Iceland Meteorological Office
flowchart I[Iceland Meteorological Office] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (181)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (37)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Anomalies in the Seasonal Cycle of Sea Level Pressure in Iceland and the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Deformation of Grimsvotn volcano, Iceland: 1998 eruption and subsequent inflation
- Time-depended hazard assessment in the South Iceland seismic zone
- Triggered Slip on Distant Faults as a Result of a M<SUB>w</SUB> = 6.6 Earthquake in the South Iceland Lowland
- Crustal Deformation Measured by GPS on Reykjanes Peninsula due to Triggered Earthquakes on June 17, 2000
- Crustal Profiling in Iceland Using Earthquake Source-Arrays
- Inferring Volcano Dynamics and Magma Budget from Crustal Deformation Studies at Icelandic Volcanoes
- Integrating TOMS and TOVS retrievals of sulfur dioxide in volcanic clouds
- Rapid Downstream Discharge Attenuation During Recent Icelandic Jokulhlaups
- Styles of Volcano Deformation in Iceland Mapped by InSAR
- The causes and characteristics of July 2002 Skaftarhlaup, Tungnaarjokull, Iceland
- Local fluid flow and borehole strain in the South Iceland Seismic Zone
- Magma inflow into Katla, one of Iceland's most hazardous volcanoes
- Spatio-Temporal Variations of Post-Seismic Deformation after the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in SW Iceland
- Deformation and Eruption Forecasting at Volcanoes under Retreating Ice Caps: Discriminating Signs of Magma Inflow and Ice Unloading at Grimsvotn and Katla volcanoes, Iceland
- Magma dynamics and volcano geodesy in Iceland
- Post-Seismic Deformation Following the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Iceland
- Strain Partitioning and Accumulation across Overlapping Spreading Centers: Geodetic GPS Measurements in South Iceland
- A New Hot Water Drill for Glaciological, Geochemical and Biological Studies of the Subglacial Lakes Beneath the Vatnajokull Ice Cap, Iceland
- Crustal Deformation in Iceland Derived from the Nation-wide 1993 and 2004 ISNET Campaigns
- Fault Patterns in the South Iceland Seismic Zone Revealed by Double-Difference Mapping of Microeartquakes
- Is global warming apparent from Greenland and Iceland air and sea temperature records?
- Ongoing Glacio-Isostatic Crustal Deformation Around Vatnajokull ice cap, Iceland due to Ice Retreat: Observations and Finite Element Modeling
- Radon anomaly - crustal strain relationships at the Selfoss geothermal area, Iceland
- Sub-surface Fault Mapping with Microearthquakes Reveals Volcano-Tectonic Interaction in the Hengill Region, Iceland
- Transient Deformation Preceding and Following the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Iceland
- A New Daily Pressure Variability Index as a Measure of Northern North Atlantic Storminess 1823-2005 and a Complement to Traditional NAO Indices.
- A Regional Model of the ocean near Iceland
- Comparisons of Inclination-only Statistical Methods
- Establishment of a high-rate continuous GPS network in Iceland
- Expected Crustal Movements due to the Planned Hálslón Reservoir in Iceland
- Icelandic rhythmics: Annual modulation of land elevation and plate spreading by snow load
- Meltwater Dynamics Beneath Skeidararjokull From Continuous GPS Measurements and Seismic Observations
- Plate Spreading and Rapid Uplift Observed by GPS in Iceland
- Seismicity, low frequency events and tremor at the Katla subglacial volcano, Iceland
- Solid Earth Response to Recent Climate Warming: Glacio-isostatic deformation around the Vatnajokull ice cap, Iceland, Induced by Glacier Retreat Last Century
- Strain and Stress Along the Reykjanes Peninsula Oblique Spreading Ridge, South Iceland
- The Maximum Likelihood Solution for Inclination-only Data
- Unsteady Glacier Flow Revealed by Multi-Source Satellite Data
- A High-Rate Continuous GPS Network in Iceland for Crustal Deformation Research
- A Magmatic Origin for the 2007 Micro-Earthquake Swarms at Upptyppingar, Iceland?
- Continuing subsidence and deformation of the Surtsey volcano, 1991 - 2002, Iceland
- Influence of surface load variations on the monitoring and behaviour of a volcanic system: Application to Katla subglacial volcano, Iceland.
- Twenty Years of GPS in Iceland: What Have we Learned About the Plate Boundary?
- Fault Interaction and -Propagation in the South Iceland Seismic Zone in the Current Major Earthquake Sequence, On-Going since 1998.
- Magma Capturing in Lower Ductile Crust: Reawakening of Northern Iceland's Divergent Plate Boundary
- Ongoing inflation and magma accumulation of Grimsvotn subglacial volcano, Iceland
- Unraveling faulting in a complex earthquake sequence in the South Iceland Seismic Zone.
- Application of weather radar to the basaltic phreatomagmatic eruption in Grímsvötn in 2004, comparison with models of plume transport
- Estimating the effects of current deglaciation in Iceland on earthquake occurrence and volcanism
- Instantaneuos surface deformation from continuous GPS: application in Southwestern Iceland
- Is magma generated due to retreating ice caps, likely to erupt?
- Magma ascent at coupled volcanoes: Episodic magma injection at Katla and Eyjafjallajökull ice-covered volcanoes in Iceland and the onset of a new unrest episode in 2009
- Magma intrusions, chambers and eruptions fed from sources below the brittle-ductile transition: The limitation of magma flow rate? (Invited)
- Real-time processing of earthquake information in Iceland
- Using lower crustal earthquakes below Askja volcano, central Iceland to map melt movements and plumbing geometry
- Air temperature variations on the Atlantic - Arctic boundary since 1802: the low-frequency pattern and ocean teleconnections
- Charge mechanism of volcanic lightning revealed during the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption
- Climate change in Iceland
- Crustal effects of the Hálslón water reservoir, Iceland: A three-dimensional model of the Earth's response
- Episode of magma injection 2007-2008 in Iceland's lower crust: constraints from GPS and InSAR
- Imaging Lower Crustal Intrusion in Iceland using Microseismics
- Intrusion Triggering of Explosive Eruptions: Lessons Learned from EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL 2010 Eruptions and Crustal Deformation Studies
- Intrusive activity beneath Eyjafjallajökull 1991-2010 from analysis of earthquake and geodetic data
- Migrating Seismicity in South Iceland
- Near-field monitoring of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption cloud
- Observing the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, Eruptions with NASA's Earth Observing-1 Spacecraft - Improving Data Flow In a Volcanic Crisis Through Use of Autonomy
- Public and Media Communication of Volcanic Hazard Before and During the 2010 Eruption in Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Seismic evidence of magma transport in Eyjafjallajökull during 2009-2010 (Invited)
- Seismicity and Tremor Signals Associated With Magma Movements in Icelandic Volcanoes
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Tectonic Stress in the Vicinity of the Recent Mw>6 Earthquakes in the South Iceland Seismic Zone
- Surface Deformation of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano During the 2009-2010 Unrest (Invited)
- The Eyjafjallajökull eruption in April-May 2010; course of events, ash generation and ash dispersal (Invited)
- Tracking Magma Movements Within Eyjafjallajökull from Spatial and Temporal Variations in GPS Time Series
- Volcano-Ice Interaction during the April-May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland (Invited)
- Wind resource in Iceland
- Assessing simple models of volcanic plumes using observations from the summit eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010
- Constraints on the Magma Plumbing System of Hekla and the Plate Boundary in South Iceland from Geodetic GPS Measurements 2000-2010
- Contribution of Iceland's Ice Caps to Sea Level Change
- Deformation cycle of the Grímsvötn sub-glacial volcano, Iceland, measured by GPS
- Flood discharge, subglacial water storage and ice movement during rapidly-rising jökulhlaups from the Skaftá cauldrons, Vatnajökull, Iceland
- Grímsvötn 2011 Explosive Eruption, Iceland: Relation between Magma Chamber Pressure Drop inferred from High Rate Geodesy and Plume Strength from Radar Observations
- Increased volcanic unrest at Katla volcano, Iceland?
- Spatial variations in stress from shear-wave splitting analysis at Hekla Volcano, Iceland
- The 2011 Grímsvötn Eruption From High Rate Geodesy
- The inflation and deflation episodes in the Krísuvík geothermal area
- Crustal deformation around the Húsmúli injection site, SW Iceland
- Eruptive cycles at Icelandic volcanoes: Constraints on inflation/deflation patterns from geodetic measurements and modeling
- Inflation and deflation episodes in the Krisuvik volcanic system
- Injection of Water into the Stratosphere by Moderate Volcanic Eruptions
- Transient Deformation, Stress and Strain in the South Iceland Seismic Zone
- Can repeating glacial seismic events be used to monitor stress changes within the underlying volcano? -Case study from the glacier overlain Katla volcano, Iceland
- FUTUREVOLC: A European volcanological supersite in Iceland, a monitoring system and network for the future (Invited)
- Historical changes in the annual number of large floods in North America and Europe
- Magma movements and Iceland's next eruptions (Invited)
- Moment- and Stress-Tensor-Inversion of volcanic earthquakes: Constraining driving forces of the 2010 eruptions at Eyjajfallajökull (Iceland)
- Ridge-transform interaction and seismic behavior within the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, N-Iceland
- Self-consistent models of basal entrainment in snow avalanches (Invited)
- Strain Accumulation and Release in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (Invited)
- Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of Major Floods in North America and Europe
- Deflation and Deformation of the Askja Caldera Complex, Iceland, Since 1983: Strain and Stress Development on Caldera Boundaries Prior to Tsunami Generating Rockslide in 2014 at Lake Öskjuvatn
- Fracturing and Seismicity at the Prestahnúkur Fissure Swarm in the Ultra-Slowly Spreading Western Volcanic Zone, Iceland
- Inflation-Deflation Signals at Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland, During a Period of Intermittent Unrest
- Insights into Coignimbrite Plume Dynamics from Numerical Models
- Joint Inversion of GPS, InSAR, Tilt, and Borehole Strain Data from the 2000 Eruption of Hekla Volcano, Iceland
- Long-Term Geodetic Measurements at the Most Active Volcanoes in Iceland: Role of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and GPS in Hazard Monitoring at Hekla, Katla, Eyjafjallajökull and Askja Volcanoes
- Magma flow, eruption column and magma pressure change during 2010 Eyjafjallajökull and 2011 Grímsvötn eruptions, Iceland: Constraints from volcano geodesy on physical models of eruptive processes
- Multiparametric Study of Wind and Atmosphere Effect on Explosive Eruptive Style
- Seismic Tremor Generated by Multiple Processes, Vatnajökull Glacier, Iceland
- Breaking the Seal: Tracking Eruptive and Flood Tremor in Iceland with Seismic Arrays
- Communication between earthquake clusters separated by over 30 km supports simple volcano plumbing
- Comparison of the Bardarbunga 2014-2015 rifting event, slow caldera collapse and major effusive eruption with the 1975-1984 Krafla and 2005-2010 Dabbahu, Afar, rifting episodes
- Coupling of Activity at Neighbouring Volcanoes in Iceland: Ground Deformation and Activity at the Bárðarbunga-Tungnafellsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull-Katla Volcano Pairs
- Deformation derived from GPS geodesy associated with Bárðabunga 2014 rifting event in Iceland
- Forecasting of flood basalt eruptions: lessons from Bárðarbunga
- Generating Mechanism of Large Earthquakes Associated with the Caldera Collapse of Bárðarbunga Volcano during the 2014-2015 Holuhraun Eruption, as seen by Seismic Waveform Analysis
- Large, Moderate or Small? The Challenge of Measuring Mass Eruption Rates in Volcanic Eruptions
- Nucleation, propagation and arrest of seismic swarms in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (North Iceland)
- Oblique Rift Opening and Graben Collapse in the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga (Central Iceland) Rifting Event
- Real-time GPS Monitoring of the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga Rifting Event in Iceland
- Style of Plate Spreading Derived from the 2008-2014 Velocity Field Across the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland
- The seismo-mechanical coupling of ring-fault earthquakes accompanying the 2014-2015 caldera collapse at Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
- Analyzing the Non-Linear Magma-Edifice Coupling on Basaltic Volcanoes using Earthquake and GPS Data, and a Damage Model : Time Variation of State Variables, Mechanical Characterization of the Pre-Eruptive Dynamics and Consequences for Eruption Prediction
- Autocyclic eruptivity of basaltic systems: New insights into processes of reservoir replenishment and pressurization from high-resolution borehole strain data recorded at Hekla Volcano
- Automatic Real-Time Estimation of Plume Height and Mass Eruption Rate Using Radar Data During Explosive Volcanism
- Bárðarbunga volcano - what next? Volcano monitoring following the flood basalt eruption and caldera collapse in 2014-2015
- Detecting magma bodies in the Icelandic crust: Constraints from Volcano Geodesy and Joint Interpretation with Other Data
- Elevation Change and Surface Roughness of Vatnajökull, Langjökull and Hofsjökull, Iceland, Derived from Analysis of Airborne Lidar Altimeter Data and ICESat-2 Simulator Data
- Eruption Forecast Using Volcanic Tremor: A Case Study in Iceland (Bárðarbunga)
- Extracting the Volcanic Ash Plume Elevation Model (PEM) from Landsat-8. Application to the 2014 Holuhraun (Iceland) Eruption
- The Magma Reservoir Under Bárdarbunga, Constraints from 2014-2015 Caldera Collapse
- The unusual Bárðarbunga volcano earthquakes observed using high-rate GPS data.
- Towards forecasting volcanic eruptions on a global scale
- Evaluating changes of the Bárdarbunga caldera using repeating earthquakes
- From Open Data to Science-Based Services for Disaster Risk Management: the Experience of the GEO Geohazards Supersite Network
- Modelling Pre-eruptive Progressive Damage in Basaltic Volcanoes: Consequences for the Pre-eruptive Process
- Post-eruptive Deformation following the 2014 Holuhraun Rift, Iceland.
- Seismic Source parameters inversion for earthquakes in the Bardarbunga caldera pre and post 2014-2015 eruption
- The Contribution for Improving GNSS Data and Derived Products for Solid Earth Sciences Promoted by EPOS-IP
- Bardarbunga and Hekla Volcanoes, Iceland: The importance of Magma Buoyancy, Viscoelastic Processes and Thermal Erosion for Explaining Ground Deformation in Relation to Magma Accumulation and Extraction
- Cauldron Collapse Provides Natural Laboratory to Constrain Ice-Fracture Thresholds
- GLASS, a Tool for Quality-Controlled GNSS Data and Products Dissemination.
- Improved Early-warning of Subglacial Floods Using Seismic Arrays in Iceland
- New insights about Bárðarbunga's seismic sources during and after the 2014-2015 caldera collapse events
- The application of Doppler lidar systems for atmospheric monitoring in Iceland
- What causes seasonal earthquakes in south Iceland?
- A Bayesian inversion of InSAR derived post-rifting viscoelastic relaxation following the 2014 Holuhraun fissure eruption
- A Timeline of the Bárðarbunga 2014-2015 Caldera Collapse and Fissure Eruption, Based on a Full Waveform Moment Tensor Catalog
- Fault activation and fault dynamics during the 1993-1998 uplift episode in Hengill, SW-Iceland
- Fracture thresholds of glacier ice during cauldron collapse and surface loading
- Ground deformation after a caldera collapse: Contributions of magma inflow and viscoelastic response to the 2015-2018 deformation field around Bárðarbunga, Iceland
- Listening to the Bárðarbunga volcano in Iceland: Studying Volcanic Earthquakes for Understanding the Past and Inferring the Future
- Preliminary Results of Seismic Ambient Noise Monitoring of Volcanoes: A perspective from Iceland
- Recipe for a Caldera Collapse related to Magma Draining from a Deep Body in a Rift-Caldera Setting: The 2014-2015 Collapse of Bardarbunga, Iceland
- Seismic Hazard Analysis in Southern Iceland Using Physics-based Earthquake Simulations
- The magma induced deformation cycle at the Grímsvötn volcano, Iceland
- Dynamic earthquake rupture scenarios and physics-based seismic hazard assessment for the segmented Húsavík-Flatey fault zone, North Iceland
- Preparing Earth Sciences to Upcoming Infrastructures. The Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE)
- Protecting air travel from volcanic ash in the coming decade
- Seismic Arrays Provide Early-warning of Fast-rising Subglacial Floods in Iceland
- Volcano deformation monitoring using a Sequential Monte Carlo approach, applied to the 2020 unrest episode at Reykjanes, Iceland.
- Conduits feeding new eruptive vents mapped by high-resolution ICEYE SAR satellite in a daily repeat orbit
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Volcanoes: Grimsvotn and Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- EO4D_ash: a Pilot for Integration of Earth Observation Data for Detection, Discrimination & Distribution (4D) of Volcanic Ash
- Insights on Physics-based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in South Iceland using CyberShake
- Mercury Emissions from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Fissure Eruption, Iceland
- Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes following the Mw 6.1, 2008 Olfus Earthquake Doublet, South Iceland, Using Ambient Noise
- Physics-based rupture models and ground shaking simulations in the HusavikFlatey fault zone, Northern Iceland
- Post-rifting relaxation from 2015-2021 following the dike intrusion of the Bararbunga-Holuhraun eruption, Iceland
- Renewed Inflation of Krafla Caldera, North-Iceland, since 2018: Magma Inflow or Hydrothermal Changes?
- Seismic Monitoring of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, SW Iceland
- The generation and evolution of infrasound during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall fissure eruption, Iceland
- Un-stressing of crust prior to eruptions: Precursors to the 2021 eruption at Geldingadalir, Mt. Fagradalsfjall, in the Reykjanes Peninsula Oblique Rift, Iceland
- Acoustic characteristics of lava fountaining during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland
- Fiber-optic Monitoring of a Volcanic Eruption: Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- Fiber-optic sensing of volcanic tremor on a natural amplifier system
- Imaging and Monitoring High-Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs with Seismic Noise Interferometry
- Seismicity and Deformation Increase or Decrease prior to Eruption? Lessons Learned from Eruptions and Dike Intrusions at Mt. Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
- Towards a Digital Twin on Geophysical Extremes
- Tracking and Modeling Magma Migration, Dyke Intrusions and Fault Activation on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland During the 2020 - 2022 Rifting and Eruption Event at Fagradalsfjall
- Volcanic Event Characterization with Fiber-Optic Sensing.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandra M. Iezzi
- Alfredo Falconieri
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andrew Hooper
- Beata Orlecka‐Sikora
- Brock A. Edwards
- Corentin Caudron
- Fei Wang
- Finn Løvholt
- Freysteinn Sigmundsson
- Jean Soubestre
- Jonathan M. Lees
- Jorge Macías
- Julia E. Gestrich
- Jörn Behrens
- Kristín Jónsdóttir
- Lars Gebraad
- Lucia Mona
- Marie Boichu
- Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco
- Michael Afanasiev
- Oliver D. Lamb
- P. M. Outridge
- Pilar Sánchez‐Pastor
- Páll Einarsson
- Ramón Carbonell
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Sascha Brune
- Sigrún Hreinsdóttir
- Siqi Li
- Stefan Wiemer
- Sölvi Thrastarson
- Thomas Lecocq
- Vassilis Amiridis
- Vincent Drouin
- Yeşim Çubuk-Sabuncu