CMA, China Academy of Meteorological Sciences
flowchart I[CMA, China Academy of Meteorological Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (201)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (36)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Seasonal differences in snow chemistry from the vicinity of Mt. Everest, central Himalayas
- Characteristics of the onset of theAsian Summer Monsoon and the importance of Asian- Australian "land bridge"
- Testing a Warm Cloud Parameterization With Data From Field Campaigns Over Beijing
- Comparison of Cloud Amount between CALIPSO and General Circulation Models
- Surface CO2 Isotopologues: Influence of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- CUACE and its Performance in Summer Season in 2008
- Contribution of Dust to Aerosol Light Absorption and Sand and Dust Storm (SDS) Operational Forecasting in China
- Structure of the Meiyu Frontal System on 7-8 July 2007: Comparison between Cloud- resolving Simulations and Observations
- Cloud Water Path Variation with Temperature over China
- Evaluation of Summer Rainfall Over Mainland China in Three Reanalysis Datasets
- Inter-comparison of deep convection over the Tibetan Plateau-Asian Monsoon Region and subtropical North America in boreal summer using CloudSat/CALIPSO data
- Interannual Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Upper Tropical Pacific Ocean associated with the 2005-2006 ENSO Cycle
- NOx emission from surface snow and ice over Tibetan Plateau, China
- Observation and modeling of land surface state and convective activity over the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau
- Study on Forest Fire Danger over Northern China during Recent 50 Years
- A Comparative Study on Ozone Photochemical Formation in the Megacities of Tianjin and Shanghai, China
- An overview of a 5-year research program on acid deposition in China
- Atmospheric observations of carbon monoxide and fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions from East Asia
- Background ozone in North China: trends, photochemical and transport impacts
- Carbonyl sulfide (COS) as a tracer for canopy photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance: potential and limitations
- Characteristics of Pollutants at a Suburban Site in the North China Plain and estimated regional Emissions and Contributions
- Mixing State of Black Carbon in the North China Plain Derived with a Novel Method Based on Measured Aerosol Optical Properties
- Study of Controlling Factors of Extremely Low Visibility Events in the North China Plain during the 2009 HaChi Summer Campaign
- A Random Subgrouping Scheme for Ensemble Based Filters
- Climatology of Aerosol Radiative Properties in the Free Troposphere
- On Springtime Ozone Enhancements in the Lower Troposphere Over Beijing
- Sources of Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Over North China: A Modeling Analysis of Ozonesonde and Satellite Observations
- A Preliminary Assessment of the IGRF11 for China
- Aerosol microphysical effects on warm cloud in Eastern China: impacts of meteorological conditions
- Estimated OH Production from Photolysis of O3, HCHO and H2O2: Results from Campaign at a rural site in the North China Plain
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- A Comparison of Parameterizations of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production: Global Budget and Spatiotemporal Variability
- Analysis of Characteristics of Dust Aerosols in Northwest China based on Satellite Remote-sensing Data
- Impact of East Asian Winter and Australian Summer Monsoons on the Enhanced Surface Westerlies over the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean Preceding the El Niño Onset
- Investigation of North American vegetation variability under recent climate - A study using the SSiB4/TRIFFID biophysical/dynamic vegetation model
- Observational Study and Parameterization of Aerosol-fog Interactions
- Satellite-observed Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Tibetan Plateau in Warm Season
- The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in PMIP2 Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Variations of Broad-scale Asian summer monsoon circulation and possible causes
- Automatic model calibration to improve the performance of numerical weather prediction models
- Combining Interferometer, LMA, and ΔE measurements on positive cloud-to-ground flashes over Langmuir Laboratory
- Convective Properties of A Landfalling Typhoon as Revealed by Lightning and Numerical Simulation
- Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate
- First Evaluation of Day-1 IMERG products using the best-available hourly rain gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau
- First-Year Evaluation of GPM Day-1 IMERG and TMPA Version-7 Legacy Products over Mainland China at Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales
- Impacts of Evaporation of Rainwater on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensity
- Improving aerosol interaction with clouds and precipitation in a regional chemical weather modeling system
- Indirect evidence for elevated SO<SUB>2</SUB> layers in the North China Plain
- Seasonal Variation of Fungal Spores in Size-fractionated Ambient Particulate Matter in Beijing, China, Based on Molecular Tracer Measurements
- Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and Relative Impacts of Emissions and Meteorology
- Sources and Processes Affecting Particulate Matter Pollution over North China
- A CloudSat Perspective on the Cloud Climatology and Its Association with Aerosol Perturbations in the Vertical over Eastern China
- A further Study of ENSO Rectification: Results from an OGCM with a Seasonal cycle
- A multi-scale automatic observatory of soil moisture and temperature served for satellite product validation in Tibetan Plateau
- An Observational Study on the Vertical Structure of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere in Gaize of Tibet during the Rainy Season
- An important mechanism sustaining the atmospheric "water tower" over the Tibetan Plateau
- Analysis of Entrainment-Mixing Processes in Cumulus Clouds Observed over the Tibetan Plateau
- Assess Surface Energy Balance at ten Sites over the Tibetan Plateau and implication for LSMs modeler
- Characterizing the summer convective clouds and precipitation over Tibetan Plateau
- Development of a Water and Enthalpy Budget-based Glacier Mass Balance Model (WEB-GM) and its Validation in Southeast Tibetan Plateau
- Effect of Intraseasonal Oscillation on the Vortices Moving off the Tibetan Plateau
- Fast Positive Breakdown, NBEs, and Lightning Initiation
- Improvement of Rainfall Simulation on the Steep Edge of the Tibetan Plateau
- Key Features of New Particle Formation Events at Background Sites in China
- Modes and Downscaling: the Two-Step Philosophy of Forecasting
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Responses of summer Asian-Pacific zonal thermal contrast and associated evolutions of atmospheric circulation to transient orbital change during the Holocene
- Retrieval of Air Vertical Velocity in Convective Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau by Ka-band Cloud Radar
- Soil moisture and its impact on the East Asian summer monsoon
- The Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment for Understanding the Earth-Atmosphere Coupled System
- The summertime tropospheric temperature over the Tibetan Plateau and precipitation over West Africa
- Two types of interannual variability of South China Sea summer monsoon onset related to the SST anomalies before and after 1993/94
- Understand and mitigate uncertainties in land-surface simulations over the Tibetan Plateau
- A Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model for Global High-resolution Simulation
- Assessing and mitigating uncertainties in the Noah-MP land-model simulations over the Tibet Plateau region
- Assessment and Reduction of Model Parametric Uncertainties: A Case Study with A Distributed Hydrological Model
- Classification and Vertical Structure of Radar Precipitation Echoes at Naqu in Central Tibetan Plateau during the TIPEX-III Field Campaign
- Climate and meltwater changes in the Himalayas: impacts, risk assessment and mitigation
- Comparing the diurnal and seasonal variabilities of atmospheric and surface urban heat islandsbased on the Beijing urban meteorological network
- Contributions of Surface Solar Radiation and Precipitation to the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Surface and Air Warming in China from 1960 to 2003
- Decreasing Lower Tropospheric Ozone over the North China Plain Observed by IASI: Looking for Explanations
- Extending high-order flux operators on spherical icosahedral grids and their application in a Shallow Water Model for transporting the Potential Vorticity
- Global Ozone Distribution relevant to Human Health: Metrics and present day levels from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- Impact of Eurasian spring snow decrement on East Asian summer precipitation
- Impact of Tibetan-Plateau Surface Heating on Persistent Extreme Precipitation Events in Southeastern China
- Impacts of specification of land cover and soil texture over the central Tibetan Plateau on land model simulations
- Microphysical Properties and Water Budget for Summer Convective Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling Extreme Precipitation over East China with a Global Variable-Resolution Modeling Framework (MPAS)
- Potential predictability and forecast skill in ensemble climate forecast: the skill-persistence rule
- Primary Results from the Measurement of Nature Ice Nuclear Particles during 2017 Spring in Beijing, China
- Producing the Tibet Plate High-Resolution Atmospheric Reanalysis via the Community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation System
- Response of the East Asian climate system to water and heat changes of global frozen soil using NCAR CAM model
- Study on Cloud Water Resources and Precipitation Efficiency Characteristic over China
- Study on Diagnosing Three Dimensional Cloud Region
- Summer precipitation anomalies in Asia and North America induced by northern hemispheric non-monsoon land heating versus ENSO
- Surface ozone in China: present-day distribution and long-term changes
- The microphysical properties of convective precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau by a high-resolution cloud-resolving simulation
- Topographic effects on spatiotemporal variations of short-duration rainfall events in warm season of central North China
- Tracking a Heavy Pollution Process in Beijing in Winter 2016 Using GRAPES-CUACE Adjoint Model
- Trends in Surface Level Ozone Observations from Human-health Relevant Metrics: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- Using multi-source satellite data to assess snow-cover change in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in last decade
- Zonal asymmetric evolution of aerosol optical depth in the subtropics of northern hemisphere in boreal spring and its association with the thermal forcing of Tibetan Plateau
- Analysis and Prediction of Geological Disasters Caused by Typhoon Rainstorm
- Assessing and Mitigating Uncertainties in the Noah-MP Land-Model Simulations over the Central Tibetan Plateau
- Assessing the impact of assimilating atmospheric data on the ocean state estimation and climate forecast in an ensemble coupled data assimilation system
- Assessment and Reduction of Physical Parameterization Uncertainty for Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Assessments of FY-3D MWTS on-orbit Performance Using Suomi NPP ATMS Data
- Boundary Layer Characteristics from Radiosonde Observations in China and Their Links to Aerosol Pollution
- Comparison and validation on global aerosol distribution simulated with two different aerosol models in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.3
- Conservative High-order Transport on Overset Grids with the Multi-moment Constrained Finite Volume Method
- East Asia Reanalysis System of CMA
- Effect of weakened diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer to air pollution over eastern China associated to aerosol, cloud - ABL feedback
- Effects of air pollution on daytime urban heat island intensity in China
- Enhancement of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations by Aerosol-Meteorology Interactions over China
- Ensemble Synoptic Analysis on the Slowing Motion of Typhoon Morakot (2009) Crossing Taiwan Island
- Estimating Hourly PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>Concentration from Satellite Measured Top of Atmosphere Reflectance by Using a Machine Learning Algorithm
- General Seasonal Phase-Locking and Persistence Barrier: Application to Tropical Pacific, North Pacific and Global Ocean.
- Global Vegetation Variability and its Response to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Global Warming, and Climate Variability - A Study Using the Offline SSiB4/TRIFFID Model and Satellite Data
- Impact of Aerosols on Lightning due to Aerosol Radiative and Microphysical Effects on a Climate-time Scale
- Impacts of land cover and soil texture uncertainty on land model simulations over the central Tibetan Plateau
- Multi-scale interactions between thermal anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau and extreme precipitation in southern China
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- Substantial Convection and Precipitation Enhancements by Ultrafine Aerosol Particles
- The estimation of surface heat fluxes based on the maximum entropy production model over the central Tibet Plateau
- Validation of FengYun-3D Microwave Temperature Sounder using GPS Radio Occultation Observations
- A Theory for Seasonal Predictability Barrier:Threshold, Timing and Intensity
- Application of Doppler Radar Data in East Asia Reanalysis System
- Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) in lightning low frequency electric field signal analysis
- Climate engineering to mitigate the projected 21<SUP>st</SUP>-century terrestrial drying of the Americas: carbon capture and storage vs. stratospheric sulfate injection ?
- Constraining global aerosol emissions using satellite observations
- Development of East Asia Reanalysis System (EARS)
- Effects of Microphysical Latent Heating on the Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017)
- Global Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Modeling using a layer-averaged approach with a dry-mass hybrid vertical coordinate on an unstructured mesh
- How and why has extreme hourly precipitation changed in the major urban agglomerations over China?
- How important the supergradient wind in the boundary layer is to tropical cyclone intensification?
- Impact of the Precursors Emissions Reductions on the Recent Evolution of Pollutants in China
- Increasing Destructive Potential of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones over China
- Mapping Water-logging Damage on Winter Wheat at Parcel Level Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data
- Mechanisms Driving Intraseasonal Winter Sea Ice Decline over the Barents-Kara Seas
- Model Study on the Formation of a Large Lower Positive Charge Center in a Tibetan Plateau Thunderstorm
- Modeling extreme precipitation over East China with a global variable-resolution modeling framework (MPASv5.2):impacts of resolution and physics
- Observation, Attribution and Projection of Summertime Compound Hot Extremes
- On the transition from precursor breakdown to sustained upward leader in rocket-triggered lightning
- Optical Observation of Lightning Striking Distance on Tall-objects with Different Heights in Guangzhou
- Optical and Electro-magnetic Waveform Characteristics of Canton Tower-Strokes
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China, 2013-2017: contributions from different components and emissions
- Planetary Boundary Layer Height Simulation and its Long-term Trend in climate models and observations over East Asia
- Possible Impacts of Arctic Extreme Cyclones on Cold Spells in China during 2015
- Producing the Tibetan Plateau High-Resolution Atmospheric Reanalysis via the Community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation System
- Quantifying the feedback of BC aerosols on air pollution through direct and semi-direct effect
- Remote Evaporative Moisture Sources for 6-hourly Summer Precipitation over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and Its Effects on Precipitation Intensity
- Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasts Using Sky Images and Radiative Transfer Model
- Simulation of Charge Structure Formation in Stratiform Regions of Mesoscale Convective System
- The Impact of Reforestation Induced Land Cover Change (1990-2017) on Flash Flood Peak Discharge Using HEC-HMS Hydrological Model and Satellite Observations: A study in Data Scarce Tributary of Sichuan Basin, China
- The Interdecadal Change of Summer Water Vapor over the Tibetan Plateau andAssociated Mechanisms
- The Typhoon Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (T-RAPS) in CAMS
- The linkage between the Tibetan heating and the atmospheric circulations and climates over Eurasia
- Toward Understanding the Cloud Properties over the Tibetan Plateau
- A High Peak Current, Negative Polarity Lightning Process Possibly Associated with TGFs
- Addressing information content limitations in the inversion of remote sensing observations: strategies of evaluation and optimizing aerosol models using GRASP algorithm
- Analysis of a Record-breaking Rainfall Event Associated with a Monsoon Coastal Megacity of South China using Multi-source Data
- Butterfly effect and a self-modulating El Niño response to greenhouse warming
- Controlling particulate nitrate pollution in China
- Convection-permitting regional climate simulation of warm-season heat extremes over Eastern China
- Development of a Global High-resolution Mesoscale Convective System Tracking Database using GPM IMERG V06
- Distinct growth rates of the two ENSO types
- Effect of Spherical Wavefront on VHF Lightning Interferometer Observations
- Global Air quality Forecast and Information Systems (GAFIS) - a new WMO-GAW initiative
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from reduction in fossil fuel emissions caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- High-speed video observations of a +CG flash caused by a sequence of bidirectional leaders forming a ground-reaching branch of pre-existing in-cloud channel
- Impact of Aerosol-Cloud Interaction on Boundary Layer Structure and Surface Pollution: A Case Study in Eastern China
- Improving Prediction of Two ENSO Types Using a Multi-Model Ensemble based on Stepwise Pattern Projection Model
- Initial Results from a 2nd-generation Broadband VHF Interferometer Imaging System
- Intercomparison of the Column Moist Static Energy Budget of the MJO among Six Modern Reanalysis Products
- Mesoscale convective system precipitation characteristics over East Asia: Regional differences and seasonal variations
- Natural Upward Negative Leaders Triggered by In-cloud Activity of a Nearby Negative Cloud-to-ground Flash
- Oscillating Deep Open Cells in Cyprus Low Events
- Role of Eddy Heat Feedback in Modulating Winter-Mean NAO-Related Thermodynamic Structure
- The Development of an Atmospheric Aerosol/Chemistry-Climate Model, BCC_AGCM_CUACE2.0, and Simulated Effective Radiative Forcing of Nitrate Aerosols
- Tiramisu snow and the weakening of snow surface albedo
- Urbanization enhanced summertime extreme hourly precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta
- An improved method for analyzing broadband VHF interferometer lightning observations
- Climatology of Northeast China cold vortices during the warm season: A comparison of ERA5 and MERRA-2 reanalysis
- Constraints on the Intrinsic Brightness of TGFs from the Source Altitude of EIPs
- Constructing shapes and mixing structures of black carbon particles with applications to optical calculations
- Dynamic Causes of ENSO Asymmetric Decay
- Effective density of submicron particles shows distinct bimodal distribution in the North China Plain
- High-speed Video Observation of Striking Distance of Tall-object Lightning Flashes in Guangzhou
- Improving the estimate of daytime planetary boundary layer height over land from GPS radio occultation data
- Incorrect Asian aerosols affecting the attribution and projection of regional climate change in CMIP6 models
- Retrieval of aerosol properties from multi-angular satellite observations: achievements, challenges and perspectives.
- The IPCC WGI Atlas Chapter - A Major Innovation
- Variations of CCN activity due to secondary aerosol formation in the North China Plain
- Disentangling the mechanisms of ENSO response to tropical volcanic eruptions
- Initial Results from a Wide Area Deployment of a 150+ MHz Bandwidth VHF Interferometer System
- Model-based Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP): Implications for Design Storms under a Changing Climate
- Observations of Multiple TGF-producing Storms at the Telescope Array in Utah
- QBO Properties with the Vertical Propagation Considered
- Satellite retrieval of cloud overlap properties,parameterization, and its application in the models
- Supercooled liquid water and secondary ice production in Kelvin-Helmholtz instability as revealed by radar Doppler spectra observations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Sayer
- Alexei Korolev
- Anjing Huang
- Cheng Chen
- Daohong Wang
- Fanchao Lyu
- Feiqin Xie
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- H. E. Edens
- Hang Su
- Hong‐Li Ren
- Hua Zhang
- Li Guo
- M. A. Stanley
- Michael Grose
- Nan Ma
- P. R. Krehbiel
- Pingqing Fu
- Rasha Abbasi
- Robert C. Levy
- Rodrigo Caballero
- S. A. Cummer
- W. Rison
- Weijun Li
- Weitao Lyu
- Xiangpeng Fan
- Xubin Zeng
- Yafang Cheng
- Yangyang Xu
- Yele Sun
- Yevgeny Derimian
- Yin Jinfang
- Yinjun Wang
- Yuanyuan Wang
- Оleg Dubovik