American Geophysical Union, Washington DC
flowchart I[American Geophysical Union, Washington DC] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (151)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (36)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Analysis of Gender Differences in Recent Earth and Space Science PhD Graduates
- Earth and Space Science PhDs: Class of 2000
- Entering a New ERA: Education Resources and AGU
- Isotope and Trace element Variations Along the Southern Chile Ridge and Valdivia Fracture Zone System
- Policy Statements Issued by Scientific Societies: Why Less can be More
- Don't be Shy: The Public Really Wants to Know About Your Latest Research
- Potential of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for Ocean Science Research
- Segmentation Control on Crustal Accretion: Insights From the Chile Ridge
- Update on the Gender Gap in Geophysical Sciences Research
- Changing Gender Demographics in Geosciences Since the 1970's
- The Role of Geoscience Departments in Developing the Earth Science Teacher Workforce: A Workshop Report
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- Active Faults, Modern Seismicity And Block Structure Of Eurasia
- Eliminating the OUCH in OUtreaCH
- The AGU Board of Heads and Chairs: Past and Future
- Chair Talk: Resources to Maximize Administrative Efforts
- Fostering science communication via direct outreach by scientists
- Informal STEM Education in Antarctica
- A proposal for the international regulation of solar radiation management research
- AGU Presidential Forum: Science and Society
- Data Sharing Effect on Article Citation Rate in Paleoceanography
- Supplemental Journal Article Materials: A progress report on an information industry initiative
- A Fiscal Cliff: The Current U.S. Federal Budget, Potential Cuts, and Impacts on Science Funding
- AGU Public Affairs: How to Get Involved in Science Policy
- AGU Science Policy Conference: 2012 Recap and 2013 Preview
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Creating Unique Research Experiences for two-year College faculty And Students (URECAS): An integrated research and transfer program for two-year college students in the Earth and space sciences
- Trusted Sources: The Role Scientific Societies Can Play in Improving Public Opinions on Climate Change
- Bridging Science and Policy: The AGU Science Policy Conference
- New Ideas in Geoscience Communication
- Preparing the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: An Examination of 25 Federal Earth Science Education Programs
- Reduced Investment in Science: An Examination of the Current Federal Budget and a Case Study on Its Impact on the Scientific Community
- Science Under Sequestration: How will a decade of science funding cuts affect you?
- Thriving Earth Exchange Town Hall
- Engaging Indigenous Communities and Research Scientists to Manage Climate Risk
- Rock Deformation Measurements and Connection with Major Seismicity
- Temporal Variations of Gamma-Ray for Detecting Crustal Activity Changes in the Longitudinal Valley, Eastern Taiwan
- Virtual Tools to Broaden Participation in the Earth and Space Sciences through Geolead (Geoscience Learning, Engagement And Development)
- Credentialing Data Scientists: A Domain Repository Perspective
- GPS Technologies as a Tool to Detect the Pre-Earthquake Signals Associated with Strong Earthquakes
- GeoDeepDive: Towards a Machine Reading-Ready Digital Library and Information Integration Resource
- Growing and Supporting the Student and Early Career Pipeline in Earth and Space Sciences - A Spotlight on New AGU Initiatives
- Integrating Discovery-Based Research Experiences into the Undergraduate STEM Curriculum: A Convocation Report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- Investigating Indoor Air Quality Using a Community-based Participatory Research Model
- Partnerships that Bridge the Gap Between Research and Impact
- Phanerozoic growth of the epicontinental sedimentary reservoir: implications for long-term sea level change
- Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone
- Scientific Research for Integrated Solutions to Community Challenges: The Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) Approach
- Temporal-Spatial Pattern of Pre-earthquake Signatures in Atmosphere and Ionosphere Associated with Major Earthquakes in Greece.
- The Virtual Poster Showcase: Opportunities for students to present their research from anywhere
- An update from AGU about the Virtual Poster Showcase
- Building Partnerships to Address Community Geoscience Priorities: A Brief History of the Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) Model and its Evolution
- Charting a path forward: building AGU's capacity to help foster scientist-decision maker engagement
- Developing Capacity for Cities to Adapt to a Changing Climate-a Case Study in Boulder, Colorado
- Fog-drip contributions to soil moisture as determined through passive fog collector measurements, leaf wetness data, and soil moisture at Pepperwood Preserve, Sonoma County, California.
- Oregon Hazard Explorer for Lifelines Program (OHELP): A web-based geographic information system tool for assessing potential Cascadia earthquake hazard
- Overcoming the Challenges of Co-creation
- Trends in Gender Bias Across Earth and Space Science Scholarly Publishing
- A Framework Applied Three Ways: Responsive Methods of Co-Developing and Implementing Community Science Solutions for Local Impact
- A New Multi-Basin Calibration for Estimating Paleo-Temperature Using Mg/Ca from Tests of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
- AGU Pathfinder: Career and Professional Development Resources for Earth and Space Scientists
- AGU Student and Early Career Leadership
- AGU Webinars: Leveraging 21st Century Technology to Level the Playing Field
- Advancing diversity and inclusion through AGU's mentoring programs
- Assessing the efficacy of advancing underrepresented minority groups through AGU's Student Programs
- Calibrating a Method for Reconstructing ENSO Variance in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Using Mg/Ca in Individual Planktic Foraminifera
- Comparison of the Active Bagnold Dune Field with Other Aeolian Deposits Observed at Gale using ChemCam Data.
- Data Visualization and Storytelling: Students Showcasing Innovative Work on the NASA Hyperwall
- Design thinking can deepen the collaboration between scientists and society: Lessons from the innovation economy
- EarthCollab, building geoscience-centric implementations of the VIVO semantic software suite
- Enabling FAIR and Open Data - The Importance of Communities on Influencing Change
- From the Classroom to the Field: Intervention Training to Address Sexual Harassment in the Geosciences
- Girls InSpace project: A new space physics outreach initiative.
- Improving groundwater storage and soil moisture estimates by assimilating GRACE, SMOS, and SMAP data into CABLE using ensemble Kalman batch smoother and particle batch smoother frameworks
- Internship Experiences at AGU and AGI help train the next generations of geoscientists
- Linking Research, Education and Public Engagement in Geoscience: Leadership and Strategic Partnerships - Chris McEntee
- Mars' Banded Magnetic Features: Constraints on Their Origin
- Results of Software and Services Citations Review at ESIP
- The EarthConnections San Bernardino Alliance: Addressing Diversity in the Geosciences Using a Collective Impact Model
- The Updated AGU Ethics Policy: Supporting Inclusive and Diverse Field and Lab Environments within the Geosciences.
- Using Online Dialogues to Connect Local Leaders and Climate Experts: Methods, Feedback and Lessons Learned from the Resilience Dialogues
- Welcoming All in the Field, Into the Field
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Building a Sustainable Toolkit for Bystander Intervention Training to Improve Workplace Climate
- ADVANCEGeo: Building partnerships to transform workplace climate
- Applying User-centered Design to Climate Decision-making
- Bridging the Gap Between Scientists and Policymakers: AGU as a Resource
- Challenges and Solutions for Engaging Stakeholders and Bringing Science to Communities: Lessons from the Resilience Dialogues
- Closing the Gap through Community Science: How Local Collaborations Strengthen Climate Science-based Decision-Support Outcomes
- Developing a Data Visualization Tool within the Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative
- EarthConnections Pathways: Linking Geoscience Learning and Community Involvement to Develop Community Science Literacy
- Federal Geosciences Budgets in the Trump Era: A Close Look at the State of Government Support
- Gender inequity in speaking opportunities at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
- Gender-Age Co-author Networks in the Earth and Space Sciences: Young boys and Old Boys
- Geoscience Policy Internships and Fellowships: Pathways to Science Policy Careers
- How Scientists and Flood Survivor Advocates are Collaborating, and What We Can Learn from these Experiences.
- How can citizen and community science support the goals of a sustained national climate assessment?
- IRIS Field Experiences for Undergraduates Program (FieldXP): Lessons Learned from a Three-Year Pilot Study
- On National Science Policy, Science Societies and Sister Organizations Are All In It Together
- Planets in the Milky Way: Their Occurrence and Their Characteristics
- Recommendations on Software and Service Citations from ESIP
- Shared Challenges and Solutions for Bringing Science to Communities: Lessons from the Resilience Dialogues
- The Infrastructure of Data Reuse and Trust: All the elements to support open and FAIR data along with those necessary for attribution and credit.
- Towards Networks of Trusted Virtual Domain Repositories that are connected to Networks of Persistent Physical Repositories
- Translating Domestic Community Science Lessons to Build and Sustain International Partnerships: The Thriving Earth Exchange Experience
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Empowering geoscientists to transform workplace climate through bystander intervention and research ethics training
- AGU Celebrates its Centennial with the Initiation of a New Journal: Perspectives in Earth and Space Science
- AGU Resources and Actions to Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) in STEM
- AGU's Beacon of Sustainability: Net-zero Energy Technologies for Aging Infrastructure
- Being FAIR; Having Trust: How clear uncertainty information can increase the accurate reuse of our data.
- Creating Voices for Science
- Credit for Data Reuse Is Driven by Making Data FAIR: The PARSEC Project Approach
- EarthConnections Geoscience Pathways: An Ecosystem Supporting Learning from K to Career
- Geoscience and Sustainability at the Grassroots Level: The Role of Community Science
- Make Data Count and PARSEC: Two efforts Towards Data Usage Metrics Standardization
- Occurrence of gender, nationality, career-stage, and racial/ethnic diversity through time within authorship teams of AGU publications
- Open science at AGU Publications: an update on open access, preprints, and FAIR data developments
- Persistent lack of diversity in the geosciences: the case of ADVANCEGeo Partnership to promote Institutional and cultural change
- Surface-Level Processes or Deep Interior Interactions: An exploration of top-down vs bottom-up mechanics in geologically-themed game design
- The AGU Art and Science Community
- The Resilience Dialogues: Lessons Learned After Three Years of Community Resilience Building
- Under The Umbrella: Geoscience as a Common Platform for Empowering Grassroots Communities as Active Players In Sustainable Development.
- AGU Advances Promotes the Spread of Accessible Science
- AGU Bridge Program: A call to our community to diversify the geosciences
- AGU HQ - Where science and sustainability meet. Showcasing Earth and Space Science and promoting Net-Zero Energy Tours
- Achieving Net-Zero Energy in Washington DC - AGU Headquarters
- Catalyzing Cultural Change: Video Scenarios for Professional Development in Ethics and Equity
- Development and Validation of the SafeSpaces Survey: a Unique Measure of Interpersonal Work Climates in Research Settings
- Earth and Space Science Collaboration During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of AGU Journal and Fall Meeting Author Teams
- Geobites: Grassroots Training for the Next Generation of Geoscience Writers
- Geoscientists as Allies: Centering Justice and Equity in Earth and Space Sciences
- Improving workplace culture, indoors and out: Challenges and opportunities to make the geosciences more inclusive and welcoming
- Supporting scientists who communicate: The role of scientific societies in fostering a culture shift among science institutions towards outreach and engagement
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- What is earth and space science (ESS) in the changing world? ESS is for what?Why ESS is so important after the Corona pandemic. ESS is not only for knowledge, but also for peace, for sustainable development, and for inclusive and resilient society.
- AGU data citation community of practice - Credit for creators of data within collections using the concept of a reliquary
- Enabling Citations of Large Numbers of Diverse Datasets
- Evaluating the efficacy of the ADVANCEGeo bystander intervention training program to improve workplace climate
- FAIR-TRUST-CARE Principles for Environmental Data Repositories
- Identifying hostile workplace conditions associated with negative experiences that disproportionately affect minoritized groups in ecological, earth and spaces sciences
- Representation and Recognition: An URGEnt Call to Action from the AGU Honors Program
- Researchers perceptions of research and its evaluation: A comparison between the AGU and JpGU communities
- Sharing and Reproducibility: Working in Collaborative, Cross-Discipline Teams that Inform the Culture Change of an Ecosystem
- Thriving Earth Exchange Community Science Fellow Program: Listening, Leading and Learning Community Science
- COSEA: A New Community of Practice to Change the Culture of Coastal and Ocean Sciences
- Developing Sample Citation Guidelines with AGU Publishers
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Space Sciences: Progress and Perspectives from a Scientific Society
- Enabling proper Citation of Individual Objects Across Large Collections of Datasets
- How to make higher studies better for all
- Learning with the Community: Co-Creating a Migrant Climate Environment in Albany Park, Chicago
- Mentoring365 as an Access Point to Professionals Through Virtual Spaces.
- We Can't Just Open a Window: Mapping Vulnerability to Summer Heat in a Mountain Community, Missoula, MT
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alison Specht
- Allison Mattheis
- Andrea K. Thomer
- Anna E. Klene
- Ashish Sharma
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Billy Williams
- Brooks Hanson
- Caroline Coward
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Christopher Erdmann
- D. Agarwal
- Danton Diego Ferreira
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- Erin Antognoli
- Gilberto Pastorello
- Jeaneth Machicao
- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
- Jonathan C. Lewis
- Justin Buck
- Kiyoshi Suyehiro
- LaToya Myles
- Laurence Mabile
- Lesley Wyborn
- Margaret O’Brien
- Martina Stockhause
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michiyo Shimamura
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Robert R. Downs
- Romain David
- Ruth Duerr
- Sarah Ramdeen
- Shelley Stall
- Yasuhiro Murayama
- Yasuhiro Yamanaka