University of Algarve, Portugal
flowchart I[University of Algarve, Portugal] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Compensation of the Azores Plateau: Results From a 2D Admittance Study.
- Long-Term Seismicity of Northern (15<SUP>° </SUP>N-60<SUP>° </SUP>N) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) Recorded by two Regional Hydrophone Arrays: a Widespread Along-Ridge Influence of the Azores and Iceland Hotspots
- Magnetic Anomalies Between 35 N and 55 N in the North Atlantic: Identification and Implications
- Upslope spreading and tectonic shortening in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: observations from multi-beam bathymetry and seismic profiling
- The Azores Triple Junction zone: a highly detailed multibeam bathymetry survey
- Acoustic Monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the MOMAR Area: Preliminary Results From the "MARCHE" Experiment
- The International Polar Year in Portugal: A New National Polar Programme and a Major Education and Outreach project
- Cenozoic evolution of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary west of Strait of Gibraltar: mechanical models based on kinematic constraints
- Improved Magnetic Compilation for the Central North Atlantic based on new data from the Portuguese UNCLOS proposal and CM4 model
- Influence of Groundwater Seepage on Water Quality and Ecological Health of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Southern Portugal (Invited)
- Modelling beach profile response during a storm in Praia de Faro, Portugal: Comparison of three beach profile models
- Study of the Impact of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on the Bio-Geochemical Parameters of Coastal Waters off Southern Portugal
- Thresholds for morphological changes and damages on a sandy exposed beach
- New Magnetic Study of the Mid Atlantic Ridge Between Kurchatov and Hayes Fracture Zones
- Long Term Variability of the Canary Current Upwelling System inferred from Fine Scale Analysis of Satellite-derived SST
- Strain Distribution across the Terceira (Azores) Rift from 13 years of GPS data
- The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) version 5
- A refined age grid for the Central North Atlantic
- Wave run up statistics on a meso-tidal, steeply-sloping beach: effect of wave forcing and tidal variations
- Decadal changes in the Canary Current Upwelling Ecosystem
- Geodetic strain-rate field of Iberia
- AUV Measured Variability in Phytoplankton Fluorescence within the ETM of the Columbia River during Summer 2013
- Nature of the Lowstand Surface on the Gulf of Cádiz Shelf and the Guadiana Incised-Valley System: Preliminary Results from the LASEA 2013 Cruise
- Validation of NSWING, a multi-core finite difference code for tsunami propagation and run-up
- Modelling tsunami sedimentation associated with the AD 1755 event in Algarve (Portugal)
- Increased Occurrence of Record-wet and Record-dry Months in Global Land Observations of the Twentieth Century
- Reconstructing initial Mediterranean Outflow from Benthic Foraminifera
- Using the Generic Mapping Tools From Within the MATLAB, Octave and Julia Computing Environments
- Coastal counter-currents setup patterns in the Gulf of Cadiz
- Floating Forests: Validation of a Citizen Science Effort to Answer Global Ecological Questions
- On The Computation Of The Best-fit Okada-type Tsunami Source
- Quantifying the impact of an upwelling filament on the physical-chemical-biological interactions off SW Iberia
- Sardine (sardina Pilchardus) Larval Dispersal in Northern Canary Current Upwelling System (iberian Peninsula), Using Coupled Biophysical Techniques
- The Generic Mapping Tools 6: Classic versus Modern Mode
- Using Online Citizen Science to Assess Giant Kelp Abundances Across the Globe with Satellite Imagery
- A Julia Wrapper for The Generic Mapping Tools
- Accumulation of Heavy Metals in a River-Fed Shelf-Wide Mud Depocenter Reflecting the Degree of Land-Use and Industrialization
- Balancing waves, wind and vegetation in a process-based barrier model
- A Flexible Cyberinfrastructure for Integrating Data from Large-scale Ocean Observing Systems and Delivering Online Added-value Services
- Monitoring groundwater changes in the Algarve region (Portugal): comparison of GRACE and in-situ observations
- Onset, evolution and main processes shaping sandy coastal barriers within rocky indented coasts
- Using the Generic Mapping Tools from Julia
- Circulation along the northern shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz from high-frequency radar observations
- Evaluating Southern Portuguese Hydroclimate from Highly Resolved Speleothem Records
- Evaluation of Global Wave Reanalyses Performance for Extreme Waves in Coastal Areas
- Multidecadal Variability in Winter Wave Storminess off the Outer Hebrides (Northwest Scotland)