flux dropouts: THEMIS observations
- FUV spectroscopy of the comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) with FIMS
- Far Ultraviolet Spectrum in the Polar Region during Slightly Disturbed Geomagnetic Conditions
- Imaging Coronal Mass Ejections and Large-Scale Solar Wind Structure Using Thomson-Scattering Measurements from SMEI
- Ionospheric anomalies observed over South Korea before Tohoku earthquake
- Ionospheric variation over Korean Peninsula from 2000 to 2010 using GPS TEC
- Longitudinal asymmetry in the crest intensity of the ionospheric tidal structure
- Magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to the passage of solar wind discontinuity on 24 November 2008
- Necessity of 2D image data for determining 3D configurations of magnetic clouds
- On the Possible Mechanisms of Two GLE Events
- Phase and amplitude Variation of Weddell Sea Anomaly at King Sejong Station in Antarctic between 2005 and 2009
- The background ionospheric conditions for the generation of plasma bubbles and blobs
- VHF coherent scatter radar observations of mid-latitude F-region field-aligned irregularities over South Korea
- Variability in the mesospheric and lower thermospheric temperatures at high-latitude
- Comparison of the PSD radial profiles between before and after geosynchronous flux dropout: THEMIS observations
- Dusk-side precipitation as an possible loss process of radiation belt electrons
- FUV spectroscopy of the comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) with FIMS
- Far ultraviolet observations of diffuse, monoenergetic, and broadband auroras
- Lithospheric-folding-based understanding on the origin of the back-arc basaltic magmatism beneath Jeju volcanic island, Korea
- Magnetic Field Structure in ICMEs: Comparison and Validity of Different Models
- Nonmigrating Tidal Features in the Equatorial Plasma Bubble Distribution
- Observation of the outer radiation belt during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24: Long-term disappearance and reappearance
- Relationship between Earthward magnetotail flow burst and low-latitude Pi2 pulsations
- The spectral variation of FUV airglow observed by the STSAT-1
- The statistical analysis of low-latitude Pi2 pulsations during the intervals of extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions
- Variation of the hemispheric asymmetry of the equatorial ionization anomaly with solar cycle
- Drivers of the hemispheric asymmetry in the low-latitude electron density distribution
- Enhanced horizontal extreme-echo speed occurrence leading to polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) increase at solar-wind pressure enhancement during high-speed solar wind stream events
- Magnetopause shadowing effects on the GEO flux dropout during a very weak magnetic storm: RBE results
- Observation of plasma depletions in outer radiation belt by Van Allen Probes
- Occurrence climatology of the electron density irregularities in the mid-latitude E region
- Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles
- Statistical characteristics and occurrences of the F-region field-aligned irregularities in middle latitudes observed with Korea VHF coherent scattering radar
- THEMIS observations of plasmaspheric hiss: its dependence on solar wind parameters and geomagnetic activity
- The Study of the origin of broad plasma depletions in the equatorial F region
- Unusual Stable Trapping of the Ultra-Relativistic Electrons in the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Characteristics of the Afternoon E-region Plasma Density Irregularities in Middle Latitudes
- Estimation of pitch angle diffusion coefficients for EMIC waves with realistic field models
- Evolution of electron hole propating in inhomogeneous plasma
- Generation of suprathermal protons via parallel electron fire-hose instability: Particle-in-cell simulations
- In-situ Measurements of the Cosmic Radiation on the Aircraft Altitude over Korean Peninsula
- Interferometric radar observation of fast moving meteor trails in strong electric field
- Investigation of the Tidal Signatures in the Thermosphere Using the TIMED/GUVI Data
- KREAM: Korean Radiation Exposure Assessment Model for Aviation Route Dose
- Magnetic Structure and Nonthermal Electrons in the X6.9 Flare on 2011 August 09
- Magnetopause structure favorable for radiationbelt electron loss
- Multi-wavelength Observation of Initiation Phase of Filament Eruption
- Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles
- Prediction Model of the Geosynchronous Electron Fluxes at a Wide Energy Range Based on a Neural Network Scheme
- Proton-Cyclotron and Firehose Instabilities in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind
- Statistical characteristics of nighttime mid-latitude F-region field-aligned irregularities observed by Daejeon VHF coherent scattering radar in South Korea
- The pitch angle diffusion by stochastic motion in the Earth's radiation belt
- The role of the postsunset vortex in the creation of turbulence in the bottomside F region
- A third radiation zone at relativistic energies observed by SAMPEX HILT during the Bastille Day event
- Distributions of irregularities, patches, and scintillation in the high-latitude F region seen by Swarm satellites
- Generation of coherent ion acoustic solitary waves in inhomogeneous plasma by odd-symmetric trapped mode in an electron hole
- Magnetic field fluctuations observed by the Swarm constellation in the nighttime mid-latitude topside ionosphere
- Observation of summer daytime aurora in the noctilucent cloud layer and its link to high-energy particle precipitation during high-speed solar wind streams
- PIC simulation of plasma waves above lunar magnetic anomaly
- Relative Contributions of Heating and Momentum Forcing to High-Latitude Lower Thermospheric Winds
- Relativistic Electron Enhancements at GEO: Magnetic Storms vs. Substorms
- Short Term Variation of Cosmic Radiation on Aircraft at Constant Flight Condition
- Simultaneous observations of Ellerman bombs by NST and IRIS
- Statistical Features of EMIC Waves Observed on Van Allen Probes in the Inner Magnetosphere
- The onset condition of equatorial plasma bubbles - the role of seeding mechanism and growth condition
- The role of TIDs in the creation of the electron density irregularities in the middle-latitude F region
- Transfer of Real-time Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model; Research to Operation
- Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements
- Variations of energetic electrons associated with solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement in the outer radiation belt
- Analysis of the steady-state eddy available energy budget in the high-latitude lower thermosphere
- Conditions Responsible for the Difference in Occurrence between H-band and He-band EMIC Waves
- Determination and comparison of the ion distributions for EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere (L < 7)
- Determining the statistical significance of particle precipitation related to EMIC waves.
- Dynamic evolution of the eruptive and confined flares observed by IRIS and RHESSI
- Electron Microburst Observation with Formation Flying Nonosats
- Electrostatic upper-hybrid waves and energetic electrons in the Earth's radiation belt
- Ionospheric TEC disturbances induced by the 2016 NK's rocket
- Ionospheric disturbances in low- and middle-latitudes induced by neutral winds and vertical ExB drift during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm
- Lunar Infrared Spectrometer for detection of hydroxyl/water ice
- Optical Maturity on the Walls of Lunar Craters
- Polarimetry as a tool to study the space weathering on the Moon
- Possible link of sudden onset and short-time periodic pulsation of polar mesosphere summer echoes to ULF Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations and solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement
- Space Weather Operation at KASI with Van Allen Probes Beacon Signals
- The SIGMA CubeSat Mission for Space Research and Technology Demonstration
- The variability of the occurrence of the Field Aligned Irregularities in the middle-latitude F region using the VHF radar observation at Daejon, South Korea.
- Wide-Angle Polarimetric Camera for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter
- A Case Study of Magnetotail Conditions at Substorm and Pseudosubstorm Onsets
- A statistical study of near-Earth magnetotail evolution during substorms and pseudosubstorms with THEMIS data
- Arase: mission overview and initial results
- Characteristics of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by CHAMP satellite
- Cluster observations of the field-aligned currents in the high-altitude auroral region
- Development of High Energy Particle Detector for the Study of Space Storms onboard Next Generation Small Satellite-1
- GPS-determined Crustal Deformation of South Korea after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: Straining Heterogeneity and Seismicity
- Global characteristics of Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves deduced from Swarm satellites
- Interhemispheric Poynting Flux Associated with Postsunset Equatorial Plasma Depletions as Observed by Swarm
- Multi-wavelength Observation of Filament Eruption associated with M-class Flare
- Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events Observed at Low Altitude During Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Activities Identified Near The Equator.
- Seasonal Variations of GNSS TEC values in the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly Trough at Chuuk (geographic: 7.5° N, 151.0° E; geomagnetic: 0.4° N) in the Federated States of Micronesia during the solar maximum in 2014
- Secular Tidal Torque from Ocean and Atmosphere: Revisited with New Approach
- Spatial properties of pitch angle distributions of protons with energies of 100 eV to 40 keV around plasmapause observed from Van Allen Probes
- Toward a unified model of substorms
- Understanding of the sources of the F-region field-aligned irregularities in the middle latitude using ground-based and satellite observations
- 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Expedition of KASI
- Crucial Contribution of Rapid Injections of Relativistic Electrons to Radiation Belt Formation
- Distribution and origin of broad plasma depletions in the equatorial F region observed by the C/NOFS satellite
- Electron density spatial distribution and ion mass from coordinated observation of Arase and Van Allen Probes
- Energetic electron precipitation enhancements observed by STSAT-1
- First identification of the high-latitude ionization trough from a satellite (SWARM) observation
- High-frequency thermal fluctuations and instabilities in the radiation belt environment
- Investigation of Coronal Electron Density Distributions during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21
- Large scale ducting of Pc1 pulsations observed by Swarm satellites and multiple ground networks
- Magnetic Field and Energetic Particle Flux Oscillations and High-Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere during Substorm Dipolarization: Arase Observations
- New Daytime Thermosphere ionosphere observations during the HIWIND Flight in 2018
- Performances of Precision Orbit Determination of Low-Earth-Orbit satellites by Global-Positioning-System (GPS) Antenna Configuration
- Simulation and Quasilinear Theory of Magnetospheric Bernstein Mode Instability
- Study of GPS amplitude scintillations association with FAIs and TIDs in middle latitudes
- The Role of Sporadic E Layer in the Creation of Nighttime Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- The fast-traveling shock acoustic waves triggered by the 2017 North Korean missile
- A New Discovery of Critical Features Governing Earth's Radiation Belt Enhancement
- A statistical study of the relationship between Pc1 wave propagation and ionospheric plasma density structures using superposed epoch analysis
- An Auroral Streamer Associated with Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Earth Magnetotail Before Substorm Initial Brightening
- Application of Deep Learning to Solar and Space Weather Data: 2. Generation of Farside Solar Magnetograms
- Behavior of Multiple Auroral Emissions during a Substorm Expansion Phase Based on Polar VIS and UVI Observations
- Characteristics of equatorial morning overshoot observed by the Swarm constellation
- Characteristics of the 2017 September 10 GLE event in relation to shock properties
- Correlation of water ice area with temperature on Ceres
- Cosmic Ray Enhancements Observed by the CRaTER onboard the LRO
- Global Distribution of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Its Association with E Region Irregularities
- Korea Ionospheric Data Assimilative Regional Model (KIDARiM)
- Launch and early operation result of charged particle detector in the range of 20 keV to 400 keV with deflecting electrostatic field for in-situ measurement of suprathermal electrons, protons, and neutrals
- Long-term Analysis of Crustal Deformation of South Korea associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Particle-in-cell simulations of fast magnetosonic waves on a drift shell surface in the dipole magnetic field
- Phase-angle coverage of the lunar polarimetry from the orbit using KPLO/PolCam
- Regional Ionospheric Prediction Applying Ionosonde Data Assimilation with Neural Network algorithm
- Signatures of non-ideal plasma evolution during substorms obtained by mining multi-mission magnetometer data
- Simultaneous Observations of a SAR arc by Multiple Instruments at Sub-auroral Conjugate Points and Its Ionospheric Response during the St. Patrick's Day Storm in 2015
- Statistical Analysis of the GNSS Scintillation Measured at Single Station in High Latitude Ionosphere
- Structure of a Magnetic Disturbance in the Mid-altitude Cusp Region: Cluster Observations
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- What controls the thermodynamic evolution of the expanding solar wind?
- Why do fast and wide CMEs not always produce observable solar energetic particles?
- Accelerating and Supersonic Density Disturbances in Solar Polar Plumes
- Evolution History of Plasma Blobs as Deduced from Swarm, Gold, and Madrigal TEC Data
- Formation CubeSat Constellation, SNIPE mission
- Ionospheric plasma density oscillation related to EMIC Pc1 waves
- Ionospheric scale lengths derived from the Swarm and GRACE-FO constellation missions
- Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration at Shock Waves Driven by Fast and Wide Coronal Mass Ejections
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The Coronal Diagnostic Experiment (CODEX)
- The Origin of Bubble-like Structures in Midlatitudes during Geomagnetic Storms
- A Data Driven Model for the Prediction of Solar Energetic Particles from Coronal Mass Ejection Shocks
- Effects of Radial Expansion, Collisions, and Wave-Particle Interactions on Protons, Electrons, and Alpha Particles in the Solar Wind
- A Statistical Study of Pc 1-2 Waves Observed in a Polar Cap Region (Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica)
- A Stochastic Three-dimensional Focused Transport Simulation of Solar Energetic Particles Produced by a Data-driven Coronal Mass Ejection Shock
- A two-fluid slow solar wind model with proton temperature anisotropy and Alfven-wave turbulence
- Acceleration and Release of Solar Energetic Particles Associated with a Coronal Shock on 2021 September 28 Observed by 4 Spacecraft
- Comparison of neutral winds at 94 km measured by MIGHTI and meteor radar in daytime and nighttime over South Korea
- Detection of Different Properties of Ionospheric Perturbationsin the Vicinity of the Korean Peninsula After the Hunga-TongaVolcanic Eruption on 15 January 2022
- Development of scientific payloads for Small scale magNetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) mission
- Differences in Low-frequency Waves Associated with Dipolarization between Substorms and Pseudosubstorms
- Generation of solar (E)UV data from Ca II K Images by Deep Learning
- Improved AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms by STEREO EUV Observations and Their Applications
- Preliminary results of electron density profiles retrieved from KOMPSAT-5 Radio Occultation Data
- Quasi-periodic Variations of Microwave Brightness along a Solar Flare Loop
- ROKITS: Space-borne Wide-field Auroral/Airglow Imager
- Reconstruction of the regional total electron content maps over the Korean Peninsula using deep convolutional generative adversarial network and Poisson blending
- Relation between magnetopause position and dayside reconnection rate under quasi-steady solar wind dynamic pressure
- Response of ionosphere/thermosphere over European sector during the First G3 extreme geomagnetic storm in 25 solar cycle
- Response of meteor plasma trails observed by meteor radar to geomagnetic activity
- Simultaneous Oscillations of Low Energy Plasma and Magnetic Field Variations in the Lunar Wake
- The dissipation of F region ionospheric irregularities
- Theoretical prediction of ion scale waves observed in the inner heliosphere
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andrew K. Sun
- Bin Zhuang
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. S. Salem
- Christian Möstl
- D. Lario
- Eunsu Park
- H. K. Connor
- H. Kil
- Harim Lee
- Hyun-Jin Jeong
- Il-Hyun Cho
- J. Hong
- J.-P. St.-Maurice
- Jaejin Lee
- Jaewook Lee
- JeongHeon Kim
- Jin-Hun Sohn
- Junga Hwang
- K. A. Firoz
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. G. Klein
- Khan‐Hyuk Kim
- Kyung-Suk Cho
- L. J. Paxton
- Magnus Fagernes Ivarsen
- Noé Lugaz
- Peter H. Yoon
- S. M. Baek
- Se‐Heon Jeong
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Stefaan Poedts
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Vasyl Yurchyshyn
- Woo Kyoung Lee
- Ying Zou
- Yong Ha Kim
- Yong‐Jae Moon
- Young‐Sil Kwak
- Yukinaga Miyashita