National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
flowchart I[National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (17)"] AW["Affiliated Works (34)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
- NASU, Dnepropetrovsk Scientific Research Institute
- NASU, Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, Lviv
- NASU, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, Lviv
- NASU, Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev
- NASU, Institute for Physics and Engineering, Donetsk
- NASU, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev
- NASU, Institute of Botany, Kiev
- NASU, Institute of Electron Physics, Uzhgorod
- NASU, Institute of Geophysics, Kiev
- NASU, Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv
- NASU, Institute of Magnetism, Kiev
- NASU, Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv
- NASU, Institute of Radio Astronomy, Kharkiv
- NASU, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, Kharkiv
- NASU, Space Research Institute, Lviv
- Ukrainian National Museum of Natural History, Kiev
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- "DOBREfraction'99" - Velocity Model of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath the Donbas Foldbelt (east Ukraine)
- DOBRE-2000: Deep Reflection Seismic, Gravimetric and Surface Structural Controls Across a Devonian Failed Rift in the Southeastern Europe
- Influence of Wetland and Channel Sediments on Strontium-90 Transport in the Borschi Stream, near Chernobyl
- Interaction of Strontium-90 in Sediment and Porewater in a Stream Near Chernobyl
- Ionospheric Effects of April 2002 Magnetic storms: Observations from the Network of Incoherent Scatter Radars
- The ISR World-Day Campaign: Review of the April 2002 Geomagnetic Storm With Comparisons to the TIMEGCM/ASPEN Model
- Variability in the Mesosphere/Thermosphere/Ionosphere System During the Quiet Time of April 2002
- Long-Range Weather Forecasting In The Ukraine
- Thermal Conductivity of Deep Mantle Phases: Grain-size as a Primary Control of Radiative Transfer
- 3D Gravity Modeling and 2D Integrated Geophysical Modeling for Determination of the Continental Lithospheric Thermal Structure in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
- Direct in Situ Measurements of Current Density Variations in the Ionosphere by Using the Current Density Probe Rogowski Coil Onboard Sych 1M Satellite
- Geoelectrical investigation of Earth's crust in Bransfield Strait and Drake Passage
- Studying the Lunar Ionosphere with SELENE Radio Science Experiment
- A study of kinetic electrostatic ‘bounce’ modes in a 2D current sheet
- Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Duzce Fault, Turkey by Magnetotellurics
- Assessing Natural Radionuclide Migration in the Legacy Tailings of Uranium Production
- Hydrogen incorporation and the oxidation state of iron in ringwoodite - a spectroscopic study
- Radio occultation observation of the solar corona with Venus explorer Akatsuki
- First application results with a broadband electromagnetic recording system
- Investigation of the plasmasphere electron content on the base of radio-measurements
- Incomplete Similarity of Internal Solitary Waves with Trapped Core
- Evidence for Enhanced Thermospheric Hydrogen Densities from the Ukrainian Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- Multiscale Modeling of Radioisotope Transfers in Watersheds, Rivers, Reservoirs and Ponds of Fukushima Prefecture
- Bryophyte Tissue-specific Carbon Isotope Record from Galindez Island, Argentine Islands, Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Siku DEM Simulations of Beaufort Sea-Ice Fracture Pattern.
- Simultaneous Observations of Topside H<SUP>+</SUP> Ions at Sub-auroral and Middle Latitudes Using IS Radars at Millstone Hill and Kharkiv: Initial Results
- Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed During Sudden Stratospheric Warming, Equinox and Solstice Periods with Kharkiv and Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radars
- New empirical models of the ion temperature and ion composition
- A Key Quaternary Palaeoclimate and Magnetostratigraphy Record at the Junction of the East European and Danube Loess Provinces (Dolynske Section, Southern Ukraine)
- Dust accumulation and large-scale climatic changes in Ukraine
- Mid-latitude traveling ionospheric disturbances under geomagnetically quiet conditions from Kharkiv and Millstone Hill incoherent scatter data
- Coupled Exobase-Plasmasphere Hydrogen System Investigation in the American Sector
- Impact of Russian invasion on the air quality in Kyiv
- Rock magnetic record from the Late Middle-Upper Pleistocene deposits of the Neporotove 7 loess-soil section (western Ukraine)