Tribhuvan University, Nepal
flowchart I[Tribhuvan University, Nepal] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (198)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (28)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evolution of Mustang Graven, Tibet Himalayas, due to Eastward Extrusion of Tibet Plateau in and After the Last Glacial Age
- Does Karakorum Fault Cut Across the Great Himalaya? Findings of Strike Slip Active Fault Along the Humla-Karnali River in the Northwestern Part of Nepal
- Holocene and Late Glacial Climate Change in Central Japan
- Hydrogeochemical assessment of arsenic in groundwater and its policy implication: a case study in Terai Basin, Nepal
- Geodetic Transect in Central Nepal
- On the Mechanism of the Acquisition of Stable Secondary Pyrrhotite Magnetic Remanences and Implications for Thermo-Tectonic Evolution -The Example of the High Himalayan Crystalline of Solu Khumbu (Nepal)
- Decoupling of Monsoon Precipitation and Erosion Rates along the Eastern Nepal Himalaya
- Monsoon Rainfall and Landslides in Nepal
- Uplift and Exhumation along the Arun River (Eastern Nepal): Implications for the Mechanism of Uplift of the High Himalaya and the Coupling between Erosion and Tectonics (Invited)
- Acid Monsoonal Rains in Nepal in August 2008
- Catchment Scale Landslide Hazard Assessment In The Siwaliks Of Nepal
- Climate Change in the Eastern Himalayas: Observed Trends and Model Projections
- Comparision of aerosol optical properties observed over two AERONET sites of Nepal during pre-to post monsoon season of 2009
- Understanding Earthquake Hazard & Disaster in Himalaya - A Perspective on Earthquake Forecast in Himalayan Region of South Central Tibet
- hunting for the Traces of Great Himalayan Earthquakes: Surface Break of the M ≈ 8.1, 1934 Bihar Nepal event?
- A Cryosphere Monitoring Project in the Himalayas
- Heavy Metal Concentration of Roadside Farmland Soil in Mountainous Areas around Kathmandu, Nepal
- Mid-Late Holocene Asian monsoon variations recorded in the Lake Rara sediment, western Nepal
- Surface Rupture of the Mw ≈ 8.1, 1934, Bihar Nepal Earthquake
- Atmospheric Heating over Tibetan Plateau and surrounding region during different phases of Summer Monsoon in Southern sloop of the Himalayas
- Cosmogenic 10Be size-dependent concentration in clasts of a landslide-dominated Himalayan watershed
- Paleo-denudation rates at the Plio-pleistocene transition from in situ produced cosmogenic isotopes (10Be): method and new results from the Tianshan and the Himalayas
- Spatial patterns of D/H ratios in meteoric water, leaf waxes from plants, POM and sediments within a large fluvial Himalayan catchment
- Alternatives for Laboratory Measurement of Aerosol Samples from the International Monitoring System of the CTBT
- Spatial hydrologic heterogeneity within a fluvial catchment reflected in surface water and leaf wax n-alkane δD
- Third Pole Environment (TPE): a new frontier for interdisciplinary research
- Analysis of Provenance of Siwalik Group in Western Nepal Himalaya Using Petrography and U-Pb Geochronology
- Hazard Assessment of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood and Potential of ICTs for Coping: A Case of Eastern Himalaya of Nepal
- A Geochronological Study of Paleogene -Neogene Foreland Basin Sediments Western Nepal Himalaya: Implication of Provenance Analysis
- Aftershock Records in the Kathmandu Valley of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake
- Coseismic landslides associated with the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Field Reconnaissance Subsequent to the M7.8 April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and Implications to Past and Current Paleoseismic Investigations along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- Hydrological system dynamics of glaciated Karnali River Basin Nepal Himalaya using J2000 Hydrological model
- Incomplete décollement rupture in the 25 April 2015 Gurkha earthquake; Implications for past and future Himalayan earthquakes
- Near Fault Strong Ground Motion Records in the Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake
- Past Climatic Variations in Nepal Himalaya as Reconstructed using Ring-width Chronologies
- The orbit of Earth
- A High Resolution Technology-based Emissions Inventory for Nepal: Present and Future Scenario
- Assessment of impacts of climate change on gender in the context of Nepal
- Climatic variability and its impact on hydrology of the Karnali River Basin, Nepal Himalaya
- Erosion distribution in Central Nepal Himalaya from late Pleistocene to present : evidence for recent anthropic forcing of erosion of the Lesser Himalaya
- Geophysical Investigation using Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography to delineate Subsurface Geological Structures at Dudhkoshi-II (230 MW) Hydroelectric Project, Solukhumbu District, Eastern Nepal.
- Glaciers, Glacial lakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Koshi Basin
- Lake deposits record evidence of large post-1505 AD earthquakes in western Nepal
- Pattern of ground deformation in Kathmandu valley during 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, central Nepal
- Seismic and Climatic Forcing of Landslide Rates After the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, Nepal
- Species Specific Drought Stress and Temperature Induced Growth Decline in Semi-arid Region of Trans-Himalaya in Central Nepal
- Time-series Satellite Data Analysis for Pastureland Assessment of Khumbu Region, Nepal.
- U-Pb Detrital Geochronology of the Siwalik Group Western Nepal: Implication of Provenance Analysis of Neogene Foreland Basin
- An Assessment of Economic Loss due to Water-induced Disaster of the 2013 Mahakali Flood in Darchula and its Relation to Climate Change
- Analysis of Total Electron Content and Electron Density Profile during Different Geomagnetic Storms
- Application Of Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography Method For Delineating Cavities And Flowpath In Sinkhole Prone Area Of Armala Valley, Pokhara, Western Nepal
- Application of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) for the assessment of Ground Water Potential at Madi Phant, Palpa District, Western Nepal
- Citizen Science to Support Community-based Flood Early Warning and Resilience Building
- Determination of solar wind energy input during different form of geomagnetic disturbances.
- Does the climate high elevation along the Mt Everest can be represented by lower elevation stations?
- Earthquake Loss Scenarios in the Himalayas
- Exploration Of Groundwater Resources Using Schlumberger Arrangement Of Electrical Resistivity Survey In Lekhnath Municipality, Kaski District, Nepal
- Geophysical Investigation using Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography method to delineate Subsurface Geological Structures at Dudhkoshi-II (230 MW) Hydroelectric Project, Solukhumbu District, Eastern Nepal
- Glacial lake outburst floods and fluvial erosion in the Himalaya - insights from the 2016 Bhote Koshi GLOF
- Himalayan Lake- and River-Impacting Landslides and Ice Avalanches: Some So Deadly, Some No Problem
- Lithology and Bedrock Geotechnical Properties in Controlling Rock and Ice Mass Movements in Mountain Cryosphere
- Mechanism of the 2016 giant twin glacier collapse in Aru range, Tibet
- Periodicities observed on solar flux index (F<SUB>10.7</SUB>) during geomagnetic disturbances
- Potential GLOF Hazards and Initiatives taken to minimize its Impacts on Downstream Communities and Infrastructures in Nepal Himalaya
- Revisiting the 1993 historical extreme precipitation and damaging flood event in Central Nepal
- Teaching Field Geology in the Nepal Himalaya with a Geohazards and Intercultural Emphasis
- Tectonic Control on Landsliding in the Nepal Himalaya Revealed by the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
- Variable shortening on the Main Frontal Thrust in Nepal
- Vegetation Dynamics in Response to Climate Change Based on Satellite Derived NDVI in Nepal
- Altitude dependence study of stable isotopes in precipitation along southern side of Himalayas, eastern Nepal
- Application of Geoelectrical method for exploration of groundwater resource in hard rock area, Nepal.
- Bank Erodibility and Lateral Instability along the Bagmati River, Nepal
- Does the climate high elevation along the Mt Everest can be represented by lower elevation stations?
- Effect of Geomagnetic Super Substorm at Low Latitude Stations
- Evaluation of GPM satellite rainfall estimates over the Nepal Himalayas
- Exploration Of Groundwater Resources using Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography (2D ERT) method in Hard Rock areas of Lesser Himalayan Zone, Nepal
- Focused Pulse of Rapid Erosion in Central Nepal Related to Himalayan Fault Motion
- Geophysical approach to revive depleted source of springs after Gorkha Earthquake 2015 in Lesser Himalyan region, Mainapokhari, Dolakha District Nepal.
- High resolution satellite imagery allows for temporal perspective on landslide rate following the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- Hydrologic Changes of Bagmati River in Kathmandu, Nepal over a Three-Year Period
- ICT for Combating Drought in the Karnali River Basin of Nepal Himalaya
- Insights into bedload transport from seismic data in the Bhote Koshi River, Nepal
- Landscape response to transient extreme erosion rates
- Landslide EVO: Citizen Science and Sensor Networks for Landslide Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
- Landslides triggered during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal reveal non-linearity of topographic controls
- Meteorological analysis from High altitude stations in the Everest Region
- Modelling potential range expansion of Invasive Alien Plant Species under predicted climate change
- Paleoseismology along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) of Nepal after the Mw7.8 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Petrography of the 2017 Langmale (Nepal) Landslide and Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
- Potential Impact of Climate Change on Future Water Availability in Budhigandaki River Basin, Nepal
- Role of Solar Alpha Particles in Predicting Geomagnetic Storms
- Study of Polar Cap Potential during Super Substorm events of 24<SUP>th</SUP> Nov 2001 and 24<SUP>th</SUP> August 2005 using LFM simulation
- Tectonomagmatic histories of western South America and southern Africa
- The Occurrence of Land Subsidence at Armala, Kaski, Nepal
- Use of 3D-ERT survey for subsurface exploration of suspected anomaly in the massive Langtang debris during the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
- Using Cosmogenic Nuclides to Evaluate the Role of Coseismic Landsliding on Measured Erosion Rates Following the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake, Nepal.
- Variation of Carbon Dioxide and Heat Fluxes over the southern side of Central Himalayas, Nepal
- Weather Patterns Associated with the US-Bangla BS211 Aircraft Accident at TIA, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal as Revealed by WRF-ARW Simulation.
- An interaction between landslide and road construction: A case study from Sino-Nepal road corridors
- Assessing Environmental Variability in High Mountain Region from Sediment Core of Gokyo Lake, Eastern Nepal
- Automatic Weather Stations at Extreme Elevations on Mt. Everest: Initial Observations and Applications
- Chronology of past mountain glacier fluctuations in the eastern Himalaya as context for industrial-age glacier recession
- Cross-correlation Analysis of Solar Wind Parameters on Martian Upper-atmosphere by MAVEN
- Deep Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Indian Mantle From Structural Imaging, Geodetic Modeling, and Seismicity
- Documenting the last glacial maximum and termination of the Khumbu Glacier, Khumbu Himal, Nepalese Himalaya
- Emerging tools and techniques for taking advantage of remote sensing imagery to understand the landslide hazard cascade
- Evidence for Recent Dextral Slip along the Western Nepal Fault System in northwest Nepal
- Expected Level of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> over Lumbini World Heritage Site if the Cement and Brick Factories within the 15 km Arial Distance are Closed
- Exploration of Groundwater Resources Using Schlumberger Arrangement of Electrical Resistivity Survey in Godavari Municipality, Lalitpur District, Nepal
- Exploration of Groundwater Resources Using Schlumberger Arrangement of Electrical Resistivity Survey in Mahalaxmi Municipality, Lalitpur District, Nepal
- Geochemistry of the Narayani river sediments tracing the evolution of erosion of Central Nepal over the LGM-Holocene and last decades
- Geophysical Investigation using 2D-ERT Method to revive depleted source of springs on hard rock area after Gorkha Earthquake 2015 in Lesser Himalyan region, Dolkha District Nepal.
- Impact of Climate Change in Himalayan River Hydrology in Nepal
- Impact of Climate Change on Snow melt in Marshyangdi River Basin of Nepal
- Landslide EVO: Monitoring landslides in remote western Nepal by leveraging technological advances and citizen science
- Landslide Risk Perception of on-road Residents along Sino-Nepal Transportation Corridor
- Lithostratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Lesser and Higher Himalaya in Trishuli and Langtang Valleys, North-Central Nepal
- Meteorological Analysis of High Altitude Automatic Weather Station Data from the Everest Region
- National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Extreme Expedition to Mt. Everest Sets New World Records in Science
- New Heights in Glacier-Climate Research: Initial Insights From the Highest Weather Stations on Earth
- Rapid subsidence from groundwater withdrawal in Kathmandu Valley measured by GPS and InSAR
- Response of chemical weathering and hillslope hydrology along an exhumation gradient in central Nepal: new insights from transit time tracers and groundwater chemistry
- Seismic Observations of Processes in Collisional Continental Lithosphere: Rheological Changes, Phase Changes, and Deformation
- Seismic characterization of the Critical Zone in the Nepal Himalaya: a regional perspective
- Spatial variation in geometry of seismogenic zone and heterogeneous distribution of slip during 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, Central Nepal
- Stream-Aquifer Interactions in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Study of Environmental Emissions from Road Transportation; A case of Bhaktapur Municipality, Nepal
- Study on Correlation Between GPS-TEC and Geomagnetic Parameters Over Nepal in The Year of 2016
- Tectonic Evolution of the Okhaldhunga tectonic window as evidenced by a shear zone along the Dudhkoshi River, Central Nepal
- The extent of likely earthquake disasters in the Himalaya and how to reduce them
- Useful to usable: Application of geospatial information in community water management in Karnali basin in Western Nepal
- Variation of Global Positioning System Derived Total Electron Content Observed at Ghermu Station for the Year 2015 and 2016
- Variation of heat fluxes over an agricultural field in southeastern Nepal
- Active Deformation and its Topographic Expression in the High Himalaya of West Nepal
- Characterization of Extreme Rainfall Events and Landslide Hazard in the Himalaya from High-Temporal Resolution Precipitation Records
- Climate-informed decision-making for hydropower resilience in the central Himalayas
- Effectiveness of Facemasks to Reduce Particulate Matter Exposure: A Case Study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Geomorphological mapping in the Khumbu region using UAV and its application in engineering geology, Nepal
- How Do Near-Surface Strength Characteristics Vary Over Landscape Scales? A Case Study Using Geotechnical Field Methods and a Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered Landslides.
- IRSL ages and significance of Late Pleistocene surficial sand deposits in the lower Khumbu region, Nepal
- Moraine dam stability analysis of Ngozumpa glacier in Gokyo area, Nepal
- Mountain building and critical zone development: the interplay of rock fracturing and mineral weathering in the rapidly exhuming High Himalaya, central Nepal
- Natural and human contributions to pre-monsoon snow and stream chemistry in the Khumbu/Mt. Everest region, Nepal
- Post monsoon thunderstorm in Nepal: A case study
- Recent Surface Ruptures of the Western Nepal Fault System: Active Oblique-Slip in the High Himalaya from Talphi to Tripurakot
- Recent Trend of Glacial Surface Lowering in Khumbu Glacier, Everest Region, Nepal
- Sedimentology of Glacial Lake Core from Gokyo Valley, Everest Region, Nepal
- Solar Activity Variations of the Ionospheric Total Electron Content Measured from GPS-TEC Data over Nepal
- Where Does the World's Highest Glacier Get Its Moisture?
- A Regional GNSS-VTEC Model over Nepal Using Neural Networks and Comparison with NeQuick-2 and IRI-2016 Models
- Active Faulting in the High Himalaya of West Nepal: Quaternary Slip Rates Along the Western Nepal Fault System
- Application of Remote Sensing for Sustainable Management of Hydropower Projects Using Nature-based Engineering: A Case Study of Nepal
- Characterizing the hydrometeorology of 2021 Melamchi landslide dam-break flood
- Drought characteristics over Nepal Himalaya and their relationship with climatic indices
- Enhancing Operational Flexibility of Integrated Nepalese Power System through Pumped-storage Hydropower
- Evaluation of the Reanalysis Climate Data as a Potential Reference Dataset for Hydrological Modeling Over Himalayas
- Frontal vs. Hinterland Late Pleistocene Activity of Nepalese Himalayan Thrusts from Modelling of Luminescence Thermochronometry Data
- Geomorphic study of tectonic landforms related to active faults along the Dang Dun valley, south of the Main Boundary Thrust, Western Nepal
- Impact of Drought on Crop Yield Across Physiographic Regions of Gandaki River Basin in Nepal
- Mountain Building and the Critical Zone: A Detailed Look at Chemical Weathering and Critical Zone Architecture in the Rapidly Exhuming High Himalaya, Central Nepal Using Observations from an 80m Borehole
- New weather observations from Mt. Everest reveal widespread winter melting and intense sublimation
- Paleoseismic Excavations Across a Releasing Bend of the Western Nepal Fault System Reveal Previously Undocumented Earthquakes.
- Potential GLOF Impacts in High Mountains: An Example from Bhotkhola and Makalu Rural Municipality, Nepal.
- Seasonal Drought Index Predictability for Historical and Future periods Using Worldclim over the Southern Plain of Himalayan Tarai
- Spatiotemporal analysis of drought characteristics in Western Nepal using the Standardized Precipitation Index
- Study of Field Aligned Currents During the 22 July 2009 and 21 June 2020 Solar Eclipse.
- Tectonics climate coupling in the Himalaya from the perspective of extreme events
- The orographic influence on storm variability, extreme rainfall characteristics and rainfall-triggered landsliding in the central Nepalese Himalaya
- Utilizing Deformation Along the Western Nepal Fault System to Characterize the Initiation, Kinematics, and Development of a Splay Fault in a Thrust Wedge
- A precisely-dated, composite stalagmite record of Indian summer monsoon variability from Siddha Baba cave, central Nepal
- Accounting Uncertainties is Crucial to Improving Multipurpose Reservoir Management
- Analysis of Long-term Drought Characteristics and Trend in South Asia
- Application of Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography Survey for Delineating Cavities and Flowpath in Consolidated and Unconsolidated area of Pokhara Valley, Western Nepal
- Atypical forcing embedded in typical forcing leading to the extreme summer 2020 precipitation in Nepal
- Aviation Wind Hazard Maps of Tribhuvan International Airport Terminal Maneuvering Area in the Mid-Hills of Nepal Himalaya
- Boundary Layer Vertical Profiles of Meteorological and Air Pollutant Fields During the Invasion of Regional Pollutants Over Mid-Hills of Central Nepal Himalaya Region
- Climate Change Induced Hydrological Alteration and Impact on Hydropower Production in Tamor River Basin, Nepal
- Comparative Performance of Regionalization Methods for Model Parameterization in Ungauged Himalayan Basins
- Effect on TEC and Horizontal Component of Earth's Magnetic Field due to Super Intense Geomagnetic Storms
- Evaluation of the Trmm Product for SPATIO-TEMPORAL Characteristics of Precipitation Over Nepal (1998-2018).
- Exploring the Impact of New River Embankment Structures on Sediment Transport, River Morphology, and Channel Carrying Capacity in the Kathmandu Basin, Nepal
- Field mapping and structural analysis of an active oblique splay fault system within a subaerial thrust wedge: A case study of the Talphi segment along the Western Nepal Fault System in western Nepal Himalaya.
- Historical Climate Trends and Future Climate Projection in the Upper Nan River Basin, Thailand
- Impact of Climate Change on Future Low Flow of Budhigandaki River Basin in Nepal
- Impacts of 3DVAR Data Assimilation of Humidity and Scattered Rainfall Prediction over Central Nepal Himalaya
- Landsat Based Analysis of Anthropogenic Land Cover Change and Implied Hydrologic Impacts in Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Nepal
- Linkage Between Upstream and Downstream Geomorphic Dynamics of the Melamchi River Flash Flood, June 2021, Central Nepal
- Microcosm Study of Floating Treatment Wetlands System (FTWS) to Remediate Polluted Water of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Modeling hydrological response of a high mountain river basin in the Himalayas under changing climate
- Multi-satellite Precipitation Estimates Can Improve Irrigation Water Decisions
- On the trend of amplified drought in Nepal that can enhance the potential for Himalayan wildfires
- Quantifying Added Values of Merged Precipitation Products and Associated Uncertainties Over the Central Himalayas
- Quaternary History and Evolution of the Western Nepal Fault System; Splay Fault Maturity in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt
- The Geomorphology and Paleoseismology of the Dhorpatan Fault of the Western Nepal Fault System
- The role of extreme events on tectonic and climate coupling in mountain belts
- Virtual Observatories for Hydro-meteorological Observation.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Joshua West
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Ashok Silwal
- B. D. Ghimire
- Binod Adhikari
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- D. A. Okaya
- Frédéric Herman
- Ganesh R. Ghimire
- György Hetényi
- H. Q. Sinclair
- Jeeban Panthi
- John C. Gosse
- L. Baker Perry
- Mikaël Attal
- Paul Andrew Mayewski
- Rabin Bastola
- Rafael Almeida
- Ram P. Regmi
- Saraswati Thapa
- Shankar Sharma
- Shichang Kang
- Simon M. Mudd
- Suoya Fan
- Suraj Shah
- Tika B. Adhikari
- Yadu Pokhrel