CAS, Institute of Geology and Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Method For The Separation Of Weak Antiferromagnetic Signal From A Strong Ferrimagnetic Background
- Carbon and Strontium Isotope Profile on Neoprotozoic III at Three Gorges, China, and Possible evidence for ¡<SUP>o</SUP>Post Marinoan¡{+/-} Ice age
- Heat-pipe Solutions and Brine Formation in NaCl-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Hydrothermal Systems
- Unique Behaviors of Highly Siderophile elements
- Active Deformation in Central Tibet: Constraints from InSAR and Geologic Observations
- Determining the climatic boundary between the Chinese loess and paleosol: Evidence from aeolian coarse-grained magnetite
- Himalayan Nepal Tibet Broadband Seismic Experiment (HIMNT)
- Magnetostratigraphical dating of the Majuangou Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin, North China
- Possible Isotopic Evidences of Post Marinoan of Neoproterozoic III in Three Gorges Area, China
- Structural Constraints on the Evolution of the Nyainqentanglha Massif, Southeastern Tibet
- The Carbon Cycles of Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Determining of Grainsizes of Susceptibility and Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization Carriers in Chinese Loess-Paleosol Ssequences
- Displacement Gradients on the Eastern Kunlun Fault: Implications for the Kinematics of Deformation in Tibet
- Gravity Effects of Solar Eclipse and Inducted Gravitational Field
- NaCl-H2O Phase Diagrams and Equations of State for Modeling Geo-hydrothermal Systems
- Paleointensity Determination on the Late Jurassic Lavas in Northeastern China
- Paleomagnetic Study for the Cretaceous Laiyang Basin in the Shandong Province, Northeast China: Tectonic Implications for East Asia
- Pleistocene Glaciations on the Northwestern Tibet
- Quaternary Mineral Magnetic and Free Iron Records of Climatic Change from Chinese Loess/Paleosol Sequence
- Sr and Nd isotopic constraints on the protoliths of the Chinese Tianshan UHP metamorphic complex, West China
- A Wave Equation Migration Method for Receiver Function Imaging
- Carbon Isotopic Ratio Of Individual Lignin Moieties In Stalagmite As A Novel Indicator Of Past C3/C4 Plant Variations
- Discovery of Late Cretaceous Granodiorites with Adakitic Geochemical Signatures from Southern Tibet: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications
- Effect of Partial Melt on P and S Wave Velocities in Olivine-Basalt Aggragates
- Magnetostratigraphy of Cenozoic Sediments From the Kuche Depression, Tarim of NW China and Tectonic Significance
- The "African Anomaly" and the "Pacific Anomaly" in the Lower Mantle: Similarities and Differences
- Three-dimensional Mechanical Modeling of the GPS Velocity Field around the Northeastern Tibet and Surrounding Region
- A Thinned Lithospheric Image beneath the Tanlu Fault Zone, Northeastern China: Constructed from Wave Equation Based Receiver Function Migration
- Dating Metasomatism in the Lithosphere Beneath North China Craton
- Distribution and Carbon-Isotope Composition of Lipid Biomarkers in Lake Sediments on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Further Studies of Multiple Flux Rope Events at the Magnetopause Observed by TC-1 on 18 March, 2004
- Geographic Boundary and Shear Wave Velocity Structure of the`Pacific Anomaly' Near the Core-Mantle Boundary Beneath Western Pacific
- Ionospheric Current Systems Under Magnetic Cloud Condition
- Kinematics of a continental triple junction in the western Tibetan plateau explains variation in structural style along the Karakoram fault
- Magentic Properties of Magnetites Produced by Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of a High-Speed Flow Event at the Dayside Magnetopause for Strong IMF By: A Preliminary Study
- The Peak P-T Pattern for Eclogites Across the Southern Dabieshan Terrane, China, and Tectonic Significance
- Thermodynamically Sufficient Models of Multicomponent Multiphase Fluid Flow, Transport and Phase Transformation in Geological Environments
- A two-dimensional hybrid method for calculating seismograms for seismic waves propagating in anisotropic media and its applications
- Can AMS ellipsoid parameters be used to constrain Cenozoic uplift of the Tian Shan Range, Western China?
- Comparison between direct and indirect estimates of ductile strain rates in a major lithospheric continental shear zone : the Ailao Shan Red River.
- Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al dating of palaeo-lake shorelines on Tibet
- Episodic Mio-Pliocene rifting in south-central Tibet. Thermochronometric constraints from the Xainza rift
- Lithologic Mapping System for Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Data
- Mantle Transition Zone structure beneath the Eastern Block of North China Craton
- Measuring Local Strain Rates In Ductile Shear Zones: A New Approach From Deformed Syntectonic Dykes
- The Mantle Structure beneath SE Asia from P-wave Tomograpy
- The crust and upper mantle structure beneath Southeastern China
- Timing of Cenozoic E-W Extension in the Tangra Yum Co-Kung Co Rift, south-central Tibet
- A Dry Episode during the Younger Dryas and Centennial to Decadal Scale Weak Monsoon Events during the Early Holocene: A High-Resolution Stalagmite Record from Southeast of the Loess Plateau, China
- Age and Geochemical Characteristics of the Linzizong Volcanism for Neotethyan Slab Breakoff in Southern Tibet
- Biogeochemistry of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth and its Aftermath in South China
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Tibet and SW China From Seismic Tomography and Array Analysis
- Crustal Structure Across the Three Gorges Dam from Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in the Eastern Northern China Craton from Seismic Array Studies and Implications for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Lithospheric Reactivation
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure of the Yanshan Belt and Adjacent regions at the northeastern boundary of the North China Craton from Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Analysis and Inversion
- Deep Orogen-parallel Electrically Conductive Troughs And The Relationship To Surface Deformation In Eastern Tibet And Indochina
- Detrital zircon evidence from Burma for reorganization of the eastern Himalayan river system
- Distinct Velocity variations around the Base of the Upper Mantle beneath Northeastern Asia
- Does Tibetan lower crust flow? Preliminary constraints from a reconnaissance investigation of lacustrine shorelines around Siling Co, Tibet
- Igneous Rock and Paleogravity
- Integrated Seismic Arrays for Imaging the North China Craton: the ¡°Destruction of the North China Craton¡± Project
- Introduction about Seismic array Laboratory, IGGCAS
- Jointly Constraining Upper Mantle Seismic, Thermal and Compositional Structures From Mineral Physics and Seismic Data
- Mantle Dynamics beneath East Asia Constrained by Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Systematics of Ultramafic Xenoliths and their Host Basalts from Hannuoba, North China
- New Coupled Vegetation-Carbon Model Used Inversely for Reconstructing Historical Terrestrial Carbon Storage from Pollen Data
- Seismic Velocity Structures of a High-Velocity Area Near the Core-Mantle Boundary Beneath Eastern Eurasia
- The Age of the Variscan Suture in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania, as revealed by LA-ICP- MS Zircon Dating
- The Age of the intra-Danubian Suture (Southern Carpathians, Romania)
- The Apuseni Mountains, Romania, a Variscan Collage of Ordovician Gondwanan Terranes
- Topography of the 660-km discontinuity beneath northeast China: Implications for a retrograde motion of the subducting Pacific slab
- Velocity and Anisotropy Structures and Thermal and Compositional Models Beneath Eastern Asia and North America
- A Modified Approach to Estimate the Paleogravity
- Anomalous Enhancement of the Ionospheric Electron Content Prior to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Biogeochemical indicators of euxinic oceans presaging the end-Permian mass extinction at Meishan, China
- Cooling-driven climate change at 12-11 Ma: Multiproxy records from a long fluviolacustrine sequence at Guyuan, Ningxia, China
- Crust and upper-mantle structure beneath the Yellow Sea using Receiver function analysis
- Gakkel Ridge: A window to ancient asthenosphere
- Holocene Greenhouse Gases And Asian Monsoon Climate
- MIS-13 Climate, astronomical and ice sheets forcing
- Magnetic properties of Lake Qinghai Sediment
- Magnetotelluric Investigation in the Jiyang Depression and its Adjacent Areas
- Numerical Study on the Seismic Wave Propagation Excited by Wenchuan earthquake
- Polyphase Extension at the Southern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Ama Drime Range, Tibet
- Re-investigation of the Geometry and Slip Distribution of the 1931 Fuyun Surface Rupture, northwest China
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Climate Variability in North East China From Varved Maar Lake Sediments
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Energy Coupling: Directly Drive or Loading- Unloading
- A paleoenvironmental sulfur-isotope gradient seen in Lower Cambrian black shales and implications for the early sulfur cycle
- A two-dimensional hybrid method for modeling seismic waves propagation in laterally-varying anisotropic media and its application to central Tibet
- Cenozoic brittle and plastic deformations in west Sichuan: Evidence for the stress and strain pattern of the southeastern Tibetan plateau
- Chemically fractionated olivine-wadsleyite-ringwoodite assemblages in Grove Mountains meteorites: Constraints on formation mechanism of ringwoodite
- Chondritic magnesium isotopic composition of the terrestrial mantle: A case study of peridotite xenoliths from the North China craton
- Co-seismic deformation due to the 20 March 2008 Yutian earthquake (M7.2) in Tibet and its Fault Model
- Coupled U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotopic Analysis of Detrital Zircons from Modern Sand of the Yalu River System (Yarlung Tsangpo) in Southern Tibet: Implications for Himalayan Provenance Analysis and Drainage Reconstruction
- Environmental magnetic study of a Xeralf chronosequence in northwestern Spain: indications for pedogenesis
- Geographic boundary of the “Pacific Anomaly” near the Earth’s core-mantle boundary
- Gravitation is Retarded:Theory and Evidence
- How lithosphere and asthenosphere interact during the formation of an accretionary orogen - a case study from the Chinese Altai
- Last glacial climate instability documented by coarse-grained sediments within the loess sequence, at Fanjiaping, Lanzhou, China
- Late Carboniferous Accretionary Complexes, West Junggar: Implications for the Tectonics of the Altaids
- Late Paleozoic geodynamic evolution of the Junggar Basin (Northwestern China) : insights from new paleomagnetic results
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the mantle
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust
- Mesozoic continental extension in eastern China: Metamorphic Core Complexes and granitic plutons as time and strain markers
- Monsoon variability of the East Asian mainland during the last glacial/interglacial cycle as recorded from varved lake sediments (Invited)
- Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Hongseong area, southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea; implication for the tectonic evolution of Northeast Asia
- Paleomagnetic reconnaissance on the Linzizong Group in the Lhasa Block, China: constraints to the onset of the India-Asia collision
- Precambrian Plate Tectonics Revealed from the North China Craton
- Research for Key Techniques of Geophysical Recognition System of Hydrocarbon-induced Magnetic Anomalies Based on Hydrocarbon Seepage Theory
- Single-layer 230Th dating with precision of one year on laminated stalagmites
- Stratigraphic and provenancial evidence for recognition of an underfilled foreland basin in central Himalaya: implication for timing of India-Asia initial collision
- Strong asymmetry of hemispheric climates during MIS-13 inferred from correlating China loess and Antarctica ice records (Invited)
- Structural analysis of the South Tianshan Suture and the Nikolaev Line: New constraints for the tectonic evolution of Chinese southwestern Tianshan
- The Fluctuation of the Geomagnetic-field Strength during the Cretaceous Quiet Zone: Paleointensity Results from Chinese Lavas
- The characteristics of burnt facies and impact debris tracing cosmic airbursts and related hazards
- Three exceptionally strong East-Asian summer monsoon events during glacial times in the past 470 kyr
- Three-stage intraplate deformation and lithospheric dynamics in South China
- Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic constraints on the Late Paleozoic magmatism and crustal evolution in the Caucasus
- 3D lithospheric structure beneath the eastern Tien-Shan and its geodynamic implication
- A century of blowing dust in southwestern Tibet
- A stagnant slab in a water-bearing mantle transition zone beneath northeast China: Implications from regional SH waveform modeling
- Broadband Seismic Array Observation along a ~2000-km-long Linear Profile in South China
- Climate Effect of Dust Aerosol in Southern Chinese Loess Plateau
- Crustal Lg-wave attenuation within the North China Craton and its surrounding regions
- Crustal deformation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau revealed by magnetotelluric imaging
- Crustal structure of the Paleozoic Kunlun orogeny from an active-source seismic profile between Moba and Guide in East Tibet, China
- Deformational and sedimentary responses to Late Miocene (13-8.5 Ma) left-lateral oblique movement along the northern foreland of the Red River-Ailao Shan shear zone, Yunnan, China
- Diffusion of laboratory ultrasonic waves
- Distinct differences in crustal structure and radial anisotropy along two seismic profiles in the North China Craton by ambient noise analysis
- Elastic Properties of MgSiO3-Perovskite under Lower Mantle Conditions Revisited
- Eolian deposits in China and Cenozoic Asian climate (Invited)
- Eolian grain-size signature of the Sikouzi lacustrine sediments (Chinese Loess Plateau): Implications for Neogene evolution of the East-Asian winter monsoon
- Fossil molecules reveal decoupled warming and monsoon precipitation in East Asia over the last deglaciation
- Geochemical characteristics of crustal anatexis of UHPM gneisses during their exhumation, Sulu UHPM terrane, China
- Geometries, structural features and velocity structures of the Pacific Anomaly and comparison with the African Anomaly (Invited)
- Inhomogeneous Media 3D EM Modeling with Integral Equation Method
- Inter-Hemispheric Comparison of GPS Phase Scintillation at High Latitudes during the Magnetic-Cloud-Induced Geomagnetic Storm of April 5-7, 2010
- Is DE2 the Source of the Ionospheric Wave Number 3 Longitudinal Structure?
- Lithosphere structure beneath the North China craton from Rayleigh wave tomography with a 2-D seismic array
- Magnesium isotopic composition of continental basalts
- New Coupled Model Used Inversely for Reconstructing Past Terrestrial Carbon Storage from Pollen Data: Validation of Model Using Modern Data
- Numerical simulation of multiphase flows of CO2 storage in saline aquifers in Daqingzijing oilfield, China
- Physical Model of Transportation Processes of Loess Dust
- Quantification of hematite from the visible diffuse reflectance spectrum: effects of aluminum substitution and grain morphology
- Remote Triggering in Continental China
- Study of Large Scale Electromagnetic Field with ``Earth-Ionosphere'' Mode
- Supercratons before supercontinents? (Invited)
- The Lhasa Terrane: Record of a microcontinent and its histories of drift and growth
- The Role of Eolian Dust Fertilization in Biogeochemical Cycles in The sub-Arctic Northwest Pacific During the Late Pliocene Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
- The discrimination of hematites synthesized by hydro-thermal and thermal dehydration method and its geological significances
- The role of winter temperatures and polar amplification during peak Interglacial warming
- Theoretical Study the Error Caused by Dipole Hypothesis of Large-loop TEM Response
- U-Th zircon dating of the great Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano: Evidence for rapid development of a catastrophic eruption
- Using model-data fusion approach to improve carbon cycle modeling at site and regional scales
- 40Ar/39Ar Evidence for a 17 ka Geomagnetic Field Excursion at Changbaishan Volcano, Northeastern China
- Anomaly extraction methods and earthquake research based on local plasma parameters of DEMETER Satellite
- Decisions, decisions: The selection of paleointensity data
- Early Paleogene paleomagnetism in southern Tibet, China and its constraints to the India-Asia collision
- Faults system and igneous rocks distribution of the Junggar Basin
- Gas composition and soil CO2 flux at Changbaishan intra-plate volcano, NE China
- Generation of Kinetic Alfven Waves by Beam-Plasma Interaction in Nonuniform Plasma
- Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation records from the East China Sea
- How did the Tibetan Plateau grow? A view from Eastern Tibet
- Human-induced Changes of Organic and Inorganic Carbon Storage in Soils of China
- Interferometric imaging of the underside of a subducting crust
- Investigation of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities and their relationship to equatorial plasma bubbles using Sanya VHF radar
- Late Paleozoic paleomagnetism in Tacheng basin of west Junggar, China and implications to closure of the Paleoasian Ocean
- Lithospheric structure beneath the southern part of the central and western North China Craton and adjacent Qilian Orogenic Belt from Rayleigh wave dispersion analysis
- Magnetostratigraphic Study of Chengde Basin, Yanshan Area and its Restriction on the Peaking Age of North China Craton Destruction
- Mechanisms for Destruction of the North China Craton: from Geological Observation to Modelling
- Mesozoic formation study in the southern South China Sea from seismic and gravity data
- Metamorphic evolution of eclogites at Qinglongshan: modeling in system Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2-Fe2O3
- Modeling carbon cycle process of soil profile in Loess Plateau of China
- Pressure Gradient Evolution and Substorm Onset
- Reconstructing 20th Century Summer Precipitation on the South-Central Tibetan Plateau
- Significant structural variations beneath the central and western North China Craton: evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric modifications
- Simulated STEREO views of the Solar Wind following the CMEs of 1 August 2010
- Solar Wind Energy Input during Prolonged, Intense Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Fields: A New Coupling Function
- Spatial distribution of seismic layer, crustal thickness, and Vp/Vs ratio beneath the Permian Emeishan Mantle Plume
- Spatially varying upper mantle of eastern China caused by Pacific Plate subduction: constraints from body-wave tomography and SKS wave splitting measurements
- The Characteristics of Electromagnetic Fields Induced by Different Type Sources
- The Distribution of Ring Current during Geomagnetic Storms
- The equable climate problem during Interglacial warming
- The role of experimental noise in paleointensity data selection
- Three patches of low-velocity zone above high-velocity D'' layer
- Tracing changes in the East Asian Monsoon using the Mg isotope record in a loess-paleosol sequence from Luochuan, China
- Transverse instability and magnetic structures associated with electron phase space holes
- Uplift of lake shorelines around Lake Nam Co and estimates of mid crustal viscosity in Tibet
- Uppermost mantle structure near the Longmenshan fault zone from interstation Pn wave traveltime difference tomography
- 3D forward modeling and inversion of large scale CSEM method
- A New Method for Detecting Goaf Area of Coal Mine :2D Microtremor Profiling Technique
- Continuing Studies of Dynamic Triggering near Fangshan, Beijing
- Crustal Flow Pattern in Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Regional Lg Q Tomography
- Detecting small scale heterogeneities in the crust from ambient noise cross-correlation
- Diversity and biogeography of present-day magnetotactic bacteria in eastern China
- Dynamic Activity of the Subducting Pacific Plate Revealed by the Focal Mechanism of the May 2011 Sino-Russian Border Deep Earthquake
- Electron Acceleration in a Dynamically Evolved Current Sheet of Solar Coronal Conditions
- Evidence of gravity wave and tidal interactions observed by a sodium temperature/wind lidar over Hefei, China
- From basal shear to left-slip: two-stage evolution of the Cenozoic Altyn Tagh Fault evidenced by sedimentary and structural features of the Qaidam Basin, NW China
- Greigite-producing Magnetotactic Bacteria in the Freshwater Moat of Xi'an City, China
- He and Ar isotopes in pyroxene megacrysts and metasomatised lherzolites from Linqu, North China Craton
- Kinks in subducted slabs: Petrological evidence points to additional hindrance to the exhumation of UHP rocks
- Light Elements in the Core and Equilibration Degree with Silicate Mantle: Perspective from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Dali Basin in Yunnan and implications for late Neogene rotation of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Method for inferring the axis-orientation of cylindrical flux rope or plasmoid based on single-point measurement
- Morphology and dynamics of star dunes from numerical modelling
- On the retreat of Near-Earth neutral line during substorm expansion phase: a THEMIS case study during the 2008 January 9 substorm
- Paleosecular variations of geomagnetic field from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in the north of South China Sea
- Polar Cap Potential Saturation and Ionospheric Convection Patterns during Superstorms
- Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets
- Rock magnetism on fluvial sediments of Lower Yangtze River, relations to pedogenesis and climate changes of the last 150 years
- Seismic Migration of Multiples for Subsalt Imaging
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Response of the Magnetosphere to the Solar Wind
- Stable carbon isotope of black carbon in lake sediments as an indicator of terrestrial environmental changes: an evaluation on paleorecord from Daihai Lake, Inner Mongolia, China
- Stress-associated scattering attenuation and intrinsic attenuation of laboratory ultrasonic waves
- Sub-millennial Climate Variability During the Last Glacial Period in Northern China Revealed by Stalagmite δ18O Records
- Swimming motion of non-spherical magnetotactic bacteria: Mathematical model and laboratory experiment.
- The paleoenvironmental significance of δ13C of Kulishu stalagmite, Beijing, China, during Younger Dryas intervals: inferred from the grey level profile
- Three Dimensional Lunar Wake Reconstructed by the ARTEMIS Data
- Variation of the upper mantle velocity structure along the central-south Andes
- Weak middle crust beneath central Tibet: constraints from shoreline deformation around Siling Co
- 2.5-Dimensional Tomography of Uppermost Mantle beneath Southwest China
- A successive three-point scheme for fast ray tracing in complex 3D geological models
- Ages of zircons from pre-, syn- and post-caldera eruption products of the Changbaishan Volcano, indicating rapid magmatic development
- An Interactive Program on Digitizing Historical Seismograms
- Anisotropic Rayleigh-Wave Phase-Velocity Maps beneath Northeastern China
- Application of Microtremor Array Analysis to Estimate the Bedrock Depth in the Beijing Plain area
- Biogeochemical Response to the Holocence Monsoon Climate in a Maar Lake, south China
- Biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria and its implications for the global iron cycle
- Characteristic of pargasitic amphibole at high pressure by in situ μ-Raman, μ-FTIR spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction
- Clay mineral assemblages of terrestrial records (Xining Basin, China) during the Eocene-Oligocene climate Transition (EOT) and its environmental implications
- Composition difference of uppermost mantle beneath central Tibet constrained by teleseismic P- and S-wave traveltime
- Constrains of upper mantle Vp/Vs ratio variations beneath North China from a new receiver function mapping method
- Crustal density structure across Emeishan mantle plume region: results from Guiyang-Lijiang gravity profiling
- Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400, 000-year minima in insolation variability confirmed by Chinese loess
- Different gridding methods and their influence on surface wave tomography
- Dipole low at the Permo-Triassic boundary? New paleomagnetic data from the central Siberian Traps
- Disequilibrium inter-mineral magnesium isotope fractionation in crustal and mantle rocks
- Distribution of ultra low velocity zones at the base of the Pacific Anomaly beneath the northeastern Pacific
- Effects of the core-shell structure on the magnetic properties of partially oxidized magnetite grain. Experimental and micromagnetic investigations
- Estimating Crustal Seismic Anisotropy in the Central Mongolian from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Euxinia prior to end-Permian main extinction at Xiaojiaba section, Sichuan Province, South China
- Evidence of active mantle flow beneath South China (Invited)
- GPS detection of ultra-low-frequency crustal resonance caused by Hurricane Sandy
- High lake levels at Siling Co, central Tibet, during MIS 5e - 6
- High pressure and temperature electrical resistivity of iron and implications for planetary cores (Invited)
- High resolution crosswell imaging of west Texas carbonate reservoir: reverse time migration with upgoing and downgoing wave separation in the frequency domain
- Imaging the 'mosaic' structure of ICB by pre-critical PcP-PKiKP phases
- In Situ Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Conodonts by SIMS and Its Implication for Paleo-sea Surface Temperature
- Ion composition changes in the plasma sheet during the BBFs interval observed by Cluster
- Magnetic and plasma response of the Earth's magnetosphere to interplanetary shock
- Mantle origin of the Emeishan large igneous province from an analysis of residual gravity anomalies
- Mean residence time in barchan dunes
- Numerical analysis of a high velocity body in the IBERSEIS profile, SW Spain
- Observation of electron acceleration in the separatrix region during magnetic reconnnection
- Paleogeothermal record of the Emeishan mantle plume: evidences from borehole Ro data in the Sichuan basin, SW China
- Paleomagnetically Determined Emplacement temperatures of the Explosive cycles of Santorini
- Paleomagnetism and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of Eocene and Miocene sediments in the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China: Implication for the Cenozoic tectonic transition and development of the northern Tibetan Plateau
- Preliminary paleomagnetic constraints on Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic paleogeography of the Sibumasu and Indochina in the Pangea supercontinent
- Preliminary paleomagnetic study on Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic rocks in Indochina and its paleogeographic implications
- Rayleigh-wave Phase-velocity Maps beneath Eastern China
- Reflective Moho beneath Qiangtang terrane, central Tibet, revealed by large explosive shot gathers along SinoProbe deep seismic reflection profile
- Ring Current Morphology and the Influence of FACs
- Rupture history of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan earthquake constrained with local strong motion and teleseismic body and surface waves
- Source location using 3-D Gaussian beam migration
- Stress Variation in North China before and after the 2011 Tohhoku-Oki Earthquake: Results and Implications
- Structure, Age, and Tectonic Development of the Huoshishan-Niujuanzi Ophiolitic MÉLANGE, Beishan, Southernmost Altaids
- Sutures in the Altaids: Implications for Continental Suturing and Growth (Invited)
- Tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tehtyan Ocean in Central China
- The Last Interglacial Climate Variability in Northern China
- The collision of South China with NW India to join Gondwanaland in the Cambrian: Provenance constraints from foreland basins
- The influence of out-of-plane shear flow on Hall magnetic reconnection and FTE generation
- Topography-dependent Eikonal Traveltime Tomography for Upper Crustal Structure beneath Irregular Surface
- Upper-mantle velocity models beneath the east Qingling orogenic belt from finite-frequency tomography of a portable seismic array
- Variation of the upper mantle velocity structure along the central-south Andes
- A preliminary study on the feedback of heat transfer on groundwater flow in a Karst geothermal field
- Continuous Lake Recession of Siling Co, Central Tibet, Since the Middle Holocene
- Coseismic Water-Level Changes in the Same Well Induced By Teleseismic Waves of Three Huge Earthquakes
- Crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath the north and south china collision zone by joint inversion of receiver functions and ambient noise tomography
- Crustal Flow beneath Eastern Tibet Revealed by Rayleigh-wave Tomography
- Dependence of poleward auroral and equatorward motion on substorm current wedge
- Effect of pressure on water solubility in aluminous magnesium silicate perovskite
- Elevation-induced climate change as a dominant factor causing the late Miocene C<SUB>4</SUB> plant expansion in the Himalayan foreland
- Global simulation of formation and evolution of plasmoid and flux-rope in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Human Influence As a Potential Source of Bias in Pollen-Based Quantitative Climate Reconstructions
- Independently dated paleomagnetic secular variation records from the Tibetan Plateau
- Insight into the mechanism of natural remanent magnetization of magnetotactic-bacteria-bearing freshwater sediments
- Late Miocene Thermal Evolution of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis as Constrained by Biotite <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Thermochronology
- Latitudinal Expansion of the Holocene Optimum in the East Asian Monsoon Region
- Magnetic configuration in ion diffusion region
- Major Changes in East Asian Climate in the Mid-Pliocene: Triggered By the Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau or Global Cooling?
- Mapping Petroleum Migration Pathways Using Magnetics
- Mineralogy and Geochemical Evidence of the Late Early Miocene Aridification Intensification in Xining Basin Caused By the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Uplift
- On the Formation of the Dabashan Orocline, Central China: Evidence from Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- Prehistoric land use in southern Loess Plateau reconstructed from archeological data by a new developed model
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results of Cores Collected during IODP Expedition 349 South China Sea Tectonics
- Reconnection Efficiency Determined from Statistical Properties of Magnetosheath Flux
- Seismic Anisotropy and Upper-Mantle Velocity Structures Beneath the Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Beltand Surrounding Regions
- Seismic evidence of continental subduction and upper mantle deformation beneath the western Alps
- Simultaneous estimation of hypocenter and velocity in microseismic monitoring: A case study at Shengli Oilfield, China
- Small-scale upper mantle extension beneath a destroyed craton
- Sn Attenuation Model in Tibetan Region and its Geodynamic Implications to Plateau Formation
- Sodium lidar observed gravity wave breaking event and its associated significant sodium sporadic layer
- South China Sea Tectonics and Magnetics: Constraints from IODP Expedition 349 and Deep-tow Magnetic Surveys
- Structure and Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection and Flux Rope in the Magnetotail: A Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation
- The Altitude Effect of Leaf Wax-derived n-alkane δD on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- The Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure in Northeastern Tibet by Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
- The Effect of fO<SUB>2</SUB> on Partition Coefficients of U and Th between Garnet and Silicate Melt
- The Excitation of True Polar Wandering by Extreme Earthquakes over Time
- Thellier-Type Paleointensity Data from Multidomain Specimens
- Time delay between the SYMH and the solar wind energy input during intense storms determined by response function analysis
- Towards a Uniform 3-D Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath Eastern China
- Upper Mantle Structure of the Alps, Appennines and Adria Regions as Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting: Results from the CIFALPS Project
- A Delayed Noeproterozoic Oceanic Oxygenation: Evidence from the Mo Isotope of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation
- A Euxinic-Wedge Model for Mo Cycling in the Early Cambrian Oceans
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
- A frequency-dependent log-quadratic Pn spreading model in the Northeast China and Korean peninsula
- An M<SUB>W</SUB>-based Historical Earthquake Catalog for Mainland China
- AnalySize: New software for analyzing and unmixing sediment grain size distribution spectra
- Analyzing failure modes of rock mass based on statistical mechanics of rock mass
- Application of high resolution 2D/3D spectral induced polarization (SIP) in metalliferous ore exploration
- Bats Use Geomagnetic Field: Behavior and Mechanism
- C<SUB>4</SUB> plant expansion since the late Miocene and the evolution of Asian summer monsoon
- Clay mineralogy indicates the living environment of the terminal Miocene hominoid of the Zhaotong Basin, Yunnan, China
- Controls of Earth's dipole tilt angle and background magnetosheath flow to the locations of reconnection sites on the magnetopasue
- Crustal structure of the Northwestern Iranian Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography
- Desertification triggered by hydrological and geomorphological processes and palaeoclimatic changes in the Hunshandake Sandy Lands, Inner Mongolia, northern China
- Detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic constraints on the terrigenous flexural basins of the Western Alps and their paleogeographic implications
- Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation
- Early Cretaceous extensional reworking of the Triassic HP-UHP metamorphic orogen in Eastern China
- Fault segmentation and earthquake history of the Kunlun fault, China
- Fine structure of the 2003 geomagnetic jerk near China
- First Investigation on the Magnetic Curvature Distribution in the Magnetic Diffusion Region
- Genomic Insights into the Biomineralization and Environmental Function of Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Abundances of Cave Dripping Water in Three Caves in East Asia
- High Dynamic Range Complex Impedance Measurement System for Petrophysical Usage
- How Magnetotactic Bacteria Respond to Radiation Induced Stress and Damage: Comparative Genomics Evidences for Evolutionary Adaptation
- In Situ Detection of Coalescence of Magnetic Flux Rope during Magnetic Reconnection
- Increasing resolution of lithospheric images by full-waveform inversion of teleseismic data
- Integrated in situ U-Pb Age and Hf-O Analyses of Zircon from the Northern Yangtze Block: New Insights into the Neoproterozoic Low-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Magmas in the South China Block
- Li isotope geochemical study on weathering of granite in Longnan, Jiangxi Province, South China
- Lithospheric structure of the Sea of Japan from surface wave tomography
- Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure of the Ordos Basin and its geodynamics
- Magnetic islands formed due to the Kelvin-Helmholz instability in the outflow region of collisionless magnetic reconnection
- Mapping Petroluem Migration Pathways Using Magnetics and Seismic Interpretations
- Mechanism of co-seismic volumetric strain variation in the far field of great earthquakes
- Moho Depth and Poisson's Ratio beneath Eastern-Central China and Its Tectonic Implications
- New Archaeointensity Result from Middle-Eastern China and Its Constraints on the Variation of the Geomagnetic Field during the last 6 kyr
- New paleomagnetic results from the Permian and Mesozoic rocks in central and northeast Thailand: their implications for the construction of the Indochina block in Pangea
- Optimization of Paleogeography of East Asia for the Past 150 Ma
- Pacific slab beneath northeast China revealed by regional and teleseismic waveform modeling
- Palaeomagnetic field strength variations suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of inner core nucleation
- Paleomagnetic Results of Permo-Carboniferous Volcanic-sedimentary Strata in Mid-eastern Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern CAOB
- Reverse Time migration Based on Internal Multiples
- Rupture process of the 2015 Mw7.9 Nepal earthquake from the joint inversion
- Scattering resonance of elastic wave and low-frequency equivalent slow wave
- Seismic Structure of the Mantle Discontinuities beneath Northeast Asia
- South China connected to north India in Gondwana: sedimentary basin and detrital provenance analyses
- Statistics on the plasma properties in the magnetosheath and the efficiency of magnetopause reconnection
- Systematic Detections of Early Aftershocks and Remotely Triggered Seismicity in China Following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Tectonic Subsidence Analysis of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Northern South China Sea
- The Quasi-Monochromatic ULF Wave Boundary in the Venusian Foreshock: VEX Observations
- The Statitical and Case studies of the Thermospheric Enhanced Sodium Layers (TeSLs)
- The biomineralization and fossilization of magnetotactic bacteria: Insights from experimental and field studies
- The isolated 678-km deep 30 May 2015 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.9 Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands earthquake
- Three-dimensional imaging of the subducting Indian continental lithosphere beneath the southern and central Tibetan Plateau using body-wave finite frequency tomography
- Total Vertical Offset for the Beichuan Fault (Longmen Shan, Sichuan, China) Deduced from Metamorphic Minerals
- Variation of Paleo-temperature and Geomagnetic Field Intensity: Do They Responsible for the Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilization in East Asia?
- Weakly Coupled Lithospheric Extension in Southern Tibet
- What time does the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms start: A superposed epoch analysis
- 2.9 GA Magmatism in Eastern Hebei, North China Craton
- A Broad Depressed 410-km Discontinuity beneath Northeast Asia
- A Numerical Study of the Interhemispheric Asymmetry of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in Solstice at Solar Minimum
- A Sandwich Model in Central Tibet Revealed by SANDWICH Seismic Array
- Ancient origin of microbial biomineralization and magnetotaxis
- Anisotropy and tectonic deformation in the Ordos basin revealed by an active source seismic experiment
- Are recycled carbonates essential to explain light Mg isotopes in magmatic rocks? Insights from Late Cenozoic mantle-derived magmas in Iran
- Assessment of the impact of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS RO observations on mid- and low-latitude ionosphere specification and forecast using observing system simulation experiments
- Bats Can Use Magnetic Compass in Foraging Behavior
- Brief Introduction on the Korea-China Collaborative Research on the Wide-angle Seismic Experiment of the Yellow Sea
- Calculation of electric radial diffusion coefficient of radiation belt electrons with in situ electric field measurements by THEMIS
- Characteristics on the fault behavior of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Characterization of Rock Failure for Longmaxi Shale During the Hydraulic Fracturing Experiment
- Classification of Earthquake-triggered Landslide Events - Review of Classical and Particular Cases
- Compressibility of Mercury's Dayside Magnetosphere
- Controlled cobalt doping in the spinel structure of magnetosome magnetite: New evidences from element- and site-specific XMCD analyses
- Crustal Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Sichuan Basin and Adjacent Areas Based on Receiver Function Migration
- Crustal Structure beneath the Eastern Tibetan Plateau from Receiver Functions
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles across the Karakoram Fault Limit the Role of Crustal Flow in the Western Himalaya
- Ductile Flow Accompanied by Vertical Thinning and Near-Isothermal Decompression in the Lhagoi Kangri Gneiss Dome, Southern Tibet
- Effect of shales on the tidal response of water level in wells
- Enhanced Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Generation in More Active Atmospheric Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Enhanced seismicity at a geothermal spot in southern Tibet following 2004 M<SUB>w</SUB> 9.1 Sumatra earthquake
- Environmental magnetic records of the Dali Lake borehole sequence in Inner Mongolia and implications for paleoclimatic variations in the semi-arid East Asia since the last deglaciation
- Episodic Growth of Orogenic Plateau: Insights from 3-D Thermo-Mechanical Modeling
- Exploring the geomagnetic field anomaly during the first millennium CE: Evidence from new archaeointensity data from China
- Fault kinematics and active tectonics of the Sabah margin: Insights from the 2015, M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0, Mt. Kinabalu earthquake
- Fine flow structures in the transition region small-scale loops
- First In Situ Evidence of Electron Pitch Angle Scattering Due to Magnetic Field Line Curvature in the Ion Diffusion Region
- Geo-electrical Structures of QP Geothermal Field, Southwest Tibet
- Igneous stratigraphy and rock-types from a deep transect of the gabbroic lower crust of the Atlantis Bank core complex (SW Indian Ridge): preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360
- In-Situ Observations of Flux Ropes Formed by Spiral Null Pairs in Magnetotail Plasmas
- Induced Global Magnetic Fields Looping Around the Magnetotails of Venus and Mars
- Influence of Ionospheric Weather on GNSS Radio Occultation Signals
- Iron isotopic systematics of pyroxenite xenoliths from North China Craton: implications for Melt-rock interaction in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath eastern China
- Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Tegucigalpa, Honduras Using Artificial Neural Network, Bayesian Network and Decision Trees
- Large Calcium Isotopic Variation in Peridotitic Xenoliths from North China Craton
- Late Miocene onset of dominant 100,000 year East Asian summer monsoon cycles
- Lg-wave attenuation and potential crustal material flow in the Indochina Peninsula and its vicinity
- Limited extrusion with no Asian lithosphere southward subduction under margin of northeastern Tibet implied from teleseismic surface wave tomography
- Lithospheric layering in major continents: results using full waveform tomography
- Lithospheric structure beneath the central and western North China Craton and adjacent regions from S-receiver function imaging
- Magma Mixing, Mingling and Its Accompanying Isotopic and Elemental Partitioning: Records from Titanites in Guojialing-type Granodiorites and Dioritic Enclaves, Jiaodong, North China
- Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Continental Basalts From Various Tectonic Settings
- Moho Depth Variations in the Northeastern North China Craton Revealed by Receiver Function Imaging
- Multi-Phenomenological Analysis of the 12 August 2015 Tianjin, China Chemical Explosion
- Nano-Pore Characterization of Shale Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry
- Observations of the Motion of X Line on the Dayside Magnetopause
- Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
- One and two-dimensional Triplicated waveform modeling beneath northeast Asia
- Origin of low δ<SUP>26</SUP>Mg basalts with EM-I component: Evidence for interaction between enriched lithosphere and carbonated asthenosphere
- Proton Cyclotron Waves Occurrence Rate Upstream From the Martian Bow Shock: Related Properties of the Planetary Proton Population and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Refine fault geometry with broadband waveform modeling for earthquake source parameters: seismological evidence for the ramp-flat-ramp geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Relationship between Precambrian North Korean Peninsula and the North China Craton: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from Neoproterozoic tillites of North Korea and Southern North China Craton
- Rupture history of the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake constrained by the local strong motion, teleseismic body and surface waves
- Seasonal variations of MLT tides revealed by a meteor radar chain based on Hough mode decomposition
- Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in Longmenshan and adjacent areas
- Seismicity Increase in North China After the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake.
- Simulated East-west Differences In F-region Peak Electron Density At Far East Mid-latitude Region
- Soil and climate modelling to explain soil differences in MIS5e and MIS13 on the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Storm Time Current Distribution in the Innerequatorial Magnetosphere:THEMIS Observations
- Study of the geodynamic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan metamorphic belt to unravel deep processes occurring at the plate interface.
- The 2008 Mw 7.2 North Pagai earthquake sequence: Partial rupture of a fully locked Mentawai patch
- The Influence of the Rock Properties on the Pulse Compression Performance of Coded Signals
- The Primacy of Multidecadal to Centennial Variability Over Late Holocene Forced Change of the Asian Monsoon on the Southern Tibetan Plateau
- The Uncertainty Range of Co-Seismic Stress Drop of Large Earthquakes and an Energy-Based Smoothing Constraint during Finite Fault Inversions
- The Use of Barker Coded Signal on the Measurement of Wave Velocity of Rock
- The age of IODP Site 1473, Atlantis Bank: Constraints from initial zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry by SIMS
- The anisotropy of 3D shock evolution and its connection to the longitudinal distribution of SEP properties
- The change of magma chamber depth in and around the Baekdu Volcanic area from late Cenozoic
- The complexity of seismic wave propagation direction observed from air-gun source and dense array
- The large-scale crustal magnetic field on Venus north polar region
- Two-dimensional Numerical Models of Accretionary Wedges Deformation in Response to Subduction and Obduction: Evidence from the Middle Part of the Manila Trench
- Ultra-low power high precision magnetotelluric receiver array based customized computer and wireless sensor network
- Upper Mantle Structure of the transition between Alps and Apennines Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting from the CIFALPS Project
- Using Inclination and Declination Data from South African Lake Sediment Records to Evaluate Radiocarbon-based Chronologies of the Past Millennium
- Widespread occurrence of magnetic nanoparticle inclusions in marine sediments and their importance in paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic studies
- anisotropic microseismic focal mechanism inversion by waveform imaging matching
- 2-dimensional triplicated waveform modeling of the mantle transition zone beneath Northeast Asia
- 3-D S-Wave Velocity Structure Under the Changbaishan Volcanic Area in Northeast China Inverted with Dense Necsaids Array
- 3-D crustal structure beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from local earthquakes
- A weak magnetic field inhibits hippocampal neurogenesis in SD rats
- An optimized chronology for a stalagmite using seasonal trace element cycles from Shihua Cave, Beijing, North China
- Application of isostatic gravity anomaly in the Yellow Sea area
- Calcium Isotopic Systematics of Peridotite Xenoliths from eastern North China Craton: Implications for Melt-rock Interaction
- Climatology of mesopause region nocturnal temperature, zonal wind, and sodium density observed by sodium lidar over Hefei, China (32°N, 117°E)
- Comparison of metamorphic zircons from granulite xenoliths and granulite terrain in northern North China Craton
- Composite Earthquake Catalog of the Yellow Sea for Seismic Hazard Studies
- Crustal Lg attenuation in South China and its surrounding areas
- Crustal melting beneath orogenic plateaus: Insights from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling
- Deep Ore-controlling Role Beneath the Collision-related Deposit Zone in South Tibetan Plateau, Preliminary Results Revealed by Magnetotelluric Data
- Detachments of the subducted Indian continental lithosphere based on 3D finite-frequency tomographic images
- Did the North China craton stop outward-growth of the NE Tibetan plateau?
- Diet Reconstructed From an Analysis of Plant Microfossils in Human Dental Calculus From the Bronze Age Site of Shilinggang, Southwestern China
- Dissolved organic matter in the unsaturated zone: the view from the cave
- Electron Acceleration in the Separatrix Region during Magnetic Reconnection
- Exploring Moho sharpness in Northeastern North China Craton with frequency-dependence analysis of Ps receiver function
- Ferrimagnetic ferritin cage nanoparticles used as MRI contrast agent
- Foreshock ULF wave boundary at Venus
- GPS Detection of Biot's Slow Wave in the Earth's Crust Triggered by Hurricane Sandy
- Geochemical characteristics of peridotites from Guleman and Kizildağ ophiolites, SE Turkey: Implications for a SSZ setting
- Global Pattern of The Evolutions of the Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams
- Imaging of the Crust and Moho Based on Receiver Function Analysis with Teleseismic Wavefield Reconstruction in South China
- Integrating Metagenomics and NanoSIMS to Investigate the Evolution and Ecophysiology of Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Intracontinental Deformation in the NW Iranian Plateau and Comparisons with the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Inversion Model of Drainage Basins' Tectono-Thermal Evolution Through Detrital AFT Ages: Case Studies of Rivers in Southeastern Tibet
- Investing the temporal and spatial scale variations of luminescence sensitivity of loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau since the last interglacial
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere simulation based on realistic geomagnetic field, solar activity, and CO2 level during the past 12000 years
- Large-scale high density 3D AMT for mineral exploration — A case history from volcanic massive sulfide Pb-Zn deposit with 2000 AMT sites
- Lateral Variations of the Mantle Transition Zone Structure beneath the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Revealed by P-wave Receiver Functions
- Lg wave attenuation in southeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau and the Indochina Peninsula and its implications of potential crustal flow
- Linkage between the Biosphere and Geomagnetic field: Knowns and Unknowns
- Lithium isotope composition and implications in large rivers on Tibet plateau
- Magnesium isotope behaviors in Jinsha River Basin, Southeast Tibetan Plateau
- Magnetic field reconnection and evolution of flux ropes in the dayside magnetosheath: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation
- Metabolic activity of uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria revealed by NanoSIMS
- Metagenome-assembled genomes of deep-branching magnetotactic bacteria in the Nitrospirae phylum
- Modelling detrital coral grain-size and age: Insights from sediment abrasion process of Yongle Atoll of South China Sea
- Moment tensor and location of seismic events in the 2017 DPRK test
- Nature of the Crust, West of the Manila Trench, South China Sea (20°-21.5°N): New Insight from 2D Numerical Modeling
- Neodymium Isotopic Compositions of the Titanite Reference Materials Used in U-Pb Geochronology
- New seismic observation on the lithosphere and slab subduction beneath the Indo-Myanmar block: Implications for continent oblique subduction and transition to oceanic slab subduction
- North Qinling Terrain as a provenance of Kuanping Group: LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Geochronology of detrital zircons
- Observations of kinetic scale magnetic holes in terrestrial space
- Optimal Tikhonov Regularization in Finite-Frequency Tomography
- Paleomagnetic Results of the 925 Ma Mafic Dykes From the North China Craton: Implications for the Neoproterozoic Paleogeography of Rodinia
- Pleistocene rapid exhumation of the Diancang Shan, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: implications for the episodic acceleration of the Red River fault
- Processing grounded-wire TEM signal in time-frequency-pseudo-seismic domain: A new paradigm
- Quantifying Regional Vegetation Changes in China During Three Contrasting Warming Intervals since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Reconstructing Cenozoic paleoenvironment in the Xining Basin northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Reconstructing the paleogeography and subduction geodynamics of Greater India: how to apply Ockham's Razor?
- Reformation of rippled quasi-parallel shocks: 2-D hybrid simulations
- Reworked crustal of early Paleozoic WuYi Orogen revealed by receiver function data
- Seismic Structure of Mantle Transition Zone beneath Northwest Pacific Subduction Zone and its Dynamic Implication
- Seismic anisotropy of the crust and upper mantle in central Tibetan Plateau revealed by shear-wave splitting
- Simulated East-west differences in F-region peak electron density at Far East mid-latitude region
- Single-cell analysis of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria via fluorescence-coupled electron microscopy approach
- Subduction Initiation Existed Along the Ancient Continent Margins? Evidence of U-Pb ages of zircons from the Bonin Trench, Japan
- Tectonostratigraphy of the Passive Continental Margin Offshore Indus Pakistan
- The Simulation of Temperature Field Based on 3D Modeling and Its Comparison versus Measured Temperature Distribution of Daqing Oilfield, NE China
- The characteristics of geothermal field of Qiabuqia town in Gonghe basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- The mineralogical and chronological evidences of subducted continent material in deep mantle: diamond, zircon and rutile separated from the Horoman peridotite of Japan
- The shallow sedimentary and structural deformation in the southern Longmen Shan: constraints on the seismotectonics of the 2013 Lushan Mw6.7 Earthquake
- The source parameters of 2013 Mw6.6 Lushan earthquake constrained with the restored local clipped seismic waveforms
- Three-dimensional Upper Crustal Velocity and Attenuation Structures of the Central Tibetan Plateau from Local Earthquake Tomography
- Timing and structure of the penultimate deglaciation in north China constrained by a precisely dated stalagmite record
- Zircon U-Pb age and Hf-O isotopes of felsic rocks from the Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
- 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling of continental indentation: Implications for coupled orogeny-plateau growth during the India-Asia convergence
- A Study of Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Reservoirs in Taiwan
- A high-resolution crustal velocity imaging using ambient noise recordings at a high-density seismic array: An example of Xinjiang basin
- A new methodology for predicting major earthquakes based on the brittle failures of multiple locked segments in a seismogenic fault system
- An attempt to obtain the low-latitude ionospheric total electron content based on the local spherical symmetry hypothesis
- Anthropogenic influence on monsoonal rainfall and vegetation in southwestern China over the past 300 years
- Bio-mimetically synthesized hematite/maghemite nanoparticles used for efficient positive magnetic resonance angiography
- Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Multiple High-pressure Metamorphic Veins from the Dabie Orogen, China
- China's Planetary Optical Remote Sensing Program
- Climatology of mesopause region nocturnal temperature, zonal wind, sodium density, and GW momentum flux observed by sodium lidar over Hefei, China (32°N, 117°E)
- Comparing East Asian summer monsoon dynamics response to Mid-Piacenzian and future climate changes
- Composition, structure and tectonic setting of the Southern Kangurtag accretionary complex in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Implication for accretionary process of Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath Da Xing'an Range area from ambient noise tomography
- Crustal Lg Attenuation in the Tethyan Orogenic Belt
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure of the Alpine Region Unraveled by Transdimensional Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion Data
- Dayside magnetodisc reconnection on Saturn
- Diachronous Initiation of Post-Collisional Magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone
- Discrepant crustal deformation beneath the Pamir revealed by joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and receiver function
- Diversity and magnetism of magnetotactic bacteria: Towards the identification of magnetofossils
- Energetic electron acceleration in tailward flow bursts: observations and simulations
- Estimating the Kinetic Energy Budget of the Polar Wind Outflow
- Evidence for a 1.24-1.21 Ga large igneous province in the North China Craton
- Evolution of Aftershocks along Longmenshan Fault Zone
- Formation of the orogenic curvature: Insights from the Triassic Xuefengshan Belt, South China
- Fractionated highly siderophile element patterns in the forearc mantle peridotites
- General dislocation model based microseismic focal mechanism inversion
- Genomic Insights into the Origin and Evolution of Magnetotaxis
- Geochemical composition and provenance of aeolian sands in the deserts of Alashan and Ordos Plateaus, northern China
- Geochemistry of the Samail ophiolite mantle section drilled at Oman Drilling Project Holes BA1B, BA3A and BA4A (Batin area, Oman Drilling Project Phase 2)
- Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Vertical Ion Drifts Observed by DMSP
- High and middle latitude neutral mesospheric density response to geomagnetic storms
- High-fidelity archeointensity results for the late Neolithic Period from central China
- High-resolution crustal Lg-wave Q tomography in Sichuan-Yunnan region and its tectonic implications
- High-resolution uppermost mantle velocity structure beneath central Tibet and its implications for geodynamics
- Historical Geomagnetic Field Paleointensity Recovery from Thailand, Southeast Asia
- Holocene paleomagnetic studies (PSV stack and RPI) of East Asia and the application in relative dating on sediments from south China
- Hydrous melting in the deep mantle
- IGGCAS Data service of Earth Science through Domestic and International Collaboration
- Identifying Climatic Factors Recorded in a Modern Stalagmite from Shihua Cave, North China
- Influence of attenuation on borehole microseismic focal mechanism inversion using different source models
- Influence of tides on the ionospheric annual anomalies
- Initial Observations with the Ionospheric Photometer on the Chinese Feng Yun 3D Satellite
- Investigation of magnetic reconnection under a strong guide field
- Ionospheric disturbances generated by China's Long March rocket launches
- Is it possible to use teleseismic scattered waves to determine the receiver-side stochastic velocity model?
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath the NE Iranian Plateau Revealed by S-wave Receiver Function Migration
- Lithospheric Structure of the Southwest Subbasin, South China Sea and Its Implication on Breakup Process
- Low Velocity Layer above the 410-km Discontinuity beneath Northwest Pacific Subduction Zone and its Dynamic Implication
- Magnetic properties of ultrafine-grained magnetite: data from magnetoferritins and magnetosomes
- Matched-Filter Detection of Microearthquakes Along the Cona Rift, Southern Tibet
- Modeling Pn Geometric Spreading and Attenuation by the Viscoelastic Finite-Difference Method with Applications to the North Korean Test Site
- Monitoring the Global Large Earthquakes with 3D SEM Strain Green's Functions, Part II: Multiple Double Couple (MDC) Analysis
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part I: Strain Green's function calculation and validation
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part III: Slip history of 2017 Mexico Mw8.2 and 2018 Alaska Mw7.9 Earthquakes
- New images of the crustal structure beneath eastern Junggar from a high-density seismic array
- OBS survey and preliminary results on the deep crustal structure across the Challenger Deep
- On the relation between proton cyclotron waves and MAVEN/IUVS observations of hydrogen corona at Mars: seasonal effect.
- On the variations of protons during the magnetospheric substorm at Earth and Mercury in the near-tail: A comparative study
- Possible residuary lithospheric signature of Permian Emeishan plume from multiscale body-wave finite frequency tomography
- Poynting Flux Measured on DMSP Satellites and Its Influence on the Thermosphere
- Quadrupolar and Hexapolar Hall Magnetic Field during Asymmetric Magneticreconnection without A Guide Field
- Radial Evolution of the turbulent magnetic fluctuation power in the upstream and downstream of ICME-driven Shocks
- Radial anisotropy of the lithosphere beneath Tibet from finite frequency surface wave tomography
- Receiver Function Principal Component Analysis and Its Application to Study the Crustal Structure of Central Sichuan Basin, SW China
- Recent research progresses on the deep structure and evolution of the Iranian Plateau
- Regional W-phase source inversion for moderate to large earthquakes in China and neighboring areas
- Remotely Triggered Seismicity in Northeast China Following the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Detected by the Matched Filter Technique
- Repeated thEllier-Series ExperimenT (RESET): Accounting for Thermal Alterations and Multidomain Effects for Natural Remanent Magnetization Carrying Grains in Paleointensity Determinations
- Repeating Aftershocks Following the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan Earthquake
- Rock magnetic controls on paleointensity data
- Seasonal, longitudinal, and local time variations of the Merging Height of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly from COSMIC Observations
- Seismic Evidence of Tearing of the Indian Subducting Lithospheric Slab and the Tibetan Mantle Lithosphere Beneath the Yadong-Gulu Rift in Central Tibet
- Seismic constraints on the magmatic system beneath the Changbaishan volcano: Insight into its origin and regional tectonics
- Seismic dispersion and attenuation in saturated porous rock with aligned slit cracks
- Seismic evidence on different rifting mechanisms in southern and northern segments of the Fenhe-Weihe Rift zone
- Serpentine and carbonate mapping in Nili Foaase: implications for habitability on Mars
- Similarities and dissimilarities between the last three deglaciations revealed in Chinese stalagmite records
- Stalagmite-based Paleomagnetic Record of Multidecadally-resolved post-Blake Geomagnetic Excursion
- Stress Anisotropy and Velocity Anisotropy of Longmaxi Shale during Laboratory Hydraulic Fracturing
- Study on Dipolarization Front Current Structures observed by MMS and SWARM spacecraft
- Study on the Curvature and Gradient of the Magnetic Field in Earth's Cusp Region Based on the Magnetic Curvature Analysis Method
- Subject-oriented finite fault inversion: a simple way to explore the uncertainty of the inverted source models
- The Forming Mechanism of the Induced Global Looping Magnetic Fields on Mars and Venus
- The Responses of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt to Coronal Mass Ejections with Different Interplanetary Magnetic Field Preconditions
- The lithosphere structure of the North China Craton: based on seismic, thermal and gravity data
- The responsibility of the 16-day wave for the SW1- and SW3-tidal-like signatures during 2009 and 2013 sudden stratospheric warming events
- Three Dimensional Crustal Vp and Vs Structure Beneath the Southern Segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Revealed by Active Source and Earthquake Data
- To Study An On-land Ultraslow-spreading Ocean Ridge, Go to Xigaze, Tibet
- Upper mantle Vp/Vs image beneath the Central Tibet from Receiver Function Tomography
- Using Hysteresis Reversal Curves (FORCs) to Diagnose Magnetic Domain State Quantitively
- "Cratonic" mantle peridotites exposed at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- 3D geodynamic models for the double subduction-collision system: The Taiwan and Alps/Apennines orogens
- A Prediction Model for Gas Production Rate Based on the New Parameter Phase Equilibrium Distance
- A high-resolution late Neocene geochemical record from the Dali Basin, Yunnan, Southwest China: Constraints on activities of the Dali Fault system and exhumations of Diancang Shan
- A new model for transformation of ferrihydrite to hematite in soils and sediments
- A preliminary study on seismic interferometry of high-speed-train seismic data
- Ambient Noise Tomography beneath the Karatungk Mine Area, Xinjiang, Northwest China
- An Experimental Study by Coded Excitation Signals for Measurement of Rock Ultrasonic Wave Velocity
- Anisotropic Permeability of Experimental Partially Molten Dunite Deformed In Shear
- CIFALPS seismic experiment reveals high-resolution characteristics of continental subduction channel beneath western Alps, Europe
- Characteristics and origin of deep earthquake clusters beneath Northwest Pacific and Tonga subduction zone
- Coexisting late Cenozoic potassic and sodic OIB-like basalts in NE China: Role of Recycled Oceanic Components in Intraplate Magmatism and Mantle Heterogeneity
- Complex mantle deformation in the Big Mantle Wedge of Northwestern Pacific Subduction Zone
- Constraints on the composition of LLSVPs
- Crustal Vs images of the Canning Basin: is ancient rifting analog to the Neo-Tethys Ocean opening?
- Crustal Vs model along a transect in south-eastern China: insights into paleo-Tethys accretion and post-assembly reworking
- Crustal structure of the Gunsan Basin in the SE Yellow Sea from oceanbottom seismometer (OBS) data and its linkage to the South China Block
- Crystallographic preferred orientation in warm, coarse-grained ice: a case study, Storglaciären, Sweden
- Cyclical one-way continental rupture-drift in the Tethyan evolution: subduction-driven plate tectonics
- Earthquake evidence for fore-arc extension at the southernmost Mariana subduction zone
- Effect of Core Size, Alternating Field Frequency and Amplitude on Heating Efficiency of Magnetoferritin in Aqueous Solution
- Effects of hypomagnetic field on hormone and blood indexes in laboratory rodents
- Equatorial ionospheric electric fields during solar flares and geomagnetic storms
- First archeointensity results recovered from central Thailand, Southeast Asia and the implications for chronology of the Phromthin Tai site
- Full-waveform inversion for the lithospheric velocity structure along a dense short-period seismic array in northeastern Tibet
- Full-waveform inversion of deep seismic reflection data in southern Tibet and its tectonic implications
- Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves in dayside magnetopause reconnection: A 3-D global-scale hybrid simulation
- Geological Weather Station-past weather events documented in daily growth bands of marine Giant Clam shells (Tridacna spp.)
- Global empirical model of electron density profile based on α-Chapman function using COSMIC observations
- High-resolution 3-D shear-wave velocity model of the Tibetan Plateau and its implication of crustal deformation in southern and central Tibet
- High-resolution Crustal Lg-wave Attenuation Tomography in the Anatolian Plateau and Surrounding Regions
- Highly siderophile elements and Osmium isotopes in abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Hydraulic Fracturing Tests in THF-hydrate-bearing Argillaceous Silt Samples
- Identification of fractionation processes in the Himalayan leucogranites
- Imaging Hydraulic Fractures of Shale Cores Using Combined Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET-CT) Imaging Technique
- Influence of IMF B<SUB>x</SUB> on the geometry of the bow shock and magnetopause
- Insolation threshold as a trigger of abrupt oscillations in AMOC at the end of interglacials
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- Late Mesozoic stratigraphic and tectonic development in the north and northeast China and their link with the Yanshanian Movement
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- Long-Term Trends of Topside Ionospheric Electron Density Derived from DMSP Data
- Low Frequency Wave Evolutions at Mars from MAVEN Observations
- Lunar Terminator Enhancement (LTE) of Magnetic Field and Its Asymmetry
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- Magnetic mineral tracing of sediment provenance in the central Bengal Fan
- Magnetochronology of the terrestrial Upper Cretaceous to Lower Paleocene of CCSD-LK-I in the Jiaolai Basin, eastern China
- Magnetofossils preserved in core MD01-2444 of the North Atlantic and their paleoenvironmental implications
- Magnitude Calculation, Yield Estimation and Seismic Discrimination in Northwest China and East Kazakhstan
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Metallogenic Mechanism of the Kalatongke Orefield in Northwest China, Constrained by High-Resolution Deep Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Micro-continuum models using the COMSOL-CrunchFlow framework for multi-scale simulations of reactive transport processes
- Microseismic Moment Tensor Inversion Considering Shale Reservoir's Anisotropy
- Middle-latitudinal band structure observed in the nighttime ionosphere
- New seismic observations in Western Australia from dense array deployments
- Observations of the Venus Dramatic Response to an Extremely Strong Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- On the Ion Distributions at the Separatrices during Symmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- On the magnetospheric driver of double subauroral ion drifts (DSAIDs) and effects of ionospheric conductance
- Origin of magnetotaxis by exaptation from detoxification of intracellular reactive oxygen species
- Paleomagnetism and U-Pb geochronology of the Lower Cretaceous Qingshan Group in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China and implications for tectonics
- Pamir lithospheric structure revealed by transdimensional inversion of ambient noise and surface wave dispersion
- Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
- Pulsed Tibetan shortening and magmatism correlate with Indian plate motion changes
- Quantifying Transient Electron Radiation Belt Extensions at Saturn
- Relative paleointensity estimates from magnetic anisotropy
- Research on Three-dimensional Electrical Structure of the Core Area of Xiongan New Area-Based on Three-dimensional Magnetotelluric Sounding
- Seasonal Variations of O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Volume Density Ratio Retrieved from GUVI Dayside Limb Measurement
- Seismic Lg wave attenuation in China: A new compilation
- Seismic frequency detection method and its application in high-speed train induced seismic imaging
- Sensitivity Analysis of Microseismic Moment Tensor Inversion
- Solar Wind-magnetosphere Interaction During the Paleomagnetic Polarity Reversal
- Spatial dispersal of global population and its response to climate changes between Last Glacial Maximum and Early Holocene
- Spatiotemporal changes in C<SUB>4</SUB> plant abundance in China since the Last Glacial Maximum and their driving factors
- Statistical analysis on spatio-temporal correlation of the thermospheric variability
- Structures of multiple large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by dense Global Navigation Satellite System networks in China
- Teleseismic Tomography and Origin of the Intraplate Wudalianchi Volcano in Northeast China
- The Distinctive Pb Isotopic Mantle Evolutions between the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Tethyan Suboceanic Mantle Domains
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- The Seismicity in and around Myanmar Based on the CMGSMO Dataset and its Tectonic Implications
- The Wide-field Aurora Imager onboard FY-3D and the observations
- The asymmetric transport of the earth's polar outflows controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field B<SUB>x</SUB>
- The importance of convection in the radiation belts of Jupiter and Saturn
- The induced magnetosphere of Mars. Fields, forces, currents
- The late Miocene climate cooling caused the disappearance of the hominoids in Yunnan region, southwestern China
- The role of inherited orogenic structures on metamorphic core complex formation: a 3D numerical investigation
- The subducted Indian crust and its geodynamic implications for collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates in Myanmar: Insights from local earthquake tomography
- Thermal lithosphere structure of Tibet and adjacent regions based on a new thermal isostasy method
- Thermostable Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Synthesis within Recombinant Ferritins from the Piezophilic Hyperthermophile Pyrococcus CH1
- U-Pb Chronology of Zircons from Anomalous Eucrite Serra Pelada
- Understanding dipolar magnetostatic interactions in bulk natural samples with extended first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
- Unstable Little Ice Age climate revealed by high-resolution proxy records from northwestern China
- Upper mantle seismic anisotropy beneath Myanmar from shear wave splitting
- Upper-mantle Structure beneath Myanmar by Teleseismic Body-wave Finite-frequency Tomography
- A simulation of the influence of DE3 tide on nitric oxide infrared cooling
- An alternative dynamic mechanism for syncollisional magmatism
- Assessment and Integration of Bulk and Component-specific Methods for Identifying Mineral Magnetic Assemblages in Environmental Magnetism
- Comprehensive Fault Slip Variation Effects on Deformation Partitioning in the Eastern Turkish Plateau
- Crustal deformation of the Tibetan Plateau revealed by high-resolution shear wave velocity and azimuthal anisotropy models
- Delineation of LNAPLs Contaminant Plume at a Former Perfumery Plant Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Detailed Contaminant Plume Mapping Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography at an Ethylbenzene Contaminated Site
- Dispersal Episodes of Anatomically Modern Humans Occurred Under Differing Hydroclimate Regimes of the Last Interglacial - Glacial Cycle in Northeastern Africa
- Flow Laws for Ice Sheet Modelling: what do Experiments tell us?
- Grain-size-sensitive creep of ice in the 'dislocation creep' regime
- Green's function for elastic wave equation with high-speed train seismic source over the viaduct
- How long did the Tethyan one-way train operate?
- Human ancestors' dispersal: the role of climate
- Imaging lithospheric discontinuities using the common-reflection-point-based prestack depth migration
- Imaging the lithospheric Structure Underneath Pamir by Transdimensional Inversion of Ambient Noise and Surface Wave Dispersion
- Late-Cretaceous Izanagi Flat Subduction below East Asia and Tectonic Responses
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the Paleomagnetic Polarity Reversal
- Magnetospheric Drivers of Auroral Variations at Jupiter
- Microstructural Analysis of Intensely Sheared, Coarse-Grained Marginal Ice on Storglaciären, Sweden, Using Cryo-Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)
- Mid-Holocene summer monsoon dynamics over East Asia: robust physics underlying large inter-model spread
- Multi-proxy, Multi-season Streamflow Reconstruction with Mass Balance Adjustment
- Multistage piecewise breakaway of subducted Indian continental lithosphere and its tectonic implications
- New Crustal Vs Model along an Array in South-east China: Seismic Characters and paleo-Tethys Continental Amalgamation
- Numerical Modelling based on Asymmetric Elastic Wave Equations with High-speed Train Seismic Source over the Bridge
- Numerical modeling of magmatism and metamorphic core complex formation in the North China Craton
- On the responses of atomic oxygen at middle thermosphere ( 160 km) to the 20-21 November 2003 superstorm
- Persistence of the long-duration daytime TEC enhancements at different longitudinal sectors during the August 2018 geomagnetic storm
- Plasmapause Surface Wave Oscillates the Magnetosphere and Diffuse Aurora
- Rapid radiation and demise of Jehol Biota, Northeast China, from new <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar chronology
- Receiver Function Mapping of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Western Alps Using Scaled 3-D Velocity Corrections
- Response of yield and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) loss to changes of fertilizer amount across agricultural lands over China
- Seismic reflection imaging of crustal deformation within the easternYarlung-Zangbo suture zone
- Seismological evidence for the earliest global subduction network at 2 Ga ago
- Shear-wave Velocity Structures of the Shallow Crust Beneath the Ordos and Sichuan Basins from Multi-frequency Direct P-wave Amplitudes in Receiver Functions
- Temporal and spatial exhumation variations across the Talesh-Alborz Belt, Iran, reveal different responses to the Arabia-Eurasia collision
- Testing component analysis of remanent magnetization curves with a series of synthetic mixtures: insights into the reliability of unmixing natural samples
- The Polar Wind Modulated by the Spatial Inhomogeneity of the Strength of the Earth's Magnetic Field
- The influence of accretionary wedge and sedimentary layer on coseismic slip and ground motion of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- The magnetic flux transport along the -E<SUB>SW</SUB> direction in the magnetotails on Mars and Venus
- Upper Mantle Radial Anisotropy Model Beneath South China from Multimode Surface Wave Tomography
- Upper mantle hydration indicated by decreased shear velocity near the Southern Mariana Trench from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Upper-mantle Structure beneath Myanmar by Teleseismic Body-wave Finite-frequency Tomography
- pyrolite: Tools for Data Driven Geochemistry
- 3D topography of mantle transition zone beneath Northeast China constraints from receiver function with Ps scattering kernel
- A Global Empirical Model of Electron Density Profile in the F Region Ionosphere Basing on COSMIC Measurements
- A Novel Hybrid Wave Numerical Simulation by Combining the Multiple Point Sources Method and the Direct Discrete Differentiation Method
- A new geodynamic framework for the evolution from intraplate orogeny to continental extension
- A spherical harmonic Martian crustal magnetic field model combining data sets of MAVEN and MGS
- Analysis of the responses of seismic waves excited by the high-speed trains in the viaduct system
- Back-arc extension of the Central Bransfield Basin induced by ridgetrench collision: Implications from ambient noise tomography
- Body Waves Retrieved from Noise Cross-correlation Reveal Lower Mantle Scatterers beneath the Northwest Pacific Subduction Zone
- Cassini Observation of Relativistic Electron Butterfly Distributions in Saturns Inner Radiation Belts: Evidence for Acceleration by Local Processes
- Continental Orogens and Role in Lithosphere Evolution Examples from the South China Block
- Direct evidence of secondary reconnection inside filamentary currents of magnetic flux ropes during magnetic reconnection
- East Asian lithospheric evolution in response to west Pacific subduction since 100 Ma
- Geochemical Perspective of Felsic Meta-Igneous Rocks from Wanni Complex of Sri Lanka: Indication for Tectonic Setting of Protoliths
- Grain size sensitive flow of ice in the putative dislocation creep regime
- Green's function for high-speed train source when the high-speed train passage over the viaduct
- Helical Magnetic Cavities: Kinetic Model and Comparison with MMS Observations
- Imaging Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath the South Central United States from a Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
- Large-scale Episodic Enhancements of Relativistic Electron Intensities in Jupiter's Radiation Belt
- Layering of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System and its tectonic implications from regional and global perspectives
- Linking arc-continent collisions with orogenesis in the Tasmanides of Eastern Australia
- Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary beneath the Wudalianchi Volcanoes Constrained from S-Receiver Function Migration
- Massive Lithospheric Delamination beneath SE Tibet Revealed by Ambient Noise Interferometry
- Mesosphere-lower-thermosphere waves at 53N latitude: a statistical study using a dual-station method
- Observation of non-gyrotropic electron distribution across the electron diffusion region in the magnetotail reconnection
- Plane-wave Wave-equation Migration Velocity Analysis using Radon domain Common Image Gathers
- Plate Bending and Hydration Constrained from Ocean Bottom Seismographs in Southern Mariana Subduction Zone
- Pulsed Counterclockwise Rotation of the Southwestern Sichuan Basin During 128-42 Myr Ago: Response to the India-Asia Convergence?
- Satellite Deformation Imaging of Mountain Excavation for Urbanization in China
- Seismic excitation on secular changes of global geodynamic quantitites
- Simulating the Solar Wind Energy Transmission During the Matuyama-Brunhes Paleomagnetic Reversal
- Source to Sink in the Easternmost Mediterranean: Insights from the Provenance of Oligo-Miocene Turbidites in the South Turkish Basins
- Studying the Particle Distributions in an irregular magnetosphere During the Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal with Superposition of Dipole and Quadrupole Fields
- Switch of geodynamic setting from the Paleo-Asian Ocean to the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: evidence from granitoids in the Duobaoshan ore field, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China
- Temporal Evolution of Dense Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere Revealed by Geological and Geophysical Observations
- The Deep Structure of the Alps Based on the CIFALPS Seismic Experiment: Rifting Inheritance, Mantle-Wedge Exhumation, and their Impact on Continental Collision
- The Triassic Duobaoshan appinite-granite suite, NE China: implications for a water-fluxed lithospheric mantle and an extensional setting related to the subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Northeastern Sino-Korean Craton: A Perspective Based on the North Korean Nuclear Explosion Data Analysis
- Waveform-based moment tensor catalog in Southern California using 3D velocity models
- A 3-D Probabilistic Shallow Velocity Model in Myanmar and Its Implication for Subduction Tectonics
- Along-Strike Variation in the Initiation Timing of theNorth-Trending Rifts in Southern Tibet as Revealed From theYadong-Gulu Rift
- An Eastward Current Encircling Mercury
- Contrasting platinum-group element geochemistry of porphyry Cu ± Au ore-bearing and barren suites in the post-collisional Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic assemblage, Iran
- Craton Evolution Revealed by Sharpness of the Mid-lithospheric Discontinuities in North China
- Detached Indian Crust Subduction Beneath the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone: Insights From Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles and Numerical Simulations
- DiTing-IoT:deep-learning-enabled real-time seismic data processing via edge and cloud computing
- Droughts, Pluvials, and Wet Season Timing across the Chao Phraya River Basin: a 254-Year Monthly Reconstruction from Tree Rings and δ18O
- Extent and Evolution of the Indian Cratonic Lithosphere (ICL) Determined by Full Waveform Inversion Tomography
- Forced Cenozoic Continental Subduction of Tarim Craton-like Lithosphere below the Tianshan in the Framework of Indian-Eurasian Collision
- Formation mechanism of continental mid-lithosphere discontinuity: a water collector hypothesis
- Global-Scale, Episodic Enhancements of Relativistic Electrons in the Kronian and Jovian Magnetosphere: A Comparative Perspective
- Identification and Correlation of Tephra Layers using Comprehensive Mineral Magnetic Analysis in Middle-Late Pleistocene Loess Records of SE-Europe (Serbia)
- Identification of Geothermal Resource "Sweet Spot" Areas in the Basin: a Case Study from the North Jiangsu Basin, East China
- India-Asia Collision Tectonics Constrained from Full-Waveform Seismic Tomography
- Mapping the tectonic boundaries using statistical data analysis and its preliminary application to the US and Antarctica
- Mechanical anisotropy of the Main Himalayan Thrust from geodetic modeling and seismic imaging
- Morphological and geochemical changes of evolving fractured rock: effects of heterogeneity in pore structure and mineralogy
- Numerical and Scaling Models of Erosion-driven Isostatic Flow and Diapirism in Continental Crust: Implications for the Evolution of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, Southern Tibet
- Quantifying Melt Distribution and Permeability Inside and Outside Shear-Induced Melt-Rich Bands Using Digital Rock Physics
- Research Progress of the Chang'e-5 Lunar Return Samples
- Reworking and Destruction of Cratons: Controlling Factors and Mechanisms
- Sluggish Rise of the Western Gangdese Mountains after India-Eurasia Collision
- Spatiotemporal Changes of Prehistoric Human Land Use in China
- Sunward Ion Flows in the Martian Magnetotail: Mars Express Observations
- The effect of grain size reduction for the origin of the mid-lithosphere discontinuity
- The looping magnetic field in the Martian ionosphere-implication for a new current system
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andrew Cross
- Binzheng Zhang
- Bo Wan
- Chao Lyu
- Chenfeng Yuan
- Chenxi Xu
- Chi Zhang
- Chongchong Qi
- Christine Hatté
- Chuanfei Dong
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. L. Kohlstedt
- David J. Prior
- Dingkun Peng
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. Roussos
- Fan Gong
- Guohui Chen
- Guozhu Li
- H. L. Nguyen
- Hamed Gamaleldien
- Han Zhang
- Hang Deng
- Hanlin Chen
- Hans Thybo
- He Huang
- Hongfeng Yang
- Huaiyu Yuan
- Huajian Yao
- Hui Li
- Huijun Le
- J. A. Slavin
- J. M. Raines
- Jeffrey M. Forbes
- Jiahao Zhong
- Jian Lin
- Jianfeng Yang
- Jiawei Gao
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jiayuan Yao
- Jikun Feng
- Jing‐Huan Li
- Jiu Shan Yang
- Juan Li
- Kelly H. Liu
- Laurent G. J. Montési
- Liang Liu
- Liang Zhao
- Lin Chen
- Ling Chen
- Maosheng He
- Marco G. Malusà
- Min Xu
- Ming Tang
- Mingqi Liu
- Moa Persson
- N. Krupp
- Pierre Henri
- Q. Zong
- Qiaoling Li
- Qing Zhang
- Quanming Lu
- Rongsheng Wang
- S. Fatemi
- S. Rondenay
- Shaoyang Li
- Shengji Wei
- Shimou Wang
- Simone Salimbeni
- Solomon Buckman
- Stefano Galelli
- Stephen S. Gao
- Suhua Fan
- Supriyo Mitra
- Taras Gerya
- Tuo Wang
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Wei Li
- Weijia Sun
- Weisen Shen
- Wen Yi
- Wenlu Zhu
- Wenrong Cao
- William D. Barnhart
- Xiaofeng Liang
- Xiaohui Yuan
- Xiaoping Yuan
- Xie Hu
- Xin Wang
- Xinbo Gao
- Xingfu Huang
- Xinmin Li
- Xu Chun
- Xuanyu Liu
- Yanchong Li
- Yang Chu
- Yiqun Yu
- Yixin Hao
- Yoshifumi Futaana
- Yu Wang
- Zhi‐Yang Liu
- Zhongwen Zhan
- Zhong‐Hai Li
- А. V. Artemyev