China University of Geosciences, Beijing
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Structure of Western China
- East-west variations in the crustal structure of the Southern Tibetan Plateau from magnetotelluric data
- Helium in the Archaean komatiites revisited: significantly high <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He ratios revealed by fractional crushing gas extraction
- Hydrological Changes in the Indian Ocean Around the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation
- Evidence for timing of the initiation of India \-Asia collision from igneous rocks in Tibet
- The Electrical Structure of the Tibetan-Himalayan Orogen
- Biostratigraphic age of the Sediments From Southern Hydrate Ridge, ODP LEG 204
- New Geochemical Data on Postcollisional Ultrapotassic Rocks in Western Tibet
- First Discovery and Investigation of a High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Field on the Ultra- Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Retrograde Processes of Eclogite from 100-2000m in the Main hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project,Eastern China
- Rodingite and its geochemistry at the Changawuzi Serpentinite complex, Western Tianshan, China
- Studying the Sequence of the April 17, 2003 Delingha Earthquake (M<SUB>L</SUB>=6.7) by Regional Moment Tensor Inversion
- Textural Characterization and its Formation of Nanometer Ultra-fine Rutile from Eclogite of Sulu UHP terrane, China
- The metamorphic evolution of the eclogitic rocks from the 100-2000m core of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling, China
- Change in Microbial Community with Salinity in the Sediment of Lake Chaka, a hypersaline lake in Northwestern China
- Crustal Structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau, China, From Deep Crustal Seismic Profiling Data
- Lithosperic Image Across the Eastern Tian Shan Mountains from Migrated Receiver Functions
- Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Fenghuoshan and Wandouhu basins: an indirect tool for constraining the Tertiary uplift history of northern Tibet
- Northeastward Growth and Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution Insights from Cenozoic Hoh Xil, Qaidam and Hexi Corridor Basins
- The Danba domal metamorphic terrane, West Sichuan China
- New paleomagnetic results from the Nantuo Formation in south China and their paleogeographic implications
- The Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone Ophiolites, Tibet: A Synthesis
- UHP-metamorphosed mafic-ultramafic cumulates from the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD-MH), Sulu, China: Petrology, geochemistry and fluid/melt-rock interaction
- Construction of the Eastern Himalaya by Thick-skinned Thrust Stacking of the Indian Basement: No Lower Crustal Flow from Tibet is Needed
- Continental Collision Zones are Primary Sites of net Continental Crustal Growth: Evidence From the Linzizong Volcanic Succession in Southern Tibet
- First Discovery and Investigation of a High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Field on the Ultra- Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Geologic Wonders of Yosemite at Two Miles High: an Undergraduate, Learner-Centered, Team Research Program at the University of Southern California
- Geology and Geochemistry of the Saga and Sangsang Ophiolite, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Southern Tibet
- Strongly foliated garnetiferous amphibolite clasts in ophiolitic melanges, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet; Early Cretaceous disruption of a back-arc basin?
- A New Approach to Analyze Pumping Test in Unconfined Aquifers
- Cenozoic Deep Ocean Sediments in the Himalaya Mountains
- Characteristics of the fault rocks at the shallow portion of the megasplay fault system and the frontal thrust in the Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano
- Diagenetic Control Of The Magnetic Susceptibility Variations In Core MD98-2172 In The Eastern Timor Sea
- Experimental Studies on Seismic Anisotropy Enhanced by Melt
- Initial report on the northeastern Tibetan plateau seismic experiment and study of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
- Magnetic Parameter Analysis in Studies of Holiday Beach, Western Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada
- New Magnetostratigraphic and Rock Magnetic Results From Sediments and Rocks of IODP Expedition 316
- Onset of Turonian oceanic red beds in Central Italy: geochemical constrains for paleoceanographic change
- Thermomagnetic Analysis of Surface Sediments From the Suburb of Beijing, and its Environmental Significance
- Clay Mineral Assemblages from Nankai Trough and Kumano Basin, IODP Expeditions 315 and 316, NanTroSEIZE Stage 1
- Comparisions of paleoclimatic implications of organic carbon isotope in Jianghan plain and Lanzhou area since last glacial maximum
- Completion and Preliminary Achievements of Chinese Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling Project- SK-1
- Coupled U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotopic Analysis of Detrital Zircons from Modern Sand of the Yalu River System (Yarlung Tsangpo) in Southern Tibet: Implications for Himalayan Provenance Analysis and Drainage Reconstruction
- Cretaceous combined structure in eastern Sichuan Basin, China
- Early Cretaceous extensional structures in the Liaodong Peninsula, Northeast China: A link of crustal processes to the loss of the Archean lithosphere keel
- Earthquake recurrences since late Pleistocene in Nankai Trough off Kumano: A preliminary result on Site C0006, IODP Exp.316
- Environmental magnetic sequences of the terrestrial Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of CCSD-SK-I south borehole in Songliao Basin, Northeast China and their paleoclimate implications
- Geologic Mapping and U-Pb Zircon Ages of Early Paleozoic Plutonic Rocks in the Yadong and Kangmar Areas, Southern Tibet
- Intracontinental superimposed tectonics—A case study on the north of eastern China
- Magnesium isotope fractionation during differentiation of Harney Peak granite
- Microbially mediated carbon cycling at the Cenomanian-Turonian transition in lacustrine environments
- Optimization of Apparent Polar Wander Paths: An Example from the South China Plate
- Proterozoic paleogeographic positions of the North China Craton: new geochronological and paleomagnetic constraints
- Pyrite morphology of Unit 1 of Qingshankou Formation of Cretaceous Songliao Basin, NE China
- Spatial Variability in Magnetic Properties of Sands on Cedar Beach, Western Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada
- The Y.E.S. Network: An IYPE legacy for engaging future generations of early-career geoscientists
- The bilateral and nearly simultaneous obduction of Gaize (central Tibet) ophiolites at the Late Jurassic: constraints on the closure of Bangong-Nujiang suture
- The effect of gradual decrease in hydraulic conductivity with depth on groundwater flow in small drainage basins
- A Geochemical and Lithologic Interpretation of Volcanic Ash and Sedimentary Inputs to the Nankai Trough, IODP Expedition 322
- A Revisit of Drawdown Behavior during Pumping in Unconfined Aquifers
- Abrupt change in the rate of hemipelagic sedimentation at the Late Miocene (~11 Ma) in the Shikoku Basin: implications for the tectonic history of the southwestern Japan
- Can climate change cause the Yellow River to dry up?
- Cenozoic magmatism in Gangdese, southern Tibet: Records of collision and subduction between India and Asia
- Comparative analysis of the collision-driven tectonic evolution of the Tibetan and Turkish-Iranian Plateaus
- Composition of Sedimentary Strata Entering the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone: Implications for Diagenetic Transitions into the Seismogenic Zone
- Continental Crust Growth as a Result of Continental Collision: Ocean Crust Melting and Melt Preservation
- Crust structure revealed from the deep seismic reflection profile across Solonker suture zone in North China: a preliminary interpretation
- Crustal and uppermost mantle velocity structure beneath northwestern China revealed by ambient noise tomography
- Crutal and upper mantle structure beneath the mid-lower Yangtze metallogenic belt revealed by passive-source seismic array
- Design and study of geosciences data share platform :platform framework, data interoperability, share approach
- Determination of three-dimensional stress orientations in the Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling (WFSD) hole-1: A preliminary result by anelastic strain recovery measurements of core samples
- Disappearance of Sea Floor of the Paleo-asian Ocean: Geological Evidence from the Dong Ujimqin, Inner Mongolia, China
- Disproportionation and Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction Reactions in S-H2O-CH4 and S-D2O-CH4 Systems from 200 to 340 °C at Elevated Pressures
- Diversity and Ecological Functions of Crenarchaeota in Terrestrial Hot Springs of Tengchong, China
- Early Paleozoic Subduction of the Paleo-asian Ocean: Evidence from Geochronology and Geochemistry Studies of Bainaimiao Metavolcanic Rocks, Inner Mongolia, China
- Electromagnetic Studies of Lithospheric Mantle and Crust in the Central Tibetan Plateau from INDEPTH Magnetotelluric Profiles and Magnetovariational Data
- Enrichment of Thermophilic Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea from an Alkaline Hot Spring in the Great Basin, USA
- Experimentation and Progress of Three Dimensional Magnetotelluric Survey in North China and Tibetan Plateau
- Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Wengeqi Mafic-Ultramafic Complex and Associated PGE Mineralization, Guyang County, Inner Mongolia, China
- Integrated VLF and AMT survey for the exploration of a fluorite deposit at eastern Inner Mongolia, China
- Intragranular dynamic recrystallization of quartz in naturally deformed quartzo-feldspathic mylonite: microkinking-induced bulging recrystallization
- Late Eocene-Miocene tectono-magmatic response to the Indian- Eurasian plate collision: constraints from structural analysis, and Sr-Nd and Hf geochemistry of leucocratic intrusions along the Ailao Shan Red-River shear zone, SE Tibet
- Long magnetotelluric sounding profile for the study of crust and upper mantle beneath chinese continent
- Microbial diversity in ten hot springs on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- New Magnetostratigraphic Results From Sedimentary Rocks of IODP's Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) Expedition 322
- New paleomagnetic results from Cretaceous rocks of the Gyaring Co fault region, central Tibet
- North-vergent thrust faults in accreted oceanic sediments and arc volcanics, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Inner Mongolia
- Northern Tibet crustal and lithospheric mantle structures inferred from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
- Partial Melting of Deeply-Subducted Eclogite: Implications for Melt Transport, Rheology, and Decratonization (Invited)
- Post-Pleistocene relief production and isostatic compensation within the Xining-Guide-Xunhua Basins (NE Tibetan Plateau) and their significances to plateau uplift and landscape evolution
- Processing and interpretation for Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies in the Daba Mountain and Periphery Areas
- Reflection from the Mantle: A Deep Seismic Reflection Profile from Songliao Basin to Hulin Basin in Northeast China
- Regional scale groundwater flow systems and age distribution in basins with depth-decaying hydraulic conductivity
- Satellite Gravity Anomalies Separation in the South China Sea and its Regional Tectonic Significance
- Shear-wave splitting study in Northeastern Tibet
- SinoProbe-02:Deep Seismic Reflection Profile (480km) experiment in North China:Acquisition and the Preliminary Processing result
- Structural and Lithologic Characteristics of the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone and its Relationship with Seismic Activity
- Study on Tunnel-ground Controlled Source Electromagnetic Method
- Systematic lithological and geochemical differences of the ophiolites between Paleo-Asian Ocean and Paleo-Tethys Domain
- Tectonic Evolution of the Baiyinduxi Group: Insights from Detrital Zircon Geochronology, Bainaimiao, Inner Mongolia, China
- Tectonic affiliation of the North China Block with supercontinents since 1.8 Ga (Invited)
- Teleseismic tomography beneath the mid-lower Yangtze region in China
- The Lhasa Terrane: Record of a microcontinent and its histories of drift and growth
- The Qiqinaer mafic-ultramafic complex: A newly identified ophiolitic suite in the southern Tianshan, China
- The climate change for Jehol Biota and its revolution in early Cretaceous in Western Liaoning, China
- The correspondence analysis of the satellite gravity anomalies with the deep lithosphere structure of the East China Sea
- The distribution of the Linzizong sequences along the Indo-Asian collision belt
- The relationship between the opening of South China Sea and the formation of the Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Three-Dimensional Modeling of Groundwater Ages and Implications for Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China
- Tuffaceous sandstones at Site C0011B, Nankai Trough: Sources and emplacement processes
- Upper mantle flow and lithospheric dynamics beneath the Eurasian region
- Vegetation Cover and Evapotranspiration in the Arid Northwest China and Their Relationship with Groundwater Depth
- Well Definedness, Scale Consistency, and Resolution Issues in Groundwater Model Parameter Identification
- 3D fast adaptive correlation imaging for large-scale gravity data based on GPU computation
- A Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic Melange Belt, North China Craton
- A mid-crustal strain-transfer model for continental deformation: A new perspective from high-resolution deep seismic-reflection profiling across NE Tibet
- Bacterial Investigation of Ammonium-rich Sediment in the Pearl River Delta, China
- Basement and crustal structure from magnetic and gravity anomalies in the Songpan-Garzê and adjacent areas, China
- Cambrian bimodal volcanism in the Lhasa Terrane (southern Tibet) as part of an early Paleozoic Andean-type magmatic arc in the Australian proto-Tethyan margin
- Cenozoic Bimodal Volcanic Rocks of the Northeast boundary of Tibetan Plateau: implication for the collision-induced mantle flow beneath the Tibetan Plateau
- Controls of PGE variations in the Jinchuan magmatic Cu-Ni-(PGE) sulfide deposit, Gansu, China
- Crustal structure across the Solonker suture zone of Central Asian Orogenic Belt: an Initial interpretation of the SinoProbe seismic deep reflection profile in North China
- Crustal weakening and transgressive melt penetrative intrusion across the Kunlun Shan inferred from INDEPTH Phase III and Phase IV magnetotelluric data
- Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and provenance of the Carboniferous-Permian glaciomarine pebbly slates in the Tibetan Plateau
- Distributions of Core- and Polar- Archaeal Lipids in the Lower Pearl River and Estuary: Implications for TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Proxies
- Evidence of upwelling of mantle materials beneath the middle and lower Yangtze region by teleseismic tomography
- Extracting subsurface information from GPR reflection and transmission data
- First hydrothermal active vent discovered on the Galapagos Microplate
- Formation and origin of tuffaceous sandstones from IODP Expedition 322, Nankai Trough
- Fractal characteristics analysis of logging facies using multi-well data
- Granitoids and Crustal Growth in the East- Kunlun Orogenic Belt
- Groundwater age distribution in drainage basins
- Groundwater level and temperature changes in Northeast China in response to the 2011 M9 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
- Integrated geophysical study of the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Is it Necessary to Consider Air Flow in Land Surface Models
- Lacustrine anoxic event 1 (LAE1) recorded by rock magnetism of Unit 1 of Qingshankou Formation, Late Cretaceous Songliao Basin in Northeast China
- Late Triassic Porphyritic Intrusions And Associated Volcanic Rocks From The Shangri-La Region, Yidun Terrane, Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications For Adakitic Magmatism And Porphyry Copper Mineralization
- Lithospheric Structure Across the Altyn-tagh Fault on the North Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Magnetotelluric Data
- Magnetic Fabrics of Stalagmites and its Formation Mechanism
- Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch cycles of the Early Triassic Daye Formation, South China and their geochronological and paleoclimatic implications
- New paleomagnetic results from the Xigaze fore-arc basin: Tectonic implications for the collision of India and Asia
- Paleomagnetic results from the Early Cretaceous Zenong Group volcanic rocks, Cuoqin, Tibet, and their paleogeographic implications
- Paleomagnetic results from the Seling Co Basin of central Tibet: constraints on V-shaped conjugate strike-slip fault formation
- Part 2: (U-Th)/He data from the Kung Co rift-Middle to Late Miocene Extremely Rapid Exhumation, Southern Tibet
- Part I: E-W extension at 19 Ma in the Kung Co area, S. Tibet: evidence for contemporaneous E-W and N-S extension in the Himalayan orogen
- Petrology and Geochemistry of South Gangdese Granitoids in Southern Tibet - Syncollisional Magmatism and Juvenile Crustal Accretion
- Preliminary interpretation of satellite gravity and magnetic anomalies in the region of the Philippine Sea Plate
- Rayleigh wave tomography in northeastern Tibet
- Regional isotopic patterns in granitic rocks of southern Tibet and magmatic contributions to crustal thickening during the Indo-Asian collision
- Responses of permafrost to climate change and their impacts on hydro-ecological variation, Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow River, China
- Rheology and Petrofabrics of the Mantle Xenoliths from Huinan, China
- S-wave Receiver Function study in Northeast Tibet and adjacent boundaries
- Stochastic Inverse Modeling of Sequential Pumping Tests in Unconfined Aquifers
- The Geometry of the Subducting Slabs Beneath the PRVI Microplate Based on 3D Tomography
- The Neocene Magmatism in South Gangdese, Tibet and its tectonic significance: Evidences from Namuru Granitic Complex
- The old and the new: the use of classical regional groundwater flow models to address problems of the future (Invited)
- Three-dimensional density distributions in the Asian lithosphere
- Two and Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversion Comparison on SINOPROBE Dataset
- Understanding the Tectonic Features in the South China Sea By Analyzing Magnetic Anomalies
- Variations in Branched Tetraether Lipids in the Lower Pearl River and Estuary: Impact on bGDGT Proxies
- Very low-grade metamorphic rocks in some representative districts in Tibet
- a method of gravity and seismic sequential inversion and its GPU implementation
- 3D density structures beneath northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications
- 5000 km SINOPROBE seismic deep reflection profiles to reveal the deep crustal features of the Chinese mainland: the summarizer and examples
- A combined paleomagnetic and geochronological study from the Qushenla Formation volcanic rocks in the Lhasa terrane: paleogeographic constraints on the southern margin of Asia
- Cross-correlation analysis between streamflow and groundwater in the Zhuoshui River alluvial fan: Field measurements and Numerical simulations
- Crustal Velocity Structure in Northeastern Tibet and its Tectonic Implications
- Effectiveness of Hydraulic Parameterization Strategies for Simulating Moisture Dynamics in a Deep Semi-Arid Vadose Zone
- Environmental controls on the distribution of archaeal lipids in Tibetan hot springs: insight into the application of organic proxies for biogeochemical processes
- Geochemistry and subsequent deformation of the Triassic Longtan pluton in South China: Implications for the origin of the Indosinian tectonomagmatic event
- Lithospheric destruction of the North China Craton: Evidence from the Sinoprobe magnetotelluric data
- Magnesium isotope variations in cratonic eclogites: origins and implications
- Microbial Distributions Across pH, Temperature, and Temporal Conditions in Hot Springs of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- New Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleomagnetic Results from the Central Tibet Conjugate Fault Zone
- New Quaternary magnetostratigraphic results from Beijing, China, and their urban geological implications
- New paleomagnetic results from the Triassic sills in the Paleoproterozoic Tuanshanzi Formation in Kuancheng region of Yanshan belt, North China Block, and their tectonic implications
- No crustal material flow through the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau into the Ordos basin
- Non-equilibrium Dissolution and Diffusion of CO2-Water Imbibition in Low-permeability Sandstone
- Observation and interpretation of BSRs on the continental slope east of Hydrate Ridge
- On the preservation mechanism of intragranular coesite in the Yangkou, Sulu UHP eclogite
- Paleomagnetism of basaltic basement rocks from IODP Hole C0012A, Exp. 322: Constraints on age, northward migration and rotation of Shikoku Basin
- Paleozoic development of the Qilian orogen: Insights from a ductile right-slip shear zone and monazite geochronology in the Central Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Pedogenically produced fine-grained ferrimagnetic inclusions within coarse silicate particles in Chinese paleosols cause magnetic enhancement
- Recent Progress in the Sinoprobe Datacenter Development
- Salinity control on the ratio of archaeol to caldarchaeol in highland lakes of the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: implications for paleosalinity proxies
- Seismic Structure and Origin of the Hainan Plume
- Strain partitioning of the Red River fault system explains the initiation of the Yinggehai Basin in the northwest region of South China Sea
- Structural framework of the Cenozoic QILIAN SHAN-Nan Shan thrust belt, NORTHEASTERN TIBETAN PLATEAU
- Study of Three-dimensional Electrical Structure of Crust and Upper mantle of North China
- Subducting characteristic of the Pacific slab beneath northeast China
- The Primary Magma of Jinchuan Cu-Ni (PGE) Sulfide Deposits
- The Upper Cretaceous Climate Record Preserved in the Terrestrial Songliao Basin, China
- The angle distribution of the small scale pressure-balanced structures in the solar wind
- The application of frequency trend attribute analysis to stratigraphic division and sand body correlation
- The relation between seismic response characteristics of Longmenshan fault zone and Wenchuan earthquake
- A 23 Myr Magnetostratigraphic time framework for Site 1148, ODP Leg 184 in South China Sea
- A fast and low-loss 3-D magnetotelluric inversion method with parallel structure
- Advance the Earth Science Education in China by Using New Technology
- Arsenic release from shallow aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia: Evidence from bacterial community in aquifer sediments and groundwater
- Bacterial tetraethers from Tibetan hot springs: Implications for nitrogen metabolism and biological sources
- Detachment of lithosphere beneath the middle and lower Yangtze region and its effect to mineralization
- Did CO2 injection induce 2006-2011 earthquakes in the Cogdell oil field, Texas?
- Differences in deep structures and geophysical response characteristics before and after the Wenchuan earthquake
- Disequilibrium inter-mineral magnesium isotope fractionation in crustal and mantle rocks
- Field identification of stagnant zones in nested flow systems using geophysical methods
- Linking geochemistry to microbial ecology in hot springs: examples from southeastern Asia (Invited)
- Lithospheric Structure of the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Magnetotelluric Data
- Lithospheric deformation inferred from electrical anisotropy of magnetotelluric data
- Magmatic Conduit Metallogenic System - A New Model for the Origin of Ore-deposits
- Magnetotelluric Evidence of Regional Lithospheric Modification in Ordos Block, North China
- Mechanisms for Magnesium Isotopic Variation in Low-grade Metamorphosed Mudrocks from the British Caledonides
- Metastable olivine wedge beneath northeast China and its applications
- NMR Mechanisms and Fluid Typing Based on Numerical Simulation in Gas-Bearing Shale
- Non-gyrotropic Velocity Distributions of Solar Wind Protons Observed by WIND/3DP --A Possible Evidence for Perpendicular Heating by Lower Hybrid Waves
- Non-traditional stable Ca, Sr isotopic composition in rainwater from Guiyang city, southwest China
- Numerical Investigations on the Blockiness of Fractured Rocks
- Outward growth of the Tibetan Plateau across the Cenozoic (Invited)
- Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism of basaltic basement rocks from IODP Site C0012, Shikoku Basin
- Preliminary Results from Outcrop-Based Spectral Gamma-Ray Measurements on the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale, in Chongqing and Its Adjacent Areas
- Receiver function analysis of crustal structure beneath northeast Tibet
- Rifting and intraplate axial volcanic zone: Near-surface crustal model of the Tengchong volcanic area in China
- Rock Magnetism of the limestone-dolomite ribbon carbonates in the Doushantuo Formation in Yichang, South China and their implications
- Rock magnetism constrain response thickness on earth surface to large earthquake: Evidence from the Bajiaomiao Outcrop of the Wenchuan Earthquake Rupture Zone, China
- SINOPROBE Deep Reflection Profile Reveals a Neo-Proterozoic Subduction Zone beneath the Sichuan Basin (Invited)
- Seasonal Patterns In Microbial Communities And Physicochemical Conditions In Hot Springs Of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- Small Scale Pressure-Balanced Structures Driven by Slow-mode Waves in the Solar Wind
- Strike fault links mountain building from top to deep: evidence from the deep seismic reflection profiles
- The Boundary of Tectonic Units of the South China Continent in the Meso-Neoproterozoic - Early Paleozoic: Insights from Integrated Geophysical Study
- The conductivity structure and dynamic characteristics of Southern-Ningxia arcstructure belt, north-east edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
- The discovery of ferrous bottom water conditions in the sealed mid-Proterozoic marine basin, northern part of North China Block: implications to evolution of ocean chemistry
- The internal structure of the Mega-dunes in the Badainjaran desert revealed by ground penetrating radar and its implications to arid hydrology
- The lithosphere structure and deep processes of the Mesozoic metallogenic belt in eastern China: constraints from passive and active seismic methods
- The naked planet Earth : Most essential pre-requisite for the origin and evolution of life
- The old and the new: the use of classical regional groundwater flow models to address problems of the future (Invited)
- The relationship between the crust and upper mantle velocity variations beneath the mid-lower Yangtze River region and the Yangtze metallogenic belt
- Three-dimensional inversion of CSAMT data including topography
- Using Hydrus-1D to Predict Solute Conservative Tracer Transfer from Initially Saturated Soil into the Surface Runoff Water underwith Controlled Drainage Condition
- Weekly cycle of magnetic characteristics of PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 in Beijing, China
- A New System of Marginal Arc in the North of the South China Sea of Today
- An Analytical Study on Periodically Changing Flow Cells in Groundwater Basins
- Apatite-hosted melt inclusions in Damiao massif anorthosite complex, North China
- Characterization of Groundwater Storage in the Heihe Headwater Watershed, Qinghai Province, China
- Crust and Upper Mantle Velocity Structure beneath NE China from Joint Inversion of Local and Teleseismic Data
- Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation in South China
- Development of a distributed model for eco-hydrological simulation in the upper Heihe River
- Ductile and Brittle Neogene Deformation of Late Permian Orthogneiss in the Northern Ailao Shan-Red River Shear Zone: View from the Xuelong Shan Block
- ENSO-Type Signals Recorded in the Late Cretaceous Laminated Sediments of Songliao Basin, Northeast China
- Electrical resistivity structure of the Trans-North China Orogen: implications for lithospheric deformation history
- Electrical structure of crust and upper mantle beneath Gangdise belt in Tibet
- Field monitoring and numerical simulation of seawater and brine water intrusion to groundwater in the coastal area of Laizhou bay, China
- Groundwater Eruption in China Triggered By the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- HP and UHT metamorphic associations in the Day Nui Con Voi northwestern Vietnam: The consequence of convergence between the Indian and the Eurasian plates
- Magmatic Conduit Metallogenic System in Jinchuan Cu-Ni (PGE) Sulfide Deposit
- Microfossil Records and Shifts of Paleo-Kuroshio Current in the Nankai Trough since last 1 Ma
- Observation of Counter Propagating Alfven Waves with Perpendicular Polarizations and the Associated Proton Kinetics
- Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossils from IODP Site U1435: Implications for the Initial Opening of the South China Sea
- Paleomagnetism and Its Tectonic Implication of the Red Beds of Oligocene Kangtuo Formation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Potential application of microbial iron redox cycles in nitrate removal and their effects on clay mineral properties
- Random Blocks in the Rock Mass Around the Underground Powerhouse on the Right Bank of Wudongde Hydropower Station
- Response of Atmospheric Circulation of the Southern Hemisphere to the South Asian High Variation
- Structural Geology and Kinematic Patterns of the Yaoshan Complex, Southeastern Tibet: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Ailao Shan-Red River (ASRR) Shear Zone
- The Application of Gravity and CSAMT Survey on Baishan Molybdenum Deposit, Hami, Xinjiang,China
- The Tectonic Boundary Between Eastern Subbaisin and South-West Subbasin of the South China Sea Revealed from the Normalized Magnetic Source Strength
- The Xigaze ophiolite, southern Tibet: a fossil oceanic forearc generated during subduction initiation
- Three Dimensional Lithospheric Electrical Structure of the Tibetan Plateau As Revealed By Long Period Magnetotelluric Array Data
- Tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by magnesium isotopes
- Youngest marine fossil evidence in Tibet for disappearance of the Tethyan Ocean
- A research of geoelectric structure in the western Himalayas and Tibet
- Analyzing the effect of cryosphere processes on catchment hydrology through a modeling approach: a case study in the Heihe River basin, Northwest China
- Applied the Column Experiment to study on the Physical Clogging Features of Groundwater Artificial Recharge
- Calibrating Late Cretaceous Terrestrial Cyclostratigraphy with High-precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Qingshankou Formation of the Songliao Basin, China
- Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implication
- Density and Magnetization Intensity of crust and uppermost mantle across Northern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Drilling data constrained resistivity inversion of ERT data and applications for mineral exploration in Inner Mongolia, China
- Dynamic Subsidence across the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Basin in Response to Farallon Slab Subduction
- Early Jurassic Volcanism in the South Lhasa Terrane, Southern Tibet: Record of Back-arc Extension in the Active Continental Margin
- Experiments of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Solubility in the Synthetic Brine from the Erdos Basin, China
- Geochronology, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Intermediate and Acid Dykes in Linzhou Basin, Southern Tibet
- Hydrogeochemical identification of the subsurface sources of surface water in a river basin with arid climate
- Identifying Blocks Formed by Curbed Fractures Using Exact Arithmetic
- Identifying Mantle Carbonatite Metasomatism through Os-Sr-Mg Isotopes in Tibetan Ultrapotassic Rocks
- Iron-rich condition maintained throughout the mid-Proterozoic ocean: new evidence from the North China Craton
- Is South-eastward Crustal Flow Possible around East Himalayan Syntax? - New Insights from SINOPROBE Magnetotellurics Array Data
- Large-scale thrusting along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and the southwest Tarim basin: 230 km long active Hotian thrust sheet
- Lithology identification with gravity and magnetic anomalies for mine exploration in the China-Mongolia border
- Magmatic conduit melt-fluid metallogenic system- A new Genetic Model for Xishimen Iron Deposit, Wuan area, Hebei province, China
- Measuring NAPL-Water Interfacial Areas to Evaluate the Effectiveness of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation for DNAPL-Contaminated Source Zones: A Two-Dimensional Flow Cell Study
- Middle Triassic magma mixing in an active continental margin: Evidence from mafic enclaves and host granites from the Dewulu pluton in West Qinling, central China
- Multi-dimensional Magnetotelluric Modeling of General Anisotropy and Its Implication for Structural Interpretation
- New Insights into the Structure of the Northern Margin of the India-Asia Collision from Magnetotelluric Data across the Central Altyn Tagh Fault
- New Late Carboniferous paleomagnetic results from Qaidam Block and its implications for the paleogeography of central Asia
- Particulate Pyrite Autotrophic Denitrification (PPAD) for Remediation of Nitrate-contaminated Groundwater
- Pore-scale studies of interphase mass and heat transfer during two-phase flow in porous media
- Scattering resonance of elastic wave and low-frequency equivalent slow wave
- Seasonal variations in water uptake of summer maize under different fertilization treatments: A case study using stable isotopes in Beijing, China
- Structural geometry, kinematics and deformation mechanism of southwestern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for the eastward-growth of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution and Mass Transfer in a Heterogeneous Pore Network under Drainage and Imbibition Conditions
- The Crustal Magnetization Mapping in the Ocean Basin of the South China Sea and its Tectonic Implications
- The Geochronology and Geochemistry of Highly Fractionated I-type Granite within Gangdese batholith in Sangri Area, South Tibet
- Three dimensional electrical structure of Southern Tibet across the northern part of Yadong-Gulu Rift.
- U-Pb zircon geochronology from the basement of the Central Qilian Shan: Implications for tectonic evolution of northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Yingmailai Granitic Intrusion in the Southern Tianshan:Magnetite-series or Ilmenite-series?
- A simple model for farmland nitrogen loss to surface runoff with raindrop driven process
- Analysis of Structural Styles in the High-dipping Tectonic Belts in the Eastern Sichuan area, China
- Analyzing changes in the eco-hydrological processes in the upper Heihe basin, the Tibet Plateau using a distributed physically-based hydrological model
- Application of 3D variation-density interface inversion of gravity anomalies in South China Sea
- Cessation of large-scale convergence within the Tibetan plateau by 23 Ma
- Characteristics of gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the northern South China Sea: insight into past hydrate episodic dissociations and intensities of seepage
- Clay Mineralogy of ODP Site 1148 since Early Oligocene in the Northern South China Sea Revisited
- Constraining the origin of the Mesozoic Xishimen skarn iron deposit in North China using geochemistry of magnetite
- Deep Carbon Cycle Recorded by Calcium-Enriched Rodingite in the Subduction-Related Ophiolite
- Foraminiferal carbon isotope records and test preservation responding to the past activities of methane seepages in the northern slope of the South China Sea
- Hydrochemical changes of thermal springs induced by three earthquakes in Xianshuihe fault zone, Western China
- Investigation of Zn<SUP>2+</SUP> and Cd<SUP>2+</SUP> Adsorption Performanceby Different Weathering Basalts
- Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Continental Basalts From Various Tectonic Settings
- Magnetolluric Imaging of the Lithosphere beneath the Tibetan Plateau: A Synoptic View
- Multilayer apparent magnetization mapping approach and its application in mineral exploration
- Optimization of Groundwater Abstraction in the Beijing Plain using a Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Approach
- Origin of low δ<SUP>26</SUP>Mg basalts with EM-I component: Evidence for interaction between enriched lithosphere and carbonated asthenosphere
- Physical and chemical properties of the creeping fault ruptured in the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake from the WFSD-3P cores, eastern Tibet
- Sedimentology, geochronology, and provenance of the Oligocene to Miocene Dingqinghu Formation in the Lunpola Basin, central Tibet
- Seismic energy partitioning during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake from WFSD-1 core sample
- Summary of the research methods of DNAPL-water interfacial area and DNAPL saturation in porous media
- Tectonic origin and deformation process of the Mayer Kangri medium-high pressure metamorphic dome in Central Qiangtang of Tibet
- Terrestrial paleoclimatic changes in northeast Asia during OAE 3 in the Late Cretaceous: Organic geochemical evidences from the Songliao paleo-lake Basin, northeast China
- The Impacts of Climate Change on the Frozen Soil and Eco-hydrology in the Source Region of Yellow River, China
- The Kinetic Wave Modes generating the Ion-Scale Pressure-Balanced Structures Identified in the Solar Wind
- The Mg-Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Compositions of Beiyan Mantle Xenoliths: Implications on the Melt/Fluid-Rock Interaction
- The Nd-Hf isotopic characteristics of mantle xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton
- The Neogene de-greening of Central Asia
- The closure of Palaeo-Tethys in the Sanjiang area, southwestern China: New insights from zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope data of granitoids
- A new investigation on the water isotopes in the Badain Jaran Desert, China, for inferring water origination
- A null-parameter formula for storage-evapotranspiration relationship based on generalized proportionality hypothesis and its applications
- Age and composition of the UHP garnet peridotites in the Dabie orogenic belt (central China) record complex crust-mantle interaction in continental margin
- An Application of Sq Variation Spatial Patterns on Diurnal Variation Correction in Marine Magnetic Survey
- An improved evaluation method for measuring TOC of the Longmaxi Formation shale in the Sichuan Basin, south China
- An improved method for high precision measurement of chromium isotopes using double spike MC-ICP-MS
- Anisotropy tomography beneath east-central China and its geodynamic implications
- Calibrating the Cretaceous normal superchron with high-precision U-Pb zircon geochronology from Songliao Basin, NE China
- Creeping Guanxian-Anxian Fault ruptured in the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Crustal and uppermost mantle structure and deformation in east-central China
- Crustal deformation mechanism in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from numerical modeling
- Cyclostratigraphy and Astronomical Tuning of the Middle Eocene Terrestrial Successions in the Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China
- Deep Ore-controlling Role Beneath the Collision-related Deposit Zone in South Tibetan Plateau, Preliminary Results Revealed by Magnetotelluric Data
- Deep soil carbon stock in Chinese Loess Plateau and its turnover
- Deformation Mechanism on the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Inferred from Magnetotelluric Data
- Determination of In-situ Rock Thermal Properties from Geophysical Log Data of SK-2 East Borehole, Continental Scientific Drilling Project of Songliao Basin, NE China
- Early Cretaceous Ductile Deformation of Marbles from the Western Hills of Beijing, North China Craton
- Electrical Conductive Mechanism of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Reservoirs in the Permafrost Region of Qilian Mountain
- Evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk suture as constrained by new Early Cretaceous palaeomagnetic data from the North China and southern Mongolia
- Features and petrogenesis of ultraphyric and aphanic basalts at 50 °E and 64 °E of the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge
- Fluid geochemistry of Fault zone hydrothermal system in the Yidun-Litang area, eastern Tibetan Plateau geothermal belt
- Frictional melt generated by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake and its faulting mechanisms
- Global investigation of isolated deep earthquakes
- How will the future warming climate impact the river discharge in the alpine mountain region of upper Heihe River Basin?
- Influence of subsurface environment on oxidant activation and 1,4-dioxane degradation by in-situ chemical oxidation
- Iron and Sulfur Species and Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Authigenic Pyrite in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments from Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg 204): A Proposal of Conceptual Models to Indicate the Non-Steady State Depositional and Diagenetic Processes
- Lithospheric structure beneath Mainland China from ambient noise tomography
- Magnetic behaviors of cataclasites within Wenchuan earthquake fault zone in heating experiments
- Mechanisms of flow of metamorphic hornblende rocks in South Liaohe Group,Liaodong Peninsula, China
- Mechanistic study of lead desorption during the leaching process of ion-absorbed rare earths: pH effect and the column experiment
- Modeling the Effects of the Formation and Northward Migration of Proto-Tibetan Plateau on Asian Monsoon Evolution
- Neodymium Isotopic Compositions of the Titanite Reference Materials Used in U-Pb Geochronology
- New insights into seismic faulting during the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- New paleomagnetic results from the Paleocene redbeds in the Tethyan Himalaya: Insights into the precollisional extension of Greater India and the time of the India-Asia collision
- Orbital pacing of carbon cycle disturbance by a 2.4 to 1.2 Myr eccentricity cycle mutual transition during OAE3
- Pleistocene rapid exhumation of the Diancang Shan, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: implications for the episodic acceleration of the Red River fault
- Principle of Parsimony, Fake Science, and Scales
- Quasi-quantitative analysis of the lithospheric rheology across an incipient continental rift based on 3-D magnetotelluric imaging of Linfen Basin within the North China Craton
- Radon and temperature as tracer of geothermal flow system: application to Arxan geothermal system, Northeastern China
- Reconstruction of Northeast Asian Deformation Integrated with Western Pacific Plate Subduction since 200 Ma
- Sedimentary Provenance Constraints on the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous Paleogeography of the Sichuan Basin, SW China
- Siderite transforms to magnetite/hematite during/after the large earthquake along the East Yibug Chaka Fault in the Qiangtang Terrane, Central Tibetan Plateau
- The Application of COMSOL Multiphysics Package on the Modelling of Complex 3-D Lithospheric Electrical Resistivity Structures - A Case Study from the Proterozoic Orogenic belt within the North China Craton
- The Chinese Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling Project in the Songliao Basin, NE China: Organic-rich source rock evaluation with geophysical logs from Borehole SK-2
- The H<SUB>2</SUB>O content of the lithospheric mantle controlled by melt extraction: Evidence from peridotite xenoliths beneath the interior of the South China Block
- The Study of Beach Bar Shape Changes on Modern Coast by the Effect of Wind and Waves in Poyang Lake, South China
- The forward modelling and analysis of magnetic field on the East Asia area using tesseroids
- The frequency-domain approach for apparent density mapping
- The shallow sedimentary and structural deformation in the southern Longmen Shan: constraints on the seismotectonics of the 2013 Lushan Mw6.7 Earthquake
- Timing of Multiple Stages of Granitic Magmatisms: Constraints on Shearing along the Ailao Shan-Red River Shear Zone
- Tonian paleomagnetism of the red beds of Madiyi Formation, lower Banxi Group in South China: implications for pre-Sturtian climate, Rodinia reconstruction and true polar wander
- Updated understanding of snowmelt contribution at basin scale by an improved integrated method: A case study in Heihe river basin in northeastern Tibetan plateau
- Urban food-energy-water nexus: a case study of Beijing
- 3-D crustal structure of Southern California revealed from joint inversion of full-wave seismic and gravity data
- 3-D joint inversion of CSAMT and magnetic data based on cross-gradient theory
- 300-kyr Foraminiferal Assemblage Based Records of Indian Monsoon Evolution from Two IODP 353 Sites
- 3D full waveform inversion for crust velocity in Nanling, South China
- A 34 m.y. astronomical time scale for the uppermost Mississippian through Pennsylvanian of the Carboniferous System
- A Study on FCM Inversion Algorithm of 2D Magnetotelluric
- A combined study of magnetostratigraphy, climatostratigraphy and microtektite examination on Baoji and Xifeng loess-paleosol sequences: Insights into the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary discrepancy among different loess sections
- A new method for calibrating the current gain of 10<SUP>13</SUP> Ω amplifiers in thermal ionization mass spectrometry
- A novel constrained approach for improving the precision of downward continuation of potential field data
- Application of 3D full-waveform component-differential kernels to joint inversion of seismic and gravity data of Southern California
- Application of Comprehensive Aero Geophysics in Exploration of Qixin Cu-Ni Mine, China
- Assessing Borehole-Surface Electromagnetic technique with Vertical and Horizontal Sources as Tool for Gas-Hydrate Delineation using Finite Difference Method.
- Characteristics of radon indoor and in soil in Zhuhai City, southern China
- Continental lithosphere - a complicated birth
- Coseismic ruptured creeping Guanxian-Anxian fault during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake (China)
- Crust and upper mantle structure beneath Namche Barwa from cooperative inversion of teleseismic, receiver function and magnetotelluric data
- Crustal and upper mantle structures of the western China from adjoint-state eikonal-equation tomography
- Crustal structure beneath Namche Barwa, eastern Himalayan syntaxis: Evidence from three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion
- Deep 3D electrical structure in Eastern Tibet-Western Sichuan
- Degradation of Dinitroxylene and Dinitrotoluene by Granular Iron
- Detailed Electrical Structure of the Underthrusting Indian Lithosphere Beneath Western Tibet
- Edge-preserving of potential field data based on guided filter
- Estimation of the field source for potential data using continuous wavelet transform
- Fast Matching&Locating(FML): A improved Matching and Locating technique for small earthquake detection
- Fine-grained turbidites associated with gas hydrates in the Shenhu Area, northern continental slope of the South China Sea
- Fractal lake area in Badain Jaran Desert, China and its implication for origin of water
- Geological-geochemical exploration methods for hydrothermal deposits prospecting in the Southwest Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Geometry, Kinematics and Segmentation Characteristics of Strike-slip Faults in Halahatang area, North Tarim Basin, NW China: A Study Based on 3D Seismic Data
- Granite Geochemistry Constrains Major Crustal Thickening and Uplift in Southern Tibet to between 45 and 30Ma
- Group I Alkenones in the Volcanic Lakes of Northeastern China: Implication for Paleotemperature Reconstructions
- How did South China connect with and separate from Gondwana? New paleomagnetic constraints from Middle Devonian red beds in South China
- Hydrological Controls on the Dissolved Organic Carbon Delivery from Watershed Soils to Streams in Hailiutu River Basin
- Identification of Milankovitch Cycles in the Cretaceous Quantou Formation of Songliao Basin Using Geochemical Logs of SK-2e Borehole
- Influence of InSAR altimetry errors on relative height of ocean surface and marine gravity computing
- Laboratory investigation of borehole resistivity imaging for monitoring gas hydrate recovery
- MT Responses and Parametric Sensitivities of 3D General Anisotropy by A Modular Finite-Volume Approach
- Mesozoic Poly-layered Decollement System in South China: One Stage Kinematic Formation Based on Structures in the Front Zone
- Methodology of Cooperative Inversion of 1-D Magnetotelluric and Surface-Wave Dispersion Data and Application to Longmenshan Fault Zone
- Modelling the effect of northward migration of a high Proto-Tibetan Plateau on East Asian and inland Asian summer climate
- Natural Water and Drinking Water Containing N-nitrosamines and the Regional Cancer Incidence in the Pearl River Delta
- Neoarchean Ferroan Granitoids and Link to Magnesian Granitoids, North China Craton: Implications for Late Archean Granitoid Diversification
- New 1.90 Ga Bayan Obo mélange along the northern margin of the North China craton: Implications for the assembly of Columbia supercontinent
- No measurable calcium isotopic fractionation during crystallization of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii, and its implication to calcium isotopic fractionation during mantle partial melting
- Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Pollution Model by GPR
- Paleomagnetic and geochronological results from the Zhela and Weimei Formations lava flows of the eastern Tethyan Himalaya: New insights on the breakup of eastern Gondwana
- Petrogenesis of Late Indosinian I-type Qingxi Pluton in Jiangxi Province, South China: Evidence from U-Pb Zircon Geochronology, Whole-rock Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes
- Plateau in Eastern China During the Mesozoic: Evidences from Igneous Rocks
- Pore- and Core-Scale Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution and Mass Transfer under Drainage and Imbibition Conditions
- Pore-scale Analysis of Acoustic Properties in Fractured Carbonate Rocks
- Preliminary Seismic Study on the Longmenshan Fault Zone Structure Based on Temporary Seismic Array Data
- Role of recycled sediment in the origin of enriched deep mantle source
- Self-Supervised Feature Learning with CRF Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classication
- Sorption and transformation of Gibberellic acid on ferrihydrite
- Statistical Study of ICMEs with Low Carbon Charge State Plasmas Detected from 1998 to 2011
- Study on the Mantle Discontinuity Structures beneath Northeast China with Time-Frequency Phase-Weighted Stacks of Ambient Noise Correlations
- Sustainable Research on World Potassium Resource Trade Based on Complex Network Theory
- Teleseismic full waveform inversion for crust velocity beneath Zhenghe-Dapu Fault in Fujian, China
- The Application Of Multiple Aero Geophysical Methods in Qixin Cu-Ni basic-ultrabasic rockbody,Xinjiang province,China
- The Electrical Structure of Circum Tibetan Plateau Orogenic Belts and its Tectonic Implications - A Synthesis Study
- The Three Dimensional Forward Numerical Simulation Research of the Tensor CSAMT
- The Tip Region of a Near-Surface Hydraulic Fracture
- The comprehensive study of gravity and magnetic data and its structural pattern in Kwanza basin
- The responses of soil water flow to atmospheric conditions: insights from soil water observations between the land surface and the fluctuating water table in a semi-arid region
- Understanding the Crust Deformation Mechanism in Central Tibetan Plateau: Insights from Magnetotelluric Array Data
- Uplift and partial melt beneath eastern Himalayan syntaxis revealed by receiver function analysis from Namche Barwa seismic array
- Validation of Shortwave Downward Radiation in Mountainous Areas Based on Field Observations
- Zinc isotope constraints on the origin of carbonatites from west Sichuan, China
- Zinc isotopic behavior during continental subduction recorded by metamorphic rocks
- 3d Shallow Shear-wave Velocity Structure of the Longmen-shan Central Fault from a High-density, Short-period Seismic Array
- A 370ka Foraminifera Based Dissolution Record of IODP Site U1446 in Northwestern Bay of Bengal
- A Universal Multi-fractal Approach to Assessment of Spatiotemporal Extreme Precipitation over the Loess Plateau of China
- A first look at the seismic characteristics of the 2019 July Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence through the lens of machine learning
- A new method to select reliable Euler solutions based on damping variation
- Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry method for rapid investigation of radioactive contamination of rare earth minerals
- An elasticity approach to quantify the effects of climate variability and ecological restoration on sediment discharge change in the Loess Plateau, China
- Analysis of time-variable gravity field detection using gravity gradient observations
- Cadmium and Chromium Isotope Signatures of Metalliferous Black Shales - Addressing Bioproductivity and Ocean Redox During the Precambrian-Cambrian Transition on the Yangtze Platform, China.
- Cadmium isotope fractionation during adsorption onto Kaolinite
- Crustal-scale Duplexing Beneath the North Qaidam Thrust Belts
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic terrestrial successions in the Junggar Basin, northwestern China
- Detecting the gob area of coal mines based on 4D seismic interpretation
- Early Cretaceous SW-ward basin migration in Liaodong Peninsula, NE China: sedimentary, structural, and geochronological constraints
- Effect of Shock Width on the Accelerated Particle Spectrum from Numerical Simulations
- Electrical Anisotropy as An Indicator of Crustal Deformation in Central Tibetan Plateau
- Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) for monitoring gas hydrate dissociation under laboratory conditions: A crosshole-based method
- Evolution of a Shallow Fracture Driven Magma Intrusions
- Evolution of redox state of the Archean continental crust tracing by Fe isotopes and the rise of atmospheric oxygen
- Experimental Study on Spontaneous Imbibition of Water in Ultra-low Permeability Rocks
- Experimental and numerical investigations of deep soil water infiltration in the Mu Us Sandy Land
- Experimental constraints on melting of sediment-metasomatized peridotite at sub-arc pressures
- Exploring the Model Space with Regularized Stochastic Inversion: 2D Magnetotelluric Example from Ordos, North China
- Forming continental crust in collision zones
- Four-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Cenozoic Plate-Mantle System in the East Asia Margin
- Geology and genesis of the giant Zhuxi W-Cu deposit in South China
- Gondwana rifting at the end of Carboniferous: evidence from continental flood basalts in northern Sibumasu
- Granites, Rhyolites, Magma Generation, and Crustal Thickness in southern Tibet
- High-resolution Palaeozoic Biodiversity History of Marine Invertebrates Based on CONOP and Parallel Computing
- Hot Miocene Geology and Rifting in Tibet-Himalayas Above a Tear
- Improving leaf area index retrieval over heterogeneous surface mixed with water
- Indian Crustal Front in the Western Tibetan Plateau——the Evidence from Magnetotellurics studies
- Iron Isotope Constraints on Magma Processes and Source Heterogeneity of Picrites from Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China
- Joint Gravity and Full-wave Seismic Inversion Towards Self-Consistent Wave Speed and Density Models
- Kinetic and equilibrium Se isotope fractionation between aqueous Se (IV) and Se (VI)
- Late Neoarchean slab rollback in the Jiaoliao microblock, North China Craton: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistryof the Yishui Complex, Western Shandong Province
- Lithospheric Electrical Structure in the Central Tibetan Plateau revealed by the MT and its significance
- Magmatic differentiation of the Baingoin Batholith, central Tibet: Implications for continental crust formation in accretionary orogenic belt
- Magmatic record of the continuous Neo-Tethyan subduction after initial India-Asia collision in the central part of southern Tibet
- Mechanism of post-seismic permeability evolution: insight from the long-term groundwater level monitoring
- Metallogenic potential of porphyries in the Tulasu basin, Northwest Tianshan: Insight from magma nature and crustal thickness
- Micro-continental blocks in Gondwana assembly: Geological and geochemical evidence of the Indochina block, SE Tibetan Plateau
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Insights into the Origin and Evolution of West Qinling Melilititic Magmatism
- Monitoring Calcium Carbonate Cementation Dynamics on Aragonite Using Geophysical Methods at Column Scale
- Multiphase Reactions between Monoterpene-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol and Sulfur Dioxide: Kinetics and Contributions to Sulfate Formation and Aerosol Aging
- New apatite fission track evidence for high Tibetan plateau until Oligocene-earliest Miocene
- Ongoing Asthenospheric Upwelling and Delamination-style Downwelling beneath the NE China: Evidence from High-Resolution MT Profiles
- Origin of the three-type postcollisional magmatism in southern Tibet
- Particle-Scale Dynamics During the Collapse of Granular Columns with Various Initial Conditions
- Petrogenesis of the Paleozoic Appinite-Diorite-Granodiorite Complex in East Kunlun, Northern Tibet: Implications for the Timing of Rapid Crustal Thickening
- Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
- Post-collisional felsic rocks produced by re-melting of syn-collisional rocks in southern Tibet
- Prediction of Formation Temperature from 4402.0m to 7018.0m in the Second Scientific Drilling Borehole (CCSD SK-2), Songliao Basin, NE China
- Preliminary Seismicity Analysis of the Yancheng Region, Jiangsu Province, China using Rapid Earthquake Association and Location
- Pressure effect on the oxidation state of a terrestrial magma ocean, from experimental perspective
- Quantification of the late Quaternary activity of the Yadong rift, southern Tibet
- Reactive transport with wellbore storages in a single-well push-pull test
- Research on experimental measurement technique of electrical parameters for seafloor massive sulfide
- Retrieval of Shallow S-wave Profiles from Urban Seismic Reflection Survey and Traffic-induced Noise
- Ridge subduction and its role in crustal generation in the accretionary belts: Evidence from Late Carboniferous to Early Permian felsic igneous rocks in the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Spatial and temporal variation in source component of the Linzizong volcanic succession in southern Tibet: Implications for the India-Asia collision
- Spatial-temporal Evolution of Microseismicity and Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2016 Ms 6.4 Qinghai Menyuan Earthquake
- Spatiotemporal Distribution of Global Porphyry Copper Deposits Revealed by Network Analysis
- Stratified and polygenetic echelon detachment folds: Case of the Nankalayuergun fold zone, North Tarim Basin, NW China
- Tectonic and glacio-eustatic change controlled shale sedimentary differentiation: insights from the Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Upper Yangtze basin, China
- The Co-transport of PFAS and Cr(VI) in Porous Media
- The Distinctive Pb Isotopic Mantle Evolutions between the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Tethyan Suboceanic Mantle Domains
- The Taqian-Fuchun Mesozoic structural deformation and its controls on magmatism and minerlization, Northeast Jiangxi Province, South China
- The behaviors of Mg and Li isotopes in groundwater with long residence times
- The exact groundwater divide on water table between two rivers: A fundamental model investigation
- The study on the deep thermal state in the Yangbajing area, Tibet based on the 3D electrical structure model
- Three dimensional lithospheric resistivity structure beneath the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas and its significance
- Three-Dimensional Lithospheric Electrical Structure of the Central Altyn Tagh Fault on the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Timing of Crustal Melting and Orogeny: Paleo-Tethys Orogenic Evolution from Subduction to Collision in Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Transformation of coseismic faults in the Central and northern Longmenshan thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for potential active fault and seismic risks
- Turbidity current evolution in Bute Inlet, British Colombia, Canada
- 3-D Structural Model of the Hejiaying Area, Northeastern Sichuan Basin: Constraint from High-resolution Swath 3-D Seismic Data
- Analyzing spatial and temporal variations in the flow regime changes in the Yangtze River using a framework combing the eco-flow metrics and IHA metrics
- Behavior and Mechanism of Water Imbibition and its Influence on Gas Transport During Hydro-fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoir
- Deep Electrical and Crustal Structures of the Raohe Complex
- Detailed Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Aftershocks Following the 2014 Ms 6.3 and Ms 5.8 Kangding Double Shocks, Sichuan, China
- Detailed nucleation process and mechanism of the July 2019 Mw 6.4 Ridgecrest, California earthquake
- Evidence from Saturation Analysis and Thermal Fluctuation Tomography for Stress Dominated Magnetic Anisotropy in a Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt
- Gravitational, Extension-Compression Linked Tectonic Systems in Passive Continental Margin
- Joint Gravity and Full-wave Seismic Inversion Towards Self-Consistent Wave Speed and Density Models of Southern California
- Lithospheric Deformation Mechanism from Northeastern Tibetan Plateau to Southeast Coast of China as Revealed by the SinoProbe Long Magnetotelluric Transect
- Paleo-uplift in Cratonic Basin: An Important Window to disclose the Intra-plate deformation
- Permeability Change in Hydrate Bearing Sediments as a Function of Hydrate Saturation and Porosity: A Theoretical and Experimental Study.
- Quasi Three-Dimensional Lithospheric Conductivity Structure of Continental China
- Quaternary episodic growth of the Pamir Frontal Thrust: Insights from the Biertuokuoyi piggyback basin, western end of Tarim Basin
- Rapid radiation and demise of Jehol Biota, Northeast China, from new <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar chronology
- Study on One-dimensional Bayesian Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
- Study on mechanisms of earthquakes and inside stress characteristics of deep subducting plates beneath Izu-Bonin, Japan
- Tectonic Model and Genetic Mechanism of Kuangshanliang Anticline in Northwestern Margin of Sichuan Basin
- The Deep-time Digital Earth Program: Data Driven Discovery in the Geosciences
- The Subduction Geometry and Tectonic Coupling along the Southern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Tracing Bank Storage and Hyporheic Exchange Dynamics using <SUP>222</SUP>Rn:A Virtual Test
- Two distinct electron populations in the 2001 April 25 event
- When and where did the Tibetan Plateau uplift to its maximum altitude:Evidence from north-south trending dikes in South Tibet
- A pre-Grenvillian Connection between the Northern Yangtze Subblock and Southwest Laurentia: A Paleomagnetic Constrain from the Mesoproterozoic Shennongjia Group, South China
- A rapid paleolatitudinal shift of Rodinia around 950 Ma: new paleomagnetic constraints from the North China craton
- Coupled Iron Reduction and Organic Matter Transformation in Soils
- Deformation Mechanism across the Central Altyn Tagh Fault on the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau as Revealed by Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Data
- Derivation of an Exponential Complementary Function for Actual Evaporation Estimation
- Evaporation on Seepage Face of Intertidal Zone Induced Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Subterranean Estuary
- Extended ModEM 3D forward modelling capabilities for space weather applications
- GPU Accelerated Solutions for Curl-Curl Equation in Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Computations
- Karst Cave Detection and Prediction by Using Two Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
- LOC-FLOW: An End-to-end High Precision Earthquake Location Workflow
- Multichannel Spectral Inversion Based on Structural Constraints
- Paleomagnetic insights into the Neoproterozoic connection between South China and India, and their position in Rodinia
- Simultaneous Source Seismic Data Separation Using Adaptive Bayesian Threshold in Contourlet Domain
- Tectonic and climate controls on the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous stratigraphic architecture of the Xuanhua basin, North China
- The IUGS Deep-Time Digital Earth Program: Understanding the Past to Illuminate our Future
- The Triassic Duobaoshan appinite-granite suite, NE China: implications for a water-fluxed lithospheric mantle and an extensional setting related to the subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean
- The assembly of North China Craton (NCC) and Laurentia in the late Mesoproterozoic, and its implication for the formation of Rodinia
- 3-D Electrical Structure and Tectonic Dynamics in the Yadong-Gulu Area Based on the Array Magnetotelluric Data
- Advancing the Understanding of How 3D Fault Geometry Controls the Kinematics of Earthquake Swarms
- Characterizing the geomagnetic paleosecular variation at high latitudes in late Mesoproterozoic: new evidence from carbonate successions of the Jingeryu Formation in the North China craton
- Critical metals resources required to achieve carbon neutrality: Where will they come from and are there enough?
- Crustal Electrical Structure and Rheological Structure of Northwestern Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal Structure of the East Himalayan Syntaxis and the Relation to its Rapid Uplift and Exhumation
- How do dust and marine aerosols impact snow precipitation over the western US mountainous region?
- New Contributions to the Lhasa-Qiangtang Collision and Inclination Discrepancy from Early Cretaceous Paleomagnetic and Geochronological Results in the Western Lhasa Terrane
- On the Origin of Crustal High Conductivity Zone in the Western Tibet plateau
- Paleogeography of the northwestern China blocks on the periphery of Rodinia in the early Neoproterozoic: New ∼895 Ma paleomagnetic insights
- The Electrical Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of the Beishan Orogenic Belt, Southern CAOB
- Thrust Duplexing and Transpression in the Yanshan Mountains: Implications for Early Mesozoic Orogenesis and Decratonization of the North China Craton
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Anna Kelbert
- Bing Gao
- Brian K. Horton
- Chengfa Lin
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Edward J. O’Loughlin
- G. D. Egbert
- Hailiang Dong
- Hanbiao Xian
- Hanqing Zhao
- Hongyi Li
- Hui Dong
- James G. Ogg
- Jiwen Fan
- Kun Zou
- L. Ruby Leung
- Letian Zhang
- M. R. Nedimović
- Miao Zhang
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Paul J. DeMott
- Ronald J. Steel
- Sheng Jin
- Shihong Zhang
- Yan Xu