CAS, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Beijing
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Investigation of Impact of Surface and Groundwater Interactions on Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration
- Size, Number Concentration, and Chemicophysical Properties of Asian Continent Atmospheric Aerosols: Balloon-borne Measurements in summer, 2001 at DonHuang, China
- A new numerical approach on groundwater dynamics study for land surface models
- Non-Stationary Coupling of Global SST and Northern Hemisphere Climate Variability Modes
- Observed Interannual Oscillations of Planetary wave Forcing in the Northern Hemisphere Winter
- Streamflow Simulations for Major River Basins in China
- Above Canopy Emissions of Isoprene and Monoterpenes from a Southeast Asian Tropical Forest
- Meteorological impact on eastern Asia tropospheric ozone during 1995-1996
- Projecting large-scale ecosystem change: A Forest Gap Model to Simulate Dynamics and Patterns of Eastern Eurasian Forests
- Aerosol and Cloud Radiative Forcing in China: Preliminary Results from the EAST-AIRE
- Airborne Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosols in Northern China: EAST-AIRE IOP 2005
- Analysis of downwelling surface solar radiation in China from NCEP reanalysis, satellite estimates and ground observations
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rates From Urban Vegetation in Southeast China
- Climatological Statistics of the Tropopause over China based on Radiosonde Data and its Relation between Total ozone
- Greenhouses Reduce the Greenhouse Effect
- Large-Scale Atmospheric Pollution Over Eastern China: Results From Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Observation
- Relationship Between North Atlantic Storm Activity and Scandinavian Pattern
- The Effects of Temperature Dependence of Absorption Coefficients on Atmospheric Cooling Rate
- The Preliminary Application of a Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System in Kanto Area, Japan
- The study of atmospheric aerosol characteristics and its radiative forcing over North China from ground and satellite observation
- Air Quality Perturbations Over Rural Mountain Regions by Large-Scale Urbanization in China
- Artificially triggered lightning and its characteristic discharge parameters in two severe thunderstorms
- Cloud Water Path Over China: An Analysis Using ISCCP Data During 1984- 2004
- Future climate impacts of direct radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols, tropospheric ozone, and long-lived greenhouse gases
- Impact of dust aerosol on land-atmosphere interaction over semi-arid Loess Plateau
- Implementations of the ensemble Kalman filter-based altimetry data assimilation in the Pacific
- Lightning Characteristics of Hailstorms in Coastal Regions of North China
- Observations on Thunderstorms and Lightning of Tibetan Plateau from 2002 to 2004
- Precipitation systems with and without lightning in Eastern Asia as observed from TRMM satellite
- Role of Climate Change in Predictions of Future Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosols
- Simulation of Forest Cover Dynamics for Eastern Eurasian Boreal Forests
- A Global Mass Circulation Paradigm for the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling
- Comparison of Cloud Amount between CALIPSO and General Circulation Models
- Determination of formaldehyde mixing ratios in polluted air with PTR-MS: Laboratory experiments and field measurements
- Effect of chemistry-aerosol-climate coupling on global predictions of future climate and future levels of tropospheric ozone and aerosols
- Effects of water table dynamics on regional climate
- Emissions and transport of air pollutants from China to the Pacific: Major findings from the EAST-AIRE air campaign
- Measurements of Mass Concentrations of Black Carbon by Using Four Instruments at the Summit of Mount Tai, in the Center of the North China Plain in June 2006
- On the contribution of H2SO4-H2O binary homogeneous and ion-mediated nucleation to new particle formation in the global troposphere
- Transport and Chemical Production of Ozone in the East Asian Pacific Rim Region: -Modeling Study Based on Observation-
- Turbulence Spectra in the Surface Layer with a Steady Surface Thermal Inversion
- Validation of OMI Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Column Data Using MAX-DOAS Measurements Deep Inside the North China Plain in June 2006
- Analyzing the Warm-Season Climatology of Beijing, China with Long-Term WRF Simulations
- Decadal changes of phenological patterns over Arctic tundra biome
- Dynamical Impacts of Tropical Upwelling Cell on the Meridional Scales of ENSO Anomalies
- Evaluation of Global Anthropogenic Aerosol Indirect Effects in the GISS Model III
- Future Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Levels in the United States
- Holocene Atlantic Freshwater Redistribution and the Intensification of the South American Monsoon
- Impact of Human Activities on Hydrologic Simulations in the Huaihe River Basin
- Intra-Asian Air Pollutions and Their Transport: Characterization From Ground Based Observation
- Land use driven vegetation processes and regional climate change
- Medium-Range Air Quality Forecast During the Beijing Olympic Games
- Projecting the Summer Climate of Mainland China in the Middle 21st Century: Will the Droughts in North China Persist?
- Respective Forcing Role of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Warming on the Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation
- Role of Future Climate-induced Changes in Biogenic Emissions in Predictions of Future Ozone and Aerosols
- The Fair-weather Electric Field Near the Bird's Nest During the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- Transport of north China air pollution by mid-latitude cyclones: A case study of aircraft measurements in summer 2007
- A comparison of polar vortex trend response to Pacific and Indian Ocean warming
- A global land data assimilation system: preliminary evaluations
- Aerosol-climate interactions over China
- An Abrupt Increase of the Summer High Temperature Extremes across China in the mid 1990s
- An overview of dust aerosol effect on semi-arid climate during 2008 China-US joined field campaign
- Analyses of a hierarchy of frozen soil models for cold region study
- Artificially Triggered Lightning by Using New-designed Rocket during SHATLE, China
- Circumpolar Arctic greening: Relationships to summer sea-ice concentrations, land temperatures and disturbance regimes
- Cloud Water Path Variation with Temperature over China
- Coupled Monitoring and Modeling of Air Quality and Regional Climate during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
- Detecting Changes of Thermal Environment over the Bohai Coastal Region by Spectral Change Vector Analysis
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Aerosols in China
- Direct measurements of CO2 fluxes in an urban area of Beijing city
- Dust Storm Reduction due to Precipitation and Temperature Enhancement in Northwestern China: A Direct Climatic Impact of Absorbing Aerosols
- Effects of interbasin water transfer on regional climate: A case study of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China
- Evaluation of Precipitation from Reanalyses Products Using Gauge-Based Analysis of Daily Precipitation over East Asia
- Field observation analysis of atmosphere-land surface interaction over Loess Plateau of Northwest China
- Results of sprites, lightning activities and thunderstorms in Chinese mainland
- Seasonality of Air-sea-ice-land Variables for Arctic Tundra in Northern Eurasia and North America
- Size distributions of secondary and primary aerosols in Asia: A 3-D modeling
- Validation of GOME-2 UV radiance
- Variability of Primary Production and Surface Albedo along Desert-steppe Ecotone based on Satellite Observation
- A prediction model for Atlantic named storm frequency using a year-by-year increment approach
- An Analysis of Heavy Rain Events in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River in China during the recent 50 years
- An analysis of transport pathways that contribute to water vapor and ozone profiles measured in the Asian monsoon anticyclone
- An assessment of monsoon precipitation changes during 1901-2001: Observation and Model Simulation
- Application of vegetation information on the Tibetan Plateau to improve East Asian summer monsoon prediction
- Approaches for Assessing Downscaled Climate
- Asymmetry of Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies over the Western North Pacific between El Niño and La Niña
- Bimodal Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon Viewed as Atmospheric Hydrological Cycle
- Case study of Asian dust optical and deposition properties over the Yellow Sea of China by shipboard and ground-based photometers, along with Satellite remote sensing
- Comparison of Grid Nudging and Spectral Nudging Techniques for Dynamical Climate Downscaling within the WRF Model
- Correlation between the QBO secondary meridional circulation and the equatorial wave activities
- Defining the Entrainment Zone in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers
- Downward Arctic Oscillation signal associated with moderate weak stratospheric polar vortex and the cold 2009 December
- Estimates of ecosystem productions from coordinated flux measurements and satellite data
- Evaluation of Reanalysis and TRMM Products Using a New Gauge-Based Analysis of Daily Precipitation over China
- Greening of the Arctic: Spatial and temporal (1982-2009) variation of circumpolar tundra NDVI and aboveground biomass
- Impact of East Asian Winter Monsoon on Rainfall over Southeastern China and its Dynamical Process
- Impact of the Asian monsoon on the chemical composition of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL): (Invited)
- Impact of the Decadal-Scale Weakening of the Asian Summer Monsoon on Aerosol Concentrations in Eastern China
- Influence of two convection schemes on the radiative energy budget
- Interdecadal Modulation of ENSO Amplitude During the Last Millennium
- Intraseasonal variations of sea surface temperature east of Taiwan
- Lightning M-components with Peak Current in the Range of Kilo-amperes
- Process-based Intermediate Fire Parameterization in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Recent Changes in the Summer Precipitation Pattern in East China and the Background Circulation
- Role of dust-induced sea surface temperature responses in simulations of the climatic effect of mineral dust
- Simulation Study on Ground Surface Water and Energy Balance in Arid and Semiarid Areas
- Simulation of Regional Climate Change Impacted by Urbanization and Anthropogenic Heat Release in China
- Simulation of the global distribution and direct radiative effect of mineral dust aerosol at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Solar Impacts on SST, Atmospheric Circulations and Extreme Climate Background in Boreal Winter
- Stratospheric and tropospheric contributions to extreme ozone minimum events over the Tibetan Plateau during winters 1987-2001 (Invited)
- Submonthly Fluctuations of Northern Hemisphere Zonal-Mean Circulation: Phase Transition and Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions
- Summer North Atlantic Oscillation: decadal change, impact, and possible mechanisms
- Testing the ability of RIEMS2.0 (Regional Integrated Environment Modeling System) on regional climate simulation in East Asia
- The different impacts of two kinds of Pacific Ocean warming on tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific
- The influence of regional SSTs on interdecadal shift of East Asian summer monsoon
- The possible mechanism of the "stratospheric bridge"
- The role of land-atmosphere coupling for climate variability and extremes over East Asia
- Uncertainty of establishment scheme in the Community Land Model-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Understanding drivers of recent Arctic tundra vegetation changes
- Upwelling off East Guangdong: observation, simulation and data assimilation
- What's behind the warming signals in eastern China megacity areas?
- Air quality in China from 1850 to 2050 simulated using the IPCC AR5 emissions inventories
- An intermediate process-based fire parameterization in Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- An overview of a 5-year research program on acid deposition in China
- Asian Black Carbon Influence on East Asian Summer Monsoons
- Background ozone in North China: trends, photochemical and transport impacts
- Changes in CO2 exchange on interannual and decadal time scales at Harvard Forest
- Changes in the temperature annual cycle in China and their implications for studying climate variability and change
- Character and effect of convective moment transport on the evolution of Convectively Coupled Waves
- Chinese carbon dioxide observation satellite (TanSat) project
- Combined Use of Satellite and Aircraft Back Scattered Ultraviolet and Visible Spectra for Improved Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals
- Correlation of black carbon aerosol and carbon monoxide in the high-altitude environment of Mt. Huang in eastern China
- Dependence of aerosol scattering coefficients on relative humidity observed at two coastal sites on the East China Sea: Comparison to remote observations and influence of chemical composition
- Estimation of air sea heat fluxes and ocean mixing climatology caused by tropical cyclones on basin and annual scale
- First quantitative bias estimates for tropospheric NO2 data from SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2 using a common standard
- Interdecadal Change in SST Anomalies Associated with Winter Rainfall over South China
- Land-atmosphere coupling and summer climate prediction
- Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Snow/Ice on the Local Circulation on the Northern Slope of Mt. Everest
- Observed Impact of the South Asian Summer Monsoon on the Local Meteorology in the Himalayas
- Parallel Applications Infrastructure for the ESM
- Sensitivities study of sulfate radiative properties and direct radiative forcing with LASG IAP AGCM
- Simulation of aerosol direct radiative forcing with RAMS-CMAQ in East Asia
- The Annual Variances of Phenology-Transition-Dates in Different Regions
- The ENSO's effect on eastern China rainfall in the following early summer
- The Local Atmosphere and the Turbulent Heat Transfer in the East Himalayas
- The simulation study on the impact of convection systems over east edge of Tibet Plateau on the precipitation along Mei-yu front
- Towards an accurate regional projection of future climate: An improved dynamical downscaling method with GCM bias corrections
- Transport of SE. Asian pollutions to UTLS during Asian Summer Monsoon - A CTM study
- the Pacific decadal variability in a Coupled GCM
- A New Automatic Method of Urban Areas Mapping in East Asia from LANDSAT Data
- Assimilation of Microwave Brightness Temperature in a Land Data Assimilation System with Multi-Observation Operators
- Asymmetric effects of soil moisture on mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures over eastern China
- Atmospheric CO2 Retrieval Algorithm for TanSat: Preliminary Retrieval Experiment on TANSO/GOSAT Data
- Can Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Model Improve the Simulation of the Interannual Variability of Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon?
- Carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes over Erhai Lake using eddy covariance technique
- Chinese Carbon Dioxide Satellite (TanSat) Status and Plans
- Climatic responses to anthropogenic groundwater exploitation: A case study of the Haihe River Basin, Northern China
- Cloud Base Height and Effective Cloud Emissivity Retrieval with Ground-Based Infrared Interferometer
- Different Impacts of Two Types of ENSO Events on Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific
- East Asia-western Pacific summer climate change projected by CMIP5 models
- Effects of Relative Humidity on Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Photooxidation of Benzene and Ethylbenzene
- Environmental response functions - relating eddy-covariance flux measurements to ecosystem drivers
- Four Years of Ground-based MAX-DOAS Observations of HONO and NO2 in the Beijing Area
- Global Monsoon Rainfall - What the future holds?
- Identify Fractional Urban Signals for Better Understading Urban Climate Effects
- Impact of different transport mechanisms of Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to Taiwan
- In Situ Water Vapor and Ozone Measurements in Lhasa and Kunming during the Asian Summer Monsoon
- LASG/IAP AGCM study of aerosol direct and indirect effects
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Lidar development for measuring greenhouse gases in Tibet
- Measurements of volatile organic compounds in rural area of Yangtze River Delta region: Measurement comparison and source characterization
- Modeling and Prediction of Snow Cover over the Tibetan Plateau
- Monitoring Ozone in the Lower Troposphere with IASI: Analysis of the Dynamical and Chemical Processes Controlling the Ozone Distribution over Eastern Asia
- Monitoring drought for grassland and cropland using multi-sensor microwave remote sensing data
- On changing El Niño: A view from time-varying annual cycle, interannual variability and mean state
- Preliminary Evaluation of the Cloud Fraction Simulations by GAMIL2 using COSP
- Qualifying the uncertainties of the parameters in the moist processes using GAMIL2
- Quantitative bias estimates for tropospheric NO2 columns retrieved from SCIAMACHY, OMI, and GOME-2 using a common standard for East Asia
- Reanalysis using an ensemble-based method in the Indian ocean and Pacific oceans
- Seasonal Variation and Physical Properties of Cloud System over Southeastern China derived from CloudSat Products
- Seasonal variation of energy, water and CO2 exchange over an alpine meadow ecosystem
- Simulated TBO in CMIP5 models
- Simulation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon during the Last Millennium with the MPI Earth System Model
- Simulation of the interannual variations of biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds in China: Impacts on tropospheric ozone and secondary organic aerosol
- Terrestrial carbon cycle - climate relations in eight CMIP5 earth system models
- The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century
- The East Asian Summer Monsoon at mid-Holocene: results from PMIP3 simulations
- The Relationship between Oxygen A-band Photon Pathlength Distributions and 3D Structures of Heating Rate Profiles
- The impact of spring subsurface soil temperature and snow anomaly in the Western U.S. on Southern U.S. summer precipitation and the Texas drought 2011
- The role of subsurface soil temperature feedbacks in summer surface air temperature variability over East Asia
- Up-scaling gross primary production from site to region with flux measurements and satellite data in northern China
- Using Bayesian optimization method and FLEXPART dispersion model to evaluate CO emission in East China based on three-year measurements at high altitude mountain site
- Vegetation Dynamics and Carbon-Nitrogen Cycles in NCAR CLM4-CNDV Under Changing Climate
- Vertical profile measurements of water vapor, ozone and ice particles within the Asian monsoon anticyclone: New results from Kunming, China
- A land data assimilation system based on GRACE terrestrial water storage data and the assimilation method PODEn4DVar
- A strategy for studying the air pollution effects on climate and public health in Asia (Invited)
- A study of regional-scale aerosol assimilation using a Stretch-NICAM
- Adele Results from the HS3 Mission
- Aerosol Activation Properties within and above Mixing Layer in the North China Plain
- Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Clouds: Mechanism, Significance, and Parameterization (Invited)
- Altitude Measurements and Measurement-Driven Modeling of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Analyses of observed and simulated Tibetan Plateau summer major climate features and possible impacts of land cover change on these features
- Analysis of XCO2 retrieval sensitivity using simulated Chinese Carbon Satellite(TanSat)measurements
- Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models (Invited)
- Changes in relationships between surface air temperature and precipitation over East Asia associated with the 1976/1977climate shift
- Characteristics of upward lightning from a 325 m tower
- Emissions of oxygenated volatile organic compounds from open crop burning in Yangtze River Delta region, China
- Enhanced acid rain and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, sulfur and heavy metals in Northern China
- Evaluate the urban effect on summer convective precipitation by coupling a urban canopy model with a Regional Climate Model
- Evaluating Diurnal Variations of Summer Precipitation over the Asian Monsoon Region based on TRMM Satellite Data and Coupled model outputs
- Evaluation of ACCMIP simulated aerosol concentrations and aerosol optical depths over China
- Global vs. Local MJO Forecast Skills of ECMWF during DYNAMO
- High and Low Latitude types of the Downstream Influences of the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- Incorporating soil frost and thaw fronts dynamics into the community land surface model CLM 3.5
- Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble:The Zonal Dipole mode
- Inverse estimation of ammonia emissions over China using satellite observations and the adjoint method
- Inversion of CO emissions over Beijing and its surrounding areas with ensemble Kalman filter
- Land surface air temperature diurnal range over high northern latitudes
- Modeling the 'Birch Effect' Using a Microbial Enzyme Based Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition and Gas Transport Model
- Multi-disciplinary measurements of triggered lightning during SHandong Artificially Triggering Lightning Experiment (SHATLE) in 2013
- Observed momentum flux in high winds and implication for parameterization development
- Recent summer rainfall increase and surface cooling over Northern Australia since the late 1970s: A response to warming in the tropical Western Pacific
- Reducing spread in climate model projections of a September ice-free Arctic
- Regional patterns of the change in annual-mean tropical rainfall under global warming
- Relationship between ENSO and East Asian-western North Pacific monsoon: observations versus CMIP5 models
- Responses of East Asian summer monsoon to natural and anthropogenic forcings in the latest 17 CMIP5 models
- Results from the Third RHESSI Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Roles of Synoptic to Quasi-Biweekly Disturbances in Generating the Summer 2003 Heavy Rainfall in East China
- Satellite observation of lowermost tropospheric ozone by multispectral synergism of IASI thermal infrared and GOME-2 ultraviolet measurements over Europe
- Satellite-based emission constraint for nitrogen oxides: Capability and uncertainty
- Scalar Flux-Gradient Relationships Under Unstable Conditions overWater in Coastal Regions
- Seasonal Modulations of Different Impacts of Two Types of ENSO Events on Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific
- Seasonal and interannual variations of CO2 in East Asia simulated using the high-resolution nested-grid GEOS-Chem model
- The Role of Moist Processes in Response of Shortwave Cloud Radiative Forcing to El Niño Warming
- The Seasonally Predictable modes of eastern China Autumn to Spring Rainfall and their relationship with ENSO
- The analyses of extreme climate events over China based on CMIP5 historical and future simulations
- The characteristics of water cycle in arid region of China under the climatic background of warm and wet
- The long-term effect of urbanization and anthropogenic heat release on climate across China
- Theoretical study of dynamic behaviors in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models with the age structure
- Uncertainty quantification and parameter optimization of moist parameterizations in the GAMIL2
- Vertical profiles of black carbon concentration and particle number size distribution in the North China Plain
- A Comparative Study of Mesoscale Modeling of Smoke and Dust Direct Radiative Effects over Northern Sub-Saharan African Region.
- A Comparison of Tropospheric Temperature Changes over China Revealed By Multiple Datasets
- A New Method to Estimate the Maximum Sensitivity in Climate Simulation: Nonlinear Ensemble Parameter Perturbation
- Aerosol hygroscopicity and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity under clean conditions and polluted events during the Aerosol-CCN-Cloud Closure Experiment (AC<SUP>3</SUP>Exp) campaign
- Analyses of the Observed and Simulated Major Summer Climate Features of Northwestern China and Their Sensitivity to Land Surface Processes
- Asian Dust Particles Identified with Microscopes: Aging, Mixing and Subsequence
- Characteristics of atmospheric aerosol optical depth variation in China during 1993-2012
- Cloud Radiative Forcing in East Asia Simulated from IAP/LASG GCM with a Physics-Based, Two-Moment Statistical-Numerical Cloud Scheme
- Connection of the Oxygen Isotope in Stalagmites from East Asia with the Large Scale Atmospheric-Oceanic Patterns
- Decadal Modulation of Global Surface Temperature By Internal Climate Variability
- Decadal trend and interannual variation of outflow of aerosols from East Asia: Roles of variations in meteorological parameters and emissions
- Developments of the Orthogonal Curvilinear Terrain-Following Coordinate: the New Basis Vectors
- Effects of anthropogenic groundwater exploitation on land surface processes: A case study of the Haihe River Basin, Northern China
- Evaluation of Present-day Aerosols over China Simulated from the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
- Evaluation of VIIRS AOD over North China Plain: biases from aerosol models
- Evaluation on Asian Dust Aerosol and Simulated Processes in CanAM4.2 Using Satellite Measurements and Station Data
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Global Warming or Global Cooling in the Holocene?
- Impact of Combustion Efficiency of Open Biomass Burning on the Mixing State of Black Carbon Containing Particles
- Impact of East Asian Summer Monsoon on the Interannual Variation of South Asian High
- Impacts of anthropogenic activities on climate change in arid and semiarid areas based on CMIP5 models
- Improving Air Quality (and weather) Predictions in Asia via Application of New Data Assimilation Techniques Applicable to Coupled Models
- Laboratory measurements of emissions of nonmethane volatile organic compounds from biomass burning in Chinese crop residues
- Locating narrow bipolar events with single-station measurement of low-frequency magnetic fields
- Long-Term Variation of the Principal Mode of Boreal Spring Hadley CirculationLinked to SST over the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- Meteorological Drought Monitoring and Its Impact On Vegetation Over Northern China
- Multiple satellite estimates of urban fractions and climate effects at regional scale
- Observation of a bipolar cloud-to-ground flash containing one first positive stroke followed by three negative strokes
- Observational Study and Parameterization of Aerosol-fog Interactions
- Parametric Behaviors of CLUBB in Simulation of Low Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- Pomino: An Improved Satellite NO2 Product for the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Quality of the Computational Grids in the Orthogonal Curvilinear Terrain-Following Coordinate and its Computational Stability
- Radiative Forcing Effects Due to Black Carbon and Dust in the Atmosphere and Snow in the Western United States
- The Mean State and Inter-annual Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon in CMIP5 Coupled Models: Does Air-Sea Coupling Improve the Simulations?
- Triggering Mechanism of Precursor Suppressed Convective Anomaly associated with Primary MJO Initiation over Indian Ocean
- Two distinct intraseasonal modes of summer rainfall variation over the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Uncertainty in the uptake coefficient for HONO formation on soot and its impacts on concentrations of major chemical components in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
- Using the CMIP5 Model Intercomparison, a Study on Sensitivity of Global and Regional Terrestrial Carbon Storage to the Direct CO<SUB>2</SUB> Effect and Climate Change
- A Comparative Study on the Dominant Factors Responsible for the Weaker-than-expected El Niño Event in 2014
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
- A Study of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variation in China with Multi-Algorithm GOSAT Products
- A preliminary study of thunderstorm tracking based on single-station observations of NBEs
- Aerosol-stratocumulus Interactions over the Southeast Pacific: A Process Study Using WRF-Chem
- An effective indicator of continental scale cold air outbreaks in northern winter: the intensity variation of the meridional mass circulation
- An effort for developing a seamless transport modeling and remote sensing system for air pollutants
- Beijing Lightning Network (BLNET): Configuration, Function and Preliminary Results
- Biases in simulation of the rice phenology models when applied in warmer climates
- Characterization of Organic Nitrogen in the Atmosphere Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Coupled Southward Propagation of Intraseasonal Variations in the South China Sea during Boreal Winter
- Critical Role of the Meridional Background Flow in the Rossby Wave Propagation across the Tropical Easterly
- Decadal prediction by using the CESM: A Case Study on the US 2014-2015 Winter Extreme Event
- Development of a unified turbulence scheme with a statistical cloud fraction scheme in Community Atmosphere Model
- Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
- Effects of groundwater lateral flow on land surface processes: a case study in Heihe River Basin, north-west of China
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Precipitable Water from Reanalysis Products Using Homogenized Radiosonde Observations over China
- Evaluation of aerosol optical depth and aerosol models from MODIS and VIIRS retrieval algorithms over North China Plain
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Fullerene Soot in Eastern China Air: Results from Soot Particle-Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Global Climate Responses to Anthropogenic Groundwater Exploitation
- How the ocean subsurface changes (0-1500m) during the recent warming slowdown and the impact of observation system change
- Impacts of Meteorological Parameters and Emissions on Decadal and Interannual Variations of Black Carbon in China for 1980-2010
- Impacts of historical climate and land cover changes on tropospheric ozone and particulate matter in East Asia
- Improved ensemble-mean forecast skills of ENSO events by a zero-mean stochastic model-error model of an intermediate coupled model
- Improving Terrestrial Carbon and Water Simulations with Dynamic Root Distribution over the Amazon Basin
- Indirect evidence for elevated SO<SUB>2</SUB> layers in the North China Plain
- Investigation on Different Parameterizations of Cloud Droplet Spectral Dispersion on Simulated Precipitation and Radiation in NCAR CAM5
- Lightning characteristics related to radar morphology in linear convective systems over North China plain
- Location and variation of the summertime upper-troposphere temperature maximum and South Asian High over South Asia
- Long-delayed bright dancing sprite with large horizontal displacement from its parent flash
- Modulation of cloud radiative effect on the strength asymmetry in two types of El Niño events
- Parameteric dependence of climate sensitivity and cloud response in CAM5 with a higher-order closure scheme
- Revisiting the potential of melt pond fraction as a predictor for the seasonal Arctic sea ice extent minimum
- Sub-decadal increase of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in atmospheric total suspended particles in East Asia
- The Impact of Monthly Variation of the Pacific-North America (PNA) Teleconnection Pattern on Wintertime Surface-layer Aerosol Concentrations in the United States
- The Impact of a Severe Drought on Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Water Fluxes in a Subtropical Forest
- The impact of solar activities on the boreal winter climate and its decadal variation
- The sequence of events in a lightning stroke: terrestrial gamma ray flash, radio signal and optical lightning.
- The thermal and dynamical state of the Antarctic mesopause region during winter/summer transition and the role of stratosphere/mesosphere coupling
- UTLS Transport by Asian Summer Monsoon: A Model Investigation and Hypotheses for In Situ Observations
- Vertical Velocity in Shallow Convection for Different Plume Types
- A Non-Iterative Parametric Model of Turbulent Fluxes in the Atmospheric Near-Surface Layer
- A Surface Potential Vorticity Perspective of the Persistent Snowstorm over Southern China in January 2008
- A further Study of ENSO Rectification: Results from an OGCM with a Seasonal cycle
- A synergistic action between the south Asian high over the Tibet plateau and the Okhotsk and Yakutsk blocking high for the persistent extreme precipitation events in Central-Eastern China
- Air Quality Improvement in a Megacity: Implications from 2015 Beijing Parade Blue Pollution-Control Actions
- Angular dependence and the role of polarization for aerosol microphysical properties information content from simulated CAPI/TanSat observation over land
- Asian Summer Monsoon Pollutes the Northern Hemispheric Stratosphere
- Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to China: a model analysis on nitrogen budget and critical load exceedance
- Background aerosol over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: observed characteristics of aerosol mass loading
- Barrier Effect of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent on the MJO: Perspectives from Tracking MJO Precipitation
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates from a LETKF Data Assimilation System and Investigation of Observational Error Specification
- Characteristics of the Surface Turbulent Flux and the Components of Radiation Balance over the Grasslands in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Cloud-top radiative cooling scheme coupled with higher order closure and its impacts on climate simulation of low-cloud and East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific in post-El Niño summer
- Comparisons of mixed-phase clouds and relative humidity distributions between in-situ observations and multi-resolution CAM5 simulations
- Correlation Between Surface Temperature and 0° Isotherm Height Derived from ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data and Radiosonde Data
- Deriving the instrument transfer function from OMI solar observations and its implications for trace gas retrievals
- Detecting Changes in Precipitation Extremes in China and Their Connections With the Sea Surface Temperature of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Detection performance of three different lightning location networks in Beijing area based on accurate fast antenna records
- Distributions of Relative Humidity, Vertical Velocity, and Chemical Tracers in the Tropical Tropopause Layer from ATTREX and CONTRAST Campaigns
- Diuranl variations and characteristics of organic molecular composition and stable carbon isotope ratios of PM2.5 in Beijing during the "APEC Blue"
- Effects of Anthropogenic Water Regulation and Groundwater Lateral Flow on Land Processes
- Effects of Human Water Utilizations on Watershed Hydrological Processes
- Empirical-dynamical Prediction Models for Seasonal Prediction of Asia-Australia Summer Monsoon Based on ENSEMBLES Project
- Evidence for significant urbanization and land - use change effect on surface wind speed in Eastern China during 1960 - 1999
- Foreign and Domestic Contributions to Springtime Ozone Pollution over China
- Fossil Fuel Combustion-Related Emissions Dominate Atmospheric Ammonia Sources during Severe Haze Episodes: Evidence from <SUP>15</SUP>N-Stable Isotope in Size-Resolved Aerosol Ammonium
- GOME-2 Tropospheric Ozone Profile Retrievals from Joint UV/Visible Measurement
- Global distribution of secondary organic aerosol particle phase state
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Historical trends of biogenic SOA tracers in an ice core from Kamchatka Peninsula
- Human-induced greening of the northern extratropical land surface
- Hydrologic and climatic responses to global anthropogenic groundwater extraction
- Impact of fire on global land carbon, water, and energy budgets and climate during the 20th century through changing ecosystems
- Impacts of horizontal resolution and physical parameterization on modeling precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau with WRF
- Impacts of sea ice / SST changes for the observed climate change -GREENICE project-
- Improved estimates of ocean heat content from 1960-2015
- Increase in surface albedo caused by agricultural plastic film
- Influence of the spring Arctic Oscillation on the subsequent ENSO and its interdecadal changes
- Integrated Research Plan on the Tibetan Plateau Land-Air Coupled System and Its Impact on Global Climate Change
- Intensive Radiosonde Measurements of Summertime Shallow Cumulus over the Inner Mongolia Grassland (IMG) in 2014
- Inter-decadal Change in the Summertime Northeast Asia Low Pressure System in the Early 1990s
- Is Intra-model Spread Worth Considering in ENSO Simulation?
- Limitations of ozone data assimilation with adjustment of NOx emissions: mixed effects on NO2 forecasts over Beijing and surrounding areas
- Linear Additive Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Reduction and La Niña on the NorthernHemisphere Winter Climate
- Measuring and Modelling the Impact of a Severe Drought on Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Water Fluxes in a Subtropical Forest
- Microphysical and macrophysical characteristics of ice and mixed-phase clouds compared between in-situ observations from the NSF ORCAS campaign and the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model
- Modeling Investigation of Rapid Formation of a Severe Winter Haze Episode in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
- Modeling study of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentration change in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Chengdu-Chongqing urban clusters
- Molecular Distributions and Compound-specific Stable Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Lipids in Wintertime Aerosols from Beijing
- N2O emissions in tropical rainforest and rubber plantation, the indicator from landuse changing in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China
- Observation of the Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Column Density and Their Vertical Profiles at Xianghe Station of Northern China by MAX-DOAS
- On the radiation mechanism of magnetic pulses measured during the initial stage of rocket-triggered lightning
- Positive and bi-polar triggered lightning flashes in 2015 Shandong triggering lightning experiment
- Probing the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer during Summer Monsoon Using in situ Measurements
- Quantifying Emission Controls of CO and NOx During the Victory Day Military Parade through Inverse Modelling with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Real-Time Characterization of Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particles for Clear and Haze Episodes in Winter Beijing
- Reduced Uncertainties in Health Impacts and Radiative Forcing Estimates in Winter Haze in eastern China through constraints of surface PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>predictions
- Responses of the terrestrial carbon cycle to drought: modeling sensitivities of the interactive nitrogen and dynamic vegetation
- Satellite Based Modeling Estimates of Global Ecosystem Respiration
- Seasonal variations, molecular distributions, and stable carbon isotopic compositions of dicarboxylic acids, ketocarboxylic acids, and α-dicarbonyls in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> from Beijing, China
- Simulation of Soil Frost and Thaw Fronts Dynamics with Community Land Model 4.5
- Simulation of urbanization effect on East China regional climate using a WRF/SSIB/URBAN model
- Spatial analysis of ecosystem production from coordinated in-situ and satellite observations over semi-arid East Asia
- Temporal and spatial variations of atmospheric reactive nitrogen deposition and impacts in China
- The Sensitivity of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to Dynamical Framework in an Ocean General Circulation Model
- The Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment for Understanding the Earth-Atmosphere Coupled System
- The cooling trend in mainland China during the recent global warming hiatus period
- The enhancement of neutral metal Na layer above thunderstorms
- The maximized signal-to-noise ratio predictable mode analysis of summer rainfall over East China in ENSEMBLES
- Two types of summertime heating over the Asian large-scale orography and excitation of potential vorticity forcing
- Understanding and Seasonal Forecasting of multiscale droughts in China
- Understanding the surface temperature cold bias in CMIP5 AGCMs over the Tibetan Plateau
- Using Intel's Knight Landing Processor to Accelerate Global Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System (GNAQPMS) Model
- Wind-driven Sea-Ice Changes Intensify Subsurface Warm Water Intrusion into the West Antarctic Land Ice Front
- A Multigrid NLS-4DVar Data Assimilation Scheme with Advanced Research WRF (ARW)
- A New Approach to Simulate Groundwater Table Dynamics and Its Validation in China
- A New Method to Obtain the Black Carbon Mixing State of Biomass and Combustion Aerosols
- A high-resolution land model coupled with groundwater lateral flow, human water regulation and the changes in soil freeze-thaw fronts
- A parametric multivariate drought index and its application in the attribution and projection of flash drought change in China
- Alteration of the Oceanic Forcing of the East Asian Summer Monsoon by the Effect of Tibetan Plateau heating
- Are recent hurricane (Harvey, Irma, Maria) disasters natural?
- Assessing surface radiative fluxes and developing surface turbulent heat fluxes over Arctic sea ice
- Assessing the impact of terrestrial carbon flux on surface atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration over East Asia
- Assessment of the Reanalysis Flux Products Based on Eddy Covariance Observation in Summer Over the Tibetan Plateau
- Barrier Effect of the Maritime Continent on the MJO Based an MJO Tracking Method
- Below-cloud wet scavenging of soluble inorganic ions by rain in Beijing during the summer of 2014
- Boundary layer characteristics on cloudless days in Beijing based on UHF wind-profiler and related observations with possible explanation
- Boundary layer height determination from Lidar for improving air pollution episode modelling: development of new algorithm and evaluation
- Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Marine Aerosols over East China Sea Using a Source-oriented Chemical Transport Model
- Characterizing the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer under heavy pollution over urban area, Beijing, China
- Climate and meltwater changes in the Himalayas: impacts, risk assessment and mitigation
- Cloud vertical structure, precipitation, and cloud radiative effects over Tibetan Plateau
- Combined observation of cloud characteristic with Atmospheric Profiling Synthetic Observation System(APSOS)
- Comparison of synthetic fertilizer N-induced direct nitrous oxide emission from croplands in China and India during 1980-2010
- Comparisons of Cloud Properties over the Southern Ocean between In situ Observations and WRF Simulations
- Confronting the surface temperature cold bias in AGCMs over the Tibetan Plateau and improving climate simulations
- Controlling factors of evaporation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux over an open water lake in southeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Decreasing Lower Tropospheric Ozone over the North China Plain Observed by IASI: Looking for Explanations
- Description and Evaluation of IAP-AACM: A Global-regional Aerosol Chemistry Model for the Earth System Model CAS-ESM
- Detecting Disturbances and Dynamics of Grassland Vegetation with PhenoCam observation in East Asia
- Determinants of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission in global forest soils
- ENSO Elicits Opposing Responses of Semi-arid Vegetation Between Hemispheres
- Effects of biomass smoke from southern Africa on stratocumulus over southeastern Atlantic Ocean based on satellite observations and WRF-Chem model simulations
- Elucidating Particle Acidity during North China Winter Haze Events
- Environmental effects on water vapour and carbon dioxide exchange above two alpine grassland ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau
- Evaluating the cloud radiative forcing over East Asia during summer simulated by CMIP5 models
- Evaluation of VIIRS Aerosol Products over China.
- Event attribution: Human influence on the record-breaking cold event in January of 2016 in Eastern China
- Fine particles from Independence Day fireworks events: chemical characterization and source apportionment
- Foreign and Domestic Contributions to Springtime Ozone Pollution over China
- Future Precipitation Extremes in China Under Climate Change and Their Possible Mechanisms by Regional Climate Model and Earth System Model Simulations
- Future inhibition of ecosystem productivity by increasing wildfire pollution over boreal North America
- Historical Causes and Future Projections of Hydrological Drought Change over a Semi-arid Watershed in the Yellow River Basin
- How well can we reconcile ocean heat content, top-of-atmosphere energy imbalance and the sea level budget?
- Human impacts on 20th century fire dynamics and implications for global carbon and water trajectories
- Hypothesis on the Origin of Chaotic Pulse Train in Dart Leader
- Impact of Tibetan-Plateau Surface Heating on Persistent Extreme Precipitation Events in Southeastern China
- Impact of climate, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and land use on terrestrial carbon and water fluxes in China based on a multi-model analysis
- Impacts of absorbing aerosol deposition on snowpack and hydrologic cycle in the Rocky Mountain region using variable-resolution CESM (VR-CESM)
- Impacts of aerosol mitigation on Chinese rice photosynthesis: An integrated modeling approach
- Improving simulation of soil moisture in China using modified meteorological forcing, land surface information and CLM4.5
- In-situ measurement and analysis of electric field inside thunderstorms in North China Plain
- Increasing of eddy activity in the northeastern Pacific during 1993-2011
- Interdecadal circumglobal teleconnection pattern during boreal summer driven by AMO
- Long-term survey of lion-roar emissions inside the terrestrial magnetosheath obtained from the STAFF-SA measurements onboard the Cluster spacecraft
- MODIS and GIMMS Inferred Northern Hemisphere Spring Greenup in Responses to Preseason Climate
- Mantle transition zone topography and structure beneath the Indochina Peninsula: Implications for slab window and mantle upwelling
- Mesosacle eddies in a high resolution OGCM and coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM
- Modeling study of secondary organic aerosol in winter in China using NAQPMS
- Modulation of the Aleutian-Icelandic Low Seesaw and Its Surface Impacts by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Moisture Sources of the Precipitation to the West of Tibetan Plateau in winter and its Associated Cloud Characteristics
- Molecular Characterization of Organosulfates in Urban Aerosols during the Spring Festival by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry
- Natural and anthropogenic land cover change and its impact on the regional climate and hydrological extremes over Sanjiangyuan region
- Numerical Study on Interdecadal Modulations of ENSO-related Spring Rainfall over South China by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Observational analysis of air-sea fluxes and sea water temperature offshore South China Sea
- Observed temporal and spatial variation of surface ozone concentration in the Beijing area for 2015
- Particle type identification for C-band dual-polarization radar in Darwin, Australia
- Patterns and signatures characterizing the partitioning of precipitation into evapotranspiration and runoff in land surface parameterizations
- Positive recoil leader in rocket-triggered and tower-initiated lightning flashes as observed by high speed video camera
- Preliminary study on the Validation of FY-4A Lightning Mapping Imager
- Real-time observational evidence of changing Asian dust morphology with the mixing of heavy anthropogenic pollution
- Regional Sea Level Changes and Projections over North Pacific Driven by Air-sea interaction and Inter-basin Teleconnections
- Religious Burning as a Major Source of Atmospheric Fine Aerosols in Lhasa city in the Tibetan Plateau
- Responses of Surface Ozone Air Quality to Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition
- Revised Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From Newly Available Chinese In-situ Data Consistent with OCO-2 and GOSAT
- Role of Orographic Elevated Large-scale Heating on Asian Summer Monsoon
- Role of internal atmospheric variability in the 2015 extreme winter climate over the North American continent
- Seasonal Forecast of Tropical Cyclones Using a High-Resolution Coupled Climate Model of IAP/LASG (FGOALS-f) in the Western Pacific
- Seasonal variation of marine organic aerosols in the North Pacific Ocean
- Sensitivity of boundary layer variables to PBL schemes over the central Tibetan Plateau
- Simulation of Blowing Snow on the Tibetan Plateau Using the Community Land Model Coupled with a Blowing Snow Model
- Simulations in the terahertz band on the plateau by two different radiative transfer models
- Spatiotemporal variations of severe haze episodes in China
- Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Northwest U.S. and later Spring-Summer Droughts/Floods over Southern Plains and Adjacent Areas
- Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Tibetan Plateau and Summer Droughts/Floods in East Asia
- StatisticAl Characteristics of Cloud over Beijing, China Obtained FRom Ka band Doppler Radar Observation
- Teleconnection between Sea Ice in the Barents Sea in June and the Silk Road, Pacific-Japan and East Asian Rainfall Patterns in August
- Teleconnection between summer NAO and East China rainfall variations: a bridge effect of the Tibetan Plateau
- The APHH China Research Programme: Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter in Beijing
- The Changing Relationship between Interannual Variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Northern Tropical Atlantic SST
- The Historical Context of the 2017 Hurricane Season's Ocean Warmth
- The Intensity and Structure Changes of Hurricane Charley (2004) During its Landfall: A Study with Radar Data Assimilation
- The Pacific SST response to volcanic eruptions over the past millennium based on the CESM-LME
- The Relationship between Lightning Activity and Surface Equivalent Potential Temperature in Two Squall Line Events
- The Winter Cooling Trend in Eastern China during the Recent Global Warming Hiatus Period and Its Possible Reason
- Topographic effects on spatiotemporal variations of short-duration rainfall events in warm season of central North China
- Tropical Precipitation Variability In the FGOALS-f High-resolution Coupled Climate Model
- Two types of flash drought over China and their connections with sub-seasonal to seasonal soil moisture drought
- Understanding the Seasonal Greenness Trends and Controls in South Asia Using Satellite Based Observations
- Using high complexity analysis to probe the evolution of organic aerosol during pollution events in Beijing
- Water Budget Closure Based on GRACE Measurements and Reconstructed Evapotranspiration Using GLDAS and Water Use Data over the Yellow River and Changjiang River Basins
- Western tropical Pacific multidecadal variability forced by the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
- 3-D Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Large-scale Environments East of the Rocky Mountains from 13 Years of Observations
- A Neural Network Approach for Improving NRLMSISE-00 Model Using Radiosonde Observations over Golmud
- A New Frozen Soil Parameterization including Frost and Thaw Fronts in the Land Surface Model
- A New Numerical Model for Radio Atmospherics Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Based on Layered gyrotropic anisotropic Green's Functions
- A high-resolution land model with groundwater lateral flow, water use and soil freeze-thaw front dynamics and its applications in an endorheic basin
- A land data assimilation study based on LIS with FY3C land surface temperature and microwave brightness temperature
- A microbial-based soil organic carbon decomposition model coupled with Noah-MP: development and test in semiarid grassland
- A possible mechanism for the occurrence of wintertime extreme precipitation events over South China
- Accessing Influence of Impactor Size Cut-off Shift caused by Hygroscopic Growth on Analysis of Particulate Matter Loading and Composition
- Aerosol Indirect Effect in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model (CAS-ESM)
- Aerosol optical depth and burden from large sea salt particles
- Aerosol sources, processes and effects on the urban boundary layer: highlights from the Air Pollution and Human health programme
- An Ensemble Nonlinear Least Squares Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System to Estimate surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux from space-borne CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- An overview of flash drought: progress and challenges
- Anthropogenic heat release lead to more frequent extreme heat events in Beijng
- Application of Improved NLS-4DVar in Assimilating Radar Data with Advanced research WRF (ARW)
- Assimilation of Satellite Data through the Data Assimilation Research Testbed and the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Asymmetric response of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific During ENSO Subsequent Years
- Asymmetry variabilities of mesoscale eddy activity alongside the Kuroshio Extension
- Atmospheric heat source/sink dataset over Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2016 based on satellite and routine meteorological observations
- Attributing extreme events in China
- Broken Pacific-North American Teleconnection at the Last Glacial Maximum
- CASEarth Poles: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles
- Can solar cycle modulate the ENSO effect on the Pacific/North American pattern?
- Causes of ENSO weakening during the mid-Holocene
- Changes in Tibetan Plateau latitude as an important factor for understanding East Asian climate since the Eocene: a modeling study
- Changing Spring Phenology Dates in the Three-Rivers Headwater Region of the Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2013
- Characteristics and source identification of OC and EC in fine particles in urban Beijing, China
- Characteristics, Source Apportionment and Contribution of VOCs to Ozone Formation in Wuhan, Central China
- Climatology of mesopause region nocturnal temperature, zonal wind, sodium density, and GW momentum flux observed by sodium lidar over Hefei, China (32°N, 117°E)
- Combining Observations From a Low-Cost Sensor Ensemble with Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Real-Time Measurements of Criteria Atmospheric Pollutants
- Comparing East Asian summer monsoon dynamics response to Mid-Piacenzian and future climate changes
- Comparison of Three Ice Cloud Optical Schemes in Climate Simulations with Community Atmospheric Model Version 5
- Comparisons of different AMO indexes and their global impacts
- Connection of Antarctic sea ice variability with China summer rainfall on the interannual timescale
- Contribution of Nonlinear Response to Interannual SST Variations to the 1998/99 Tropical Pacific Precipitation Change
- Cosmic dust and metal layers: Study of Ni in the upper atmosphere
- Coupling of the Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation of the Tibetan Plateau Summer Monsoon With the Arctic Oscillation
- Different teleconnection processes associated with the two leading modes of the interannual variability of South America continent winter surface temperature
- Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Methods for Richards Equation used in land surface model
- Distinct Pathways of the Western and Southern Tibetan Plateau Summer Snow Influence on the East Asian Summer Climate
- Does extreme El Niño have a different effect on the stratosphere in Boreal winter than its moderate counterpart?
- Dramatic impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the Tibetan Lakes
- Drying Trend in Northern China and Its Shift during 1951-2016
- Dynamical Evidence for Causality between Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode and Winter Surface Air Temperature over Northeast Asia
- Dynamics and Predictability of Global Terrestrial Water Storage.
- East Asian Winter Monsoon Impacts the ENSO-related Teleconnections and North American Seasonal Air Temperature Prediction
- East Asian winter monsoon forecasting schemes based on the NCEP's Climate Forecast System
- Effect of climate and land cover change on terrestrial hydrology over the Sanjiangyuan headwaters region
- Effects of anthropogenic N and P discharge on the riverine N and P transport
- Evolution of boundary-layer ozone in Shijiazhuang, a suburban site in North China Plain
- Evolution of lightning radiation sources in a series of hail storms
- Examining the Pattern of Salinity Change at Upper Pacific Ocean during the Argo Period
- Experiment and Study on High Performance AREM and Nested Grids Based on JASMIN Infrastructure
- Extreme climate event changes in China in 1.5°C and 2°C warmer climates: Results from statistical and dynamical downscaling
- Extreme high temperature events of the "Belt and Road"
- Factors controlling the interannual variations of the 30-60-day boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the Asian summer monsoon region
- GSI-NLS4DVar Data Assimilation System: Observation System Simulation Experiments
- High-time Resolution Source Apportionment of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>during Winter in Beijing, China
- Impact of Extensive Urbanization on Summertime Rainfall in the Beijing Region and the Role of Local Precipitation Recycling
- Impact of Surface Sensible Heating over the Tibetan Plateau on the Western Pacific Subtropical High: A Land-Air-Sea Interaction Perspective
- Impacts of Surface Potential Vorticity Density Forcing over Eastern Tibetan Plateau on the Downstream Severe Weather
- Impacts of Surface Potential Vorticity Forcing over Eastern Tibetan Plateau on the Severe Weather in 2008 based on AGCM simulation
- Impacts of anthropogenic water regulation on terrestrial water storage over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,China
- Impacts of the tropical Pacific cold tongue mode on ENSO diversity under global warming
- Improving the simulation of terrestrial water storage anomalies over China using a Bayesian model averaging ensemble approach
- Increased Dust Transportation over the Tibetan Plateau During 2000s
- Increased Predictability of Spring Precipitation over Central East China around the Late 1970s
- Influence of pollutants on activity of aerosol cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) during pollution and post-rain periods in Guangzhou,southern China
- Interannual Variations of the Rainy Season Onset over Northeast China
- Inversion of Ammonia Emissions over China Using the National Ammonia Monitoring Network with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Investigating trend of aerosol water acidity during Beijing winter haze events
- Kuroshio intrusion in Luzon Strait in a quasi-global eddy-resolving ocean and air-sea coupled model
- Lightning activity and microphysical evolution in a hail-producing supercell storm
- Local processes dominate over remote processes in polar amplification
- Low-cloud feedback in CAM5-CLUBB: physical mechanisms and parameter sensitivity analysis
- Modeling dust in East Asia by CESM and sources of biases
- Modelling photochemical impacts of haze pollution in a Chinese Megacity.
- Modulation of the Arctic Oscillation on the Impacts of the MJO upon the East Asian Winter Temperature Variations
- Modulation of the Indian Ocean SST on the Interannual Variability of Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau in Late Spring
- Moisture Sources forWintertime Extreme Precipitation Events Over South China During 1979-2013
- Multi-model simulation analysis of the east Asian monsoon changes in the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- N2O emissions in tropical rainforest and rubber plantation, the indicator from landuse changing in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China
- New lidar and radar capabilities for middle atmosphere science at middle and arctic latitudes
- Observations of red sprites from space in the vicinity of lightning mapping networks
- On the Primary Drivers of Observed Variability in Climate Indices
- On the formation mechanism for wintertime extreme precipitation events over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Parameter Optimization for Real World ENSO Forecastin an Intermediate Coupled Model
- Performance assessment and Validation of FY-4A Lightning Mapping Imager
- Possible Role of the Diurnal Cycle of Land Convection in the Barrier Effect on the MJO by the Maritime Continent
- Potential Drivers of Projected Uncertainties in Northern Winter Extratropical Circulation in CMIP5 Coupled Models
- Predictability of the prolonged spring-summer heat and dry extremes over Northeast China in 2017
- Rain Rate Retrieval Test from Millimeter-wave Measurement in Beijing
- Real-Time Urban Monitoring of Ammonia in Ambient Air During the Deployment of a Cavity-Ring Down Spectroscopy Instrument in China and South Korea
- Reduced Exposure to Extreme Precipitation from 0.5°C Less Warming in Global Land Monsoon Regions
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining yield in a high nutrient input cropping system
- Retrieval of Aerosol and Water Vapor Profiles Using Ground-based Lidar over Tibetan Plateau
- Role of Arctic Sea ice in the frequency change of Ural persistent positive anomalies during recent decades
- Role of Arctic sea ice in the warm 2014-15 Eurasian winter
- Role of Snow Depth in the Influence of El Niño on Summer Climate Anomalies over East Asia
- Sensitivity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval from space to the Shape of Aerosol Particles: a Theoretical Analysis
- Sensitivity of the downstream effect of spring Western U.S. land surface temperature to domain choice, dynamic cores and land surface parameterization on extreme flooding over North America
- Severe Winter Haze Days in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Over Years of 1985-2015 and the Roles of Anthropogenic Emissions and Meteorological Parameters
- Shape the Climate by the Underlying Surface: Building ENSO and Energizing Monsoon
- Source Apportionment and Secondary Transformation of Atmospheric Non-methane Hydrocarbons in Chengdu, Southwest China
- Source apportionment of aerosol ammonium in an ammonia-rich atmosphere: An isotopic study of summer clean and hazy days in urban Beijing
- Springtime cloud radiative characteristics and associated circulations over southeastern China
- Study on the Warning of Hail Clouds in Beijing Based on Lightning Jump Algorithm
- The Application of Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC)Macroscale Hydrologic Model in Arid and Semi-arid Regions in Northwest China
- The British-Baikal Corridor: A Teleconnection Pattern Along the Summertime Polar Front Jet over the Eurasia
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART): Ensemble Data Assimilation for NCAR Community Earth System Models
- The Impact of Horizontal Atmospheric Resolution in Modelling Air-sea Fluxes
- The Influence of Short-term Droughts on the Carbon and Water Fluxes for Different Ecosystems
- The Integrated Impacts of Reservoirs on Streamflow and Its Extremes over the Yellow River Basin
- The Interannual and Decadal Variation Characteristics of the Sensible Heating at Different Elevations over the Tibetan Plateau and Attribution Analysis
- The Response of Precipitation Concentration Degree 0f the Tibetan Plateau in Summer to Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly
- The Strengthening of the Amazonian Precipitation in the Wet Season Driven by the Tropical SSTs Forcing
- The resolution to the paradox of the sprite polarity
- The synoptic-scale potential vorticity intrusion over the Northeastern China during winter and its influence on surface air temperature
- Toward Understanding the Arctic/Midlatitude Weather Linkage Controversy
- Tropical Precipitation Variability In the FGOALS-f2 High-resolution Coupled Climate Model
- Varying Rossby Wave Trains from the Developing to Decaying Period of the Upper Atmospheric Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau in Boreal Summer
- Vertical Characterization of High Molecular Weight Organosulfates in Urban Aerosols: an Ultra-high-resolution Mass Spectrometry Study
- Winter midlatitude cold anomalies linked to North Atlantic sea-ice and SST anomalies: The pivotal role of potential vorticity gradient
- the Observational Influence of the North Atlantic SST Tripole on the Early Spring Atmospheric Circulation
- A Comprehensive Comparison of Nine Fossil-fuel CO2 Emission Estimates for China - Reconciling Diverse Chinese CO2 Emission Estimates
- A Correlation-based Iteration Method for Determining the Characteristics of Multiple Sources
- A Decision-tree Approach to Seasonal Prediction of Extreme Precipitation in Eastern China
- A Multi-model Analysis of 'Little Ice Age' Climate over China
- A Multi-model Analysis of Moisture Changes during the Last Glacial Maximum
- A Particular Precipitation Pattern during the East Asian Summer Monsoon Responding to 11-year Solar Cycle and Its Physical Sense
- A new approach on TanSat XCO<SUB>2</SUB>retrieval: validationagainst TCCON and first global products
- A novel ensemble Kalman inversion with bias correction and its application to estimating CO emission over China
- Aerosol Ammonium in the Urban Boundary Layer in Beijing: Insights from Nitrogen Isotope Ratios and Simulations in Summer 2015
- An evaluation of cloud vertical structure over the Tibetan Plateau based on CloudSat/CALIPSO
- An orographic-drag parametrization scheme including orographic anisotropy for all flow directions
- Analysis of blue discharges detected by ASIM-MMIA with indication of their source altitudes and electromagnetic signatures
- Anchoring of atmospheric teleconnection patterns by sea ice loss in the Arctic and its link to winter cooling in Central-East Asia
- Anthropogenic contributions to extreme streamflow changes over headwater of the Yellow River basin in China
- Application of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric sampling: a numerical experiment by large-eddy simulation
- Assessing predictability and prediction skills of the MJO in the S2S ECMWF Reforecast
- Atmospheric Teleconnection Linking Winter Air Stagnation and Haze Extremes in China to Regional Arctic Sea Ice Decline
- Atmospheric heat sinks over the western Tibetan Plateau associated with snow depth in late spring
- Barrier Effect of the Maritime Continent in Observations and Global Coupled Models
- Beijing haze: A combination of aerosols, meteorology and their interactions
- Cell-Scale Analysis of Convective Cloud Merging in a Squall Line and the Associated Lightning Behaviour
- Characteristics and Sources of Air Pollution in Typical Industrial Cities in Northern China
- Characteristics of Surface Atmospheric Electric Field Under Atmospheric Pollution Conditions in Beijing Urban Area
- Characteristics of Two Bipolar Triggered Lightning Flashes with Twice Current Polarity Reversals
- Characterizing Surface Albedo of Shallow Fresh Snow and Its Importance for Snow Ablation on the Interior of the Tibetan Plateau
- Chemical Composition and Sources of Aerosols in Summertime Lhasa on the Tibetan Plateau
- Climate Responses to Changes in European and Asian Anthropogenic Aerosol Since 1980
- Climate Sensitivity of Seasonal Vegetation Anomalies Over Eco-Regions of South Asia
- Climatology and Interannual Variability of the Western Tibetan Plateau Precipitation and its Moisture Sources in Boreal Winter
- Concentrations and Fluxes of Black Carbon in Beijing and Old Delhi Using Single Particle Soot Photometry Measurements.
- Continental-scale land surface multi-parameterization inter-comparison experiments
- Contrasting ITCZ changes over recent decades and under anthropogenic warming: causes and impacts
- Decadal temperature changes during winter in East Asia from 1958 to 2001 and the contributions of internal variability and external forcing
- Detecting Flash Drought Impact on Terrestrial Ecosystem Productivity based on FLUXNET and Satellite Observations
- Develop the Plant Hydrodynamics in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Different Impacts of the East Asian Winter Monsoon on the Surface Air Temperature in North America during ENSO and Neutral ENSO years
- Diurnal and seasonal variability of AOD in Tibet Plateau: Comparison of MODIS Collection 6.1 data and ground measurements
- Dominant modes of the cold-season and warm-season surface air temperature variability over Central Asia and their linkages with large-scale atmospheric circulations
- Effect of Vertical Parameterization of A Missing Daytime Source of HONO on Concentrations of HONO, O<SUB>3</SUB> and Secondary Organic Aerosols in Eastern China.
- Effective densities of soot particles and their relationships with the mixing state at an urban site of the Beijing mega-city in the winter of 2018
- Effective merging of satellite and ground aerosol measurements using an ensemble Kalman Filter based approach
- Effects of anthropogenic and climatic changes on riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen transport
- Energy and emission pathways towards PM2.5 air quality attainment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region by 2030
- Enhancing the ENSO Predictability beyond the Spring Barrier
- Estimation of the convective removal efficiency of aerosols based on the aerosol vertical profiles measured over Lhasa during summer of 2019
- Evaluating Contributions of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions to Trace Gas and Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition in Beijing
- Evaluation of Satellite Based Soil Freeze/Thaw Products in High Latitude Regions in Asia
- Evaluation of dust emission and transport simulated by global climate models with satellite observations from CALIOP, MODIS, and MISR
- Evaluation of the WDM6 Scheme in the Simulation of Number Concentrations and Drop Size Distributions of Warm-Rain Hydrometeors: Comparisons with the Observations and Other Schemes
- Evaluation of the performance characteristics of the FY-4A Lightning Mapping Imager
- Evolution of ocean heat content related to ENSO
- Extreme Wet Bulb Temperatures in China: the Significant Role of Moisture
- Fidelity of the CAS FGOALS-f3 in the representation of summer rainfall climatology and extreme precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding area
- Fingerprints of Arctic Sea Ice Forcing on Atmospheric Circulation Variability
- Freshwater storage capability of global land surface across time scales
- Future precipitation changes over China under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C global warming targets by using CORDEX regional climate models
- Geological Weather Station-past weather events documented in daily growth bands of marine Giant Clam shells (Tridacna spp.)
- Global Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Modeling using a layer-averaged approach with a dry-mass hybrid vertical coordinate on an unstructured mesh
- Global analysis of comparing Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), FLUXNET2015 observations and VEgetation-Global-Atmosphere-Soil (VEGAS) model
- How to better define the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation and its spatial pattern?
- Identifying and constraining the causes of uncertainty in dynamical drivers of Asian Summer Monsoon and extreme winter air pollution responses to aerosol forcing.
- Impact of Cloud Microphysical Processes on the Simulation of a Hailstorm in East China
- Impact of Land Initialization on Boreal Summer Temperature Prediction and Extreme High Temperatures
- Impact of Potential Vorticity Anomalies around the Tibetan Plateau on Quasi-biweekly Oscillations of Summer Rainfall over Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Provinces south of Yangtze Basin in 2016
- Impact of the Coal Banning Zone on Visibility in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
- Impacts of MJO Convection over the Maritime Continent on Eastern China Cold Temperatures
- Improved Decadal Predictability of East Asian Summer Monsoon System in a Coupled Climate Model
- Improving Mesoscale Convective System Simulation Fidelity with Superparameterization
- Improving the Decadal Prediction Skill in the Tibet Plateau Area
- Increase in the rate of ocean warming
- Increased Dust Aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau During 2000s
- Inferring Causation in the Double ITCZ problem in E3SM
- Influence of December snow cover over North America on January surface air temperature over the midlatitude Asia
- Information transfer across scales of climate variability in understanding of anomalies and extreme events: from El Niño-Southern Oscillation to precipitation variability in East China
- Interannual and Decadal Variability of the North Equatorial Undercurrents in an Eddy-resolving Ocean Model
- Interannual variability of the North Pacific mixed layer associated with the spring Tibetan Plateau thermal forcing
- Interdecadal Change in the Relationship of Northwest China Wintertime Precipitation with ENSO and North Atlantic SST
- Interdecadal Indian Ocean Basin Mode Driven by Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation:A Season-Dependent Growth Mechanism
- Interdecadal variations of the East Asian winter monsoon in CMIP5 preindustrial simulations
- International Analysis Cooperation on Carbon Satellites Data
- Intraseasonal Interactions between Tropical and Extratropical Circulations around the Tibetan Plateau and Their Impacts on the Extreme Yangtze Floods
- Investigation of the variability of monthly top soil temperature anomaly and its causes over Tibetan Plateau
- Is Heterogeneous Oxidation Process a Key Formation Mechanism for Heavy Haze Events in North China?
- Lightning and charge structure in thunderstorm over Tibetan Plateau
- Loss of work productivity in a warming world: Differences between developed and developing countries
- Mechanisms for a sharpened seasonal cycle over California under global warming
- Mechanisms for spatially inhomogeneous changes in East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the mid-Holocene
- Mechanisms for the Formation of Eastern China Summer Rainfall Patterns
- Mid-term Progress of the NSFC Program "Land-Air Coupled System over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Impact on Global Climate Change"- LASTPIC
- Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damage: Opportunities from Changes in Production and Consumption in China
- Modelling atmospheric organic aerosol in China
- Modulation of solar cycle signal on the wintertime temperature over Eurasian continent
- Multi-layer solar radiative transfer considering the vertical variation of inherent microphysical properties of clouds
- Multiple initialization parameter ensemble as a new ensemble forecasting strategy for improving ENSO prediction in a coupled model
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O Observations in Beijing Haze Identify NO<SUB>2</SUB> and HONO as In-cloud Oxidants for Sulfate Formation
- Nonlinear response of atmospheric blocking to early winter Barents-Kara Seas warming: An idealized model study
- Observation of TGFs at High-Latitude
- Observation, Attribution and Projection of Summertime Compound Hot Extremes
- Observed Decrease of Summer Sea-land Breeze in Shanghai from 1994 to 2014 and Its Association with Urbanization
- Occurrence levels of and effects of air pollution control measures on carbonaceous aerosols in fine particulate matter in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China: Insights gained from long-term measurement
- On the high population of negative sprite-producing lightning strokes produced by oceanic thunderstorms
- On the transition from precursor breakdown to sustained upward leader in rocket-triggered lightning
- Ozone-vegetation feedbacks through dry deposition and isoprene emissions in a global chemical-carbon-climate model
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China, 2013-2017: contributions from different components and emissions
- Process of A Multiple-Stroke Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning and Its Trigger Effect to the Upward Lightning
- Radiative Forcing and Health Impact of Aerosols and Ozone in China as the Consequence of Clean Air Actions over 2012-2017
- Regional variability in black carbon and carbon monoxide ratio from long-term observations over East Asia: Assessment of representativeness for BC and CO emission inventories
- Robust Solar Cycle Signal in the North Pacific Subarctic Frontal Zone
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photooxidation of Furan: Effects of NOx and Humidity
- Significant Contributions of Higher Alkanes to Secondary Organic Aerosols in China
- Simulated the spatial and temporal distribution of freeze and thaw fronts
- Simulating Polarimetric Parameters of Ice Crystals and Retrieving Ice Water Content in Stratus in Northern China
- Spring soil temperature as a predictor of summer heatwaves over northwestern China
- Stratospheric harbingers of the wintertime intraseasonal cold events over North America
- Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin: Quantifying changes over the period 1951-2008 and determining the drivers of those changes
- Subseasonal memory of the Tibetan Plateau land surface temperature and its role on East China summer rainfall prediction
- Surface energy budget diagnosis reveals possible mechanism for the different warming rate among Earth's three poles in recent decades
- Synthesis of pan-Arctic wetland methane emissions and controls
- The British-Baikal Corridor: A Teleconnection Pattern along the Summertime Polar Front Jet over Eurasia
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: Nonlinear Algorithms and Novel Applications for Community Ensemble Data Assimilation
- The Formation Mechanism of Air Pollution Episodes in Beijing City: Insights into the Measured Feedback between Aerosol Radiative Forcing and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability
- The Investigation of the Deepest Frozen Soil Depth Variation over TP (1981-2005) by Coupled SSiB3 and A Multi-layer Frozen Soil Scheme
- The Northeast China Persistent Drought in Spring-Summer of 2017: Joint Roles of Teleconnection and Land-atmosphere Coupling
- The Response on Temperature Variation over Tibetan Plateau in Different Cumulus/PBL/LSM Schemes
- The relationship between the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation and the North Atlantic SST and Arctic sea ice.
- The relatively weaker warming over central Asia since the mid-1990s and the underlying mechanism
- Three dimensional mapping on lightning discharge processes using two VHF/UHF broadband interferometers
- Three-Dimensional Circulation Structure of Summer Heavy Rainfall in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River Valley
- Toward developing a high-resolution regional land surface eco-hydrological model for global change adaptation
- What can we expect from multi-sensor data assimilation for hydrological simulation?
- Whole Atmosphere Observation Over Tibet with Apsos System -From Surface to Lower Thermosphere (Invited)
- A new research mode integrating carbon data and super-computing resources into big data e-science platforms
- An agent-based framework for high-resolution modeling domestic water use under urbanization and climate change
- Assessing the recent impact of COVID-19 on carbon emissions from China using domestic economic data
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations Reduction Influenced by Traffic in Beijing due to COVID-19
- Characteristics and Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Tibet Plateau Based on One-year Continuous Measurements
- Characteristics of snowfall size distribution during ICE-POP 2018 and applications for radar snowfall estimation
- Characteristics of the Prolonged El Niño EventsDuring 1960-2020
- Composition and Properties of Indoor Organic Films: Cooking, Cleaning, and Long-term Aging.
- Controlling particulate nitrate pollution in China
- Convective Coupling in Tropical-Depression-Type Waves
- Could the North Pacific Oscillation Be Modified by the Initiation of the East Asian Winter Monsoon?
- Development and Evaluation of Nitrogen Cycling in the Noah-MP-CN Land Surface Model
- Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes into Surface and Plant Components
- Diurnal Wind and Temperature Measurements in the Mesopause Region by a Sodium Doppler Lidar at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica
- Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in Beijing
- Evaluation of PM2.5 Surface Concentrations Simulated by NASA's MERRA Version 2 Aerosol Reanalysis over the Tibet Plateau
- Evaluation of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2)
- Field evaluation of low-cost particulate matter sensors in Beijing
- Future Changes in Precipitation Seasonal Cycle in Multi-model Ensembles
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from reduction in fossil fuel emissions caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- Global wet and dry contrasts exacerbated by radiation-cloud-convection-circulation interactions during 1980-2014: An observational portrayal
- Health impacts of long-term ozone exposure in China over 2013 - 2017
- Hydroclimate extremes driven by decadal atmosphere-oceanic modes in tropical and subtropical regions: a case study in the Greater Bay Area, South China
- Impact of Aerosol-Cloud Interaction on Boundary Layer Structure and Surface Pollution: A Case Study in Eastern China
- Impact of HO<SUB>2</SUB> Heterogeneous Aerosol Uptake on Ozone Formation During Haze Events in Central Beijing
- Impact of Western Pacific Subtropical High on Ozone Pollution over Eastern China
- Improved estimates of changes in upper ocean salinity and the water cycle
- Increased Solar Radiation due to the Clean Air Action in Eastern and Central China during 2014-2019
- Influences of the North Pacific Anomalies on the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
- Isoprene secondary organic aerosol in summertime Beijing: the effect of anthropogenic emissions on organosulfate and nitrooxy organosulfate formation
- Long-term Source Apportionment of Black Carbon in Beijing and Changes during the COVID-19 Period in Urban and Plateau Region in China
- Long-term characterization of aerosol chemistry in cold season from 2013 to 2020 in Beijing, China
- Maritime Continent Weakens Asian Tropical Monsoon Rainfall Through Australian Cross-equatorial Flows
- Mesoscale convective system precipitation characteristics over East Asia: Regional differences and seasonal variations
- Modeling Effects of Tea Cultivation on N<SUB>2</SUB>O and NO Emissions
- Modeling Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Air Quality in Southern California
- Multi-Scale Understanding and Modeling of Plant Hydraulics
- Multi-physics Facilitates Advancements in Land-Atmosphere Interaction
- NH<SUB>3</SUB> observations from CrIS show a continuously increasing trend over China.
- Polar front jet waveguide, teleconnections, and temperature extremes in the boreal summer.
- Progressive nitrogen limitation across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region
- Re-evaluating the climate impacts of sulfur emissions by developed and developing countries from the perspective of consumption
- Re-visit the Linkage between Spring Arctic Sea Ice and East Asian Summer Precipitation
- Recent recovery of the boreal spring sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau will continue in CMIP6 future projections
- Regional climate feedback exacerbating wildfires in western United States
- Residual corona streamer structure versus space stem formation: distinct origins of the intermittent propagation in positive and negative leaders
- Response of global sea surface temperatures to the solar wind fluctuation
- Spatial distribution of lightning and possible effects of urban heat island effect over Beijing Metropolitan Region
- Spatiotemporal patterns of agricultural drought and its linkage to large-scaled climate variability: a case study in Gansu, China
- The Development of an Atmospheric Aerosol/Chemistry-Climate Model, BCC_AGCM_CUACE2.0, and Simulated Effective Radiative Forcing of Nitrate Aerosols
- The Pathways through which Solar Activity Impact on the Earth Climate
- The Simulated Influence of Solar Cycle Spectral Variations on Regional Climate
- The Solar Precipitation Regime during the East Asian Summer Monsoon and the East Asia/Pacific Teleconnection
- The causes of sea-level rise since 1900
- The impact of human and livestock respiration on urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget
- Type-Dependent Impact of Aerosols on Precipitation Associated with Deep Convective Cloud over East Asia
- What We can Learn about Monsoon Rainfall from the Energy Flow?-Energetic Constraint for the Leading Neutral Mode of Monsoon Rainfall Variability and its Future Projection
- A Bias-corrected CMIP6 Dataset and its Application and Validation in Dynamical Downscaling Simulation of Asia
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- Accessing the performance of the chamber method to estimate the isotopic composition of transpiration of the entire plants
- Ammonia Emissions and Spatiotemporal Variabilities Revealed by the IASI Instrument and Ground Monitoring Networks
- Assessment of Drought Impacts on Crop Yields across Nepal during 19872017
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Building a sectional nitrate aerosol model from the surface to the stratosphere
- Chapter 8: Droughts, floods, and monsoons: Not Your Parents' Water Cycle
- Characteristics of chemical profile, sources and PAH toxicity of PM2.5 in Beijing in autumn-winter transit season
- Comparable sulfate climate impacts by consumption of developed and developing countries despite large emission differences
- Contributions of Arctic sea-ice loss and East Siberian atmospheric blocking to 2020 record-breaking Meiyu-Baiu rainfall
- Daily snowfall events in the Eurasian continent: CMIP6 models evaluation and projection
- Divergent historical GPP trends among state-of-the-art multi-model simulations and satellite-based products
- Effect of the airsea coupled system change on the ENSO evolution from boreal spring
- Ensemble Skill Gains Obtained From the Multi-Physics Versus Multi-Model Approaches for Continental-Scale Hydrological Simulations
- Environmental Controls on Deep Convection Initiation and Growth in the Complex Terrain of Central Argentina during CACTI
- Estimating Groundwater Demand for Agriculture to Explain Groundwater Depletion in North China Plain
- Evaluating vector winds in the Asian-Australian monsoon region simulated by 37 CMIP5 models
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Wind-Vector fields and Its Relationship with Precipitation in the Asian-Australian Monsoon region
- Evaluation of CMIP6 Models toward Dynamical Downscaling over 8 CORDEX Domains
- Evaluation of FGOALS-f3 in simulating the climatology and seasonaltointerannual variability of tropical cyclone characteristics: effect of horizontal resolution
- Future changes in precipitation extremes across China based on CMIP6 models
- Harmonised Satellite Glyoxal Data Records from TROPOMI, OMI and GOME-2 and Initial Retrievals from GEMS
- Heatwaves in Southeast Asia and Their Changes in a Warmer World
- Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2).
- Impacts of long-range transported mineral dust on summertime convective cloud and precipitation: a case study over the Taiwan region
- Increasing Large Wildfires over the Western United States Linked to Diminishing Sea Ice in the Arctic
- Inter-model Spreading of Changes in East Asian Winter Monsoon Circulation under 1.5C Global Warming Target
- On the Diffusivity of Moist Static Energy and its Implication on the Change of Temperature Extremes under Global Warming
- On the estimation of BTH fossil fuel emissions based on a bayesian inversion system: OSSE experiments using dense observation network
- Orographic cirrus and radiative forcing in CESM2
- Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation over the Western North Pacific in Boreal Winter and Its Influence on the North American Temperature
- Significant contribution of the lightning NOx to the summertime surface ozone at Tibetan Plateau
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Agricultural Drought and Its Linkage to Large-scaled Climate Variability over South China
- Stationary Waves and Upward Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupling in S2S Models
- Summer Temperature Extremes over Northern Eurasia and the Role of Waveguide Teleconnections
- The Carbon-Nitrogen-Water Dynamics for a Regional Earth System Model RIEMS
- The Multidimensional Evolution of Health-related Compound Extreme Events in China during the Past 40 Years
- The Role of Regional Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Coupling in Simulating the Extreme Precipitation during East Asia Meiyu Season 2020
- The relationship between the Spring Bering Sea Ice and the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Processes
- Variations of CCN activity due to secondary aerosol formation in the North China Plain
- Vertical distribution of black carbon mixing state measured with a novel airborne aerosol sampling technique
- A Multiscale Model for El Nino Complexity
- A New Triple-Moment Analytical Warm Rain Scheme Based On the Bimodal Spectrum of Cloud Droplets
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A sub-seasonal oscillation of sea surface temperature in the Southern Indian Ocean and its excitation mechanism
- Atypical forcing embedded in typical forcing leading to the extreme summer 2020 precipitation in Nepal
- Brown Carbon from Biomass Burning Imposes Strong Circum-Arctic Warming
- Characterises of negative leader discharges in a positive cloud-to-ground lightning flash on the Tibetan Plateau
- Clarifying the roles of tropical tropopause temperatures, the Brewer-Dobson circulation, and Antarctic cooling in long-term variations of stratospheric water vapor over the past 40 years
- Coarse particulate matter air quality in East Asia: implications for fine particulate nitrate
- Combined Assimilation of Radar and Lightning Data for Short-term Forecast of Severe Convection System
- Deep Convective Influence on CO and CH4 Observed by Aircore in Northern Tibetan Plateau During Asian Summer Monsoon
- East Asian Methane Emissions Inferred from High-resolution Inversions of GOSAT and TROPOMI Observations: a Comparative and Evaluative Analysis
- Effects of Different Types of Aerosols on Deep Convective Cores and Anvil Cirrus
- Emergence of Climate Change in the Tropical Pacific
- Environmental N losses from Chinese and global vegetable production systems
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global-scale Interpretable Drought Reconstruction Utilizing Anomalies of Atmospheric Dynamics
- Hydroclimate responses over monsoon regions following volcanic eruptions:Latitude dependence and the role of SST pattern
- Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Variability at Different Ocean Basins on Dust Activities in the Gobi Desert and North China
- Impacts of anthropogenic dust on global climate
- Lightning VHF Radiation Mapping Method for an Irregular Short-baseline Array
- Multiplatform Analysis of the Global Energy Budget
- Newly developed Multiple-parameter Bulk Cloud Schemes. Part II: Numerical experiments for the new triple-moment condensation scheme with WRF
- Parameterizing Transitions from Shallow to Deep and to Organized Convection via Entrainment and Moisture Distributions in Climate Models
- Radiative Forcing and Ozone Depletion from Stratospheric Injections between 2014 and 2022
- Response of the Asian-Pacific Jet Stream to Future Warming in CMIP6 Models
- The Promotion Effect of the Recoil Leaders on the Activation of Breakdown at the Negative-end of the Channel Network
- The impact of model horizontal resolution on simulating precipitation and aerosols over East Asia using the VR-CESM
- The impacts of anthropogenic activities on terrestrial water cycle, Part Ⅰ: census data based estimation of irrigation amount in North China Plain
- The relationship between Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash and Narrow Bipolar Event
- Tibetan Plateau's Far-Reaching Impacts on Arctic and Antarctic Climate: Seasonality and Pathways
- Updating CLUBB PDF Closure Scheme to Improve Low Cloud Simulation in CAM6
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adam Varble
- Aiguo Dai
- Akihiko Ito
- Alek Petty
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Andrea Storto
- Andreas Richter
- Anning Huang
- Arlan Dirkson
- B. Toon
- Bastien Dieppois
- Baylor Fox‐Kemper
- Ben Yang
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bin Zhao
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Cenlin He
- Chaim I. Garfinkel
- Changhui Peng
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Chen Schwartz
- Christopher Horvat
- Dan Li
- Daniela I. V. Domeisen
- Debra Wunch
- Diego Loyola
- Dimitry Sein
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Dmitry Sidorenko
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Eric P. Chassignet
- Fanchao Lyu
- Fangqun Yu
- Fei Chen
- Fortunat Joos
- François Massonnet
- Frédéric Castruccio
- Gan Luo
- Gaopeng Lu
- Guang J. Zhang
- Guang Lin
- Guanyu Liu
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- Hailong Wang
- Hailu Kong
- Hang Su
- Hanqin Tian
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Hitoshi Irie
- Hong Liao
- Isamu Morino
- J. E. Kay
- Jack E. Dibb
- James Renwick
- Jean-François Müller
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jeroen van Gent
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Ji Nie
- Jian Lu
- Jiandong Li
- Jing Li
- Jinlun Zhang
- Jintai Lin
- Jin‐Yi Yu
- Jiwen Fan
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- John K. Hillier
- Joseph Hardin
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Joyce E. Penner
- Jun Wang
- Jun Yang
- Jun Ying
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Junjun Deng
- Kai Li
- Kai Zhang
- Karen H. Rosenlof
- Karin van der Wiel
- Karl Stein
- Kimberly Strong
- Klaus Butterbach‐Bahl
- Kwok Pan Chun
- Laura Hyesung Yang
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Liang Zhao
- Lijing Cheng
- Lin Wang
- Linda E. Sohl
- Lixin Wang
- M. A. Zondlo
- M. S. Briggs
- Marika M. Holland
- Matthew Collins
- Matthieu Fournier
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Meng Zuo
- Mengchu Tao
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Michel Van Roozendaël
- Minghuai Wang
- Mingxuan Wu
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Nan Ma
- Paola A. Arias
- Paul Konopka
- Pauline Rivoire
- Peirong Lin
- Pengfei Han
- Pengfei Yu
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Philip J. Rasch
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- R. S. Gao
- R. W. Portmann
- Richard I. Cullather
- Rubin Jiang
- Rui Wang
- Ruosi Liang
- Shanfeng Yuan
- Shankar Sharma
- Siyao Yue
- Stephen Yeager
- T. D. Thornberry
- Thian Yew Gan
- Uma S. Bhatt
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- Wei Dong
- Weidong Guo
- Wenju Cai
- Wenli Fei
- Wen‐Ying Wu
- Who M. Kim
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William J. Riley
- William Merryfield
- Xi Zhao
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xiaobiao Xu
- Xiaodan Chen
- Xiaodong Fang
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Xiaole Pan
- Xichen Li
- Xiushu Qie
- Xuefu Xian
- Xuehui Guo
- Yafang Cheng
- Yanda Zhang
- Yang Yang
- Yanyun Liu
- Yaocun Zhang
- Yele Sun
- Yimin Liu
- Yiwen Li
- Yongchao Yuan
- Yongyun Hu
- Yucheng Zi
- Yuepeng Pan
- Yufei Zou
- Yun Qian
- Yunjiao Pu
- Yunqian Zhu
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zhe Feng
- Zhe Zhang
- Zhen Qu
- Zhenchen Liu
- Zheng Lu
- Zhongfeng Xu
- Zhongjing Jiang
- Zong‐Liang Yang