Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan
flowchart I[Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (122)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Empirical Approach for Rapid Mapping of Ground Motion Patterns after Strong Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Seismicity and Active Tectonics in Central Taiwan
- ShakeMaps of the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake Sequence
- Tropospheric Ozone Over the North Pacific From Ozonesonde Observations
- Latest Development of Real-Time Strong-Motion Monitoring System in Taiwan
- Plate Boundary Observatory in Taiwan
- Progress on Earthquake Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Systems in Taiwan
- Array analysis of Taiwan short-period data and the transition zone morphology in the Fiji-Tonga region
- Coseismic displacement distribution of the strong motion records during the 10 December 2003 Chengkung, Taiwan earthquake
- Inversion of Coseimic Deformation of Chengkung Earthquake in Eastern Taiwan Revealed by Strong Motion and Continuous GPS Data
- Modern Seismic Observations in Tatun Volcano Group: Potential Seismic/Volcanic Hazard in Taipei Metropolitan Area of Northern Taiwan
- Seismogenic Structures Deduced from 3D Spatial Analysis for 1999 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.4 Chaiyi Earthquake Sequences
- Seismogenic Structures in Hualien Region, eastern Taiwan
- Seismogenic extensional faults in the southwestern tip of Okinawa trough: with constraint of coseismic ground slips of 2005 Ilan earthquakes, northeastern Taiwan
- The relationship between TIMED/GUVI and Global GPS-TEC measurements in the equatorial ionization anomaly region
- Crustal Deformation in Taiwan as Deduced from Continuous GPS Measurements
- Establishment of a Taiwan Marine cable hosted observatory (Ma-Cho project)
- Global Ionospheric Structures Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites
- Improvement on Vp/Vs structures and earthquake location using a dense strong motion array in Taiwan
- Measuring Mid- and Near-Field Rotational Ground Motions in Taiwan
- Modern Seismic Observations in the Tatun Volcano Region of Northern Taiwan: Seismic/Volcanic Hazard Adjacent to the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Revised and improved focal mechanism analysis , case study: Ilan ,Taiwan ,double earthquakes, March 5th ,2005.
- The shallow seismicity in Ilan, Taiwan and its tectonic implication
- 2006 Taiwan PingTung Aftershocks Locations and Preliminary Tomography from OBS Data
- A Study Of The Tomography And Seismicity In Taipei Basin And Tatun Volcano Regions, Taiwan And Their Structural Implications
- A Study of Seismotectonics of the Miaoli-Taichung Area, Taiwan
- Estimations of Fault Parameters of the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Frequency Domain Inversion Of The 2003 Chengkung Earthquake: Resolutions And Uniqueness Analysis
- Investigate the aseicmic zone in Central Range of Taiwan by analyzing the short-period waveform data
- Ionospheric Electron Density Derived by Using the TIP and GOX of FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Observing the auroral ionosphere with FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
- Studies of spatial sensitivity of the hydrological response to earthquakes
- The Development of Real-time Strong-motion Observation on the Earthquake Early Warning in Taiwan
- A Study of Pd attenuation for Earthquake Early Warning System in Taiwan
- A Study of the Seismotomography in Tatun Volcano Region, Taiwan
- Ambient noise levels in the Taiwan region
- Comparison of Ionospheric Radiance and Electron Density Over the Auroral Oval With FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Measurements
- Investigating the Nature of Short-Period Ambient Seismic Noise in Taiwan
- Measuring both Rotational and Translational Ground-Motions from Explosions and Local Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Seismic Tomography off SW Taiwan: a Joint Inversion From OBS and Onshore Data of 2006 Pingtung Aftershocks
- Seismic and Potential field constraints on the velocity structure of seismogenic zone of the 2006 Hengchun Earthquake, southern Taiwan
- Seismotectonics of northeastern Taiwan: Structural characteristics of a transitional area from waning collision to subduction and post-collisional extension
- The 2005 Ilan Plain (northeastern Taiwan) seismic crisis: a dike intrusion event associated with onland propagation of the Okinawa Trough
- The OI 135.6nm Observations of the Weddell Sea Anomaly and the Nighttime Mid- Latitude Enhancement
- A new prototype system for earthquake early warning in Taiwan
- Analysis of Groundwater level Changes in Wells Sensitive to Earthquakes
- Application of strong-motion building array records in earthquake early warning system
- Characterizing the Longitudinal Valley suture in eastern Taiwan and its seismic hazards by historic earthquakes and recent seismicity (Invited)
- Mechanism of Sustained Coseismic Groundwater-level Changes
- Near Source Monitoring Typhoon-Induced Ground Motions
- Spatiotemporal distribution on swarm earthquakes and induced crustal deformation in Hualien, Taiwan
- Temporal and spatial variation of stress fields before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake
- Basement Imaging Using Sp Converted Phases in Chia-Nan, Taiwan
- Early Continental Rifting of the South China Sea
- Recent Development of Source-Scanning Algorithm and Its Applications in Earthquake and Geohazard Studies (Invited)
- An estimation of sediment thickness using Sp converted phases in Kaoping, Taiwan
- Crust-mantle boundaries in the Taiwan - Luzon arc-continent collision system determined from local earthquake tomography and layered Vp models
- Different impacts of two type El Niño on the Western North Pacific summer monsoon
- Global Ionospheric and Plasmaspheric Monitoring With FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Ground GPS Observables
- Impacts of Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific El Niños on tropical cyclone tracks over the western North Pacific
- Preliminary results of geomagnetic analysis of Taiwan
- Seismic tomography of Taiwan orogeny from joint inversion of local and teleseismic data
- Spatial heterogeneity of tectonic stress and friction in the crust: new evidence from earthquake focal mechanisms in Taiwan
- Extratropical Forcing and the Emergence of Central-Pacific El Niño in Recent Decades
- New Refined VP, VS, and VP/VS Seismic Tomography of Taiwan Orogen with Near-surface Correction (PS logging data)
- Radar Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in Taiwan
- Analysis of Groundwater-Level Changes in High-Frequency Monitoring Wells
- Detection of 2009 slow slip event in northeast Taiwan from continuous GPS data
- Development of A Real-Time Shaking Map System Using Low Cost Acceleration Sensors and Its Application for Earthquake Early Warning
- Inversion of high resolution 3-D shallow velocity structures in Ilan plain using local dense seismic network
- Non-volcanic tremor characteristics and tremor generation environment in Taiwan and a case study of their stress interaction with local earthquakes
- Removal of Infragravity-Wave-Induced Long-Period Noise from OBS Data and Inversion for Crustal Structure Offshore Eastern Taiwan
- Retrieving lithospheric velocity structures beneath Taiwan region by nonlinear joint inversion of local and teleseismic P-wave data: Slab continuity and deflection
- Seismogenic structures of two 2013 Nantou earthquake sequences: inferred by spatial distribution of the aftershocks and historical seismicities
- The Geophysical Database Management System in Taiwan
- The characteristics and implications of Pn and Sn wave velocities beneath the offshore area of eastern Taiwan, Gagua Ridge and the West Philippine Basin
- The seismogenic structure of the Ji-Chi earthquake sequence in June 2012, eastern Taiwan
- Contemporary Deformation of the Taipei Region in Northern Taiwan from GPS and InSAR Measurements
- Seismological Evidence for the Crustal Exhumation Bounded by Lishan Fault in Central Taiwan
- Geometry analysis on the distribution of seismicities recorded in the Nantou double earthquake sequences in 2013, central Taiwan
- Integration of GPS and InSAR Measurements for Kinematic Analysis of Crustal Deformation in Taiwan
- The analysis of interseismic GPS observation and its implication to seismic activity in Taiwan area
- Coseismic deformation and tectonic implications of the 2016 M6.6 Meinong earthquake, Taiwan
- Geological implications of 0212 earthquake in 2014 at the Tatun volcanic group of Taiwan: Synergistic effect of volcanic and faulting activities
- Impact of Hydrogeological Characteristics on Earthquake-Triggered Groundwater-Level Changes
- Predicting the Subseasonal Features of Taiwan Mei-yu Rainfall and the Extremes
- Seismogenic structural framework and tectonics: two cases from Taiwan orogeny
- Systematic Correlations of the Earthquake Frequency-Magnitude Distribution with the Deformation and Mechanical Regimes in the Taiwan Orogen
- Tectonic tremor activity associated with teleseismic and nearby earthquakes
- Testing the eBEAR System in Japan
- Amplification Factors for Spectral Acceleration Using Borehole Seismic Array in Taiwan
- An improvement of the Earthworm Based Earthquake Alarm Reporting system in Taiwan
- Interseismic Crustal Deformation and Strain Analysis of the Northern Taiwan from GPS and InSAR Measurements
- Rupture behaviors of the 2010 Jiashian and 2016 Meinong Earthquakes: Implication for interaction of two asperities on the Chishan Transfer Fault Zone in SW Taiwan.
- Seismic response of a taïwanese hill: toe and top ground motion amplification
- Source model and Coulomb stress change of 2017 Mw 6.5 Philippine (Ormoc) Earthquake revealed by SAR interferometry
- Surface deformation induced by water pumping for construction of Mass Rapid Transportation in Taipei basin
- Temporal Variation of Tectonic Tremor Activity Associated with Nearby Earthquakes
- The Development of Storm Surge Ensemble Prediction System and Case Study of Typhoon Meranti in 2016
- Using AGCM Coupled Ocean Model with Refined Vertical Resolution for Simulating the Diurnal Warm Layer during DYNAMO
- Crustal Block Structures and Relative Motions Inferred from a Cluster Analysis of Dense GNSS Data in Southwest Taiwan
- Preliminary estimated flux of the CO2 and CH4 in Chiku wetland in Taiwan
- Thermal Gradient Controlled Creeping Behavior of the Central Philippine Fault on Leyte Island Revealed by SAR Interferometry
- Active Volcanism Revealed from a Seismicity Conduit in the Long-resting Tatun Volcano Group of Northern Taiwan
- Assessment of Seismic Hazards after Mw 7.5 Palu Earthquake, Indonesia by Coulomb Stress Transfer
- Assimilation of early FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS radio occultation data with the global NWP system at Central Weather Bureau (CWB)
- Early Results of Ionospheric Weather Observations of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Evaluating the Impact of COSMIC-2 RO on Regional Numerical Weather Prediction using a High-Resolution Hybrid 3DEnVar System at CWB
- Evaluations of Tropical Cyclone Forecasts by Using the Hindcasts and Real-time Forecasts from the NCEP 35-Day Global Ensemble
- FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Mission and Preliminary Result
- Ionospheric products of Taiwan Radio Occultation Process System (TROPS) for FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 mission
- Ocean forecast system around Taiwan and upcoming data assimilation development
- The diurnal surface fluxes-atmosphere relations in Taiwan's montane cloud forests
- The sensitivity of GNSS-RO bending angle observation errors in the GSI hybrid assimilation system
- Verification and Application of FORMOSAT-3 and FORMOSAT-7 Radio Occultation Data
- Ocean forecast system around Taiwan and its data assimilation prototype
- Ensemble data assimilation in a 3D unstructured grid ocean model with application to typhoon study
- Impact of GNSS radio occultation data on the prediction of convective systems associated with a Mei-Yu front
- The Effects of the Unified Parameterization in the CWBGFS: the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over Land in the Maritime Continent
- Clustering Catastrophic Weather Events from India to Canada Shaped by Madden-Julian Oscillation and La Nina: An Asian/North America Teleconnection
- Pre-operational ensemble assimilation forecast experiments for the ocean around Taiwan
- Using Reanalysis Wind Field to Improve Idealized Wind Model and Storm Surge Forecasting System