Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
flowchart I[Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (24)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Seasonal signals in the reprocessed GPS coordinate time series
- The calibration of mesoscale numerical weather prediction model NWP with the local meteorological observation for the local GNSS tomography
- Contemporary Rigidity of Precambrian and Paleosoic Platform on the Area of Poland on the Base of GPS Data
- GGOS-PL - current status and plans
- Investigation of regional geokinematics of central Europe using permanent GPS observations
- Results of analysis of long-term SLR and GPS solutions made for geophysical purposes
- Strain Distribution in Central Europe: FEM Modeling and Comparison with GPS Data
- A new approach to post-seismic decay with temporal correlation
- Application of Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis to gravity time series
- Autoregressive Processes in Homogenization of GNSS Tropospheric Data
- Benchmarking the Algorithms to Detect Seasonal Signals Under Different Noise Conditions
- Providing long-term trend and gravimetric factor at Chandler period from superconducting gravimeter records by using Singular Spectrum Analysis along with its multivariate extension
- Stochastic Models in the DORIS Position Time Series: Estimates from the IDS Contribution to the ITRF2014
- Investigation of Common Mode Errors in GNSS Position Time Series with Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis
- Non-linear evolution of vertical land motion as a key to improve sea-level estimates
- Contribution of present-day processes into GPS vertical rates in a seismogenic region of Pacific basin
- Sensitivity of GPS Observations for Vertical Deformations Induced by Groundwater Level Changes
- Tracking hurricanes Harvey and Irma using GPS tropospheric products
- Using the Vertical Land Movement Estimates from the IGS TIGA Combined Solution to derive Global Mean Sea Level Changes
- Assessment of the Causes of Groundwater Depletion Based on GPS Observations
- Assessing the Quality of GPS Position Time Series for Investigation of Climate Change: Case Study of Europe
- Re-defining the Functional Model of the GRACE Total Water Storage Time Series
- Study on discrepancies in DORIS solutions provided by different analysis centers: comparison to the official IDS ITRF2020 solution