Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geochronologic, Thermochronologic, and Thermobarometric Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of the Northeastern Pamir
- Triassic Paleomagnetic results from the Northern Margin of the South China Block and their bearing on the collision between the North and the South China Block
- First Images of the Lithospheric Structure of Western Tibet
- Geology of the Northeastern Nyainqentanglha Range, Central Tibet
- Tectonic Evolution of the North Qaidam UHP Complex, Western China
- Tertiary Shortening along the Eastern Portion of the North Qaidam Thrust System
- Seismic Detection of the α -β Quartz Transition Provides Precise Temperature Estimation in the Tibetan Crust
- Four-Component Borehole Strain Meter: Observation and in-situ Calibration
- Geology of the North Qaidam HP-UHP Terrane, Western China
- Mantle anisotropy above the deflected Pacific slab beneath Northeast China
- Strike-slip fault evolution at intermediate (10 ka - 1 Ma) timescales: an example from the Aksai restraining stepover along the Altyn Tagh fault, NW China
- Structure of the upper mantle and crust beneath the Amazonian Craton and the Southern Andes
- Tectonic stress field of brittle deformation within 2000 m of the main borehole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling
- Fluid/melt activities during the exhumation of subducted continental crust in the Sulu UHP metamorphic terrane, China
- Ground deformation from dike development
- Joint receiver function, wide-angle reflection and P and S teleseismic delays approaches to image the lithosphere of Himalaya-South Tibet
- Short-period surface-wave amplitude tomography of China
- Structural framework of the central and northern Tibetan plateau as constrained by geologic investigation from Tangula Pass to the southern Qilian Shan thrust belt
- Submarine Wedges and Great Subduction Earthquakes: The Theory of Dynamic Coulomb Wedge
- Wedge Dynamics, Forearc Basins, and Seismogenic Zone of Cascadia Megathrust
- A Geophysical Transect of the Lithosphere Across the Eastern Tianshan Orogen
- Characterizing High-Resolution Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Yunnan Region, Southwest China, Using Double-Difference Tomography
- Comprehensive Receiver Function Analyses For Southeastern China
- Contemporary crustal motion in northeast China revealed by GPS measurements
- Continuous in-situ measurement of stress-induced travel time variation with coda interferometry
- Crustal Structure of Mainland China from Deep Seismic Sounding Data
- Crustal and upper-mantle structures beneath the Chinese continent from surface wave tomography
- Holocene slip rate for the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Preliminary results from the Yue Ma Ke Qi site using displaced fluvial risers and 14C geochronology
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath China: Measurements and Implications
- Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in the eastern Tibetan crust
- Teleseismic P-wave Tomography and Dynamic Processes of the Tien Shan Orogenic Belt in Central Asia
- The Dynamic Effect of Kunlun Earthquake and Viscoelastic Modeling Analysis
- A Magmatic Perspective and Zircon Hf Isotope Constraints on Tibetan Orogenesis
- An Introduction to the Tibet cGPS pilot project: TigiCAS
- Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Qaidam Basin: Structural geology, sedimentation, and implications for regional tectonic reconstruction of the Tibetan plateau
- Co-seismic strain changes inferred from the groundwater level in Chinese mainland induced by the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Continuous GPS Monitoring of Deformation along the Xianshuihe Fault, Southwest China
- Controlled Source Imaging of the Kunlun Suture, Northeast Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal Structure Across the Three Gorges Dam from Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Deep Structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau: An Introduction to Project INDEPTH, Phase IV
- Holocene slip rate for the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Preliminary results from the Tuzidun site based on 14C and 10Be dating of a displaced fluvial terrace riser.
- Influence of body-wave velocity characteristic on the seismic data interpretation in TI media with arbitrary spatial orientation
- Lithospheric Structure, Crustal Kinematics, and Earthquakes in North China: An Integrated Study
- Microtremor array measurement in Metropolitan Beijing
- P, T conditions of the CCSD (Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling) eclogites; importance of ferric estimation based on Mössbauer and micro-XANES analysis
- Paleoearthquake History of the Cherchen He Reach of the Central Altyn Tagh Fault Xinjiang, China.
- Paleoproterozoic Detrital Zircons in Mesozoic Sediments From the Yangtze Craton: Where did They Come From?
- S-wave crustal structure in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications
- Seismic Evidence for a Distinctly Anisotropic Innermost Inner Core
- Seismic Evidence for the Hainan Plume
- Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Spatial Clustering and Repeating of Seismic Events Observed Along the 1976 Tangshan Fault, North China
- Structural Development of the Eastern Kunlun Transpressional System, Central Tibet, China
- Structure of the upper mantle and crust beneath the Amazonian Craton and the Southern Andes
- The Middle AsiaN Active Source (MANAS) Profile: Preliminary Results From A Deep Seismic Transect in the Tien Shan of Kyrgyzstan and China
- Three-component Seismic Observations Within the INDEPTH IV Transect: NE Tibetan Plateau to Qaidam Basin
- 3D Shear Velocity Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle in China From Ambient Noise Tomography
- A Full-Wave Seismic Tomography for the Crustal Structure in the Metropolitan Beijing Region
- Application of the Waiting Time Method (WTM) in Predicting and Classification of strong aftershocks of Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan China (M=8.0,14:28:04.0, May 12, 2008)
- Focal Depth of the WenChuan Earthquake Aftershocks from modeling of Seismic Depth Phases
- GPS-derived Coseismic Deformation Associated with the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Global survey of earthquakes and non-volcanic tremor triggered by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Initial report on the northeastern Tibetan plateau seismic experiment and study of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
- Insight into the origin of the Tengchong intraplate volcano in southwest China from local and teleseismic data
- Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Structure of the Northern Tibetan Plateau: The ASCENT Seismic Experiment
- Postseismic Deformation Monitoring of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake using GPS
- Regional-Scale Differential Time Tomography Methods: Development and Application to the Sichuan, China, Dataset
- Slip Rates along the Yunnan Fault Zones Estimated From Repeating Microearthquakes
- Source Process and Ground Motions of the 2008 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake
- Studies on aftershocks of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Tectonic Background of the 2008 Sichuan, China, Earthquake as Seen From GPS Data
- The Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, Sichuan, China: Surface rupture and oblique right-lateral co-seismic thrusting
- The history of the Keriya River: Implications for the evolution of drainage- geomorphology- tectonics- climate of the West Kunlun Mts, Tibet
- Thermomagnetic Analysis of Surface Sediments From the Suburb of Beijing, and its Environmental Significance
- Tomographic inversion of Sg arrivals reveals the upper crustal S-velocity structure beneath the INDEPTH IV Transect: NE Tibetan Plateau to Qaidam Basin
- Widespread low velocity zone in mid-lower crust in Tibetan Plateau: Implications for crustal channel flow model
- A paleoenvironmental sulfur-isotope gradient seen in Lower Cambrian black shales and implications for the early sulfur cycle
- Characterization of Methane Hydrate Growth from Aqueous Solution by Raman Spectroscopy
- Crust and Upper Mantle Shear Wave Structure of Antarctica From Seismic Ambient Noise
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Northeast China Revealed from Receiver Function Analysis of Regional Seismic Networks
- Deep origin of both the Kangjinla podiform chromite deposit and its host rock peridotite in southern Tibet
- Hadean to Modern Mantle Evolution from a 142Nd-143Nd-176Hf Isotopic Perspective
- Homogenization Temperature Measurements in Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell for Melt and Fluid Inclusions from the Jiajika Pegmatite Deposit, China
- In-situ Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Sulfur, Sulfur-Water, and Sulfur-Methane-Water Systems Between 22 and 450 °C
- Lithosphere structure of the west Qinling orogenic belt revealed by deep seismic reflection profile
- Magma Mixing at Pulang Porphyry Copper Deposit, NW China: Petrographic, Geochemical and Geochronological evidence
- Mid-Mesoproterozoic diabase dyke swarms from the northern North China Craton: implications for breakup of the Columbia supercontinent
- Shallow Velocity and Q Structure of Tianjin Basin from P, PP, PPP and Psed
- Shallow and deep crustal velocity models of Northeast Tibet
- SinoProbe: China's new effort to explore the crust and upper mantle beneath continental China
- Squeezing-out of thrust sheets in intensely deformational events afterwards and its tectonic implications
- Structural heterogeneity of the Longmenshan fault zone and the mechanism of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms 8.0)
- Teleseismic P-wave Tomography Image for Northeastern Tibet
- U-Th zircon ages for Maanshan volcano, Tengchong, SE Tibetan Plateau and implications for magma dynamics
- A study on the seismic fortification level of offshore platform in Bohai Sea of China
- An attempt to detect temporal variations of crustal structure in the source area of the 2006 Wen-An earthquake in North China
- Build-up and evolution of the Dabashan tectonic belt in central China
- Characteristics of the Fault-Related Rocks, Fault Zone Structures and the Principal Slip Zone of the Wenchuan Earthquake in WFSD Drilling Cores
- Clay Minerals Anomalies In WFSD Drilling Core And Surface Fault Rocks And Their Significances
- Co-seismic Crustal Deformation Model of the Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12, 2008, M8.0): Reconstructed with Data from Tiltometers and Strainometers
- Comparing INDEPTH IV wide-angle and p-wave receiver function profiles from the Songpan-Ganzi terrane to the Qaidam Basin
- Complete stress-strain test of basalt tuff under high-temperature and high confining pressure conditions and its tectonic significance
- Continental ultra-deep drilling locating research status and progress in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu ore-concentrated area,Western China
- Crustal and lithospheric studies of INDEPTH IV using S receiver functions and P multiples
- Crustal structure of volcanic terrane in the extensional tectonics, Eastern China, as revealed by seismic reflection profiling (Invited)
- Crutal and upper mantle structure beneath the mid-lower Yangtze metallogenic belt revealed by passive-source seismic array
- Data Acquisition and Analyses of Magnetotelluric Sounding in Lujiang-Zongyang Ore Concentrated Area
- Deep structures of the Bayan Har Terrane, NE Tibetan Plateau, and their control on the strong earthquakes along the terrane boundaries
- Deformational and sedimentary responses to Late Miocene (13-8.5 Ma) left-lateral oblique movement along the northern foreland of the Red River-Ailao Shan shear zone, Yunnan, China
- Frequency Dependence of Radiation Patterns and Directivity Effects in Ground Motion from Earthquakes on Rough Faults
- From mountain building in the Tibetan Plateau to crustal extension in North China: The role of sublithospheric mantle flow
- Large contrast observed in crustal composition and structure between the Ordos plateau and the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling dynamic processes of the Wenchuan earthquake with finite element method
- Overview of the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling (WFSD) Project
- Recent Tectonic Stress Field Zoning in Tienshan Area and its Dynamic Genesis
- Reflection from the Mantle: A Deep Seismic Reflection Profile from Songliao Basin to Hulin Basin in Northeast China
- S-N profile of Receive function image across Qiangtang, Northern Tibet
- Saline Playas on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as Mars Analog for the Formation-Preservation of Hydrous Salts and Biosignatures
- SinoProbe - A Multidisciplinary Research Program of Earth Sciences in China (Invited)
- SinoProbe Data Center-Supporting the Next Generation of Chinese Deep Exploration Research
- SinoProbe deep seismic reflection profiling across the Sichuan basin
- SinoProbe-02:Deep Seismic Reflection Profile (480km) experiment in North China:Acquisition and the Preliminary Processing result
- Structural and Lithologic Characteristics of the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone and its Relationship with Seismic Activity
- Surface Rupture Characteristics and Rupture Mechanics of the Yushu Earthquake (Ms7.1), 14/04/2010
- Teleseismic tomography beneath the mid-lower Yangtze region in China
- Temperature Measurements in the WFSD-1 Borehole Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (Mw7.9)
- The dynamic implication of focal mechanism solutions of Wenchuan earthquake sequence
- The recent tectonic stress districts and strong earthquakes in China
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomography Beneath Tangshan, China
- Wenchuan Fault Scientific Drilling Borehole No.1---Geophysical Features
- 20 years in Tibet- The INDEPTH Transect
- Active blind-thrust faulting and growth folding in the southern Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal S-velocity and Poisson's ratio structure beneath the INDEPTH IV Transect: NE Tibetan Plateau to Qaidam Basin
- Crustal Structure of Middle and Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt Along the TRANSYMB Profile from SINOPROBE seismic reflection profiling
- Crystal Fabrics and Element Impurities (Sr, Mg, Ba) in Bivalve Shells - Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Early Cenozoic thrust in Qiangtang block, Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Evidence of upwelling of mantle materials beneath the middle and lower Yangtze region by teleseismic tomography
- Fast slip-rate along the northern Karakorum fault explains fast uplift of the Chinese Pamir
- Geological and geophysical evidences of late Quaternary activity of the range-front fault along the mid-segment of the Longmen Shan thrust belt
- In-situ stress state and seismic risk in southwest segment of Longmenshan fault after Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake
- International Project - Atlas of Geological Maps of Central Asia and Adjacent Territories 1:2 500 000 Scale - the Status and the Development Prospects
- Lithospheric structure at the southern margin of the Qaidam Basin from INDEPTH IV receiver functions
- Morphotectonic study from the northeastern margin of the Pamir to the West Kunlun range and its tectonic implications
- P- and S-wave tomographic structure of NE Tibet
- Paleomagnetic results from the Early Cretaceous Zenong Group volcanic rocks, Cuoqin, Tibet, and their paleogeographic implications
- Recent Tectonic Stress Field Zoning in Tienshan Area and its Dynamic Genesis
- Regional variations of crustal thickness along the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau and their tectonic implications
- Relationship between tectonic evolution of North China craton and Pacific plate subduction slab evolution since ~47 Ma
- Research on the Porphyry Copper Deposit for Feature Extraction and Prediction Methods in Central Asia Tectonic Region
- Seismogenic structure of the 512 Wenchuan earthquake from surface geology and seismic reflection profile across the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Sinoprobe Datacenter Development: Current Status
- Syntectonic Extension and Dome Development during Formation of the NE-Chinese Pamir
- The 2011 Yingjiang, China, earthquake: A volcano-related fluid-driven earthquake?
- The Deep Structurs which are Transformed From Strike-slip ones into extending ones and Their Composite evolution of The Southern Segment of Tanlu Fault Belt During Yanshanian stage
- The Focal Mechanism Solutions of the Tohoku Earthquake Series and Their Geodynamical Implications
- The Resisting Stress of an Earthquake as Measured by Temperature in the Wenchuan Fault
- The Variance Analysis for Seismic Attributes in Oil-and-Gas detection at the Midlle of Tarim Basin
- The breakoff of the lower crust beneath the south Qiangtang block, central Tibet: evidence from the deep seismic reflection profiling
- The crustal structure of the eastern Sichuan and Xuefeng mountain revealed by the new result of the SinoProbe deep seismic reflection profiling
- The evidence of crustal shortening beneath Hexi corridor in the northmost foreland basin of Tibet Plateau
- The new results of the crustal structure and variation of Moho in central Tibet--revealed by the 310 km long seismic deep reflection profile
- The rheological structure of the lithosphere in China and adjacent retgions
- Tibetan plate overriding the Asian plate in central and northern Tibet
- Was the September 3 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield, New Zealand Earthquake Triggered by the 2009 July 15 MW 7.8 Dusky Sound, New Zealand Earthquake, 500 km Away?
- Wenchuan earthquake fault zone reflection seismic characteristics and structure characteristics analysis
- 3D Lithosphere structure of the Antarctic plate and its implications on the plate evolution
- A combined paleomagnetic and geochronological study from the Qushenla Formation volcanic rocks in the Lhasa terrane: paleogeographic constraints on the southern margin of Asia
- Crustal structure of the Northern Tibetan Plateau along the INDEPTH-IV seismic traverse
- Deep geometry structure feature of Haiyuan Fault on the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau revealed by deep seismic reflection profiling
- Denudation Gradient Across the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Electromagnetic Emissions During Rock-fracturing Experiments Inside Magnetic Field Free Space
- GPS observation of the Longmen Shan earthquake fault zone in WFSD
- Gas origin of hydrate in the Qilian Mountain permafrost, Qinghai
- Generation of early Archean felsic volcanics and TTG gneisses through crustal melting, eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa
- Hollow inclusions in-situ stress measurement method in deep borehole
- Internal structures of Wenchuan earthquake fault zone, revealed by WFSD-1 cores and surface outcrops
- Late Cretaceous Tectonics of the Tibetan Plateau
- Low magnetic susceptibility of gouge due to low thermal decomposition from the Jiulong Outcrop of the Wenchuan Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Dali Basin in Yunnan and implications for late Neogene rotation of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Mapping out the recent exhumation pattern in Lhasa Terrane, South Tibet, with multiple thermochronometers on modern detritus
- Minerals Anomalies and Their Significances in Fault Rocks along the Front Longmenshan Fault
- No crustal material flow through the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau into the Ordos basin
- Oceanic-style Subduction Controls Late Cenozoic Deformation of the Northern Pamir and Alai
- On 4-year Aftershock Sequence of the Wenchuan Earthquake (M8.0,2008)
- Paleozoic development of the Qilian orogen: Insights from a ductile right-slip shear zone and monazite geochronology in the Central Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Pedogenically produced fine-grained ferrimagnetic inclusions within coarse silicate particles in Chinese paleosols cause magnetic enhancement
- Pre-eruption deformation caused by dike intrusion beneath Kizimen volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, observed by InSAR
- Preservation of Subsurface Sulfates with mid-to-high degree of hydration in Equatorial regions on Mars
- Progress of SinoProbe - Deep Exploration in China 2008-2012
- Reactivation of extremely large paleosinkholes in the Three Gorges Dam area
- Research of Houjiayao Unit in North China
- Reservoir microfacies and their logging response of gas hydrate in the Qilian Mountain permafrost in Northwest China
- Stress measurement with differential strain analysis method in WFSD-1 hole
- Structural Characteristics of the Northern Segment of the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone Reflected on Shallow Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Structural framework of the Cenozoic QILIAN SHAN-Nan Shan thrust belt, NORTHEASTERN TIBETAN PLATEAU
- Structure and composition of the crust near the Kunlun-Qaidam boundary of Tibet from receiver functions and ambient noise tomography
- Structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the North China Craton from long-range seismic wide angle reflection/refraction profile
- Studies of Recent Significant Earthquakes in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- The deep structure of the Sichuan basin and adjacent orogenic zones revealed by the aggregated deep seismic profiling datum
- Velocity structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau: P and S body wave tomographic model of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its margins with additional constraints from surface wave tomography
- A fast and low-loss 3-D magnetotelluric inversion method with parallel structure
- A joint inversion of surface waves and teleseismic body waves across the Tibetan collision zone
- Age, origin, and tectonic implications of Palaeozoic rapakivi granites in the North Qaidam orogen, Northwest China
- An insight to the eruption mechanism of volcanic rocks in North Tibet: Project TITAN
- An upper-mantle S-wave velocity model for East Asia from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Asperity of the 2013 Lushan (China) earthquake in the eastern margin of Tibetan plateau from seismic tomography and aftershock relocation
- Bedload transport and channel adjustments modify sediment routing across a piedmont, example from the Chinese Tian Shan
- Characteristics of the Wenchuan earthquake fault from the results of Scientific Drilling (WFSD) (Invited)
- Crust and lithosphere structure in the eastern segment of the Xing-Meng orogenic belt from S-receiver function
- Deformation Characteristics, Geometry and Kinematics of Active Fold Scarp: A Case Study from the Mingyaole Anticline, Southern Foreland of Chinese Tian Shan
- Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400, 000-year minima in insolation variability confirmed by Chinese loess
- Diurnal and seasonal variation of electromagnetic response in the ionosphere to the VLF transmitter on the ground
- Easy way to determine quantitative spatial resolution distribution for a general inverse problem
- Efficient Numerical Solution of Global Dynamic and Quasistatic Problems Using a Spectral-Element Method Coupled with an Infinite-Element Approach
- Estimating Crustal Seismic Anisotropy in the Central Mongolian from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- High-angle Fault Responsible for the Surface Ruptures Along the Northern Segment of the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone: Evidence from the latest Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Imaging the crust and mantle structure below the northern margin of the Tibet-Pamir plateau (Invited)
- Initial faulting age of the Longmen Shan thrust fault belt: Paleo-earthquake information from Scientific Drilling (WFSD)
- Insights on the youngest segment of the Altyn Tagh fault: the Longmu Co - Gozha Co fault system, Western Tibet
- Late Quaternary faulted landforms characteristics on the Tumen-Jiazhu village segment of Luoyunshan piedmont fault
- Mid-crust fluid and water-rock interaction kinetic experiments and their geophysical significance: 1. Basalt and pyroxene in water at high temperatures up to 450°C
- Mid-crust fluid and water-rock interaction kinetic experiments and their geophysical significance: 2. syenite-water interaction in the temperature range from 20 to 435°C
- Mid-crust fluid and water-rock interaction kinetic experiments and their geophysical significance: 3. in situ measurements of electric conductance of the water-rock interaction system at high temperatures
- Middle Jurrasic strick slip movement and scale of the Altyn Tagh fault system: evidence from the soft sediment deformation
- Nature and geodynamic setting of the protoliths of the UHP metamorphic Complex and migmatites in Bixiling area, the Dabie Orogen, China
- New assemly model of Jiangnan Orogen: insight from detrital zircon geochronology of pre-Cretaceous strata, South China
- P wave signals retrieved from noise cross correlation function and their seasonal variation observed in southwest China
- Paleo-earthquakes of diverse magnitude recorded at the Salt Lake site, the Haiyuan Fault, China
- Present Lithospheric Deformation and Asthenospheric Flow beneath the Central Mongolia
- Progress in deep lithospheric exploration of the continental China: A review of the SinoProbe (Invited)
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Maps in South-central Mongolia
- Reevaluation of the offset of the Great Wall associated with the 1739 M 8.0 Pingluo earthquake, Yinchuan Graben, China (Invited)
- Relocation of the 2012 Ms 7.0 Lushan Earthquake Aftershock Sequences and Its Implications
- Rock magnetism constrain response thickness on earth surface to large earthquake: Evidence from the Bajiaomiao Outcrop of the Wenchuan Earthquake Rupture Zone, China
- SINOPROBE Deep Reflection Profile Reveals a Neo-Proterozoic Subduction Zone beneath the Sichuan Basin (Invited)
- Shear-wave splitting unmasks deformation properties in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis and Namcha Barwa region
- Structure of The Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath The Northeast Tibet Plateau from Seismic Wide Angle Reflection/Refraction Profile
- Tectonic control on denudation across the eastern Tibetan Plateau from the Longriba fault zone to the Longmen Shan
- Teleconnection among Asian Summer Monsoon, ENSO and PDO revealed by instrumental and historic records as well as an annual resolution stalagmite record from Lianhua Cave, northwestern Hunan, China
- The Alashan Terrane was not part of North China by the Late Devonian: Evidences from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and paleomagnetic results
- The Origin of Shear-Wave Splitting Observations on Iceland
- The lithosphere structure and deep processes of the Mesozoic metallogenic belt in eastern China: constraints from passive and active seismic methods
- Upper mantle seismic structure beneath central mongolia from body wave traveltime tomography
- Upper-mantle velocity models beneath the east Qingling orogenic belt from finite-frequency tomography of a portable seismic array
- Velocity structure of uppermost mantle from Pn tomography in Northeast China
- 3D Anisotropic structure of the south-central Mongolia from Rayleigh and Love wave tomography
- Circum-Slab Mantle Deformation: Insights from Finite Strain and Seismic Anisotropy
- Continuous Lake Recession of Siling Co, Central Tibet, Since the Middle Holocene
- Contrasting Subduction Modes with Slab Tearing beneath Eastern Himalaya: Evidence from Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
- Corresponding relation between the result of real-time fluid analysis and estimated energy value of aftershock during drilling in WFSD
- Crustal Structure across The Southwest Longmenshan Fault Zone from Seismic Controlled Source Seismic Data
- Crustal Structure and Deformation beneath the NE Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Receiver Function Data
- Crustal structure and geodynamic of the Middle and Lower reaches of Yangtze metallogenic belt and neighboring areas: insights from deep seismic reflection profiling
- Crustal structure of Yunxian-Ninglang, northwestern Yunnan, China from wide-angle seismic reflection
- Deciphering the coupled Paleozoic and Cenozoic tectonic history of the Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Development of foreland basins around western Sichuan basin, and implications for mountain building in eastern Tibet
- Different surface ruptures and dynamics between the 2008 and 2014 Mw7.1 Yutian earthquakes in the western segment of the Altyn Tagh fault, Western Tibet
- Fault-rock magnetism from the earth surface trench closed to the Wenchuan Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone imply the different slip dynamics
- Flexural Mechanics of Subduction
- Imaging the Fine-Scale Structure of the San Andreas Fault in the Northern Gabilan Range with Explosion and Earthquake Sources
- Late Carboniferous paleomagnetism of the Southwestern Tarim block and its implications for the paleogeography of central Asia
- Late Mesozoic ductile detachment zones in continental NE Asia: implications for polarity and processes of the crustal extension
- Latitudinal Expansion of the Holocene Optimum in the East Asian Monsoon Region
- Nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy across the Permian-Triassic boundary at Chaotian, Sichuan, South China
- Pore Effect on the Occurrence and Formation of Gas Hydrate in Permafrost of Qilian Mountain, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
- Preliminary Results of Low-temperature Thermochronology in the Three Rivers Region, SE Tibetan Plateau
- Quantification of Both Normal and Right-Lateral Late Quaternary Activity Along the Kongur Shan Extensional System, Chinese Pamir
- Seismic Anisotropy and Upper-Mantle Velocity Structures Beneath the Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Beltand Surrounding Regions
- Structure Deformation of the Minjiang and Huya Fault, the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Study on Vignetting Correction of Uav Images and Its Application to 2010 Ms7.0 Lushan Earthquake, China
- Surface wave attenuation from ambient noise correlation: methods and applications to 1D and 2D arrays
- Systematic detection of seismic activity before recent large earthquakes in China
- The relations between natural gas hydrate distribution and structure on Muli basin Qinghai province
- Viscosity Measurements of Eclogite Melt up to 5.6 GPa and 2000 K
- West-East Variability in Indian Subduction Geometry: New Seismic Receiver Function Profile Across the Himalaya and Lhasa Terrane Along 92°E
- 3D magnetotelluric inversion system with static shift correction and theoretical assessment in oil and gas exploration
- Anomalous variations of lithosphere magnetic field before several earthquakes
- Density and Magnetization Intensity of crust and uppermost mantle across Northern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Diffusion of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> in Rhyolitic Melt
- Fault-rock Magnetism from Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling project (WFSD) Implies the Different Slip Dynamics
- Increasing Seismicity in Yunnan, China after Wenchuan Earthquake Resulted from Stronger Push of Tibetan Plateau from Evidences of Seismic Velocity, GPS and Gravity
- Lithosphere delamination and topography evolution in collisional orogens
- Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure of the Ordos Basin and its geodynamics
- Location of Body Wave Microseism Sources Using Three-Component Data From a Large Aperture Seismic Array in China
- Magnetic properties of cores from the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling Hole-2 (WFSD-2), China
- Mantle transition zone beneath northeast China from P-receiver function
- New Late Carboniferous paleomagnetic results from Qaidam Block and its implications for the paleogeography of central Asia
- Northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau along the Tibet-Ordos transition zone-revealed from Liupanshan deep seismic reflection profile
- Sediment from the Last Two Glacial Periods Amalgamated and Re-Entrained in the Alluvial Piedmont of the North Tian Shan
- Seismic Investigations of the Central Nepal Region Using Teleseismic and Local Earthquakes
- Structure, Frictional Melting and Fault Weakening during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Slip: Observation from the WFSD Drilling Core Samples
- Study on the Geomagnetic Short Period Variations of the Northwestern Yunnan
- Study on the annual variation of satellite magnetic anomaly in China
- Systematic Detections of Early Aftershocks and Remotely Triggered Seismicity in China Following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Teleseismic P-wave Velocity Structure and Its Relationship with Seismicity Differences in and around the Ordos Plateau
- The Jianchuan Basin, Yunnan: Implications on the Evolution of SE Tibet During the Eocene
- A subducting slab dynamics hypothesis for Himalayan mountain building, asymmetric arc curvature, convergence slowdown, and climatic forcing
- Analyzing thermal anomaly of the Nepal M<SUB>w</SUB>7.9 earthquake on 25 April 2015 using OLR data
- Anisotropy and tectonic deformation in the Ordos basin revealed by an active source seismic experiment
- Cenozoic Development of the Northern Tibetan Plateau and the Onset of Thrust and Strike-slip faulting: Constraints from Apatite and Zircon (U-Th)/He and Fission-Track Thermochronometry
- Co-seismic Water Level Changes in Response to Multiple Large Earthquakes at the LGH Well in Sichuan, China
- Coherent crustal deformation in SE Tibet revealed by Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy from ambient noise
- Combined Application of Shallow Seismic Reflection and High-resolution Refraction Exploration Approach to Active Fault Survey, Central Orogenic Belt, China
- Constraining Metamorphic Timing and Processes by Dating Garnet, Zircon, Titanite and Monazite in UHP and HP Rocks from Weihai, Sulu UHP Terrane, Eastern China
- Crustal anisotropy and deformation of the SE Tibetan Plateau revealed by receiver functions
- Crustal deformation at the terminal stage before earthquake occurrence
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles across the Karakoram Fault Limit the Role of Crustal Flow in the Western Himalaya
- Detailed Crustal Geometry of the Continental Collision between India and Eurasia: Constraints from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles across the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture, Tibet, at 88°E
- Distribution of the Magnetic Anomaly for the Swarm Satellite in China and Adjacent Area
- Dynamic impact of rainfall on hydrogeochemistry of epikarst spring in Luota Township, western Hunan Province
- Late Quaternary characteristic slip and slip-rate along the Karakax fault (Western Altyn Tagh fault), Tibet
- Longmenshan Crust and Mantle Structure Down to 700 km Depth Revealed by P Receiver Functions
- New Science ang technology development about CSES and LAIC coupling mechanism
- Observations of discrete magnetosonic waves off the magnetic equator
- Physical and chemical properties of the creeping fault ruptured in the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake from the WFSD-3P cores, eastern Tibet
- Remote sensing of mesospheric dust layers using active modulation of PMWE by high-power radio-waves
- Research on the vertical crustal deformation at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau by combining GRACE and GPS data
- Spatial Distribution and Secular Variation of Geomagnetic Filed in China Described by the CHAOS-6 Model and its Error Analysis
- Spatially and Temporally Constant Slip-rate Along the Ganzi-Yushu Segment of the Xianshuihe Fault System, Eastern Tibet
- Stratigraphic correlation and chronologic constrain of tectonic events during Jurassic, in Yanshan fold and thrust belt, North China
- Temporal changes of crustal structure inferred from large volume air-gun data in Binchuan, Yunnan, southwest China
- The Lithospheric Magnetic Field and Structure Along the Erlianhaote-Rizhao Profile in China
- The complexity of seismic wave propagation direction observed from air-gun source and dense array
- The spatial distribution of VLF transmitters at topside ionosphere and the VLF-induced heating phenomena
- The switch of magmatic evolution between early and late Paleozoic in the northern Beishan, southern Central Asia Orogenic belt
- 3D Constrained Magnetization Vector Inversion of Surface and Borehole Magnetic Data
- 3D Crustal Velocity Structure Model of the Middle-eastern North China Craton
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of Supergene K-bearing Sulfate Minerals: Cenozoic Continental Weathering, Landscape Evolution and Paleoclimates in the Tu-Ha Basin, Northwestern China
- AMS <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U dating on stalagmites from North Altai Mountain, Siberia, Russia
- Acoustic Emission Detected by Matched Filter Technique in Laboratory Earthquake Experiment
- Advance in exploring the subsurface temporal evolution with Air-gun artificial source of Fujian, China
- Automated Determination of Magnitude and Source Length of Large Earthquakes
- Conversion of Local and Surface-Wave Magnitudes to Moment Magnitude for Earthquakes in the Chinese Mainland
- Coseismic gravitational potential energy changes induced by global earthquakes during 1976 to 2016
- Cross-hole Radio Imaging Method with Radiation Parameters Estimation
- Crustal Structure of Southwest China from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Deep exploration and study for crust in the northern section of the north-south seismic belt
- Deep soil carbon stock in Chinese Loess Plateau and its turnover
- Deformation at Longyao Ground Fissure and its Surroundings Revealed by ALOS PALSAR PS-InSAR, North China Plain
- Detrital zircon age and isotopic constraints on the provenance of turbidites from the southernmost part of the Beishan orogen, NW China
- Estimation of the long-term effect of viscoelastic relaxation induced by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and other interplate earthquakes around northeastern Asia
- Evolution of plasmaspheric hiss into the low altitude hiss in the ionosphere
- Experimental study on the change of local lithospheric magnetic field related to the stress in Hutubi gas storage
- Exploring Moho sharpness in Northeastern North China Craton with frequency-dependence analysis of Ps receiver function
- Extent of Mountains or Plateau Formed with Plate Convergence
- Frictional melt generated by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake and its faulting mechanisms
- Geothermal modelling and geoneutrino flux prediction at JUNO with local heat production data
- Inversion Model of Drainage Basins' Tectono-Thermal Evolution Through Detrital AFT Ages: Case Studies of Rivers in Southeastern Tibet
- Investing the temporal and spatial scale variations of luminescence sensitivity of loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau since the last interglacial
- Joint the active source and passive source seismic to research the fine crustal structure of the Lushan area
- Kinematic development of the Tibetan Plateau's northern margin: A traverse across the Qilian Shan-Nan Shan thrust belt
- Machine-Learning Inspired Seismic Phase Detection for Aftershocks of the 2008 M<SUB>W</SUB>7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Multiple episodes of fast exhumation since Late Cretaceous in the Three Rivers region, SE Tibetan Plateau, revealed by low-temperature thermochronology
- Nonuniform subduction of the Indian crust beneath the Himalayas
- Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in SE Tibet revealed with ambient noise and teleseismic surface wave
- Research on Formation Mechanisms of Hot Dry Rock Resources in China
- Reworked crustal of early Paleozoic WuYi Orogen revealed by receiver function data
- Seasonal and Daily Variations of Subsurface Velocity Revealed by the Air-gun Source in Binchuan, Yunnan, China
- Siderite transforms to magnetite/hematite during/after the large earthquake along the East Yibug Chaka Fault in the Qiangtang Terrane, Central Tibetan Plateau
- Strain transformation between tectonic extrusion and crustal thickening in the growth of the Tibetan Plateau
- Study on the stress changes due to the regional groundwater exploitation based on a 3-D fully coupled poroelastic model: An example of the North China Plain
- Tectonic geomorphology of the Qilian Shan in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: insights into the plateau formation processes
- The Closure of Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean: the Evidence from Seismic Tomography
- The characteristics of the western extension of the Karakax fault in NW Tibet and its tectonic implications
- The mineralogical and chronological evidences of subducted continent material in deep mantle: diamond, zircon and rutile separated from the Horoman peridotite of Japan
- Timing of the Yardoi Detachment Fault (YDF), southern Tibet: Insight from U-Pb Geochronology and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar-<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Thermochromology
- the Preliminary Research Based on Seismic Signals Generated by Hutubi Transmitting Seismic Station with One Large-volume Airgun Array
- 3D Geological Model of Fanchang Area Based on Priori Information Constrained: A Case History
- 3D seismic survey for intersection of active faults in urban area
- A Review of crustal shortening, mantle lithospheric thinning, and lateral growth of the Tibetan Plateau
- A case study of broadband seismograph self-noise
- A rapid assessment method of soil slope seismic stability considering effect of dynamic pore water pressure
- An automatic earthquake bulletin assistant system based on deep learning neural networks: application on seismic network of Chinese Capital and surrounding area
- Apatite fission track data reveal the Mid-Miocene re-activity of the Baiganhu Fault, part of the Altyn Tagh Fault, Tibet
- Application of surface waves to seismic static correction processing of mineral exploration data set in Anhui area, China
- Bedrock River Incision and Loess Deposition Response to Basin Connection of The Sanmen Gorge, The Yellow River, North China
- Carbonaceous materials in the fault zone of the Longmenshan fault belt: Records of seismic slip from trench and implications for faulting mechanism
- Characterizing the Seasonal Crustal Motion in Tianshan Area Using Multiple Remote Sensing Observations and Surface Loading Models
- Comprehensive geostress observation station on the seabed of Bohai strait
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure across Northeastern Tibet
- Crustal stability evaluation method and its application in cross-sea channel site selection
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling Reveals Crustal Structure and Deep Process in Northeast China
- Dip-Slip Rate Determined by Cosmogenic Surface Dating on a Holocene Scarp of the Chem Co Graben, Western Tibet
- Dynamics in East China: insight from a P-wave teleseismic tomography and receiver function analysis
- Eastward Extrusion and Northward Expansion of the Tibetan Plateau—Discussions for the Deep Processes of the Plateau Uplift
- Evidence for Extreme Aridity during the Early and Middle Triassic of the Sichuan Basin, China
- Extracting weak signal from air-gun shot in noisy river environment
- Finding Northwest-striking Dextral-slipping Faults at the East End of the Altyn Tagh Fault and its Implications to Northeastward Growing of the Tibetan Plateau
- Focal mechanism of a Triassic large magnitude earthquake along the Longmen Shan thrust belt
- Geodetic and Hydrologic Measurements Reveal the Recent Acceleration in Groundwater Depletion in North China Plain
- How far does the Growth of Eastern Tibetan Plateau influence on South China?
- Inverting for the Static Stress Drop of the 2011 MW9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Based on a Fault Stress Model
- Lithospheric electrical structure of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Lithospheric structure of SH wave beneath the northeastern Tibet from Love wave tomography
- Magnetotelluric imaging of the Zhangzhou Basin geothermal zone, Southeastern China
- Microseisms Generated by Western Pacific Typhoon Events Resolved from a Large Aperture Seismic Array in Northwest China
- Modeling Long Period Ground Motion in Thick Sediments
- Multicomponent Melting in a Heterogeneous Lunar Mantle after Magma Ocean Solidification
- New Seismic Evidence for Continental Collision During the Assembly of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- New action of deep exploration in China: SinoProbe-II
- Origin of massive dolostone: new insights from magnesium isotope and cyclostratigraphy
- Paleoseismic slip records and uplift of the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Paleozoic Subduction zone beneath the Hexi Corridor, NW China Revealed by the Deep Seismic Reflection profile
- Postseismic Effects of the Mw 8.6 Chayu Earthquake (15 Aug 1950) Revealed by GPS Measurements
- Present-day crustal deformation in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: the kinematics and dynamics
- Repeated Gravimetry for Earthquake Monitoring in China
- Revealing Moho and lower crust fabrics to the Lhasa Terrane by Large Dynamite shots Near Vertical Reflection Seismic Profiling
- Reverse osmosis of saline water through clay-rich aquitards in the North China Plain
- Seismic Bright spots in Qiangtang Terrane from deep reflection surveying
- Seismological investigations of potentially induced earthquakes near the Hutubi underground gas storage
- Shear-Wave Velocities and Site-Effect in Beijing, China Area
- Some thoughts on a New Curriculum for Undergraduates in Big Data in the Geosciences
- Study on precise inversion of magnetotelluric sounding and stratigraphy interface determination
- The Combination of Static Shift Correction and 3D Inversion for Magnetotelluric Data and Its Application
- The Crustal-scale Shortening on the Eastern Margin of the Tibet Plateau: the Main Mechanism of Uplift-Revealed from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles Across the Min Shan and Hu Ya Faults
- The Effects of Typical Hydrochemical Solutions on Quantity and Quality of Dissolved Organic Matter Leached from Agricultural Soil
- The Mesozoic mineral systems of South China: lithospheric structure and deep processes constrained from integrated geophysical data-preliminary results
- The Quaternary activity of Qiongzhou Strait segment of Chang Liu-Xian Gou fault
- The Role of Hydrology in Relation to Soil Organic Carbon Turnover in Pool Based Models.
- The boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, south China, from gravity data
- The current movement characters of main faults surrounding the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
- The ground motion simulation of Kangding M<SUB>w</SUB>6.0,2014 by the stochastic finite-fault model
- The interaction pattern between stable mini block and active geological surroundings during the extrusion of Chuandian Block: A study case of the Yanyuan Basin revealed from the near-surface shear wave velocity structure
- The seismic evidences of velocity variation for Changbaishan volcanism in Northeast China
- The variation rule of groundwater salinity in aquitard under different penetration process
- Three-dimensional Magnetotelluric Imaging of Magma Distribution beneath Mt.Changbai-Tianchi Volcano, China
- Tracing partial melt during the exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust: Insights from Sm-Nd isotope systematics in titanite, monazite and garnet
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure from Rayleigh-wave Phase Velocity Tomography Beneath the Northern Ordos block, North China
- An Edge enhancing method of potential field based on spectral moments and its applications
- Analysis of the Slip Rate and Deformation Characteristics of Subordinary Segments of the West Qinling Fault in the Northeastern of Tibetan Plateau
- Anisotropic In-Situ Calibration of 4-components Borehole Strain Data in CCSD
- Basement structure of the Northern Orogenic Belt in NE China: a study of the first-arrival tomography from deep seismic reflection profile
- Crustal Electrical Resistivity Structure beneath the Xiongan New Area Revealed by Magnetotelluric Sounding
- Crustal Structure beneath the Yumu Shan, NE Tibet and its Tectonic Implications
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structures in Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by ChinArray Data
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structures Across the Lower Yangtze Region and Their Tectonic Implications, Eastern South China
- Crustal fluid and afterslip drive transient postseismic deformation associated with the 2016 Meinong earthquake (Mw 6.4)
- Data acquisition and recording system for Fixed-wing time-domain airborne EM
- Deep crustal structure of the Beishan area, NW China and the implication of the amalgation of the Tarim Block and Kazakhstan Block
- Deep seismic reflection profiling and broad-band magnetotelluric sounding of the Qilian Orogenic Belt: evidence for bi-directional subduction of the Proto-Tethys Ocean plate and northward growth of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Deformation fabric during frictional melting and weakening processes of the Wenchuan earthquake fault, eastern Tibetan Plateau, China
- Double side deep crust scale subduction toward the south and north: Indicating the polarity of the subduction of the ancient Asian ocean, Evidence from large dynamite shots of the deep seismic reflection profile
- Dynamic Changes in Resistivity Image and Its Potential Applications
- Electrical Structures of the crust in the Northern Margin of Junggar
- Estimated Casualty Risk for Disaster Preparation in Five Scenario Great Earthquakes, Sichuan-Yunnan Region, China
- Estimation of earthquake magnitude and source parameters by using evolution of P-wave for Chinese strong motion data
- Evidence for Extreme Aridity during the Early and Middle Triassic of the Sichuan Basin, China
- Fault Structures, Paleoseismic Slip Records and Uplift of the Longmen Shan, Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Fault stress inversion reveals seismogenic asperity of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Flat Moho discontinuity beneath the Lhasa Terrane - Revealed by Large Dynamite shots Data
- Focal mechanism of an ancient large magnitude earthquake along the Longmen Shan fault belt, eastern Tibet: constraints from pseudotachylyte and AMS
- Full-waveform inversion of deep seismic reflection data in southern Tibet and its tectonic implications
- Fully convolutional network for P-wave arrival detection and time picking using strong-motion data in China
- High-resolution Vs tomography of South China by joint inversion of body wave and surface wave data
- High-speed railway interference and remote reference suppression in MT survey
- Hydrological changes and Falling of Ancient Silk Road revealed by Tarim River sediments
- Imaging Urban Underground Structure Using Ambient Noise from Surface Wave Traveltime Tomography to Adjoint-based Waveform Tomography
- Integrated Early Triassic time scale of geomagnetic polarity, cyclostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and geochemical excursions from South China and its global correlation
- Investigation on site character proxy of the marine site soil condition
- Late Quaternary slip rate of the Gozha Co fault, Western Tibet: Constraint from LiDAR and U series dating data
- Lateral variation of crustal structure in the North China Craton and its tectonic implications
- Mid-Late jurassic multi plate convergence in East Asia may lead to a future supercontinent?
- Nd isotope disequilibrium recorded in monazite from exhumed rocks: New implications for monazite and garnet geochronology
- Newly identified Late Triassic volcanic rocks in the Yanshan Fold and Thrust Belt, northern China and its implications
- Paleoearthquake History Along the Southern Segment of the Daliangshan Fault Zone in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Prediction of Formation Temperature from 4402.0m to 7018.0m in the Second Scientific Drilling Borehole (CCSD SK-2), Songliao Basin, NE China
- Preliminary Predicting the Near-Field Strong Ground Motion of the China Huaxian M8<SUB>1/2</SUB> Earthquake Based on the Uncertainty Factors of Asperities
- Project INDEPTH and the Fate of Continents During Plate Collision
- Re-evaluating the Greening of South China Karst During the Past Three Decades Using Landsat Images and Google Earth Engine
- Relative flat topography and lower elevation of the Qiangtang Terrane before 25 Ma, central Tibetan Plateau
- Research on Three-dimensional Electrical Structure of the Core Area of Xiongan New Area-Based on Three-dimensional Magnetotelluric Sounding
- Retrieval of Shallow S-wave Profiles from Urban Seismic Reflection Survey and Traffic-induced Noise
- Structural and deformation differences between the northern and southern segments of the Wenchuan earthquake fault zone, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Study on comprehensive evaluation method of seismic intensity based on remotely sensed, ground surveying seismic damages and ground motion records
- Tectonic Activity Characteristics of South Tibet Detachment System (STDS) in Eastern Himalayas Revealed by a High-resolution Seismic Reflection Profile
- The Lithospheric Electrical Structure of South-Eastern China
- The detection of Ms 6.0 Changning aftershock sequence based on deep learning algorithms
- The possible correlation between subducted Indian plate and crustal N-S rifting in southern Tibet: insight from numerical modeling
- Three-dimensional velocity structure imaging of the crust in the middle and northern section of the north-south tectonic belt of China
- To build orogenic belts: weaken the mantle lithosphere!
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to invert for local density field from gravity data
- An improved DWKNN-Based rock fall distance prediction model
- Cenozoic intracontinental deformation pattern of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen controlled by pre-Cenozoic suture zones and Permian mantle plumes
- Differences and similarities of lithosphere deformation during flat-slab subduction and plume underplating
- Early Cretaceous contractional deformation and structural evolution of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, northwestern China: Constraining the initial condition of Cenozoic construction of the plateau
- Eastward Mantle Flow Field Underneath East Asia Quantified by Combining Shear-wave Splitting Orientations and Absolute Plate Motion Observations
- Effects of subducted seamounts on shallow slow slip events within seismogenic zone
- Extensive Sills in the Crust from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling
- Extracting the evolution information of the eastern part of the Central Asian orogenic belt by combining the shallow and deep information from the deep seismic reflection profile
- Indosinian intra-continental deformation along the Southern Tianshan: Constraints from growth strata and detrital zircon U-Pb dating in the Kuqa depression
- Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersions and Receiver Functions with P Velocity Constraints: Application to the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Late Mesozoic creation and destruction of an Andean-type retro-arc foreland system of South China revealed by SINOPROBE profiling.
- Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental growth and deformation history of the northern Tibetan Plateau and western North China craton
- Lithospheric Thermo-compositional Structure as a Record of Tectonic History: A Comparison Between the Canadian Shield and the South American Platform.
- Mantle Reflection in the Southern Songliao Basin Reveals the Process of the Ancient Block Convergence: Evidence from the Large Dynamite Shots of Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling
- North-Dipping Relict Subduction of Paleo-Asian Ocean at the Southeastern Margin of Mongolian Terrane: Study of Two Parallel Deep Seismic Profiles
- Recognition of Concealed Rock in Zhuxi Ore Concentration area Based on Integrated Geophysical Method
- Reduction of high frequency seismic noise in and around Wuhan city due to the COVID-19 lockdown
- Spectral Broadening of NWC Transmitter Signals in the Ionosphere
- The CSES Global Geomagnetic Field Model (CGGM): An IGRF type global geomagnetic field model based on data from the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite
- The Lower Crust and Moho Structure Beneath the Great Xing'an Ranges in Northeast China: Revealed by the Large Dynamite Shots
- The Mesozoic Mineral Systems of South China: Architecture, Processes, and Metallogenesis
- The Subduction Geometry and Tectonic Coupling along the Southern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
- "Crossover structure" of the lithosphere-MTZ in East China continent imaged by seismic tomography
- Defining the Geometry of Active Continent-Continent Collision: Northern Limit of Indian Underthrusting of Tibet (Location of Mantle Suture) at the Present-Day
- Edge-driven Asthenospheric Convection Beneath the North China Craton: A Numerical Study
- Olivine Slip Systems in Isua Ultramafic Rocks Do Not Require Earths Oldest Plate Tectonics
- Resumed NCB / SCB convergence in late Mesozoic and associated continental orogeny in East Qinling, central China, imaged by reflection seismic profiling and S-wave speed tomography section
- SinoProbe: From experiment to full implementation of Deep Earth Exploration in China
- A Lithospheric-scale Thrust-wedge Model for the Formation of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Margin: Evidence from High-resolution Seismic Imaging
- Along-Strike Variation in the Initiation Timing of theNorth-Trending Rifts in Southern Tibet as Revealed From theYadong-Gulu Rift
- DiTing-IoT:deep-learning-enabled real-time seismic data processing via edge and cloud computing
- Discrete Element Modelling of Southeast Asia's 3D Lithospheric Deformation during the Indian Collision
- Evolution of Early Aftershocks on a Discontinuous Fault System: Implications from the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan Earthquake, NE Tibet
- Formation mechanism of continental mid-lithosphere discontinuity: a water collector hypothesis
- Fossil divergent double-subduction zone in the Great Xing'an Range, NE China: Evidence from a DSR profile
- High-resolution Earthquake Catalogue and Velocity Model Reveal Detailed Seismogenic Faults in Changning Area, China
- How have thick evaporites affected early sea-floor spreading magnetic anomalies in the Central Red Sea?
- Impact of Tonga Volcanic Eruption on the Ocean Parameters Using ARGO and Multi-Satellite Data
- Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation of Coda Waves in the Sichuan-Yunnan Region
- Lithospheric electrical structure of the middle Qinling Orogenic Belt and its implications for the outward expansion and deformation of the Tibetan Plateau
- Mechanism of metamorphic fluid expulsion from the ductile contact aureole: Insight from numerical modeling of the upward growing mid-crustal magma chamber
- Online Databases of Geologic Formations of China, Indian Plate and Indochina, With Display onto Plate Reconstructions of the Asian Region for Any Phanerozoic Time Horizon
- Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Chinese West Tianshan Orogen Revealed by Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Data
- Scaling of Free Subduction on a Sphere
- Seismic Evidence for Magmatic Underplating and Intrusion in North-East China
- Timing of slip across the South Tibetan detachment system andYadong-Gulu graben, Eastern Himalaya
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Akshansha Chauhan
- Alexander Chamolly
- Baoning Wu
- Chuansong He
- Haipeng Li
- Hanlin Chen
- Hongqiang Li
- James G. Ogg
- Jianhua Li
- Kyle P. Larson
- Lin Chen
- Ling Chen
- Mian Liu
- Miao Zhang
- Neil C. Mitchell
- Neil M. Ribe
- Oke I Okwokwo
- Peter J. Haproff
- Qin Wang
- Qingtian Lü
- Ramesh P. Singh
- S. L. Klemperer
- Sabin Zahirovic
- Shuwen Dong
- Xingfu Huang
- Xinyu Jiang
- Xiwei Xu
- Yijian Zhou
- Yi‐Gang Xu
- Yueqiao Zhang
- Yuexin Li
- Yujun Sun
- Zhiyu Yi
- Zhong‐Hai Li