Energy and Nuclear Research Institute, Brazil
flowchart I[Energy and Nuclear Research Institute, Brazil] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (50)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aerosol and Trace Gases in Amazonia: Impacts on the Ecosystem Functioning and Climate
- Effects of Smoke Aerosols on Atmospheric Composition and Cloud Properties Over Amazonia: Results From the LBA-SMOCC-2002 Campaign
- Precipitation controls isoprene emissions from tropical ecosystems
- Towerbased and Airborne VOC Flux Measurements Over the Amazonian Rainforest During LBA-CLAIRE 2001
- Dry and Wet Deposition of Atmospheric Inorganic Nitrogen in a Tropical Environment (Rondônia, Brazil: 10\deg45.44'S, 62\deg21.27'W)
- WAVES (Water Vapor Variability Satellite/Sondes) - An Aura Satellite Validation Field Campaign Hosted at the Howard University Research Campus in Beltsville, MD
- Inverse Modeling of Atmospheric Methane Emissions Using 4D-Var
- Regional CO2 fluxes for eastern Amazonia derived from aircraft vertical profiles
- The impact of the correlation between reference materials on the metrological compatibility of isotope amount ratios measured by different MS techniques (Invited)
- What do Observations Tell us About the Causes of Recent Increases in Atmospheric CH4?
- 7Be Measured at Ground Air Level and Rainfall in the City of SÃO Paulo
- Carbon dioxide flux estimates for Amazonia by means of local measurements of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and an atmospheric transport model
- Comparing inversion techniques for constraining CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Brazilian Amazon Basin with aircraft observations
- Saharan Dust Event tracked by CALIOP/CALIPSO in Natal, Brazil
- Study of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds at the French Guiana Tropical Forest
- A Variational Inverse Model Study of Amazonian Methane Emissions including Observations from the AMAZONICA campaign
- Atmospheric CO2 measurements reveal strong drought sensitivity of Amazonian carbon balance
- Be-7 and Pb-210 deposition measured in rainfall in the city of São Paulo - Brazil
- Methane emissions from tropical wetlands in LPX: Algorithm development and validation using atmospheric measurements
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> formation from OH and sCI pathways in high BVOC environments
- Amazon Vegetation Response to Anomalously Dry and Wet Years 2010 and 2011 derived from Lower Troposphere Greenhouse Gas Balances
- Factors Affecting the <SUP>7</SUP>Be Concentration in Surface Air Over a Long Period of Monitoring in São Paulo, Brazil
- Investigating drought impacts on Amazon Basin carbon fluxes through regional inverse modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from aircraft vertical profiles
- Isoprene and their oxidation products in the rural atmosphere of the Amazon during the GoAmazon campaign
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation and Chemistry Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014 and Other Campaigns
- Mechanisms for the formation and growth of nanometer-sized particles in the Amazon: New insights from GoAmazon2014 and the Tapajos Upwind Forest Flux Study (TUFFS).
- Comparing Amazon Basin CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from an atmospheric inversion with TRENDY biosphere models
- Estimating Amazonian methane emissions through 4D-Var inverse modelling with satellite observations from GOSAT and IASI
- Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5
- OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns
- Response of the Amazon Carbon Balance to the 2010 Drought Derived with CarbonTracker South America
- Volatile Organic Compounds and Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere in the Brazilian Amazon during the GoAmazon2014/5 Campaign
- Progress Towards Improved MOPITT-based Biomass Burning Emission Inventories for the Amazon Basin
- Study of aerosol hygroscopicity by combination of lidar and microwave radiometer
- Carbon balance variability in the Amazon Basin with climate change based on regular atmospheric profiling of greenhouse gases
- Radiative effects of biomass burning aerosols and cloudiness on seasonal carbon cycle in the Amazon region
- Improving Estimates of Carbon Loss in the Amazon with a High Resolution Burned Area Inventory and Vertical Profiles of CO in the Atmosphere
- Investigating the vertical distribution of clouds in Central Amazon from the measurements of a ceilometer during the GoAmazon2014/15 experiment
- Long Term Characterization of Brown Carbon in Amazonia using AERONET and in situ Measurements
- Reconciling Measured OH through Box Model Simulations during GoAmazon2014/5
- Amazon Plays an Important Climatic Role and Deforestation is Promoting Important Changes and a Consequent Increase in the Carbon Balance
- Assimilation of atmospheric aerosol over the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil with the regional EURAD-IM model on different scales
- Carbon and beyond: Interactive global change impacts on Amazon biogeochemical cycles
- Comparing Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds fluxes between two different biomes, the Amazon and the Atlantic tropical forests.
- The performance of a large number of COVID-19 facial masks used in Brazil for breathability and aerosol collection efficiency.
- Spectral absorption of brown carbon in the Central Amazonia
- Understanding Carbon Fluxes in a Changing Amazon
- A data-driven model of hourly carbon fluxes in the Amazon from 2014-2020
- REA-GC-PID for long-term isoprene flux measurements in tropical forest