University of Athens, Department of Physics
flowchart I[University of Athens, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electromagnetic Anomalies Prior to Large Earthquakes in Greece: A Study of Their Behavior Through Laboratory Experiments, Fault Models and the Geotectonic Structure of Each Focal Area
- Investigation of the features of the seismicity spectrum in a new time-domain
- On an interrelation between seismicity and the electric signals that precede rupture, based on the natural time-domain
- Analysis of Seismicity and Electrical Activity in the Natural Time-Domain for the Volcanic - Seismic Swarm Activity in 2000 in the Izu Island Region, Japan
- Extracting preseismic VLF-VHF electromagnetic signatures: A possible way in which the critical regime is reached as the earthquake approaches
- Energetic Particle Tracing of Magnetic Connectivity and Solar Injection in the Inner Heliosphere
- Magnetosphere response to sudden solar wind and IMF changes as observed by the Cluster and Double Star spacecraft
- Dynamical complexity detection in geomagnetic activity indices using wavelet transforms and Tsallis entropy
- Emergence of Jets From Turbulence
- Data adequacy and needs for fine tuning and evaluation of cloud resolving atmospheric models used in aerosol-cloud-radiation and precipitation studies
- Natural time analysis of seismicity and multiplicative cascades
- Universality in solar flares, magnetic storms, earthquakes and pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions by means of nonextensivity
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud and precipitation processes during dust events (Invited)
- Effect of significant data loss on identifying Seismic Electric Signals by using detrended fluctuation analysis in natural time
- A bottom-up approach to urban metabolism: the perspective of BRIDGE
- Using high-resolution atmospheric modeling to understand the characteristics of extreme flash-flood triggering storms in mountainous areas
- Analysis of synoptic weather and atmospheric conditions associated with aerosol episodes over Indo-Gangetic Plains, India
- Natural Time Analysis of Seismicity: Recent Results
- Titan's Seasonal Changes Observed in the Thermal Infrared (Invited)
- Using high-resolution atmospheric modeling to understand the characteristics of extreme flash-flood triggering storms in mountainous areas
- Unveiling Titan's Mid-Latitude Surface Regions
- Changes on Titan's surface
- New Methods for Applying Statistical State Dynamics to Problems in Atmospheric Turbulence
- A Theory for the Emergence of Coherent Structures in a Quasi-Geostrophic Two Layer Model
- Cassini Results on Changes of Titan's Atmospheric Properties Near the Poles Since the Northern Equinox
- Natural time analysis and Tsallis non-additive entropy statistical mechanics.
- Titan's mid-latitude surface regions with Cassini VIMS and SAR
- Implications on the composition of Titan's mid-latitude surface region from Cassini/VIMS data.
- The Occurrence of the Recent Deadly Mexico Earthquakes was not that Unexpected
- Tsallis non-additive entropy and natural time analysis of seismicity
- What Does Titan's Atmosphere Look Like Near The Poles At The End Of The Cassini Mission ?
- On the M7.3 earthquake on 9 March 2011 in Japan and the subsequent M9.0 Tohoku earthquake on 11 March 2011 in the light of natural time
- Order parameter fluctuations of seismicity and Tsallis entropic index q variation before large earthquakes in Japan
- Study of seismicity of Japan and California by means of natural time analysis and non-extensive statistical mechanics
- The joint occurrence of extreme temperature and precipitation patterns associated with the synoptic systems activity over the Mediterranean
- Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics combined with Natural Time Analysis: Phenomena preceding major earthquakes