Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
flowchart I[Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (107)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (30)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Department of Astronomy and Geophysics
- Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Department of Physics
- Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Earth and Life Institute
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Heavy Metal Concentrations in Soils Downwind from Masaya Volcano (Nicaragua)
- Silicon Isotope Fractionation by Banana Under Continuous Nutrient and Silica Flux
- Adsorption of Silica on Synthetic Iron Oxides Fractionates Stable Silicon Isotopes
- Hydrogeological investigations at the Membach station, Belgium and application to correct long periodic gravity variations
- Simulation of Holocene cooling events by a coupled climate model: oceanic feedback amplifies solar forcing
- Are superconducting gravimeters expensive soil moisture probes?
- Dynamic versus static allocation policies in multipurpose multireservoir systems
- Spatial and Temporal Self-Calibration of a Hydroeconomic Model
- Water resources planning and management : A stochastic dual dynamic programming approach
- A simple Bayesian method to combine lithofacies data with drawdown measurements when calibrating a groundwater flow model
- Characterization of a two-layer aquifer using well drawdown data
- Head and velocity variance as indicators of flow connectivity
- Modeling brine and nutrient dynamics in Antarctic sea ice: the case of dissolved silica
- Runoff Triggering at the Plot Scale: from Indices of Structural and Functional Connectivity to the Hydrograph Prediction
- Seasonal Evolution of Surface Detention and Retention Properties with Rain Erosivity, at the Interill Scale
- A generalized GPR full-waveform forward modeling approach for wave propagation in multilayered media
- Characterization of P status in forest soils: stocks, fluxes and models
- Do modeling experiments and proxy data provide the same MIS-13?
- Insolation and CO2 Contribution to the interglacial climates of the past 800,000 years
- Tidal Response of Europa's Subsurface Ocean
- Full-wave modeling of near-field ground-penetrating radar data for soil characterization: the problem solved
- Hydraulic Geometry of a tidally influenced delta channel network: the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- River-tide interactions observed from novel measurement methods and modelling: implications for pathways of sediment and delta morphology
- Tidal Response of Titan's Lakes and Seas
- Bioindication of volcanic mercury (Hg) deposition around Mt Etna (Sicily)
- Prediction of SOC content by Vis-NIR spectroscopy at European scale using a modified local PLS algorithm
- Putting the Pieces Together: A Multi-Tracer Model to Quantitatively Identify the Major Processes Related to the Fertilized Bloom on the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean)
- The GMES Land Monitoring Service: achievements and continuity
- Wind energy prospecting: socio-economic value of a new wind resource assessment technique based on a NASA Earth science dataset
- Global Sensitivity Analysis of Indian Monsoon during the Pleistocene
- Human-induced C erosion and burial across spatial and temporal scales. (Invited)
- Spatial variability and response of soil organic carbon stocks to land abandonment and erosion in mountainous drylands (Invited)
- Current Advancements and Challenges in Soil-Root Interactions Modelling
- Detecting Anthropogenic Disturbance on Weathering and Erosion Processes
- Geospatial and statistical analysis of volcanic ash leachate data from Mt. St. Helens
- HCl uptake by volcanic ash in the high temperature eruption plume: mechanistic insights
- Hydraulic root water uptake models: old concerns and new insights
- Interglacial Climate from Deglaciation to Glacial Inception
- Modelling Soil Erosion on a Global Scale - An Earth System Model Approach
- Northern Hemisphere sea-ice cover during the Holocene - proxy data reconstruction and modelling
- The Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) Initiative: Developing methods and best practices for global agricultural monitoring
- "More drop per crop" when moving from gravitational to drip irrigated agriculture? Experiences from a North Moroccan case study
- A Fully Automated Classification for Mapping the Annual Cropland Extent
- A Numerical Model to Assess Soil Fluxes from Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be Data
- A megasplice of globally distributed benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records exposes the different astronomical rhythms of the last 35 million years.
- Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems
- Crop Monitoring as a Tool for Modelling the Genesis of Millet Prices in Senegal
- Direct Measurement of Daily Evapotranspiration From a Deciduous Forest Using a Superconducting Gravimeter
- Evaluating the Performance of Short-Term Heat Storage in Alluvial Aquifer with 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Hydrological Monitoring
- Increased Climate Variability in the Southern Ocean During the Late Twentieth Century
- Investigating the Biases in the Antarctic Sea Ice - Ocean System of Climate Models using Process-oriented Diagnostics
- Magmatic and fragmentation controls on ash surface chemistry
- Mechanisms driving the seasonality of air-sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux in the ice-free zone of the Southern Ocean and how these might evolve: A 1D vertical biogeochemical model approach.
- Snow in Large-Scale Sea Ice Models: State-of-the-Art and Way Forward
- The impact of mucilage exudate on root water uptake - Numerical study
- Volcanic Ash a Sink for Atmospheric Trace Species? A Laboratory Study of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> Uptake by Ash
- Atomistically-informed polycrystalline simulations: how do MgO polycrystals deform under pressure?
- Human-induced geomorphic change across environmental gradients
- Kinetically limited weathering at low denudation rates in semi-arid climates
- Root water uptake and lateral interactions among root systems in a temperate forest
- Seasonal freeze-thaw cycles and iron mobilization from peat soils: role of organo-metallic complexes
- Soil Carbon Fluxes due to Water Erosion at the Global Scale
- The Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM): Update on Multisite Inter-comparison Experiments
- Climate and carbon-cycle response to astronomical forcing over the last 35 Ma.
- Combining Field Monitoring with Remote Sensing to Reconstruct Historical Hydroperiod: a Case Study in a Degrading Tropical Wetland
- How Are MIS-5e And MIS-11 Different From Other Interglacials And the Future?
- Imaging and modelling root water uptake
- Reassessing the Role of Sea Ice Drift in Long Term Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Surface and subsurface continuous gravimetric monitoring of groundwater recharge processes through the karst vadose zone at Rochefort Cave (Belgium)
- Can Volcanic Domes act as Gas Filters? An experimental Approach to SO<SUB>2 </SUB>scavenging by rhyolitic Glass.
- Emergent properties of plant hydraulic architecture across scales: from root cells to cavitating stems and land surface models
- How do Tides Propagate up Rivers with a Sloping Bed?
- In situ TEM nanomechanical testing of antigorite suggest weak interfaces
- Modeling Effective Electrical Properties of Soil-Root Continuum to Discriminate Root Traits
- Modeling the impacts of anthropogenic soil erosion on the soil organic carbon storage of the Rhine catchment
- Observing Oyster-Driven Freshwater Detention at the Estuary-Scale from Space
- Spatial Representativeness of Oceanic Proxies and Assimilation into Climate Models
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- The interplay of ocean chemistry, sea-surface temperature, and hydrodynamics on aragonite mud production in the 'Whitings Hotspot' of Great Bahama Bank
- Understanding the Impact of In-Plume Ash-Gas Interactions Upon the Respiratory Hazard of Volcanic Ash
- Understanding the electrical signature of root systems at different scales to improve agrogeophysical applications
- Validation of the ESA Sen2-Agri cropland and crop type products: lessons learnt from local to national scale experiments
- Bringing the community to the data and the data to the community: GEOGLAM efforts to transform Earth observations into actionable information
- Causal relations in the climate system
- Hydrogeological effects on terrestrial gravity measurements
- Magmatic and impact-induced gas-solid reactions controlled the early evolution of the martian surface and atmosphere
- Multivariate CMIP6 model evaluation of Sea Ice concentration over the Arctic regions
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> scavenging potential of fractured permeable rhyolitic domes
- Soil Pipes: Hydrological Functioning in Loess-derived Soils in a Temperate Humid Climate
- Soil hydraulics rather than xylem embolism generally limits transpiration under drought conditions
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Climate Models as Guidance for the Design of Observing Systems: the Case of Polar Climate and Sea Ice Prediction
- Making advanced predictions in the Arctic and beyond: developments and results of the APPLICATE project
- Search for phosphine in Venus' atmosphere using Infrared instruments
- Slope gradient controls soil thickness and chemical weathering in subtropical Brazil: understanding rates and timescales of regional soilscape evolution through a combination of field data and modeling
- Wheat Rust Early Warning and Advisory Systems in Ethiopia - Implementation of Remote Sensing Technologies to Combat Crop Disease
- Changing conditions for mineral-organic carbon interactions across the permafrost landscape: hot moments more than hot spots?
- Increased Coastal Flooding Can Result from Decreasing Tidal River Discharge Caused by Upstream Overexploitation
- The influence of crystallinity on hightemperature syneruptive gas uptake by volcanic ash
- Turbulent Ekman Layer over a Wavy Surface in Precessionally Driven Flow
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- Changes in Nutrient Sources for Arctic Tundra Vegetation upon Permafrost Thaw
- Detecting Hydrological Connectivity in Polar Environments Using Silicon Isotopes
- Role of Dissolution-Precipitation of Mineral Organic Carbon Interactions on Carbon Loss and Gain upon Permafrost Thaw
- Silicon Isotopes: A Tool to Capture Winter Biogeochemical Connectivity in Permafrost Soils (Stordalen, Sweden)
- Tracking the Precipitation Changes in the Indo-Australian Monsoon Realm Over the Last 600-kyr
- Water residence time controls iron-organic carbon interactions in waters draining a sub-Arctic fen
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian Hornby
- Alek Petty
- Alice Alonso
- Arlan Dirkson
- Arnoldo Valle‐Levinson
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Donald B. Dingwell
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- François Massonnet
- J. E. Kay
- Jinlun Zhang
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Marika M. Holland
- Maëlle Villani
- Michael Steele
- Michel Tsamados
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Qiuzhen Yin
- Rafael Muñoz‐Carpena
- Richard I. Cullather
- Sheng-An Shih
- Sophie Opfergelt
- Uma S. Bhatt
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William Merryfield
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Yanyun Liu
- Zachary M. Labe