University of Havana, Cuba
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Sea Surface Temperature Records Using Sr/Ca Ratios in a Siderastrea siderea Coral from SE Cuba
- Porous media deformation due to fluid flow: From hydrofracture formation to seismic liquefaction, a numerical and experimental study
- Paleoclimate reconstructions in Cuba inferred from coral aragonite δ18O, δ13C and Sr/Ca
- The need for comprehensive benthic baselines and monitoring programs prior to marine petroleum extraction: Lessons learned form the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Trace and Minor Element Composition of Coastal Sediments off NW Cuba Reveal History of Anthropogenic Contamination
- Reconstruction of anthropogenic environmental changes in the eastern Gulf of Mexico since 1845 recorded by a Siderastrea siderea coral from Cuba