Danish Meteorological Institute
flowchart I[Danish Meteorological Institute] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (176)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (29)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Conjugate Study of a Localized High-Energy Precipitation Event in the Evening Sector
- Application of Methods of Systematic Initial Model Tendency Error Detection to the Deduction of Underlying Sources of Systematic Errors
- Are Field-Aligned Currents Inferred From the Oersted Satellite Consistent With Ionospheric Currents Inferred From Greenland Ground-Based Magnetometers?
- Climatological Characteristics of the Polar Ionosphere Based on the Chatanika and Sondrestrom Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Dawn/Dusk Auroras and Propagating Convection Disturbances: Ionospheric Effects of Increasing Solar Wind Ram Pressure
- Effects of a Reduced Ozone Layer on the Lower Stratosphere and the Troposphere
- Global Signatures of the Traveling Convection Vortex on November 9, 1993
- Methods of Systematic Initial Model Tendency Error Detection
- Observations of Field-Aligned Currents and Particle Precipitation Patterns During Events of Strongly Northward IMF
- Results from the first conjugate sprite campaign
- Satellite-based albedo, sea surface temperature and effective land roughness maps used in the HIRLAM model for weather and climate scenarios
- Simulation Studies for Active Microwave Profiling of Water Vapor in the Troposphere
- Simultaneous Cluster/CIS and FAST Observations of Boundary Layer Plasmas
- Storm Time Field-Aligned Currents Detected by the Ørsted Satellite
- Vertical Propagation and Temporal Growth of Perturbations in the Winter Atmosphere
- A study of Pc 3-4 pulsations observed by the Cluster satellites and multiple ground-based observatories
- Evidence for Stratospheric Regimes and a Regime Shift
- Revised Values for Vorticity Area Index
- Statistical identification of solar wind origins of magnetic impulse events (MIEs)
- Statistics of Magnetic Impulsive Events
- Storm Time Field-Aligned Currents Derived From Ørsted and CHAMP satellite data
- Estimation of field aligned currents from combined Iridium, DMSP, Oersted and CHAMP Data.
- Greenhouse Warming and Severe Summer Precipitation over Europe
- IMF-Dependent Maps of High-Latitude Field-Aligned Currents Derived From Ørsted and CHAMP High-Precision Magnetic Field Measurements
- Ionospheric Data Assimilation 3D (IDA3D), SuperDARN, and Magnetometer Analysis of Currents Over Greenland
- Prediction of Regional Scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining EuropeaN Climate Change Risks and Effects -- PRUDENCE
- Simulations of Troposphere Scintillation Impacts on Water Vapour Retrieval Using the Satellite-to-Satellite Measurements
- Small-Scale, Field-Aligned Currents at the Top-Side Ionosphere
- Spatiotemporal patterns of atmospheric circulation changes apparently due to the solar cycle
- What Features of Field Aligned Currents Might Global Scale Fits Miss?
- Initial Results Of The Lower Thermospheric Vertical Wind Estimated With Incoherent-Scatter Radars At High Latitudes
- Is Global Warming Melting the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Mapping the low-altitude cusp: intense small-scale field-aligned currents vs. energetic particle precipitation
- Characteristics of ULF Waves at Very High Latitudes Inferred From Ground-Based Magnetometer Observations
- Coordinated Observation of Field Line Resonance in the Mid-magnetotail
- Discovery of a Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) PSC Belt Around Antarctica by MIPAS on Envisat
- Influence of Energetic Solar Proton Events on the Extratropical Cyclone Development in the North Atlantic
- Is global warming apparent from Greenland and Iceland air and sea temperature records?
- A New Daily Pressure Variability Index as a Measure of Northern North Atlantic Storminess 1823-2005 and a Complement to Traditional NAO Indices.
- A Satellite-Ground Study of Low-Latitude Pi2 Pulsations
- Climate Variability and Future Change in Groundwater Resources - A Danish Approach
- HIBISCUS and SCOUT-AMMA: Water Vapor And Ice Particles In The Tropical Lower Stratosphere Above Overshooting Continental Convective Systems. Part A. Evidence Of Water Injection Above The Tropopause
- HIBISCUS and SCOUT-AMMA: Water vapour and ice particles in the tropical lower stratosphere above overshooting continental convective systems. Part B. Moistening of lowest stratosphere by ice particles.
- Recent and future permafrost variability, retreat and degradation in Greenland and Alaska: An integrated approach.
- Regional climate change around Greenland - from sea-ice to permafrost and ice sheets. Results from a transient climate simulation at 25km for 1950 - 2050
- Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling efficiency: Role of solar wind dynamic pressure
- What can we Learn About Atmospheric Circulation Regimes From Cluster Analysis?
- A tentative climatology of the snow load on Arctic sea ice based on satellite
- Analysis of Temporal Changes in Daily Precipitation Intensities
- ENSEMBLES Regional Climate Modeling: A Multi-model Approach Towards Climate Change Predictions for Europe and Elsewhere
- How Sensitive is a Greenland Ice Sheet Model?
- Observed Tail Current Systems Associated with Bursty Bulk Flows and Auroral Streamers During a Period of Multiple Substorms
- Precipitation Extremes as a Function of Resolution in the PRUDENCE Regional Climate Model Setup
- Two-Stage Oscillatory Response of the Magnetopause to a Current/Vortex Sheet Followed by Northward IMF: Cluster Observations
- Acceleration of Jakobshavn Isbrae Triggered by Warm, Subsurface Irminger Waters
- Equivalent ionospheric currents from the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, and THEMIS ground magnetometer arrays
- Hydrologic response of the Greenland Ice sheet: the role of oceanographic warming
- Progress and Ongoing Issues in the Development of a Passive Microwave Sea Ice Extent/Concentration Climate Data Record
- Sea ice thickness retrieval from L-band radiometry
- Solar Wind Influence on the Driven Electrojet System and the Magnetotail
- A Preliminary Comparison Between SuperDARN Flow Vectors and Equivalent Ionospheric Currents From the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, THEMIS, CARISMA, and CANMOS Ground Magnetometer Arrays
- High-precision GPS measurements of anomalous high-speed sea ice drift in the Arctic Ocean
- Investigation of Precipitation Input Scenarios in Hydrological Modeling - Prospects for Applying Radar Data
- Permafrost Degradation Risk Zone Assessment using Numerical Models
- Profiling Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers with GPS Radio Occultation
- Stratospheric bimodality: Can the QBO explain the regime behaviour of the NH winter vortex?
- The Effect of Climate Change on Water Balance Components in the Senegal River Basin
- The present warming vs. the early 20th century warming in the Arctic: A 400 year perspective
- Theory and measurements of charged stratospheric ice particles
- Convective towers detection using GPS radio occultations
- Large-Scale Circulation Trends coupled to Tropical Deep Convection and the Consequences for Climate Change
- Polar heat flow inferred from satellite magnetic data (Invited)
- Soil moisture controls on inter-annual variability of biogenic isoprene emissions and ozone
- Towards a regional climate model coupled to a comprehensive hydrological model
- A poor man's regional reanalysis
- Catchment scale modelling of changes in pesticide leaching under present and future climate conditions. Demonstrated for two cases in Denmark
- Century-scale evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae flow in a high resolution regional model with membrane stresses
- E-GVAP, the EIG EUMETNET GNSS Water Vapour Programme
- Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance 1870 to 2010 based on Twentieth Century Reanalysis, and links with global climate forcing
- High resolution multi model Climate change scenario over India including first uncertainty assessment
- Land ice-ocean interaction inferred with an ice sheet model for Greenland
- Long-term climate simulations with the DCESS model
- Observation-based validation of ice sheet model initial conditions using realistic atmospheric forcing for Greenland
- Reconstructing the NH Mean Temperature: Model Choice and Confidence Intervals
- Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2011 compared with Antarctic Ozone Hole Conditions
- Record total ozone depletion in the Arctic vortex in 2011
- The Paris MEGAPOLI campaign to better quantify carbonaceous aerosol formation in a tertiary type mid-latitude Megacity
- Towards Earth System Data Records from GPS Radio Occultation: Assessing Structural Uncertainty
- Tropical Stratospheric Cloud climatology from the PATMOS-x dataset - an assessment of convective contributions to stratospheric water
- Understanding the modeled ground-level ozone bias over the Southeastern U.S.: The role of soil moisture and regional climate
- Validating firn compaction model with remote sensing data
- Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
- Coupling of a climate model and a hydrological model and implications on land surface fluxes
- IAG working group - Integration of GNSS atmosphere models with NWP models
- Improved Hydrological Predictions by the Coupling of Land-Surface-Atmosphere Processes
- International Collaboration in the field of GNSS-Meteorology and Climate Monitoring
- A 100-year long record of alkenone-derived SST changes by Southeast Greenland
- Adding Value by Regional Climate Models: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward Using Ensembles
- Estimating the lapse-rate and the surface-albedo feedback by locking the lapse rate and the surface albedo on-line in the CCSM4 slab-ocean model
- Future global and regional climate change: From near-term prediction to long-term projections (Invited)
- Multi-century projections of Greenland ice sheet evolution with a coupled ice sheet-AOGCM: paleo-trend, sensitivity to greenhouse forcing, and evaluation of elevation-feedback
- Perturbing a Stochastic Weather Generator with Different Climate Change Signals to Assess Extreme Precipitation under Influence of Climate Change at Urban Scales
- Profiling the Cloudy Boundary Layer from GPS Radio Occultation and MODIS
- Short and Medium Range Hydrometeorological Ensemble Prediction System: A mesoscale case study in Denmark
- Simulations and Observations of GNSS Ocean Surface Reflections
- examining the role of black carbon and microbial abundance in Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback (Invited)
- A Regional Coupled Model System to Examine Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice, Ice Sheet and Permafrost Interactions in the Arctic: HIRHAM5 - HYCOM - CICE - PISM - GIPL
- Hiatus in global mean temperature: trend patterns inspected with MSU/AMSU and GNSS-RO satellite data
- Long-Term High-Latitude Sea and Ice Surface Temperature Record from AVHRR GAC Data
- Modeling the Spreading of Glacial Melt Water from the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas
- Modelling the Climate - Greenland Ice Sheet Interaction in the Coupled Ice-sheet/Climate Model EC-EARTH - PISM
- PolarPortal.org Communicates Real-Time Developments in the Arctic
- Recent changes in energy and freshwater budgets for the Godthåbsfjord catchment simulated in a 5 km regional climate model
- Role of Model Initialisation for Projections of 21st Century Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss
- What is the Planetary Boundary Layer Height in a Global Perspective?
- Basin-Wide Mass Balance of Jakobshavn Isbræ (West Greenland) during 1880-2100
- Greenland ice sheet albedo variability and feedback: 2000-2015
- Mapping Field-Aligned Currents as a Function of the Interplanetary Electric Field
- Obtaining high resolution polarimetric radar based precipitation estimates in Skjern catchment, Denmark for hydrological modeling
- Robustness of Regional Patterns of Change in Multi-model Studies; Beyond Model Spread
- Simulated remote vegetation-climate feedbacks modulate African tropical rainfall under climate change
- Subsea Permafrost Climate Modeling - Challenges and First Results
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- Toward Unanimous Projections for Sea Ice Using CMIP5 Multi-model Simulations
- Abrupt Shift in the Observed Runoff from the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Climate change indices for Greenland applied directly for other arctic regions - Enhanced and utilized climate information from one high resolution RCM downscaling for Greenland evaluated through pattern scaling and CMIP5
- Climate models agree remarkably well on Arctic sea ice reductions
- First results from the THOR experiment: Blue Discharges at the top of Thunderstorms.
- Hotspots and key periods of Greenland climate change during the past six decades
- Impacts of sea ice / SST changes for the observed climate change -GREENICE project-
- Imprints of firn changes in the Cryosat-2 radar altimetry record
- NA-CORDEX: Overview and Sample Results
- North Atlantic Oscillation Drives Regional Greenland Glacier Volume During the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Sea Ice Mass Balance Buoys (IMBs): First Results from a Data Processing Intercomparison Study
- Sea ice thickness and recent Arctic warming
- The Relevance of Air-sea Coupling in the North Atlantic for Decadal Predictability of the Large-scale Circulation in the Atlantic/European Sector
- Consistency and Main Differences Between European Regional Climate Downscaling Intercomparison Results; From PRUDENCE and ENSEMBLES to CORDEX
- Devon Ice cap's future: results from climate and ice dynamics modelling via surface mass balance modelling
- Greenland ice sheet beyond 2100: Simulating its evolution and influence using the coupled climate-ice sheet model EC-Earth - PISM
- Ice Surface Temperature Variability in the Polar Regions and the Relationships to 2 Meter Air Temperatures
- NA-CORDEX: Overview and New Results
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- Arctic and Antarctic ice Surface Temperatures from AVHRR thermal Infrared satellite sensors, 1982-2015.
- Are transition season melt events on the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by Baffin Bay sea ice-atmosphere interactions?
- Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to sea-level over the next millennium
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Dynamic Modelling of the Evolution of Vatnajökull Ice Cap, Iceland, from 1980-2200
- Initial Demonstration of Polar Satellite Microwave and GPSRO Data Climate Monitoring Using GRUAN Measurements
- Observed Ice Surface Temperatures and the Potential Integration into a Coupled Ocean and Sea Ice Model
- Potential Drivers of Projected Uncertainties in Northern Winter Extratropical Circulation in CMIP5 Coupled Models
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- Towards Robust Regional Climate Change Information for Europe
- An ensemble approach to attribute highly localised deep moist convection events in a changing climate using a convection permitting regional model under pseudo-warming conditions.
- E-GVAP: Status and future
- Evidence of a contracted North Water Polynya during Holocene warm intervals: implications for high Arctic polynyas in a changing climate
- North Atlantic blocking regulates cold season air temperature variability over Greenland coastal and ice sheet ablation areas
- Are the Impacts of the Observed Arctic Sea-ice Variability on the Cold Season Atmospheric Circulation Underestimated in AGCM Experiments?
- Greenland surface mass balance variability throughout the last deglaciation
- Insights on Snow/Ice Radar Backscatter using the KuKa Radar during MOSAiC
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Penetration and Scattering - Altimetric Measurements over Evolving Snow and Sea Ice during MOSAiC
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Signatures Of Winter Snow-Covered Sea Ice: Observations from the 2019-2020 MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- The curse of initialization: A pseudo-warming study of a deep moist convection over Copenhagen, July 2011
- Using Neural Networks and Code Optimization to Accelerate Radiation Computations for Dynamical Models
- Wideband Microwave Radiometry for the Retrieval of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties in the MOSAiC Campaign
- Investigating Blue Corona Discharges with ASIM
- Temporal and spatial variability in Ku- and Ka-band radar interactions with snow-covered sea ice from MOSAiC: KuKa data and implications for interpretation of satellite radar altimetry data
- The July 2011, Copenhagen cloud burst what's climate change got to do with it?
- Uncertainty in East Antarctic Firn Thickness Constrained Using a Model Ensemble Approach
- Cloud microphysical properties related to blue corona discharges generated from deep convective cloud cells in cyclone Fani
- E-GVAP Phase V
- Earth Albedo Measurements with the Lunar Imaging Earthshine Telescope - juLIET
- On the Role of Asymmetries in Weather Anomalies Related to the Phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation
- The Future of Tundra Carbon Storage in Greenland - Sensitivity to Climate and Plant Trait Changes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alejandro Luque
- C. Max Stevens
- Christoph Köhn
- Daniela Krampe
- Dongshuai Li
- Efrén López‐Blanco
- Eigil Kaas
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen
- Lasse Husbjerg
- Malcolm McMillan
- Marc Oggier
- Martin Schneebeli
- Martin Stendel
- Matthias Heumesser
- Michel Tsamados
- Nikolai Østgaard
- Oguz Demir
- Olivier Chanrion
- P. Elósegui
- Polona Itkin
- Rasmus A. Pedersen
- Robert Ricker
- Shuting Yang
- Stefan Hendricks
- Torben R. Christensen
- Torsten Neubert
- Vishnu Nandan
- Víctor Reglero