National University of Saint Augustine, Peru
flowchart I[National University of Saint Augustine, Peru] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (39)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Implications for Hazards Maps of Identification, Routing, and Initiation of ca. 2 ka Lahars at Misti Volcano, Southern Peru
- Organic Matter Analysis of the Hyper-Arid Peruvian Desert in comparison to other Hyper-Arid Environments
- Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot
- Assessment of climate change impacts on semi-arid watersheds in Peru
- Methodology for assessing exposure, vulnerabillity and risk due to mass flows in the city of Arequipa, Peru
- Terrain Sensitive Climate Mapping for Arequipa Region in Peru
- The ENSO connection with the fog low-cloud spatiotemporal variability in the hyper-arid coastal Atacama Desert
- The role of topography in the spatial distribution of the low stratocumulus cloud and fog in the Peruvian coastal desert
- Tracing deep biogeochemical impacts in the intensively managed desert region of Arequipa, Peru
- Volcano-tectonic interactions at Sabancaya volcano, Peru (2013-2018): Eruptions, magmatic inflation, moderate earthquakes, and aseismic slip
- Carbon accumulation and heavy metal concentrations in the recently irrigated desert of southern Perú
- Developing an international science research partnerships at a grand scale: The Arequipa Nexus Institute
- Development of Sustainable Urban Agricultural Practices in Arequipa, Peru
- Geochemical characteristics and origins of trace metals in PM<SUB>10</SUB> at urban and rural sites in Arequipa, Peru
- Investigating the Source of Springs in Arequipa, Peru
- Mass and ion characterization of particulate matter in Arequipa, Peru
- Nexus Institute: Quantifying four decades of arid-region agricultural development in Arequipa, Peru using Landsat
- Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes in aerosol nitrate collected in Arequipa, Peru
- Studying atmospheric moisture transport in southern Peru during the weak 2019 El Nino using stable isotopes of daily precipitation
- Sulfur Isotope Constraints on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Sulfate Aerosol Sources in Arequipa, Peru
- A Framework of Tradeoffs in Soil Health: A Case Study of Soil Carbon and Salt Accumulation in an Arid Agroecosystem
- Determination of Habitat Preference Curves of Cryphiops caementarius in the Rio Tambo, Arequipa, Perú
- Developing Soil Health Monitoring Decision Support Software for Use in Arid Climates
- Effect of Nitrogen Additions in the Microbial Contribution to Agricultural Soil Organic Matter
- Evaluation of intensive irrigation on hydrological responses in a Peruvian arid plateau
- Hydrological Assessment of Interconnected River Basins in Semi-Arid Region of Peruvian Andes
- Supporting stakeholder decisions using hazard maps related to flash floods
- The Intersection of Legacy Agriculture and Urbanization on Soil and Water Quality in Arequipa, Peru
- The establishment of a monthly crop-mapping algorithm using high-resolution satellite images; for use in regions with highly variable agriculture
- The new, ever-changing, climate reality of the Arequipa Department, in Peru
- Tracing the impact of glacial melt on the hydrology of the Andean Nevado Coropuna glacier and adjacent drainages
- Evaluation of Irrigation Practices and Nutrient Pollution in a Peruvian Arid Plateau Using a Crop-Field Scale Framework
- Isotopic evidence for fog-fed groundwater recharge near lomas forests along the arid Atacama-Sechura coastal desert
- Long Term Desert Irrigation Impacts on Soil Geochemistry in Vineyard Systems of the Northern Atacama Desert, Peru
- The chemical and isotopic composition of size selected aerosols collected at coastal site in southern Peru: Implications for sulfate aerosol sources.
- Characteristics of Precipitation and MCS over the Peruvian Central Andes based on Convection-Permitting Simulations
- Formation mechanisms of Mars-like soils in southern Peru's hyper-arid Sechura-Atacama Desert
- Identifying NOx Sources Using Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Particulate Matter in Urban Peru
- The influence of vulcanism, sea salt, DMS and dust on marine stratocumulus cloud chemistry in southern Peru based on ion and sulfate isotope analysis.