CAS, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Beijing
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Watershed Airborne Telemetry Experimental Research (WATER): An Remote Sensing Experiment in a Typical Arid Region Inland River Basin of China
- Air quality in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games observed by satellites and ground monitors
- Forest Structural Parameter Extraction Using Terrestrial LiDAR
- Soil Moisture estimation with AMSR-E
- The Development of HJ-1C Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm
- Passive Microwave Observations of Soil Moisture and Dew in Soil Moisture Experiments 2005 (SMEX05)
- Source characteristics of Yutian earthquake in 2008 inversed from co-seismic deformation field mapped by InSAR
- The influence of AMSRE-derived soil moisture on RAMS-simulated Tibetan Plateau climate
- A Three-component Magnetic Compensation Approach in Airborne Magnetic Survey
- Extracting Microwave Emissivity Characteristics over City using AMSR-E
- What's behind the warming signals in eastern China megacity areas?
- Direct Measurement of Complex Index of Aerosol by Multi-wavelength Laser Interferometer
- Error Propagation Model in Validating Moderate Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data Using Fine Resolution Data: Analysis and Case Study
- Estimation of aerosol particle composition using ground-based sun-sky radiometer measurements at typical sites in China
- Evaluation of net ecosystem production (2000-2008) for potential grassland biofuel feedstock sites in the Greater Platte River Basin
- Monitoring Antarctic ice sheet surface melting with TIMESAT algorithm
- Research Advances on Radiation Transfer Modeling and Inversion for Multi-scale Land Surface Remote Sensing
- Snow surface height change in Dome-A from 2003 to 2008 based on ICESat/GLAS and DEM generated from GPS
- Uncertainty Mapping of Upscaled Net Ecosystem Production in Grasslands of the Great Plains
- Upscaling Carbon Fluxes Over Grasslands of the U.S. Great Plains and Northern China: A Comparative Study
- Aerosol optical depth and fine-mode fraction retrieval over China using polarized remote sensing
- Forest crown closure retrieval and change detection using an inverted geometric-optical model
- Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER): An Integrated Remote Sensing Experiment on Hydrological and Ecological Processes
- Identify Fractional Urban Signals for Better Understading Urban Climate Effects
- Projectile Remnants in Central Peaks of Lunar Impact Craters
- Quantify environmental effects in shaping the genetic diversification pattern of Oncomelania hupensis and its implications in surveillance of human susceptibility to Schistosomiasis
- Remote sensing of aerosol optical depth from high spatial resolution images of HJ-1 constellation CCD sensors and application in the monitoring of environmental PM2.5
- Satellite monitoring the rangeland degradation under the impacts of climatic and socio-economic changes over central Asia
- Status and Potential Capacities to Sequester Carbon of China's Terrestrial Ecosystem
- The 2010 Spring Drought Reduced Primary Productivity in Southwestern China
- Variational Analysis of Hourly Satellite and Gauge Precipitation Data in China
- A High-performance Service-Oriented Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Rapid Disaster Response and Decision Making
- Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Total Aboveground Biomass in Forest Stands: Site-scale Test of Model
- Developing a fixed-wing UAV aeromagnetic system
- Estimates of forest height in the Amazon basin using radar altimeter data of SARIN mode onboard Cryosat-2
- Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation in China
- Forest Biomass Mapping from Stereo Imagery and Radar Data
- GPP/RE Partitioning of Long-term Network Flux Data as a Tool for Estimating Ecosystem-scale Ecophysiological Parameters of Grasslands and Croplands
- Monitoring and Simulation Changes of Typical Lake Basin in Tibetan Plateau Using Remote Sensing Data (1980-2010)
- Multi-satellite Mission in China for Monitoring Natural Hazards (Invited)
- Multi-scale indicators in CropWatch
- Satellite estimation of ground-level particulate matters in China: methodology, uncertainties and multiple-scale applications
- Satellite view of the extreme haze clouds over China
- Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation in Developing Countries--STDM Initiative
- The single scattering properties of hygroscopic soot aggregates with water coated monomers
- The spatial-temporal variations in optical properties of atmosphere aerosols over China and its application in remote sensing
- A Consistent Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Dataset over China
- An ENSO-oriented mining algorithm for marine abnormal association patterns
- An algorithm for retrieving fine and coarse aerosol microphysical properties from AERONET-type photopolarimetric measurements
- CREST v2.1 Refined by a Distributed Linear Reservoir Routing Scheme
- Estimation of sunlit/shaded light-use efficiency of cropland using tower-based multi-angle remote sensing data and eddy covariance flux measurements
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Grassland and Cropland Net Ecosystem Production of the U.S. Great Plains
- Hierarchical Satellite-based Approach to Global Monitoring of Crop Condition and Food Production
- High Temperal Resolution AOD Retrieval of Northern China in 2014 Winter Based on Geostationary Satellite Remote Sensing Data
- Impact of Dust Events during 2003-2014 on the Ecological Changes in Bohai Sea (China)
- Introduction of a Sun/Sky-Radiometer Observation Network with the Extension of Multi-Wavelength Polarization Measurements in China
- Reseach of Soil Moisture Measurement in Arid Areas by Using Ground-penetrating Radar
- Retrieval of the Nitrous Oxide Profiles using the AIRS Data in China
- Toward comprehensive Titan digital topography construction: A technical demonstration with stereogrammetry and photo/radarclinometry
- Water level variation of Inland lakes on the southeasten of Tibetan Plateau in 1972-2012
- A Global-Scale Distributed Geomorphologic Product
- A New Method for Common Calibration of Sun-Sky-Lunar Photometer
- Aerosol Properties under Air Quality Control Measures of APEC 2014 in Beijing
- An integrated multiscale river basin observing system in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China
- Assessing the spatial representativeness of eddy-covariance measurements of AmeriFlux network based on remote sensing and footprint analysis
- Development of EarthCARE/MSI ice and water cloud properties products
- Ecoregion Framework Facilitating Synthesis and Up-scaling of Tower CO2 Exchange Measurements
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Forest abovegroundbiomass mapping using spaceborne stereo imagery acquired by Chinese ZY-3
- High-Resolution Regional Biomass Map of Siberia from Glas, Palsar L-Band Radar and Landsat Vcf Data
- Improving HJ-1B IRS land surface temperature product using ASTER global emissivity database
- Integration of Canopy Height Information Derived from Stereo Imagery with SAR Backscatter Data to Improve Biomass Mapping
- Mapping afforestation and its carbon stock using time-series Landsat stacks
- Modeling and validation of directional reflectance for heterogeneous agro-forestry scenarios
- Observation of a Dust Storm during 2015 Spring over Beijing, China
- Optimized sampling strategy of Wireless sensor network for validation of remote sensing products over heterogeneous coarse-resolution pixel
- Retrieval of Component Temperatures of Leaf, Sunlit and Shaded Soil in Maize Canopy Based on Airborne Thermal Infrared Multiangular Observations
- Retrieval of aerosol composition using ground-based remote sensing measurements
- Satellite Albedo products Validation by Upscaling Multi-nodes in situ Data into a Satellite Pixel Scale over Heterogeneous Land Surface
- Semi-analytical Model for Estimating Absorption Coefficients of Optically Active Constituents in Coastal Waters
- Spatial Upscaling of Long-term In Situ LAI Measurements from Global Network Sites for Validation of Remotely Sensed Products
- Spatial connectivity of urban clusters and regional climate effects
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of human settlement patterns in the Southeast U.S. from DMSP/OLS nightlight time series, 1992-2013
- Study on the Characteristics and Impacts of the Spatial-temporal Urban Sprawl in Chinese Coastal Cities using Ocelet
- Towards Jointly Validation of Land Remote Sensing Products In China
- Vegetation Red-edge Spectral Modeling for Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Retrieval at O<SUB>2</SUB>-B Band
- WEBGIS based CropWatch online agriculture monitoring system
- A 3D Joint Simulation Platform for Multiband_A Case Study in the Huailai Soybean and Maize Field
- A hybrid HDRF model of GOMS and SAIL: GOSAIL
- An Improved Method for Deriving Mountain Glacier Motion by Integrating Information of Intensity and Phase Based on SAR Images
- An analytical radiative transfer model for ectones based on stochastic radiative transfer theory
- Analysis of active-passive complementarity and its dependence on vegetation and surface roughness from SMAP observations
- Automated observation of diurnal solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence for better understanding of crop photosynthesis
- Characteristics of a Glacier Surge Event Derived from Landsat Image Sequences and Its Response to Regional Climate Change: Kelayayilake Glacier, Western China, 2015
- Coarse Scale In Situ Albedo Observations over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces and Validation Strategy
- Combined Landsat Satellite and HJ Satellite for Monitoring Large Alpine Lakes on the Changtang Plateau over 2009-2014
- Contributions of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Components to Polarized Emission Based on the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Measurements
- Detection of the Near-surface Freeze/thaw State through the Synergy Use of Microwave and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data
- Development of CropWatch Online Agriculture Monitoring System
- Evaluation of MuSyQ land surface albedo based on LAnd surface Parameters VAlidation System (LAPVAS)
- Global distribution of Cloud Droplet Effective Radius from POLDER Measurement
- Global soil moisture dry-down analysis based on SMAP retrievals
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- Indian monsoon dominates runoff of southern Himalayas—taking Langtang region as an example
- Influence of Solar Zenith Angle to Phonological Index Extraction Result of Typical Vegetation
- Land surface temperature retrieval from the Advanced Himawari Imager using a pratical split-window algorithm
- Measurement and modeling of Bidirectional SIF Emissions in Wheat Canopies
- Retrieval of BRDF/Albedo by the Angular and Spectral Kernel Driven Model with Global Soil and Leaf Optical Database
- Validation of Absorption Based Dual-Frequency Radar Retrieval Algorithm of Snow Water Equivalent using SnowScat and SnowSAR Data
- View angle effects on relationships between leaf area index in wheat and vegetation indices
- Viewing the effects of anthropogenic emission control from the change of CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration observed by GOSAT in China during the 2014 APEC summit
- A Method of Mapping Burned Area Using Chinese FengYun-3 MERSI Satellite Data
- Algorithm and assessment work of active fire detection based on FengYun-3C/VIRR
- An Integrated Processing Strategy for Mountain Glacier Motion Monitoring Based on SAR Images
- An improved active contour model for glacial lake extraction
- Analysis on Difference of Forest Phenology Extracted from EVI and LAI Based on PhenoCams
- Application of isostatic gravity anomaly in the Yellow Sea area
- Application of the Generalized Nonlinear Complementary Relationship for Estimating Evaporation in North China
- Bridging scale gaps between regional maps of forest aboveground biomass and field sampling plots using TanDEM-X data
- ChinaSpec: a network of SIF observations to bridge flux measurements and remote sensing data
- Cloudy-sky Longwave Downward Radiation Estimation by Combining MODIS and AIRS/AMSU Measurements
- Coarse Scale In Situ Albedo Observations over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces and Validation Strategy
- Developing the remote sensing-based water environmental model for monitoring alpine river water environment over Plateau cold zone
- Directional Canopy Emissivity Estimation Based on Spectral Invariants
- Dust event seen from deep space using DSCOVR/EPIC data
- Effect of Multiangular Observations on Crop Chlorophyll Content Retrieval Using Field Top-Of Spectrometer Data
- Estimating Daily Evapotranspiration Based on A Model of Evapotranspiration Fraction (EF) for Mixed Pixels
- Estimating and analysis of Lake ice phenology from MODIS data in Tibetan Plateau from 2000 to 2015
- Evaluation of AVHRR Aerosol Properties Over Mainland China from Deepblue Algorithm
- Evaluation of Global LAI/FPAR Products from VIIRS and MODIS: Spatiotemporal Consistency and Uncertainty
- Evaluation of VIIRS Aerosol Products over China.
- Evaluation of coarse scale land surface remote sensing albedo product over rugged terrain
- GOCI Yonsei aerosol retrieval version 2 aerosol products: improved algorithm description and error analysis with uncertainty estimation from 5-year validation over East Asia
- GOSAILT: A hybrid of GOMS and SAILT with topography consideration
- Grassland Aboveground Biomass in Inner Mongolia: Dynamics (2001-2016) and Driving force
- Impact of 3D Canopy Structure on Remote Sensing Vegetation Index and Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Improvements for retrieval of cloud droplet size by the POLDER instrument
- Improving remote sensing of aerosol microphysical properties by near-infrared polarimetric measurements over vegetated land: Information content analysis
- L-band brightness temperature disaggregation for use with S-band and C-band radiometer data for WCOM
- Mapping rice extent map with crop intensity in south China through integration of optical and microwave images based on google earth engine
- Monitoring An Intensive Dust Event over Northern China Using Multi-satellite Observation
- Monitoring LongBao Wetland Ecosystem in Tibetan Plateau using time-series SAR and Optical dataset
- Monitoring the dynamics of glacial lakes in the High Mountain Asia region through time series Landsat images
- Open Earth Observation Data for Measuring Anthropogenic Development in Coastal Zones at Continental Scales
- Remote Sensing of Energy Distribution Characteristics over the Tibet
- Response of alpine vegetation growth dynamics to snow cover phenology on the Tibetan Plateau
- Retrieval of ice cloud properties from Himawari-8 satellite measurements by Voronoi ice particle model
- Risk Assessment of Maize Drought Disaster in Agro-Pastoral Transitional Zone in North China
- Simulation and Analysis of Topographic Effect on Land Surface Albedo over Mountainous Areas
- Snowmelt Pattern and Lake Ice Phenology around Tibetan Plateau Estimated from Enhanced Resolution Passive Microwave Data
- Spatial distribution and influence factors of interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical names in China
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Ecological Security in Arid Region Based on GIS: A Case Study in Xinjiang
- The changing patterns of cropland conversion to built-up land in China from 1987 to 2010
- The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content and seasonal controls on carbon uptake
- Tracking diurnal changes of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration using fluorescence, gas exchange and hyperspectral remote sensing measurements
- Validation of the MODIS MOD21 and MOD11 land surface temperature and emissivity products in an arid area of Northwest China
- A cluster-based algorithm for mining marine abnormal variation objects with a time series of remote sensing products
- A multitemporal algorithm of active fire detection based on Fengyun-3C VIRR
- Aerosol Optical Depth retrieval over mainland China using AVHRR measurements
- An Assessment of Solar Power Generation Potential in the Belt and Road and Adjacent Areas
- An Physically Based Method For Estimating Instantaneous and Daily Downward Shortwave Radiation from Combined Polar-orbiting and Geostationary Satellite Data
- Analysis of topographic effects on global surface BRDF/Albedo
- Application of Remote Sensing Data to Glacier Melting Modeling, Langtang, Nepal.
- Assessing Vegetation Memory Effect and Response to Short-Term Climate Anomalies Using Satellite Solar-Induced Fluorescence
- Characterizing global bare ground gain using Landsat imagery
- Climatology Study of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification over Western North Pacific. Part One: Spatial and Temporal Variation
- Comparation of the ice cloud properties from Himawari-8/AHI and MODIS C6 product
- Comparison of 5 sites ET partitioning in water limited ecosystem based on eddy covariance measurements
- Connection between hydrological cycle and crop yield anomalies in the US Corn Belt
- Developing A Dust Storm Detection Method Combining Support Vector Machine and Satellite Data in Typical Dust Regions of Asia
- Downscaling land surface temperature by using a multivariable random forest model: A case study for various land cover in China
- Dust Source Regional Variability in Central Asia in Recent Two Decades and The Climate Linkages
- Evaluation of the two Collection 6 MODIS LST products using ground measurements collected from a barren surface in Northwest China
- Exploring the Relationship between Light Use Efficiency and Fluorescence Yield under Optimal Conditions across Different Biomes
- First global terrestrial solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence mapping from Chinese TanSat satellite
- Lake Ice Phenology Monitoring in Tibetan Plateau using Remote Sensed Data
- Monitoring Abandoned Cropland using Dense Landsat Time Series: A Spatial-temporal Approach
- Observed Characteristics Change of Tropical Cyclones during Rapid Intensification over Western North Pacific Using CloudSat Data
- Obtaining A Spatial and Temporal Continuum Soil Moisture Dataset Based on Remote Sensing Products over the Tibet Plateau From 2002 to 2015
- Prediction and comparison of Sudden Oak Death risk in China based on SVM model
- Progress towards sustainable intensification in China challenged by land-use change
- Retrieval of Aerosol Properties over Metropolitan Regions from Total Intensity and Polarization
- Retrieval of the total solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emission at photosystem level for better monitoring of photosynthesis
- Satellite-observed enhanced carbon sink with local greening in China
- Sources of Uncertainty in Gross Primary Productivity Simulated by Light Use Efficiency Models: Model Structure, Parameters, Input Data, and Spatial Resolution
- Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a better proxy of absorbed light than canopy photosynthesis in a rice paddy
- Synergetic Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth Based on Geostationary Satellites MSG1 and MSG3
- The GaoFen-5 satellite for air pollution monitoring in China: first results and general performance
- The N-Dimensional Cost Function Method: A Method for Multitemporal Aerosol Optical Depth Simultaneous Retrieval from Geostationary Satellite Data
- The Preliminary Gravity Field Derived From HY-2A Altimetry over the Taiwan Strait
- Upscale Albedo over Rugged Terrain and Preliminary Evaluation of coarse scale land surface remote sensing albedo product
- Upscaling of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from instantaneous to daily scale leads an improved correlation with gross primary productivity
- A Sparsity Divergence Constrained Factor Analysis and Target Transformation Method and Application to Hydrous Minerals Detection on Hyperspectral Imagery
- A type-based model to simulate canopy stomatal conductance of vegetation using remote sensing data
- Characteristics of Surface Atmospheric Electric Field Under Atmospheric Pollution Conditions in Beijing Urban Area
- China's National Snow Survey: Methodology, Data and Implications
- Deriving Coefficients of Universal Normalized Vegetation Index and Tasseled Cap Transformation for Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument
- Distinct impacts of light and heavy precipitation on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> mass concentration in Beijing
- Estimating Hourly Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave and Photosynthetically Active Radiation from DSCOVR/EPIC Observations
- Geophysical Exploration and Interpretation On the Outer Wall of the Qiuci Former City
- Global System of Quantitative Remote Sensing Products for Typical Applications
- Global assessment and error analysis on SMAP, SMOS, AMSR2 and ESA CCI soil moisture products
- Global products of forest slope-adaptive waveform metrics of large footprint lidar
- How does stand age affect photosynthetic light use efficiency? A remote sensing observational approach across a white pine chronosequence in southern Ontario, Canada
- Improving leaf area index retrieval over heterogeneous surface mixed with water
- International Analysis Cooperation on Carbon Satellites Data
- Re-evaluating the Greening of South China Karst During the Past Three Decades Using Landsat Images and Google Earth Engine
- Remote sensing evaluation of the impacts of fog on vegetation dynamics in the Namib Desert
- Responses of carbon fixation process of alpine vegetation to climate changes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Seasonal snow water equivalent remote sensing by Ku band spaceborne scatterometers
- Simultaneous retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity from the AHI data using a temperature and emissivity separation algorithm
- Soil moisture retrieval over vegetated loamy soil surface based on the Improved Dual-Channel Algorithm
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in Sparsely Gauged Zambezi River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine
- Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from leaf to the globe, snap-shot to years: new lessons and opportunities
- The potential of red SIF for estimating GPP can be improved by downscaling from canopy level to photosystem level
- A forest thermal radiation directionality model with structural and thermal stratification
- Discrimination of Pests and Diseases in Winter Wheat Based on Pigment Sensitive Indices
- Estimating Green Area Index (GAI) from radiative transfer model: application of the Bayesian theory to account for crop-specificities
- MIDA, a software system to facilitate Model-Independent Data Assimilation and ecological forecasting
- Post-Seismic Relaxation During 2015 to 2020 for the Large East Asia Earthquakes
- Preliminary assessment of fine-scale surface albedo based on 30-m Landsat or HJ series satellites over mountainous land surface
- Progresses and potential applications of thermal infrared kernel-driven model
- Rapid Monitoring of Winter Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Using A Hyperspectral UAV Platform
- Three-Dimensional Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Storagein The Dry Farming Region of China
- Aerosol properties from GOSAT-2/TANSO-CAI-2 and comparison with ground-based and other satellite aerosol products.
- Cloud, Atmospheric Radiation and Renewal Energy Application (CARE) Cloud Top Property Product from Himawari-8/AHI: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Validation
- Field of View Matching Method of Two Polarization Instruments On-board Chinese GaoFen-5(02) Satellite Verification on Aviation Platform
- Greenhouse gas emissions from global dryland ecosystems during 1960-2020
- Ionosphere Models Validation: TEC and Positioning Domain
- Preliminary aerosol remote sensing results from multispectral polarimetric measurements of PSAC/HJ-2 satellites over land
- Combining UAVSAR Observations from Multiple Incidence Angles for Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture Over Corn and Soybean Fields
- Development of a 10 m Resolution Maize and Soybean Map Over China
- Efficient Recognition of Potential Landslides using Open Access Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Images with Deep Learning Approaches
- Grand challenges in satellite remote sensing