University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Empirical Relationship between Liquefaction and Seismic Wave Energy - Lesson from the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan
- Effects Of Temperature On The CO2 Flux In An Alpine Meadow Ecosystem On The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Four-Component Borehole Strain Meter: Observation and in-situ Calibration
- A China-US collaborative effort to build a web-based grid computational environment for geodynamics
- A Framework for Establishment of a Risk Assessment Model for Soil Erosion by Integrating the AHP Approach and Modeling Techniques
- Tsunami Hazards Along the Chinese Coast from Potential Earthquakes
- Co-seismic strain changes inferred from the groundwater level in Chinese mainland induced by the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Error Analysis of Strain Rates from GPS Measurements
- Joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion for crustal and upper mantle structures: a comparison of a nonlinear genetic approach and a linear inversion
- Potential Hazards of Tsunami Waves along the Chinese coast in the next 100 years
- A Preliminary Analysis on the Dynamics of the Ms8.0 Great Wenchuan, Sichuan, China Earthquake
- An Improved Boundary Integral Equation Method for Modelling Dynamic Ruptures in Half- Space
- Detailed Moho Topography Beneath the Southern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet by Receiver Functions
- Effective Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Surface Water Using Constructed Comprehensive Floating Remediation Islands
- Fault Frictional Motions of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake and the 2001 Mw7.8 Kunlun Earthquake: An Implication to Their Aftershock Triggering Processes
- Investigation on the key parameters of slip weakening law in dynamic rupture simulations
- Multi-timescale crustal deformation in the western United States
- Numerical Study on the Seismic Wave Propagation Excited by Wenchuan earthquake
- Parallel Simulation of Stress Evolution of Wenchuan 8.0 Earthquake
- Response of 3D Free Rigid Objects under Seismic Excitations
- Tail's structure of mantle plume: implication for episodic eruption of flood basalts
- The Development of Earthquake Intensity Attenuation Model in Northern-China and Its Application in Quantitatively Estimating the Earthquake Location and Magnitude
- A strong motion investigation of the 2008 Ms 8 Wenchuan earthquake
- Global deformation of different 3D earth models subjected to external forces
- Kinematic Thermal Model for Tonga Descending Slab: A Case Study on the Influence of Velocity Boundary Layers
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Joint Inverting Seismic, Geodetic, and Geological Observations
- The classification of sulfides based on the increment method
- 3D-FEM numerical analysis of thermal lithospheric structure in the China continent and its adjacent regions
- A Parallel Simulation Framework of Regional Stress Migration
- Differential Energy Radiation from Two Earthquakes with Similar Mw: The Baja California 2010 and Haiti 2010 Earthquakes
- GPU Implementation of Stokes Equation with Strongly Variable Coefficients
- Gravity change observed during 2004-2009 in the Tokai slow slip area and the possibility of detecting high-pressure-fluid flow
- Ground-Motion Simulations of the 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake Using Empirical Green's Function Method
- Low-rate nitrogen input can change the soil CH4 uptake in an alpine meadow ecosystem on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling Topography Effects on Lunar Surface Heat Flow and Subsurface Temperature
- On the ratio of the gravity change rate to the uplift rate in Southeast Alaska
- Predicting triangular zones at the termination of fold-and-thrust belts
- Rupture Speed and Dynamic Frictional Processes for the 1995 ML4.1 Shacheng, Hebei, China, Earthquake Sequence
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Jointly Inverting Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- Stress Accumulation on Longmenshan Fault and Recurrence Interval of Wenchuan Earthquake Based on Visco-elasticity
- The different velocity structure of mid-mantle beneath Izu-Bonin and Tonga
- The early-middle Jurassic Gerze SSZ ophiolites and tectonic evolution of the Bangong suture, Tibet
- A threshold for solar wind density in controlling the development of the main phase of a geomagnetic storm?
- Comparison of duration and spatial and temporal distribution between M<SUB>S</SUB> 8.1 Kunlunshan earthquake and M<SUB>S</SUB> 8.0 Wenchuan aftershock sequence
- Coriolis effect contribution to earthquake triggering
- Coupled Parallel Solver of Temperature-dependent Full 3D Stokes Ice Sheet Evolution
- Effects of Spatial Aggregation of Soil Spatial Information on Watershed Hydrological Modeling
- Elasticity of Mantle Pyroxenes from Experiments and First Principles Calculations
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Alaska and British Columbia
- Laboratory Study of Crustal Electrical Structure in Central Inner Mongolia
- Numerical simulation of the thinning of North China Craton by thermal convection
- On the 300km discontinuity with Conversion Phases SdP in the Tonga-Fiji Region
- Rupture Process of 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake by Inversion of Strong Motion
- Source Rupture Process for the February 21, 2011, Mw6.1, New Zealand Earthquake and the Characteristics of Near-field Strong Ground Motion
- The effect of hydrogen on the electronic structure of olivine:Implications for electrical conductivity
- The electrical conductivity of eclogite in Tibet
- The rheological structure of the lithosphere in China and adjacent retgions
- Understanding geodynamic process of Tibet with multi-scale modeling
- A direct measured glacier thinning in the southern Tibetan Plateau (Xixiabangma, Yangbajing, Naimon'nyi Glacier)
- A new way of treating faults in FEM
- An analysis of the solar wind parameters responsible for the main phase of the super geomagnetic storm on March 31, 2001
- Detection of the Lehmann Discontinuity Beneath Tonga with Short Period Waveform Data from Hi-Net
- Elemental carbon aerosol in Northern China: Constraints on emissions from Bayesian inversion
- Fast Computation of Ground Motion Shaking Map base on the Modified Stochastic Finite Fault Modeling
- Persistent Localized Microseism Source in Kyushu Island, North Fiji basin and Gulf of Guniea
- SmS Phase Propagation in Complex Media
- 3D geological model of Bairendaba Ag-Pb-Zn ore field, northeastern China, based on integrated geophysics
- Combination of metamorphism and deformation affect the nano-scale pore structures and macromolecule characteristics of high-rank deformed coals
- Comparison and evaluation of hydrocarbon accumulation conditions between the southern and northern Tien Shan thrust-fold belt
- Comparisons of savanna functioning, phenology, and disturbance in Brazil and Australia using MODIS and TRMM satellite data
- Cumulative co-seismic displacement and comparison with GPS observations in Taiwan
- Detecting Low-Frequency Seismic Signals From Surface Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing of a Tight-Sand Gas Reservoir
- Determining dislocation Love numbers using satellite gravity mission GRACE observations
- Different gridding methods and their influence on surface wave tomography
- Dynamic Source Parameters of the 2008 Wenchuan 8.0, China, Earthquake
- Earthquake Rupture Process Based on the Source Slip Solution of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan Earthquake
- Electrical conductivity anisotropy in alkali feldspar at high pressure
- Evaluation of Glacier Changes in High Mountain Asia based on 10-yr GRACE-RL05 Models
- Focal Mechanisms and High-Resolution Aftershock Relocations of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan, China Earthquake Sequences
- Lattice dynamics and thermal equation of state of cubic CaSiO3 perovskite
- Mantle origin of the Emeishan large igneous province from an analysis of residual gravity anomalies
- Mechanism of the Generation of 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Based on 3D Visco-elastic Numerical Modelling
- Modeling gross primary production and ecosystem respiration for terrestrial ecosystems in North China and Tibet Plateau using MODIS imagery
- On the Complicated 410 km Discontinuity beneath Eastern China with the Seismic Triplications
- Phonon lifetimes and lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiO_3 perovskite
- Recovery of the gravity field from GOCE data with the help of gravity gradient invariants
- Relation of dislocation Love numbers and conventional Love numbers and corresponding Green's functions for a surface rupture in a spherical earth model
- Stress distribution on fault plane and regional seismicity of 2013 M 7.0 Lushan Earthquake in China
- Strong ground motion simulation for the Mw6.6 Lushan Earthquake, Sichuan, China, base on the inverted and synthetic slip models
- The effects of the layered structure, self-gravity, curvature for the co-seismic deformation caused by 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- 3D P-Wave Velocity Structure of the Crust and Relocation of Earthquakes in 21 the Lushan Source Area
- Comparing Calculations of Far-Field Coseismic Deformation
- Evaluation of the Community Land Model simulated carbon and water fluxes against observations over ChinaFLUX sites
- Statistical Comparison of Anomalous Cosmic Rays and Galactic Cosmic Rays during the Recently Consecutive Unusual Solar Cycles
- Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 2008 M<SUB>S</SUB> 8.0 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake
- The Residual of the Oki-Daito Plume in the Lower Mantle with the P wave Arrival-time Delays
- Thermal Conductivity of MgSiO3 Perovskite: Insights from Phonon Quasiparticles
- A Modified Formula of the First-order Approximation for Assessing the Contribution of Climate Change to Runoff Based on the Budyko Hypothesis
- A Raman Spectroscopy and High-Speed Video Experimental Study: The Effect of Pressure on the Solid-Liquid Transformation Kinetics of N-octane
- Detection of the structure near the 410 km and 660 km discontinuities in Japan subduction zone from the waveform triplication
- Development of the Circumpolar Stratospheric Telescope FUJIN for Observations of Planets
- Elasticity and Pressure-induced Phase Transition in Coesite from Experiments and First Principle Calculations
- Equivalent Body Force Finite Elements Method and 3-D Earth Model Applied In 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Equivalent-bodyforce Approach on Modeling Elastic Dislocation Problem Using Finite Element Method
- Estimating land surface heat flux using radiometric surface temperature without the need for an extra resistance
- Evapotranspiration and Surface Water balance in China
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Water-carbon Flux and Water Use Efficiency Over an Agro-Ecosystem in the Changwu Tableland of the Loess Plateau, China
- The Co-seismic Effects of 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake
- 3-D mechanical modeling of the eastward escape flow pattern around the Northeastern Tibetan plateau and surrounding regions
- 3D seismic imaging of P-wave velocity heterogeneity under Tibetan plateau and its surrounding area
- Aftershocks Decays of the 2015 Gorkha Nepal earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan China earthquake: Observation, Modeling and Implication
- An Analytical Approach to Estimate Curvature Effect of Coseismic Deformations
- Anthropogenic and climate-driven water depletion in Asia
- Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation for the 2013 M<SUB>S</SUB> 7.0 Lushan, China, Earthquake
- Correlation Between Surface Temperature and 0° Isotherm Height Derived from ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data and Radiosonde Data
- Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 2D thermomechanical modeling
- Effect of Local Topography on Strong Ground Motion
- Effects of Human Water Utilizations on Watershed Hydrological Processes
- Experiments and simulating on dehydration of antigorite
- Extremely weak magnetic field exposure may inhibit hippocampal neurogenesis of Sprague Dawley rats
- Fault Interaction and Earthquake Triggering during Coseismic Process of Wenchuan Earthquake
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Yinyugou Group in the Southern North China Craton: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Evolution
- Geodynamical simulation of the evolution of Kuril Basin
- Imbricated ocean plate stratigraphy of the Devonian-Permian Tarbagatay accretionary complex in West Junggar, China: deformations, detrital zircon ages and implications for amalgamation of the CAOB
- Joint Far-field and Near-field GPS Observations to Modified the Fault Slip Models of 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake (Mw 9.0)
- Lg-wave attenuation and potential crustal material flow in the Indochina Peninsula and its vicinity
- Limited extrusion with no Asian lithosphere southward subduction under margin of northeastern Tibet implied from teleseismic surface wave tomography
- Mechanism and Responses of Lithosphere Delamination in Continental Collisional Orogens: A Systematic Numerical Study
- Molecular Distributions and Compound-specific Stable Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Lipids in Wintertime Aerosols from Beijing
- New Classification of Impact Basins and Its Implications for Basin Evolution on the Moon
- New Indices to Evaluate the Effects of Rainfall Pattern on Runoff and Soil Loss under Different Vegetation in the Loess Plateau, China.
- Normal faulting in south Tibet: Insight from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling
- Obliquity forcing of East Asian summer monsoon: oxygen isotopic records from Chinese loess
- Protolith, metamorphic history and tectonic implications of newly discovered Triassic eclogites in the east-central Qiangtang: Evidences from mineralogy, geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotope, and geochronology
- Provenance Analysis of Upper Cretaceous - Paleogene Sandstones in the Foreland Basin System of the Tansen Unit, Central Nepal
- Relative Impact of Emissions Controls and Meteorology on Air Pollution Mitigation Associated with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference in Beijing, China
- Satellite Based Modeling Estimates of Global Ecosystem Respiration
- Sea Level Change in the South China Sea and the Roles of ENSO
- Seismic Detection of P-wave Velocity Structure atop MTZ Beneath the Central Tian Shan
- Seismic Reflection Characteristic and Structure Unit Division of Nanwei Uplift in the Nansha Waters, South China Sea
- Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in Longmenshan and adjacent areas
- Seismic evidence of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath Izu-Bonin area
- Selenium isotope fractionation during adsorption onto the modified clay minerals
- Sensitivity of source apportionment results to mobile source profiles
- Site Effect Estimation Based on the Aftershock Strong-Motion Data of the 2013 Lushan, China, earthquake
- Solar Energetic Particle Event Associated with the 2012 July 23 Extreme Solar Storm
- Source Rupture Process of the 2016 Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, Earthquake Derived from Near-Source Strong-Motion Records
- The Computation of Global Viscoelastic Co- and Post-seismic Displacement in a Realistic Earth Model by Straightforward Numerical Inverse Laplace Integration
- The character and mechanism of glacial variation in the peripheral Tibetan Plateau
- The evolution of the Japan Sea and the slab subductions of Philippine Sea and Pacific plates
- The fractionation of selenium isotopic exchange between Se (0) and Se (IV)
- The thermal structure beneath the Southeast Asia inferred from heat flux and seismic velocities
- Thermo-rheological Structure of the Conjugate Margins of the SW South China Sea
- Velocity Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- A weak magnetic field inhibits hippocampal neurogenesis in SD rats
- Aerosol Increases both Sunlit and Shaded Leaf Photosynthesis Rate but with Different Mechanisms
- Boundary layer characteristics on cloudless days in Beijing based on UHF wind-profiler and related observations with possible explanation
- Can We Get Viscoelastic Structure Information of the Earth From Seasonal Variations of the GRACE-driven and GPS-observed Displacement Time Series?
- Characteristics and Impact Factors of Parameter Alpha in the Nonlinear Advection-Aridity Method for Estimating Evapotranspiration at Interannual Scale in the Loess Plateau
- Chemical composition and source apportionment of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> during heavy pollution episodes in 2013-2015 in Handan, China
- Complex lithospheric deformation in eastern Tibet and the surrounding regions from shear wave splitting observations and its geodynamic implications
- Cosmic Ray Diffusion Tensor throughout the Heliosphere on the basis of Nearly Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Model
- Decollement controls crustal strain distribution of the Qilian Shan and the Hexi Corridor Basin, the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: insights from numerical models
- Deep Ocean Contribution to Sea Level Rise
- Dehydration Kinetics of Chlorite at High Temperatures and Geophysical Implications
- Detrital zircon age and isotopic constraints on the provenance of turbidites from the southernmost part of the Beishan orogen, NW China
- Diapir versus along-channel ascent of crustal material during plate convergence: constrained by the thermal structure of subduction zones
- Earthquake Clusters and Spatio-temporal Migration of earthquakes in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: a Finite Element Modeling
- Equilibrium lithium isotope fractionation in Li-rich minerals
- Geodynamical simulation of the RRF triple junction
- Global Pattern of The Evolutions of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams
- Impacts of ice nuclei on the development of cumulus clouds over the North China Plain
- Influence of Diffuse Radiation and Its Timescale Effects on Gross Primary Productivity in a Mid-subtropical Planted Coniferous Forest Ecosystem.
- Initial Soil Organic Matter Content Influences the Storage and Turnover of Litter-, Root- and Soil Carbon in Grasslands
- Large-scale estimates of gross primary production on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau based on remote sensing data
- Lattice Thermal Conductivity of MgSiO Perovskite from First Principles
- Lg wave attenuation in southeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau and the Indochina Peninsula and its implications of potential crustal flow
- Mesozoic Compressional Folds of the Nansha Waters, Southern South China Sea
- Modeling the Land Use/Cover Change in an Arid Region Oasis City Constrained by Water Resource and Environmental Policy Change using Cellular Automata Model
- Modern pollen-vegetation relationships and two new pollen-climate indices from the Yarlung Zangbo River basin, southern Tibetan Plateau
- New Parallel Algorithms for Landscape Evolution Model
- North-south patterning of millet agriculture on the Loess Plateau: Late Neolithic adaptations to water stress, NW China.
- Number concentration, size distribution and horizontal mass flux of Asian dust particles collected over free troposphere of Chinese desert region in calm weather condition using balloon borne measurements.
- Numerical modeling of underground storage system for natural gas
- On the Initiation of an Isolated Convective Storm Near the Central Urban Area of Beijing Metropolitan Region
- On the correlationship of earthquake occurrence among major fault zones in the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Petrogenesis of Mesozoic granites in the Xitian, South China: Evidence from whole-rock geochemistry and zircon isotopes
- Precipitation-driven glacier changes in the Pamir and Hindu Kush mountains
- Present mantle flow in North China Craton constrained by seismic anisotropy and numerical modelling
- Present-day crustal motion around eastern margin of the Pamir plateau from GPS measurements
- Pressure and graphite effects on electrical conductivity in pyroxene
- Quantifying the linear and nonlinear relations between the urban form fragmentation and the carbon emission distribution
- Reconciled glacier mass changes and their relation with climate variation across the Pamir-Karakoram-Himalaya-Nyenchen Tanglha
- Research Progresses on Small Flux Ropes
- Responses of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen to experimental warming: a meta-analysis
- Spatial distribution and influence factors of interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical names in China
- Subduction Mode Selection During Slab and Mantle Transition Zone Interaction: Numerical Modeling
- Subsurface tropical western Pacific isotopic composition of nitrate: Biogeochemical signals and their transport
- The Different Climatic Response of Pedogenic Hematite and Ferrimagnetic Minerals: Evidence from Particle-Sized Modern Soils over the Chinese Loess Plateau
- The Effect of Spatial and Diurnal Variations of Surface Temperature on Flux Imbalance
- The Effects of Earth's Outer Core's Viscosity on Geodynamo Models
- The Simulation of Temperature Field Based on 3D Modeling and Its Comparison versus Measured Temperature Distribution of Daqing Oilfield, NE China
- The rapid cooling of the Nansha Block, southern South China Sea
- Three-dimensional Upper Crustal Velocity and Attenuation Structures of the Central Tibetan Plateau from Local Earthquake Tomography
- Understanding the Seasonal Greenness Trends and Controls in South Asia Using Satellite Based Observations
- What controls the contrasting lithospheric structure beneath the western and central-eastern Tibetan plateau?
- Wind Erosion Caused by Land Use Changes Significantly Reduces Ecosystem Carbon Storage and Carbon Sequestration Potentials in Grassland
- A Comparative Study on Pore Structure Characteristics between Wufeng and Longmaxi Formation Shales in southeastern Sichuan Basin, China
- A Flexible Computation Method for the Viscoelastic Deformations on a Layered Spherical Earth Model
- A Neural Network Approach for Improving NRLMSISE-00 Model Using Radiosonde Observations over Golmud
- A Review of crustal shortening, mantle lithospheric thinning, and lateral growth of the Tibetan Plateau
- A Typical Weather Pattern for the Severe Ozone Pollution Events in North China
- An Estimation of the Average Viscosity of the Asthenosphere in Japan from Seismic Deformations Using GPS and GRACE
- An Inexact Modified Relaxed Splitting Preconditioner for the Generalized Saddle Point Problems from the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
- Analysis of energy power spectra measured by SWAP experiment: 1D full particle simulation results versus observations of New Horizon mission
- Assessing Borehole-Surface Electromagnetic technique with Vertical and Horizontal Sources as Tool for Gas-Hydrate Delineation using Finite Difference Method.
- Beijing MST Radar detection of the lower, middle, upper atmosphere and preliminary results on horizontal wind vertical distribution and gravity waves
- Can We Monitor the Breath of Sandstone During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flooding by Optical Fibers in Laboratory Experiments?
- Constrain the fine-scale velocity structure with numerical modeling of high-frequency guided waves in the eastern Alaskan subduction zone
- Contribution of Tropical Forests to the Changes of Global Land Carbon Sink
- Crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath Da Xing'an Range area from ambient noise tomography
- Different Metamorphic Records of two Baqing Eclogites: Evidence from Zr-in-Rutile Geothermometry
- Different uplifts of the 410 km discontinuity caused by cold subducted slabs beneath the Hindu Kush-Pamir region
- Dynamical Evidence for Causality between Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode and Winter Surface Air Temperature over Northeast Asia
- Dynamics and Predictability of Global Terrestrial Water Storage.
- Dynamics of Subduction-induced Overriding Lithosphere Thinning: Numerical Modeling
- Early Holocene Seasonal Precipitation Patterns by Interactions of Asian Monsoon Circulation and Planetary Wave Changes in Northern China
- Effects of sky conditions on net ecosystem productivity of a subtropical coniferous plantation vary from half-hourly to daily timescales
- Evolution of lightning radiation sources in a series of hail storms
- Evolution of the Eastern Indian Ocean basin since 120 Ma: Influence of Kerguelen hotspot in oceanic crust accretion
- Exploring the Relationship between Soil Water Content and Soil Electrical Conductivity under Typical Land Covers in the Loess Plateau
- Formation of backstreaming pickup ions in quasi perpendicular shock: application to the heliospheric termination shock
- Geosciences Education Study in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- High-resolution sea surface-subsurface environment of the southwestern South China Sea: Comparison between the MISs 1-2 and 11-12
- How Do Fault Interactions Control the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Intraplate Earthquakes?
- In situ quantitative Raman detection of dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> in Okinawa Trough hydrothermal vent fluids
- Influence of tides on the ionospheric annual anomalies
- Late Cenozoic structural deformation and evolution of the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt: Insights from numerical simulations
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath the NE Iranian Plateau Revealed by S-wave Receiver Function Migration
- Long-term Changes of Evaporation over Siling Co Lake in the Tibetan Plateau and Its Impact on Recent Rapid Lake Expansion
- Mapping Plastic-mulched farmland in Xinjiang, China on the Google Earth Engine
- Mechanical effects of "flat-ramp-flat" type decollement and its implications to the growth and seismicity of the central Himalaya
- Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Impact of Wall Characteristics on Methane Transport in Nanometer Channels
- Multi-Disciplinary Determination of the Rural/Urban Boundary: A Case Study in Xi'an, China
- New Seismic Evidence for Continental Collision During the Assembly of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- New images of the crustal structure beneath eastern Junggar from a high-density seismic array
- Numerical simulation of thermal structure in the southern subduction zone of the Chile Triple Junction
- Observed Characteristics Change of Tropical Cyclones during Rapid Intensification over Western North Pacific Using CloudSat Data
- Ocean hydrography and its sedimentary effects in the Yap seamount (Y3) sea area of the Western Pacific in autumn 2014
- On the variations of protons during the magnetospheric substorm at Earth and Mercury in the near-tail: A comparative study
- Passive Source Reverse-Time Migration Based on Wavefield Normalized Cross-Correlation Imaging Condition Using a Hybrid Method
- Petrogenesis of Mesozoic Granitic Pluton in the Eastern Hunan Province, South China: Evidence from Zircon and Whole-rock Geochemistry
- Quantitative Prediction of High-Energy Electron Integral Fluxat Geostationary Orbit Based on Deep Learning
- Radial Evolution of the turbulent magnetic fluctuation power in the upstream and downstream of ICME-driven Shocks
- Rapid Analysis of Tight Oil-Water Displacement Using a 3D Intermingled Fractal Model
- Removing mantle lithosphere under orogens: Delamination versus Convective thinning
- Response of Groundwater Storage and Recharge to Climate Variations in the Qaidam Basin (tibetan Plateau)
- Retrieval of Aerosol and Water Vapor Profiles Using Ground-based Lidar over Tibetan Plateau
- Satellite-observed enhanced carbon sink with local greening in China
- Sea animal activity controlling GHGs emission hotspots on South Georgia, Sub-Antarctica
- Seasonal crustal deformation in NE Japan and sea level budget of the Japan Sea
- Seasonal variation in water uptake patterns of three plant species based on stable isotopes in the semi-arid Loess Plateau
- Seasonal, longitudinal, and local time variations of the Merging Height of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly from COSMIC Observations
- Seismicity in northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from a geodynamic model, seismic catalog analysis, and GPS velocity field
- Spatial variations in crustal structure and shear wave velocity across the Canning Basin, NW Australia
- Stream Channel Offsets along Strike-slip Faults: Interaction between Faulting and Surficial Processes
- Temporal patterns of large earthquakes: Devil's staircases and implications for hazard assessment
- The Finite Element Numerical Simulation of Tectonic Stress Field In and Around the Okhotsk Micro-plate
- The Influence of Short-term Droughts on the Carbon and Water Fluxes for Different Ecosystems
- The Preliminary Gravity Field Derived From HY-2A Altimetry over the Taiwan Strait
- The Spatiotemporal Changes in NPP and ET and the Driving Factors over Tibetan Plateau during 1979-2016
- The differences between the measured heat flow and BSR heat flow in the Shenhu gas hydrate drilling area, northern South China Sea
- The dissolved carbon fluxes in an erosion landscape vegetation restoration area
- The largest aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake
- Triple sulfur isotope fractionation associated with sulfate reduction in modern marine sediments
- Velocity structure of the 660 km discontinuity beneath the South China Sea from waveform fitting
- Vertical characterization of fine organic aerosols in Beijing: light absorption, excitation-emission fluorescence and organic markers
- Warming and wetting climate since last century revealed by an Ice Core in Northwest Tibetan Plateau (AGU Conference, 10-14 December, 2018 Washington, America)
- 3D geodynamic models for the double subduction-collision system: The Taiwan and Alps/Apennines orogens
- 3D measurement of three-phase contact angles of melt and vapor with quartz and biotite
- A 3D Global Dynamic Plasmapause Model Based on Multi-satellite Measurements Developed by Using a Back Propagation Neural Network
- A theoretical modelling for the thermal and tidal stresses in deep moonquake zone
- An accurate relocation of the 2017 Ms 7.0 Sichuan Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence and the seismicity analysis
- Analysis Regional Seismic Activity after the Impoundment of the Baihetan Reservoir, China
- Application of Optimal Transport Theory in TEM
- Aptian-Albian clumped isotopes from the Xiagou and Zhonggou Formations, northwest China: Cool summer temperatures and regional shifts in hydrologic cycle
- Characteristics and origin of deep earthquake clusters beneath Northwest Pacific and Tonga subduction zone
- Chemical Composition and Sources of Aerosols in Summertime Lhasa on the Tibetan Plateau
- Comprehensive characterization of iron and phosphorous solubility for fly ash samples from China, USA and Europe
- Correcting Forest Clumping Effect Using Airborne Lidar and Path Length Distribution Model
- Crust/mantle structure, hydration, and dynamic deformation at the southernmost Mariana Trench
- Crustal Vs images of the Canning Basin: is ancient rifting analog to the Neo-Tethys Ocean opening?
- Crustal Vs model along a transect in south-eastern China: insights into paleo-Tethys accretion and post-assembly reworking
- Deep Mantle Dynamics in East Asia: Numerical Simulation of Mantle Convection Based on Seismic Tomography.
- Deep dynamics of the southwestern South China Sea
- Development of chevron anticline and chevron syncline: Numerical modeling and implications for the Eastern Sichuan Fold-and-thrust Belt, China
- Dynamics of subduction initiation at passive continental margins from 2-D and 3-D numerical modeling
- Electrical conductiviy of chlorite at high pressure and temperature
- Equatorial ionospheric electric fields during solar flares and geomagnetic storms
- Formation mechanism of arcurate tectonic structures surrounding Tibetan Plateau: 3-D numerical modeling
- Full Particle Simulations of Energy Spectra Measured by SWAP Experiment (New Horizon Mission) Around an Interplanetary Shock : a Parametric Analysis
- Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock sector in East Asia: 1961-2017
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O or fO<SUB>2</SUB>? Deciphering the Dominant Determinant of Differentiation trends:a Monte Carlo MELTS Methodology
- Human Activities Aggravate Nitrogen Deposition Pollution to Inland Water over China
- Hydraulic Interactions of Subsurface Reservoirs Used for Excess Energy Storage
- Identification of fractionation processes in the Himalayan leucogranites
- Impacts of Snow Cover on Spring Phenology of the Alpine grassland over the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Impacts of forest fires on the active layer thickness and near-surface permafrost temperatures in the northern Da Xing'anling (Hinggan) Mountains, NE China
- Kinetic and equilibrium Se isotope fractionation between aqueous Se (IV) and Se (VI)
- Low soil nitrogen accelerates CO<SUB>2</SUB> stimulation of soil respiration in a 12-year experiment
- Lunar Terminator Enhancement (LTE) of Magnetic Field and Its Asymmetry
- Mapping spatiotemporal pattern of dry-season Boro paddy rice planting areas in Bangladesh from 1987-2018 using Google Earth Engine and Landsat archives
- Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Production of Sesame in Western Zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
- New seismic observations in Western Australia from dense array deployments
- Non-adiabatic Electron Acceleration in Kinetic-Size Magnetic Holes.
- Numerical comparative analysis of functional mechanism of typical reservoir triggered earthquake
- On the transition from precursor breakdown to sustained upward leader in rocket-triggered lightning
- Optimal allocation of water resources for food production and environment at a mountain-plain basin
- Ozone-vegetation feedbacks through dry deposition and isoprene emissions in a global chemical-carbon-climate model
- Polar motion as a useful index to help detecting the change of terrestrial water storage change
- Quantifying the Influences of Various Ecological Factors on Land Surface Temperature of Urban Forests
- Responses of the Quality and Quantity of Soil Organic Matter to Nitrogen Deposition in a Subtropical Forest
- Satellite Estimation of Hourly Global and Diffuse Solar Radiation with Deep Network
- Simulating Polarimetric Parameters of Ice Crystals and Retrieving Ice Water Content in Stratus in Northern China
- Spatial-temporal Characteristics of radial growth rates of Qilian Juniper on the northern slope of the Qilian Mountains
- Statistical analysis on spatio-temporal correlation of the thermospheric variability
- Structures of multiple large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by dense Global Navigation Satellite System networks in China
- Study on present deep crust deformation in northern and middle of the Red river fault zone by gravity method
- Subduction Erosion, Basement Destruction and Crust Growth: Evidence from P-T-t Evolution of the Eclogite-Bearing Jitang Metamorphic Complex (Central Tibet)
- The Synthetic Seismic Catalogs and Their Implications to Seismicity in Eastern Tibetan Plateau: A Finite-element Study
- The role of décollement and sedimentation in controlling the structural styles and evolution of the Qilian Shan and its adjacent basins, China: Insights from numerical models
- Thermal Conductivity of CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions
- Three-in-one: measuring snow depth, surface soil moisture, and frozen ground elevation changes by GPS Interferometric Reflectometry at a site in Northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- To build orogenic belts: weaken the mantle lithosphere!
- Variability of Black Carbon in Hariqin Glacier from the Tanggula Mountains on the Central Tibetan Plateau
- Vertical thickening versus lateral extrusion: which dominates the Tibetan lithospheric shortening during Indian-Asian collision
- What mainly controls phytoplankton dynamics and net primary productivity in Lake Basin?
- <SUP> River channel patterns adjusts to riparian vegetation: Experiments and model analysis</SUP>
- A Mechanistic Investigation of the Oasis Effect in the Zhangye Cropland in Semiarid Western China
- A Theoretical Mechanism of the BDL Sea Ice Modulating the Greenland Blocking and Nearly Continental Cold Anomaly
- A parameterization model to analyze lunar thermal history and thermal stress for inducing moonquakes
- A preliminary study on numerical simulation of the Jiama porphyry metallogenic system, Tibet, China
- A simulation of the influence of DE3 tide on nitric oxide infrared cooling
- Air pollution stress on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) of aspen trees: Implications for disentangling the confounding effects of plant physiology and canopy structure on the relationship between the canopy-scale SIF and photosynthesis
- Characteristics of snowfall size distribution during ICE-POP 2018 and applications for radar snowfall estimation
- Climate and grazing impacts on grassland productivity, livestock population and methane emissions on the Mongolian Plateau: a simulation study with DLEM
- Collaborative Impact of the NAO and Atmospheric Blocking on European Heatwaves, with a focus on the hot summer of 2018
- How long did the Tethyan one-way train operate?
- Obtaining high temporal and spatial resolution estimates of lockdown impacts on air quality using a generalized additive model that accounts for the influence of meteorology and air pollution transport
- Persistence of the long-duration daytime TEC enhancements at different longitudinal sectors during the August 2018 geomagnetic storm
- Post-Seismic Relaxation During 2015 to 2020 for the Large East Asia Earthquakes
- Precursor Effect of the East Asia Trough on the Ural Blocking and Their Roles in Euraisan Temperature
- Receiver Function Mapping of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Western Alps Using Scaled 3-D Velocity Corrections
- Shear-wave Velocity Structures of the Shallow Crust Beneath the Ordos and Sichuan Basins from Multi-frequency Direct P-wave Amplitudes in Receiver Functions
- Spatiotemporal variation characteristics for b-value of induced seismicity in Southeast of Sichuan Basin, China
- The Spatial-temporal Patterns of COVID-19 Lockdown Effects and Diurnal Variations of Air Quality in Beijing, China due to Reduced Human Activities
- The magnetic flux transport along the -E<SUB>SW</SUB> direction in the magnetotails on Mars and Venus
- Upper-mantle Structure beneath Myanmar by Teleseismic Body-wave Finite-frequency Tomography
- Wildfires and Post-Fire Debris Flows in West China
- 3D topography of mantle transition zone beneath Northeast China constraints from receiver function with Ps scattering kernel
- Altered Microbial Structure and Function after Thermokarst Formation
- Can Terrestrial Grass Tissue Particles from Deep Indian Ocean Sediment Answer the Indian Winter Monsoon Mystery?
- Correlation of several Humidity Indexes in the Evaporation Estimation Model and their Performance in the Loess Plateau
- Estimating Groundwater Demand for Agriculture to Explain Groundwater Depletion in North China Plain
- Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency and Optimal Irrigation Quantity of Spring maize in Hetao Irrigation District using Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Field Evidence Reveals Conservative Water Use of Poplar Saplings under High Aerosol Conditions
- Geodynamic Characteristics in the Southwest Margin of South China Sea
- High-resolution crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the central Cathaysia Block, South China, from ambient noise
- Influencing Factors of the Controlling Parameter in Budyko Framework
- PATH: A 3D-based model to retrieve clumping-corrected leaf area index for terrestrial, airborne, and spaceborne laser scanning
- Possibility of Using Deep Oceanic Microcharcoal Morphotypes as a Supportive Paleovegetation Biomass Proxy
- Quantifying the Influence of Parks on Urban Heat Island Through Assessment of the Cooling Effect in five U.S. cities
- Rapid transition from MORB-type to SSZ-type oceanic crust generation following subduction initiation: Insights from the mafic dikes and metamorphic soles in the Pozant-Karsant ophiolite, SE Turkey
- Responses to climate by maximum latewood density of Larix speciosa and Abies delavayi in Southwest China
- Stream channel offsets along strike-slip faults: Interaction between fault slip and surface processes
- Switch of geodynamic setting from the Paleo-Asian Ocean to the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: evidence from granitoids in the Duobaoshan ore field, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China
- The Deep Structure of the Alps Based on the CIFALPS Seismic Experiment: Rifting Inheritance, Mantle-Wedge Exhumation, and their Impact on Continental Collision
- The Triassic Duobaoshan appinite-granite suite, NE China: implications for a water-fluxed lithospheric mantle and an extensional setting related to the subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean
- The changes of long-lived warm blob properties in Northeast Pacific in a warming climate.
- Weak Forearcs are a Key Feature of Earth-like Subduction
- Cenozoic upper mantle dynamics beneath the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions: Numerical simulations of mantle convection based on global seismic tomography
- Formation mechanism of continental mid-lithosphere discontinuity: a water collector hypothesis
- Fuel sources to carbonaceous aerosols at the eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau, China: Δ14C and δ13C evidences
- Scale-matching bias-correction of high-resolution dynamical downscaling climate simulation for hydrological application
- Spatial Parameter Optimization of a Terrestrial Biosphere Model for Improving Estimation of Carbon Fluxes by An Efficient Model-Data Fusion Method
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Cenlin He
- Chaoliu Li
- Fei Chen
- Guangjian Yan
- Haibo Huang
- Han Zhang
- Huai Zhang
- Huaiyu Yuan
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Juan Li
- Liang Zhao
- Ling Chen
- Marco G. Malusà
- Mian Liu
- Minghui Zhao
- Qin Wang
- Simone Salimbeni
- Vidusanka Thilakanayaka
- Weijia Sun
- Yang Chu
- Yuanhe Yang
- Zhe Zhang
- Zhenhua Li
- Zhong‐Hai Li