Australian Bureau of Meteorology
flowchart I[Australian Bureau of Meteorology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (193)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (60)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station: Proposed major upgrade!
- Detection and Fate of the August 18 and 28, 2000 Eruption Clouds of Miyakejima, Japan: An Analysis Using TOMS, MODIS, AVHRR, GMS, and ASTER
- Stratospheric Smoke Down Under: Injection From Australian Fires/Convection in January 2003
- Spin-Up Procedures for a Coupled Climate System Model
- Australian Climate and its Potential Changes Simulated by IPCC AR4 Coupled GCMs
- Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Forecasts and Analyses from Satellite Observations
- Global Measurements of Atmospheric Sulfuryl Fluoride
- Interactions Of Aerosols With The Microphysics Of Deep Convective Cirrus During ACTIVE
- PEODAS: An Ensemble Ocean Data Assimilation System for Seasonal Forecast Coupled Model
- SPICE: South PacIfic Circulation and Climate Experiment
- Simulation of Coupled Variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean
- Volcanic Ash Clouds: Modelling for Aviation Safety
- Model Study of Waves Generated By Convection With Direct Validation via Satellite
- Multiple Hydrological Attractors and the Probability of Threshold Crossing
- Multiple Stable States in Hydrological Models: An Eco-hydrological Example
- Open Ocean Jets (Currents) in the South-East Indian Ocean
- Trace Gas Emissions From Tropical North Australian Savanna Fires
- Atmospheric Sulfur Hexafluoride: Measurements and Emission Estimates from 1970 - 2008
- Improving Catchment-Scale Rainfall Accumulation Using Satellite Retrievals of Soil Moisture
- MoistureMap: A soil moisture monitoring, prediction and reporting system for sustainable land and water management
- Weather and fire behaviour during the Victorian bushfires of 7 February 2009
- Integrating water data, models and forecasts - the Australian Water Resources Information System (Invited)
- Science in Support of Aviation-Risk Management since the April 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- The TPAC Digital Library: A Web Application for Publishing Large Catalogs of Earth Science Data
- Tsunami forecasting and warning in the Australian region for the Magnitude 8.8 Chilean Earthquake of 27 February 2010
- Changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone in IPCC AR4 Coupled Model Projections of Future Climate
- Future radio occultation atmospheric observation technique based on multiple GNSS
- Long-term projections of future changes from CMIP5: What's different from CMIP3?
- Statistical Downscaling of Gridded Rainfall and Their Impacts on Hydrological Response Analysis
- Assessment of modes of interannual variability of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation in CMIP5 models
- CMIP5 simulations of Australian rainfall with particular focus on the Australian monsoon system: convective regime-sorting of precipitation
- Do multiple hydrological steady states exist and emerge under stochastic daily forcing?
- How to Reduce Computational Time in Distributed Hydrological Modeling?
- The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century
- The IOD and ENSO asymmetric teleconnection pathway to Australian rainfall
- Utilization of Precipitation and Moisture Products Derived from Satellites to Support NOAA Operational Precipitation Forecasts
- Volcanic-Ash Hazards to Aviation—Changes and Challenges since the 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- A cloud pattern recognition algorithm to automate the estimation of mass eruption rates from an umbrella cloud or downwind plume observed via satellite imagery
- An interoperability experiment for sharing hydrological rating tables
- Equivalent Cross Sections - A computationally efficient alternative for distributed hydrological modelling
- Future global and regional climate change: From near-term prediction to long-term projections (Invited)
- Interoperability in multi-disciplinary, multi-organisational research environments (Invited)
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2012-2013, its predictability, and its impact on the Northern Hemispheric winter
- The development of a hydrologic-hydraulic representation of an urbanscape: the case study of Nashville, Tennessee
- A New Method for Radar Rainfall Estimation Using Merged Radar and Gauge Derived Fields
- Approximating within-GCM uncertainty for hydrologic climate change impact assessments
- Are Equivalent Cross Sections the answer to the computational woes of Distributed Hydrologic Modelling?
- Atmospheric Profiling using GPS Radio Occultation over the Australian and Antarctic regions
- Collaboratively Architecting a Scalable and Adaptable Petascale Infrastructure to Support Transdisciplinary Scientific Research for the Australian Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Computational Environments and Analysis methods available on the NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform
- Delineating Equivalent Cross-Sections for Semi-Distributed Hydrologic Modelling at Large Scales
- Flash Floods and Storm-Triggered Debris Avalanches in the Appalachians and Possible Trends in a Future Warming Climate
- How do global climate feedbacks differ across timescales?
- Impacts of assimilating various remotely sensed atmospheric parameters on WRF's tropical cyclone prediction skill
- Initialized Decadal Climate Predictions of the Observed Early-2000s Hiatus of Global Warming
- Ontology of Space Physics for e-Science Applications Based on ISO 19156
- The NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform to Support the Analysis of Petascale Environmental Data Collections
- The Relationship Between Monsoon Onset and Synoptic Scale Features of the Australian Monsoon
- The Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES): An Observational Campaign for Determining Role of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation in Climate System
- Volcanic Ash and Aviation - the 2014 Eruptions of Kelut and Sangeang Api, Indonesia
- Acoustic Surveillance of Hazardous Eruptions (ASHE) in Asia
- An evaluation of soil water outlooks for winter wheat in south-eastern Australia
- Emission Factors of Greenhouse Gases and Particulates from Australian Savanna Fires
- From WaterML to TimeseriesML: Evolution and implications for cross-domain data interoperability
- Observed and Simulated Relationships Between Tropical Deep Convective Updraft Dynamics and Ice Microphysics
- Progress in the identification of catchments with co-existent multiple steady states and finite resilience
- SMART: Soil Moisture and Runoff Toolkit for Semi-distributed Hydrologic Modeling
- Sensitivity of Soil Moisture and Runoff Dynamics to Hydrologic Response Unit Delineations in SMART
- Soil temperature change on the Tibetan Plateau
- State-wide space-time water table mapping: cautionary tales, tribulations and resolution
- The symmetry and mass of halo Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) as quantitative predictors for severe space weather at Earth.
- Towards probabilistic forecasts of volcanic ash transport in the atmosphere
- <p>Improving Fire Risk Estimation through Investigating Fire Intensity, Moisture and Temperature Anomalies
- 2000-2014 Antarctic sea ice expansion driven by tropical Pacific decadal climate variability
- A New Framework for Cumulus Parametrization - A CPT in action
- Assessment of different radar- raingauge merging approaches
- CfRadial - CF NetCDF for Radar and Lidar Data in Polar Coordinates.
- Combining In-situ Measurements, Passive Satellite Imagery, and Active Radar Retrievals for the Detection of High Ice Water Content
- Development of an operational national storm tide forecasting system for Australia.
- Evaluating Simulated Tropical Convective Cores using HAIC-HIWC Microphysics and Dynamics Observations
- Isolated characterization of marine ice nucleating particles at the Mace Head Observatory and the Southern Ocean
- Multivariate analysis of water quality and environmental variables in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
- NCI HPC Scaling and Optimisation in Climate, Weather, Earth system science and the Geosciences
- Observations of shallow mixed phase convective clouds in the southern ocean.
- Raising Virtual Laboratories in Australia onto global platforms
- Recent Decadal Variations of El Nino Predictability
- The Australian Bureau of Meteorology Activities for the Regional Ionosphere Specification and Forcating
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Using a Data-Driven Approach to Understand the Interaction between Catchment Characteristics and Water Quality Responses
- Do Groundwater Management Plans Work? A statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of groundwater management plans towards achieving water supply and environmental objectives under a changing climate.
- Humans Have Already Increased the Risk of Basin-wide Disruptions to Pacific Rainfall, and the Risk Increases Even If Global Warming is Restricted to the 2<SUP>o</SUP>C Paris Target
- Improving Microphysics in a Spectral Convective Parameterization: Possibilities and Limitations.
- Inability of CMIP5 Climate Models to Simulate Recent Multi-decadal Climate Change in the Tropical Pacific.
- Mapping the total electron content over Malaysia using Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis
- Particle type identification for C-band dual-polarization radar in Darwin, Australia
- Predicting ionospheric scintillation: Recent advancements and future challenges
- Radar and satellite determined macrophysical properties of wet season convection in Darwin as a function of wet season regime.
- Recent atmospheric chemistry observations in the Australian region - from the tropics to Antarctica
- Relationships between Vertical Profiles of Radar Observed Vertical Velocity and Reflectivity in Convective Storms
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Understanding the Sharp Decline of Antarctic Sea Ice in Austral Spring 2016
- A Data-driven Understanding of the Key Spatial Controls on Riverine Water Quality
- A data-driven understanding of the key temporal controls on event mean concentration of water quality constituents in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
- A tree-ring based reconstruction of spring Northern Hemisphere tropical belt movements over the past 800 years
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- Australian Space Weather Research and Forecasting
- Beam Speeds and Source Longitudes for Type III Solar Radio Bursts from Magnetic Mapping Analyses
- Cloud and Precipitation Over the Southern Ocean from the RV Investigator
- Comparison of variability in air-sea heat fluxes and Subantarctic Mode Water formation from concurrent mooring observations in the Southeast Indian and Southeast Pacific
- Consistent with recent observations, a climate change meta-ensemble robustly projects 2020-2039 climate hazards associated with El Nino and La-Nina related sea surface temperature extremes
- Emission and Atmospheric Impact of Ice Nucleating Particles Produced from Sea Spray in the Southern Ocean
- Geomagnetic conjugate observations of nighttime electrified medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances along with thermospheric winds and ionospheric parameters
- Global Analysis of Compound Precipitation, Wind and Wave Extremes and their Relationship with Cyclones, Fronts and Thunderstorms
- Key Factors Affecting Temporal Variability in Stream Water Quality
- Predicting Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: The Rear-View Mirror on the AUL Highway
- Predicting Sea Surface Temperatures and Heat Content for New Zealand shelf seas on multi-week to seasonal timescales with ACCESS-S1
- Revisiting European heat waves of the last 30 years with a physically consistent groundwater-to-atmosphere regional terrestrial system model
- Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Oceans
- Sub-daily precipitation classification for Australia and its implications for future IDF curves
- The Australian Water Resource Assessment (AWRA) Modelling System
- The Observed Relationship Between Precipitation Efficiency and the Large-Scale Environment for a Location in the Tropics
- The Southern Ocean Climate Studies: Observations and modeling of Southern Ocean clouds and aerosols
- The annual cycle of Southern Ocean precipitation observed from satellite and ground instrumentation at Macquarie Island
- The interactions between atmospheric large-scale regimes and tropical convection properties using radar data from 1998 to 2017 in Darwin, Australia.
- Uncertainties associated with microwave link rainfall estimates in an urban environment: Insights from an experimental setup in the Melbourne CBD
- A meteorological study of a blue discharge-producing Australian thunderstorm captured by ASIM on the ISS
- A new metrics package for ENSO evaluation in CMIP models
- Atmospheric drivers of boundary layer cloud properties in the southern oceans in observations and a climate model
- Estimating Extreme Geoelectric Field Values for the Australian Region
- Future Changes in the Occurrence of Hybrid Cyclones and Associated Weather Extremes in Australia: a Physically-Based Approach.
- GIC modelling, validation and implementation for Australia's power grids
- Historical and future intra-seasonal variability of Australian monsoon rainfall
- How do hydroclimatic relationships change over time across Australia?
- Linkages Between Changed Streamflow Response and Weather Types in Victoria, Australia
- Mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean observed poleward of 66S by ship-based radar and lidar
- Mutually Interactive Decadal-timescale Processes Connecting the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific
- On the assessment and evaluation of deterministic Equatorial Plasma Bubble occurrence forecasts
- Quantifying water surface-atmosphere energy and trace gas exchanges using small pontoon mounted eddy covariance systems
- Statistical Uncertainty in Australian Area-averaged Temperature
- Supercooled Liquid Clouds during SOCRATES: Analysis of Observations and Forecasts
- The MJO Teleconnection into the Southern Hemisphere During Austral Spring
- The influences of large scale forcing on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over Darwin: observations and modelling.
- The interaction of tropical convection with its environment - new observational insights
- Thirty Years of Explosive Volcanism and Aviation: Redoubt, Pinatubo, Eyjafjallajökull and beyond
- Tropical dry season climatic patterns, teleconnections and implications for agricultural risk and productivity.
- Understanding Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Rainfall Trends: the Role of Ssts
- Using a deep learning model for improving rainfall retrieval from commercial microwave links
- An Assessment of CloudSat Southern Ocean Precipitation Retrievals Using Ground-based Instruments at Macquarie Island
- Attribution of the health outcomes of heatwave to climate change
- Boundary Layer Cloud Controlling Factors in the Midlatitudes: Southern versus Northern Ocean Clouds
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- ENSO Response to Greenhouse Forcing
- First results from a convection-permitting pan-European fully coupled TSMP simulation
- Improving the Global Modeling of Soils in JULES and the Unified Model: Updating from UM/HWSD to SoilGrids Soil Properties and from the Brooks & Corey to the Van Genuchten Soil-hydraulics Model
- Improving the spatio-temporal characterization of grass flowering in Australian rainfed grasslands using digital time-lapse photography and landscape phenology from Sentinel-2 and MODIS.
- Might Future Heatwaves be Underestimated?
- More accurate quantification of model-to-model agreement in externally forced climatic responses over the coming century
- Observations and Simulations of High Ice Water Content Clouds: What Causes Large Concentrations of Small Ice Crystals
- Physical Characteristics and Spatial Variability of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Protecting air travel from volcanic ash in the coming decade
- Role of tropical variability in driving decadal shifts in the Southern Hemisphere summertime eddy-driven jet
- Seasonal Forecasting of Sea Level Anomalies in a Multi-model Prediction Framework
- Southern Ocean Mixed Phase Clouds: New Insights from CALIPSO-CloudSat and Ship-Based Hydrometeor Phase Analyses
- Southern Ocean latitudinal gradients of Cloud Condensation Nuclei
- The Antarctic stratospheric warming and its impacts in 2019
- The Role of Sea-level Rise in Coastal Flooding and the Emergence of Tide-only Inundation in Sydney, Australia.
- The provision of seasonal outlooks with and without skill masks
- Using Observed Drop Size Distributions in Light Rainfall: Application to the Combined DPR-GMI Algorithm
- Changing State of the Climate System
- Chapter 1: Framing, context, and methods
- Constraining the properties of the Southern Ocean Ice-Phase Precipitation with Dual-Polarized C-Band Radar: Applications to CloudSat and GPM
- Dependence of Ice Microphysical Properties on Environmental Parameters: Results from HAIC/HIWC Cayenne Field Campaign
- Evaluation of Hail Proxies for Australia
- Forecasts for agricultural decision-making on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales: a user-centred approach
- Influence of El Nino-Southern Oscillation on the Long-term Record of Floods over Bangladesh
- Learning from past compound events
- Measuring success and tracking progress towards modeling and forecasting the occurrence of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Precipitation Occurrence Frequency, Intensity, and Synoptic Regime Projection over Macquarie Island
- Triple frequency radar retrieval of microphysical properties of snow
- WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS): Towards a framework for sub-seasonal to seasonal hydrological outlooks leveraging advances in probabilistic forecasting at the river basin and global scales
- Will we cross 1.5C?
- Zonal Wave 3 Pattern in the Southern Hemisphere generated by tropical convection
- AMIP-style global soil simulations with JULES and the Unified Model: The role of soil hydraulics model, pedotransfer function, and basic soil property map
- Estimating Daily Precipitation Climatology by Post-processing High-resolution Reanalysis Data
- Identifying Weather Phenomena Responsible for Extreme Rainfall and Drought Recovery in Southeast Australia
- Identifying and Correcting Spurious Wind Oscillations in Australian Weather Analyses
- Injection of unprecedented amounts of water vapor into the stratosphere by the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai
- Ionospheric Variability Following the Tonga Volcano Eruption and the Impact on Precise Point Positioning Across the Australian Region
- On the Existence of Multiple States of Low Flow Extremes
- Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World
- Scaling of Sub-Daily Precipitation Extremes with Temperature Over North Atlantic and Europe Depends on Storm Type
- Understanding Extreme Wet-Bulb Temperature Trends over Australia
- Using Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts to Improve Seasonal Outlooks of Water Allocation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Fridlind
- Alain Protat
- Alex Sen Gupta
- Alexei Korolev
- Andrean V. H. Simanjuntak
- Andrew W. Western
- Anne‐Marie Tréguier
- Arpita Mondal
- B. H. Samset
- Brett Carter
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carsten Montzka
- Cassandra Denise Wilks Rogers
- Catia M. Domingues
- Chiara Holgate
- Christopher J. Smith
- Daniel Tong
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- Debra Hudson
- E. J. Hyer
- E. Yizengaw
- Eric James
- Erich M. Fischer
- Gabriele C. Hegerl
- Gerald G. Mace
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Harry H. Hendon
- Hayley J. Fowler
- Holger Vömel
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jennifer L. Catto
- Jing‐Jia Luo
- Jinho Ahn
- Joshua Soderholm
- Julie Currie
- June‐Yi Lee
- K. M. Groves
- Kamil Mróz
- Kim M. Cobb
- M. Talat Odman
- Maisa Rojas
- Martin Jucker
- Matthew H. England
- McKenna W. Stanford
- Pallavi Goswami
- Patrick C. McGuire
- Peng Xian
- Peter R. Colarco
- Pier Luigi Vidale
- Piers M. Forster
- QJ Wang
- Rezy Pradipta
- Rishav Goyal
- Sebastian Milinski
- Steven C. Sherwood
- Susan O’Neill
- T. J. Peterson
- Taichu Y. Tanaka
- Tam Dao
- Yiliang Du