University of Luxembourg
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Accuracy of absolute gravity measurements when measuring crustal deformation
- Anomalous Harmonics in the Spectra of GPS Position Estimates
- Gravity and GPS measurements in Greenland and their Interpretation
- Hydrogeological investigations at the Membach station, Belgium and application to correct long periodic gravity variations
- Re-advance of the Qassimiut Lobe
- Are superconducting gravimeters expensive soil moisture probes?
- Determining the influence of various OAM models on EOP
- Elastic and viscoelastic crustal deformations in Greenland due to ice mass changes
- Estimate and Modeling of Vertical Ground Displacements by Space and Terrestrial Techniques in the Northern Adriatic, Italy
- Modelling Individual Sources Of Mass Distribution And Transport In The Earth System By Means Of Satellites
- The Impact on EOP Predictions of AAM Forecasts From the ECMWF and NCEP
- Will Present day Glacier Retreat Cause Increased Volcanic Activity? Stress and its Effect on Magmatism induced by Glacier Retreat after the Little Ice Age at the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland
- IERS Working Group on Prediction: Preliminary Analysis
- Rapid crustal uplift due to unloading of ice from the main outlet glaciers in Greenland
- Seasonal signals in the reprocessed GPS coordinate time series
- Simulation Study to Monitor and Model Individual Sources of Mass Distribution and Transport in the Earth System by Means of Satellites
- The Impact of the Oceans on Global Geodetic Properties of the Earth
- Quality assessment of GPS reprocessed solutions (Invited)
- Accelerations in GPS horizontal coordinates due to increased ice loss in Greenland (Invited)
- An investigation of Terrestrial Reference Frames for Sea-Level Studies: Experiences from the British Isles
- Earth's Elastic Response to Seasonal Cycles in Surface Loading in Greenland and Antarctica
- Effects of atmospheric variability and non-tidal ocean loading on GPS position coordinates (Invited)
- J2: an evaluation of new estimates from GPS, GRACE and load models compared to SLR
- Results from an initial re-processing of the British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF) archive of CGPS data for 1997 to 2010
- Strategies to mitigate aliasing of loading signals while estimating GPS frame parameters
- Which Reference Frame Should Be Chosen To Compute Ocean Tidal Loading, CE or CM?
- Assimilation of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage for Land Surface Modeling and Drought Monitoring: a Case Study in Western and Central Europe
- Consistency of Crustal Loading Signals Derived from Models and GPS: A Re-examination
- Detection and modeling of low amplitude deformation signals in the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO)
- GNET detected an anomalous 'spike' in ice loss in Greenland during the 2010 melting season
- Quantifying load model errors by comparison to a global GPS time series solution
- Scientific Assessment of a Next Generation Gravity Mission
- An Evaluation of Real-Time Zenith Total Delay Estimates
- Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
- Constraints on the Upper Crustal Magma Reservoir Beneath Yellowstone Lake Inferred From Lake-Seiche Induced Strain Observations
- Geodetic observations of accelerating ice loss in Greenland
- The combined use of GPS horizontal and vertical crustal motion measurements to study mass loss from glaciers in southeast Greenland
- Unique and remarkable observations of Seiche behavior in Lake Yellowstone
- Vertical and horizontal surface displacements near Jakobshavn Isbræ driven by melt-induced and dynamic ice loss
- A Comparison of Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain and Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Geodetic Time Series
- A Comparison of Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Zenith Total Delay Estimates
- Absolute gravity versus surface uplift observations in Greenland
- Effects of non-tidal atmospheric loading on a Kalman filter-based terrestrial reference frame
- Evaluating load model errors by comparison to a global GPS time series solution (Invited)
- Greenland Ice sheet mass balance from satellite and airborne altimetry
- On the Capability to Derive Mass Estimates from high-low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking data
- Ship diesel emission aerosols: A comprehensive study on the chemical composition, the physical properties and the molecular biological and toxicological effects on human lung cells of aerosols from a ship diesel engine operated with heavy or light diesel fuel oil
- An analysis of global climate variability from homogenously reprocessed GNSS measurements
- Continental water storage inferred from 3-D GPS coordinates in Danube Basin
- Multi-Year Combination of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) Analysis Center Products
- Surface mass variation monitoring from orbit information of GPS-tracked low-Earth orbiters
- Annual Variations in GPS-measured Loading Deformation near Upernavik Isstrøms, Greenland
- Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS
- CGPS as a Tool to Measure Short-Term Mass Balance Variations of Icelandic Ice Caps
- Comparing models of seasonal deformation to horizontal and vertical PBO GPS data
- European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management - Project Overview and First Results
- Karst system vadose zone hydrodynamics highlighted by an integrative geophysical and hydrogeological monitoring
- Long term Combination of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) Analysis Center Products
- MSNoise: Not Only dv/v! A Framework for Continuous Seismic Data Analysis
- Multi-GNSS and Multi-frequency SNR Multipath Reflectometry of Snow Depth
- The 2014 JPL Realization of the ITRS: JTRF2014
- Using GPS and Absolute Gravity Observations to Separate the Effects of Present-day and Pleistocene Ice-mass Changes in South East Greenland
- Using GPS loading deformation to distinguish different hydrological measurements and models
- Zenith Delay Data as a Constraint on the State of the Atmosphere above the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Autoregressive Processes in Homogenization of GNSS Tropospheric Data
- Combination of Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (TIGA) Analysis Center from repro2 products
- Continuous gravimetric monitoring as an integrative tool for exploring hydrological processes in the Lomme Karst System (Belgium)
- Extracting the climatic signal from vertical GPS time series
- Geocenter Motion Derived from the JTRF2014 Combination
- Interpreting the GNSS Vertical Coordinate Variations:
- Neotectonic Controls on Upper Mantle Viscosity: Insights from GPS Geodesy and Implications for GIA Modelling and GRACE
- On the impact of Multi-GNSS solutions to Satellite Products and Positioning
- Similarities between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet
- Single station monitoring of volcanoes using seismic ambient noise
- A global validation of ERA-Interim integrated water vapor estimates using ground-based GNSS observations
- First Vertical Land Movement Estimates on South Georgia Island: An Impact Study on Sea Level Change from Tide Gauge and Satellite Altimetry Measurements
- Preliminary results on the current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island from GPS geodetic data.
- Surface and subsurface continuous gravimetric monitoring of groundwater recharge processes through the karst vadose zone at Rochefort Cave (Belgium)
- Extracting Geophysical Signals from GRACE Using a Data-Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Filter
- Recent Advances on GNSS Multipath Reflectometry (GNSS-MR) for Sea and Lake Level Studies
- Absolute Gravity and Uplift in the Yellowstone Caldera
- Consolidating Geodetic Observation of Land and Sea Level Changes around South Georgia Island
- Evaluation of global ocean tide models based on tidal gravity observations in China
- Extracting the spatio-temporal variations in the gravity field recovered from GRACE spatial mission: methods and geophysical applications
- Hydrogeological effects on terrestrial gravity measurements
- The current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island based on GPS geodetic and marine seismic reflection data.
- Tracking hurricanes Harvey and Irma using GPS tropospheric products
- Using the Vertical Land Movement Estimates from the IGS TIGA Combined Solution to derive Global Mean Sea Level Changes
- Cross-Evaluation of Meteorological Surface Data, and GNSS and Radiosonde derived Water Vapor, with Re-analysis Information for South Georgia Island, South Atlantic Ocean
- Multipath Mitigation Maps feasibility and applicability as an International GNSS Service products
- Vertical Land Movements and Sea Level Changes on South Georgia, South Atlantic Ocean: Results from seven Years of Geodetic and Oceanographic Observations on a Remote Island
- First Results of the GNSS Reprocessing at the University of Luxembourg for an updated global vertical land movement data set
- On Improving Slant Wet Delays for Tracking Severe Weather Events: An Evaluation During Two Storms in Europe