Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
flowchart I[Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (215)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (73)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Role of the Indian Ocean Dipole in Weakening of the Relationship Between the Indian Monsoon Rainfall and ENSO
- Aerosol Climatology at Pune, Western India: Implications to Direct Radiative Forcing and Heating Rates
- Asian Monsoon Climate from Tropical Tree Rings: Decadal Scale Variability and Links to Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature.
- TIGERZ I: Aerosols, Monsoon and Synergism
- Control of aerosols on convective precipitation forming processes revealed by CAIPEEX over India and the adjacent seas (Invited)
- Deteriorating food security in India
- Increasing potential predictability of Indian Summer monsoon active and break spells
- Insights to the topographic and aerosol roles in the heavy rainfall at the Western Ghats and the scarce rainfall farther east at the rain shadow as observed in CAIPEEX
- Intercomparison of microphysical datasets collected from CAIPEEX observations and WRF simulation
- Is Anti-Twomey effect real or an artifact?
- Loss of Significance and Multidecadal Madden Julian oscillation
- Role of clouds and aerosol-cloud interactions on solar dimming: Decreasing evaporation trends over India
- Sub-annual Variability of Indian Monsoon Rainfall
- The Cloud Aerosol Interactions and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX): overview and prominent results
- The Role of Stratiform and Convective heating in modifying the northward phase propagation of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation
- The interplay between small and large CCN: Impacts on convective cloud microstructure as observed in CAIPEEX
- Total Lightning Flashrate and Severe Weather at Ground in a Thunderstorm at a Tropical Station
- Cloud microphysical properties in contrasting monsoon days as revealed by CAIPEEX and MODIS observation and by cloud permitting WRF simulation
- On the relationship between Indian Summer Monsoon Withdrawal and Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies before and after 1976/77 Climate Shift
- Two way Interactions Between Criteria Air Pollutants and Meteorology Over Delhi
- Application of Satellite Observations for Assessing the Distribution of NOx Over the Indian Subcontinent
- Dynamics of Dust Storms in the Western USA
- Dynamics of Projected Changes in South Asian Summer Monsoon Climate
- Examining Impact of Global warming on the summer monsoon system using regional Climate Model (PRECIS)
- Incorporation of 3-D Scanning Lidar Data into Google Earth for Real-time Air Pollution Observation
- On the Asymmetry of Indian Summer Monsoon Predictability During Warm and Cold ENSO Events
- Radiocarbon-Based Source Apportionment of the Water-Soluble Organic Carbon (wsoc) of Atmospheric Aerosols in South and East Asia
- Use of Multiple Models in CarbonTracker
- Air-sea Interaction over the Kuroshio Current during a Cold-air Outbreak
- Asymmetry of temperature trends at major industrial and non-industrial cities in India during 1901-2009 and possible role of aerosols
- Carbon flux estimation for Siberia by inverse modeling constrained by aircraft and tower CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements
- Changing Air Quality in India: Role of Anthropogenic Emissions
- Changing Pattern of Heavy Rainstorms in Indus Basin of India Under Global Warming Scenario
- Characteristics and sources of PM2.5 and carbonaceous species during winter in Delhi, India: A case study
- Characterizing the ice microphysical observations near the foothills of Himalayas during CAIPEEX
- Contribution of ion nucleation to the new particle formation in a tropical urban environment
- Droplet dispersion in premonsoon and monsoon clouds over Indo-Gangetic valley during CAIPEEX
- Effect of aerosol on changing climate over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India
- Global Monsoon Rainfall - What the future holds?
- Heterogeneity in aerosol characteristics over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: Implications to the radiative forcing in the Himalayan region
- Influence of differences in current GOSAT X<SUB>CO<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> products on surface flux estimation
- Land surface processes and internal variability of Indian Summer Monsoon
- Midtropospheric Response to a Siberian Cold Air Outbreak over the Kuroshio Current in the Pacific Basin
- Probabilistic Prediction Of Intraseasonal Oscillations Of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall In Extended-range Scale Using A Self-organizing Map Based Ensemble Forecasting Technique
- Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux estimates based on GOSAT and ground-based observations
- SUPERPARAMETERIZATION - A Promise towards a better Global Climate Model : An Indian Summer Monsoon perspective
- Sectoral Contributions to Black Carbon Concentrations and Radiative Forcing in Delhi
- Source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols over South and East Asia using dual carbon isotopes
- The ENSO and the changing background: cocktailing toward more flavours?
- Tracking and predicting the northward propagating monsoon intraseasonal oscillations based on extended EOF analysis
- Application of bias corrections to NIES GOSAT XCO<SUB>2</SUB> for estimating surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes, 2009-2011
- Characteristics of clouds and precipitation in the Western Indian monsoon regime
- Cloud radar deployment for Indian Monsoon observations: Preliminary Results
- Emission sources and atmospheric processing of carbonaceous aerosols in India and China: Insights from dual carbon isotope techniques
- Emissions and Impacts of Short-Lived Climate Forcers (Invited)
- Future global and regional climate change: From near-term prediction to long-term projections (Invited)
- Interannual variability in Wyrtki jets and its impact on Indian Summer Monsoon circulation
- Inverse modeling of global atmospheric carbon dioxide by Global Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupled Atmospheric Model (GELCA)
- NCEP CFSv2 Indian Summer monsoon : Investigating the systematic biases on intraseasonal time-scale
- Precipitation sorted cloud variability over Indian region- Observational, satellite and model approach
- Prediction and Monitoring of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations over Indian Monsoon Region in an Ensemble Prediction System using CFSv2
- Revisiting El Niño Modokis
- Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction on Northward Propagation of Boreal Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations
- Spatio-temporal variability of ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) over the Indian subcontinent derived from geodetic GPS network
- A Summer Mode of the North Indian Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
- An Assessment of Real Time Extended Range Forecast of 2013 Indian Summer Monsoon
- Assessment of the Aerosol Distribution Over Indian Subcontinent in CMIP5 Models
- Determination of wood burning and fossil fuel contribution of black carbon at Delhi, India: Using aerosol light absorption technique
- Development of the inverse model for estimation of the surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes at grid scale and high resolution with GOSAT data
- Differences in satellite CO<SUB>2</SUB> data coverage and their influence on regional flux constraints
- Extended Range Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon: Current status
- Improvement of Systematic Biases of Climate Forecast System (CFS) Model through Revised Convection-Microphysics and Superparameterization
- Investigating the Systematic Biases on Intraseasonal Time-Scale in NCEP CFSv2 Simulated Indian Summer Monsoon - an Effort of Improvement through Superparameterization Technique.
- Sensitivity of Aerosol Radiative Forcing to Mixing State and Non-Sphericity
- Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data
- Developing a high-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux inversion model for global and regional scale studies
- High Resolution Projection of Future Air Quality in South Asia
- Implementation of the Stochastic Multicloud Model in the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2)
- Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone
- Accurate representation of organized convection in CFSv2 via a stochastic lattice model
- Black Carbon in South Asia- Role of Megacities-Understanding the Discrepancy between Radiocarbon based Constraints & Emission Inventories
- Coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific in post-El Niño summer
- Complexity of Tropical Pacific Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry: Diurnal to Decadal, Plankters to Penguins
- Extended Range Hydrological Predictions: Uncertainty Associated with Model Parametrization
- Fractal scaling laws of black carbon aerosol and their influence on spectral radiative properties
- High-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux inverse modeling using ground-based and GOSAT observations
- Improving Synoptic and Intra-Seasonnal Variability in CFS via a Better Representation of Organized Convection
- Linking the boundary layer convection and cloud microphysics
- Micrometeorologicl Investigation of Advection-Radiation fog over Northern India
- Projected Changes in Indian Summer Monsoon Synoptic Activity in a Warming Climate
- Upwelling changes along the Arabian coast in a warming scenario
- Variations in surface O<SUB>3</SUB>, CO, and CH<SUB>4</SUB> over the Bay of Bengal during the summer monsoon season
- Vertical profiles and ground-based measurements of Black Carbon, Particulate matter and Optical properties over New Delhi during the foggy winters of 2015-16
- A stochastic multicloud convective parameterization in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) : implementation and calibration.
- Characteristic changes in heat extremes over India in response to global warming using CMIP5 model simulations
- Detecting causal drivers and empirical prediction of the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Effects of multilayer snow scheme in the simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon
- High-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux inverse modeling combining GOSAT, OCO-2 and ground-based observations
- Higher Atmosphere Heating due to black carbon Over the Northern Part of India
- Influence of Subtropical Jetstream on Arabian Gulf Precipitation
- Key Findings from the U.S.-India Partnership for Climate Resilience Workshop on Development and Application of Downscaling Climate Projections
- Linking Boreal Summer MJO and the Monsoon Active-Break Spells in IITM-CFSv2
- Poleward shift and weakening of summer season synoptic activity over India in a warming climate
- Responses of the onset and advance phases of the South Asian summer monsoon to the aerosol forcing mechanism.
- Seasonal Characteristics of Widespread Ozone Pollution in China and India: Current Model Capabilities and Source Attributions
- Short to sub-seasonal hydrologic forecast to manage water and agricultural resources in India
- Source Estimation of Wintertime Soot Particles for an Urban Site Varanasi (25.3<SUP>0</SUP> N, 83.0<SUP>0</SUP> E) in Central Indo-Gangetic Plain Region
- The role stratification on Indian ocean mixing under global warming
- A Novel Method for Interpolating Indian Rainfall Station Data using a Stochastic Lattice Model
- A Phenomenological Paradigm for Mid-tropospheric Cyclogenesis in the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Ahmedabad's Heat and Air Pollution Plans to Protect Public Health
- Anthropogenic Roots of Drought: Investigating the Constraints of Agriculture and Hydro-Climatic Variables in the Semiarid Region of Maharashtra
- Changes in Arabian Sea Tropical Cyclone Activity in Response to Changing ENSO Conditions
- Characteristics of Ice Nuclei Observed Over a High Altitude Station in Indian Region
- Genesis of monsoon low pressure systems in a high resolution climate model
- Impact of aerosols (CCN and IN) on summer monsoon precipitating clouds over the Western Ghats: A regional climate modeling study
- Importance of Incorporation of Ice-Phase Microphysics in Climate Model for Simulation of Indian Summer Monsoon
- Indo-Pacific Warming and the MJO
- Microphysics of Warm Fog in Polluted Boundary Layer
- Observation stations in the Indian Subcontinent for capturing the greenhouse gas footprints - are the locations appropriate?
- Overview of Chemical, Thermo-dynamical and Microphysical Properties of Fog in the Polluted Environment and its Modeling: Results From the WIFEX 2015-18
- Stochastic plume ensembles for an unified shallow-deep mass flux cumulus parameterization in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- The Indian Monsoon Response to Climate Change in the IITM Earth System Model
- The Lightning And The Associated Precipitation Intensity Amplification
- The role of wind induced shear in northern Arabian Sea mixing under global warming
- Tropical Cyclone Hazard to Mumbai in the Recent Historical Climate
- Tropospheric ozone in India: how good are state of the art models?
- Using a stochastic multicloud model to improve the tropical modes of variability in a GCM
- A Modeling Study of Interannual Variability of Bay of Bengal Mixing and Barrier Layer Formation
- A new paradigm of seasonal prediction of the lightning over India
- A shallow-deep unified stochastic mass flux cumulus parameterization in the single column Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- An attempt to simulate Low-level cloud in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (Version 2) through a Stochastic Multicloud Model
- Atmospheric lightning over Tibetan Plateau and its association with regional atmospheric dynamics
- Can Ice-Phase Microphysics Improve Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation Simulations? Prospectives and Challenges.
- Design of Optimal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Monitoring Network to Constrain the Indian Land Fluxes
- Dramatic improvements in tropical climate variability in climate simulations using SMCM convective parameterization
- Effects of Eurasian Snow on the Global Teleconnections of the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Improving air quality predictions in New Delhi during the crop-residue burning season via chemical data assimilation
- Inclusion of Electrical Force Modified Raindrop Size Distribution Improves Simulation of Precipitation in a Weather Prediction Model
- Modulation of Indian Summer Monsoon Seasonal Prediction Skill by Prescribing Interanual varying CO2
- Observed and Simulated Features of a Monsoon Cloud Cluster over India: A Microphysical Analysis using Polarimetric C-Band Radar, Aircraft Observations and WRF Model.
- Predicting the extreme events over Indian region: New Insights through high resolution ensemble model approach
- Process-based and Data-based estimates of variable community compensation depth for ocean BGC model with special reference to Indian Ocean.
- Seasonal Prediction of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall: Improved Estimate of Predictability
- Seasonal variability of Aerosols and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing over South Asia during ENSO events
- Short to Sub-seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for Reservoir Operations in India
- Study of Physical and Thermodynamical Features of Fog Over IGI, Airport New Delhi During WIFEX
- The impact of ENSO on the causal relationships between the Indian summer monsoon and the mid-latitude circulation at sub-seasonal time scale
- Understanding of Cloud and Convection Processes Based on Observation Improves Climate Model Fidelity.
- Understanding the Role of Nutrient Limitation on Plankton Biomass over Arabian Sea via 1-D Coupled Biogeochemical Model and Bio-Argo Observations.
- A database of paleo climate & environment from the Indian subcontinent: A regional initiative for science and society
- COVID-19 Lockdowns Improve Air Quality in the South-East Asian Regions, as Seen by the Remote Sensing Satellites
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Indian Ocean role in the ENSO teleconnection to the Euro-Atlantic region from early to late winter
- Linkage between the precipitation isotopes and biosphere-atmosphere interaction in northeast India
- Long term variability of carbonaceous aerosol over Southeast Asia: Association with changes in vegetation cover and biomass burning
- Making Society Climate-Resilient: International Progress on Climate Services
- Revisiting the role of intermittent heat transport towards Reynolds stress anisotropy in convective turbulence
- Sensitivity of mixing parameterization to reversible and irreversible fluxes in stably stratified Bay of Bengal.
- The role of reduced aerosol levels during the COVID-19 lockdown on the Asian summer monsoon
- The stratospheric ozone rich cold intrusion during El-Niño over the Indian region: Implication during the Indian summer monsoon
- Weak interannual variability of mixed layer depth in Bay of Bengal.
- A Lightning and Hail Storm prediction system using WRF at Cloud resolving scale
- A novel perspective on large-scale intermittency in convective surface layer turbulence through visibility networks
- Addressing the Uncertainty in Estimation of Ecological Indicators of the Marine Ecosystem
- Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality (ASIA-AQ): An Opportunity for International Collaboration
- Associations between Climate and Dengue Mortality over Pune, India
- Chapter 4: Future global climate: Scenario-based projections and near-term information
- Chapter 8: Droughts, floods, and monsoons: Not Your Parents' Water Cycle
- Difference in the Past Trends and Future Projections of Marine Primary Productivity in between the CMIP6 and CMIP5 Models
- Genesis and trends in marine heatwaves over the tropical Indian Ocean and their interaction with the Indian summer monsoon
- Investigating the Impact of VOC Sources during Different Seasons on the Air Quality of a Metropolitan Region in India
- Microphysical and Dynamical Implications of Cloud Electrification in Tropical Atmosphere
- Morphology of 'Peak Monsoon' Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) Thunderstorms producing Up-ward Electric Discharges - the TLE's
- Near Future Response Of Global Mean Precipitation Dominated By Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Prolonged La Nina events and associated heat distribution in the Tropical Indian Ocean during 19582017
- Role of Indo-Pacific Ocean Drivers in the Summer Monsoon Precipitation Response over Indus Valley Region in a Warmer Climate:Past and Future Perspective
- Role of Upper-Level Rossby Wave Propagation in Governing the Track of the Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
- Role of advances in coupled Data assimilation in improving seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon
- Sediments in man-made reservoirs of western India preserve records of regional rainfall variability
- Teleconnection of Atlantic Nino with summer monsoon rainfall over northeast India
- The Role of Tropical Volcanic Eruptions in Exacerbating Indian Droughts
- Thermodynamic Structure of Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the West Coast of India During the Southwest Monsoon
- What drives the decadal variability in salinity and stratification over Indian Ocean?
- A New Survey-Based Approach to Understand the Role of Technology Penetration in Emissions of Gaseous Pollutants from On-Road Transport Sector of India
- A scale-wise analysis of intermittent momentum transport in dense canopy flows
- Actionable Steps to Improve Inclusivity and Diversity in the Geosciences in Higher Education
- Air Quality and Health Co-Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Actions by 2030: An Interdisciplinary Modeling Study in Ahmedabad, India
- Applicability of Hot-Dry-Windy Index for Possible Predictability of Forest Fire Cases in Central India
- Assessment of the impact of single-layered and multi-layered soil hydraulic parameter optimization in Land Surface Model on estimation of hydrological fluxes
- Characteristics of Hail Storms using Doppler Weather Radar and reanalysis over Kolkata
- Coupled Model Biases during the Onset Phase of the Indian Summer Monsoon with Different Initializations Related to Land Surface and number of Observations
- Does Moment of Microphysics Parameterization Schemes Have Any Impact In Simulating The Lightning Events?
- Evaluating the IITM-CFSv2 Extended Range Hindcast Skills for the Kharif Rice Yield Estimation of Warangal District Using DSSAT Crop-Growth Model.
- Exploring the long term changes in the Indian Ocean storm surges using machine learning
- How do Meteorological and Cloud Processes affect Water Isotopes in a Tropical Rain Shadow location?
- Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption triggered meteotsunami in the north Indian Ocean.
- Impact of intraseasonal oscillations on the Indian summer monsoon rainfall during super ENSO years
- Importance of Secondary Fuel use In Cooking Energy Estimation for India: An Initiative For Sustainable Energy Use
- Improved Estimates of Irrigation Effect on Pre-monsoon Heat Extremes in India
- Interaction between Indian Summer Monsoon and West North Pacific Typhoons and the role of human induced Climate Change.
- Investigating Aerosol Hygroscopicity during South West Monsoon using CAIPEEX observations
- Long-term Climatological Understanding of the Rossby Wave Breaking Events Over the Indian sub-continent.
- Long-term seasonal characteristics of raindrop microphysics during different rain events over the Western Ghats of India
- Long-term trend and multidecadal variability of Madden Julian Oscillation phase speed modulated by horizontal moisture gradient
- Mapping Austin's Heat Exposure using Remote Sensing Techniques
- Observation of a Dramatic Increase in the Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in the Indian Summer Monsoon Season.
- Observations of particle number size distributions and new particle formation in six Indian locations
- Role of Anthropogenic and Dust Aerosols in Modulating the Spatial Trends in Rainfall and Temperature Over India
- Seasonal Predictability of Lightning over the Global Hotspot Regions
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Indian Monsoon Zone using Satellite and Radar Observations
- Surface drag scaling in atmospheric boundary layers
- The Ocean at Our Doorstep
- Understanding the Synergistic Link between Aerosols and Humidity for the Occurrence of Atmospheric Lightning Activity
- Urban Collaboratory for data-driven environmental decision making in Indian Smart Cities
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. K. Sahai
- Abhishek Gupta
- Aditi Modi
- Amit Kumar Maurya
- Anjana Devanand
- Anupam Hazra
- Arpita Mondal
- Avadhesh Kumar
- B. L. Lefer
- Baerbel Sinha
- Bhowmik Utsav
- Caitlyn Hall
- Darryl Reano
- Dipjyoti Mudiar
- Erich M. Fischer
- Govindasamy Bala
- Hiroshi Tanimoto
- J. H. Crawford
- Jack E. Dibb
- James Bernard Simpas
- James Renwick
- Janusz Młynarczyk
- Jaykumar Joshi
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jen‐Ping Chen
- Jerry Jose
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Ji Hoon Kim
- John Dunne
- June‐Yi Lee
- K. S. Krishnamohan
- Karumuri Ashok
- Katherine R. Travis
- Khaled Ghannam
- Lekshmi Mudra B
- Long Cao
- M. B. Cohen
- Manisha Tupsoundare
- Manoj Srivastava
- Mara Freilich
- Maria Obiminda Cambaliza
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Mercy Varghese
- Monalisa Sahoo
- P. Mukhopadhyay
- Paola A. Arias
- Prima Madan
- R. Patrick Bixler
- Rajib Chattopadhyay
- Rakesh Ghosh
- Ravi Kumar Kunchala
- Ritesh Kalbande
- S. C. Mukhopadhyay
- Sachchidanand Singh
- Sam Illingworth
- Sauvik Santra
- Sebastian Milinski
- Shivsai Ajit Dixit
- Sobhan Kumar Kompalli
- Solmaz Mohadjer
- Subhadeep Halder
- Subodh Kumar Saha
- Susanna Corti
- Suvarna Fadnavis
- Thian Yew Gan
- Tianjun Zhou
- Tirtha Banerjee
- Ushnanshu Dutta
- Vijay P. Kanawade
- Vijay S. Limaye
- Vineet Kumar Singh
- Zhe Feng
- Zong‐Liang Yang