CAS, Shanghai Observatory
flowchart I[CAS, Shanghai Observatory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (64)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Variations of Ocean Bottom Pressure: A Study with Satellite Altimetry and OGCMs
- Oceanic Effects on Earth Rotational Change: A Case Study with Satellite Altimetry and Data Assimilating OGCM
- The IVS Observing Program
- Effect of an Overlying Stable Layer on Planetary Dynamos
- Excitation of Non-Atmospheric Polar Motion by the Migration of the Pacific Warm Pool
- Ocean-Atmosphere interaction observed from comparison of the ENSO signatures in the time series of J<SUB>2</SUB> and the Earth's spin rate
- Satellites Seek Gravity Signals for Remote Sensing the Seismotectonic Stresses in Earth
- Tropospheric and stratospheric wind contributions to Earth's polar motion
- A whole Earth dynamo model
- Flows in non-spherical planetary fluid cores: Analytical and numerical model
- Updated Lunar Gravity Results From Kaguya (SELENE) and Historical Tracking Data
- Analysis of Multi-Satellite Tracking Data of the Kaguya Satellites for Orbit and Gravity Field Determination
- Fluid dynamics in a librating triaxial ellipsoidal planet
- Lunar Topography Modeling Using Laser Altimetry Data
- Torques responsible for oscillations of the atmospheric equatorial angular momentum of the stratosphere and the entire atmosphere
- Density constraints of lunar upper crust from gravity and topography
- Identifying New Mascons of Moon Using Updated Chang'E-1 Lunar Topography and Gravity Models
- Improved High-Resolution Lunar Gravity Field Model From SELENE and Historical Tracking Data
- Martian Ionogram Scaling by the Object Tracking Method and the result in Magnetic Cusp regions based on MARSIS
- Frequency-dependence of the Love Numbers due to the Earth's Quasi-Rheology, Mantle Anelasticity and Ocean Tides
- Retrieving coseismic signature with northern gravity gradient changes in GRACE solutions
- Constraining the inner structure of asteroids in multiple systems
- Global solutions for thermo-poroelastic displacement and their impacts on annual variations of global geodetic measurements
- Meteorological Excitations of Polar Motion for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses
- Non-linearity of geocenter motion and its impact on the origin of the terrestrial reference frame
- A Method to Improve the Spatial Resolution of Coseismic Gravitational Signals Retrieved from Grace Time-Variable Gravimetry
- A Numerical Experiment to Test the Influence of the Uncertainty of Earth Model on Nutation
- A new spectral method to compute FCN
- Ionospheric Correction of D-InSAR Using Split-Spectrum Technique and 3D Ionosphere Model in Deformation Monitoring
- Orbit Determination of Chang'e-3 and Positioning of the Lander and the Rover
- Peculiar Features of Ionospheric F3-Layer during Prolonged Solar Minimum (2007-2009)
- Progress in Research on Diurnal and Semidiurnal Earth Rotation Change
- Rotational modes of a two layer stratified fluid core model
- The Nature of CME-flare Associated Coronal Dimming
- Effect of the Crustal Magnetic Field on the Day-to-night Plasma Transport in the Martian Nightside Ionosphere
- A Statistical Study of Relationship between Flare Evolutions and Their Associated CMEs
- Analysis for orbital rendezvous of Chang'E-5 using SBI technique
- Diurnal and Semidiurnal Variations in Earth Rotation
- Hourly Updated GNSS Orbit and Clock
- ILRS: Current Status and Future Challenges
- Positioning for the Chang'E-3 lander and rover using Earth-based Observations
- Source of GPS seismo-ionospheric disturbances: A case study of the 2012 Gwaii earthquake
- Combination of terrestrial reference frames based on space geodetic techniques at SHAO
- Modeling of Thermospheric Neutral Density Variations in Response to Geomagnetic Forcing using GRACE Accelerometer Data
- PCVs Estimation and their Impacts on Precise Orbit Determination of LEOs
- Study of the groundwater change and the subsidence in Shanghai by ASAR and TerraSAR-X short-baseline TCPInSAR technique
- Trajectory Determination for Chang 'e-3 Probe Soft-landing
- Assessment of Integrated Water Vapor through Ground-Based GNSS Dataset over Central and Northeastern Amazonia
- Detection of Aquifer and Land Subsidence of Shanghai Using Short Baseline TCPInSAR Technique
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection and Hard X-ray Energetics in Two-ribbon Flares
- Recent Progress and Plans for the ILRS
- Vertical Motion at TEHN (Iran) from Caspian Sea and Other Environmental Loads
- Comparison of Loading Deformation from Different GNSS Time Series Products
- Contribution of VLBI for the orbit determination in Chinese lunar exploration
- Detection of Saturnian Convective Dynamo by Gravitational Sounding
- Global View of Ionospheric Response Impacts on Kinematic GPS Positioning during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) Accuracy Evaluation after Unlabeled Jumps Detection and Non-linear Signals Extraction
- A new superconducting filter for S-band observation with VGOS broadband feed at Ishioka VLBI station
- Origin of Martian Magnetic Anomalies: Implications From the Depth of Magnetization on Mars
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection and Flare Energetics: a Case Study
- Gravity induced seismicity modulation on planetary bodies and their natural satellites
- ICA-Based Spatiotemporal Characterization of Vertical and Horizontal Deformations from InSAR Time Series
- Investigating the Impacts of Ionospheric Irregularities on Precise Point Positioning over China and Understanding Its Mechanism
- Tidal Triggering of Seismic Swarm Associated with Hydrothermal Circulation at Blanco Ridge Transform Fault Zone in Northeast Pacific