China University of Petroleum, Beijing
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fast and Improved Monte-Carlo Adaptive Moving Window Method and its Application in Sichuan and Yunnan Region
- "Mohr space" and its applications to weakness reactivation, strength decrease and anisotropies with pre-existing weakness(es)
- Mapping the Fluid Pathways and Permeability Barriers of a Large Gas Hydrate Reservoir
- Azimuthal Distribution of the Seismic Noise Source Energy Inverted from Phase Velocity Asymmetries Obtained by Ambient Noise Interferometry: A Case Study in Northeast China
- Crustal model of central North China Craton from 3D joint inversion of surface wave phase dispersions and Bouguer gravity anomalies
- Different deformation mechanism between the SE and NE Tibetan Plateau revealed by seismic anisotropy data
- Estimating sedimentary and crustal structure using wavefield continuation: theory, techniques and applications
- Lg Attenuation in Northeast China Using the NECESSArray
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of a Thermally Cracked Fine-Grained Granite
- Plumes and Drips Beneath Northeast China and the Western United States (Invited)
- Three dimensional modeling and inversion of Borehole-surface Electrical Resistivity Data
- Tidal response variation and recovery following the Wenchuan earthquake from water level data of multiple wells in the nearfield
- Transition zone structure beneath NE China from 3D waveform modelling: Subduction related plumes
- Analysis of Binary Series to Evaluate Astronomical Forcing of a Middle Permian Chert Sequence in South China
- Characterizing the 2013 Songyuan Earthquake Sequence in Central Songliao Basin, Northeast China
- Fluorine and Chlorine in mantle: are they useful volatile tracers?
- Fracture patterns in synclinal folds, Miaofengshan, Beijing
- Gas Shale Ultrasonic Velocity Evolution Induced By Spontaneous Imbibition Under Uniaxial Stress
- Monitoring hydraulic fracturing with seismic emission volume
- Seismic Mapping of Crustal and Mantle Deformation beneath the SE Tibetan Plateau with Receiver Function and SKS Splitting Data
- Simultaneous Determination of Average Thickness and P-wave Speed of the Crust by Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS)
- Steep Decline and Low Hydrocarbon Recovery in Fractured Shale: What and Why?
- Unidirectionally migrating deep-water channels: Architectural styles and flow processes
- An Efficient Data-worth Analysis Framework via Probabilistic Collocation Method Based Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Characterization of D" Anisotropy beneath Western Pacific using SKS-SKKS Splitting
- Characterizing the ambient noise wavefield at hydrocarbon reservoir scale and some implications in hydraulic fracturing monitoring
- Data Assimilation for Vadose Zone Flow Modeling Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Dynamic Evolution of Multiple-generation Structures within Failed Granular Slopes: Analogue Models and Natural Landslides
- High-resolution Waveform Tomography of Mantle Transition Zone and Slab Structure beneath Northeast China
- Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction Using Bi-Gaussian S Transform Based Time-Frequency Analysis Approach
- Magnetostratigraphic Record of the Early Evolution of the Southwestern Tian Shan Foreland Basin (Ulugqat Area), Interactions with Pamir Indentation and India-Asia Collision
- Mantle Zone beneath the North China and Some Implication for the Origin of the Datong Volcano
- Structure and dynamics in the north Jizhong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China
- Variations in Fracturing Mechanisms Observed by Broadband Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Treatment
- Volcanic Debris Flows of the Latest Paleozoic Arbasay Formation: Geomorphological Characters and Paleoenvironment Reconstruction of Northern Tian Shan, NW China
- An Experimentally-based Friction Law of Earthquake Rupture
- An iterative matching and locating technique for borehole microseismic monitoring
- Calculating Strain Rate Field for Active Fault in Small Area Based on GPS and InSAR Geodetic Observations
- Characteristics and formation mechanism of composite flower structures in the Shuntuo area, Tarim Basin, Northwest China
- Chemical Composition of Microbe-derived Dissolved Organic Matter in Cryoconite in Tibetan Plateau Glaciers: Insights from Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Analysis
- Determination of the formation time of calcite cement by using fluid inclusion homogenization temperature and the cathodoluminescence features combined with the carbonate burial history
- Effects of Injected Fluids on Pre-existing Faults observed from Surface and Downhole Seismic Arrays
- Energy Dissipation and Fault Slip Kinematics: Effects of Velocity History
- Evidence of the coupled geology system and its impact on the evolution of South China during the transformation from Sinian to Cambrian
- Geometry and Kinematics of Tumuxiuke Fold and Thrust Belt in Bachu Uplift, Tarim Basin
- Investigate the spontaneous imbibition characteristics of marine and continental shales and their controlling factors
- Measurement of Rayleigh wave Z/H ratio and joint inversion for a high-resolution S wave velocity model beneath the Gulf of Mexico passive margin
- Measurement of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and its application to the joint inversion of high-resolution S wave velocity structure beneath northeast China
- The Pilot Test on Multi-Survey Modes of MSM and its Applications in Unconventional Shale Gas in Sichuan, China
- Automatic seismic waveform location using multichannel coherency migration for induced and natural earthquakes
- Crustal Stretching Style and Lower Crust Flow of the South China Sea Northern Margin
- Effective stress law for the permeability and deformation of four porous limestones
- Joint inversion of high resolution S-wave velocity structure underneath North China Basin
- Local strong slow S-wave anomalies at western edge of Pacific LLSVP
- Seismic structure of the upper mantle beneath Eastern Asia from full waveform tomography
- Shortening of Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: Insight from crustal volume budget
- Slab dehydration in Cascadia and its relationship to volcanism, seismicity, and non-volcanic tremor
- Strength and Anisotropy in Tournemire Shale: Temperature, Pressure and Time Dependences
- Tectono-stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Syn-rift Succession in Bongor Basin, Chad: Insights into Structural Controls on Sedimentary Infill of a Continental Rift
- Tectono-thermal evolution of north Kuqa Depression and South Tian Shan: constraints from apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology
- The effect of stress on limestone permeability and its effective stress behavior
- Time-frequency domain phase weighted stacking and its application to phase velocity extraction from ambient noise's empirical Green's functions
- A New Methodology to Observe Pressure Controlled Fluid Flow Behavior in Porous Mudrocks through Small Angle Neutron Scattering
- An approach to diagnose the structure of lithospheric keel beneath eastern North China Craton
- Destruction of the North China Craton
- Dynamics of Subduction-induced Overriding Lithosphere Thinning: Numerical Modeling
- Eastward expansion of the eastern Tibetan margin revealed by adjoint waveform tomography
- Experimental Study on the Reservoir Dynamics of Gas-based Fracturing Fluids
- Experimental research on aqueous phase distribution and migration of spontaneous imbibition of volcanic rocks by NMR
- Experimental study on stress sensitivity of conductivity of branch fractures in volcanic reservoirs
- Experimental study on the effect of clay and organic matter content on shear slip characteristics of shale
- Geometry, Kinematic Characteristics of NWW-Trending Faults in Bohai Sea Area, China: Implication for Subduction of Pacific Plate Since Eocene
- Gravity Change and its Correlation with Seismic B-value in Sumatran Region: Seismotectonic Implications
- Hydraulic Injection Induced Velocity Changes Revealed by Coda Wave Interferometry and Polarization Data
- Investigation on Hydrate Formation in Sediments by In-situ Electrical Resistivity Monitoring and Visual Observation
- Normal fault connectivity through time: an example from the Chengbei fault in the Bohai Bay Basin, China
- Observations and Modeling of Long-Period Ground-Motion Amplification Across Northeast China
- Relationship between shale gas reservoir pores structures/connectivity and organic matter/inorganic matrix in Wufeng-Longmaxi formation of Southeast Sichuan basin, China
- Slab Behavior beneath Eastern Asia from Full Waveform Inversion
- Stress Analysis at the Borehole Wall in Transverse Isotropic Formations
- Synchrosqueezing wavelet transform based hydrocarbon detection
- The Cenozoic Multi-Phase Tectonic evolution of the Rift stage in the Linnan Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China
- The nonlinear shaping interpolation in seismic data processing
- Unexpected far-field hydrological response to a great earthquake
- A new method for detection sensitivity analysis of electromagnetic logging tools
- An improved FD scheme in cylindrical coordinates and its application in triaxial induction logging
- An improved Q tomography approach based on correction for propagation effects of seismic waves
- Analysis of the Palaeothermal History of Mesozoic Strata Based on Apatite Fission Track Theromochronology in the Guxi Area of Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, North China
- Anomalous SmKS induced by postcritical reflection and refraction at the core-mantle boundary
- Differentiated influences of air pollution on aerosol absorption efficiency and scattering efficiency: inspiration on avoiding the harm of clean air process to climate
- Experimental study of the effect of microscopic mechanical properties on the effectiveness of self-supporting fractures in tight reservoirs
- Extracting Resistivity Anisotropy from Array Lateral Logging Data Based on Hierarchical Strategy
- Fluid Record of Fracture Vein in Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks: Guxi Area in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, North China
- Formation of East Asian stagnant slabs due to a westward Cenozoic mantle wind
- Formation of slab tears controls Earth's major silicic volcanisms
- Geochemical Evidence of Cyclic Marine Anoxia in Response to Astronomical Forcing during the end-Frasnian (Late Devonian) Mass Extinctions
- Geosteering five-dimension phase-difference attributes for detecting geologic features of different scales
- Influence Mechanism of Grain Size and Volume Fraction on Brittle-plasticity of Rocks
- Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity, Particle Motion, and Teleseismic Body Wave Data for Sedimentary Structures
- Mechanical properties of sub-critical fractures within carbonate and evaporate: implications for caprock integrity in Sichuan Basin, China
- Migration Characteristics of Post-fracturing Fluid and Their Effects on Formation DamageMitigation in Shut-in Operation
- Multi-Scale Analyses on the Advance of Dissociation Front in Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
- New Analogue Modelling Apparatuses for Tectonic Processes Based on a Large Geotechnical Centrifuge, with Preliminary Application in the Study of Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen Geodynamics
- Paleo-Sedimentary Environment in Relation to Enrichment of Organic Matter of Early Cambrian Black Rocks of Niutitang Formation from Xiangxi Area China.
- Research on shale oil fine fracture prediction and sweet spot prediction in OVT domain
- Shallow sedimentary structure across northeast China and its implication for estimating ground-motion amplification
- Source and Variability of Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds Based on High Temporal Resolution Measurements in Urban and Suburban Areas
- Stratigraphic Configuration of Alluvial-shelf Systems after Experiencing a Large Number of Steady Base-level Cycles: An Autostratigraphic View with 2D Tank Experiments
- Structural Characteristics and Mechanism of the Horsetail Structure in China Offshore Basins: Case Studies from Liaodong Bay Area, Bohai Bay Basin and Weixinan Area, Beibuwan Basin
- Tectonic transition process of the Pear River Mouth Basin: Insights into the tectonic evolution of the South China Sea
- The Application of Three-Component Sensor in the Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Uniaxial Compression Experiment
- The Effect of Formation Slip on Casing Shear Damage during Hydraulic Fracturing
- The Eocene Tectonic Transition within Northern Margin of the South China Sea
- Three-Dimensional Image-Based Reservoir Pore Space Reconstruction: Spatial Resolution, Field of View and Heterogeneity
- Time and Temperature Dependent Creep in Tournemire Shale
- A Rock Physics Modeling Method for Shale Oil Reservoirs Based on Petrophysical Experiments
- A new carbonate reservoir prediction method and its application in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Anisotropic Permeable Zones Identification and Seismic Discrimination of Stress and Fracture Induced Anisotropy
- Characteristics of unconformity structure in the south slope of Dongying sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China
- Characterization of fault damage zones by using seismic coherence and different main frequencies
- Characterization of fault-fracture system for tight sandstone reservoirs in Sichuan Basin, China
- Dispersion measurement and analysis of sandstone
- Fracture Behavior of the Longmaxi Shale with Implications for Reservoir Evaluation
- Linking Induced Earthquakes With Preexisting Faults Imaged By 3-D Active Source Seismic Data
- Mapping Subsurface Fault Networks by Using 3D Seismic Attributes: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, China
- Retroarc intra-cratonic deformation accommodated by coeval fold-and-thrust belts and strike-slip faults: Insights from the central Tarim craton during the West Kunlun orogeny
- Sedimentary and crustal structure of the US Gulf Coastal Plain revealed by Rayleigh wave and receiver function data: Implications for continental rifting
- Signal detection and enhancement for seismic crosscorrelation using the wavelet-domain Kalman filter
- Squirt Dispersion and Attenuation Modeling based on Pore Structure Model
- Two-dimensional Discrete Element Simulation of Negative Inversion Deformation Process
- Upper Mantle Radial Anisotropy Model Beneath South China from Multimode Surface Wave Tomography
- 3-D fault architecture in Pengxian thrust, eastern of the Longman Shan Range, China
- 3D Digital Core Modeling and Its Pore Structure Characterization and Physical Property Simulation
- Application of Multiple Artifact Correction in Digital Core Pore Structure Extraction
- Cenozoic deformation of the Kalpin fold-and-thrust belt, southern Chinese Tian Shan: New insights from low-T thermochronology and KronosFlow software modeling
- Distribution of Rayleigh Wave Microseisms Constrained by Multiple Seismic Arrays
- Fluid communication within dolostone reservoir in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation constrained by Pengxian fault damage zone: A case study using comprehensive methods for the western Sichuan Basin, China
- Occurrence characteristics of movable fluid and influential factors in lacustrine sandstone reservoir of Chang 7 Member in the Longdong area, Ordos Basin, China
- Rock magnetism on detachment faults: constraints from the Dragon Horn area (49.7E), on the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Seismic Dispersion and Attenuation in Shale Oil Reservoir: Laboratory Experiments and Theoretical Modeling
- Seismic Imaging of Fault Zone Structure Using 3-D Full Waveform Inversion of Denoised Ambient Noise Cross-correlation (ANC) from 1-D Linear Arrays
- Sequence Stratigraphic and Sedimentary Facies analysis of the ShanXi FormationEastern Zhoukou Depression, Eastern China
- Simulation and Analysis of Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Transverse Relaxation Response of Fractured Shale Reservoir
- Source Rock Characteristics and Depositional Model of the Dongying Formation in Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay BasinIndications from Geochemistry
- Active faulting suppresses bedform development on a (supercritical) deep-water fan
- Geometries, Progressive Evolution and Mechanics of Conjugate Strike-slip Faults: Insights From Analogue Modellings
- Impact of Hydrate on Effective Pore Structure Variation and Permeability Anisotropy in Hydrate-bearing Sediments using micro-computed Tomography
- Intelligent Algorithm and Verification for 3D Isolated Resistivity Anomalous Body Detection
- Inversion Algorithm of Azimuthal Electromagnetic Logging While Drilling Based on Physics-Guided Residual Neural Network
- Monitoring and Imaging Hydraulc Fractures based on Low-frequency Electrode Method in Cased Well