National University of Singapore
flowchart I[National University of Singapore] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (217)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (99)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessing Land Cover Change in Sumber Jaya, Indonesia, by Rainfall-Runoff Time Series Analysis
- Channel Initiation on Slopes and Roads in a Tropical Montane Watershed in Northern Thailand
- Effects Of Forest Roads On Internal Biogeochemical Pathways In Tropical Catchments
- Effects of Forest Roads on Internal Hydrological Process in Tropical Catchments
- Hygroscopic Organic Aerosols in the Great Smoky Mountains: Chemical Characteristics and Origins
- Observation and Analysis of the Urban Heat Island in Singapore
- Hydrological and Hysteresis Response of Open Lined Channels in Small Urban Residential Catchments in Singapore
- Initiation of Patterned Ground Features via Differential Frost Heave - Thermal Boundary Effects
- Quantifying Stream Flux of Carbon Nitrogen and Phosphorus in a Tropical Watershed, Mae Sa Thailand
- Sediment Hysteresis Patterns In Singapore Urban Residential Lined Channels
- Tsunamigenesis Earthquake Prediction and its Mechanism Through Seismic Signals
- An Innovative Teaching Method To Promote Active Learning: Team-Based Learning
- Reactive Oxygen Species in Combustion Aerosols
- The Composition of Organic Aerosols in Southeast Asia During The 2006 Haze Episode
- Advancing multi-model approaches to rainfall-runoff modeling: strategies for model emulation and mixtures-of-experts modeling
- Effect of submerged tropical macrophytes on flow resistance in open channel: An experimental study
- Spectral Discrimination of Fine and Coarse Mode Aerosol Optical Depth from AERONET Direct Sun Data of Singapore and South-East Asia
- The IAUC Urban Flux Network - An international network of micrometeorological flux towers in urban ecosystems
- Evaporation measurements by eddy covariance from an urban tropical water reservoir
- Pore water chemistry in a disturbed and an undisturbed peat forests in Brunei Darussalam: Nutrient and carbon contents
- Reach Scale Sediment Balance of Goodwin Creek Watershed, Mississippi
- Receiver function structure beneath a broad-band seismic station in south Sumatra
- The Effects of Solute Breakthrough Curve Tail Truncation on Residence Time Estimates and Mass Recovery
- The role of water chemistry and geomorphic control in the presence of Didymosphenia geminata in Quebec
- Detection of Volcanic Dust by AERONET Sun-Photometers: Puyehue-Cordon Volcano, Chile June 2011
- Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis of the Northwestern Aceh Coast, Sumatra
- Impacts of Sewer Leaks on Surrounding Groundwater and Surface Water Quality in Singapore
- Mesoscale modeling of smoke transport over the South Asian maritime continent: vertical distributions and topographic effect
- Modeling Vegetation Dynamics in Response to Hydrological Changes in a Small Urban Tropical Freshwater Wetland
- Primary Forests Are Vital For Sustaining Tropical Biodiversity
- Urban Water and Riverine Quality: Participatory Science in Singapore
- A Comparison of Pre-monsoonal and Monsoonal Radiative Forcing by Anthropogenic Aerosols over South Asia
- Aerosol-Chemistry Interactions: Biomass burning events in South East Asia
- Dynamic Emulation Modelling (DEMo) of large physically-based environmental models
- Evapotranspiration of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) under the highly seasonal rainfall regime of the Asian monsoon in mainland Southeast Asia
- How much CO2 does vegetation capture in tropical cities? Case study of a residential neighborhood in Singapore
- Incorporating measures of time-varying emissions to enhance top-down BC emissions: what is done well, what needs improvement, and what are the consequences
- Using Darwin's theory of atoll formation to improve tsunami hazard mitigation in the Pacific
- Why do we have such difficulty assessing aerosol impacts in Southeast Asia? Examining the representativeness of regional in situ, remote sensing, and modeling data using examples from a recent field trial
- Analysis of Fine and Coarse mode Aerosol Distributions from AERONET's mini-DRAGON Set-up at Singapore 2012
- Application of AERONET Single Scattering Albedo and Absorption Angstrom Exponent to Classify Dominant Aerosol Types during DRAGON Campaigns
- Carbon dioxide sequestration by urban vegetation at neighbourhood scale in tropical cities
- Combining Multi-Sensor Measurements and Models to Constrain Time-Varying Aerosol Fire Emissions
- Commuter exposure to aerosol pollution on public transport in Singapore
- Commuter exposure to black carbon, carbon monoxide, and noise in the mass transport khlong boats of Bangkok, Thailand
- Contribution of forest fires to concentrations of particulate matter in Singapore
- Crab Burrows are Important Conduits for Groundwater Recharge in Bangladesh
- Investigating Effects of Monsoon Winds on Hydrodynamics in the South China Sea
- Predecessors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in a coastal cave, Aceh Province, Sumatra
- Recurrence of great earthquakes and tsunamis, Aceh Province, Sumatra
- Sea Level Trend and Variability in the Straits of Singapore and Malacca
- Source attribution of fossil-fuel emissions at the urban scale using stable isotopologues of carbon-dioxide (Invited)
- Terrestrial Water Storage Variations from a Global Land Surface Model Simulation with the Anthropogenic Impacts on Hydrology
- The DRAGON scale concept and results for remote sensing of aerosol properties
- The dynamic nature of relative sea level in Southeast Asia: tectonic effects and human impacts (Invited)
- AOD, land-cover, and meteorology over Southeastern Asia: a 13-year analysis.
- An Analysis of the Two-Way Interactions Between Soil Moisture and Precipitation Based on Observed Daily Data in Illinois from 2003-2014
- An Integrated Modeling Approach for Describing Fate and Transport of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in Estuarine Reservoir
- Application of Genetic Programing to Develop a Modular Model for the Simulation of Stream Flow Time Series
- Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on return periods of hydrological extremes in the Illinois River watershed of the Midwestern United States
- Characterization of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons at Three Urban Sites in Western Saudi Arabia, in Lahore (Pakistan), and in Singapore
- Crossroads of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Composition in the Maritime Continent: Recent Field Results from the 7SEAS Program
- Ecosystem Carbon Stocks of Intertidal Wetlands in Singapore
- Grace-Derived Groundwater Depletion from Both Shallow and Deep Aquifers within North China Plain
- Impact of an Unusual Dry Spell on the Energy Balance of a Residential Neighbourhood in a Tropical City
- Numerical Modelling of Circulation and Exchange through Singapore Straits
- Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties over 15 AERONET Sites in Southeast Asia
- Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of an Urban Surface Energy Balance Parameterization at a Tropical Suburban Site
- Simulating the Effect of Uncertain Model Drivers on Hydrologic Predictions via an Approximate Bayesian Approach
- Stable Isotopes of Daily Precipitation in Singapore (2013/2014): A Reflection of Moisture Source and Atmospheric Circulation
- Transboundary Transport of Biomass Burning Emissions in Southeast Asia and Contribution to Local Air Quality During the 2006 Fire Event
- Winter Cold tongue in the South China Sea
- Anthropogenic Impact on the Non-closure of GRACE-based Water Budget in Hai River Basin, China
- Forest Management in Earth System Modelling: a Vertically Discretised Canopy Description for ORCHIDEE and Effects on European Climate Since 1750
- High-Performance Integrated Control of water quality and quantity in urban water reservoirs by dynamic emulation and model predictive control
- Impacts of Climate Changes on the Future Groundwater Storage in the High Plains Aquifer
- Investigating the Sources of Nitrogen Contamination in the Shallow Aquifer of Jakarta using a Newly Developed Distributed River-Aquifer Flow and Transport Model
- Observing the Vertical Dimensions of Singapore's Urban Heat Island
- On the Consistency between GRACE, <em>In-situ</em> Observed and Modeled Terrestrial Water Storage
- Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
- Streamflow Prediction based on Chaos Theory
- Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS radar imagery
- Variations in annual stream hydrograph of montane watershed in northern Thailand: Mid-wet-season shift in runoff response observed in some years
- A Geomicrobiological Approach to Differentiate Storm and Tsunami Deposits in the Recent Geological Record
- Atmosphere cleaning by heavy precipitation: quantitative assessment of aerosol washout and boundary layer recover evaluated by MPLNET lidar measurements.
- Characterizing urban hydrodynamic models in densely settled river-corridors: Lessons from Jakarta
- Correcting reanalysis atmospheric vapor convergence data based on GRACE water stroage and observed streamflow data
- Hydrochemistry in the Tropical Forested River: A Case Study in Nee Soon Catchment Streams
- Impacts of Different Anthropogenic Aerosol Emission Scenarios on Hydrology in the Mekong Basins and their Effects on Irrigation and Hydropower
- The 2015 Indonesian biomass-burning season with extensive peat fires: Remote sensing measurements of biomass burning aerosol optical properties from AERONET and MODIS satellite data
- Urban adaptation to mega-drought: Anticipatory water modeling, policy, and planning in Phoenix
- 50 years of change at 14 headwater snowmelt-dominated watersheds in Wyoming
- Aquifers in coastal reclaimed lands - real world assessments
- Calibration and validation of a numerical model against experimental data of methane hydrate formation and dissociation in a sandy porous medium
- Carbon Emission from Tibet Plateau Rivers: a Case Study of the Yellow River Headwater Region
- Contributions of groundwater pumping to global sea level rise: Continental-scale and interannual analysis
- Early-Ming Era tsunami destruction along the Northern Coast of Aceh, Indonesia: New evidence from Archeology
- Generating High Resolution Climate Scenarios Through Regional Climate Modelling Over Southern Africa
- Groundwater storage variations in the North China Plain using multiple space geodetic observations
- Hydrological and Geomorphological Control on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Outgassing from Low-Gradient Yangtze Rivers
- Interaction of Geohazards and Settlements through the Past Millennium, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
- Interpreting composite mass change over northern China with ground-corrected GRACE measurements
- Possible Climate Change/Variability and Human Impacts, Vulnerability of African Drought Prone Regions, its Water Resources and Capacity Building
- Post-fire fluxes and sources of carbon in previously burnt tropical swamp peatlands, Brunei
- Predicting the Occurrence of Haze Events in Southeast Asia using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Tsunami hazard assessments with consideration of uncertain earthquakes characteristics
- a Novel Discrete Optimal Transport Method for Bayesian Inverse Problems
- A New Urban Ecohydrological Model to Quantify the Effect of Vegetation on Microclimate and Water Fluxes in Cities
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A separated formulation of the elastic wave equation in P- and S-potential fields
- An Efficient Surrogate Multi-Objective Framework for Parameter Estimation of Computationally Expensive Hydrologic Models
- DataSculptures to inspire understanding of changing risks
- Efficient Automatic Parameter analysis framework for Computationally Expensive Hydrodynamic models
- Field survey of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi tsunami
- Inferring past environmental changes associated with rapid urbanisation in tropical Asia: Palaeolimnological evidence from a shallow lowland reservoir in Singapore
- Modelling potential range expansion of Invasive Alien Plant Species under predicted climate change
- On the contribution of co-seismic displacements to the 2018 Palu Tsunami
- Paleofloods records from Ladakh Himalaya: role of monsoon variability and quantification of sediment routing
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in South China Sea with Consideration of Uncertain Earthquake Characteristics
- Reliability of representing fracture permeability with statistical roughness parameters
- Repetitive Optimization Diagnosis for High-Dimensional Water Quality Model Calibration and Application to Extensive Lake Data
- Spatial patterns of groundwater storage trends in decreasing and increasing over China
- The first-flowering dates for the major fruit trees in South Korea projected by RCMs under the global warming scenarios.
- The impacts of anthropogenic aerosols emitted from Asia on the precipitation and hydrology of mainland Southeast Asia.
- The influence of vegetation configuration and composition towards outdoor thermal comfort within tropical urban parks
- What we do and don't know about the 2018 Palu Tsunami - A future plan
- Are wetlands a threat or an affordable solution for climate change mitigation?
- Characterization of PM2.5 Acidity in the Urban Area of Pearl River Delta (PRD), China
- Evaluation of factors influencing secondary organic carbon (SOC) estimation by CO and EC tracer methods.
- Global Geospatial Patterns of Human migration, Environmental Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity
- Impact of Climate Change on Water and Sediment Fluxes in Cold Region: an Example from the Source Region of the Yangtze River, High Mountain Asia
- Joint interpretation of fracture flow and elastic properties from aperture distributions
- Mapping Areas, Understanding Causes and Estimating Impacts of Mangrove Erosion Hotspots
- Measuring tidewater glacier melt rates with underwater noise
- Opportunistic sensing with ordinary surveillance cameras: opportunities and challenges in hydrology
- Quantifying peatland lateral carbon export using a radon mass-balance model
- Role of Sponge City development in China's battle against water pollution: a predictive study in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area
- Sediment flux sensitivities to climate change and human activities
- Slab tearing beneath western Tibet and its geodynamic implications: Insight from anisotropic tomography
- Tsunami hazard assessments with consideration of uncertain bathymetry
- A reversal in global terrestrial stilling andits implications for wind energy production
- Aerosols Reduction during the COVID-19 Pandemic Substantially Increased Diurnal Temperature Range in China
- Ambient Noise Measurements During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore
- Characteristics of airplane-induced ground motion recorded by three-component(3-C) geophone and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) in cities
- Colored dissolved organic matter from tropical peatlands strongly impacts euphotic zone depth in a shelf sea
- Dissecting the Water Tower of Europe: Climate Change Vulnerabilities Derived from High-Resolution Ecohydrological Modelling of the Alps
- Equip Deep Learning with Physical Insights: Towards a Symbiotic Integration for Hydrologic Modeling
- Global pandemic modeling for international propagation of COVID-19
- Impacts of Cyclones Fani, Bulbul and Amphan on shoreline erosion dynamics in the Sundarbans mangrove forest in India and Bangladesh.
- Microbial Phosphorus Immobilization slows Soil Phosphorus Cycling in Tropical Secondary Succession
- Modeling Spatio-temporal Spread of Epidemic based on Its Triggered Earthquake Analogy
- Modeling the sources of the 2018 Palu Tsunami, Indonesia, with the help of social media videos.
- Permafrost thaw dictates erodible landscapes and fluvial sediment dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau
- RBF Surrogate Global Optimization Algorithms and Intelligent Memory Management to Reduce HPC Parallel Computational Effort for Hydrological Models with an Application to Lake Hydrodynamics PDE Model
- Regional collaboration for nighttime cloud detection using a digital camera
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- The Role of Hillslope Failures and Internal Climate Variability in Climate Change Impact Assessment on Debris Flows and Sediment Yield in an Alpine Catchment
- Understanding monsoon controls on the surface energy- and mass-balance of HMA glaciers
- Water policy innovations - the role of academia and policy makers
- A behavioral experimental approach to examining strategic interactions between users and a provider of critical water infrastructure: How social network structure affects infrastructure sustainability
- A behavioral experimental approach to understanding coupled human-water systems
- A decadal reflection of case studies encompassing the Panta Rhei paradigm
- A global study on the natural dynamics and land-use impacts on tropical peat soil properties and greenhouse gas effluxes
- Adsorption constrains a significant part of the P/Ca in coral skeletons
- Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality (ASIA-AQ): An Opportunity for International Collaboration
- Assessing impact of geolocation error on canopy height measurement performance of GEDI
- COVID-19 indoor airborne transmission risk estimation based on practical risk indicators or CO2 level
- Changes of Extreme Wave Heights and their Inter-Annual Variability around Australia during the Past Four Decades (1981-2020) based on In-situ Measurements and Reanalysis Data
- Climate change and landscape instability in High Mountain Asia
- Comparing Heuristic and Optimization-Based Models of Transpiration and Assimilation under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
- Coral geochemistry recorded rapid and multi-dimensional environmental recovery after cessation of proximal land reclamation
- Ecohydrological Modeling of Multi-Century Precipitation-Aquifer Recharge Relation in the Jerusalem region
- Ensemble Kalman inversion: regularization, acceleration and localization
- Evaporation-Sheltered Soil Water - Constraining Arid Region Vegetation Response to Changes in Rainfall Patterns
- Fire-mediated disturbances affects microbiome composition and assembly processes in tropical peatlands
- From peatlands to the coast: organic carbon cycling and associated greenhouse gas emissions across the aquatic continuum in Southeast Asia
- Global variation in ecosystem carbon use efficiency derived from eddy covariance observations
- Himawari-8 Based Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth, Absorbing Aerosol Index and Aerosol Layer Height of Fire Plumes Using Machine Learning and 6S Simulated Spectra in Southeast Asia
- Impact of Large-scale Vegetation Restoration on the Compounding Risk of Extreme Precipitation and Wind over the Yellow River Basin
- Improving Forecasts of Earth System Model by Analysis and Parallel Surrogate Global Optimization for Parameter Calibration with Panama Data
- Investigating Vegetation Role on Urban Heat Island with Mechanistic Modelling Worldwide
- Is Oil Palm-Agroforestry a potential solution to Oil palm monoculture?: a Meta-analysis of Carbon Stocks, Emissions and Soil Fertility
- Magnitudes and Rates of Past, Present and Future Sea-Level Change in Singapore
- Neural network-based CO2 interpretation from 4D Sleipner seismic images
- Particle methods for geophysical flows: recent advancements in GPUSPH
- Prediction of host minerals for potassium and nitrogen in Earths deep mantle from first-principles calculations
- Realistic Convection-Permitting Projections of Temporal Structure of Rainfall Challenge Expectations of Substantial Changes in Ecosystem Productivity under Climate Change
- Reproducing dynamic sediment-discharge relationships driven by time-varying sediment availability in cold basins: the sediment-availability-transport model
- Sea breeze change and heat-related risk in urban environment under global warming
- Seismic interferometry with urban ambient noise from tunnel boring machines
- The unequal water footprint of refugee displacement
- Towards a New Era of Non-stationary Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessments in a Changing Climate
- Trust and transboundary groundwater cooperation
- Uncertainty propagation from pedotransfer functions to ecosystem dynamics
- Urban Water Storage Capacity Inferred from Observed Evapotranspiration Recession
- A top-down constraint on the biome-scale temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration reveals misrepresentation in terrestrial biosphere models
- Characterizing the Model Domain for GEDI04_A Aboveground Biomass Density Algorithms
- Connecting traffic-induced seismic noise with near-surface water saturation
- Correlating Spatial Heterogeneity in Carbon Sequestration and Hydrodynamic Intensity in Seagrass Meadows
- Current Predictions of Ecosystem Dynamics in California Sierras using GEDI-Constrained Terrestrial Biosphere Model Simulations
- Divergent Floodplain Urbanization Patterns and Risks with Levee Effect
- Evaluation of Machine-Learning Architectures and Expanded Feature Sets for GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Density Prediction
- GEDI-constrained Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in Southeast Asian Tropical Forests
- Global C4 distribution estimate constrained by observations and optimality theory
- Groundwater level monitoring using wind-turbine generated noise
- High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven hazards and sediment supply
- Large Loss and Rapid Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass Over Forest Areas in Australia during 2019-2020
- Mitigation Through Bioenergy Expansion Versus Reforestation Yields Divergent Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Regional Climate Responses
- Prediction of Potassium Host Minerals in Earth's Deep Mantle from First-principles Calculations
- Prediction of Potassium Host Minerals in Earth's Deep Mantle from First-principles Calculations
- Projection of global forest carbon sequestration potential under changing climate
- Slower Changes in Vegetation Phenology than Precipitation Phenology in the Dry Tropics
- Supporting both food security and climate change mitigation with abandoned cropland: potential and trade-offs
- T&C-Crop: A Site Level Evaluation of Model Performance using Eddy Covariance Observations for Maize, Soybean, Wheat and Forest Plantations.
- Warmer and muddier rivers in High Mountain Asia
- Wave Attenuation by Flexible Aquatic Vegetation Under Orthogonal Wave-Current Conditions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Michalak
- Adam D. Switzer
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alberto Montanari
- Alec Paschalis
- B. L. Lefer
- Baoqing Zhang
- Bodo Bookhagen
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- Christian Onof
- Christoforos Pappas
- Cyndi V. Castro
- Dai Yamazaki
- Dan H. Shugar
- Dani Or
- David J. Yu
- David M. Lawrence
- Dhrubajyoti Samanta
- Dipto Sarkar
- Dongfeng Li
- Dongju Peng
- E. Pavlidou
- Edward Park
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriele Manoli
- Gaetana Ganci
- George C. Hurtt
- Giuseppe Bilotta
- Gopal Penny
- Han Tseng
- Hao Tang
- Harro Jongen
- Hasan Akhtar
- He Yin
- Heidi Nepf
- Hiroshi Tanimoto
- Housen Chu
- I. Overeem
- Ignacio Sepúlveda
- J. H. Crawford
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jakob Steiner
- James Bernard Simpas
- Jason M. Stoker
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jennifer S. Haase
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jiarui Lei
- Josep G. Canadell
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Katherine R. Travis
- Laura Duncanson
- Lei Ma
- Leonardo Enrico Bertassello
- Marc F. Müller
- Marcos Longo
- Maria Obiminda Cambaliza
- Marta Tuninetti
- Martin Brandt
- Massimo Lupascu
- Mengli Chen
- Nadav Peleg
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- P. R. Moorcroft
- Patrick Martin
- Peter Lehmann
- Philip L.‐F. Liu
- Qian Shen
- Qiming Zheng
- Rachel L. Lamb
- Robert Kopp
- Russell Doughty
- Sara Bonetti
- Sean Crowell
- Shang Gao
- Shidong Yu
- Simon A. T. Redfern
- Simone Fatichi
- Stanislaus J. Schymanski
- Stefano Manzoni
- Tanghua Li
- Theodoros Mastrotheodoros
- Thushara Gunda
- Ting Zhang
- Tobias Bolch
- Trevor F. Keenan
- Walter W. Immerzeel
- Wu Sun
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xiangtao Xu
- Xixi Lu
- Xue Feng
- Y. P. Shiga
- Yanyan Cheng
- Yao Zhang
- Yiannis Moustakis
- Yuanwei Qin
- Yunyue Elita Li