Korea Meteorological Administration
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ACE-Asia: Ground Stations Overview
- Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth and Scattering Phase Function Retrieved from Ground-based Sunphotometer and Skyradiometer Measurements at Kosan during ACE-Asia
- The Verification of Wind Waves Prediction System using the Buoy Data
- Assessment of DMS Photochemistry at Jeju Island During the Asian Dust-Storm Period of Spring 2001: Comparison of Model Simulation with Field Observations
- Deep Geoelectrical Structure Around the Korean Peninsula
- Validation of Rain-Rate Retrieved from Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) over the Tropical Cyclone
- Assessment of the Photochemistry of OH and NO<SUB>3</SUB> on Jeju Island during the Asian Dust-Storm Period in the Spring of 2001
- Comparisons of Sunphotometer-derived Optical Depths and Surface Radiation Measurements and their Effects on the Aerosol Surface Forcing Estimation
- Generation of brightness temperatures using the direct broadcast data from AMSR-E onboard Aqua satellite
- The Effect of Aerosol and Ozone on Surface Spectral UV Radiation
- Maritime-continental contrasts of cloud condensation nuclei in the west coast of the Korean peninsula
- Evolution of Smog Episode in the Greater Seoul Area in May 2003
- Imaging of seismic sources using local earthquake data
- Integrated Regional Assessment of Climate Change for Korean River Basins
- The diagnosis and evaluation of total ozone and UV Index forecasting over East Asia
- Air mass back trajectory analysis for air quality in Anmyeon Island, Korea
- Analysis of precipitable water vapor and liquid water path by microwave radiometer during 2001 - 2002
- Enhanced Ground Motions and Seismic Hazards due to Crustal Structures in Korea
- Epicenter Estimation Using Empirical Traveltime
- Formaldehyde distributions and its relation to ozone formation in Seoul metropolis during the summer of 2004 and 2005
- Future Climate Projection over East Asia Using ECHO-G/S
- Regional seismic observation of the October 9, 2006 underground nuclear explosion in North Korea and its interpretation
- Validation of Aerosol Type Classification from Satellite Remote Sensing
- Development of Three-Dimensional Storm Surges/Tide Prediction System by Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
- ENSO Response To Global Warming As Simulated By ECHO-G/S
- Evaluation of WRF-Urban Canopy Model over Seoul, Korea
- Magnitude scaling relationships from the first 3 seconds of P-wave arrivals in South Korea
- Numerical Study on the Sea Winds on coastal regions using High Resolution WRF model
- Preliminary Study on Coupling Wave-Tide-Storm Surges Prediction System
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Across the Arabian Peninsula
- Temporal And Spatial Asian Dust Monitoring In Spring 2008
- Different features of fore- and after-shocks of three small earthquakes in South Korea
- Evaluation of surface water budget and assessment the global water cycle for the IPCC AR4 A1B scenario simulations
- Monitoring Air Quality from Geostationary Orbit in Asia-Pacific region by MP-GEOSAT (Invited)
- Origin of microseism observed in South Korea
- Rupture pattern of a moderate earthquake in South Korea
- Storm-induced polar warming and moistening under anthropogenic forcing
- Adjoint sensitivity structures of typhoon DIANMU (2010) based on a global model
- Assessment of a wind map over the Korean Peninsula based on WRF-FDDA
- Characteristics of aerosol types from AERONET sunphotometer measurements
- Effects of ocean mixed layer with 3-D ocean data on WRF model for Typhoon simulation
- Evaluation of the retrospective seasonal prediction skills of the LC-LRGMME eleven-model ensemble
- Limitation and applicability of microtremor records for site-response estimation
- Projections of Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events in the Korean Peninsula based on Downscaling by RegCM3 of ECHO-G/S A2 Scenario data
- Sensitivity evaluation of wind fields in surface layer by PBL and LSM parameterizations using WRF over the Korean Peninsula
- Thunderstorms recorded at seismogram
- A Study on local geomagnetic activity trend and singularity with geomagnetic data at Cheongyang Magnetic Observatory, Korea
- Different aftershock activities of small earthquakes on the Korean Peninsula and in the Yellow Sea
- Regional climate projection for East Asia and its added-value to global projection
- Spatial and temporal variations of dust concentrations in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia
- Study on the performance evaluation of quantitative precipitation estimation and quantitative precipitation forecast
- The Analyses and Improvement of Cloud Related Errors in OMI Ozone Retrieval
- A study on the estimation and verification of the blended precipitation forecast for hydrological use in Korea
- Dynamically Downscaled Future Climate Change over East Asia
- Evaluation of TOPLATS Land Surface Model Based High-Resolution Hydrologic Components
- Historic and instrumental earthquake records of Korean Peninsula
- Investigation of variation of precipitation by the cloud seeding using WRF-CHEM model
- Local seismic characteristics of the quarry blasts on the Korean peninsula
- Microseismicity in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea, and its implications for the seismic hazards
- Observation of New Particle Formation and Growth Events in Asian Continental Outflow
- Pilot Experiment to Observe Earthquakes in the Eastern Offshore of the Korean Peninsula using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (Yardbirds)
- The hydrological assessment of aerosol effects by the idealized airborne cloud seeding experiment
- Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting Using Along-Track and Cross-Track Forecast Errors in the Western North Pacific
- Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Track Forecast Errors using GDAPS (UM)
- Changes in the atmospheric circulation at the end of the 21st century simulated by CMIP5 models under global warming
- Comparative evaluation of two quantitative precipitation estimation methods in Korea
- Establishment of an empirical relationship between aerosol and cloud drop concentrations and its application to a climate model for estimating the first aerosol indirect effect
- Explaining darker deep convective clouds over the western Pacific in comparison to tropical continental regions
- Hail detection using S-band dual polarization radar
- Impacts of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions on Climate Change in East Asia
- Influence Matrix Calculation in a Carbon Data Assimilation System Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Introduction of Micro-meteorology Monitoring System for Test-bed Region in Korea
- Long-term variations of O<SUB>3</SUB> at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea and the influence of Asian Outflows
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Repeating microseismicity in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea, and its implications for the seismic hazards
- Spatiotemporal change of the temperature and humidity by urban development in Seoul
- The investigation of thermal and mechanical environment due to the urban redevelopment using a CFD model
- Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting Using Optimized Consensus in the Western North Pacific
- Urban-induced aerosol effects on the stratiform cloud and precipitation in mid-Korean peninsula
- A Comparative Study of Cloud Observation between Instrumental Measurements and Visual Observations
- Algorithm for Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties over East Asia from TANSO-Cloud and Aerosol Imager
- Carbonaceous aerosols observed at Ieodo Ocean Research Station and implication for the role of secondary aerosols in fog formation
- Changes in daily pollen concentration based on meteorological data and days after seasonal initiation - a case study for Japanese hop
- Characteristics of Atmosphere-Ocean CO2 Exchange due to Typhoon Activities over the East Asian Region
- Effect of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations in Asia on the Optimization of Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux
- Future changes in global terrestrial carbon cycle under RCP scenarios
- Improvement of Surface Temperature Prediction Using SVR with MOGREPS Data for Short and Medium range over South Korea
- Influence of the Asian Monsoon on the Couplings between Stomatal Conductance and Micrometeorological Variables of Forest Ecosystems in East Asia
- Joint System of the National Hydrometeorology for disaster prevention
- Meteorological characteristics of fog occurrences around the Nakdong River in the Korean Peninsula: a case study at Gangjeong-Goryeong Weir
- Observation of coastal fogs using a suite of ground based remote sensing instruments
- On the New Concept of the Available Water Climatology and Its Application
- Performance test of greenhouse gas retrieval algorithm over East Asia
- Possible relationship between East Indian Ocean SST and tropical cyclone affecting Korea
- Relationship between SST in the equatorial Eastern Pacific and TC frequency that affects Korea
- Sensitivity of Estimated Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux on Parameters Used in a Carbon Data Assimilation System
- The Study of Verification and Correction of Cloud Base and Top Height Retrievals from Ka-band Cloud Radar in Boseong, Korea during Fall 2013
- The sensitivity analysis of aerosol properties to carbon dioxide retrieval algorithm
- Translating the Interconnections between Ecological and Hydrological Processes in a Small Watershed into Process Networks using Information Theory
- Updates in the Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs)-Double Fourier Series (DFS) Dynamical Core
- Verification of Predictability between Global Seasonal Forecasting System Version 5 and Unified Model for 12-Day Forecast Period
- Wintertime temperature response to anthropogenic aerosols emissions over East Asia in the 20th century
- Analysis of distribution of CO2 concentration in Korea summer using Carbon tracker.
- Annual and seasonal variation of sea surface salinity retrieved from NASA Aquarius satellite in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Bias Correction of Polarimetric Variables and Uncertainty Quantification of Dual-Polarization Radar Rainfall Estimation
- Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea
- Case study of heavy rainfall using Yong-In Testbed (YIT) dual-pol. radar in Korea
- Characteristics of Heavy Snowfall and Snow Crystal Habits in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Campaign in Korea
- Development of a Multi-Model Ensemble Scheme for the Tropical Cyclone Forecast
- Estimation of Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Using a Carbon Tracking System Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Estimation of background noise level on seismic station using statistical analysis for improved analysis accuracy
- GOSAT CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrieval results using TANSO-CAI aerosol information over East Asia
- Improvement of CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrieval algorithm with modified aerosol parameters using GOSAT measurements over East-Asia
- OC and EC Observed at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) and Their Seasonal Characteristics During Haze Events
- Past-time Radar Rainfall Estimates using Radar AWS Rainrate system with Local Gauge Correction method
- Pilot system on extreme climate monitoring and early warning for long range forecast in Korea
- Predictability and Prediction of Early- and Peak-summer East Asian rainfall
- Retrieval and Validation of Precipitable Water Vapor using GPS Datasets of Mobile Observation Vehicle in the Eastern Coast of Korea
- The Effect of Temperature on the Electricity Demand: An Empirical Investigation
- The assessment of droughts in Northern China and Mongolian areas Using the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI) and relevant large-scale environments
- Thermodynamic Characteristics associated with Localized Torrential Rainfall Events in the Korean Peninsula
- Trade-off between Intensity and Frequency of Global Tropical Cyclones
- Validation of Retrieved Aerosol Optical Properties over Northeast Asia for Five Years from GOSAT TANSO-Cloud and Aerosol Imager
- A Simple Prediction Model for Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones using Ocean Coupled Potential Intensity
- A modification of the moving point test method for nighttime eddy flux filtering on hilly and complex terrain
- An Improved Estimation of COMS-based Sea Surface Temperature
- An attempt to estimate visibility, precipitation event and aerosol mass concentration, using lidar ceilometer and its local dependency
- Bayesian Updating of Track-Forecast Uncertainty for Tropical Cyclones
- Characteristics of microearthquake sequence in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula
- Chemical Composition Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols in Relation to Haze, Asian Dust and Mixed Haze-Asian Dust Episodes at Background Site of Korea in 2013
- Contribution of El Niño and ocean warmth to typhoon intensity in 2015
- Current Status and Future Plan of Arctic Sea Ice monitoring in South Korea
- Defining the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in Climate Models
- Development of Polarimetric Rainfall Algorithms and Absolute Calibration of ZH and ZDR using 2-Dimensional Video Disdrometer
- Estimation of source contribution of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at a background area in Korea
- Evaluation of the Medium Range Forecast from an Operational Model
- Imapct of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and the East Asian Monsoon
- Improvement of the Fog Detection based on Himawari-8 over the Korean Peninsula
- Long-term warming trends in Korea and contribution of urbanization
- Major cause of unprecedented Arctic warming in January 2016: Critical role of an Atlantic windstorm
- Mechanism of Steam Fog Occurred in the Chungju Lake of South Korea
- Optical properties of aerosols related to haze events over Seoul inferred from skyradiometer and satellite-borne measurements
- Optimization of microphysics in the Unified Model, using the Micro-genetic algorithm.
- Polar cooling due to increases of phytoplankton and DMS emission
- Seasonal variation of organic aerosol in PM2.5 at Anmyeondo, a background site in Korea
- Seismic Discrimination between Explosions and Natural Earthquakes Based on the Source Radiation Pattern Property
- Sensitivity Analysis of Sampling Number on Quality of Polarmetric Measurements from S-band Dual-Polarization Radar
- Space Weather Operation at KASI with Van Allen Probes Beacon Signals
- Study of relationship between Korean summer temperature and the Eurasian snow cover during boreal spring.
- The Development of Geo-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A) Convective Initiation Algorithm over the Korea peninsular
- The effects of continental evaporation for precipitation over East Asia
- The performance of Yonsei CArbon Retrieval (YCAR) algorithm with improved aerosol information using GOSAT measurements over East Asia
- The sensitivity tests with single layer urban canopy model in WRF on the Seoul metropolitan area, South Korea
- The study of aerosol optical properties retrieval using Advanced Himawari Imager onboard a HIMAWARI-8 satellite
- Validation of YCAR algorithm over East Asia TCCON sites
- Absorption and Scattering of Aerosol measured onboard R/V Gisang1 over the Yellow Sea
- Analysis of Physical Characteristics of Greenhouse Gas Using FTS (Fourier Transform Spectrometer) Spectra at Anmyeondo, Korea
- Broadband Evaluation of DPRK Explosions, Collapse Event, and Induced Aftershocks
- Characteristics of North Korea nuclear test and KMA magnitude scale
- Characteristics of PAN (Peroxyacetyl Nitrate) in Outflow Plumes Over the Yellow Sea During KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Detection of surface deformation and ionospheric perturbation by the North Korea nuclear test
- Development of a Compact High Altitude Imager and Sounding Radiometer (CHAISR)
- Effects of the Changiang river discharge on the change in ocean and atmosphere over the East Asian region
- Emission Sectoral Contributions of Foreign Emissions to Particulate Matter Concentrations over South Korea
- High Aerosol Concentration cases measured at Vessel Gisang 1 over the Yellow Sea during KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Impact of global warming on the typhoon intensities during 2015
- Introduction and Application of non-stationary Standardized Precipitation Index Considering Probability Distribution Function and Return Period
- Isolating Tracers of Phytoplankton with Allometric Zooplankton (TOPAZ) from Modular Ocean Model (MOM5) to Couple it with a Global Ocean Model
- Medium-range Performance of the Global NWP Model
- North Korea nuclear test analysis results using KMA seismic and infrasound networks
- Response of terrestrial carbon cycle: Climate variability in CarbonTracker and CMIP5 Earth System Models
- S-Wave Velocities Beneath Jeju Island, Korea, Using Inversion of Receiver Functions and the H-κ Stacking Method
- Validating GPM-based Multi-satellite IMERG Products Over South Korea
- Water soluble ionic characteristics of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosol Measured at Research Vessel Gisang 1 over the Yellow Sea during KORUS-AQ Campaign
- A Study on the Observational Bias Correction of Aircraft Data in the Convective Scale Model at KMA
- A dipole structure in spring rainfall anomalies between Northeast and Southeast Asia associated with ENSO and PDO
- A monitoring system for the data latency of the seismic station based on Hadoop for providing optimal analysis Earthquake early warning system
- Aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations measured at Pyeongchang, South Korea in February and March 2018
- An assessment of applicability of the extreme forecast index in KMA seasonal prediction
- Assessment of heat stress related mortality in major Korean cities
- Behaviors of Dicarboxylic Acids and Other Organic Compounds in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at Anmyeon Island, a Background Site in South Korea
- Borehole stress indicators across the Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Preliminary insights from IODP Expedition 372
- Changes in precipitation prediction skill over the Korean Peninsula with forecast lead times in response to systematic cold bias in the upper troposphere of KIM3.1
- Characteristics of Aerosol, Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Concentrations and the Relationship between CCN Activity and Meteorological Parameters Measured over the Yellow Sea on a Meteorological Research Vessel, GISANG 1
- Comparision of Wind Resource Characteristics in Korea according to Different Mapping Method
- Comparison of initial-analysis performance of earthquake early warning using observations near epicenters
- Development and assessment of very high resolution wind resource map over South Korea using intelligent downscailing system
- Effects of anthropogenic GHGs and aerosols on the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century summer temperature variations in East Asia from a GCM experiment
- Estimation of satellite-based daily evapotranspiration using deep-learning approahces
- Fog Prediction with Visibility Data Assimilation in South Korea
- Future Change in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific in the CORDEX-East Asia Experiment
- Ice Nucleation Measurements during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics
- Long term in-situ measurement of fog at a mountainous site and the new visibility parameterization of fog and light precipitation
- Mechanism on the influence of winter precipitation on spring phenology in boreal forests
- Meteorology Influencing Springtime Air Quality and Pollution Transport in Korea
- Optimal utilization of Wind Profiler Radar for Convective Scale Model at KMA
- Performance Assessment of Ensemble Prediction Data based on Improvement of Seasonal Forecast System at KMA
- Performance-based Projection of the Clmate-change Effects on Precipitation Extremes in East Asia using two Metrics
- Prediction of near-future tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific basin: Reduction in the total number of storms but increase in typhoons
- Sensitivity Study of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer during Intensive Multiplatform Observation Period
- Simulation of urbanization impacts on near surface temperature and urban heat island intensity under heat wave in Seoul, South Korea
- Storm warning validity
- The Importance of Changes in Thermal Structure to Cold Surge Occurrences over East Asia and their Changes in the Future.
- Uncertainty propagation from meteorological data to streamflow modeling
- Using waveform cross correlation for detection, location, and identification of aftershocks of the 2017 September 3 nuclear explosion at the North Korea test site
- Application of single station methods using Korea Train eXpress waveforms to earthquake early warning
- Automatic Focal Mechanisms of Local Earthquakes in South Korea
- Calibration of Seismic Sensors Traceable from the International Metrology System
- Characterization of aerosols and CCN over the Yellow Sea measured onboard the Gisang 1 research vessel in spring 2018 and 2019
- Comparison of Earthquake Early Warning Test using local earthquake data
- Detection of tropical cyclone genesis through machine learning
- Evaluating the impact of urban and shipping emissions on aerosol pollution, vegetation photosynthesis and transpiration: a satellite-constrained modeling study with policy implications
- Evaluation of WRF-CMAQ performance for PM<SUB>10</SUB> simulation in Seoul, South Korea based on back-trajectory analysis
- Impact of Bias Correction Schemes for Satellite Radiance Data in KIAPS Data Assimilation System
- Improvement of a forward model for brightness temperature including the influence of organic matter on soil permittivity
- Long-term Analysis of Crustal Deformation of South Korea associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Precipitation Characteristics related to Atmospheric Rivers in East Asia
- Prediction Skill of East Asian Precipitation and Temperature Associated with El Niño in GloSea5 Hindcast Data
- The contribution of super typhoons to tropical cyclone activity in response to ENSO
- The effects of improving soil thermal conductivity on surface temperature over arctic tundra in the KIM
- Tropical Cyclone Bogussing Impact on Numerical Weather Prediction
- Understanding of the Impacts of the Near-Term Climate Forcers on Climate in East Asia
- Working towards confident spaceborne monitoring of carbon emissions from cities using Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
- Changes in Climatic Yield Potential of Japonica-type rice in the Korean Peninsula under RCP scenarios using multi-GCM and multi-RCM Ensemble
- Improved Qpe by Utilizing Multi Angle Ppis Measurements
- Investigation of 3D structure and physical property for convective storm in Korean Peninsula based on radar-satellite simultaneous observation data
- Investigation of the 2016 Eurasian Heatwave and its Representation by the Seasonal Forecast System
- Long-term variation in the tropospheric nitrogen dioxide vertical column density over Korea and Japan from the MAX-DOAS network from 2007 to 2017
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The Influence of riming on snow density using ground-based measurement during ICE-POP 2018
- A Comparative Analysis of Interpolation Methods to Produce a Spatially Continuous Map of PM2.5 over Thailand
- Changes in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide vertical column densities over Japan and Korea during the COVID-19 using Pandora and MAX-DOAS
- Evaluating Operational GEOS PM2.5 Forecasts in Thailand
- Hadley circulation in the present and future climate simulations of the K-ACE model
- Human contribution to the 2020 summer successive hot-wet extremes in South Korea
- Impact of near-term climate forcer mitigation on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- The CESM Modeling of Global Ozone Trends with Updated Emission Inventory
- Basin structure and ground vulnerability derived from HVSR analysis in Pohang, South Korea
- Development of Deep-Learning Based Present Weather
- Effect of cloud condensation nuclei concentration in a global model
- Estimation of Ground Characteristics Using Ambient Noise and MASW
- Implementation of a Unified Convection scheme (UNICON)Into the Met Office Unified Model (UM)
- Korea Meteorological Administration's Tsunami Scenario DB Overview and Improvement Direction
- Predictability of Typhoon Using Multi-Model Ensemble
- Recent research and development progress of physical processes in the Korean Integrated Model
- The Effect of Double Counting of Radiational Tides on Storm Surge Forecasting along the Korean Coast
- Understanding on the Characteristics of Vertical and Temporal Structure for Wind Speed Observed by Wind Lidar in Jeju Island