Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Thickness of the Greenland Craton From Receiver Function Analysis
- Deformation Partitioning Processes in a Mid-crustal Detachment System, the Ketilidian Orogen, South Greenland
- Earthquakes and Ice Cores Point to Wet Feet at the NorthGRIP Deep Drill Site
- Mantle Discontinuities Under Greenland: a First Glimpse
- Multiple Tracing Experiments in Unsaturated Fractured Clayey Till
- Terrestrial and Marine Mass Extinction at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Synchronized With Initiation of Massive Volcanism
- Thermohaline Forcing and the Response of Western European Ice Sheets During the Last Deglaciation
- Surface Wave Studies of the Greenland Shield
- A Framework for Dealing With Uncertainty due to Model Structure Error
- Effect of Embedded Sand Lenses on Transport in Till
- Elevated Passive Continental Margins may form much Later than the time of Rifting
- Significant thinning of the south Greenland ice sheet margin
- Arctic Ocean UNCLOS Article 76 Work for Greenland Starts on Land
- Greenland ice Cores tell Tales on the Eemian Period and Beyond
- Hydrocarbon prospect of the Tjornes Fracture Zone, north of Iceland
- Integrated geophysical modelling of orogenic structures in the North Sea (NW Europe)
- Teleseismic tomographic inversion of the Tornquist Zone using a Monte Carlo method
- Accurate and Precise in Situ Zircon U-Pb age Dating With High Sample Throughput by Automated LA-SF-ICP-MS
- Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves of Glass Bead Systems: Experimental Data and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
- Constant average olivine Mg# in cratonic mantle reflects Archaean mantle melting to the exhaustion of orthopyroxene
- Effects of dust and black carbon on albedo of the Greenland ablation zone
- Externally or biologically controlled proxy records from bivalve shells of the Dutch Wadden Sea
- Glacial Earthquakes in Greenland - a Regional Seismologícal Apporach
- Impact of Future Climate and Land use Changes on Water Resources in Denmark
- MikeSHE SVAT Modelling Using MODIS and MSG Data Products
- Regulatory Controls on the Scandinavian Fire Regime as Evidenced Through a Spatially Extensive Network of Soil Charcoal
- Tidal Modulation of Ice Flow on Kangerdlugssuaq and Helheim Glaciers, East Greenland, from High-Rate GPS Measurements
- Trace Element Uptake in Marine Bivalve Shells Constraints from Field- and Laboratory Studies
- A Long-Term Network of Automatic Weather and Ice Monitoring Stations in the Ablation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A new Programme for Monitoring the Mass Loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Elevated Passive Continental Margins may form much Later than the time of Rifting
- Environmental versus biological controls on multi-proxy records from bivalve shell carbonate
- Geodetic Measurements and Analysis of Glacier Kinematics in East Greenland
- Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland (LOMROG) 2007
- Mechanisms for Tidally Induced Glacier Deformation and Flow Variations, East Greenland
- New present day temperature parameterization and Degree Day model for Greenland
- Regional rumble: a seismological study of glacial earthquakes in Greenland
- Rifted Structure of the Vietnam Continental Margin Near the South China Sea Spreading Center
- Seismic Monitoring at the CO2SINK Project Site, Ketzin, Germany: Past, Present and Future
- Short-time-scale variations in flow speed and behavior, Helheim Glacier, East Greenland
- Tomographic Mapping of Lg Propagation in Northern Europe
- Towards a Neogene Palynostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean
- U-Pb Zircon Provenance of Metasedimentary Basement of the Northwestern Terrane, Svalbard: A central East Greenland correlation
- A Textural Record of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland.
- A calving law for ice sheet models; Investigating the role of surface melt on dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers
- An Investigation Into the Influences of Temperature and Growth Rate on the Mg/Ca Ratio of Mytilus edulis Calcite
- Characterization and component tracing of Banded Iron Formations deposited during the ~2.7 Ga superplume event: An example from the Tati Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Botswana
- Composition of Melt Inclusions in High-3He/4He Picrites From Baffin Island and West Greenland
- Coupling snow densification and melt-water retention in a large-scale ice sheet model.
- Davis Strait and Ungava Fault Zone: First Results From a Recent Geophysical Survey
- Detailed Mechanistic Investigation of Preferential Flow and Transport in Variably- Saturated Fractured Clayey Till
- Determining glacier flow with novel polar GPS systems
- Determining the Timing of Helheim Glacial Earthquakes from Glacier-Based GPS Time Series
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages of Late Silurian and Early Devonian Sedimentary Sequences From Northwestern Svalbard, Implications for Regional Correlations in the Arctic Caledonides
- East Greenland Glacier Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary Study of Helheim Glacier
- Estimating the future ice sheet hydropower potential in Paakitsoq, Ilulissat, West Greenland
- Glacier acceleration, glacial earthquakes, and ice loss at Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- Heat and Helium in the Early Iceland Plume
- High-Resolution Bathymetry of Disko Bay and Ilulissat Icefjord, West- Greenland
- Iceberg Calving and Flow Dynamics at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland, from Time-Lapse Photography
- Lake hydrogeophysics; Estimating areas of potential groundwater seepage using reflection seismic, ground penetrating radar and multiple electrode profiling
- Late Holocene Storminess in the Labrador Sea Region: Exotic Pollen and Aeolian Dust as Indicators of Variability?
- Leaching of Salmonella Senftenberg and Cryptosporidium Parvum in Intact Clay Columns
- Linking Ice Sheet Freshwater Discharge and Marine production in Greenland via Fiord Circulation. 'FreshLink', an Interdisciplinary Project Involving Researchers from Multiple Countries.
- Mass-balance measurements from a network of automatic weather stations in the ablation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Numerical modelling of interaction between ice shelf calving and dynamics of Crane Glacier, a former tributary of the Larsen-B ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula.
- Paleolatitude Records of the Western Pacific as Determined From DSDP/ODP Basaltic Cores
- Potential Field Signature of the Eastern North Greenland Transform Margin: Indications of Strong Segmentation and Deep Sedimentary Basins
- Relation Between Tectonics and Intrusions in the Western Rhodope Mountains, SW Bulgaria
- Sub-daily glacier flow variations at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland, using GPS
- Subglacial Meltwater Drainage at Paakitsoq, West Greenland: Insights From a Distributed, Physically Based Numerical Model
- Surface Energy Balance Model of the Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- The Importance of Geological Uncertainty for Flow and Transport Modelling
- U-Pb Detrital Zircon Ages From the Internal Hellenides Using LA-SF-ICP-MS
- A Kinematic Model of the Surface Velocity of Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- A comparison of Late Holocene palaeoclimatic records from around the Labrador Sea region incorporating both oceanic and atmospheric indicators
- An example of deep crustal brines effecting large-scale chemical modification of the crust during assembly of the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent
- Analysing Sedimentary and Crustal Structure in North Greenland with Receiver Functions
- Arctic Tectonic Puzzles: The Makarov Basin, Marvin Spur, and the Lomonosov Ridge
- Attenuation of Nitrate in Groundwater Aquifer and Lake Bed Sediments - Lake Hampen, Denmark
- Australasian tektites: source parameters and crater location reviewed
- Basement inheritance controls on continental margin architecture: steep basement fabrics and segmented margins
- Characterizing groundwater-stream interaction at catchment scale
- Constraining the Thickness of the Crystal Mush in Layered Mafic Intrusions
- Crustal Structure in Greenland Using Surface Wave Group Velocities
- Diamondiferous kimberlites in Central India synchronous with Deccan flood basalt volcanism
- Effect of 2004 tsunami on groundwater in a coastal aquifer of Sri Lanka: Tank experiments, field observations and numerical modelling (Invited)
- Evidence for Pleistocene Volcanism Southwest of Cape Farvel I: Seismic Evidence
- Experimental and computational study of trace element distribution between orthopyroxene and anhydrous silicate melt: substitution mechanisms and the effect of iron
- Experimental constraints on mineral-melt reactions in the Middle Zone of the Skaergaard intrusion
- Geodetic observations of short-time-scale changes in glacier flow at Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, East Greenland
- Inspiration & Insight - a tribute to Niels Reeh
- Integration of Seismic and SkyTEM in a Heterogeneous Geological Setting
- Interaction between subsurface ocean waters and calving of Jakobshavn Isbrae during the late Holocene
- Investigation of Precipitation Input Scenarios in Hydrological Modeling - Prospects for Applying Radar Data
- Multibeam Bathymetry Surveys in Fjords and Coastal Areas of West-Greenland
- Ocean tides modulation of flow at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland, observed using GPS
- Pleistocene Volcanisms South-west of Cape Farewell, Greenland II: Geological Evidence
- Provenance of Greenland Ice Sheet icebergs constrained by Ar-Ar radioisotope data from late glacial-early Holocene records
- Reconstructing Holocene climate change in Denmark
- Regional surface melt modeling from an automatic weather station network on the Greenland ice sheet
- Role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier instability: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier (Invited)
- Seepage between a Regional Aquifer and a Flow-through Lake in a Melt Water Outwash Plain: Evidence of off-shore exchange
- Simulation of Groundwater Conditions in The Alluvial Plains of The Taihang Mountains of The North China Plain
- Surface Melt and its Effect on Helheim Glacier Dynamics
- The GreenLand Ice Sheet monitoring Network (GLISN)
- The new ‘Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet’ data base
- Understanding dynamic changes of marine terminating outlet glaciers through combining observations and numerical modelling, the case of Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Using observations to improve surface boundary conditions for large-scale ice sheet models of Greenland
- Variable solar-cycle intensity during the Holocene and its imprint on Earth’s climate
- Zircon trace element evidence for Hadean infracrustal differentiation
- Airborne TEM investigations of salinity distribution in coastal aquifers: The Ringkoebing lagoon case
- Do Proxies Agree? A Simple Test Comparing Terrestrial and Marine Records of Late Holocene Climate and Sea Ice Around Iceland
- EMI - young HIMU rock association at the Cape Verde Islands revisited: on the role of oceanic carbonatites
- Environmental Fluctuations during the Rise of Dinosaurs in Western North America
- Evidence of oceanic crust in the southern Baffin Bay from a seismic refraction experiment
- Extreme Groundwater Discharge to a Eutrophic Seepage Lake and the Effect on Lake Restoration
- GPS measurements of flow variations at a large Greenland outlet glacier due to ocean tidal forcing
- Holocene relative sea level changes in Greenland: a review
- Indications of Gas-Hydrate Dissociation Caused by Sea Level Rise off Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland
- Integrated Record of Terrestrial Biotic Change from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of northern New Mexico
- Integrated hydrological SVAT model for climate change studies in Denmark
- Mid-Holocene Rapid Oceanographic Change Around The Faroe Islands
- Quantifying the influence of melt on velocity variations at a large Greenland outlet glacier
- Reconstruction of the latest 100 years of iceberg calving from Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland, on basis of marine sediment cores from Sermilik Fjord
- Some hotspots are hot -evidence from the picrites of West Greenland (Invited)
- Surface melt on the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Nuuk and Kangerlussuaq regions
- The Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN)
- The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Motion of Greenland and its Importance for Understanding Arctic Plate Tectonics
- The crustal structure of the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Invited)
- The structure of the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Invited)
- Tidewater Margin Dynamics in Central East Greenland Over two Decades
- Towards a regional climate model coupled to a comprehensive hydrological model
- An age-calibrated record of upper Campanian - Maastrichtian climate change in the Boreal Realm
- Analysing the Effects of Geological Uncertainty on Groundwater Model Predictions by Applying Multiple-Points Geostatistical Simulations
- Apparent pollution of groundwater caused by natural formation of chloroform in forest soils
- Arctic Ocean Paleoenvironmental Change in the last 50 kyr Reconstructed from an Alpha Ridge to Gakkel Ridge Transect
- Catchment scale modelling of changes in pesticide leaching under present and future climate conditions. Demonstrated for two cases in Denmark
- City Core - detecting the anthropocene in urban lake cores
- Climate Change Impacts on Precipitation and Groundwater Recharge in Denmark: A Distributed Hydrological Modeling Study using Multiple Downscaling Methods on the Climate Inputs
- Cm-scale Heterogeneity in Degradation - Potential Impact on Leaching of MCPA through a Variably-Saturated Macroporous Clayey Till
- Crustal Structure of Greenland and the Western North Atlantic Using Surface Wave Group Velocities
- Deglaciation, lake ontogeny and organic carbon cycling in SW Greenland lakes
- ENSO related climate variability in the Gulf of California since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Evaluating the influence of historical climate change on catchment hydrology - Impact on drought and flood occurrences
- Exploring Impacts of Groundwater Dynamics on Catchment Scale Land Surface Fluxes
- GPS observations of West Greenland Ice Sheet surface motion
- Groundwater-Stream Interactions in a Seasonal Flooded Riparian Zone
- High-resolution climate reconstructions from the Labrador Sea area, Part I: Validation of the sedimentary sea ice proxy record against observational data
- Historical aerial imagery reveals rapid frontal retreat following the 1920's warming in southeast Greenland
- Identification of Differences in Vertical Movement Around Denmark Based on a Comparison of Relative Sea-level Curves for the Last ~1000 Years
- Importance of including small-scale drain discharge data in the calibration of a catchment scale nitrate model
- Interaction between ocean circulation and ice margin dynamics in central west Greenland during the Holocene
- Mass flux from Kangerlussuaq Glacier, East Greenland, modeled in a 200-year perspective
- Monitoring marine heavy metal contamination via the chemical analysis of foraminifera and growth increments in bivalves - a pilot study from a Pb and Zn mining region in western Greenland
- Natural chlorinated compounds in forest soils - spatiotemporal patterns of chloroform and related compounds
- Paleoenvironmental changes across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary from NW Europe (Denmark)
- Parameterization and testing of a surface melt and water routing model for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Power and Limitations of Anhydrosugars to Trace Historical Natural and Anthropogenic Inputs of charcoal BC to Aquatic Systems
- Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet - Ice Surface Velocities
- Study of effects of formation heterogeneity of carbon dioxide gas migration using a two-dimensional intermediate scale
- Surface mass budget and meltwater discharge from the southwest Greenland ice sheet during record-warm year 2010
- Tectonic earthquakes in Greenland: An overview of the monitoring achievements during the last decades
- The Medieval Warm/Little Ice Age Transition as Recorded by Ice Caps in East Greenland
- The Mesoarchaean Tartoq Group suprasubduction zone ophiolite, SW Greenland
- The tectonic history of southern Baffin Bay and Davis Strait - seismic refraction experiments and the evolution of oceanic crust
- A high detail benchmark dataset of mid-1980's ice margin positions for all Greenland ice masses
- Acquisition of seismic data in ice filled waters
- Assessing the Impact of Model Spin up on Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Using an Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Clay minerals in Quaternary marine sediments from the southern Svalbard continental slope: palaeoenvironmental significance
- Continental Ecosystem Instability During the Late Triassic Rise of Dinosaurs
- Continuous broadband seismic observation on the Greenland Ice Sheet under Greenland Ice Sheet monitoring Network
- Coupling of a climate model and a hydrological model and implications on land surface fluxes
- Estimating the Glacial Melt Water Contribution to the Fresh Water Budget from Salinity and δ18O Measurements in Godthåbsfjord
- Estimation of regional recharge in the HOBE catchment using data from a distributed soil moisture network
- Exploring the functional diversity of the supraglacial environment: Microbial degradation of the pesticide 2,4-D on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Implications of Changing Firn Structure on Firn Compaction Rates Due to Increased Interannual Melt in SW Greenland's Percolation Zone
- Improved Hydrological Predictions by the Coupling of Land-Surface-Atmosphere Processes
- Influence of tile-drainage on groundwater flow and nitrate transport in heterogeneous geological materials
- Integration of models for better quantification of urban hydrology: Coupling urban drainage system models and distributed groundwater models
- Lacustrine records of Holocene ice margin change at Paakitsoq, western Greenland
- Mass and surface energy balance of A.P. Olsen ice cap, NE Greenland, from observations and modeling (1995-2011)
- Monitoring CO2 gas-phase injection in a shallow sand aquifer using cross borehole GPR
- Nitrogen responses in groundwater, surface water and air following nitrate action plans in the Netherlands and Denmark
- Organic carbon export from the Greenland Ice Sheet: sources, sinks and downstream fluxes
- Post-rift km-scale uplift of passive continental margins can be caused by compressive stresses within continental crust
- Sensitivity of Greenland ice sheet projections to model formulations
- Tectonic events in Greenland
- The role of melt, storage and tapping of supra glacial lakes in runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The role of subglacial microbes in carbon cycling and methane release in the past and present
- Using glacier proximal sediment records from Sermilik Fjord, SE Greenland, to reconstruct Helheim Glacier melt water plume dynamics for the past 100 years
- A New UHP Metamorphic Complex In The ~1.8 GYa Nagssugtoqidian Orogen Of West Greenland, And The Possible First Terrestrial Evidence For Ringwoodite
- Climate Variability in the GODTHÅBSFJORD Area (sw Greenland) Since the Little Ice Age: a Multiproxy Approach
- Coupled Subsurface-Surface-Atmosphere Feedbacks: Comparison of Two Coupled Modelling Platforms Applied to a Real Catchment
- Crustal structure and anisotropy of Greenland from surface-wave group-velocity tomography
- Determination of continuous intermediate scale soil moisture, biomass water content and interception using the cosmic-ray neutron intensity method
- ESA Ice Sheets CCI: Overview and surface elevation change results for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Effect of fjord geometry on Greenland mass loss in a warming climate (Invited)
- Estimation of Holocene Land Movement and Sea Level Changes in Southwest Scandinavia - Results From Interpretation of Relative Sea Level Curves
- Evidence for Non-tidal Diurnal Velocity Variations of Helheim Glacier, East Greenland
- Greenland ice sheet melt area, volume, and runoff from satellite and in situ observations
- Heat flux and crustal thickness in Greenland adjacent to and under the ice sheet
- High-elevation mass loss of Greenland increasing
- How Can the Required Spin-up Time of Integrated Hydrologic Models be Reduced?
- Impact of Model Uncertainty Description on Assimilating Hydraulic Head into the MIKE-SHE Distributed Hydrological Model
- In Situ Data Suggest Supra-, En- and/or Subglacial Meltwater Retention in Southwest Greenland
- Integrated Hydrological Modeling of the North China Plain and Implications for Sustainable Water Management (Invited)
- Inverted firn compaction profiles caused by shallow massive ice layers in the percolation zone of the Greenland ice sheet
- Millennial scale ice dynamics and the spatial partition of Greenland mass change (Invited)
- Modeling water flow in a tile drainage network in glacial clayey tills in an agricultural catchment
- Monitoring CO2 gas-phase injection in a shallow sand aquifer using cross borehole GPR and modeled with T2VOC multi-phase code
- Pervasive solar influence on Greenland temperature over the past 4000 years
- Propagation of the MIS4 Eurasian Meltwater Event in the Arctic Ocean
- Reconstructing the late Holocene expansion of mountain ice caps in west-central Greenland
- Scientific Discoveries in the Central Arctic Ocean Based on Seafloor Mapping Carried out to Support Article 76 Extended Continental Shelf Claims (Invited)
- Short and Medium Range Hydrometeorological Ensemble Prediction System: A mesoscale case study in Denmark
- Spatial pattern of mass loss processes across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the Little Ice Age to 2010
- The European FP7 ULTimateCO2 project: A comprehensive approach to study the long term fate of CO2 geological storage sites
- The GreenLand Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Japanese-American Cooperative Field Operations and Preliminary Data Analyses
- The Greenland ice sheet perennial firn aquifer: characteristics, extent and evolution obtained from airborne remote sensing
- The Greenland melt event 2012 recovered with GRACE
- The crustal structure of the extinct ultra-slow Labrador Sea spreading center
- Three decades of elevation change of the Geikie Plateau ice cap, East Greenland
- Water retention and internal accumulation in the percolation zone of the Greenland ice sheet
- Zones of concentrated high groundwater discharge into a seepage lake - hydrogeochemical processes and environmental implications from phosphorus loading
- connecting the dots between Greenland ice sheet surface melting and ice flow dynamics (Invited)
- examining the role of black carbon and microbial abundance in Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback (Invited)
- 110 years of local glacier and ice cap changes in Central- and North East Greenland
- A new glacier monitoring site in West Greenland
- A novel multispectral glacier mapping method and its performance in Greenland
- Application of GRACE to the Evaluation of an Ice Flow Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Assessing Sensitivity of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchanges to Model Initialization
- Automatic detection of iceberg calving events using seismic observations
- Changing Surface-Atmosphere Energy Exchange and Refreezing Capacity of the Lower Accumulation Area, West Greenland
- Clues to the chemical evolution of agpaitic magmas from compositional zoning in kakortokite-hosted eudialyte, Ilímaussaq Complex, South Greenland
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in the Sarfartoq Kimberlite Province, West Greenland: A Receiver Function Study
- Deep seismic studies of conjugate profiles from the Nova Scotia - Moroccan and the Liguro-Provencal margin pairs
- Deglaciation of the Drangajökull ice cap, NW Iceland: preliminary results from <SUP>36</SUP>Cl cosmogenic exposure dating
- Geo-acoustic modeling and visibility of sedimentary strata in high resolution sediment acoustic profiling records: case studies from Baltic Sea and Beibu Gulf, South China Sea.
- Greenlandic Microbiomes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Heinrich 0 at the Younger Dryas Termination Offshore Newfoundland
- Holocene Environmental Change in the Skallingen Area, Eastern North Greenland, Based on a Lacustrine Record
- Impact of External Forcing on Glacier Dynamics at Jakobshavn Isbræ during 1840-2012
- Insights from Thermo-Mechanically Coupled Modeling of High-Elevation Regions of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Lacustrine Records of Holocene Mountain Glacier Fluctuations from Western Greenland
- Lacustrine Turbidites as a Tool for Quantitative Paleoseismology: Evidence from 17 Chilean Lakes
- Long-term lessons on pesticide leaching obtained via the Danish Pesticide Leaching Assessment Programme
- Massive Perched Ice Layers in the Shallow Firn of Greenland's Lower Accumulation Area Inhibit Percolation and Enhance Runoff
- Novel Measurements and Techniques for Outlet Glacier Fjord Ice/Ocean Interactions
- Numerical Modeling of the Last Glacial Maximum Yellowstone Ice Cap Captures Asymmetry in Moraine Ages
- Observations from the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Peeking Under the Ice… Literally: Records of Arctic Climate Change from Radiocarbon Dating Moss Emerging from Beneath Retreating Glaciers
- Communicates Real-Time Developments in the Arctic
- Recent changes in energy and freshwater budgets for the Godthåbsfjord catchment simulated in a 5 km regional climate model
- Recent results on the Greenland Aquifer from remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Seismic Observations on Greenland Ice Sheet By a Joint USA and Japanese Glisn Team (2011-2014)
- Temporal and Spatial Variation in Surface Velocity and Basal Friction at Upernavik Isstrøm, Northwest Greenland
- Temporal and spatial variability of the Greenland firn aquifer revealed by ground and airborne radar data
- The Greenland Ice Sheet in Three Dimensions
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The Photographic History of Greenland's Glaciers - and how the historical data plays an important role in today's glacier research
- The potential of detecting intermediate-scale biomass and canopy interception in a coniferous forest using cosmic-ray neutron intensity measurements and neutron transport modeling
- Uncertainty quantification of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance via assessment of GRACE mascon solutions and variability of high-resolution surface mass balance forcing of an ice flow model
- Using Empirical Mode Decomposition to process Marine Magnetotelluric Data
- <em>Smart Interpretation</em> - Application of Machine Learning in Geological Interpretation of AEM Data
- A downscaled 1 km dataset of daily Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance components (1958-2014)
- Albedo and its relationship with seasonal surface roughness using repeat UAV survey across the Kangerlussuaq sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- An Iterative, Geometric, Tilt Correction Method for Radiation and Albedo Observed by Automatic Weather Stations on Snow-Covered Surfaces: Application to Greenland
- Basin-Wide Mass Balance of Jakobshavn Isbræ (West Greenland) during 1880-2100
- Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
- Combining Natural Attenuation Capacity and use of Targeted Technological Mitigation Measures for Reducing Diffuse Nutrient Emissions to Surface Waters: The Danish Way
- Comparison of Two Global Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Hydrologic Modeling over the Columbia River Basin
- Detailed Geological Modelling in Urban Areas focused on Structures relevant to the Near Surface Groundwater Flow in the context of Climatic Changes
- Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer - New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements
- Field-Based High Resolution P-T-t Mapping Shows Recrystallization to BE Highly Localized, Even at HP and Uhp Conditions
- Greenland ice sheet albedo variability and feedback: 2000-2015
- Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland
- Late Triassic tropical climate of Pangea: Carbon isotopic and other insights into the rise of dinosaurs
- Obtaining high resolution polarimetric radar based precipitation estimates in Skjern catchment, Denmark for hydrological modeling
- On Deriving Requirements for the Surface Mass Balance forcing of a Greenland Ice Sheet Model using Uncertainty Analyses
- PROMICE Observations 2014-15
- Preliminary results from hot-water drilling and borehole instrumentation on Store Glacier, West Greenland
- Real-time hydrological early warning system at national scale for surface water and groundwater with stakeholder involvement
- Records of Local Glacier Variability in Western Greenland During the Holocene From Lake Sediments, Ice-cap-killed Vegetation, and <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating
- Seasonal Hydrometeorological Ensemble Prediction System; Forecast of Irrigation Potentials in Denmark
- Spatial variability of glacier mass and energy balance in West Greenland
- Spatial variation in energy exchange across coastal environments in Greenland
- Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014
- The Dark Snow Project: a hybrid research communication program
- The Photographic History of Greenland's Glaciers - and how the historical data plays an important role in today's glacier research
- The Role of Sea Ice for Vascular Plant Dispersal in the Arctic
- The Subglacial Access and Fast Ice Research Experiment - SAFIRE - on Store Glacier, West Greenland
- The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He Mantle
- Tidewater Dynamics at Store Glacier, West Greenland from Daily Repeat UAV Survey
- Trends and Variability in Observed Runoff from Land Terminating Glaciers in Greenland
- Using ISSM to Simulate the LIA to Present Ice Margin Change at Upernavik Glacier, Greenland
- What terrestrial glacial meltwater streams reveal about Greenland ice sheet hydrology
- When did the Gardar magmatism begin in southern Greenland?
- A 1700 Year Record of Oceanic Influence on Jakobshavn Isbræ calving Activity Based on Marine Sediment Cores from Disko Bay
- A High-Resolution Record of Warm Water Inflow and Iceberg Calving in Upernavik Isfjord During the Past 150 Years.
- Abrupt Shift in the Observed Runoff from the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Characterizing West Greenland ice sheet runoff losses from modeled and measured data
- Citizen science: A new perspective to evaluate spatial patterns in hydrology.
- Cloud-Induced Stabilization of Greenland Surface Melt
- Evaluating spatial patterns of a distributed hydrological model forced by polarimetric radar based quantitative precipitation estimation
- Glacimarine Sedimentary Processes and Deposits at Fjord-Terminating Tidewater Glacier Margins
- Ice retreat and deglaciation history of Storfjorden, SE Svalbard
- Improving a spatial rainfall product using multiple-point geostatistical simulations and its effect on a national hydrological model.
- Integrating satellite actual evapotranspiration patterns into distributed model parametrization and evaluation for a mesoscale catchment
- Interaction of Cryospheric and Oceanographic Processes Along the Central-East Greenland Margin
- Long-term evolution of Greenlandic deltas in a changing climate
- Mapping and Modeling Meltwater Drainage of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Meltwater Contribution of the East Greenland Ice Sheet during Glacial Retreat and a Warming Climate
- Millennia of Magmatism recorded in Garnet and Rutile from Crustal Xenoliths, West-Greenland Alkaline Province
- North Atlantic Oscillation Drives Regional Greenland Glacier Volume During the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century
- Proglacial River Reveals Substantial Greenland Ice Sheet Climate Sensitivity and Meltwater Routing Delays
- Retrieval of spatially distributed hydrological properties from satellite observations for spatial evaluation of a national water resources model.
- Spatial pattern oriented evaluation of a highly parameterized inversion problem
- Spatial sensitivity analysis of simulated land-surface patterns in a catchment model using a set of innovative spatial performance metrics.
- The Compositions And Sources Of Fluids Through Time In A 1.8 Gya UHP Subduction Complex
- The Petermann Glacier Experiment, NW Greenland
- The glacimarine sediment budget of the Nares Strait-Petermann Fjord area since the Last Glacial Maximum
- The sensitivity of training image and integration of airborne 3D electromagnetic data in multiple-point geostatistical simulation and the impact on groundwater modeling
- Toward sustainable water use in North China Plain - Scenario analysis of water conservation strategies in a changing climate
- Two decades of spaceborne measurements of Greenland ice sheet changes, validated by airborne and in-situ data
- Understanding Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff Losses
- <p>Hydraulic Roughness and Flow Resistance in a Subglacial Conduit
- A Stabilizing Feedback Between Cloud Radiative Effects and Greenland Surface Melt: Verification From Multi-year Automatic Weather Station Measurements
- A novel spatial performance metric for robust pattern optimization of distributed hydrological models
- Calibration of a distributed hydrologic model for six European catchments using remote sensing data
- Centennial scale variations of sea-surface conditions in Disko Bugt, west Greenland
- Comparison of modelled runoff with observed proglacial discharge across the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Crevasse Migration in Southern Greenland as inferred from ICESat-1 Altimetry
- Crustal Structure of the Northeast Greenland Shelf from Regional 3D Gravity Modeling on the Basis of Sparse Seismic Data
- Delta progradation in Greenland driven by increasing glacial mass loss
- Depositional History of the Western Amundsen Basin, Arctic Ocean, and Implications for Neogene Climate and Oceanographic Conditions
- Examining the canopy interception at a forest field site using cosmic-ray neutron detection
- Geodetic Imaging and Tsunami Modeling of the 2017 Coupled Landslide-Tsunami Event in Karrat Fjord, West Greenland.
- Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN): Contributions to Science and Society
- High-resolution δ<SUP>13</SUP>C record of fossil wood and bulk organic matter from a deep Oligocene lacustrine succession, Bach Long Vi Island, Vietnam
- How robust are in situ observations for validating satellite-derived albedo over the dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Hypsometric Amplification of Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Release
- Improving a spatial rainfall product using a data-mining approach and its effect on the hydrological response of a meso-scale catchment.
- Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland, 2017; the Event, the Response and the Future
- Meltwater-induced changes in the structure and behavior of Greenland's firn
- Monitoring Supraglacial Streams over Three Months in Southwest Greenland
- Opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean: Implications for Geometric Rifting and Asymmetric Initial Seafloor Spreading after Continental Breakup
- Past collapse and late Holocene reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland
- Sedimentary and Paleoceanographic Responses to the South China Sea Basin Evolution
- Simulating ice thickness and velocity evolution of Upernavik Isstrøm 1849-2017 with ISSM
- The value of DCIP geophysical surveys for contaminated site investigations
- The worth of data to reduce predictive uncertainty of an integrated catchment model by multi-constraint calibration
- Tracing past ambient air pollution and its consequences on human health
- Using Data Assimilation in Real-Time Hydrological Modeling of Groundwater and Stream Flow in Silkeborg, Denmark
- XRF Core Scanning of Igneous Rocks: a Case Study of IODP Expeditions 367/368 Lava Flows, South China Sea
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- Air temperature trends across the North Atlantic region in the early icehouse world
- Are transition season melt events on the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by Baffin Bay sea ice-atmosphere interactions?
- Assessing Spatial Variability in Nitrate Reduction by Catchment Scale Modelling
- Bridging the Trenches - Ice Sheet Monitoring for the Atmosphere and Oceans in PROMICE and INTAROS
- Comparing evapotranspiration estimates based on the eddy correlation and water balance methods
- Comparison of modeled and measured discharge from a supraglacial catchment in southwest Greenland
- Cryo Connect - a global gateway connecting cryosphere scientists and information seekers
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Drivers of extreme 2012 melt and basin-scale runoff from three catchments along the West Greenland ice sheet
- Effect of Discretized Preferential Transport in the Assessment of N Leaching Through Macroporous Clay Till
- Euxinic water column anoxia prevailed in the early Silurian foreland basin of Baltica - new high-resolution geochemical data of the Sommerodde core, Denmark
- Exploitation, assessment, and gap analysis of the existing Arctic observing systems under the INTAROS project: method and first results
- ICESat-1 Derived Greenland Crevasse Distribution
- Improving mass balance estimates of large outlet glaciers from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Modelling depth of the redox interface in high resolution at national scale using machine learning and geostatistics
- Moisture source and transport history in High Arctic Greenland revealed by two years of continuous water vapor isotope measurement
- Neogene mountain building and the development of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Present observational capacities in the Arctic with the focus on European observational networks. Maturity assessment from INTAROS H2020 project.
- Quantifying Near-Surface Inversions at Sites across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Quantifying the impact of model conceptualizations in the EU pesticide regulatory risk assessment
- Recovering missing rainfall data by resampling the historical dataset: a simple technique to improve the estimation of basin recharge
- Revisiting how Water Isotopes in Ice Cores Record the Climate Signal
- Role of Greenland's snowline for amplifying ice sheet melt
- Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Simulating the retreat of Upernavik glacier, Greenland, since 1900 applying the von Mises calving law
- Spatial Discrepancies in Cloud Radiative Effects Between Large-scale Datasets and In-situ Measurements over Greenland
- Statistical regression analysis on area changes of 40 Greenlandic tidewater glaciers between 2000 and 2016
- Subglacial meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Temperature profiles along the Whillans Ice Stream measured using a Distributed Temperature Sensor
- Testing the use of Drain Flow Measurements to guide Calibration and Improving Local Scale Model Performance in a Distributed Hydrological Catchment Model for a Danish Glacial Till Area
- The Characterization of Hydrate Provinces in Europe: a Review of Available Evidence
- The Snow on Ice Project: A data-model collaboration for assessing Greenland Ice Sheet change during periods of Arctic warmth
- Utilising Wireless Sensor Technologies in Glaciology
- Validating MODIS Land Surface Temperatures Using In-situ Skin Temperature Data across Greenland
- A framework to assess the effects, cost and benefits of nature-based solutions for urban flooding mitigation. The scenario of a restored urban river in Copenhagen
- An extremely rapid and efficient engineered system to remove arsenic in the groundwater used for drinking
- Analysis of climate and hydrological model uncertainty in climate change assessments in two Danish catchments
- Anatomy of a draining subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Characterizing the heterogeneity of the subsurface redox architecture in three dimensions using geophysics
- Comparison of evapotranspiration estimates using the water balance and eddy correlation methods
- Comparison of model-observed runoff along the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Cryoseismological recordings in West-Greenland, from permanent and community based seismic stations
- Determining Meteorological Controls on Near Surface Temperature Inversions Across the Greenland Ice Sheet Using In-situ, Remote Sensing, and Reanalysis Data
- Dual modelling of evapotranspiration over North China Plain to estimate net irrigation
- Dual-spectra cosmic-ray neutron detection and terrestrial laser scanning for forest plot canopy interception estimation
- Effects of a Shifting Demographic on the Water Energy Food Nexus in a Water-poor, Energy-rich City
- Evidence of a contracted North Water Polynya during Holocene warm intervals: implications for high Arctic polynyas in a changing climate
- First High-Resolution Seafloor Model and Habitat Map from the West Greenland Continental Shelf
- Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will exceed Holocene values this century
- Ground-Penetrating Radar Response from Small-Scale Heterogeneities in Clay-Rich Till
- Highly Variable Fluid Composition Associated with 1.8 Gya UHP Subduction Metamorphism in West Greenland
- Historic geodetic mass balance in the Nuuk Fjord Area, West Greenland
- Hourly to decadal patterns of mountain temperature variability from embedded sensors spanning 2000m in Great Basin National Park, 2006-2018
- Identifying Drilling Hazards Using High Resolution 3D Seismic Data to Aid Site Selection for IODP Proposal 909
- Impact of agricultural N-regulation on groundwater and surface waters in Denmark - Advances in hydrogeochemical system understanding
- Machine and Deep Learning Identification of Crevasses on the Periphery of the Greenland Ice Sheet from ICESat Waveform Altimetry Data
- Meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- New Insight on the Paleoclimatic Evolution in the Boreal Realm at the Onset of the Lower Cretaceous Chalk Sea.
- Seasonal ice velocity changes of Greenlandic glaciers: insights from new and dense remote sensing observations and hydrological modeling
- Seismic geomorphology in northeast Baffin Bay: reconstructing the Pleistocene evolution of the northwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- Sensible heat (not longwave radiation) fluxes dominate local melt events in Greenland
- Sixty years of altimetry of the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin: a record of ice margin geometry extended with Expédition Glaciologique Internationale Au Groenland 1957-60 (EGIG) aerial photo surveys
- Spatial Optimization and Parameterization of a Distributed Hydrological Model: A Remote Sensing-based Approach for Improving ET Patters
- The Effect of Glaciation on Shallow Gas and Hydrates, Offshore NW Greenland
- The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: Integrating Meteorological, Hydrological and Biogeochemical Measurements
- The age of ice exposed along the northern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The coherent evolution of Miocene global temperature, ecosystems, and greenhouse gas levels
- The worth of all-weather evapotranspiration for optimizing a regional hydrological model
- 3D seismic geomorphology offshore northwest Greenland
- A New Energy Balance Formulation for Greenland's Melting Bare Ice Surface
- Comparison of MODIS Surface Temperatures to In-situ Measurements across the Ablation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Greenland ice sheet meltwater export from a land terminating glacier 2008-2019
- Greenland surface processes from PROMICE automatic weather station measurements and Sentinel-3 satellite observations
- How magnetotellurics can aid cryosphere studies: mantle rheology, GIA, surface heat flow and basal melting.
- Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene
- Preconditioning and Driving Factors of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Denmark
- Unraveling the Response Time-Scales of Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Early Jurassic Phytotoxicity due to Hg-Remobilization
- Estimating Ice Discharge at Greenland's Three Largest Outlet Glaciers Using Local Bedrock Uplift
- Exchange of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil Source or Sink?
- New Luminescence Ages, Provenance Data, and Ice-Sheet Modelling from the Camp Century Subglacial Sediment: Implications for the Glacial History of Northwestern Greenland
- North Sea mercury evidence of a volcanic trigger for Paleocene/Eocene carbon feedbacks
- Shifting Ice Flow and Direction in the Greenland Ice Sheet Interior Since 1959
- Accelerated Retreat of Greenland's Peripheral Glaciers in the Twenty-First Century
- Arctic cryosphere change and marine ecosystems: Holocene perspectives from Greenland
- Bare ice darkening impacts on northwestern Greenland ice sheet runoff
- Coastal Erosion Rates of Cliffs on Disko Island, Greenland
- Combined Geophysical Techniques Constrain the Devon Ice Cap, Canadian High Arctic, Subglacial Environment
- Deglaciation and Holocene paleoceanography of the northeast Greenland Shelf
- Difference Between Modeled and Observed Supraglacial Stream Discharge Suggests Significant Catchment Storage in Southwest Greenland
- Ice-marginal proglacial lakes across Greenland: present status and a possible future
- Integrated UAV-based Magnetics and Image Spectroscopy for Mineral Exploration: Lessons Learned from Multi-Sensor Drones, the MULSEDRO project and its concluding Campaign.
- Proglacial River Stage Derived from Georectified Time-lapse Camera Images, Inglefield Land, Northwest Greenland
- Quantifying terminus ablation for 58 tidewater glaciers in Greenland over the last century
- Shifting Ice Flow and Direction in the Greenland Ice Sheet Interior Since 1959
- Testing the Relationship Between North Atlantic Igneous Province Initiation and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alison S. Criscitiello
- Anders A. Bjørk
- Andreas Westergaard‐Nielsen
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andy Aschwanden
- Andy Ridgwell
- Anja Rutishauser
- Appy Sluijs
- B. A. Keisling
- Bas van de Schootbrugge
- Brice Noël
- Christine F. Dow
- Christof Pearce
- Claudia Cenedese
- D. M. Peteet
- David A. Sutherland
- Dirk van As
- Dominik Fahrner
- Donald Slater
- E. D. Kyzivat
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Emily Eidam
- Eric J. Steig
- Gregor Luetzenburg
- Hamed Sanei
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- Jonathan C. Ryan
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Kara Bogus
- Kenneth D. Mankoff
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- L. C. Smith
- L. H. Pitcher
- M. Femke de Jong
- Martin Truffer
- Martyn Unsworth
- Melanie J. Leng
- Michael G. Bevis
- Michio Niwano
- P. Elósegui
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Remco Bos
- Riikka Rinnan
- Robert Jackisch
- Rohi Muthyala
- S. M. Jones
- S. R. Hemming
- Sev Kender
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Sofia Ribeiro
- Sofie Lindström
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Surendra Adhikari
- T. Wagner
- Thomas Wagner
- William Colgan
- Å. K. Rennermalm