Korea Polar Research Institute
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- New investigations of an ultra-slow continental rifting revealed from hydroacoustic monitoring in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
- Surface Flux Measurements at King Sejong Station in West Antarctica
- Transition from rifted continental to oceanic crust at the southeastern Korean margin in the East Sea (Japan Sea)
- High-resolution simulation of the global climate and Asian monsoon at 6000 years BP
- C37 Alkenones and Planktonic Foraminifera in the Benguela Upwelling System
- High-resolution Climate Simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Imaging the Three-Dimensional Crust of the Korean Peninsula by Joint Inversion of Surface- Wave Dispersion and Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Kinetic fractionation processes recorded in the stalagmites of some limestone caves in Korea
- Recent changes in solar irradiance and infrared irradiance related with air temperature and cloudiness at the King Sejong Station, Antarctica
- Southeast Indian Ocean-Ridge Earthquake Sequences from Cross-correlation Analysis of Hydro-acoustic Data
- Circulation and Property Changes in the North Pacific Ocean for the Last Glacial Maximum
- Dufek Layered Mafic Intrusion and Basement Sill, Antarctica: Constraints on their Magma Sources Based on PGE Abundance Patterns, Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Ratios and Trace Element Modeling
- Evaluations of global land-to-oceans fresh water discharge and evapotranspiration
- Ice Penetrating Radar Surveys in the Fourcade Glacier of King George Island, Antarctica
- Icelandic Rift Relocations: Melting Models and Geochemical Observations
- New investigations of an ultra-slow continental rifting revealed from hydroacoustic monitoring in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
- Shear-wave Velocity Structure in the Southern Korean Peninsula
- A Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Trigger of the Bipolar Ocean See-Saw?
- Acoustic monitoring of sea ice and ice sheet off Antarctic Peninsula
- Aerosol scattering properties measured by an integrating nephelometer in Seoul, Korea
- Deformation Microstructures of Olivine and Pyroxene in Peridotite, Spitsbergen, Svalbard and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
- Did the Galápagos plume influence the ancient EPR? : A geochemical study of basaltic rocks from Hole 1256D
- Distribution of Surface pH and Total Alkalinity at the Sea of Okhotsk and the East Sea in October 2007
- Evidence for the Involvement of Medium- to High- Pressure Fractionation Processes in the Origin of Marie Byrd Land Pantellerites, West Antarctic Rift System.
- Hydroacoustic monitoring of seafloor earthquake and cryogenic sounds in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
- Methane and other Trace Gases in the Indian Summer Monsoonal Outflow as Measured by the Civil Aircraft Based Research Project CARIBIC
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Reconstruction of paleoproductivity and paleotemperature recorded in sediment cores of Drake Passage and Scotia Sea, Antarctica
- Seasonal Variation in Meteor Decay Time Profiles Measured by a Meteor Radar at King Sejong Station (62°S, 58°W), Antarctica
- Seasonal and solar activity variations of the Weddell Sea Anomaly observed in the TOPEX TEC measurements
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica
- The diurnal/semi-diurnal and monthly variations of electron peak density and its height of the F2 layer in the mid-latitude using COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation measurements
- Arctic Oscillation during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum from PMIP2 coupled model simulations
- Assessment of GPS Global Ionosphere Maps over the Ocean by Comparing with TOPEX/Jason TEC measurements: A Climatological Study
- Can the Weddell Sea anomaly and related phenomena be explained by conjugate effects?
- Development of Melting Device for Measurement of Traceable Proxies in Ice Core
- Field-based evaluation of geological storage capacity of carbon dioxide: an example of Cretaceous Korean nonmarine basin
- Lateral variation of Moho discontinuity beneath the Yellow Sea region
- Measurement of total dissolved mercury at the picomolar level using ICP-SFMS
- Observation of gravity changes associated with variations of ground water table
- Observation of solid precipitation using satellite gravity
- Precise Location of the 2007 Odaesan Earthquake Sequence and its Tectonic Implications in Korea
- Receiver function images of subducted slabs beneath South Korea
- Seafloor P- to T-wave Conversion at the Scotia Volcanic-Arc, South Atlantic Ocean
- Seasonal variation of seismic ambient noise level at King Sejong Station, Antarctica
- T-waves excitation modeling for realistic earthquake source and oceanic crust
- The Peralkaline Rhyolite Spectrum in Marie Byrd Land Volcanoes, West Antarctic Rift, and the Case for Polybaric Fractionation
- The Separation of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in South Korea
- Ultra-low rare earth element content in accreted ice from sub-glacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- A study of upper mantle discontinuities beneath the Korean Peninsula using teleseismic receiver functions
- Arctic Oscillation and Cold Surge in the Northern Hemisphere at 2009/2010 Winter
- Characteristics of the global ionospheric electron density during the extreme solar minimum condition
- Characterizing the Hygroscopicity of Asian Continental Outflow Aerosols Measured During Four Field Campaigns at Island Coastal Sites in Korea
- Conspicuous circumpolar greening in the end of growing season over the Arctic region
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318) in the global atmosphere
- Long term measurements of condensation nuclei and cloud condensation nuclei in the megacity of Seoul during 2004-2010
- Lu-Hf and Re-Os systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen, western Svalbard: Implications for mantle-crust coupling
- Mesospheric temperatures estimated from the meteor decay times over King Sejong Station(62.2°S, 58.8°W), Antarctica
- Mid-latitude ionosphere observed by ground-based GPS during intense geomagnetic storms in October 2003 and November 2004
- P-wave velocity structure beneath the northern Antarctic Peninsula
- Seasonal and height variation of gravity wave activities observed by a meteor radar at King Sejong Station (62°S, 57°W), Antarctica
- Assessment of Ocean Tide Models on the Ice-Covered Sea Around the Antarctica by the ICESat Measurements
- Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues
- Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Wonju, Korea Using the H-κ Stacking Method and Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-wave Dispersion Curves
- Cyclo-octafluorobutane (PFC-318, c-C<SUB>4</SUB>F<SUB>8</SUB>) in the global atmosphere
- Discovery of authigenic carbonates in the Canada Basin (Arctic Ocean) and its implications
- Global and arctic mean sea level variations observed by GRACE with the optimum ocean kernel
- High-resolution trace element records of an ice core from the eastern Tien Shan, central Asia, since 1953 AD
- Installation of very broadband seismic stations to monitor cryospheric environment, Antarctica
- LARISSA: Benthic Foraminiferal Analysis from Barilari Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula margin
- Phase and amplitude Variation of Weddell Sea Anomaly at King Sejong Station in Antarctic between 2005 and 2009
- Research Activity and Infrastructure of Korea Polar Research Institute: Current and Future Perspectives
- Single particle mineralogy of aeolian dust in the East Rongbuk ice core from Mt. Qomolangma (Everest)
- The Role of Southern Annular Mode on the Antarctic Climate Change
- Understanding the role of ENSO in the eddy-mean flow interaction over the Southern Hemisphere
- Variability in the mesospheric and lower thermospheric temperatures at high-latitude
- 2009/2010 Eurasian Cold Winter and Loss of Arctic Sea-ice over Barents/Kara Sea
- A Possible Explanation on the Dynamical Linkage between Arctic Sea-ice Loss and Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- Basal Melt and Thickness Change of the Antarctic Ice Shelves Revealed by the Lagrangian Elevation Measurement from Satellite Laser Altimetry
- Does ENSO modulate the Antarctic eddy-driven jet?
- Effects of atmospheric waves on the middle and upper atmospheric temperatures over Kiruna (67° 53'N, 21° 04'E), Sweden
- Evidence of the recent decade change in global fresh water discharge and evapotranspiration revealed by reanalysis and satellite observations
- Geochemistry of lavas from the Australian-Antarctic Ridge, easternmost Southeast Indian Ridge
- Heat flux variations over sea-ice observed at the coastal area of the Sejong Station, Antarctica
- Holocene sedimentary deposits in the Chukchi Shelf north of the Bering Strait and signatures of Bering Sea-derived sediment deposition
- Measuring Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Marine Boundary Layer over the North Pacific Ocean using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Solid Absorbent Cartridges
- Platinum group elements (Pt and Ir) deposition at Dome C (East Antarctica) between 572 kyr BP to 800 kyr BP
- Seasonal Variation of Wave Activities near the Mesopause Region Observed at King Sejong Station (62.22°S, 58.78°W), Antarctica
- Some Inferences on the Spreading Rate of the Ayu Trough, Equatorial Western Pacific
- The stability of gas hydrate field in the northeastern continental slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk, as inferred from analysis of heat flow data and its implications for slope failures
- Weather from the ozone hole
- recent changes the in flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- CO2, CH4, and N2O in the Open Ocean, Sea-ice Zone, and Polynya of the Southern Ocean Observed during Austral Summer Season from 2009 to 2013
- Cause of large negative Eu anomaly in the highly evolved A-type granites with REE tetrad pattern
- Changes in the characteristics of extreme cold anomaly for the period of 1951-2010 as revealed by a Markov analysis
- Characteristics of the Global Ionosphere During the Solar Minimum of Cycle 23/24
- Climate-related changes in lead isotopes over the past 800,000 years in the EPICA Dome C Antarctic ice core
- Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Wonju, Korea Using the H-? Stacking Method and Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-wave Dispersion Curves
- Decadally-resolved sea surface temperature and salinity records of the East Sea (Japan Sea) over the last 2000 years
- Deglacial-Holocene variability in sea ice, primary productivity, and sea-level change in the Pacific-Arctic gateway area
- Estimation of mesospheric vertical winds from a VHF meteor radar at King Sejong Station, Antarctica (62.2S, 58.8W)
- How Much Winter Stratospheric Polar-cap Warming Is Explained By Upward-propagating Planetary Waves In CMIP5 Models?: Part 1. An Indirect Approach Using A Wave Interference Index
- Integrated marine and terrestrial proxy records from the Chukchi Sea shelf (western Arctic Ocean) during the Holocene
- Interpretation of bathymetric and magnetic data from the easternmost segment of Australian-Antarctic Ridge, 156°-161°E
- Interpretation of lipids biomarkers in the sediment of western Arctic Ocean: last 100years records of organic sources, storage and surface seawater temperature
- Is there a linkage between the tropical cyclone activity in the Southern Indian Ocean and the Antarctic Oscillation?
- Light-absorbing Aerosol Properties in the Kathmandu Valley during SusKat-ABC Field Campaign
- Marine ice sheets of Pleistocene age on the East Siberian Continental Margin (Invited)
- Measurements to Fill Knowledge Gaps on Ice Nucleating Particle Sources over Oceans
- Origin of authigenic calcite and aragonite in pelagic sediments of the Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean) and their paleoceanographicimplications
- P wave velocity structure beneath Greenland using teleseismic events
- Precipitation decrease correlates with accelerated ice mass loss in Antarctica
- Recent Arctic climate change and its impact on mid-latitudes
- Reconstruction of paleoceanographic changes in the western Arctic Ocean duing the late Quaternary: Results from RV Araon and RV Polarstern
- Ridge Tectonics, Magma Supply, and Ridge-Hotpot Interaction at the Eastern End of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Rodent burrows in late Pleistocene paleosols at Korean Palaeolithic sites and their implications for paleoclimate changes
- Role of Arctic Sea-ice Loss for Stratospheric Polar Vortex Variability (Invited)
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2012-2013, its predictability, and its impact on the Northern Hemispheric winter
- The Decahedrella-event in ODP Hole 909C - Implications for Miocene stratigraphic and paleoclimatic interpretations across the Fram Strait gateway
- Transverse motion of Drygalski Ice Tongue, Antarctica correlated with thermohaline circulations in Terra Nova Bay polynya
- Variations of Amazon River channel flow observed by satellite gravity data
- AGCM simulations of atmospheric responses to Arctic warming: Impacts of Low-cloud Parameterization
- Abundant Hydrothermal Venting in the Southern Ocean Near 62°S/159°E on the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Arctic-subarctic coupled impact on the North Pacific intraseasonal variability
- Change in Deep Water Circulation in Southern Drake Passage during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Chemistry of Hydrothermal Plumes at 159°E on the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Decadal variations of Earth's oblateness and surface mass balance in polar ice sheets from 1979 to 2012
- Distribution of Phytoplankton and Particulate Organic Carbon in the Beaufort Sea during the 2014 Marginal Ice Zone Experiment
- Effects of Wind and Sea Ice Drift on the Seasonal Variation of Warm Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea
- Elemental and ionic composition of atmospheric aerosols in the dust storm season in Mongolian Gobi Desert
- Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Stock in the Midtre Lovénbreen Moraine, Svalbard
- Estimation of austral summer net community production in the Amundsen Sea: Self-organizing map analysis approach
- Finding Crustal Thickness in the Northern Transantarctic Mountains and Wilkes Subglacial Basin Using S-Wave Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities.
- Geomorphology and vegetation mapping the ice-free terrains of the Western Antarctic Peninsula region using very high resolution imagery from an UAV
- Geophysical Characteristics of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Heat Transport and Long-Term Change in the Southern Ocean: Assessing the Role of Eddies
- Input of Terrestrial Palynomorphs since the Last Deglaciation from Sediments of the Chukchi Sea Shelf, Western Arctic Ocean
- Mantle domain and segmentation at the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and NO<SUB>2</SUB> at the South Pacific Ocean
- Observed relationship between Arctic sea ice, cloud, and solar radiation and its implication for ice-albedo feedback
- Oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Paleo-Ice Sheet/Stream Flow Directions of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Based Upon New Synthesis of Multibeam Seabed Imagery
- Phytoplankton Bloom in Iron Limitation Environment of the Amundsen Polynya, Southern Ocean
- Pi2 Pulsations Observed by Van Allen Probes: A Case Study
- Sinking Particle Flux in the Sea Ice Zone of the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica
- Structural and Chemical Modification of Fe-Rich Smectite Associated with Microbial Fe-Respiration By Psychrophilic Bacteria in King George Island, West Antarctica
- Systematic Dependence of Projected Future Changes in the Arctic Oscillation on the Stratospheric Wave Activity Among High-Top CMIP5 Models
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in PMIP2 Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum
- The distribution of glacial meltwater in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, revealed by excess helium and neon
- The variability of sea ice motion in Antarctic
- UV-screening Organic Matter (CDOM and MAA) as indicators for monitoring changes of the polar marine ecosystem
- Variations of Antarctic Oscillation during the past millennium and the twenty first century
- Variations of the Pacific-Origin Summer Waters in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean
- Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss
- What Influences Activity of Zonal Circulation over Eurasia in Periods of Arctic Amplification?
- 10-Year Observations of Cloud and Surface Longwave Radiation at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- An Observation of Antarctic Marginal Subglacial Lake using Cryosat-2 SARin mode
- Antarctic marine ice sheet retreat in the Ross Sea during the early Holocene
- Application of δ18O, δD, 3H-3He and CFCs to characterize the nitrate contamination of groundwater in Eumsung, Korea
- Arctic Cloud Fraction and Microphysical Characteristics from 8-year Space-based Lidar and Radar Measurements
- Cape Adare - A sentinel for change in Antarctica
- Change in the Nd isotopic composition of the bottom water and detrital sediments on the Bering Slope over the last 500 kyrs with implications for the formation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water
- Continuous monitoring of soil gas efflux with Forced Diffusion (FD) chamber technique in a tundra ecosystem, Alaska
- Direct Penguin Counting Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image
- Diurnal variations of electron density at mid- to high-latitudes in summer during the 2008-2009 solar minimum period
- Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?
- Dynamics of landfast sea ice near Jangbogo Antarctic Research Station observed by SAR interferometry
- Geophysical Investigation of Australian-Antarctic Ridge Using High-Resolution Gravity and Bathymetry
- Gravity Waves in Polar Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Revealed in a Whole-atmospheric Global Atmospheric Model
- Halogen and trace element geochemistry in Mid-Ocean Ridge basalts from the Australian-Antarctic Ridge (AAR)
- Landforms indicative of former glaciations and permafrost along continental margin of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas
- Local surface winds modulate the ocean forcing of Pine Island Glacier
- Long term trends of CCN concentration in Arctic region at Zeppelin station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- Marine heat flow measurements across subsea permafrost limit in the eastern Mackenzie Trough, Canadian Beaufort Sea
- Microbial Controlled Carbon Monoxide Budget in the Marine Surface Waters
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Granitic rocks within Lichen Hills, Outback Nunatak, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in Greenland Sea Using Ocean Color Remote Sensing
- Preliminary Results of Heat flow Measurements across the Eastern Flank of the Adare Trough, Antarctica
- Reaching for the Horizon: Enabling 21st Century Antarctic Science
- Reliability of Ancient Planetary Magnetic Field Intensity Determination Using the Ratio of Thermoremanence to Saturation Isothermal Remanence
- Responses of Polar Neutral Winds and Temperature to Recent Great Storms, Observed by Fabry-Perot interferometer at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica
- Revised Macquarie-Antarctic plate motion during the last 6 Ma using magnetic anomalies of Australian-Antarctic Ridge near 156°-161°E
- Seasonal variation on geochemical characteristics in the snow pit at Styx Glacier plateau, Antarctica
- Structural and chemical modification of Fe-rich smectite associated with microbial Fe-respiration by psychrophilic bacteria in King George Island, West Antarctica
- Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge and Off-axis Volcanism, 129°E to 140°E: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise
- Submarine Landslides along the Siberian part of Lomonosov Ridge: Triggering Mechanisms, Timing and Significance
- Surface Mass Balance Contributions to Acceleration of Antarctic Ice Mass Loss during 2003- 2013
- Temporal Mixture Analysis of Hypertemporal Antarctic Sea Ice Data in the Sense of Machine Learning
- The Jurassic Bupyeong caldera in South Korea and its tectonic implication
- The Rapid Arctic Warming and Its Impact on East Asian Winter Weather in Recent Decade
- The influence of Arctic sea ice variability on the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO)
- The relationship between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and light extinction of dried particles: indications of underlying aerosol processes and implications for satellite-based CCN estimate
- Variations in mid-ocean ridge magmatism and carbon emissions driven by glacial cycles
- Velocity models and images using full waveform inversion and reverse time migration for the offshore permafrost in the Canadian shelf of Beaufort Sea, Arctic
- A preliminary study on isotopic evolution of ice by a melting experiment
- Absorption and fluorescence properties of colored dissolved organic matter in the Ross Sea during austral summer
- Arctic Sediment Transport from Land to Sea - An Integrated Study of Coastal - Marine Processes and Deposits in Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard
- Atmospheric trace elements and Pb isotopes at an offshore site, Ieodo Ocean Research Station, in the East China Sea from June to October 2015
- Biogenic opal production changes in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Expedition 341 Site U1417) during the Pliocene to Miocene
- Biogeochemical Mg cycle in the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica
- Characterization of Aerosols in the Snows on Styx Glacier, Antarctica
- Coastal upwelling significantly enhances primary production in the southwest East Sea
- Collapses of the Arctic sector of the Laurentide ice sheet in the western Arctic Ocean during the last glacial period
- Core-seismic investigation of Surveyor Channel tributaries: Glacial history of the southern Alaskan margin
- Dating the undatable: novel techniques for <SUP>14</SUP>C dating of sub-ice shelf Antarctic sediments near the Larsen C ice shelf
- Determining the Upper Mantle Seismic Structure beneath the Northern Transantarctic Mountains from Regional P- and S-wave Tomography
- Developing a High-Resolution Paleointensity Assisted Chronology Through the Matuyama-Brunhes Transitional Interval (0.7 to 1.25 Ma) for the NE Pacific From IODP Expedition 341, Sites U1417 and U1418
- Development of Search-Coil Magnetometer for Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) Wave Observations at Jang Bogo Station in Antarctica
- Distributions of dimethyl sulfide in the Amundsen Sea water column, Antarctica, measured by membrane inlet mass spectrometer
- Does the Recent Warming Hiatus Exist over Northern Asia for Winter Wind Chill Temperature?
- Dust provenance in NEEM deep ice core from Greenland over the past 30,000 years using Pb and Sr isotopic composition
- Dysoxia in the Gulf of Alaska evinced by benthic foraminiferal assemblages and redox-sensitive trace elements during deglacial and glacial intervals
- Earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation structures in marine laminated sediments (the northernmost and eastern Antarctic Peninsula)
- East Asia winter climate changes under RCP scenarios in terms of East Asian winter monsoon indices
- Effects of soil warming on CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in tundra soil: Response to a 2015 episodic event
- Geochemical Identification in Sediment Provenance during Glacial/Interglacial Period: the Southern Drake Passage
- Greenland NEEM ice core records of As, Cd, Cr and Mo during the period of 1820-1970 AD
- Heat transfer in melt ponds with convection and radiative heating: observationally-inspired modelling
- Influences on Summertime Arctic Aerosol Chemical Mixing States
- Interannual variation of cyclonic eddy in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica
- Long-term variations of clay mineral composition in the Andaman Sea (IODP Exp. 353 Site U1447): preliminary result
- Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Responses to an Interplanetary Shock on 16 February 2013
- Major cause of unprecedented Arctic warming in January 2016: Critical role of an Atlantic windstorm
- Mapping of summer sea ice in the Chukchi Sea using KOMPSAT-5 wide swath SAR images
- Microbial taxonomic diversity and adaptation mechanisms in lithic ecosystems of the northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Microbial-mineral interaction during freezing process
- Monitoring Subsurface Ice-Ocean Processes Using Underwater Acoustics in the Ross Sea
- Moving Installation of Neutron Monitor from McMurdo to Jang Bogo Station
- Multi-decadal to centennial scale variations in sea surface temperature off southeast Korea over the last 2000 yr
- Multi-disciplinary Observation Network to Monitor Cryospheric Changes in the Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Occurrence of EMIC waves and plasmaspheric plasmas derived from THEMIS observations in the outer magnetosphere: Revisit
- Orbital scale oxygen isotope stratigraphy at Sites U1417 and U1418 in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341)
- Patterns of variability in steady- and non steady-state Ross Ice Shelf flow
- Polar thermospheric winds and temperature observed by Fabry-Perot Interferometer at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica
- Recent changes in winter Arctic clouds and their relationships with sea ice and atmospheric conditions
- Seasonal Evolution of Ice Mass in Antarctic Peninsula recovered by GRACE Data after Removing Correlation Errors
- Soil Organic Carbon STOCK in the Glacier Foreland of Midtre LOVÉNBREEN, in the High Arctic
- Temporal Variation of NDVI and the Drivers of Climate Variables in the Arctic Tundra Transition Zone
- Thermal characteristics of soil and water during summer at King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica
- Tide-corrected strain rate and crevasses of Campbell Glacier Tongue in East Antarctica measured by SAR interferometry
- Ultra-High Resolution Late Pleistocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records From the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Exp. 341 Sites U1418 and U1419)
- Variations in archaeal and bacterial diversity associated with the anaerobic oxidation of methane in the active mud volcanoes of the Canadian Beaufort Sea
- Vegetation-Cloud Feedbacks to Future Vegetation Changes in the Arctic Regions
- Visualizing trapped solute migration in a single rough-walled fracture and its implications for in-situ groundwater remediation
- detection of probabilistic Convective Initiation (CI) using Himawari-8 AHI, weather radar, and lightning data.
- 3-D crustal structure beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from local earthquakes
- 90-year-old firn air from Styx glacier, East Antarctica
- A Record of Holocene Paleoclimate Evolution from Robertson Bay, Victoria Land, Antarctica
- A Study on the Wind Environment and Effects of Wind Fences around the Jang-Bogo Antarctica Station
- ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map.
- An uncertainty analysis for satellite-based estimates of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations
- Atmospheric N<SUB>2</SUB>O during the last two millennia
- Atmospheric gravity waves with small vertical-to-horizotal wavelength ratios
- Can we constrain postglacial sedimentation in the western Arctic Ocean by ramped pyrolysis <SUP>14</SUP>C? A case study from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin.
- Changes in Spring Vegetation Activity over Eurasian Boreal Forest Associated with Reduction of Arctic Sea Ice
- Characteristics of ionospheric electron density profiles in the auroral and polar cap regions from long-term incoherent scatter radar observations
- Chronicling ice shelf history in the sediments left behind
- Chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental change in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean during the last 1 Ma
- Contrasting sodic and mildly potassic magma differentiation lineages at The Pleaides volcanic complex, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Crustal velocity structure of the Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, from ambient seismic noise tomography
- Distribution of pelagic phytoplankton-derived lipid biomarkers in the Northwest Pacific region: insights into their suitability as open-water indicators
- Effect of crustose lichen on soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in sphagnum moss regime of tundra, west Alaska
- Estimation of the Cloud condensation nuclei concentration(CCN) and aerosol optical depth(AOD) relation in the Arctic region
- Geochemical and Isotopic Variations Along the Southeast Indian Ridge (126°-140°E) Related to Mantle Flow Originating from Beneath Antarctica
- Geophysical Investigation of Upper Mantle Anomalies of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Contributions to Science and Society
- High-resolution sub-bottom seismic and sediment core records from the Chukchi Abyssal Plain reveal Quaternary glaciation impacts on the western Arctic Ocean
- Holocene Paleoceanographic Environments at the Chukchi-Alaskan Margin: Implications for Future Changes
- Holocene environmental changes recorded in Dicksonfjorden and Woodfjorden, Svalbard: impacts of global climate changes in a glacial-marine system
- Ice Penetrating Radar Reveals Spatially Variable Features in Basal Channel under the Nansen Ice Shelf, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
- Impacts of an Intense Arctic Storm in August 2016 on Sea Ice Decline
- Isotopic evidence for a large-scale plume-derived mantle domain between the Indian and Pacific mantles beneath the Southern Ocean.
- Marine Emissions and Atmospheric Processing Influence Aerosol Mixing States in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea
- Mid-Holocene Strengthening of the Bering Strait Inflow to the Arctic and its Linkage With the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Circulation
- Morpho-tectonic characteristics of Australian-Antarctic Ridge.
- Multi-core, multi-constraint chronostratigraphic framework over past 50,000 years places high-resolution Gulf of Alaska ocean-ice-sediment history into a global framework
- Nano-scale investigations on clay minerals during the Holocene climate optimum; Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Observation of hydro-acoustic signal from the Balleny Islands, Ross Sea, Antarctic: Seasonal ice activities and earthquakes from Pacific-Antarctic ridge
- Occurrence of ion upflow associated with ion/electron heating in the polar cap and cusp regions
- P-wave velocity model of mud volcano on the continental slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea from frequency-domain full waveform inversion
- P-wave velocity models of continental shelf of East Siberian Sea using the Laplace-domain full waveform inversion
- Reconstructed plutonium fallout in the GV7 firn core from Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica
- Reconstructing Holocene Summer Sea-Ice Conditions in the Central and Western Arctic Ocean: Morphological Variations and Stable Isotope Composition of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma
- Responses of nitric oxide to high-speed solar wind stream in the high-latitude middle atmosphere
- Seasonal variation of air-sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Terra Nova Bay of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, based on year-round pCO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Segmentation and Contrasting Magma Supply Along the South-East Indian Ridge, 130°E to 140°E: Results of the STORM Cruise
- Sensitivity analysis of sea level rise contribution depending on external forcing: A case study of Victoria Land, East Antarctica.
- Sensitivity of southern hemisphere westerly wind to boundary conditions for the last glacial maximum
- Snow depth manipulation experiments in a dry and a moist tundra
- Statistical study on the variations of OH and O2 rotational temperatures observed by SATI at King Sejong Station (62.22S, 58.78W), Antarctica
- Strong linkage between active microbial communities and microbial carbon usage in a deglaciated terrain of the High Arctic
- Temperature under the Tongue: A paleotemperature record of the Drygalksi Ice Tongue with improved chronology of ice retreat
- Testing a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technique on the Arctic sediments
- The Pleistocene Panamanian adakitic rocks: a slab melt or an evolved mantle-derived magma?
- The Role of Basal Channels in Ice Shelf Calving.
- The response of Antarctica MLT region for the recent Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) over Southern Hemisphere (SH): An overview
- The shape of change: A new method to identify sources of dynamic thickness change
- Trace Metal Variations Detected by Using Continuous XRF Core Scanning: Preliminary Results on Redox-sensitive Elements in East Sea, Korea
- Tracing the sediment provenance in the Bellingshausen Sea for the changes of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- U-Series Disequilibria across the New Southern Ocean Mantle Province, Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Understanding of the sources of the F-region field-aligned irregularities in the middle latitude using ground-based and satellite observations
- WHISPERS Project on the easternmost slope of the Ross Sea (Antarctica): preliminary results.
- Warming Effects on Enzyme Activities are Predominant in Sub-surface Soils of an Arctic Tundra Ecosystem over 6-Year Field Manipulation
- A dipole structure in spring rainfall anomalies between Northeast and Southeast Asia associated with ENSO and PDO
- Analysis of Seasonal and Regional Variation of the Flow Velocity on Campbell Glacier, East Antarctica, by using DDInSAR Technique.
- Anomalously high mantle temperature beneath the Adare Basin, West Antarctica: Implications for synchronous rifting in the continent-ocean boundary
- Antarctic Holocene Paleoclimate Evolution at the Ross Sea Southern Ocean Interface
- BedMachine Antarctica v1: a new subglacial bed topography and ocean bathymetry dataset of Antarctica combining mass conservation, gravity inversion and streamline diffusion
- Characteristics of Pb isotope ratios and concentrations in TSP samples from long-range transport in Korea from August 2015 to October 2016
- Characteristics of the Cloud condensation nuclei concentration (CCN) by chemical component, aerosol optical depth and source apportionment in the Arctic region
- Climate manipulation (warming and wetting) experiment in Cambridge Bay, Canada
- Cloud Characteristics over Arctic from CALIPSO-CloudSat measurements during 2006 - 2017
- Deep learning based global Arctic sea ice concentration retrieval algorithm
- Development of an automatic analysis algorithm for dense temporary seismic network and its application to the 2016 M<SUB>L</SUB> 5.8 Gyeongju earthquake sequence, Korea
- Distribution of surface dimethyl sulfide in the Amundsen Sea during Summer
- Dynamical Core in Atmospheric Model Does Matterin the Simulation of Arctic Climate
- Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in the Chukchi Sea
- Elemental composition of Smectite tracing the sediment provenance in the glacial-interglacial period: Example of sediments in the Bellingshausen Sea and Drake Passage
- Evidence of methanogenesis related to the past fish farming in Lake Soyang
- First identification of the high-latitude ionization trough from a satellite (SWARM) observation
- Geophysical characteristics of the Southern Ocean mantle domain
- How Freeze-concentration at Ice Grain Boundaries Affects Chemical Weathering Rates
- How well do current climate models simulate the linkage between Arctic warming and extratropical cold winters?
- In search of blocking in the western North Pacific Ocean
- Isotope-based source apportionment of carbonaceous compounds in Arctic aerosol, fog, snow, and sea ice
- La Nina-like mean state drives winter extremes in North America
- Land-sea interaction and Indian monsoon in the Mahanadi Basin of the Bay of Bengal (IODP Site U1445) during the last 200 ka
- Low-frequency Vibrations in the Coupled Ocean - Ross Ice Shelf - Atmosphere System
- Metagenomic analysis of anaerobic methantrophic archaea ANME-1 and sulfate-reducing bacteria in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the Chukchi Sea
- Mineralogical proxy to determine the depositional condition in the Larsen Ice Shelf B, Antarctic Peninsula
- Morphological characteristics of off-axis volcanism in the vicinity of the easternmost segment of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Numerical analysis of the role of the subglacial bed topography on future projections of David Glacier, East Antarctica
- O<SUB>3</SUB> profile comparison using ozonesonde and limb-viewing satellite measurements at the Jangbogo station, Antarctica
- On the Interpretation of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation/Variability Index
- Potential Benefit of Extra Radiosonde Observations around the Chukchi Sea for the Alaskan Short-range Weather Forecast
- Preliminary Results from the 2018 ARAON-Antarctic Cruise: Halogen Reservoir Species in the Pristine Coastal Antarctic Peninsula during Fall
- Prograde P-T evolution and episodic zircon growths of barroisite eclogites in the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Quantification of annual soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission in unburned and burned black spruce forest of interior Alaska
- Reconstructing Arctic Ocean salinity with hydrogen isotopes in palmitic acid
- Reconstruction of past atmospheric deposition of Antimony, Thallium, Bismuth and REEs in the GV7 firn core from Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica
- Seaglider and Float Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Seasonal and interannual changes of Arctic MODIS cloud regimes
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in various tundra ecosystems of polar region
- Spatial distribution of bromine and iodine in the snowpack from Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions in Intense and Long-lasting Arctic Storms
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Ice Shelves
- The role of vortex weakening on Antarctic Peninsula cooling in recent decades
- Towards structured coordination of sustained observations of Arctic change: An update from the Arctic Observing Summit 2018
- Ultra-sensitive determination of Os isotopes at the femto-gram per gram level in Greenland snow samples
- Analysis of various artificial noises in MT time series data nearby urban area
- Approximated expression for mass extinction efficiency of polydispersed aerosols for entire size regime
- Comparison of double-moment cloud microphysics schemes in simulating Arctic mixed-phase cloud fraction
- Estimation of Flexural Strength of Arctic Sea Ice in the Marginal Ice Zone Using the Depolarization Ratio of Sentinel-1
- Exploring the presence and the fate of small VOCs over the Southern Sea in the Austral Fall.
- Formation of Arctic summer circulation patterns: the role of synoptic cyclones under different phases of ENSO evolution
- Heterogeneous distributions of greenhouse gas concentration in snow layers of Styx Glacier, East Antarctica
- High biogenic components of the glacial sediments in the Central Basin of the Ross Sea: New perspective and interpretation
- Hydroacoustic observations of cryogenic signals in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
- Integrating proxy and model estimates of oceanographic variability and change in the Ross Sea, Antarctica from the Mid-Holocene (6 ka) to present
- Microbial community responses to decadal drainage on a Siberian floodplain
- P-wave tomograpy in the Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: focus on the Terra Nova Bay
- Paleoproductivity and Indian monsoon change in the Mahanadi Basin of the Bay of Bengal (IODP Site U1445) over the last 2.3 Ma
- Perturbation of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System due to the July 2, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse as Observed by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Relationship between Arctic Sea Ice amount and PM<SUB>10</SUB> Concentration in South Korea on January
- Sea level projections using ice sheet model based on RCP scenarios at David Glacier, East Antarctica
- Seasonal Variability of Basal Melt under the Nansen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Shifts in taxonomy and potential functions of soil microbiome along a High Arctic glacier chronosequence
- Simultaneous Observations of a SAR arc by Multiple Instruments at Sub-auroral Conjugate Points and Its Ionospheric Response during the St. Patrick's Day Storm in 2015
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Soil warming leads to stimulate soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in tundra ecosystem, Seward Peninsula of western Alaska
- Statistical Analysis of the GNSS Scintillation Measured at Single Station in High Latitude Ionosphere
- Submarine Permafrost Dynamics Along the Arctic Shelf Edge
- Sustained, Autonomous Observations Beneath Dotson Ice Shelf
- The 2016 Nansen Ice Shelf Calving Event: Hydroacoustic, Meteorologic and Seismic Observations
- The Macro and Microphysical Properties of Arctic Clouds and Their Radiative Effects from Polar WRF
- The internal origin of the west-east asymmetry of Antarctic climate change
- The role of basal channels and fractures in the stability of ice bodies in Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica
- Transient Impacts of Arctic Storm on Sea ice: Regional and Seasonal Analysis
- Tsunami and Infragravity Wave Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Vertical Structure of Mixed Phase Clouds and Their Relation with Environmental Conditions Measured from Satellite and Ground-Based Observations at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- A Numerical Study on Isotopic Variation of Meltwater from Isotopically Heterogeneous Snowpack or Ice
- A high-resolution process study of High Salinity Shelf Water formation in the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- A role of ocean gyre related to an extended ocean boundary via retreat of a Pine Island Glacier ice front
- Diel variations of isotopic and chemical compositions of a stream in King George Island, Antarctica
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Future mass loss of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica and its sea level contribution
- High-resolution Antarctic ice mass change jointly estimated by satellite gravimetry and altimetry
- In-situ observations of ice dynamics on the pinning point of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Incidence Angle Dependence and Evolution of Drifting Multi-year Sea Ice During the Onset of Freeze-up in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Western Beaufort Sea
- Searching for very old ice with continuous stratigraphy at Larsen Blue Ice Area, East Antarctica
- Seismic Characterization of Subsea Permafrost: Interpretative Advantages of Using All Seismic Arrivals.
- Sensitivity of modelled englacial and subglacial conditions depending on boundary conditions
- Soil organic matter characteristics in moist acidic tundra and its relationship with vegetation, soil bacteria, environment, and microtopography
- The North Atlantic-Eurasian Teleconnection associated with Summer Heatwaves in East Asia
- The Pathways and Heat Transport of Circumpolar Deep Water into the Thwaites and the Pine Island Glaciers, West Antarctica
- The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Tropical Forcing
- Thermospheric data-model comparison using GOLD's solar eclipse observations
- Time for closure: Comparing CCN and cloud droplet number concentrations in Arctic mixed-phase clouds
- Understory CO<SUB>2</SUB>emissions in tussock tundra of Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Variations of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere in response to the 2019 Southern Hemisphere Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- Year-round Satellite Multi Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations During the MOSAiC Expedition
- Younger Dryas cooling began with a series of eruptions in Iceland followed by an impact
- A soil quality index tailored to metropolitan environment for assessment and management policy development
- Advancing greenup and snowmelt: Their implications on the carbon cycle of Alaskan tundra ecosystems
- Analysis of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere winds during the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Compact SWIR Imager for Mapping Temperature in the Upper Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere
- Delayed impacts of Arctic sea-ice loss on Eurasian severe cold winters
- Different weather evolutions by and precursory patterns for three types of sudden stratospheric warming during boreal winter
- Factors affecting soil biogeochemical development in the glacier foreland of Midtre Lovenbreen, Svalbard
- Impact of oceanic forcing on future changes of ice shelf
- Impact of vertical advection and geothermal heat fluxes on modeled ice temperature in Antarctica
- Introducing the CESM2-Large Ensemble: Detecting the ubiquity of human-induced changes in climate variability
- New detailed bathymetry data from Amundsen Sea continental shelf reveal more comprehensive paleo ice flow pattern
- On the hemispheric difference of oxygen isotope anomaly in atmospheric CO2
- Phenological characteristics in year-round stem respiration of a boreal black spruce (Picea mariana) stand on permafrost, interior Alaska
- Seasonality of the Teleconnection from the Tropical Indian Ocean and Western Pacific to West Antarctica
- Submesoscale eddy-driven mixing and heat transport observed beneath the calving edge of the Nansen Ice Shelf
- Teleconnection between North Atlantic and East Asia on Extremely High PM10 Cases in January in South Korea
- The role of lattice preferred orientation of chloritoid in seismic anisotropy in subduction zones
- A Statistical Study of Pc 1-2 Waves Observed in a Polar Cap Region (Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica)
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- Arctic sea ice prediction using ensemble deep learning models
- Changes in soil carbon stocks and fractions with warming under different tundra vegetation types in northern Sweden
- Comparison of neutral winds at 94 km measured by MIGHTI and meteor radar in daytime and nighttime over South Korea
- Contribution of Ural and Kamchatka Blockings to the Amplified Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia Pattern under Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Eurasian Cooling
- Earlier Stratospheric Final Warming has caused Warmer Antarctic Summers since the year 1999
- Effect of crustose lichen (Ochrolecia frigida) on soil CO2 emission in a sphagnum moss community underlain by permafrost, western Alaska
- Future fates of Thwaites Glacier with realistic ocean parameterization and atmospheric forcings under CMIP6 scenarios
- Impact of Arctic-Siberian warming on East Asian heatwaves
- Influence of Glacial Meltwater on Spatio-Temporal Variations of Hydrography in continental shelf region of the Ross Sea observed by Instrumented Seals
- Intensified winter precipitation-induced enzymic latch mechanism in moist Arctic tundra may be impeded by an extreme summer drought
- Local meridional circulation changes contribute to a projected slowdown of the Indian Ocean Walker circulation
- Modern Freshening of Ross Sea Surface Waters Outside the Range of Natural Variability Over the Last 5,500 Years
- ROKITS: Space-borne Wide-field Auroral/Airglow Imager
- Reactive Halogen Species in the Western Arctic Marine Boundary Layer during Summer, 2021
- Regional asymmetry and multi-decadal variability of Antarctic climate change
- Response of ionosphere/thermosphere over European sector during the First G3 extreme geomagnetic storm in 25 solar cycle
- Response of meteor plasma trails observed by meteor radar to geomagnetic activity
- Vanishing the El Niño-induced delayed ice mass loss of West Antarctica in future climate
- Winter cold surge in Asia linked to weaker polar vortex by Arctic sea ice and Eurasia snow
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alastair G C Graham
- Alek Petty
- Arlan Dirkson
- C. R. Riesselman
- Christine F. Dow
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Clara Deser
- Craig L. Stevens
- Diego Janches
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- E. Povl Abrahamsen
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Emilia Kyung Jin
- F. O. Nitsche
- François Massonnet
- Guiping Liu
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. Kil
- Haemyeong Jung
- Hyun-Ju Lee
- In-Woo Park
- Isla R. Simpson
- J. E. Kay
- J. P. McCormack
- Jaewook Lee
- Jan Erik Arndt
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jeong-Hun Kim
- JeongHeon Kim
- JiHyun Kim
- Jinlun Zhang
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- Joo-Hong Kim
- Jungjin Lee
- Karl Stein
- Karsten Gohl
- Keith B. Rodgers
- Khan‐Hyuk Kim
- Kyung‐Ja Ha
- L. J. Paxton
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Lei Huang
- Mainak Mookherjee
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Mao‐Chang Liang
- Marika M. Holland
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Nan Rosenbloom
- Peter Sperlich
- R. S. Lieberman
- Rebecca Totten Minzoni
- Richard I. Cullather
- Robert D Larter
- Ryohei Yamaguchi
- Sally Newman
- Seong‐Joong Kim
- Seung-Tae Yoon
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Stephen Yeager
- T. Trondsen
- Tamás Bódai
- Uma S. Bhatt
- Umakant Mishra
- Wenju Cai
- Who M. Kim
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William Merryfield
- William R. Wieder
- Won Sang Lee
- Woo Kyoung Lee
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Yanyun Liu
- Yeonjoo Kim
- Yong Ha Kim
- Yongwon Kim
- Young‐Sil Kwak
- Zachary M. Labe